>My understanding is that the ONLY reason for the 
>suggestion to boil the water was so that the water
>would be extremely hot when the CS was being made,
>which decreases the surface tension of the water (it
>does, this is why hot water cleans better than cold),
>which SUPPOSEDLY enable you to make a higher
>concentration of CS in the same amount of tim. It has
>been likened to increasing the electrical conductivity
>by adding a pinch of saline solution or mineral water
>to the distilled.
>I am not claiming this as being true, just trying to
>clear the air...I have seen a few people appear to get
>very excited and adamant about NOT boiling the water,
>as if there were something sinister or dangerous about
>Charles Marcus

   Boiling water is increasing the movements of molecules. The extra 
movement, in a sense, is stirring the water. 

Take Care 

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