>    Marsha,  I wonder if DMSO would help with that?  I've been reading
>everything I can find about it lately.  It is supposed to help with
>arthritis, gout, sports injuries and many other ailments. I understand that
>dysplasia is mechanical, but DMSO might help with the resulting muscle
Dear Samm, She`s on MSM which I believe is the purified form of DMSO. She
also gets alfalfa, glucosamine/chondroitin, and Rimadyl 2 times a day now.
Brooks suggests lots more alfalfa, so we`ll up that.
She is such a loving little sweetie, she`s my baby replacer! I hate to have
her hurting. But, unlike my poor daddy, (who suffered terribly for 15 years
with worn out knees, which the dumbdocs didn`t fix properly,) I can at least
send my Pug back Home, whereas my dad just had to suffer. Thank the Good
Lord, he died last year.
There are much worse things than death...after all, it is just a doorway!

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