Re: CS>Calcium deposits/water ionizer?

1999-07-14 Thread Vilik Rapheles
At 06:03 PM 7/12/99 -0700, you wrote:
>The chemistry is fairly simple.  Water naturally ionizes into H+ and OH-
>ions.  When electric current is passed through water, the H+ ions are
>attracted to the - electrode and the OH- ions to the + electrode.  If you
>configure the reaction chamber into two parts with some form of semi
>permeable barrier to prevent gross mixing, one side will become enriched in
>OH- (alkaline) and the other side enriched in H+ (acid.)
Wow...thanks. So...why do they cost so much?


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Re: CS>[CS] DMSO as transport mech

1999-07-14 Thread Vilik Rapheles
At 11:47 AM 7/13/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>Thanks Reid, will do that too.  How about a potassium supplement? janet
>   Potatoes, colliflower, brokley, bannanas are alot better than 
>suppliments. (excuse spelling) Eat them on an empty stomic and
>stay away from acids like soda and tomatoes.
And blackstrap molasses...very high in potassium.

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CS>No Subject

1999-07-14 Thread Kato109
Hi everyone,
If I don't answer back to information you send in answer to my post full of 
questions it's only because I'm off on vacation at  6A tomorrow and will 
answer when I get back.
But thank you, thank you.

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Re: CS>Alkaline water Device

1999-07-14 Thread Reid Smith
>I have Sang Whang's book called "Reverse Aging" that discusses ph levels. 
>He believes many diseases start or are caused by the acidic levels of our
>body ph produced from our diets.To be brief, he suggests " drinking 5
>glasses of 10 ph water daily will graduallly lower the bodies acidity and
>enable the body to dispose of all the waste products produced daily and
>then some.  Drinking inonized alkaline water is much better than taking
>alkalline mineral tablets such as calcuim tablets." 
>Sounds like the water you are getting would meet his approval with a ph of

   That one has got me scratching my head. It is said that bacteria can't
live in an acid rich enviroment. So you would think that an acid rich 
body would be the best to fight off diseases.

Take Care 

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Re: CS>Cancer

1999-07-14 Thread Duvall55

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Re: CS>Cancer

1999-07-14 Thread M. G. Devour
Reid, everyone,

Once in a while we lapse into blatant doctor bashing. 

I do *HOPE* that when a doctor or other mainstream professional comes 
along with an honest interest in us that we will not drive them away 
with bigotry.

I know that there are few here who have not been hurt by the medical
profession, regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical companies. Your
tales of loss, injury, and frustration are overwhelming and have
affected me deeply.

But *every* one of these groups is made up of individuals. We know
there are good people "on the other side." Let's not prevent them 
from coming over to our side by erecting a wall of blind hostility.

> Dr. Heartless : Hello Dr. Greed
> Dr. Greed : Hello Dr. Heartless what have you been up to? 

How about Goldfarb and Rubenstein instead of Greed and Heartless?
Hmm? Rewrite this script just a little and you can make the same
technique work with Jews, blacks, women, gun owners, social workers,
alternative health "quacks" -- any group that has ever been
demonized, victimized or belittled.

I don't defend the people who are responsible for what's wrong with
mainstream medicine. I won't ask you to worship them, or even stop 
hating them if you do. Indeed plenty of them *are* evil.

But if your aim is to warn or educate people, to save them from being
hurt, then tell the truth, tell your story, share what you know,
powerfully! You will do more that is *good* and *right* than by
venting blind anger, no matter how justified.

What we're trying to do here deserves better.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: CS>Super-Ionized Water

1999-07-14 Thread Christian von Wechmar
Hi Dennis, Vilik and List,

Regarding the Super-Ionized Water mentioned on

I have not tried the super-ionized water yet, but I am very familiar with
the "author" of the article called Drunvalo Melchizedek. I have done his
workshop a few years ago and follow his work closely. He is for real. I
emailed to ask for some of the water to experiment

>>Is the clustered water the same as the super ionized water mentioned on
>>site? Do you use it? If so any results to report?
>By clustered water, do you mean the Flanigan product? I used that for
>months and never saw any results

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Re: CS>Chem Trails

1999-07-14 Thread Gordon Brownlie
Asked a mate of mine- an ex RAAF officer  His reply was:

Thanks for the enlightenment on "Chem Trails" in that URL you sent.  Mate
the whole thing is a load of rubbish - the length of time that a con trail
will take to dissipate or spread is entirely dependent on the prevailing
wind speed and direction, and the temperature at the 'con trail' altitude.
The heights at which they form is also temperature and relative humidity
dependent and can vary from sea level to 60,000 feet.  Clouds - for example;
your car engine on a cold morning at sea level.  I think the URL was put
together by someone using very little knowledge of meteorology trying to put
the wind up someone with even less knowledge.  It did however make
interesting reading. I have personally seen 'con trails' form in the tropics
at 50,000 feet and at 15000 feet in Southern Australia in winter when we get
a cold moist southerly breeze.  I have seen them last from a few seconds to
7-8 hours when the air is still or very light wind conditions.  Also they
are not caused by "ice crystals" but share the same formation
characteristics as clouds - warm air encountering cool moist air will always
condense and form.
For your info
Good Health
 - Original Message -
From: M. G. Devour 
Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 1999 9:00
Subject: Re: CS>Chem Trails

> Tony wrote:
> > Someone recently posted a link to information on Chem Trails.  I had
> > never heard of such a  phenomena but I followed the link (and then
> > searched for others) and found a lot of interesting (and scary)
> > information.
> The chem-trails issue first came up last month and was dealt with at
> some length.
> The upshot is this:
> It may have a component that is real, but almost certainly *some* of
> the sightings people are reacting to are normal contrails that are
> frightening them only because of what they have read.
> Folks with aviation experience will tell you that persistant
> contrails are possible under a great many normal circumstances
> without nefarious goings on.
> I don't claim that there is *no* bad stuff happening. Just be wary
> what you believe and don't panic just because you see a contrail in
> the sky. Look for evidence of something non-normal before you worry.
> The relevance to Colloidal Silver is that *if* there are any
> irritants, toxins or pathogenic stuff being dropped on our heads, CS
> may help us to resist or recover from it. Thus we include chem-trails
> among the many, often frightening things that the preparedness
> oriented folks are concerned about, for which a low cost, simple
> home-made remedy like CS might be useful.
> Like, how about getting laid off from your job and losing your
> medical insurance? Hmmm?
> I don't think we need to revisit the whole issue. Nor can we or
> should we avoid mentioning it entirely. It's going to keep coming up.
> Be well,
> Mike Devour
> silver-list owner
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [   ]
> [Speaking only for myself...  ]
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> MUST READ - Super-Ionized Water

1999-07-14 Thread EJohns9525
In a message dated 7/13/99 9:57:07 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< Edith:
 I am referring to the "magic" water written about on the site you referred 
to in
 your post, to quote you "The Clustered Water it speaks of is available." I
 thought you were referring to the water that cleans up toxic lakes mentioned 
in  which is called super ionized
 Dennis >>


The article there does mention Clustered Water and I wondered why unless they 
were somehow reated?

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Re: CS>Alkaline water Device

1999-07-14 Thread Ivan Anderson
>That one has got me scratching my head. It is said that bacteria
> live in an acid rich enviroment. So you would think that an acid
> body would be the best to fight off diseases.
> Take Care
> Reid

The skin, the saliva etc. is acid and forms a barrier to bacteria, but
the body strives to maintain an internal pH slightly alkaline.
It does this, primarily through a chemical reaction culminating in the
expiration of CO2. When the body cannot neutralise its acid waste and
ingestion in this manner, it will resort to precipitating this waste
out of solution, thereby eliminating its influence in the body-fluid
The newly formed solids are then deposited in various places as
plague, stones etc. and can be a cause of many ailments, and poor

Calcium, an alkaline mineral, will be stripped from the bones in order
to combine with the acids to form these precipitates.

Alkaline water, which is really a positive metal ion attached to
negatively charged hydroxyl water ions OH-, supplies the OH- needed to
neutralise the acids as water soluble compounds. The minerals, being
of higher charge, will actually displace calcium from the plaques
making it available for re-absorption into the bones.

All around good stuff...mostly.

Regards - Ivan

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Re: CS>Cancer

1999-07-14 Thread Michael Anthony
I believe that most people's (doctors included) hearts are in the right
place. They just have mistaken opinions at times. It is my job to sort
out the truth for me. So when a doctor screws up it is up to me to quit
him/her if they won't listen to me. I believe that true evil comes from
an active will to knowingly destroy or harm another person. I don't
think that many doctors do this. 
I always try to ask myself when I am angry at someone " when was the
last time I made the same or similar mistake". I usually can find an
instance and that, along with time, takes the wind out of my sails.

The most important thing is that I don't waste my energy and power and
my health on anger.


"M. G. Devour" wrote:
> Reid, everyone,
> Once in a while we lapse into blatant doctor bashing.
> I do *HOPE* that when a doctor or other mainstream professional comes
> along with an honest interest in us that we will not drive them away
> with bigotry.
> I know that there are few here who have not been hurt by the medical
> profession, regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical companies. Your
> tales of loss, injury, and frustration are overwhelming and have
> affected me deeply.
> But *every* one of these groups is made up of individuals. We know
> there are good people "on the other side." Let's not prevent them
> from coming over to our side by erecting a wall of blind hostility.
> > Dr. Heartless : Hello Dr. Greed
> >
> > Dr. Greed : Hello Dr. Heartless what have you been up to?
> How about Goldfarb and Rubenstein instead of Greed and Heartless?
> Hmm? Rewrite this script just a little and you can make the same
> technique work with Jews, blacks, women, gun owners, social workers,
> alternative health "quacks" -- any group that has ever been
> demonized, victimized or belittled.
> I don't defend the people who are responsible for what's wrong with
> mainstream medicine. I won't ask you to worship them, or even stop
> hating them if you do. Indeed plenty of them *are* evil.
> But if your aim is to warn or educate people, to save them from being
> hurt, then tell the truth, tell your story, share what you know,
> powerfully! You will do more that is *good* and *right* than by
> venting blind anger, no matter how justified.
> What we're trying to do here deserves better.
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [   ]
> [Speaking only for myself...  ]
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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1999-07-14 Thread Donna2424
Hi everyone,
  Can someone tell me if they had any success with shingles while using CS?   
Or if anyone has any suggestions it would be appreciated.

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CS & Formica

1999-07-14 Thread boberger
Hi Ya'll,

As my previous post stated "I believe everything I read after I have
checked for myself."

I poured some CS on a counter top  and it didn't stain, so Marshall
wrote do it a again and let it dry.

So I did it took two days for it to dry and as I suspected the is no

Now, The lady that had the problem posted me to say that the CS was
Water-oz.  I wonder what that stuff is

My skepticism has reached an all time height with all of these
mysterious form of water raising their heads.

It reminds of the world'd greatest showman, P.T. Barmun and his famous
saying. "There is one born every minute and two to take him."

I think a healthy dose is skeptism is need in this list.

Robert, Retired
Registered Professional Engineer

Re: CS> MUST READ - Super-Ionized Water

1999-07-14 Thread EJohns9525

Could some one tell me the difference between cs and ionic silver?  I've 
found a place to order 2oz at 100 ppm.


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RE: CS & Formica

1999-07-14 Thread Anthony W. Nettis
I have also seen gray stains if CS evaporates.  I only notice it on light
colored surfaces (i.e. white).  I use a CS Pro HVAC generator with distilled

  -Original Message-
  Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 9:54 AM
  To: silver-list
  Subject: CS & Formica

  Hi Ya'll,

  As my previous post stated "I believe everything I read after I have
checked for myself."

  I poured some CS on a counter top  and it didn't stain, so Marshall wrote
do it a again and let it dry.

  So I did it took two days for it to dry and as I suspected the is no

  Now, The lady that had the problem posted me to say that the CS was
Water-oz.  I wonder what that stuff is

  My skepticism has reached an all time height with all of these mysterious
form of water raising their heads.

  It reminds of the world'd greatest showman, P.T. Barmun and his famous
saying. "There is one born every minute and two to take him."

  I think a healthy dose is skeptism is need in this list.

  Robert, Retired
  Registered Professional Engineer

CS>What is Tyndall effect

1999-07-14 Thread BANDER, MARGIE F
Can anybody tell me what is the "Tyndall effect"?


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Re: CS> MUST READ - Super-Ionized Water

1999-07-14 Thread James Vernon, Allison
> Could some one tell me the difference between cs and ionic silver?  I've
> found a place to order 2oz at 100 ppm.

It is my understanding that ionic silver is made by laser, which smashes the
silver into a particle size much smaller than colloidal silver made by the
electro process.

In my opinion, and mind you, it's just an opinion, colloidal silver made the
electro way is much better because the silver has a positive charge.  I am
not convinced that smashing with a laser-beam will create a positive charge
in the ionics.  But that is probably because I haven't seen any data on
electrical charges in ionics.  Does anybody know for sure if the ionics have
a + charge or not?

James Vernon, Allison

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Re: CS & Formica

1999-07-14 Thread Marshall Dudley
Interesting.  I am sure there are some variables we are not accounting
for.  IE. on the funnels that I have seen stained, the water tends to
bead up, so we end up with beads forming where I assume any previous
beads have dried.  After many uses the build up gives a stain perhaps.
Maybe it is important whether the surface is wetted or not, if it wets
then it is spread out, but if it does not, it get concentrated into one
small spot as it drys.  Another possibility is that it may be very
dependent on size of the particles, smaller particles remain invisible,
or maybe larger particles easily wash off.  I really don't know.  I just
checked and found that we use three funnels.  I am not sure of the
material each is made of, but one is blue and the other two are white.
Interestingly the white funnels have lots of black stains from the
silver, but the blue one has absolutely none.  Other than the color the
materials seem to be the same, but I guess they probably are not.

Possible differences I can think of are, material, charge on the
material, added coloration, texture (although both appear slick),

Maybe only one time doesn't cause visible stains.  Our experience is
with funnels at are used several times a week.  If the one time stain
was with wateroz, then maybe CS will not stain with only one
application.  It is my understanding that wateroz contains other
minerals, so that would be a whole other ballgame.

Marshall wrote:

>  Hi Ya'll,
> As my previous post stated "I believe everything I read after I have
> checked for myself."
> I poured some CS on a counter top  and it didn't stain, so Marshall
> wrote do it a again and let it dry.
> So I did it took two days for it to dry and as I suspected the is no
> stain.
> Now, The lady that had the problem posted me to say that the CS was
> Water-oz.  I wonder what that stuff is
> My skepticism has reached an all time height with all of these
> mysterious form of water raising their heads.
> It reminds of the world'd greatest showman, P.T. Barmun and his famous
> saying. "There is one born every minute and two to take him."
> I think a healthy dose is skeptism is need in this list.
> Robert, Retired
> Registered Professional Engineer

Re: CS>marshall-fingers that when bent get stuck and hurt

1999-07-14 Thread Scharbach
Mine are all Nubians.

Never had a problem with Urinary Calculi,   I've heard it can be feed
either too acid a feed or too alkaline, I can't remember which.

We have taken to using CS as a teat dip, instead of the stuff you can buy
at the feed store.   So far it has worked great!!!


>Dear Nancy,
>  I have 1 Togg, 1 Alpine, 2 LaManchiaa, all does, and I just have recieved
>Boer Bucks and 2 does.  I had some trouble,[still have] with urinary
>in the bucks and now one is down in Cornell University due to the blockage.
>They had to operate.  I am not hopeful so far, h e has been there 8 days
>I guess that 10 days is the cut off date to see if he will pee.  He has a
>catheter in him. The other buck is okay so far except that he grew too fast
>and his growth plates in the knees are inflammed.  He came from a CAE free
>herd, so it is feed related.  I am giving him acid in  his water to prevent
>stones.  I had 42 goats at one time and never had this problem.  I may need
>to have my water tested for nitrites.
>  What do you have?  I love them except when I am drowning in milk and I am
>now even though I give away all I can.  Where do you live?  I live in NY.
>  Whoops, I forgot that I have 2 llamas too.  Will breed then this month.

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RE: CS.....shingles

1999-07-14 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
I believe that shingles is caused by the same or similar organism which 
causes cold sores; herpes simplex.  I have not had one since I started 
taking CS about 4 years ago.

James Osbourne, Holmes

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent:   Wednesday, July 14, 1999 6:41 AM

Hi everyone,
  Can someone tell me if they had any success with shingles while using CS? 
Or if anyone has any suggestions it would be appreciated.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: degenerative arthritis

1999-07-14 Thread BANDER, MARGIE F

I would be interested in this product also.   My father-in-law is suffering
from bad arthritis as well.


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: degenerative arthritis

Colloidal gold is reported to be more effective on arthritis than CS.  We
coming out with a product which should be even better than pure colloidal
gold as soon as our patent attorney says it is ok discuss and give it out.

Hopefully I can send you some shortly for you to see how it does and tell
exactly what it is..

Marshall wrote:

> Dear Special Silver Group, Does anyone have any information about the
> effect of cs on degenerative arthritis? I have a close personal friend
> (only 32 yrr old) that has the knid of arthritis that attacks the organs
> in the body. The doctors gave him 3-5 years to live (as of yesterday) and
> at that in constant almost unbearable pain. His spinal column is fusing
> together. Any suggestions? I have not had an opportunity to read many
> recent digestsor do a thorough internet search..have been distraught,
> Thanks for any assistance.
> Paula in N Ga
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cancer

1999-07-14 Thread Scharbach

Reid wrote:

Hehehe!Now, here's one from real life.Dr's DO tell us, that having
hysterectomies takes care
of the risk of getting ovarian cancer in later life.   I COULD NOT believe
it when I heard that.   It took
every ounce of self control I had not to throttle the idiot Dr who said


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Chem Trails

1999-07-14 Thread Scharbach
Once again, There seems to be a difference between "con" trails, and "chem"
trails, which perhaps your friend missed. . . . . . .

-Original Message-
From: Gordon Brownlie 
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 5:56 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Chem Trails

>Asked a mate of mine- an ex RAAF officer  His reply was:
>Thanks for the enlightenment on "Chem Trails" in that URL you sent.  Mate
>the whole thing is a load of rubbish - the length of time that a con trail
>will take to dissipate or spread is entirely dependent on the prevailing
>wind speed and direction, and the temperature at the 'con trail' altitude.
>The heights at which they form is also temperature and relative humidity
>dependent and can vary from sea level to 60,000 feet.  Clouds - for
>your car engine on a cold morning at sea level.  I think the URL was put
>together by someone using very little knowledge of meteorology trying to
>the wind up someone with even less knowledge.  It did however make
>interesting reading. I have personally seen 'con trails' form in the
>at 50,000 feet and at 15000 feet in Southern Australia in winter when we
>a cold moist southerly breeze.  I have seen them last from a few seconds to
>7-8 hours when the air is still or very light wind conditions.  Also they
>are not caused by "ice crystals" but share the same formation
>characteristics as clouds - warm air encountering cool moist air will
>condense and form.
>For your info
>Good Health

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Re: CS & Formica

1999-07-14 Thread Scharbach
Bob, and all,

Didn't you test wateroz, and it tested out at 60 or so ppm?


Hi Ya'll, 
As my previous post stated "I believe everything I read after I have 
checked for myself." 

I poured some CS on a counter top  and it didn't stain, so Marshall wrote 
do it a again and let it dry. 

So I did it took two days for it to dry and as I suspected the is no stain. 

Now, The lady that had the problem posted me to say that the CS was 
Water-oz.  I wonder what that stuff is 

My skepticism has reached an all time height with all of these mysterious 
form of water raising their heads. 

It reminds of the world'd greatest showman, P.T. Barmun and his famous 
saying. "There is one born every minute and two to take him." 

I think a healthy dose is skeptism is need in this list. 

Robert, Retired 
Registered Professional Engineer 

CS>Fw: Paget's Disease -

1999-07-14 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Dear list,

This was sent to me by a close friend.  While off topic, the infomtion
contained about breast cancer of the nipple is important.   Please read and
pass along to others.
Knowledge is power.

> Is a rare form of breast cancer, and is on the outside of the breast, on
> the
> nipple and areola.  It appeared as a rash which later became a lesion
> with a
> crusty outer edge. I would not have ever suspected it to be breast
> cancer
> but it was. My nipple never seemed any different to me, but the rash
> bothered me
> so went to my doctor for that. Sometimes it itched and was sore,
> but other than that it didn't really bother me. It was just ugly and a
> nuisance, and could not be cleared up with all the creams prescribed by
> my
> doctor and dermatologist for the dermatitis on my eyes just prior to
> this
> outbreak. They seemed a little concerned but did not warn me it could be
> cancerous.
> Now I suspect there are not many women out there who know a lesion or
> rash on the
> nipple or areola can be breast cancer.
> What are the symptoms? Mine started out as a single red pimple on the
> areola.  One of the biggest problems with Paget's disease of the nipple
> is that the
> symptoms appear to be harmless. It is frequently thought to be a skin
> inflammation or infection, leading to unfortunate delays in detection
> and care.
> The symptoms include:
> 1. A persistent redness, oozing, and crusting of your nipple causing
>it to itch and burn. ( As I stated mine did not itch or burn much,
> and
> had no oozing I was aware of, but it did have a crust along the
> outer
> edge on one side).
> 2. A sore on your nipple that will not heal. (Mine was on the areola
>area with a whitish thick looking area in center of nipple).
> 3. Usually only one nipple is affected.
> How is it diagnosed?
> Your doctor will do a physical exam and should suggest having a
> mammogram of
> both breasts done immediately.
> Even though the redness, oozing and crusting closely resemble dermatitis
> (inflammation of the skin), your doctor should suspect cancer if the
> sore is
> only on one breast. Your doctor should order a biopsy of your sore to
> confirm what is going on. They will take a sample of your breast tissue
> in that area
> to test for cancer.
> If the cancer is only in the nipple and not in the breast, your doctor
> may
> recommend just removing the nipple and surrounding tissue or
> suggest radiation treatments. Had my doctor caught mine right away,
> instead of flaking it off as dermatitis, perhaps they could of saved my
> breast, and it wouldn't have gone to my lymph nodes.
> This message should be taken seriously and passed on to as many
> of your friends as possible; it could save someone's life. My breast
> cancer has spread and metastasized to my bones after receiving mega
> doses of
> chemotherapy, 28 treatments of radiation and taking tamaxofin. If this
> had
> been diagnosed in the beginning as breast cancer and treated right away,
> perhaps it would not have spread...
> I did try to spread the word through Rosie O'Donnell show on breast
> cancer
> awareness, but it failed trigger importance enough to announce on
> her show last year. This is sad as women are not aware of Paget's
> disease.
> If by passing this around on the e-mail, we can make others aware of
> it, and it's potential danger we are helping women everywhere.
> Thanks for taking the time to share.

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Re: CS.....shingles

1999-07-14 Thread Donna2424
Just want to thank you all who answered my email on shingles.  I gave the 
replies to my friend and I hope it helps her out.   She has just started 
taking CS.
Thanks again,

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CS>SIGNOFF silver-digest-L

1999-07-14 Thread ZigZaaaag
SIGNOFF silver-digest-L 

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Re: CS>Cancer

1999-07-14 Thread aka Jhon
How about Goldfarb and Rubenstein instead of Greed and Heartless?

  (Stereo types usually have truth behind them..imho)

- Original Message - 
From: M. G. Devour 
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 3:51 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Cancer

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CS>glass bottles

1999-07-14 Thread Pam Whitmire
I don't know if anyone is looking for a supplier of glass bottles, caps,
sprayers, etc., but I thought I'd pass on a company I found. The name is
Cape Bottle Co. from Manomet, MA. Their phone number is 888-833-6307,
website The online catalog wasn't working when I was
there so I just called for a catalog. You can buy by the dozen and still
get wholesale pricing. For example, 1 dozen 6 oz Cobalt blue round
bottles are $11.59, polyseal caps .11 each. They also have the PVC
shrink bands for .10 a piece that you can put on with a hair dryer. You
can get the amber bottles of course, up to 32 oz. A dozen of the 8
oz.would be $7.30. I'm just partial to the blue :-). This seems to me to
be very good pricing, and the people are very nice and easy to work

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Re: CS>What is Tyndall effect

1999-07-14 Thread boberger

When a sunbeam shines into a darkened room and we can see the dust moats
floating in the air that is what is called the Tyndall Effect.

When you shine a laser beam or narrow flashlight bean through a colloid you
will see a beam of light in the solution. Water does not show a beam as it
is not a colloidial suspension.


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Re: CS> MUST READ - Super-Ionized Water

1999-07-14 Thread boberger

Don't you believe 100 ppm for CS.


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Re: CS & Formica

1999-07-14 Thread boberger

You are correct 60 ppm for water-oz.


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Re: CS>Cancer

1999-07-14 Thread M. G. Devour
> > How about Goldfarb and Rubenstein instead of Greed and Heartless?
>   (Stereotypes usually have truth behind them..imho)

Yup, that's how they get started. But they hurt people and block 
progress when applied to individuals that don't fit the mold.

The issue is, do we drive off any mainstream people who might happen
by with frequent barages of doctor bashing? If we let ourselves 
create the proverbial "hostile environment", we'll never know the 
help we could have received and the influence we might have had.

Nobody has to deny the bad stuff that goes on. There is more than 
enough legitimate criticism to go around.

It's unfocused broadsides that offend and drive away the few good
ones we might have a chance to work with that I will object to.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: CS & Formica

1999-07-14 Thread Ivan Anderson
I have had no trouble staining my formica (20ppm LVDC).
I have no end of trouble getting the stains out.
Might have something to do with type of formica, its age, etc?


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Re: CS> MUST READ - Super-Ionized Water

1999-07-14 Thread Ivan Anderson

> > Could some one tell me the difference between cs and ionic silver?
> > found a place to order 2oz at 100 ppm.
> It is my understanding that ionic silver is made by laser, which
smashes the
> silver into a particle size much smaller than colloidal silver made
by the
> electro process.
> In my opinion, and mind you, it's just an opinion, colloidal silver
made the
> electro way is much better because the silver has a positive charge.
I am
> not convinced that smashing with a laser-beam will create a positive
> in the ionics.  But that is probably because I haven't seen any data
> electrical charges in ionics.  Does anybody know for sure if the
ionics have
> a + charge or not?

The definition of ionic is: an atom, molecule or particle that has
lost or gained an electron or electrons, and thus has a net positive
or negative charge.

CS is a colloid. A colloid is a suspension of particles, where the
particle size is so small that the particles will remain suspended
indefinitely, but not small enough to be considered to be dissolved
and in solution.

An ionic colloid is a colloid of charged particles. CS is an ionic

Some people use the term ionic as a size description, and mean a
solution of single atoms or molecules in which the atoms are ions, ie
they have lost or gained electrons.

Laser ablation does produce monoatomic ions, the trick is to capture
these ions before they aggregate with other ions an form crystal like

Electrolysis as used in generating CS, if carefully controlled, also
produces monoatomic ions which then may aggregate into larger multi
atom ions and give rise to the colours we see occurring in silver


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Re: CS.....shingles

1999-07-14 Thread Ivan Anderson
I believe shingles is caused by the chicken pox virus.


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Re: CS>Cancer

1999-07-14 Thread M. G. Devour
>I saw it on TV that afternoon where more and more women are
> electing to have elective breast removal. So I felt it was my duty
> to educate the rest of the women. If a there was a doctor here that
> read it then he would understand just how silly it is to have the
> breast removal. If not he would have really gotten ticked off at
> someone exposing this money making scheme. 

I agree the *information* you were passing on in the Greed and
Heartless piece is important, Reid. 

The issue is walking the fine line between humor or drama and what 
could easily be seen as offensive or even bigoted.

If even a sympathetic doctor read that piece, (s)he might take the
message to heart, but would find the presentation offensive and
threatening and consider the source to be hostile and unapproachable.
Thus you'd never know if you did any good and we'd lose the
opportunity of working with that person.

The same thing could have been said without the broad brush
characterization, is what I'm trying to say I guess. 

As I've said, we've got plenty of material for sober criticism of
mainstream practice. Just how much influence we have will be
determined in part by how we act in cases like this. The personal
stories we hear are *powerful* indicators of what needs to be done.
We don't need to exaggerate or stereotype to get our point across.

You know we don't disagree on much, here. It's not the main thrust
of your message but the subtext that concerns me.

Thanks for putting the info out. I hope it helps those who need it.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: CS> MUST READ - Super-Ionized Water

1999-07-14 Thread Donna2424
In a message dated 7/D/YY 7:02:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Laser ablation does produce monoatomic ions, the trick is to capture
 these ions before they aggregate with other ions an form crystal like
  If I remember correctly wateroz uses the laser to create the crystal like 
form.  That is what they are after when making their products.  If anyone has 
their booklet handy from wateroz you might want to double check this. Is this 
considered good or not so good.

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Re: CS>Just for a smile

1999-07-14 Thread JMarsh4185
Dear Reid,
  This is so typical of these 'special' kids.  I have worked with them for 
years and dearly loved each and every one of them.  One foster child, down 
syndrome was so cute and funny, he always made my day.  Keep passing on these 
wonderful stories. I love them  janet

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Re: CS>marshall-fingers that when bent get stuck and hurt

1999-07-14 Thread JMarsh4185
Hi, urinary calculi is common with bucks only from what the vet said.  They 
need ammonium choride in their feed and not be over fed.  One of my traits.  
I overfeed everyone.  One buck is better, but has epiphisitis[inflammation of 
the growth plates]  Had to cut feed way, way back.  I had a nubian once, 
loved her milk.  janet

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CS>Re: RE: CS>Re: degenerative arthritis

1999-07-14 Thread JMarsh4185
MARSHALL,  please, let us all know when that stuff is ready.  Janet

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CS>Re: [RF]: Cancer (nature of the beast) noarc

1999-07-14 Thread BROOKS BRADLEY
Very insightful commentary.
Sincerely.  Brooks Bradley. wrote:

> re: Dr. Heartless and Dr. Greed-
>Lemme get the big spoon and stir it up some more.  I had a business for 10
> years doing consulting in electronic imaging and manufactured a high
> resolution laser scanner designed for genetic research.  We became
> peripherally involved with the film business (Kodak, DuPont, Fuji) since our
> scanner scanned their films.  The scanning approach was excellent for
> mammograms since it could quantitatively  compare a prior year's cysts and
> calcifications for growth and movement.
> This was at a time when two things of major significance were happening
> in the film industry, a huge $ industry;  1) Chest X-Rays (14"x17") were
> being superceded by MRI's and CT's, both capable of filmless operation.
> 2)Technologies were being development for direct exposure filmless X-Ray by
> Fuji and DuPont themselves.
>Lo and behold, around this time, it suddenly(!) became essential for women
> to have mammograms (100% film-based) yearly after age 40. Hmmm.  Well, OK,
> maybe it's not such a bad idea, even though there is a significant  risk of
> developing cancer from the radiation, and/or aggravation (sp?) of an existing
> condition from compressing (really compressing) the breast to make it
> essentially of uniform thickness to be X-Rayable.
>So, we get the bright idea to market these scanners in Canada.  Bad idea.
> Why?  Because the Candian medical establishment/government had current
> studies on 20,000 (yes 20,000) women conclusively proving that there was no
> evidence that mammography screening increased the likelihood of early
> detection.  They saw absolutely no value in it.
>Sooo, I start to call around here in the US to get a copy of this
> study...NIH (where we had some connections), NCI, ACS, etc.  Can't be found
> anywhere, never heard of it, 'Canadian what?'.  After a year I went directly
> to the Canadian government to get it, and it was for real.  I looked for
> years for a review, statement, rebutal, comment, or even an acknowledgement
> of this major study in the US medical mainstream, but never found it.  That
> there was never even a review concluding that the 'study was flawed' aroused
> my intense curiousity.  Eventually it showed up 6 or 7 years later in some
> women's magazines.
>Now, I'm not Doctor bashing here, they work their asses off 20 hours a day
> doing everything in their power to help their patients.  They simply do not
> have time while in practice to keep up with every new study and development
> that comes along, that's not their job and thats not what they spent 8-12
> years and $150K to do.  They treat patients with the best medical knowledge
> available to them.  (key phrase)
>But, you have to keep your eye on medical suppliers, pharmaceutical
> companies and big money establishments here, for they're the ones that plan
> and execute the studies and determine what knowledge gets distributed to whom
> and how, and what constitutes a 'cure'.  I don't know a single person,
> doctors especially, who would knowingly ill-advise a patient, assuming they
> had the knowledge of a better way.  But there's an awful lot going on in
> other countries that they don't know about and will never be exposed to,
> unless they do international internships, which was one of the amazing things
> about the Mayo Clinic.  The Doc that did the laser excision on my sister was
> one of 100 docs in the US who know this procedure. They spent time in Germany
> learning the technique.
> Also, there is the issue of infrastructure,  which is sort of
> double-edged sword.  The long-term investment in education, literatre,
> methodology and hardware is enormous, and must be recouped, even if a more
> promising technique is developed in the interim.   An imaging center with a 3
> million dollar investment in MRI and CT equipment, techs, nurses, facilities
> and radiologists sure as hell isn't going to recommend that you try a
> virologist instead, they're going to snap a picture and see what shows up.
> That's their business.
>Bottom line, US medicine is a business like any other, caveat emptor
> supercedes all.  It's got it's share of foibles and the costlier and larger
> it gets, the slower it's able to move and adapt.  It's up to the patient to
> take the time to verify, explore, and decide with the very best advice you
> can find.  Don't expect the medical establishment to do it for you, they're
> on a mission that started 5, 10, 25 or 50 years ago for most Docs, and
> they've not had a minute since to reflect on what else might work better.
>   -Jim

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Re: CS>Re: degenerative arthritis

1999-07-14 Thread Charles Marcus
> Dear Special Silver Group, Does anyone have any information 
> about the effect of cs on degenerative arthritis? I have a
> close personal friend (only 32 yrr old) that has the knid of
> arthritis that attacks the organs in the body. The doctors
> gave him 3-5 years to live (as of yesterday) and at that in
> constant almost unbearable pain. His spinal column is fusing
> together. Any suggestions? I have not had an opportunity to
> read many recent digestsor do a thorough internet
> search..have been distraught,
> Thanks for any assistance.
> Paula in N Ga

Unless he changes his diet, he will be unable to do
anything beyond slow it down a little, BUT...

Raw apple cider vinegar, mixed in water (as much as he
can stand, up to a few tabl;espoons per glass), 3-5
times a day will help dramatically, but if he really
wants to get well, he will have to stop eating and
drinking the things that are causing his problem in the
first place.

We EARN our dis-eases.

As for CS, it dramatically enhances the body's
regenerative abilities, but it has to have something
(good nutrition + no bad stuff) to work with. Adding a
lot of spirulina, chlorella (especially CGF (Chlorella
Growth Factor), and a LOT of dehydrated wheatgrass
juice (best I have found so far, both price and quality
wise, is Green Kamut) will provide the necessary, and
highest quality amino acids and other nutrients needed
to regenerate tissue, muscle, sinew and bone.


Charles Marcus

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Re: CS.....shingles

1999-07-14 Thread Marsha Hallett

>I believe that shingles is caused by the same or similar organism which
>causes cold sores; herpes simplex.  I have not had one since I started
>taking CS about 4 years ago.
>James Osbourne, Holmes
Dear James, Nope it is Herpes zoster, same as chicken pox. I know, just read
about it in a Patricia Cornwell book this morning!!! I love her books...

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1999-07-14 Thread Liz Pavek

Actually, I think shingles is caused by Herpes Zoster, which is similar to H. 
Simplex.  I think H. Zoster also causes cold sores/fever blisters/cancre sores 
(I'm not exactly certain on this part.)  H. Simplex causes chickenpox, so most 
of us already have it dormant in our systems.


Re: CS>Cancer

1999-07-14 Thread Reid Smith
>Reid wrote:

>Hehehe!Now, here's one from real life.Dr's DO tell us, that having
>hysterectomies takes care
>of the risk of getting ovarian cancer in later life.   I COULD NOT believe
>it when I heard that.   It took
>every ounce of self control I had not to throttle the idiot Dr who said

   When you get to that menopause stage and they say you need estrogen
just remember that you also need progestrone or you will develop cancer.

Take Care 

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Re: CS>Cancer

1999-07-14 Thread Reid Smith
>Reid, everyone,
>Once in a while we lapse into blatant doctor bashing. 
>I do *HOPE* that when a doctor or other mainstream professional comes 
>along with an honest interest in us that we will not drive them away 
>with bigotry.

>I don't defend the people who are responsible for what's wrong with
>mainstream medicine. I won't ask you to worship them, or even stop 
>hating them if you do. Indeed plenty of them *are* evil.
>But if your aim is to warn or educate people, to save them from being
>hurt, then tell the truth, tell your story, share what you know,
>powerfully! You will do more that is *good* and *right* than by
>venting blind anger, no matter how justified.
>What we're trying to do here deserves better.

   I saw it on TV that afternoon where more and more women are electing to
have elective breast removal. So I felt it was my duty to educate the rest
of the women. If a there was a doctor here that read it then he would 
understand just how silly it is to have the breast removal. If not he would 
have really gotten ticked off at someone exposing this money making scheme. 

Take Care 

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Re: CS>Cancer

1999-07-14 Thread Charles King
On Wed, 14 Jul 1999 07:51:01 +, "M. G. Devour"

>I don't defend the people who are responsible for what's wrong with
>mainstream medicine. I won't ask you to worship them, or even stop 
>hating them if you do. Indeed plenty of them *are* evil.
>But if your aim is to warn or educate people, to save them from being
>hurt, then tell the truth, tell your story, share what you know,
>powerfully! You will do more that is *good* and *right* than by
>venting blind anger, no matter how justified.
>What we're trying to do here deserves better.
>Be well,
>Mike D.
>[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]

I tell ya,
Ya gotta love this guy,
or what?
Nice goin' Mike 

Boxing is like a ballet, except that there's no music, 
no choreography, and the dancers hit each other

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Re: CS>Cancer

1999-07-14 Thread Sammark4
In a message dated 99-07-14 07:50:40 EDT, you write:

> You will do more that is *good* and *right* than by
>  venting blind anger, no matter how justified.
>  What we're trying to do here deserves better.
>  Be well,
>  Mike D.

Good doctors are just as upset with what some/many greedy doctors do.  A 
good doctor will not be put off by this sort of bashing.  In my opinion, it 
is that we are not sufficiently in touch with our outrage, as a whole, that 
has allowed us to roll over and allow atrocities to occur.
 We're all supposed to be mature and civilized while charlatans in a 
healing profession hack off body parts unnecessarily and for profit?   Well, 
please pass the Grey Poupon, then.  We wouldn't want to OFFEND anyone.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Just for a smile

1999-07-14 Thread Reid Smith
>Dear Reid,
>  This is so typical of these 'special' kids.  I have worked with them for 
>years and dearly loved each and every one of them.  One foster child, down 
>syndrome was so cute and funny, he always made my day.  Keep passing on these 
>wonderful stories. I love them  janet

   It's such a shame we aren't all like that because we were all that way 
at one time. 

Take Care 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1999-07-14 Thread Reid Smith

>  A man takes his wife to the doctor because she is feeling poorly.
>After the usual poking and prodding, and various tests, the doctor says he has
>narrowed down the diagnosis to two maladies.  She either has Alzheimer's or
>AIDS. The husband asks the doctor how can the diagnosis be confirmed. The
>doctor tells the man to take his wife out of town, drop her out into the
>countryside and if she comes back home, don't have sex with her!

Take Care 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Just for a smile

1999-07-14 Thread Skylake
Thanks, Reid, 

<< A few years ago, at the Seattle Special Olympics... >>

I'll pass it on with delight.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour