Re: CS>Re:self serving misery

2000-12-07 Thread Tony Moody
Dear Judith,
I don't understand this. Is there an error in your statement?
kind regards,

Judith Thamm wrote:
> Nutritionally, Vitamin E stimulates the underactive thyroid, Niacin
> stimulates the underactive thyroid and Vitamin E antagonises the
> underactive.

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Re: CS>Re:OT unexpected reaction

2000-12-07 Thread M. G. Devour
Judith wrote:

> I had a terrifying experience on Wednesday. ... Anyway after
> everyone arrived and I calmed down - I was hit by the most tremendous
> back pain ... The migraine reaction I understood - but the back pain? 

I get that periodically, whenever I have an extremely tension-filled 
experience. It almost always happens when I'm driving and have one of 
those white knuckle, all hell breaking loose experiences, or when some 
a**h*** does something that *really* p***es me off! 

It's *all* muscle spasms brought on by the adrenaline rush, I think.

> Fortunately our neighbour network is alive and well.  ...  My
> husband says I need to learn to use the gun so I can send off a
> warning shot into the ground... 

...And so you can aid your neighbors in need? The decision to become
trained in the use of arms is a sober one. Although something like 98%
of the time (depending on who's stats you want to believe) defensive
use of a firearm does not result in injury to anyone, while still
stopping or preventing criminal attack, there remains the last 2%. 

In 75% of *those* cases the injuries are not fatal to the attacker, but
you must be mentally prepared for the possibility. 

It is a great responsibility. 

However, the decision can be eased somewhat by deciding, right now, 
whom you would rather protect: Yourself and the family and loved ones 
who depend on you, or an attacker who has already demonstrated that he 
does not value your life or respect your integrity in any way. 

I'm sure that, with proper instruction, you'll be able to master the
basic skills. It's not rocket science and, as a sport, can be quite
enjoyable. But do take the time to get trained and learn to be safe
and responsible.

[Obligatory Moderator Remark: Of course, firearms and the politics 
surrounding them are fiercly emotional issues that are guaranteed to 
devolve into arguments. Please excuse my unfair indulgence, and 
strictly limit your replies to the controversial aspects of Judith's 
post and my reply. Thank you.]

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CS>Re:self serving misery

2000-12-07 Thread Janet Lubart
Thank you,Serita.
-Original Message-
Date: Monday, December 04, 2000 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re:self serving misery

The best thing to do is:  Make no hasty decisions. The doctors will try
to pressure you, but investigate ALL options before doing ANYTHING that
can't be reversed.
No surgery, it won't grow back. She can temporarily take  PTU I can't
spell it but the doctor will know what it is. It   controls it, but when
you quit taking it there is no permanent damage and it will buy you
time.The doctor may tell you that it won't do any good, but it keeps you
from being so sick while you investigate.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT: Aspartame info

2000-12-07 Thread Brickeyk
I have three red headed ant colonies in my trees.  I opened 10 little bags of 
aspartame on each colony.  About one week later I counted one live ant!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>thank you marshall

2000-12-07 Thread Nick Grant
Thank you Marshall for explaining that.  I never realised that could happen.
My Mother is O- which is where I get mine O- from, so I never had reason to
assume otherwise.  I love genetics - they are so interesting.  Speaking of
which, my daughter has a rare genetic disorder which is genetic.  She got a
recessive gene from both my husband and I.  The thing I want to research is
that she has a metabolic disorder.  My sister has downs syndrome, also a
metabolic disorder.  My Mother has a underfunctiong thyroid as I do, which
is also a metabolic problem.  The thing that interests me is that most
doctors won't recognise that the thyroid only has to be off balance slightly
to cause a metabolic disturbance in the body.  Could it be possible that
this slight alteration in metabolism could cause a child to be born to
parents like this, with a metabolic disorder.  I find it VERY frustrating
that doctors wouldn't even consider this if your thyroid test is o.k.  My
temp is 35.6, my blood pressure is low, my pulse is slow at rest, I am
always cold, even in the heat, but because by b..thyroid test is
"normal", they won't do diddly squat!  What does any of you think that knows
anything about thyroids?  Do you think this could create a "metabolic
child"?  It just seems very coincidental that metabolic problems run in my
family along with metabolic disordered children!


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2000-12-07 Thread Nick Grant
Hi Ejohns

Please explain that last bit again as it didn;t make sense.  I am beginning
to wonder if you can be a different blood type to your parents.  I always
thought that was how they determined parentage, as you cannot be anything


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CS>o neg

2000-12-07 Thread Nick Grant
Hi Marshall

Medical literature, where else?  Has to be accurate.ha,ha,ha.

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Re: CS>Re:OT unexpected reaction

2000-12-07 Thread CKing001
I wish you hadn't said that.
Passing directly from barbarism to decadence !

On Fri, 8 Dec 2000 09:29:40 +1030, "Judith Thamm" 

> I tried to shoot a sparrow in a cage once with an air
>rifle, and it took ten shots before I could hit it.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT: Aspartame info

2000-12-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
Try what this web site talks about.  It really works.  Do you really want to
sweeten your foods with ant poison?


"Heather King (LCA)" wrote:

> I sent this Aspartame info to a friend thinking she'd be interested & this
> is what I got back...I realize this is somewhat off-topic but it's a little
> confusing to the general masses...just who is right? Heather
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 11:25 AM
> Hey Heather!  Thanks for the info, although it doesn't look like much of it
> is true - here is a link to a page that someone has researched on the topic:
> This site ( is really good for finding out if these things
> are true - some of them are and some of them aren't, and it's great to know!
> :)
> -Original Message-
> From: Heather King (LCA)
> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 10:15 AM
> Subject: FW: More on wonderful mainstream medicine
> Importance: Low
> Mother Used Aspartame During Pregnancy
> >From Betty Martini 
> 12-6-00
> Betty,
> I am 31 1/2 years old and changed to Diet Coke from Dr. Pepper a year ago to
> lose weight, which I did! However, since that time, I have suffered a severe
> clinical depression, worsening of my vision, and muscle/joint pain, and most
> alarming of all, memory loss! To make matters worse, during my pregnancy
> with
> my 9 year old, I consumed sugar free frozen yogurt (I craved it!) and he was
> born 4 months early, weighed 1 pound, nine ounces and now suffers from
> Cerebral Palsy and mental retardation. Until now, we all assumed that these
> were both due solely to premature birth. Now I wonder if he was born
> prematurely because I consumed Aspartame and if so, did the Aspartame cause
> all of this?
> I am outraged! I want to know, are there any class action law suits being
> filed at this time? More importantly, if I stop using the Aspartame
> products,
> can my good health be restored, or am I permanently damaged? Any information
> you could give would be very much appreciated!
> Regards,
> Lisa G. Jenkins
> Dear Lisa,
> First let me say my heart goes out to you. I feel as much outrage because
> you
> see the FDA knows aspartame triggers birth defects and don't even have the
> decency to put a warning on aspartame for pregnant women. Now they are being
> petitioned to even allow it unlabeled and I'll send you that post. The FDA
> are very aware of Dr. Diana Dow Edwards studies on birth defects. I asked
> them why they didn't accept that study and they even refuse to answer the
> question along with 25 others that went along with it. Also, Dr. Louis Elsas
> testified before Congress (Pediatric Professor, Emory University, Genetics)
> about aspartame being a teratogen and neurotoxin. Read it in its completion
> on
> Be sure to read Aspartame Murders Infants by James Bowen, M.D. on
> . It also goes into celebral palsy.
> As to depression, the phenylalanine in aspartame lowers the seizure
> threshold
> and depletes serotonin. Lowered serotonin triggers manic depression, panic
> attacks, anxiety, rage, mood swings, suicidal tendencies, etc. As to vision
> loss, the wood alcohol in aspartame converts to formaldehyde and then formic
> acid, even in the retina of the eye and destroys the optic nerve. Read
> What's
> Blinding the World on
> Dr. Morgan Raiford who diagnosed many of those who went blind in the 80's
> did
> say if it was in the "wet stage" vision can return. As to joint pain,
> aspartame hardens the synovial fluids and causes this horrible joint pain.
> Now Searle (original manufacturer - Monsanto bought them in l985 and has
> since sold) has made Celebrex for this joint pain so they can make more
> money
> on the agony their product has caused the world. And Celebrex too is a very
> dangerous drug, in the first 13 weeks on the market 10 people died and other
> had gastrointestinal problems, etc. It also causes hemorrhaging and I've
> talked to several people who said their doctor took them off of it because
> of
> the side effects, mainly the bleeding and cardiac problems. Of course, if
> they are still using aspartame the drugs can interact because aspartame is a
> drug and not an additive as the FDA would have you believe. By law additives
> are suppose to be inert, and aspartame is about as inert or non-reactive as
> a
> forest fire!
> Incidently, aspartame is a very addictive drug and going along with what you
> said about craving it, on the last page of the protest of the National Soft
> Drink Association on you will see a note about that. It says
> that aspartame actually makes you crave carbohydrates. It's not a diet
> product. Most people gain weight on aspartame.
> We have two support groups you can click on to from and a
> detoxification page. Newton Labs has made an antido

Re: CS>OT: Aspartame info

2000-12-07 Thread CKing001
It doesn't matter!
If you're right, you still won't change the world.
If they're right, nothing still changes.
All you can do is create YOUR world.
I chose to not use the stuff. I order a carbonated water with a slice of lemon.
At least it makes me feel better about myself.
Party Vegetable!

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000 14:25:07 -0800 , "Heather King (LCA)" 

>I sent this Aspartame info to a friend thinking she'd be interested & this
>is what I got back...I realize this is somewhat off-topic but it's a little
>confusing to the general masses...just who is right? Heather

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>HGH (Human Growth Hormone)

2000-12-07 Thread Judith Thamm

> >Hi Karl, if a farmer does not live close, where would you obtain

> Cheapest price I have found for colostrum is Fermentation
> They charge $45 plus $9.95 shipping for a 1 KG (approximately 2.2
> pounds) bag of low temperature processed powdered colostrum
> to 15% IGF-1.
Besides acting as a general growth hormone, IGF-1 is the hormone that
rapidly increases the size of cancers.  I hope none of you playing
with HGH have cancer cells present.  Ref:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re:aspartame & Time Magazine article

2000-12-07 Thread Judith Thamm
I think you will find this enlightening reading - I get the letters
Betty send out because I am on the activist list.

Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 18:51:55 -0500
   From: Betty Martini 
Subject: Re: Response to tragic disinformation on aspartame


I'm Betty Martini, world founder of Mission Possible International,
and the
story on aspartame is not a myth - aspartame disease is no hoax, it is
CRIME OF THE CENTURY.  Not only is it not a hoax but H. J. Roberts,
who has declared Aspartame Disease a world plague and has just
completed an
800 page medical text on this world epidemic ready for publishing,
Time Magazine.  They refused to publish his letter as well as letters
other physicians and victims of aspartame disease, and constant
from myself.

Who is H. J. Roberts, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.C.C.P?  He is one of the
world experts on aspartame and one of the original physicians who
before Congress.  In the 80's he was selected as the best doctor in
United States.  He also has done 30 years of  research on Alzheimers
published the book Defense Against Alzheimers Disease,
( that says aspartame is escalating Alzheimers.
loss is #11 on the FDA list of 92 symptoms from four types of seizures
death.  So it was right to take it out of nursing homes, of course.
this past week on WebMD there has been an article about aspartame and
memory loss and on November 29 Safety Alerts put out the alert that
"Sweetener May Have Not So Sweet Side" and said "New research suggests
people who consume a lot of the artificial sweetener aspartame -
known by its brand name, NutraSweet - are more likely to suspect they
memory problems."  Indeed, they do.  Some of the victims say they have
write directions to find their way back home.

Secondly, because of Time Magazine's article, Mission Possible
International awarded them The Most Deceitful Journalism award for
1999.  Gorman who wrote the article knew in advance it was not a hoax
she admits in the Time Magazine article that she found the almost
letter on web.  That means she was on and knew that I
lecture for the World Environmental Conference, and it was not a hoax.
good reporter who even had a question before publishing a national
would have called me for confirmation.  My telephone number and email
address are on the DORway web site.  Also please note that this
appears to
have been written by Monsanto, in my opinion.  Why do I say this?
it even has the Monsanto quote "Sweeten your life without shortening
it.".  Come on, now, would an accredited journalist ever put an
motto on an article if she were trying to show both sides?  Actually,
is reverse psychology because aspartame does, indeed, shorten your
life.  The Trocho study in l998 shows that the formaldehyde
accumulates in
the cells and damages DNA.  Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D.,
author of
Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills about aspartame and MSG
says in an article on that with this information anyone
using aspartame would have to be suicidal!

As to proof that I was the one who lectured for the World
Conference you will see the invitation asking me to speak on  You will also see my correspondence with
Clarice Gaylord of the EPA who gave the keynote address.  She even
why the EPA lied in her correspondence to me - saying that they said
this World Environmental Conference was sponsored by grant from Dr.
Gaylord's office of Environmental Justice of the EPA.  You would think
the EPA would simply have just said that instead of lied.

Secondly, please note from Dr. Gaylord's correspondence on that page,
the way she knew there was an epidemic of MS and lupus is from field
reports throughout the United States, the same way we know.  However,
aspartame destroys the central nervous system and mimics MS, so a good
times when we get victims off aspartame such as Mrs. Morris whose case
on web, and it hasn't gone too far, their MS symptoms disappear.  Mrs.
Morris was misdiagnosed as having MS by two physicians, was going
blind in
one eye, suffering from headaches and other aspartame problems such as
memory loss.  She also thought she couldn't have children.  Aspartame
changes the menses and triggers infertility.  A few weeks after we got
off aspartame her vision and memory returned, her MS symptoms
and she was able to get pregnant.  In l997 her story was told in First
Women and there was her picture with her newborn son.

On this web page, you will see Dr. H. J. Roberts position paper MS or
Aspartame Disease? which explains what I've been saying.  You will
also see
a letter to the Minneapolis Neuropathy Association who called about
email from neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D., who goes into the
lupus and
MS situati

CS>Re:OT unexpected reaction

2000-12-07 Thread Judith Thamm
Dear List,
I had a terrifying experience on Wednesday.  We are isolated, have a
very long driveway and an alarm that goes off when people are 50 yards
or so into our property.

Well the alarm went off and I thought my husband had arrived home -
but he didn't come in.  So I went out and there was a van parked in
our gateway against the closed gate and two men were wandering around.
I shouted to them and they disappeared amongst our trees.  I went up
to the gate thinking I'd honk their horn and find out what was going
on - the vehicle was locked, no men in sight - then I realised the
house was wide open and I was a long way from It!  I got back inside,
locked everything and called the police - they said they were 25 mins
away.  So I phoned neighbours [2- 3 miles away] and my husband at
work. Anyway after everyone arrived and I calmed down - I was hit by
the most tremendous back pain and once I'd killed that off with large
doses of MSM I had a whopper migraine.

The migraine reaction I understood - but the back pain?  That was most
unexpected - yes my back is my weakest part - I've had a disc
removed - but this pain was unlike any I've had before - it was the
whole width of my back from the waist down.  Very triple ouch!

I had the rego number - the police said we were being cased - the van
was just gone when police and husband arrived - almost together.  The
men circumvented the alarm on their way out - and a neighbour who had
customers at his business couldn't leave but said another neighbour
going past had seen the men on the other side of the road going over
to another property... where I know no-one was home.  They were
carrying a petrol can - the police told us that was just a trick - a
vehicle does not run out of petrol in a stranger's gateway!  They run
out on the side of the road... we've seen enough breakdowns over the
years to know that.

Fortunately our neighbour network is alive and well.  The one that
could come, turned up with a bag hook under her arm as a weapon!  The
police laughed when they saw what she was carrying.  My husband says I
need to learn to use the gun so I can send off a warning shot into the
ground...  I tried to shoot a sparrow in a cage once with an air
rifle, and it took ten shots before I could hit it.


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To post, address your message to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re:self serving misery

2000-12-07 Thread Judith Thamm
Nutritionally, Vitamin E stimulates the underactive thyroid, Niacin
stimulates the underactive thyroid and Vitamin E antagonises the

Certain foods contain an antithyroid factor, goitrin, which depresses
thyroid function by interfering with thyroxine's ability to use
iodine.  These foods are beans, beets, cabbage, carrots, lettuce,
peaches, spinach and strawberries.  Iodized salt, kelp (seaweed), and
sea food are rich natural sources of iodine.

[Nutrition and Vitamin Therapy by Michael Lesser, M.D.]

Another idea.  Although Dr. Sandra Cabot is a liver and hormone
specialist, it may be a good idea to consult her.  I think she is just  - if not go to
 and try to get to her from there.  As far as I know her consultations
are free - well I had a freebie as I spoke to her on radio.  She is
part of Mission Possible International, the organisation working
against the use of aspartame.

Or you could write directly to Patricia Zelini who works for Sandra as
the hormone specialist at .The organisation
is so large that there are three who do nothing but answer the


> Dear Barb and Everyone,
> My dear friend has what is called a toxic nodule which makes her
> OVERactive. The MDs would like to get rid of the thyroid. I guess
90% of
> people with this have Graves Disease. She is in the 10% that does
not. Does
> anyone have any thoughts or know of a helpful list. What we have
found so
> far is quite depressing.
> Thanks,
> Janet
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> To: 
> Date: Sunday, December 03, 2000 9:57 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Re:self serving misery
> >Dear Terri,
> >
> >DId you now that chelation may bring your thyroid back as well as
HGH.  My
> >mother in law who is also on this list may be our guniea pig.  I
> >experiemnt on her and let you know grin. DOn't worry, I love her
and will
> >not let her do anything that can hurt her.  She too had her thyroid
> >twice.  Pity as all you both likely need was to eat more
crucierfers for a
> >while and take some antibiotics as most of these thyroid thingies
> >Hashimotos and can be beaten with antiobiotics of the corret sturm
> >strum.
> >
> >Barb
> >
> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> >
> >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
> >  -or-
> >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >Silver-list archive:
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

Re: CS>OT: Aspartame info

2000-12-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
Have her take a look at  It is full of information, which is totally
documented.  Even if that one item was not true, that doesn't change that
thousands of others are.

Note that the rebuttal is by the manufacturer, the sites that have documentation
proving the problems are non-profit.  Should be obvious who is STS and who is


"Heather King (LCA)" wrote:

> I sent this Aspartame info to a friend thinking she'd be interested & this
> is what I got back...I realize this is somewhat off-topic but it's a little
> confusing to the general masses...just who is right? Heather
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 11:25 AM
> Hey Heather!  Thanks for the info, although it doesn't look like much of it
> is true - here is a link to a page that someone has researched on the topic:
> This site ( is really good for finding out if these things
> are true - some of them are and some of them aren't, and it's great to know!
> :)
> -Original Message-
> From: Heather King (LCA)
> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 10:15 AM
> Subject: FW: More on wonderful mainstream medicine
> Importance: Low
> Mother Used Aspartame During Pregnancy
> >From Betty Martini 
> 12-6-00
> Betty,
> I am 31 1/2 years old and changed to Diet Coke from Dr. Pepper a year ago to
> lose weight, which I did! However, since that time, I have suffered a severe
> clinical depression, worsening of my vision, and muscle/joint pain, and most
> alarming of all, memory loss! To make matters worse, during my pregnancy
> with
> my 9 year old, I consumed sugar free frozen yogurt (I craved it!) and he was
> born 4 months early, weighed 1 pound, nine ounces and now suffers from
> Cerebral Palsy and mental retardation. Until now, we all assumed that these
> were both due solely to premature birth. Now I wonder if he was born
> prematurely because I consumed Aspartame and if so, did the Aspartame cause
> all of this?
> I am outraged! I want to know, are there any class action law suits being
> filed at this time? More importantly, if I stop using the Aspartame
> products,
> can my good health be restored, or am I permanently damaged? Any information
> you could give would be very much appreciated!
> Regards,
> Lisa G. Jenkins
> Dear Lisa,
> First let me say my heart goes out to you. I feel as much outrage because
> you
> see the FDA knows aspartame triggers birth defects and don't even have the
> decency to put a warning on aspartame for pregnant women. Now they are being
> petitioned to even allow it unlabeled and I'll send you that post. The FDA
> are very aware of Dr. Diana Dow Edwards studies on birth defects. I asked
> them why they didn't accept that study and they even refuse to answer the
> question along with 25 others that went along with it. Also, Dr. Louis Elsas
> testified before Congress (Pediatric Professor, Emory University, Genetics)
> about aspartame being a teratogen and neurotoxin. Read it in its completion
> on
> Be sure to read Aspartame Murders Infants by James Bowen, M.D. on
> . It also goes into celebral palsy.
> As to depression, the phenylalanine in aspartame lowers the seizure
> threshold
> and depletes serotonin. Lowered serotonin triggers manic depression, panic
> attacks, anxiety, rage, mood swings, suicidal tendencies, etc. As to vision
> loss, the wood alcohol in aspartame converts to formaldehyde and then formic
> acid, even in the retina of the eye and destroys the optic nerve. Read
> What's
> Blinding the World on
> Dr. Morgan Raiford who diagnosed many of those who went blind in the 80's
> did
> say if it was in the "wet stage" vision can return. As to joint pain,
> aspartame hardens the synovial fluids and causes this horrible joint pain.
> Now Searle (original manufacturer - Monsanto bought them in l985 and has
> since sold) has made Celebrex for this joint pain so they can make more
> money
> on the agony their product has caused the world. And Celebrex too is a very
> dangerous drug, in the first 13 weeks on the market 10 people died and other
> had gastrointestinal problems, etc. It also causes hemorrhaging and I've
> talked to several people who said their doctor took them off of it because
> of
> the side effects, mainly the bleeding and cardiac problems. Of course, if
> they are still using aspartame the drugs can interact because aspartame is a
> drug and not an additive as the FDA would have you believe. By law additives
> are suppose to be inert, and aspartame is about as inert or non-reactive as
> a
> forest fire!
> Incidently, aspartame is a very addictive drug and going along with what you
> said about craving it, on the last page of the protest of the National Soft
> Drink Association on you will see a note about that. It says
> that aspartame actually makes you crav

CS>OT: Aspartame info

2000-12-07 Thread Heather King (LCA)
I sent this Aspartame info to a friend thinking she'd be interested & this
is what I got back...I realize this is somewhat off-topic but it's a little
confusing to the general masses...just who is right? Heather

-Original Message-

Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 11:25 AM

Hey Heather!  Thanks for the info, although it doesn't look like much of it
is true - here is a link to a page that someone has researched on the topic: 

This site ( is really good for finding out if these things
are true - some of them are and some of them aren't, and it's great to know!

-Original Message-
From: Heather King (LCA) 
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 10:15 AM
Subject: FW: More on wonderful mainstream medicine
Importance: Low

Mother Used Aspartame During Pregnancy
>From Betty Martini 

I am 31 1/2 years old and changed to Diet Coke from Dr. Pepper a year ago to

lose weight, which I did! However, since that time, I have suffered a severe

clinical depression, worsening of my vision, and muscle/joint pain, and most

alarming of all, memory loss! To make matters worse, during my pregnancy
my 9 year old, I consumed sugar free frozen yogurt (I craved it!) and he was

born 4 months early, weighed 1 pound, nine ounces and now suffers from 
Cerebral Palsy and mental retardation. Until now, we all assumed that these 
were both due solely to premature birth. Now I wonder if he was born 
prematurely because I consumed Aspartame and if so, did the Aspartame cause 
all of this? 
I am outraged! I want to know, are there any class action law suits being 
filed at this time? More importantly, if I stop using the Aspartame
can my good health be restored, or am I permanently damaged? Any information

you could give would be very much appreciated! 
Lisa G. Jenkins 

Dear Lisa, 
First let me say my heart goes out to you. I feel as much outrage because
see the FDA knows aspartame triggers birth defects and don't even have the 
decency to put a warning on aspartame for pregnant women. Now they are being

petitioned to even allow it unlabeled and I'll send you that post. The FDA 
are very aware of Dr. Diana Dow Edwards studies on birth defects. I asked 
them why they didn't accept that study and they even refuse to answer the 
question along with 25 others that went along with it. Also, Dr. Louis Elsas

testified before Congress (Pediatric Professor, Emory University, Genetics) 
about aspartame being a teratogen and neurotoxin. Read it in its completion 
Be sure to read Aspartame Murders Infants by James Bowen, M.D. on . It also goes into celebral palsy. 
As to depression, the phenylalanine in aspartame lowers the seizure
and depletes serotonin. Lowered serotonin triggers manic depression, panic 
attacks, anxiety, rage, mood swings, suicidal tendencies, etc. As to vision 
loss, the wood alcohol in aspartame converts to formaldehyde and then formic

acid, even in the retina of the eye and destroys the optic nerve. Read
Blinding the World on 
Dr. Morgan Raiford who diagnosed many of those who went blind in the 80's
say if it was in the "wet stage" vision can return. As to joint pain, 
aspartame hardens the synovial fluids and causes this horrible joint pain. 
Now Searle (original manufacturer - Monsanto bought them in l985 and has 
since sold) has made Celebrex for this joint pain so they can make more
on the agony their product has caused the world. And Celebrex too is a very 
dangerous drug, in the first 13 weeks on the market 10 people died and other

had gastrointestinal problems, etc. It also causes hemorrhaging and I've 
talked to several people who said their doctor took them off of it because
the side effects, mainly the bleeding and cardiac problems. Of course, if 
they are still using aspartame the drugs can interact because aspartame is a

drug and not an additive as the FDA would have you believe. By law additives

are suppose to be inert, and aspartame is about as inert or non-reactive as
forest fire! 
Incidently, aspartame is a very addictive drug and going along with what you

said about craving it, on the last page of the protest of the National Soft 
Drink Association on you will see a note about that. It says 
that aspartame actually makes you crave carbohydrates. It's not a diet 
product. Most people gain weight on aspartame. 
We have two support groups you can click on to from and a 
detoxification page. Newton Labs has made an antidote and there is a 1 800 
number. Also, about memory loss, aspartame is legend at causing it. In fact,

note that memory loss is #11 on the FDA list of 92 documented symptoms 
triggered by aspartame. H. J. Roberts, M.D., has already declared Aspartame 
Disease a world plague and is about to publish his 800 page me

Re: CS>blood types

2000-12-07 Thread barbara
Dear Marshal  and Nick,

I am O but I am not certain of the + or - status.  I forget if I am not
reminded every few years.  I think my husband is also an O which makes our
daughter one as well.  But I think that O is universal donor whether
negative or positive.  My husbnd wrote the programs that almost all blood
banks use to keep track of blood types in this country.  I recall it well,
he wrote it just after we first married and it was in the days before home
computers, he wrote the programs for large mainframes and the smaller
minicomputers in use at that time I remember helping him do some of the
repeat coding as in those days we used big stacks of big paper with green
and white stripes and I also did  something with punch cards,  remember
those?  I keypunched in the program for him for hours to save time  and
when I puched a card there was no damn hanging chads by gum.  I also once
knew from the blood bank records we worked with all those percentages,  AB-
was the most rare type if I recall, but as that was 23 years ago I am lucky
I can remember doing it at all.

O is one of the odder of the blood types..  I need to get back to blood type
study, I was in to it for a while as it is linked to my  hobby of studying
anomalies and oddities.



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Re: CS>Insight needed

2000-12-07 Thread barbara

COuld be allergy to fillers and the gel caps of the vitamins?  Find a good
applied kinesiology persona and test this.


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CS>Insight needed

2000-12-07 Thread Vchacha
Hi all,

Got a question here.  First a little background.  I've had a case of chronic 
hives since January.  Unknown origin.  I've tried lots of things; some have 
helped, some haven't; don't have the total solution yet. 

Now here's my problem and I think in some way it may be related.  Maybe.  I 
have never in my life had a problem with water retention.  Until these last 
couple of months.  Whenever I take any kind of vitamin supplements, 
probiotics or anything, I start to retain water.  As soon as I stop taking 
them, I go back to normal.  If I use liquid acidopholus, it seems to be fine. 
 I started using CS last week when I felt like I was coming down with a cold 
(which handled that right away) but now the CS also seems to be causing me to 
retain water.  

This is so frustrating and mysterious.  Any ideas?  



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Re: CS>website needed (thanks)

2000-12-07 Thread Duncan Crow
Hi Marshall:

Thanks for the offer.  Your location loads fast. What do you want to offer
space for...banner repository, data, or a complete mirror of the
HealthShield Network?
You do realize that the site will be more than colloidal silver information?
It is intended to promote all of our suppressed and harmonized alternative
medical options.

If you give me program space I'd need admin access.The host HealthShield.Net
is on right now charges only $20 per month for 200 Meg site, no limit
service, unlimited autoresponders and email aliases, PHP, MySQL, Perl5 and
CGI. It's on a backbone in Silicon Valley.

HealthShield Network should be big, global in scope, and intended to have
language options. So far it's UNIX based, PHP3-powered and MySQL
Database-driven. It's the only way I could tackle a site this size.  Does
your host support PHP3 and MYSQL?  PHP is a lot like JavaScript in syntax so
it's much easier to use than Perl or CGI, but does everything I need because
it was developed just for serving web sites.

There is a yellow pages directory,  collaborative article server, banner
software with statistics, and both keyword and weighted displays...Several
banner sizes will be supported, plus HTML banners. width468 x height60,
400x40, 90x90, and 90x125 and 125x125 are planned. The site will be funded
by advertisers.


Duncan Crow

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Re: CS>blood types

2000-12-07 Thread EJohns9525
In a message dated 12/07/2000 10:25:15 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

<<  I am O+  my husband A+
 > I never knew what our daughter was until she was married and then several
 > yrs later pg.  Her doctor told her she would have to take some sort of
 > shot because she is O- .  I told her that was a mistake because of me and
 > hubby being +.  She went back and told him and she no.  That happens!!
 Yes, two positives can have a negative.  But two negatives cannot have a
 positive.  The reason is that positive is dominate and negative is recessive.
 You both apparently have one positive gene and one negative.  So there is a 
 chance of the two negatives ending up together, producing a negative.
 Marshall >>
This is so crazy but the first thing I thought was we didn't get the correct
child at the hospital but then I knew that couldn't be so because
she has some very dominant features from each one of us.  I was releived
when the doc says that happens.

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Re: CS>blood types

2000-12-07 Thread Marshall Dudley wrote:

> I want to relate something I think strange but maybe not.
> I am O+  my husband A+
> I never knew what our daughter was until she was married and then several
> yrs later pg.  Her doctor told her she would have to take some sort of
> shot because she is O- .  I told her that was a mistake because of me and
> hubby being +.  She went back and told him and she no.  That happens!!

Yes, two positives can have a negative.  But two negatives cannot have a
positive.  The reason is that positive is dominate and negative is recessive.
You both apparently have one positive gene and one negative.  So there is a 25%
chance of the two negatives ending up together, producing a negative.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>blood types

2000-12-07 Thread Scharbach
That's interesting!   Dh is to the best of our knowledge 0+, and so am I.
However, DD is AB-.

I asked them to retest her, and she is indeed AB-.   I always thought your
kid would have the same blood type as one of the parents, but the Doc said
not always.

I keep thinking DH needs to get his retyped too, just to be sure.

- Original Message -
> I want to relate something I think strange but maybe not.
> I am O+  my husband A+
> I never knew what our daughter was until she was married and then several
> yrs later pg.  Her doctor told her she would have to take some sort of
> shot because she is O- .  I told her that was a mistake because of me and
> hubby being +.  She went back and told him and she no.  That happens!!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>blood types

2000-12-07 Thread EJohns9525
In a message dated 12/07/2000 9:30:11 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

<<  Marshall
 > Aye, a rare beauty, that I am.  Yes, I know that.  I also know that when 
 > are pregnant, it's not good to be one.  I had numerous injections of 
 > it's for when you are carrying a rhesus positive baby, and your'e a rhesus
 > negative.  It contains live blood from donors which I wasn't happy about,
 > but couldn't do much about.  So
 > try to marry a Rhesus negative person if you are one.  Luckily all my
 > children are O+ like my husband.  I think O- persons are 17 out of every 
 > people.  Not that rare, but good to have around if you're needing a blood
 > transfusion.  Yuck, had several of them too, but it saved my life so I 
 > complain.
 Not sure where you got that figure.  O negative is only 6% according to this

I want to relate something I think strange but maybe not.

I am O+  my husband A+

I never knew what our daughter was until she was married and then several
yrs later pg.  Her doctor told her she would have to take some sort of
shot because she is O- .  I told her that was a mistake because of me and 
hubby being +.  She went back and told him and she no.  That happens!!

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Re: CS>Herxheimer reaction

2000-12-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
Yes, my mother did.  But she would not take it any more even though I explained 
that it
was killing what she had, and the doctors would likely kill her with their 
toxic stuff.
But she went to the doctor anyway and he killed her with his voodoo medicine 
within 48


Joe * wrote:

> marsha writes:
> Dear Joe, I read that silver is a catalyst. When it contacts the cell
> membranes of one-celled organisms, it catalyzes the enzymes in the protein
> coats, literally popping them open, and killing the bug. The gunk from
> inside gazillions of suddenly dead cells all over the body is what causes
> the Herxheimer reaction.
> Or so I read. Anyone else??
> Marsha
> Joe here:
> Thanks Marsha, have you or anyone else on the list ever experienced or heard
> of someone experiencing this herxheimer reaction with CS?
> Thanks
> Joe
> _
> Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>blood types

2000-12-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
Nick Grant wrote:

> Marshall
> Aye, a rare beauty, that I am.  Yes, I know that.  I also know that when you
> are pregnant, it's not good to be one.  I had numerous injections of Rhogam,
> it's for when you are carrying a rhesus positive baby, and your'e a rhesus
> negative.  It contains live blood from donors which I wasn't happy about,
> but couldn't do much about.  So
> try to marry a Rhesus negative person if you are one.  Luckily all my
> children are O+ like my husband.  I think O- persons are 17 out of every 100
> people.  Not that rare, but good to have around if you're needing a blood
> transfusion.  Yuck, had several of them too, but it saved my life so I won't
> complain.

Not sure where you got that figure.  O negative is only 6% according to this


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Herxheimer reaction

2000-12-07 Thread barbara
Okay Okay,

When I first started on CS I got a series or herxheimers reactions.  I just
groused about it and lay in bed feeling sorry for myself.  IF feels like
flu or like you exercised too much and then got the flu.  Since then I have
learned that drinkning even more water lessons its effects.


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Re: CS>More on wonderful mainstream medicine

2000-12-07 Thread barbara
Mother Used Aspartame During Pregnancy
>From Betty Martini 

I am 31 1/2 years old and changed to Diet Coke from Dr. Pepper a year ago to 
lose weight, which I did! However, since that time, I have suffered a severe 
clinical depression, worsening of my vision, and muscle/joint pain, and most 
alarming of all, memory loss! To make matters worse, during my pregnancy with 
my 9 year old, I consumed sugar free frozen yogurt (I craved it!) and he was 
born 4 months early, weighed 1 pound, nine ounces and now suffers from 
Cerebral Palsy and mental retardation. Until now, we all assumed that these 
were both due solely to premature birth. Now I wonder if he was born 
prematurely because I consumed Aspartame and if so, did the Aspartame cause 
all of this? 
I am outraged! I want to know, are there any class action law suits being 
filed at this time? More importantly, if I stop using the Aspartame products, 
can my good health be restored, or am I permanently damaged? Any information 
you could give would be very much appreciated! 
Lisa G. Jenkins 

Dear Lisa, 
First let me say my heart goes out to you. I feel as much outrage because you 
see the FDA knows aspartame triggers birth defects and don't even have the 
decency to put a warning on aspartame for pregnant women. Now they are being 
petitioned to even allow it unlabeled and I'll send you that post. The FDA 
are very aware of Dr. Diana Dow Edwards studies on birth defects. I asked 
them why they didn't accept that study and they even refuse to answer the 
question along with 25 others that went along with it. Also, Dr. Louis Elsas 
testified before Congress (Pediatric Professor, Emory University, Genetics) 
about aspartame being a teratogen and neurotoxin. Read it in its completion 
Be sure to read Aspartame Murders Infants by James Bowen, M.D. on . It also goes into celebral palsy. 
As to depression, the phenylalanine in aspartame lowers the seizure threshold 
and depletes serotonin. Lowered serotonin triggers manic depression, panic 
attacks, anxiety, rage, mood swings, suicidal tendencies, etc. As to vision 
loss, the wood alcohol in aspartame converts to formaldehyde and then formic 
acid, even in the retina of the eye and destroys the optic nerve. Read What's 
Blinding the World on 
Dr. Morgan Raiford who diagnosed many of those who went blind in the 80's did 
say if it was in the "wet stage" vision can return. As to joint pain, 
aspartame hardens the synovial fluids and causes this horrible joint pain. 
Now Searle (original manufacturer - Monsanto bought them in l985 and has 
since sold) has made Celebrex for this joint pain so they can make more money 
on the agony their product has caused the world. And Celebrex too is a very 
dangerous drug, in the first 13 weeks on the market 10 people died and other 
had gastrointestinal problems, etc. It also causes hemorrhaging and I've 
talked to several people who said their doctor took them off of it because of 
the side effects, mainly the bleeding and cardiac problems. Of course, if 
they are still using aspartame the drugs can interact because aspartame is a 
drug and not an additive as the FDA would have you believe. By law additives 
are suppose to be inert, and aspartame is about as inert or non-reactive as a 
forest fire! 
Incidently, aspartame is a very addictive drug and going along with what you 
said about craving it, on the last page of the protest of the National Soft 
Drink Association on you will see a note about that. It says 
that aspartame actually makes you crave carbohydrates. It's not a diet 
product. Most people gain weight on aspartame. 
We have two support groups you can click on to from and a 
detoxification page. Newton Labs has made an antidote and there is a 1 800 
number. Also, about memory loss, aspartame is legend at causing it. In fact, 
note that memory loss is #11 on the FDA list of 92 documented symptoms 
triggered by aspartame. H. J. Roberts, M.D., has already declared Aspartame 
Disease a world plague and is about to publish his 800 page medical text on 
this world epidemic. 
You can write Jane Henney of the FDA about this recent news that the Yogurt 
Association wants the FDA to allow sweeteners in yogurt unlabeled. Should the 
FDA do this which is against the law they should be immediately indicted for 
malfeasance. The FDA approved aspartame even though the Board of Inquiry said 
it hadn't been proven safe and should not be approved. You can read the 
summation of this report on After Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes did 
this he went to work for the PR firm of the manufacturer and refuses to talk 
to the press. Listen to Fox News expose on aspartame about a year ago on 
DORway if you have audio. He slammed the door in the face of Fox News and 
told them to go to the FDA. 
If you click on to the support groups you wil

Re: CS>emphesyma

2000-12-07 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 12/6/00 8:02:05 PM EST, writes:

<< Subj: CS>emphesyma
 Date:  12/6/00 8:02:05 PM EST
 From: (Nick Grant)
 Hi again
 I gave a friends dad some CS who has emphysema ( I probably haven't spelt it
 right).  He has been on it three weeks.  He used to get up in the morning,
 and have to sit by the side of the bed for 5 minutes to get his breath, then
 get dressed, then rest another 5 min etc.  He can now get out of bed, no
 resting, get dressed and off he goes.  Why would CS help this condition?
 What is it doing to make him better in this way.  They asked me, but I don't
 know.  He has also stopped alot of the coughing as well?  Any clues?

Tracy: I don't know either. But in a similar vain, I gave my CS to someone 
who had suffered from chronic arthritic pain. After ingesting 150 - 300 ml 
per day for several months (taken hourly for most of this time period) of 10 
PPM HVAC CS, his pain (which had been with him for years) has disappeared. 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Herxheimer reaction

2000-12-07 Thread Serita-w
Hi all,
What exactly is a Herxheimer reaction? What is it like and what does it
do? Is it bad? Do you have to do something to treat it? Serita

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>HGH (Human Growth Hormone) & Cancer

2000-12-07 Thread David Reese
I do have cancer and don't take any of them.  Dr. Gerson lost most of
his patients years ago when he started giving the hormones because of
the success of early treatment that suddenly reversed after taking the
hormones awhile.
Karl Kristianson wrote:
> >Hi Karl, Wouldn't that (HGH) make prostate cancer cells divide and grow 
> >faster
> Dave Reese
> Hello!
> A LOT of supplemental hormones that people take as they age can have that 
> effect. If you
> have cancer of any type, depending on the type, you may have to discontinue 
> one or more
> supplemental hormones that you are taking (DHEA, melatonin, pregnanolone, 
> HGH, and
> others). This effect can also happen with some vitamins and minerals! If you 
> know someone
> who has cancer, that is taking hormones, too, they will just have to research 
> it to know
> if it is safe.
> HOWEVER, that does not mean that supplemental hormones CAUSE cancer; so 
> unless you are
> diagnosed with cancer, don't worry about it!
> Karl Kristianson
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>emphesyma

2000-12-07 Thread Magus
Dittoes for Dean's comments. One can soak one's feet in h2o2 3% and get
considerable relief from emphyzema. Mullein herbal tincture and slippery elm 
as well. Emphyzema is not just a smoker's complaint. In Reams theory, one can
have emphyzema from parasitical infestation (probably fungus although it could 
any of the usual critters.--One website has an excellent presentation of a
parasitical worm that infests the lungs and "causes" chronicn fatigue syndrome).
I would consider a parasite cleanse.

"Dean T. Miller" wrote:

> Hi Tracy,
> On Thu, 7 Dec 2000 13:53:43 +1300, "Nick Grant" 
> wrote:
> >I gave a friends dad some CS who has emphysema ( I probably haven't spelt it
> >right).  He has been on it three weeks.  He used to get up in the morning,
> >and have to sit by the side of the bed for 5 minutes to get his breath, then
> >get dressed, then rest another 5 min etc.  He can now get out of bed, no
> >resting, get dressed and off he goes.  Why would CS help this condition?
> >What is it doing to make him better in this way.  They asked me, but I don't
> >know.  He has also stopped alot of the coughing as well?  Any clues?
> There are several alternative "fixes" to emphysema (I copied your
> spelling, as I don't know what it is, either :)
> The first one I ran into was Dr. Campbell's hydrogen peroxide therapy
> (an intravenous drip of H2O2).  Apparently, cayenne pepper with garlic
> juice (tincture?) has been used for emphysema.
> I'm guessing, since all of these (and CS) are antibacterial/antiviral,
> that at least some forms of what is called emphysema is the result (or
> symptom) of an infection.  Of course, this isn't what conventional
> medicine appears to be saying.
> -- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

Merry Christmas to all...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Herxheimer reaction

2000-12-07 Thread Dean T. Miller
Hi Joe,

On Thu, 07 Dec 2000 08:45:10 -, "Joe *" 

>Thanks Marsha, have you or anyone else on the list ever experienced or heard 
>of someone experiencing this herxheimer reaction with CS?

I haven't from CS, but I've had a mild Herx from the Zapper.  (I
didn't drink enough fluids to clear the dead beasties out of my body.)

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Herxheimer reaction

2000-12-07 Thread Joe *

marsha writes:
Dear Joe, I read that silver is a catalyst. When it contacts the cell
membranes of one-celled organisms, it catalyzes the enzymes in the protein
coats, literally popping them open, and killing the bug. The gunk from
inside gazillions of suddenly dead cells all over the body is what causes
the Herxheimer reaction.
Or so I read. Anyone else??

Joe here:

Thanks Marsha, have you or anyone else on the list ever experienced or heard 
of someone experiencing this herxheimer reaction with CS?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>pathogens

2000-12-07 Thread Dean T. Miller
Hi Tracy,

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000 20:02:01 +1300, "Nick Grant" 

>Don't know about the pathogen side of things being implicated.  This guy was
>a heavy smoker, plus he has worked with noxious chemicals most of his life,
>that they now wear gas masks for.  I'd say those two things would be the
>major causes, wouldn't you?

Not causes.  But factors that would allow pathogens to more easily get
a foothold in the lungs.  The cause is the pathogen (there are people
who's immune system is strong enough that they don't get emphysema
with the same environment).

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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