Re: CS>OTMarsha-lymelists,cyst form of lyme

2000-06-24 Thread Pamela Grant
>have had two MRI's. So should not I be cured of LYME?

no, but you may need to get cured of MRI's

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2000-06-24 Thread Pamela Grant
just had to forward this---okay, now I'm like a kid who catches on to the
game---how might I link this to CS to justify my sending it---well, as we
lose our rights and freedoms and gain these wonderful "medical ID"
numbers(how will they be worn?) do you think there will be mandatory
"testing" also?---oh goodness, so and so goes to jail as they found the
forbidden CS in his system.


Aside from psychological reasons, why can't the Clintons be
straight-forward about things? It's easy to understand why Bill
wouldn't want to be candid about his "affairs," but what about
his policy proposals?

If the Clintons' ideas were superior, they would have no motive to
be deceitful about them, right?  Think again. The truth is that they
know that despite liberalism's virtual monopoly in the mainstream
press, the universities, and most of our other cultural institutions,
it is still not the majority philosophy among most voters. So they
have to disguise many of their programs or, in some cases, secrete
them from the public altogether.

Remember Hillary's notorious plan to socialize American medicine?
While pretending that it was going to be produced by the people
"from the bottom up," she kept her task force meetings secret to the
point of earning a rebuke by U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth.
But why? What did she have to hide? Well, plenty, as it turns out.
Hillary's 1,300-page plan would have nationalized 14 percent of the
nation's economy, a fact she could ill-afford to have disclosed.

And now, she and Bill both claim to have learned their lesson from
that fiasco. But are they honest about that lesson? What they want
you to believe is that they are willing to compromise and abandon
their goal of nationalized health care. Actually, the only lesson they
learned is that to accomplish their goal of socialized medicine they
must do it incrementally, one inconspicuous step at a time.

Although Hillary Care suffered a humiliating defeat in 1994, some
of its insidious components survived and became law in 1996 with
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
(HIPAA), a.k.a., Kennedy-Kassebaum. Hillary's plan contained
a provision regarding a "unique health identifier" (a patient ID
number) that could be used to track each person's medical history
electronically from cradle to grave.

This WorldNetDaily gem was resurrected and codified into law
in HIPAA in 1996. So far, our Brave New World medical ID
numbers have not been created, but soon will be if something
isn't done.

contributor David Limbaugh is an attorney practicing in Cape
Girardeau, Missouri, a political analyst and commentator.

Though the provision for the creation of the medical ID numbers
is already in the law, Texas Congressman Ron Paul has been
successful so far in leading an effort to block appropriations for
implementation of this provision. This week, this appropriations
bill (HR 4577) will be voted on again, and if it passes, the unique
health identifier -- the medical ID number -- will be created for all
of us.

It gets worse. This year, the Department of Health and Human
Services proposed "medical privacy regulations" that will apply
to all individuals, whether their health care is paid for privately or
by the government. Those who love freedom and cherish privacy
should be alarmed about these developments. Here's why:

While Clinton touts the medical ID number and the proposed
medical privacy regulations as enhancing our medical privacy, they
do just the opposite. The assignment of these numbers is the first
step toward universal health care, and the regulations severely
undermine our privacy. The government will be entitled to access
our private medical records without our consent and the government --
not you -- will decide who else will have access to our records.

Under the regulation's health plans, providers, hospitals, researchers,
medical students, government agents, law enforcement officials, and
whomever else the government decides will have access. Are you
nervous yet? If not, be aware that the regulations will also limit
patients' access to their own records, especially in malpractice cases.
And they will limit our right to sue others for breaching our medical

If Ron Paul fails to convince Congress again to block funding for
creating the ID numbers, all is not lost. He also has prepared a bill
to repeal the HIPAA provision that requires the adoption of our ID
numbers. This is a good start but another provision also empowers
the government to adopt those privacy regulations that authorize the
collection and sharing of our medical records without our consent.
Congress should repeal that provision as well.

Once again, the Clintons, under the guise of expanding our rights,
are taking them away. If we don't derail this train now, our chances
of thwarting Hillary's grandiose scheme to socialize health care
may be out the window.

[WND Exclusive Commentary]

Re: CS>Grander Water Catalogue

2000-06-24 Thread Ted Windsor
The Grander water is for real, the last cost I had seen on a house unit was
$1800.00 US funds, then you need a plumber to install it, as it is an inline
unit cost is around $130.00, so perhaps a Life Energy Unit which works on
implosion technology at $950.00 Canadian and requires no plumber to install
it, is not such a bad price.

Mary 47 wrote:

> Would someone please explain gander water to me.
>  thanks   mary
> >From:
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: CS>Grander Water Catalogue
> >Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 09:55:40 EDT
> >
> >Sounds greatbut is Gander Water for REAL???
> >
> >Frank in Texas
> >
> >
> >In a message dated 6/23/00 2:01:15 PM Central Daylight Time,
> > writes:
> >
> > > Well, I went to and filled in my e-mail
> > >  address so they'd know where to send the catalogue.
> >
> >
> >--
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> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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Re: CS>OTMarsha-lymelists,cyst form of lyme

2000-06-24 Thread rob gr
Was looking at Magnetic Pulser information at:

It says "Subjects will feel no physical sensations except for light thumps 
during this phase of treatment. Exposure levels are considered safe because 
intensity of this magnetic pulser is much lower than Magnetic Nuclear 
Resonance Imaging in routine use on tens of thousands of patients. "  ... I 
have had two MRI's. So should not I be cured of LYME?

in memphis

Subject: Re: CS>OTMarsha-lymelists,cyst form of lyme
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 21:29:29 EDT

In a message dated 6/21/00 6:28:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< What is Beck's 4 step protocol? >>


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Re: CS>OTMarsha-lymelists,cyst form of lyme

2000-06-24 Thread rob gr
Is the Beck 4 step protocol effective against "latent" or noactive pathogens 
- as is the case in Lyme Disease?

in memphis

From: Alvin Rose 
Subject: Re: CS>OTMarsha-lymelists,cyst form of lyme
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 19:30:29 -0700

Hi Again Pamela
it's me again...The magnetic pulser is a magnetic pulse generator
which generates a powerful magnetic pulse...The coil acts as the
primary winding of a transformer and the body tissue acts as the secondary
winding which induces 50 to 100 microamps of current into the location. 
as the lymph nodes or diseased organ...this current is harmless to healthy 

This microcurrent disables viruses, bacteria and pathogens in the tissue in
the same way that the blood purifier does in the blood...

Pamela Grant wrote:

> What is the magnetic pulser?
> PG
> >Hi Marshall
> >With the Beck Devices it's just a matter of not taking toxic substances
> >and treat yourself until you have completely recovered...Problems
> >that are not in the blood takes a little longer and the magnetic pulser
> >is required for lymph node and tumor recovery as you have to
> >treat the areas affected...good magnetic power projection is
> >required for the pulser and colloidal silver to help the immune system.
> >Alvin
> >
> >Marshall Dudley wrote:
> >
> >> rob gr wrote:
> >>
> >> > Hey, need some feedback from some Lymies out there.  For those 
trying to
> >> > come back from later stage lyme... How long before you saw 
> >> > remission?  also, any one have similar symptoms: burning 
> >> > inflamation, and muscle spasms before using CS and did this resolve 
> >> > and/or all of these problems? Finally, did others use CS alone or 

> >> > conjunction with Antibiotics?
> >> >
> >> > thanks,
> >> > rob
> >> > in memphis
> >>
> >> My sister in Memphis who was in the later stages used CS alone, but 
hit a
> >> plateau.  She then started using Beck's 4 step protocol and was 
symptom free
> >> in about 2 months.  The slowest part was using the magnetic pulsar on 
> >> lymph system, there are so many nodes, she would clear it out of one 

> >> then move on to another area.  By the time she was through, some
> >>swelling had
> >> returned to the initially treated areas, so this took a look of work 

> >> completely clear out.
> >>
> >> Marshall
> >>
> >> --
> >> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 

> >>
> >> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message 
> >>  -or-

> >> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >>
> >> To post, address your message to:
> >> Silver-list archive:

> >> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: CS>HI 93737 Silver Meter

2000-06-24 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/24/00 6:26:09 PM EST, writes:

<< We're both sort of 

Trem: I really have to take exception to that last statement. Just what are 
you insinuating by the term, "sort of"?




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Re: CS>Just Say NO To Canola-or Got Lear?

2000-06-24 Thread CKing001
Available at
A bit pricey though.
It's been had for about $5 lb but you'll have to search. The last place I got it
from has vanished.

A Freudian slip may be revealing, but a Jungian slip is just a mythstake !

On Sat, 24 Jun 2000 05:32:34 -0500, "Stephen Hessler"  wrote:

>Hi ..Where can one get a quantity of coconut oil?  Like 5 Gallons.

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Re: CS>HI 93737 Silver Meter

2000-06-24 Thread Trem

Hi Roger,

In a message dated 6/24/00 3:52:06 PM EST, writes:

<< Roger,

 I understand your position  Mine is that most people aren't up for making
 large amounts, then taking a portion and sending it off for analysis.  I
 suspect most folks make a pint or so at a time and when they need more,
 they make it.  Most people probably don't have storage space for large

Trem: Six gallons?

Yes Roger.  Six gallons is a heck of a lot.  Most people have kitchen 
cabinets,  perhaps a pantry, a hall closet and probably a closet in their 
bedroom.  And the fact remains that most people wouldn't use gallons of it 
at a time.  I think most take a prophylactic amount each day or else take 
it only when they feel under the weather.   I'll bet a poll taken would 
show that most folks have less than a quart stashed away.

 I suppose you make large quantities because you sell it.  Correct

Trem: Yes I do, but I don't think you have to sell CS to consider mixing
several batches together, getting a single sample, and sending it in for
silver analysis.

Once again, I don't think most people are up for waiting on lab reports and 
diddling with samples when they can check it in a minute with a pocket 
meter such as the PWT.  And yes, we do sell term but that's not what this 
discussion is about.  It's about a way the average person can figure out 
what they've got in a reasonable period of time with little 
inconvenience.  And at little cost.  The PWT will pay for itself in only a 
couple of tests compared to continually paying for lab tests if they go 
your way.

 What the PWT does is relieve them of that task and allows them to test EACH
 and EVERY batch at their leisure.  The PWT is really the best choice for
 the average CS user/maker.  It's quick and works.  Like having a small,
 relatively accurate lab in their pocket or a drawer.

Trem: Sounds fine to me.

 And mixing unknown batches together doesn't tell a person what they
 made.  It's now homogenized; an average of all batches.  Not good in my
 mind for most people since they probably don't have too much uniformity of
 procedure.  You have to understand that all people aren't scientific.  And
 that's not a slam, just an observation.

Trem: On the contrary, I'm very glad you brought up this point because it's
the very point I've been trying to make myself recently. LVDC CS may be easy
for SOME to make, but for many it may be difficult to make consistent
batches. Realizing that the HVAC process is not for everybody, if it has one
thing going for it, it's consistency.

It's not only consistent but also relatively dangerous because of the high 
voltage and also expensive to buy a generating unit Roger.  LVDC can be 
made quite consistently.  For instance, our generator has automatic shutoff 
and a stirring motor.  It makes very repeatable clear CS at up to 
20PPM.  What it takes is consistency which can be done if one works at it 
or they can buy a machine to do it for them.  At least LVDC is safe and I 
think the product is completely satisfactory.

 And of course many people make CS that does not have much shelf life but
 they still want to know the PPM at the time.

Trem: Well, when it comes to shelf life, IMHO, HVAC CS is the standard by
which all other CS products are compared.

I can't argue that point.  All I can say is we have clear CS stored in 
plastic soft drink containers which has been around for a long time with no 
fallout or color change.  Guess we're lucky or else have a good machine.

I think this will be the end of  the debate for me on whether sending CS 
off to a lab is better than testing it ones self.  We're both sort of 
opinionated so there doesn't seem to be any reason to continue.

Have a good weekend.


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Re: CS>OT- Distilled water

2000-06-24 Thread CKing001
Opus the Penguin

On Sat, 24 Jun 2000 11:38:45 -0600, "James Osbourne, Holmes" 

>Germany has not reunited.  Their constitution is still suspended.  They are 
>still under foreign military rule. 
>James Osbourne Holmes
>-Original Message-
>From: []
>Sent:  Friday, June 23, 2000 7:32 PM
>Subject:   Re: CS>OT- Distilled water
>Thank you Ivan!
>You have helped to convince me, or at least explain, how homeopathic remedies
>are formed and can be effective with only a "ghost" trace of the original
>   Chuck
>Now that hell has frozen over and Germany has reunited, the only thing that
>would surprise me would be if Apple and IBM  
>On Sat, 24 Jun 2000 01:00:33 +1200, "Ivan Anderson"  wrote:
>>Water that has been treated (energised) with different substances, have
>>amazing splash shapes which are peculiar to that substance, and are said
>>to carry that template with them into the body, and act as if the
>>substance were present, which of course it is in a ghostly sort of way.

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Re: CS>OT- Distilled water

2000-06-24 Thread Veronica Honthaas
At 07:50 AM 6/22/00 -0700, you wrote:
>I find myself unable to ignore the discussion of the
>pro's and con's of drinking distilled water. 

Very interesting subject. I have been reading a lot of Dr. JR Christopher's
work lately and he was a big promoter of DW. 
However, I seem to remember from earth science class that water evaporated
from the earth and formed rain drops around small particles of dust, etc.
That would make the rainwater anything but distilled.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>??? water

2000-06-24 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/24/00 4:23:20 PM EST, writes:

<< Hi Ho Folks,
 Until some one investigates the matter, we wont have an answer to
 that question.
 Since I am *more* than curious about the structuring of water
 anyway, I am gathering ideas and parts to have a look.
 Some of the questions that peak my curiosity are:
 Can we structure water to have silver vibes? Ionic silver vibes?
 Will doing so help us achieve higher ppm? shorter times? greater
 tendency to produce smaller particles? more stable? more
 effective delivery? will just the structured water alone be
 effective? just as effective as the real thing? better?
 I gotto find out.

David: Me too. Let me know when you've figured it out. Anybody out there with 
a pH meter? Try some simple experiments trying to "structure" water using 
sunlight, electriic fields, etc. then measure pH of your product. Next dilute 
your product 10X with (unstructured) DW and measure the pH again. Tell us 
what you get. Roger

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Re: CS>OT- Distilled water

2000-06-24 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/24/00 3:55:01 PM EST, writes:

<< Marshall AND Roger,
 No, I am not a lawn! I am a perfectly designed chemical processing unit which
 can take in pure water, which serves to dilute my blood and thus free my 
 from the heavy load it has, and my many body organs will discharge any excess
 water or minerals as it sees fit. I am not being leached! I am programmed to
 have specific solution densities and with proper supplies will maintain to 
 precise ratios, those fluid/mineral relationships!
 Externally, where I have no pre-programmed chemical relationships, I can be
 leached of surface minerals but internally, I can not! Interstitial/cell 
 water, my
 primary need,  is not  a random leached mix put a specific blend of the basic
 salts needed for my cell functions! I make that mix, it is not a function 
 of the
 purity of the water I take in. Also, as Terry said most of my chemicals are
 bound in such a way that they are not leachable (water soluable) - see how
 long it takes to dissolve your bones or skin in DW! Pepsi YES DW NO!
 No, I am not a tea bag to be drained of my essentials when I take water of 
 purity in! My calcium is not leached from my bones because of my water 
 but is often lost because of my lack of water intake!
 My brain must function at all costs!  I have and need ATP and GTP and also
 hydroelectric energy reserves and when I do not get enough water I must break
 the calcium to calcium bond in cells and eventually in bones, to makeup for 
 energy shortage!  Breaking the calcium-calcium bond releases ATP and thus 
 or bone calcium is the source of choice when my brain has a shortage of 
 Without that reserve function I would die (brain function failure) under many
 common stress situations! The calcium released is discharged normally, as
 excess free calcium BUT it was NOT released by leaching!
 My pee is not the leached effect of my water intake but the evidence of my 
 intake - it is strong only when I take in too little water and my 
 necessary  water
 borrowing concentrates it!
 Look at the normal water you drink, on average 200 PPM! Is that saturated? 
 My pool has 850PPM, is that saturated? NO! Can I dissolve table salt to 8,000
 PPM? YES! What is this "leaching to saturated levels" problem you have, with 
 drinking pure water instead of very, very slightly saturated water?
 Try again guys, but listen to Terry - try to dissolve a bone in DW!
 (Disclaimer - I am not an expert in this area, so when I say liver and you 
 kidney, don't fault me - the expressed functions happen in my body, where 

Fred: Sounds really complicated. Are you sure you're not an expert? Roger

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Re: CS>HI 93737 Silver Meter

2000-06-24 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/24/00 3:52:06 PM EST, writes:

<< Roger,
 I understand your position  Mine is that most people aren't up for making 
 large amounts, then taking a portion and sending it off for analysis.  I 
 suspect most folks make a pint or so at a time and when they need more, 
 they make it.  Most people probably don't have storage space for large 

Trem: Six gallons?

 I suppose you make large quantities because you sell it.  Correct?

Trem: Yes I do, but I don't think you have to sell CS to consider mixing 
several batches together, getting a single sample, and sending it in for 
silver analysis. 

 What the PWT does is relieve them of that task and allows them to test EACH 
 and EVERY batch at their leisure.  The PWT is really the best choice for 
 the average CS user/maker.  It's quick and works.  Like having a small, 
 relatively accurate lab in their pocket or a drawer.

Trem: Sounds fine to me.
 And mixing unknown batches together doesn't tell a person what they 
 made.  It's now homogenized; an average of all batches.  Not good in my 
 mind for most people since they probably don't have too much uniformity of 
 procedure.  You have to understand that all people aren't scientific.  And 
 that's not a slam, just an observation.

Trem: On the contrary, I'm very glad you brought up this point because it's 
the very point I've been trying to make myself recently. LVDC CS may be easy 
for SOME to make, but for many it may be difficult to make consistent 
batches. Realizing that the HVAC process is not for everybody, if it has one 
thing going for it, it's consistency.
 And of course many people make CS that does not have much shelf life but 
 they still want to know the PPM at the time.

Trem: Well, when it comes to shelf life, IMHO, HVAC CS is the standard by 
which all other CS products are compared.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT- Distilled water

2000-06-24 Thread Tai-Pan

> Hi Fred,

  Excellent summary.
 Perhaps it would help if they understood how the body works. Suggest they read 
series of posts called "Intestine", a 24 part series on the processes of the 
  *** its in the archive***

  Bless you   Bob Lee

> Marshall AND Roger,
> No, I am not a lawn! I am a perfectly designed chemical processing unit which
> can take in pure water, which serves to dilute my blood and thus free my heart
> from the heavy load it has, and my many body organs will discharge any excess
> water or minerals as it sees fit. I am not being leached! I am programmed to
> have specific solution densities and with proper supplies will maintain to 
> very
> precise ratios, those fluid/mineral relationships!
> Externally, where I have no pre-programmed chemical relationships, I can be
> leached of surface minerals but internally, I can not! Interstitial/cell
> water, my
> primary need,  is not  a random leached mix put a specific blend of the basic
> salts needed for my cell functions! I make that mix, it is not a function
> of the
> purity of the water I take in. Also, as Terry said most of my chemicals are
> bound in such a way that they are not leachable (water soluable) - see how
> long it takes to dissolve your bones or skin in DW! Pepsi YES DW NO!
> No, I am not a tea bag to be drained of my essentials when I take water of any
> purity in! My calcium is not leached from my bones because of my water intake,
> but is often lost because of my lack of water intake!
> My brain must function at all costs!  I have and need ATP and GTP and also
> hydroelectric energy reserves and when I do not get enough water I must break
> the calcium to calcium bond in cells and eventually in bones, to makeup for 
> the
> energy shortage!  Breaking the calcium-calcium bond releases ATP and thus cell
> or bone calcium is the source of choice when my brain has a shortage of 
> energy.
> Without that reserve function I would die (brain function failure) under many
> common stress situations! The calcium released is discharged normally, as
> excess free calcium BUT it was NOT released by leaching!
> My pee is not the leached effect of my water intake but the evidence of my
> excess
> intake - it is strong only when I take in too little water and my
> necessary  water
> borrowing concentrates it!
> Look at the normal water you drink, on average 200 PPM! Is that saturated? NO!
> My pool has 850PPM, is that saturated? NO! Can I dissolve table salt to 8,000
> PPM? YES! What is this "leaching to saturated levels" problem you have, with 
> my
> drinking pure water instead of very, very slightly saturated water?
> Try again guys, but listen to Terry - try to dissolve a bone in DW!
> (Disclaimer - I am not an expert in this area, so when I say liver and you say
> kidney, don't fault me - the expressed functions happen in my body, where
> ever!)
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

Re: CS>??? water

2000-06-24 Thread blue_eyes
Hi Ho Folks,

Until some one investigates the matter, we wont have an answer to
that question.
Since I am *more* than curious about the structuring of water
anyway, I am gathering ideas and parts to have a look.

Some of the questions that peak my curiosity are:

Can we structure water to have silver vibes? Ionic silver vibes?

Will doing so help us achieve higher ppm? shorter times? greater
tendency to produce smaller particles? more stable? more
effective delivery? will just the structured water alone be
effective? just as effective as the real thing? better?

I gotto find out.


Tai-Pan wrote:

>  How does this enhance CS?

_NetZero Free Internet Access and Email__

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CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V100 #452

2000-06-24 Thread Liz Pavek
What made my batch of CS turn cloudy??  Yikes!!


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Re: CS>OT- Distilled water

2000-06-24 Thread Fred

At 12:59 PM 6/23/2000, you wrote:

 Fred wrote:

 > At 06:31 PM 6/22/2000, you wrote:
 > >Terry: Basically, what you are saying is that minerals which "have become
 > >part of the body" are chemically combined and will not leach out. Is 
 > >evidence to support this reasoning, or are we left to decide which of 

two > >speculative arguments is more acceptable?
 > >  Roger
 > You might try logic Roger! We after all, are not tea bags we pour water
. thru!
 > "The gastrointestinal tract has a strong "need regulated mechanism" of
 > absorption of minerals." Page 156 - [Your bodies many cries for water] by
 > F. Batmananghelidj (no, I didn't make that name up) and the stomach 

 > excess water (filters it, sans minerals - believe he said in 5 minutes)
 >before passing the mush on. Once in the blood stream, the liver 
functions to

 > precisely regulate the concentration of minerals in the blood, discharging
 > any excesses.
 > Now don't try to tell me you have distilled water in your stomach right
after you drink a glass of DW! Any leaching would have had to be on the short
trip down the gullet and then it is part of a strong brew!

 The water is no longer distilled, true.  But will it contain the trace
 that it leaches?  No it will not, since the trace minerals it leaches 
are in

 blood and bone.  Thus it will still be able to dissolve those trace 

 it reaches saturation.  At any rate it doesn't matter.  Lets say that it
does find
 sufficient calcium in the spit and stomach to reach saturation.  It then
 with them when you urinate.  The body has lost the calcium, it really 

 matter exactly from where.  To replace it requires taking supplements, or
the body will end up stripping it from the bones.

 Look at it like this.  You have a jug of lime.  If you pour water into the
 that is already saturated with calcium, the lime will not dissolve, you
could do
 it for 100 years.  But if you pour in distilled water, the water in the jug
 be diluted below saturation, lime will dissolve and wash away.  One could
 that the water is not distilled as soon as it hits the water that is 

 the lime, but it makes no difference.  The same amount of lime will be
removed per
 liter of water regardless.

 Have you ever noticed that if you lime the yard, that watering it from the
 seems to do nothing, but it will dissolve when it rains?  Rain water is
 distilled, so it easily leaches the lime, but water from the tap already has
 sufficient minerals usually that the lime dissolves slowly if at all.

 Marshall >>

Marshall: Sound pretty simple to me. Fred? Are you there? Hello Freddyboy??
Must have gone out to buy some Poland Spring. Roger

Marshall AND Roger,

No, I am not a lawn! I am a perfectly designed chemical processing unit which
can take in pure water, which serves to dilute my blood and thus free my heart
from the heavy load it has, and my many body organs will discharge any excess
water or minerals as it sees fit. I am not being leached! I am programmed to
have specific solution densities and with proper supplies will maintain to very
precise ratios, those fluid/mineral relationships!

Externally, where I have no pre-programmed chemical relationships, I can be
leached of surface minerals but internally, I can not! Interstitial/cell 
water, my

primary need,  is not  a random leached mix put a specific blend of the basic
salts needed for my cell functions! I make that mix, it is not a function 
of the

purity of the water I take in. Also, as Terry said most of my chemicals are
bound in such a way that they are not leachable (water soluable) - see how
long it takes to dissolve your bones or skin in DW! Pepsi YES DW NO!

No, I am not a tea bag to be drained of my essentials when I take water of any
purity in! My calcium is not leached from my bones because of my water intake,
but is often lost because of my lack of water intake!

My brain must function at all costs!  I have and need ATP and GTP and also
hydroelectric energy reserves and when I do not get enough water I must break
the calcium to calcium bond in cells and eventually in bones, to makeup for the
energy shortage!  Breaking the calcium-calcium bond releases ATP and thus cell
or bone calcium is the source of choice when my brain has a shortage of energy.
Without that reserve function I would die (brain function failure) under many
common stress situations! The calcium released is discharged normally, as
excess free calcium BUT it was NOT released by leaching!

My pee is not the leached effect of my water intake but the evidence of my 
intake - it is strong only when I take in too little water and my 
necessary  water

borrowing concentrates it!

Look at the normal water you drink, on average 200 PPM! Is that saturated? NO!
My pool has 850PPM, is that saturated? NO! Can I dissolve table salt to 8,000
PPM? YES! What is this "leaching to saturat

Re: CS>HI 93737 Silver Meter

2000-06-24 Thread Trem


I understand your position  Mine is that most people aren't up for making 
large amounts, then taking a portion and sending it off for analysis.  I 
suspect most folks make a pint or so at a time and when they need more, 
they make it.  Most people probably don't have storage space for large 
quantities.  I suppose you make large quantities because you sell it.  Correct?

What the PWT does is relieve them of that task and allows them to test EACH 
and EVERY batch at their leisure.  The PWT is really the best choice for 
the average CS user/maker.  It's quick and works.  Like having a small, 
relatively accurate lab in their pocket or a drawer.

And mixing unknown batches together doesn't tell a person what they 
made.  It's now homogenized; an average of all batches.  Not good in my 
mind for most people since they probably don't have too much uniformity of 
procedure.  You have to understand that all people aren't scientific.  And 
that's not a slam, just an observation.

And of course many people make CS that does not have much shelf life but 
they still want to know the PPM at the time.


At 03:41 PM 6/24/00 -0400, you wrote:

In a message dated 6/24/00 2:05:51 PM EST, writes:

<< Hi Erwin,

 For practical purposes the Hanna PWT works just fine.  See our site for
 info on test results using one in relation to atomic absorption test
 results.  Of course you can spend a ton of money to find out exactly how
 strong your CS is but that seems a bit much for most folks.  For under $50
 you can make thousands of tests with this little toy.   And it's repeatable.

 Good luck.


Trem: I'm not sure folks realize that they can save money in analyses by
making several batches of CS, mix them together, and then submit a single
sample for analysis. Recently, I make a 6 gallon batch that later analyzed
10.7 PPM CS. Since 1 PPM of my brew seems to work just fine, that's a lot of
CS for just 14 bucks or so for analysis plus shipping. Of course, it helps a
great deal if your CS has a long shelf life.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>HI 93737 Silver Meter

2000-06-24 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Hi Trem,

I'm  not sure, but I have heard that ISEs measure dissolved silver only.  I 
look forward to obtaining one, after I get a conductivity meter that will 
reliably measure hundredths of a mS.

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   w8w8 []
Sent:   Saturday, June 24, 2000 12:19 PM
Subject:Re: CS>HI 93737 Silver Meter

Seems like there are spectrophotometer that use reagents that work and
there are spectrophotometer that use reagents that did not work.  It has
been said that James Holmes and Robert L. Berger each have
spectrophotometers, and that is one of only two methods of correctly
measuring ppm (ug/ml).  (The other is with an I.S.E.(ion specific
electrode) which Ivan has).  Why would James and Roberts
spectrophotometers, work and the Hanna HI 93737 Silver Meter not work?

Erwin (In quest of a meter to measaure my silver)

Trem wrote:

>  Hi,

Trem wrote:

>  Hi,
> We tried one and it did not work with colloidal silver. Was told it
> was for use with dissolved silver such as in waste treatment plants
> etc. The sample measured the same as the blank or as much as 25% of
> the readings done on our CS by Kimball Labs as I recall. Would have
> been a good way to test if it had worked.  All readings were not
> repeatable and were way off the mark.
> We even tried digesting the silver in nitric acid to see if that would
> help.  It didn't.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>HI 93737 Silver Meter

2000-06-24 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
HI w8,

The Hach chemicals are set up for light of 560 nm.  The Hanna uses an LED 
at 550.  It is a dedicated single test colorimeter or spectrophotometer.

The Hanna chemicals do not work for CS, or have not been reported to do so. 
 With the color being the same, that makes me suspect that the color 
generated by the reagents is probably the same and therefore, the chemistry 
is the same.  Does anyone have some of the Hanna reagents who will report 
their composition and the times for each step?

The Hach chemicals do work for CS.

I have proposed that the Hach reagent set may work with the Hanna 

To find out if this is true, It will cost someone with the Hanna instrument 
about 60 FRNs for the Hach reagent set; some time obtaining the Hach lab 
handbook and some more time  adapting the Hach procedure to the Hanna 
instrument.  Most of the time will be spent generating a graph plotting 
 known concentrations of silver---I use precision dilutions of ASC  grade 
silver nitrate---against the amount of light absorbed by the sample.

If someone will send me a meter for the trial, I will do it, and return the 
meter.  Alternatively, I will sell at cost + shipping enough Hach sets to 
anyone who will do the basic setup.  The tests cost about 0.60 FRNs each, 
and I suspect it will take about 10 or 15 of them to make the tests.

The main advantage I see for the Hach instrument is that it is probably 
impossible to get out of calibration.  A standard spec. has delicate 
optical and mechanical components which are easily bumped out of alignment. 
 The overall cost to set up an Ag lab will only be 250 less than buying a 
used spec. with the needed specifications because of the cost of the 
precision glassware required for the procedure.

There are several other methods of measuring Ag concentration; AA specs and 
visible light specs are just the most convenient, practical and low-cost 
ways to do it.

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   w8w8 []
Sent:   Saturday, June 24, 2000 12:19 PM
Subject:Re: CS>HI 93737 Silver Meter

Seems like there are spectrophotometer that use reagents that work and
there are spectrophotometer that use reagents that did not work.  It has
been said that James Holmes and Robert L. Berger each have
spectrophotometers, and that is one of only two methods of correctly
measuring ppm (ug/ml).  (The other is with an I.S.E.(ion specific
electrode) which Ivan has).  Why would James and Roberts
spectrophotometers, work and the Hanna HI 93737 Silver Meter not work?

Erwin (In quest of a meter to measaure my silver)

Trem wrote:

>  Hi,

Trem wrote:

>  Hi,
> We tried one and it did not work with colloidal silver. Was told it
> was for use with dissolved silver such as in waste treatment plants
> etc. The sample measured the same as the blank or as much as 25% of
> the readings done on our CS by Kimball Labs as I recall. Would have
> been a good way to test if it had worked.  All readings were not
> repeatable and were way off the mark.
> We even tried digesting the silver in nitric acid to see if that would
> help.  It didn't.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>About our Silver List...

2000-06-24 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   M. G. Devour []
Sent:   Saturday, June 24, 2000 9:05 AM
Subject:CS>About our Silver List...

Hi all,

I have gotten one concerned note and have also seen a drop in list
membership over the last few days which I attribute to the
freewheeling -- and high volume -- discussion we've been having on 
all manner of interesting subjects.

Please remember, this list is supposed to be for discussion of 
colloidal silver and closely related subjects. I don't jump in to 
stop all the off-topic asides and chitchat because it *adds* to our 
sense of community and keeps things friendly and informative.

However, when off-topic messages greatly outnumber topical 
discussion, we *will* lose many of the people who came in the door 
looking for colloidal silver info. 

Remember what brings folks here... Many are unwell and have limited
time and energy to wade through 50 to 75 messages per day when
sometimes only a handful even mention CS! Please take these people 
into consideration before you hit *SEND*.

Again my guidelines are this:

Let's talk about CS, both technical issues and helping new folks get 
started, etc...

Anecdotes, personal experiences and testimonials are welcome.

You're free to mention other modalities, treatments, products, etc.,
if someone asks for help and you believe the information is likely
to be useful to them.

Extended or detailed discussions of things *other* than CS should be 
taken to private e-mail or other forums once you've put out enough 
information to satisfy a cursory interest in the other topic.

As always, blatant commercial self-promotion is prohibited (outside 
of signature blurbs) unless it has been specifically approved of by 
me in advance.

And, of course, flames or aggressive behavior are not appropriate 
at any time and will be dealt with firmly. 

If you have complaints or concerns about what's going on with the 
list, contact me *OFF LIST* in private e-mail, please.

Don't take this as a major slam, please. I just want to remind you
all what we're about and ask for your restraint and consideration,
please. I like this group, I appreciate the diversity we posess, and,
like you all, I never know what I'm going to learn about next! 

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>HI 93737 Silver Meter

2000-06-24 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/24/00 2:05:51 PM EST, writes:

<< Hi Erwin,
 For practical purposes the Hanna PWT works just fine.  See our site for 
 info on test results using one in relation to atomic absorption test 
 results.  Of course you can spend a ton of money to find out exactly how 
 strong your CS is but that seems a bit much for most folks.  For under $50 
 you can make thousands of tests with this little toy.   And it's repeatable.
 Good luck.

Trem: I'm not sure folks realize that they can save money in analyses by 
making several batches of CS, mix them together, and then submit a single 
sample for analysis. Recently, I make a 6 gallon batch that later analyzed 
10.7 PPM CS. Since 1 PPM of my brew seems to work just fine, that's a lot of 
CS for just 14 bucks or so for analysis plus shipping. Of course, it helps a 
great deal if your CS has a long shelf life.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>??? water

2000-06-24 Thread Tai-Pan
 Hi all,

 Lets seee hereGander water..Grander water.pour
water over rocksWill pea gravel work?..Granite or volcanic
rock?.Whats an easy way to catch a gander and make him urinate on
 How does this enhance CS?

  Bless youBob  Lee

oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Grander Water Catalogue

2000-06-24 Thread George Martin
Take a bucket, punch a hole in the bottom then fill the bucket with
rocks.  Pour water through the bucket and catch the "Grander Water"
that leaks out of the hole...

On Sat, 24 Jun 2000 16:08:41 GMT, Mary 47 wrote:

=>Would someone please explain gander water to me.
=> thanks   mary
=>>Subject: Re: CS>Grander Water Catalogue
=>>Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 09:55:40 EDT
=>>Sounds greatbut is Gander Water for REAL???
=>>Frank in Texas
=>>In a message dated 6/23/00 2:01:15 PM Central Daylight Time,
=>> writes:
=>> > Well, I went to and filled in my e-mail
=>> >  address so they'd know where to send the catalogue.
=>>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
=>>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail
message to:
=>>  -or-
=>>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
=>>To post, address your message to:
=>>Silver-list archive:
=>>List maintainer: Mike Dev

=>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: CS>HI 93737 Silver Meter

2000-06-24 Thread Trem

Hi Erwin,

For practical purposes the Hanna PWT works just fine.  See our site for 
info on test results using one in relation to atomic absorption test 
results.  Of course you can spend a ton of money to find out exactly how 
strong your CS is but that seems a bit much for most folks.  For under $50 
you can make thousands of tests with this little toy.   And it's repeatable.

Good luck.


At 01:18 PM 6/24/00 -0500, you wrote:

Seems like there are spectrophotometer that use reagents that work and
there are spectrophotometer that use reagents that did not work.  It has
been said that James Holmes and Robert L. Berger each have
spectrophotometers, and that is one of only two methods of correctly
measuring ppm (ug/ml).  (The other is with an I.S.E.(ion specific
electrode) which Ivan has).  Why would James and Roberts
spectrophotometers, work and the Hanna HI 93737 Silver Meter not work?

Erwin (In quest of a meter to measaure my silver)

Trem wrote:

>  Hi,

Trem wrote:

>  Hi,
> We tried one and it did not work with colloidal silver. Was told it
> was for use with dissolved silver such as in waste treatment plants
> etc. The sample measured the same as the blank or as much as 25% of
> the readings done on our CS by Kimball Labs as I recall. Would have
> been a good way to test if it had worked.  All readings were not
> repeatable and were way off the mark.
> We even tried digesting the silver in nitric acid to see if that would
> help.  It didn't.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>About our Silver List...

2000-06-24 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi all,

I have gotten one concerned note and have also seen a drop in list
membership over the last few days which I attribute to the
freewheeling -- and high volume -- discussion we've been having on 
all manner of interesting subjects.

Please remember, this list is supposed to be for discussion of 
colloidal silver and closely related subjects. I don't jump in to 
stop all the off-topic asides and chitchat because it *adds* to our 
sense of community and keeps things friendly and informative.

However, when off-topic messages greatly outnumber topical 
discussion, we *will* lose many of the people who came in the door 
looking for colloidal silver info. 

Remember what brings folks here... Many are unwell and have limited
time and energy to wade through 50 to 75 messages per day when
sometimes only a handful even mention CS! Please take these people 
into consideration before you hit *SEND*.

Again my guidelines are this:

Let's talk about CS, both technical issues and helping new folks get 
started, etc...

Anecdotes, personal experiences and testimonials are welcome.

You're free to mention other modalities, treatments, products, etc.,
if someone asks for help and you believe the information is likely
to be useful to them.

Extended or detailed discussions of things *other* than CS should be 
taken to private e-mail or other forums once you've put out enough 
information to satisfy a cursory interest in the other topic.

As always, blatant commercial self-promotion is prohibited (outside 
of signature blurbs) unless it has been specifically approved of by 
me in advance.

And, of course, flames or aggressive behavior are not appropriate 
at any time and will be dealt with firmly. 

If you have complaints or concerns about what's going on with the 
list, contact me *OFF LIST* in private e-mail, please.

Don't take this as a major slam, please. I just want to remind you
all what we're about and ask for your restraint and consideration,
please. I like this group, I appreciate the diversity we posess, and,
like you all, I never know what I'm going to learn about next! 

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>HI 93737 Silver Meter

2000-06-24 Thread w8w8
Seems like there are spectrophotometer that use reagents that work and
there are spectrophotometer that use reagents that did not work.  It has
been said that James Holmes and Robert L. Berger each have
spectrophotometers, and that is one of only two methods of correctly
measuring ppm (ug/ml).  (The other is with an I.S.E.(ion specific
electrode) which Ivan has).  Why would James and Roberts
spectrophotometers, work and the Hanna HI 93737 Silver Meter not work?

Erwin (In quest of a meter to measaure my silver)

Trem wrote:

>  Hi,

Trem wrote:

>  Hi,
> We tried one and it did not work with colloidal silver. Was told it
> was for use with dissolved silver such as in waste treatment plants
> etc. The sample measured the same as the blank or as much as 25% of
> the readings done on our CS by Kimball Labs as I recall. Would have
> been a good way to test if it had worked.  All readings were not
> repeatable and were way off the mark.
> We even tried digesting the silver in nitric acid to see if that would
> help.  It didn't.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Grander Water Catalogue

2000-06-24 Thread Marsha Hallett

> Would someone please explain gander water to me.
>  thanks   mary

Boy goose pee???
OK, I`ll shut up and go away...

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>OT- Distilled water

2000-06-24 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes

Germany has not reunited.  Their constitution is still suspended.  They are 
still under foreign military rule. 

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent:   Friday, June 23, 2000 7:32 PM
Subject:Re: CS>OT- Distilled water

Thank you Ivan!
You have helped to convince me, or at least explain, how homeopathic remedies
are formed and can be effective with only a "ghost" trace of the original

Now that hell has frozen over and Germany has reunited, the only thing that
would surprise me would be if Apple and IBM  

On Sat, 24 Jun 2000 01:00:33 +1200, "Ivan Anderson"  wrote:

>Water that has been treated (energised) with different substances, have
>amazing splash shapes which are peculiar to that substance, and are said
>to carry that template with them into the body, and act as if the
>substance were present, which of course it is in a ghostly sort of way.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Grander Water Catalogue

2000-06-24 Thread Mary 47

Would someone please explain gander water to me.
thanks   mary

Subject: Re: CS>Grander Water Catalogue
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 09:55:40 EDT

Sounds greatbut is Gander Water for REAL???

Frank in Texas

In a message dated 6/23/00 2:01:15 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Well, I went to and filled in my e-mail
>  address so they'd know where to send the catalogue.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: CS>Grander Water Catalogue

2000-06-24 Thread FRinehart2
Sounds greatbut is Gander Water for REAL???

Frank in Texas

In a message dated 6/23/00 2:01:15 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Well, I went to and filled in my e-mail 
>  address so they'd know where to send the catalogue.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Just Say NO To Canola-or Got Lear?

2000-06-24 Thread Stephen Hessler

Hi ..Where can one get a quantity of coconut oil?  Like 5 Gallons.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Baby Shots

2000-06-24 Thread Clarence Slocum
As another choice, you might try massage.  Massage tends to calm, relax
and help heal.  Result could be less screaming and more rest with
reduction in tiredness.   Al

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour