Re: CSH2O2 in CS

2002-04-13 Thread AVRA / Jason
CS as deodorantKevin:

It is certainly possible that the taste was influenced by the H2O2, although I 
THINK I can taste the difference between the H2O2 and the silver...

  - Original Message - 
  From: Kevin Nolan 
  Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 8:32 PM
  Subject: Re: CSH2O2 in CS

  Phosphoric acid is a major additions to most soft-drinks - you would 
be getting maybe millions of times more from a few swigs of coke than from a 
few drops of 3% H2O2 containing .001% PA. I would think purified water is 
synonymous with deionized water - only trace amounts of anything else present. 
Almost certainly the quantities of contaminants in the water used to make your 
CS batch would overwhelm anything coming from those few added drops of H2O2. I 
do wonder though whether Jason's taste testing was skewed from the addition of 
peroxide - bitter stuff!

  regards, Kevin Nolan
- Original Message - 
From: Bob Bartell 
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 7:56 AM
Subject: CSH2O2 in CS

After reading Jason's message about adding hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to CS 
and remembering other posts in the past that have mentioned this, a little bell 
went off in my head with a link to some memories of 35% food grade hydrogen 
peroxide, et al.  Anyhow, I went to the medicine cabinet to check what was 
there and found a bottle of 3%.  It was acquired from K-Mart and in prominent 
size lettering on the front it states 3% H2O2 U.S.P.  When I went to school, 
that stood for United States Pure.  The fine print on the back says Also 
contains 0.001% Phosphoric Acid as a stabilizer, and Purified Water.  Purified 
water means no live bugs but other inert ingredients may be dissolved in 
the water - right?  Well, I better get out those old supplier lists of Food 
Grade H2O2  and make my own dilute solutions with distilled water.   That, 
hopefully, won't screw up my CS experimentations.  Anybody else care to comment 
on their experiences with H2O2 in CS?  Namaste:  Bob

-Original Message-
From: AVRA / Jason [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: CSvolltage ?

Trem's generator ( personally speaking ) create a CS that tastes about 
half as metallic as a very high ionic colloidal silver ( as tested by 
ionizing remaining particles with H2O2 ) at about 10PPM.

I've noticed that as the PPM increases, so does the strength of the taste, 
considering with a good current controlled generator, the  ratio of ionic vs. 
colloidal content should roughly remain the same ( within reason ).

From my observations, an 85% ionic CS as compared to a 95%+ ( only 
estimated ) CS has quite a different taste ( the latter being  more bitter or 
harsh ).

However, you can get the same level of taste from a nine-volt battery 
setup...  While a very strong batch will be lower quality because of the 
runaway reaction producing larger particles and producing a poorly dispersed 
end product, it will still taste quite potent.  I don't think taste can be 
used to gauge quality, only to determine whether or not there are silver ions.

Silverpuppy generators produce a CS that is very similiar taste-wise; the 
taste of Natural Immunogenics Argentum 23 is also very comparable.

But, being taste, this is all very subjective, although I just went and 
took a small sip of all three.


  - Original Message - 

  From: Trem 


  Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 9:41 AM

  Subject: Re: CSvolltage ?

  Hi Russ,

  We test all our SG7 Pro machines by making CS and calibrating them at the
  same time.  So, we always end up with CS that measures at least 15 PPM
  determined by using 3 PWT's for averaging purposes.

  Since lab tests show our CS is 85% ionic that means it is at least 17 PPM
  total silver.  The figure of 15 PPM is actually on the low side because we
  usually crank the output up to 20 PPM to assure customers they can get at
  least 15 PPM.  So, that means our CS made during testing is usually 20+ 

  I drink between 1 and 4 ounces at a time daily.  To me the taste is 
  not metallic but does save a faint astringent flavor.  When I have made it
  to strengths of 35-45 PPM it sometimes does have a metallic flavor but by 
  means is it unpleasant.

  I must also let you know my palate is not the meat and potatoes type.  We
  cook with lots of spices and exotic flavors so our CS might taste 
  to someone that is used to a more bland diet.  Are there any of you out
  there that have one of our generators that would care to chime in?

  1) What's your CS' PPM?20+
  2) How was it measured?  PWT and AA
  3) How would you rank it's flavor 

RE: CSFlies

2002-04-13 Thread Gary L. Green
I hate acronyms. 

I hate html email.  Please turn off.


Re: CSCopper Arthritis Treatment

2002-04-13 Thread Duncan Crow
I agree not to generalize;

 Most of us have mycoplasma, according to Merck, about 97.3% of us.  But we
don't all develop arthritis. Diet is the biggest factor, and bowel, liver,
and free radical proliferation has a lot to do with it. People with a strong
constitution - that is, a good immune system, are usually not bothered or
the effect is slight. The body's glutathione stores are depleted in
arthritis and this accelerates degeneration.



- Original Message -
From: Robb Allen
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: CSCopper Arthritis Treatment

| I wish it was as simple as is what causes
| its notCS has next to NO effect on my any dose and
| frequency of use.Robb
| - Original Message -
| To:
| Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 3:56 PM
| Subject: Re: CSCopper Arthritis Treatment
|  Rheumatoid Arthritis is caused by mycoplasma.   CS will kill
|  mycoplasmaYou can use CS.
|  - Original Message -
|  From: Robb Allen
|  To:
|  Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 2:09 AM
|  Subject: CSCopper Arthritis Treatment
|   Hi Everyone.This is slightly off topic..but I don't have
| anywhere
|   else to ask this question..I found the following article on the
|   web..talking about the use of copper for treating Rheumatoid
|   Arthritis...My question is, does anyone understand exactly what
|  of
|   copper they used??.or what the dosage was??My other
|  question
|   is..what is a source of pure copper to use as
| electrodes??...I
|   hope someone understands this article better than
|  Ithanks...Robb
|   The Treatment Program
|   The following protocol is utilized in treating patients with active
|   rheumatoid disease:
|   When the patient has signed an informed consent to a new type of food
|   supplement to correct a probable essential trace mineral deficiency, a
|  test
|   amount of the ionic copper granules can be given in the office. This
|  be
|   as few as 5 [granules or micrograms?] or as many as 20, although 15 is
| the
|   average amount for a 150 pound adult male.
|   As one becomes familiar with the treatment, a feeling of the proper
|  amount
|   for each patient will develop. In a short time, clinical judgment will
|   determine the initial dose and the amount to be increased each day,
|  usually
|   divided into three equal doses, taken on the tongue and washed down
| a
|   half glass or more of water.
|   The first treatment program will take about six weeks and the patient
|  should
|   have a favorable response, which may be from moderate relief and
|  improvement
|   of signs and symptoms to a complete or permanent remission.
|   In addition to the copper granules, patients may take their customary
|   medicine for arthritis discomfort, and a biologically active
|   supplement is also used.4
|   As with all antibiotic therapy, the substance used is usually given to
|   achieve a specific blood level. For the use of copper as a nutritional
|   supplement and to build up the natural resistance of the body to the
|   infective agent, no definite blood levels have been determined. They
|  be
|   different for different patients. Clinical observations along with the
|   specific blood levels for the particular patient will act as a guide
|  should
|   it seem desirable to repeat the program.
|   When the therapeutic level of copper in the blood is reached, then the
|   susceptible microorganisms, whose presence is the probable cause of
|   disease, are killed by the chemical activity of copper ions. This is
|  all-
|   encompassing phenomenon, and it affects the entire population of
|   microorganisms in question. But the killing of the susceptible
|   microorganisms may, and usually does, result in the production of a
|   Herxheimer reaction. (The patient may feel that the arthritis is
|   worse, or that a flare-up or aggravation of the disease is occurring.
|   should be explained to the patient that this is an expected reaction
|   probably caused by release of toxic substances from the killed
| pathogenic
|   organisms, or the amoebae in rheumatoid arthritis, and not by live
|   microorganisms of any exacerbation of the disease.)5
|   The extent of the Herxheimer reaction is directly related to the
| of
|   the microorganisms being destroyed, the area of the body that has been
|   affected by the rheumatoid disease, the rate of release of toxins from
| the
|   dead microorganisms and the patient's own resistance or sensitivity to
|   foreign proteins.
|   Rarely, some patients experience a severe reaction appear really
|  But
|   the whole secret of success with this 

CSfw: SV40, polio vaccine, and cancer: Now beyond coincidence?

2002-04-13 Thread John Draper

Top Stories
- 10 April 2002

Today's News Stories News Archive SV40, polio vaccine, and cancer: Now
beyond coincidence? 9
April 2002 10:40 EST by Apoorva Mandavilli, BioMedNet News San Francisco
At the American Association of Cancer Research meeting here today,
controversy continued to swirl around accusations that contaminated
polio vaccine stocks are to blame for certain cancers, based on the
publication a month ago of two high-profile papers linking the simian
virus SV40 to human lymphomas. 
Less than a week after the papers were published in March, the US
National Cancer Institute contacted the researchers to establish plans
to send blinded results to three independent labs, lead researcher Adi
Gazdar told BioMedNet News today. 
But Gazdar seems unconvinced of the NCI's intentions.  They just want
to prove us wrong, he said. 
Gazdar and his colleagues scanned 99 lymphomas, 235 epithelial tumors
and 40 control tissues for the virus.  They found the virus in 43% of
non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, 9% of Hodgkin's lymphomas, and in none of the
control tissues.  A second team independently found the virus in 42% of
non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, almost unbelievable agreement, said Gazdar,
who is professor of pathology at the University of Texas Southwestern
medical center. 
These are very respectable labs with basically identical results, said
Michele Carbone, associate professor of pathology at Loyola University
in Chicago.  The clear clustering of positives is no accident, he
told BioMedNet News. 
This is not the first time scientists have linked SV40 to human cancers.
 Researchers suggested for years that millions of vials of polio
vaccine, contaminated with SV40, infected individuals between 1953 and
1963 and caused human tumors.  Until recently, they were inevitably met
with skepticism, even contempt - and some NCI researchers published
directly contradictory results. 
In 1997, the US National Institutes of Health, with other organizations,
organized an international conference to review the SV40 literature and
address the possibility that the virus causes human tumors.  At the
meeting, Carbone, presented his then-controversial data linking the
virus to mesotheliomas. (Since then, more than 30 independent reports
have confirmed his results). 
After the meeting, Carbone says, a conscientious Chicago public health
official contacted Carbone and gave him the last remaining stocks of
polio vaccine from the 1950s.  In her paper, Butel isolated a strain of
SV40 from three patients that closely matches the strain Carbone
sequenced from the polio vaccine vials. 
The evidence proves Butel's results are no artifact, Carbone says.  You
cannot contaminate with something that doesn't exist, he said.  This
thing only exists in my freezer. 
Since publication of their research in the Lancet last month, Gazdar and
his colleagues have been investigating rarer subtypes like leukemia and
multiple myelomas.  The experiments have not been proceeding as fast as
they would like, Gazdar says, partly because there's no government
funding for the research.  The lymphoma story might force them to
[fund it]. 
An important next step, Gazdar says, is to prove that the SV40 virus
causes lymphomas and isn't just a passenger in the cells.  That is no
easy task, since researchers have only been able to isolate the virus in
rare instances.  For the most part, they believe, the virus launches a
hit-and-run attack, initiating a cascade of tumorigenic events before
it is destroyed by the body. 
Still, it is critical that this research continue, Gazdar says, because
molecular and immunologic data suggest those born after 1963 have also
been exposed to the virus, via horizontal or vertical transmission, or
through sexual contact. 
The rates of mesotheliomas, lymphomas and brain tumors have also all
gone up dramatically in the last 30 years. Coincidence or not, we
have to find out, he said.  It's something to think about. 
Picture caption and credit: 
Transmission electron micrograph of
polyomavirus SV40, CDC/Dr.  Erskine


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RE: CSFlies

2002-04-13 Thread Gary L. Green
I hate acronyms. 
I hate html email.  Please turn off.


Opps... Forgot my smily face.  That was supposed to be a sort of joke 
on acronyms.

Hello, I'm Gary and I'm a Chiropractor in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 
I've just stumbled across CS and I'm VERY interested as well as a bit 
sceptical but that's me.  I'm interested enough though to order a 
unit and have it sent here.  I'm debating on the model to get.

It's between the SilverGen  SG7 Pro or the CS PRO (9 Electrode) - 
MHVAC 'PULSE-PHASIC.  Do any of you good people have any info one way 
or the other?  Thanks.

My problem is recurrent infections after a botched gall bladder 
removal 5 years ago.  I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.  I 
lift weights, I do cardio, I take vitamins until I see pills behind 
my eyeballs and I STILL GET SICK!!!  I'm hoping CS can cut down on 
the number of infections I get.  Since the bugs seem to like to take 
up residence in my lungs I'm going to combine CS with a nebulizer. 
Anyone had any experience with this?

Again folks, thanks.

-- All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. 
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being 
  - Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)

CSCD Mfgr'ing Units

2002-04-13 Thread Gary Green

On Saturday, April 13, 2002, at 09:15 PM, Solar wrote:

Trust me when I tell you that the SG-7
produces CS many orders of magnitude better in effectiveness, is made
MUCH better, gives you more for your money, etc. It isn't even fair to
compare the two. It is like comparing a plastic, model car, to a
highly tuned formula 1 racer.

Great, thanks that really narrows it down.  I was a little suspect when 
he said the final product turned a fine yellow after a bit of storage 

Does anyone (including you  Solar) have a recommendation for the 
***ULTIMATE CS PRODUCTION UNIT***?  It's not easy to get things through 
customs here, usually involves bribes or know-who.  I'll be able to pull 
this off one time for sure but other timesmaybe, so since I'm 
looking at making it for family, friends and patients what is a good 
unit for doing it in quantity?  Then again, I could probably use this 
unit and pump out 8 gal / day so that could get me through the first 6 
months or so.

Anyway... what's the best people?  Thanks again for all the advice.


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Re: CSCD Mfgr'ing Units

2002-04-13 Thread AVRA / Jason

The SG-7 Pro unit can produce five gallons of 5 ppm per hour ( 10 PPM in two
hours, etc. ).  For high capacity brewing, I haven't seen a unit that comes
close.  The price tag is well worth the end product, in terms of real value.

You'll notice that other high capacity unit manufacturer's are usually AC
high voltage machines, and you won't see them displaying a micrograph of the
end product showing dispersion as compared to lab quality silvers or lower
current machines.  That's because those micrographs are attrocious.  Limits
of TEM aside, an equal comparison is still a valid comparison.


- Original Message -
From: Gary Green
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 8:03 AM
Subject: CSCD Mfgr'ing Units

 On Saturday, April 13, 2002, at 09:15 PM, Solar wrote:

  Trust me when I tell you that the SG-7
  produces CS many orders of magnitude better in effectiveness, is made
  MUCH better, gives you more for your money, etc. It isn't even fair to
  compare the two. It is like comparing a plastic, model car, to a
  highly tuned formula 1 racer.

 Great, thanks that really narrows it down.  I was a little suspect when
 he said the final product turned a fine yellow after a bit of storage

 Does anyone (including you  Solar) have a recommendation for the
 ***ULTIMATE CS PRODUCTION UNIT***?  It's not easy to get things through
 customs here, usually involves bribes or know-who.  I'll be able to pull
 this off one time for sure but other timesmaybe, so since I'm
 looking at making it for family, friends and patients what is a good
 unit for doing it in quantity?  Then again, I could probably use this
 unit and pump out 8 gal / day so that could get me through the first 6
 months or so.

 Anyway... what's the best people?  Thanks again for all the advice.


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 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSFlies

2002-04-13 Thread Wayne Fugitt

At 02:18 PM 04/13/2002 +0800, you wrote:

I hate acronyms.

I hate html email.  Please turn off.

   HTML messages are beautiful on my screen.  Possibly you need to 
investigate getting a mail program that will display html,

or change your settings.


CSRe[2]: CSFlies

2002-04-13 Thread Solar
Hello Wayne,

Saturday, April 13, 2002, 1:04:03 PM, you wrote:

WF At 02:18 PM 04/13/2002 +0800, you wrote:
I hate acronyms.
I hate html email.  Please turn off.

WF HTML messages are beautiful on my screen.  Possibly you need to 
WF investigate getting a mail program that will display html,
WF or change your settings.


Wayne, I mean this in a good nature. But, do you mean to tell me that
you prefer the many times greater bandwidth requirements of html
versus plain text? And, along with the beautiful messages, the
ability to execute malicious code as well??

Naahhh Not me. I much prefer plain text.

Best regards,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCD Mfgr'ing Units

2002-04-13 Thread Ronen Yehiav
  Trust me when I tell you that the SG-7
  produces CS many orders of magnitude better in effectiveness, is made
  MUCH better, gives you more for your money, etc. It isn't even fair to
  compare the two. It is like comparing a plastic, model car, to a
  highly tuned formula 1 racer.

What is SG-7?
Any URL?

Thank you.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCD Mfgr'ing Units

2002-04-13 Thread John A. Stanley
In article 09d301c1e311$b18d6f30$0101c...@ronen,
Ronen Yehiav wrote:
  Trust me when I tell you that the SG-7
  produces CS many orders of magnitude better in effectiveness, is made
  MUCH better, gives you more for your money, etc. It isn't even fair to
  compare the two. It is like comparing a plastic, model car, to a
  highly tuned formula 1 racer.

What is SG-7?
Any URL?

John A. Stanley

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CSRe: Flies (Digest #270)

2002-04-13 Thread jrowland
 I hate html email.  Please turn off.

But Gary, that's what you're using...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCD Mfgr'ing Units

2002-04-13 Thread Ronen Yehiav
OK - Where I find it, the price, the micrograph, etc???

- Original Message -
From: AVRA / Jason
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: CSCD Mfgr'ing Units


 The SG-7 Pro unit can produce five gallons of 5 ppm per hour ( 10 PPM in
 hours, etc. ).  For high capacity brewing, I haven't seen a unit that
 close.  The price tag is well worth the end product, in terms of real

 You'll notice that other high capacity unit manufacturer's are usually AC
 high voltage machines, and you won't see them displaying a micrograph of
 end product showing dispersion as compared to lab quality silvers or
 current machines.  That's because those micrographs are attrocious.
 of TEM aside, an equal comparison is still a valid comparison.


 - Original Message -
 From: Gary Green
 Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 8:03 AM
 Subject: CSCD Mfgr'ing Units

  On Saturday, April 13, 2002, at 09:15 PM, Solar wrote:
   Trust me when I tell you that the SG-7
   produces CS many orders of magnitude better in effectiveness, is made
   MUCH better, gives you more for your money, etc. It isn't even fair to
   compare the two. It is like comparing a plastic, model car, to a
   highly tuned formula 1 racer.
  Great, thanks that really narrows it down.  I was a little suspect when
  he said the final product turned a fine yellow after a bit of storage
  Does anyone (including you  Solar) have a recommendation for the
  ***ULTIMATE CS PRODUCTION UNIT***?  It's not easy to get things through
  customs here, usually involves bribes or know-who.  I'll be able to pull
  this off one time for sure but other timesmaybe, so since I'm
  looking at making it for family, friends and patients what is a good
  unit for doing it in quantity?  Then again, I could probably use this
  unit and pump out 8 gal / day so that could get me through the first 6
  months or so.
  Anyway... what's the best people?  Thanks again for all the advice.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSThe ultimate CS brewer

2002-04-13 Thread Terry Chamberlin
I felt I had to toss in my 2 cents here about CS

I use 110 VDC to make my CS. It's the regular 110-volt
wall current, run through a 110-volt TV rectifier (got
it used from a TV repair shop for $5).

I make 10-gallons per hour, not because that is a
limit, but because I only need to do that. I could
just as easily make 50 gallons per hour. I use ten
1-gallon glass pickle jars. I put 1 quart of
pre-brewed CS into each jar, fill them up with 3
quarts of DW. I hang 14-gauge .999 fine silver wires
about 8 into the jar, bent over the rim to the
outside for the alligator clips. They are spaced apart
as far as the jars allow, about 4-1/2 apart. The wall
current runs through a timer, which I set for one

I get crystal clear CS every time, which Old Bob's
testing showed to be 12 ppm with almost no Tyndale
effect. It's hard for me to imagine getting reports
concerning the use of CS that are more amazing than
the reports I regularly receive from my customers
across Canada. Do I believe my CS is the best? Not
necessarily. I believe all good CS is amazing. I
suspect almost any electro-colloidal CS would be
effective. (Assuming pure silver, DW and no starters
besides some CS.)

The list of health issues that I have been told
disappeared when ingesting/applying the CS I make
include such things as cancer, herpes (on the skin and
in the eyes), shingles, canker sores, acne, eczema,
psoriasis, kidney, bladder, ear, eye and sinus
infections, warts, parasites (exiting the body in the
stool), colds, flu, ulcers, CFS, any kind of burn, the
list goes on and on.

Is it because I use 110-VDC (or 27-VDC, or 10,000
No, it's because it's pure silver in water.

Remember folks, people used to grind up silver into
powder and drink it in wine or water, and benefit from
it wonderfully. How much bigger is the smallest
mechanically-ground up silver particle than the
biggest electrically-generated silver colloid? 1,000
times bigger? 10,000 times? A million times?

I like making CS using 110 VDC because it's so simple.
It stays clear almost indefinitely - I put a clear
2-quart jar of my CS in the window and left it there
in the sun all day every day for 14-1/2 months. It
finally obtained a very slight yellowish hue. How long
would it have stayed clear in a dark brown bottle?
Years? Who cares? 

It's also a very simple way to make as large a
quantity of CS at a time as I want. It doesn't settle
out, doesn't become bitter, kills bugs like crazy. But
the reality is also this: When I was first making CS,
I used 9-volt batteries, and I was getting the same
amazing reports I am getting now. Even though it was
frequently yellow or gold CS, and many times had a
bitter, metallic taste, it was still amazingly

My point is, I don't know who has the best CS. No
one else knows, either. And I think the question is
irrelevant. Any CS that works as good as mine is as
good as is needed, as far as I am concerned. And I
have no doubt that there are many brands of CS as good
as mine, perhaps even most brands. (If made properly.)

So when one talks about the Ultimate CS brewer, what
is that in reference to? Expense? Convenience? Quality
of CS? Complexity of operation? Cost of purchase?
Color/taste of CS? 

For me, it's effectiveness against human health
issues. And in that department, I am content.

Terry Chamberlin
Metabolic Solutions Institute
RR1  314 Carleton Rd
Lawrencetown, NS B0S 1M0
902-584-3810 voice
413-826-7641 fax service

Find, Connect Date!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Flies (Digest #270)

2002-04-13 Thread Gary Green

On Sunday, April 14, 2002, at 04:35 AM, wrote:

I hate html email.  Please turn off.

But Gary, that's what you're using...

Yes, that's why I said I forgot my smiley face.  Html was meant to be 
a joke on his complaint.

Html, tq, etc.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSThe ultimate CS brewer

2002-04-13 Thread John Reeder
What is the purpose of the starter?

-Original Message-
From: Terry Chamberlin []
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 6:35 PM
Subject: CSThe ultimate CS brewer

I felt I had to toss in my 2 cents here about CS

I use 110 VDC to make my CS. It's the regular 110-volt
wall current, run through a 110-volt TV rectifier (got
it used from a TV repair shop for $5).

I make 10-gallons per hour, not because that is a
limit, but because I only need to do that. I could
just as easily make 50 gallons per hour. I use ten
1-gallon glass pickle jars. I put 1 quart of
pre-brewed CS into each jar, fill them up with 3
quarts of DW. I hang 14-gauge .999 fine silver wires
about 8 into the jar, bent over the rim to the
outside for the alligator clips. They are spaced apart
as far as the jars allow, about 4-1/2 apart. The wall
current runs through a timer, which I set for one

I get crystal clear CS every time, which Old Bob's
testing showed to be 12 ppm with almost no Tyndale
effect. It's hard for me to imagine getting reports
concerning the use of CS that are more amazing than
the reports I regularly receive from my customers
across Canada. Do I believe my CS is the best? Not
necessarily. I believe all good CS is amazing. I
suspect almost any electro-colloidal CS would be
effective. (Assuming pure silver, DW and no starters
besides some CS.)

The list of health issues that I have been told
disappeared when ingesting/applying the CS I make
include such things as cancer, herpes (on the skin and
in the eyes), shingles, canker sores, acne, eczema,
psoriasis, kidney, bladder, ear, eye and sinus
infections, warts, parasites (exiting the body in the
stool), colds, flu, ulcers, CFS, any kind of burn, the
list goes on and on.

Is it because I use 110-VDC (or 27-VDC, or 10,000
No, it's because it's pure silver in water.

Remember folks, people used to grind up silver into
powder and drink it in wine or water, and benefit from
it wonderfully. How much bigger is the smallest
mechanically-ground up silver particle than the
biggest electrically-generated silver colloid? 1,000
times bigger? 10,000 times? A million times?

I like making CS using 110 VDC because it's so simple.
It stays clear almost indefinitely - I put a clear
2-quart jar of my CS in the window and left it there
in the sun all day every day for 14-1/2 months. It
finally obtained a very slight yellowish hue. How long
would it have stayed clear in a dark brown bottle?
Years? Who cares? 

It's also a very simple way to make as large a
quantity of CS at a time as I want. It doesn't settle
out, doesn't become bitter, kills bugs like crazy. But
the reality is also this: When I was first making CS,
I used 9-volt batteries, and I was getting the same
amazing reports I am getting now. Even though it was
frequently yellow or gold CS, and many times had a
bitter, metallic taste, it was still amazingly

My point is, I don't know who has the best CS. No
one else knows, either. And I think the question is
irrelevant. Any CS that works as good as mine is as
good as is needed, as far as I am concerned. And I
have no doubt that there are many brands of CS as good
as mine, perhaps even most brands. (If made properly.)

So when one talks about the Ultimate CS brewer, what
is that in reference to? Expense? Convenience? Quality
of CS? Complexity of operation? Cost of purchase?
Color/taste of CS? 

For me, it's effectiveness against human health
issues. And in that department, I am content.

Terry Chamberlin
Metabolic Solutions Institute
RR1  314 Carleton Rd
Lawrencetown, NS B0S 1M0
902-584-3810 voice
413-826-7641 fax service

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