Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread

I've done a bit of further research concerning ceramic filters, and I do
understand that using a low PPM silver product would not be adequate for
such a purpose.  I've seen a study where a 50 PPM high quality CS was used
for such a purpose, and the results were not satisfactory.

As far as the MD's go, my personal opinion is that anyone could use any
substance safely ( provided it could be used safely! ) with proper product
knowledge...  But it is apparently contrary to successful business practices
for some of these companies to fully disclose information to their
customers.  Thus, the ethical solution is to have MD's purchase the
substance and supervise use.

I would love to see the MD's role switched more to the role of an educator
and advisor as far as general health goes.  Of course, critical care is an
entirely different ball game.

Warm Regards,


- Original Message -
From: Reid Harvey
To: silver list
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 6:55 PM
Subject: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

 Dear Jason,
 Thanks for your very thoughtful message.  I can see your point that it
 would be best for concentrated CS to be administered by a doctor.  But
 how ironic that the vast majority of otherwise-reliable, western
 educated doctors would appear to tend not to accept the validity of CS,
 also the victims of the dis-information.

 You asked about the possibility of my having a comparison done on the
 high ppm CS I make, to see how effective it really is, and I will hope
 to do that at some point in the future.  But at present I use this CS
 primarily to saturate ceramic candle filters, all of which have tested
 100% removal of fecal coliforms.  I use the high ppm secondarily for
 various treatments on my family while traveling, 'where there is no

 For example, my wife Catherine had a very nasty bout of strep throat
 while we were in a Nepali game park, far from any clinic.  She had had
 this kind of severe strep several times before, only going to the doctor
 after it hit her like a ton of bricks, and each time she'd go on
 antibiotics and be laid up in bed for nearly a week.  While in the game
 park, when seh finally admitted that it was severe strep (her throat
 red) we put her on a careful regime of the labelled-3200ppm Microdyn,
 diluted to ~20ppm, a 200ml. glass every four hours.  By the second glass
 she was already feeling better and no further bed rest was indicated, so
 she didn't miss out on any of the fun activities of the family. (We
 subsequently rode an elephant out to a place where we could watch

 It would be interesting to know how Mexicans fare at the business of
 self treatment with Microdyn.  I suppose I have not tuned in sooner to
 your concern about improper dosage simply because, CS in any shape or
 form is considered improper by most doctors, misquided as their
 viewpoint may be.  So it may appear that the laymen need to hazard their
 own dosing, dependent on their own good instincts in seeking proper
 advice.  Of course your concern about a doctor's supervision would
 extend to many kinds of remedies and not only those of CS.  But what
 with lack of medical facilites, educated people in third world countries
 have to make do.  For example, peace corps doctors around the world tend
 to warn their volunteers about the hazards of self prescription/ self
 dosage.  Then they give the volunteers prescription drugs, like
 antibiotics, prior to their going to their various postings, usually

 So I may see your point about unethical sales of high ppm in the U.S.,
 for example.  But given the climate in third world countries, where self
 dosing is de rigeur, I think the ethical aspects get thrown out the
 window.  In a fair and just world your wisdom would perhaps prevail.

 Jason said,

 My greatest concern with the high PPM solutions is misuse.  You'll note
 in a previous message, the original company that manufactured what was
 likely MSP only sold the product to doctors...  That this doctor then
 decided to retail it to others is besides the point!

 There are reasons for this.  I consider companies that only sell these
 PPM products to doctors ethical companies.  I consider companies that do

 not, unethical, in that all the companies ( all that I have been able to

 find with similiar products ) do not claim that there is no risk to use.

 The fact of the matter is, there is no risk to use, provided that the
 instructions on the label are followed.

 Judging from the emails I've received over the last two years, there are

 many people out there using high PPM MSP as if it were electro-colloidal

 silver; undiluted, and taking amounts that certainly do produce a
 considerable risk, even if only a cosmetic one.

 I'm very certain that silver citrate is a bit different than many of the

 products out there, including the one in a recent post... But the

Re: CSNew and intro

2002-09-29 Thread M. G. Devour
Liz writes:
 Hi,I am brand new to the list. I've been interested in colloidal
 silver making for some time, and the benefits from it. I look forward
 to reading your emails.

Greetings and welcome to the list, Liz!

 My husband made a setup a few years ago for electrolysis for
 removing dirt from ancient coins, so I am interested to find out if
 this apparatus can be used for colloidal silver.

You'll need to tell us what voltage and current it will supply. Also, 
we'll need to know the tank size and what kind of geometry you'll be 
able to make up for holding your electrodes in the water. You don't 
want anything but silver in the water, so alligator clips and the like 
shouldn't be allowed to get wet.

Usually, Low Voltage Direct Current (LVDC) setups run from a few volts 
to 80 or 100v, with about 30v being common. The current needed is only 
a few milliamps.

To limit particle size and/or maintain a high percentage of ionic 
content (as opposed to particles) many recent generator designs use 
some kind of current limiting (a resistor) or current control (some 
kind of current regulator circuit). 

You will probably want to dedicate a separate tank to making only CS.
Who can tell what kind of contamination you'll get from the old coins
and dirt.

 I also make wire wrapped jewelry from silver wire, so hopefully i'll
 be able to find all that I need to make such an apparatus.

Be absolutely certain you use 'fine' or 'very fine' silver wire of at 
least .999 purity, and NOT Sterling. You should be able to get that 
from your jewelry supply if you don't already have some on hand. 

12 and 14 gauge round is common, some folks have used strips of
'bezel' wire. Others use .999 fine bars or medallions or pure silver
bullion coins like the Canadian Maple Leaf.

Sterling, as you know, contains other metals that you do *not* want to 
be ingesting.

 Looking forward to talking  listening to you all,

Have you had any experience yet with using CS? Look forward to hearing 
your results.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSfinding someone

2002-09-29 Thread Reid Harvey
I'm trying to locate Terry Chamberlain, but the mailer daemon spits the
messages back. Can someone kindly help me with his address?
Thanks and namaste.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread Bill Missett
There seems to be a major shift in philosophy developing here.  Until this
discussion began, the dominant Silver List thought was that CS could NOT
cause arygria.   Now we are hearing that high strength CS CAN cause argyria.
Is there any evidence to support this contention?

I have been consuming Microdyn CS, whatever its strength is, for six years,
at times heavily, straight out of the bottle into my mouth.

During a bout of Australian flu three years ago, I drank 10 drops of
Microdyn every hour, right out of the bottle, for three straight days.
(There were elderly people dying in NYC from that flu, and I didn't want to
be one of them.)

Additionally, my drinking water is a prepared mix of sea salt, bentonite
clay and Microdyn, which I consume daily.

I have never had any adverse reactions to this practice, and consider
Microdyn safe for consumption undiluted.

If I turn blue, I'll let you know. So far the only part of me that's blue is
my eyes.

- Original Message -
From: Reid Harvey
To: silver list
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 8:55 PM
Subject: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

 Dear Jason,
 Thanks for your very thoughtful message.  I can see your point that it
 would be best for concentrated CS to be administered by a doctor.  But
 how ironic that the vast majority of otherwise-reliable, western
 educated doctors would appear to tend not to accept the validity of CS,
 also the victims of the dis-information.

 You asked about the possibility of my having a comparison done on the
 high ppm CS I make, to see how effective it really is, and I will hope
 to do that at some point in the future.  But at present I use this CS
 primarily to saturate ceramic candle filters, all of which have tested
 100% removal of fecal coliforms.  I use the high ppm secondarily for
 various treatments on my family while traveling, 'where there is no

 For example, my wife Catherine had a very nasty bout of strep throat
 while we were in a Nepali game park, far from any clinic.  She had had
 this kind of severe strep several times before, only going to the doctor
 after it hit her like a ton of bricks, and each time she'd go on
 antibiotics and be laid up in bed for nearly a week.  While in the game
 park, when seh finally admitted that it was severe strep (her throat
 red) we put her on a careful regime of the labelled-3200ppm Microdyn,
 diluted to ~20ppm, a 200ml. glass every four hours.  By the second glass
 she was already feeling better and no further bed rest was indicated, so
 she didn't miss out on any of the fun activities of the family. (We
 subsequently rode an elephant out to a place where we could watch

 It would be interesting to know how Mexicans fare at the business of
 self treatment with Microdyn.  I suppose I have not tuned in sooner to
 your concern about improper dosage simply because, CS in any shape or
 form is considered improper by most doctors, misquided as their
 viewpoint may be.  So it may appear that the laymen need to hazard their
 own dosing, dependent on their own good instincts in seeking proper
 advice.  Of course your concern about a doctor's supervision would
 extend to many kinds of remedies and not only those of CS.  But what
 with lack of medical facilites, educated people in third world countries
 have to make do.  For example, peace corps doctors around the world tend
 to warn their volunteers about the hazards of self prescription/ self
 dosage.  Then they give the volunteers prescription drugs, like
 antibiotics, prior to their going to their various postings, usually

 So I may see your point about unethical sales of high ppm in the U.S.,
 for example.  But given the climate in third world countries, where self
 dosing is de rigeur, I think the ethical aspects get thrown out the
 window.  In a fair and just world your wisdom would perhaps prevail.

 Jason said,

 My greatest concern with the high PPM solutions is misuse.  You'll note
 in a previous message, the original company that manufactured what was
 likely MSP only sold the product to doctors...  That this doctor then
 decided to retail it to others is besides the point!

 There are reasons for this.  I consider companies that only sell these
 PPM products to doctors ethical companies.  I consider companies that do

 not, unethical, in that all the companies ( all that I have been able to

 find with similiar products ) do not claim that there is no risk to use.

 The fact of the matter is, there is no risk to use, provided that the
 instructions on the label are followed.

 Judging from the emails I've received over the last two years, there are

 many people out there using high PPM MSP as if it were electro-colloidal

 silver; undiluted, and taking amounts that certainly do produce a
 considerable risk, even if only a cosmetic one.

 I'm very certain that silver citrate is a bit different than many of 

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread Tom Mary McFadden
I have been using 80PPM CS for two years now, at least thats what I think it
is as I have no PPM meter.  I usually take an ounce in am and Pm also.  So
far I have not turned any other color .
   I did have a client who started using CS and she got grey patches on her
elbows, however when she cut back the grey went away.  I later found out
that she was taking all kinds of drugs for something and I am sure that
caused a reaction.
   In two and a half years of using CS she is the only one who had trouble
and she is still using CS today.  Tom

---Original Message---

Date: Sunday, September 29, 2002 08:02:54
Subject: Re:CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

There seems to be a major shift in philosophy developing here. Until this
discussion began, the dominant Silver List thought was that CS could NOT
cause arygria. Now we are hearing that high strength CS CAN cause argyria.
Is there any evidence to support this contention?

I have been consuming Microdyn CS, whatever its strength is, for six years,
at times heavily, straight out of the bottle into my mouth.

During a bout of Australian flu three years ago, I drank 10 drops of
Microdyn every hour, right out of the bottle, for three straight days.
(There were elderly people dying in NYC from that flu, and I didn't want to
be one of them.)

Additionally, my drinking water is a prepared mix of sea salt, bentonite
clay and Microdyn, which I consume daily.

I have never had any adverse reactions to this practice, and consider
Microdyn safe for consumption undiluted.

If I turn blue, I'll let you know. So far the only part of me that's blue is
my eyes.

- Original Message -
From: Reid Harvey
To: silver list
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 8:55 PM
Subject: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

 Dear Jason,
 Thanks for your very thoughtful message. I can see your point that it
 would be best for concentrated CS to be administered by a doctor. But
 how ironic that the vast majority of otherwise-reliable, western
 educated doctors would appear to tend not to accept the validity of CS,
 also the victims of the dis-information.

 You asked about the possibility of my having a comparison done on the
 high ppm CS I make, to see how effective it really is, and I will hope
 to do that at some point in the future. But at present I use this CS
 primarily to saturate ceramic candle filters, all of which have tested
 100% removal of fecal coliforms. I use the high ppm secondarily for
 various treatments on my family while traveling, 'where there is no

 For example, my wife Catherine had a very nasty bout of strep throat
 while we were in a Nepali game park, far from any clinic. She had had
 this kind of severe strep several times before, only going to the doctor
 after it hit her like a ton of bricks, and each time she'd go on
 antibiotics and be laid up in bed for nearly a week. While in the game
 park, when seh finally admitted that it was severe strep (her throat
 red) we put her on a careful regime of the labelled-3200ppm Microdyn,
 diluted to ~20ppm, a 200ml. glass every four hours. By the second glass
 she was already feeling better and no further bed rest was indicated, so
 she didn't miss out on any of the fun activities of the family. (We
 subsequently rode an elephant out to a place where we could watch

 It would be interesting to know how Mexicans fare at the business of
 self treatment with Microdyn. I suppose I have not tuned in sooner to
 your concern about improper dosage simply because, CS in any shape or
 form is considered improper by most doctors, misquided as their
 viewpoint may be. So it may appear that the laymen need to hazard their
 own dosing, dependent on their own good instincts in seeking proper
 advice. Of course your concern about a doctor's supervision would
 extend to many kinds of remedies and not only those of CS. But what
 with lack of medical facilites, educated people in third world countries
 have to make do. For example, peace corps doctors around the world tend
 to warn their volunteers about the hazards of self prescription/ self
 dosage. Then they give the volunteers prescription drugs, like
 antibiotics, prior to their going to their various postings, usually

 So I may see your point about unethical sales of high ppm in the U.S.,
 for example. But given the climate in third world countries, where self
 dosing is de rigeur, I think the ethical aspects get thrown out the
 window. In a fair and just world your wisdom would perhaps prevail.

 Jason said,

 My greatest concern with the high PPM solutions is misuse. You'll note
 in a previous message, the original company that manufactured what was
 likely MSP only sold the product to doctors... That this doctor then
 decided to retail it to others is besides the point!

 There are reasons for this. I consider 

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread Connie
Are you buying 80ppm CS, or making the CS.

From: Tom  Mary McFadden
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 09:36:38 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)
Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS
Resent-Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 07:36:59 -0700

I have been using 80PPM CS for two years now, at least thats what I think it
is as I have no PPM meter.  I usually take an ounce in am and Pm also.  So
far I have not turned any other color .
  I did have a client who started using CS and she got grey patches on her
elbows, however when she cut back the grey went away.  I later found out
that she was taking all kinds of drugs for something and I am sure that
caused a reaction.
  In two and a half years of using CS she is the only one who had trouble
and she is still using CS today.  Tom

---Original Message---
Date: Sunday, September 29, 2002 08:02:54
Subject: Re:CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

There seems to be a major shift in philosophy developing here. Until this
discussion began, the dominant Silver List thought was that CS could NOT
cause arygria. Now we are hearing that high strength CS CAN cause argyria.
Is there any evidence to support this contention?

I have been consuming Microdyn CS, whatever its strength is, for six years,
at times heavily, straight out of the bottle into my mouth.

During a bout of Australian flu three years ago, I drank 10 drops of
Microdyn every hour, right out of the bottle, for three straight days.
(There were elderly people dying in NYC from that flu, and I didn't want to
be one of them.)

Additionally, my drinking water is a prepared mix of sea salt, bentonite
clay and Microdyn, which I consume daily.

I have never had any adverse reactions to this practice, and consider
Microdyn safe for consumption undiluted.

If I turn blue, I'll let you know. So far the only part of me that's blue is
my eyes.

- Original Message -
From: Reid Harvey
To: silver list
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 8:55 PM
Subject: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

 Dear Jason,
 Thanks for your very thoughtful message. I can see your point that it
 would be best for concentrated CS to be administered by a doctor. But
 how ironic that the vast majority of otherwise-reliable, western
 educated doctors would appear to tend not to accept the validity of CS,
 also the victims of the dis-information.

 You asked about the possibility of my having a comparison done on the
 high ppm CS I make, to see how effective it really is, and I will hope
 to do that at some point in the future. But at present I use this CS
 primarily to saturate ceramic candle filters, all of which have tested
 100% removal of fecal coliforms. I use the high ppm secondarily for
 various treatments on my family while traveling, 'where there is no

 For example, my wife Catherine had a very nasty bout of strep throat
 while we were in a Nepali game park, far from any clinic. She had had
 this kind of severe strep several times before, only going to the doctor
 after it hit her like a ton of bricks, and each time she'd go on
 antibiotics and be laid up in bed for nearly a week. While in the game
 park, when seh finally admitted that it was severe strep (her throat
 red) we put her on a careful regime of the labelled-3200ppm Microdyn,
 diluted to ~20ppm, a 200ml. glass every four hours. By the second glass
 she was already feeling better and no further bed rest was indicated, so
 she didn't miss out on any of the fun activities of the family. (We
 subsequently rode an elephant out to a place where we could watch

 It would be interesting to know how Mexicans fare at the business of
 self treatment with Microdyn. I suppose I have not tuned in sooner to
 your concern about improper dosage simply because, CS in any shape or
 form is considered improper by most doctors, misquided as their
 viewpoint may be. So it may appear that the laymen need to hazard their
 own dosing, dependent on their own good instincts in seeking proper
 advice. Of course your concern about a doctor's supervision would
 extend to many kinds of remedies and not only those of CS. But what
 with lack of medical facilites, educated people in third world countries
 have to make do. For example, peace corps doctors around the world tend
 to warn their volunteers about the hazards of self prescription/ self
 dosage. Then they give the volunteers prescription drugs, like
 antibiotics, prior to their going to their various postings, usually

 So I may see your point about unethical sales of high ppm in the U.S.,
 for example. But given the climate in third world countries, where self
 dosing is de rigeur, I think the ethical aspects get thrown out the
 window. In a fair and just world your wisdom would perhaps 

Re: CSfinding someone

2002-09-29 Thread Paul Ladendorf

 Reid Harvey 
I'm trying to locate Terry Chamberlain, but the mailer daemon spits the
messages back. Can someone kindly help me with his address?
Thanks and namaste.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Do you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC  Yahoo!

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread Tom Mary McFadden
Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CSConnie,  We make our own .
  - Original Message - 
  From: Connie 
  Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 10:14 AM
  Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

  Are you buying 80ppm CS, or making the CS.

From: Tom  Mary McFadden
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 09:36:38 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)
Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS
Resent-Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 07:36:59 -0700

I have been using 80PPM CS for two years now, at least thats what I think 
it is as I have no PPM meter.  I usually take an ounce in am and Pm also.  So 
far I have not turned any other color .
  I did have a client who started using CS and she got grey patches on her 
elbows, however when she cut back the grey went away.  I later found out that 
she was taking all kinds of drugs for something and I am sure that caused a 
  In two and a half years of using CS she is the only one who had trouble 
and she is still using CS today.  Tom

---Original Message---

Date: Sunday, September 29, 2002 08:02:54
Subject: Re:CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

There seems to be a major shift in philosophy developing here. Until this
discussion began, the dominant Silver List thought was that CS could NOT
cause arygria. Now we are hearing that high strength CS CAN cause argyria.
Is there any evidence to support this contention?

I have been consuming Microdyn CS, whatever its strength is, for six years,
at times heavily, straight out of the bottle into my mouth.

During a bout of Australian flu three years ago, I drank 10 drops of
Microdyn every hour, right out of the bottle, for three straight days.
(There were elderly people dying in NYC from that flu, and I didn't want to
be one of them.)

Additionally, my drinking water is a prepared mix of sea salt, bentonite
clay and Microdyn, which I consume daily.

I have never had any adverse reactions to this practice, and consider
Microdyn safe for consumption undiluted.

If I turn blue, I'll let you know. So far the only part of me that's blue is
my eyes.

- Original Message -
From: Reid Harvey
To: silver list
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 8:55 PM
Subject: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

 Dear Jason,
 Thanks for your very thoughtful message. I can see your point that it
 would be best for concentrated CS to be administered by a doctor. But
 how ironic that the vast majority of otherwise-reliable, western
 educated doctors would appear to tend not to accept the validity of CS,
 also the victims of the dis-information.

 You asked about the possibility of my having a comparison done on the
 high ppm CS I make, to see how effective it really is, and I will hope
 to do that at some point in the future. But at present I use this CS
 primarily to saturate ceramic candle filters, all of which have tested
 100% removal of fecal coliforms. I use the high ppm secondarily for
 various treatments on my family while traveling, 'where there is no

 For example, my wife Catherine had a very nasty bout of strep throat
 while we were in a Nepali game park, far from any clinic. She had had
 this kind of severe strep several times before, only going to the doctor
 after it hit her like a ton of bricks, and each time she'd go on
 antibiotics and be laid up in bed for nearly a week. While in the game
 park, when seh finally admitted that it was severe strep (her throat
 red) we put her on a careful regime of the labelled-3200ppm Microdyn,
 diluted to ~20ppm, a 200ml. glass every four hours. By the second glass
 she was already feeling better and no further bed rest was indicated, so
 she didn't miss out on any of the fun activities of the family. (We
 subsequently rode an elephant out to a place where we could watch

 It would be interesting to know how Mexicans fare at the business of
 self treatment with Microdyn. I suppose I have not tuned in sooner to
 your concern about improper dosage simply because, CS in any shape or
 form is considered improper by most doctors, misquided as their
 viewpoint may be. So it may appear that the laymen need to hazard their
 own dosing, dependent on their own good instincts in seeking proper
 advice. Of course your concern about a doctor's supervision would
 extend to many kinds of remedies and not only those of CS. But what
 with lack of medical facilites, educated people in third world countries
 have to 

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread sol
  Ok, I'm puzzled, why would you drink sea salt and bentonite clay?
--when you haven't any other place to step, it doesn't matter which foot
lands in the sh** first.  -Heris Serrano
- Original Message -
From: Bill Missett

 Additionally, my drinking water is a prepared mix of sea salt, bentonite
 clay and Microdyn, which I consume daily.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread Bill Missett
I drink very mild mixture, with pure unprocessed sea salt for the 82
minerals and trace elements it contains, and bentonite clay to detox and
cleanse liver and kidneys.  (The mix is two tablespoons of each in two
liters of water, with two tablespoons of the mix diluted in two liters of
fresh water, so it is a very mild dose.)

I've been doing the bentonite for about five years, and am just about ready
to discontinue it, as soon as my supply is used up, because I think 5 years
of cleansing should make my liver and kidneys shine in the dark.

- Original Message -
From: sol
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

   Ok, I'm puzzled, why would you drink sea salt and bentonite clay?
 --when you haven't any other place to step, it doesn't matter which foot
 lands in the sh** first.  -Heris Serrano
 - Original Message -
 From: Bill Missett

  Additionally, my drinking water is a prepared mix of sea salt, bentonite
  clay and Microdyn, which I consume daily.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread

I've corresponded with three individuals over the last year who have
developed Argyria, and I'm aware of two other cases.

The two other cases were caused by Mild Silver Protein.  One was caused by
the mass consumption of poorly made silver chloride for five years daily.
One actually posted to the list earlier this year, and the mild Argyria was
caused by Water Oz.  The third was also caused by consuming Mild Silver

Not everyone, apparently, is at the same level of risk for Argyria.

I don't consider ten drops of CS excessive use, even undiluted.  The
individual whom developed severe Argyria consumed either eight or sixteen
ounces of CS daily, religously, for five years.

Those who consume bentonite regularly will likely have a metabolism that is
more capable of processing any number of toxic substances used in the body;
the body's elimination system is well cared for with such a habit, and liver
functions are greatly supported.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message -
From: Bill Missett
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 6:02 AM
Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

 There seems to be a major shift in philosophy developing here.  Until this
 discussion began, the dominant Silver List thought was that CS could NOT
 cause arygria.   Now we are hearing that high strength CS CAN cause
 Is there any evidence to support this contention?

 I have been consuming Microdyn CS, whatever its strength is, for six
 at times heavily, straight out of the bottle into my mouth.

 During a bout of Australian flu three years ago, I drank 10 drops of
 Microdyn every hour, right out of the bottle, for three straight days.
 (There were elderly people dying in NYC from that flu, and I didn't want
 be one of them.)

 Additionally, my drinking water is a prepared mix of sea salt, bentonite
 clay and Microdyn, which I consume daily.

 I have never had any adverse reactions to this practice, and consider
 Microdyn safe for consumption undiluted.

 If I turn blue, I'll let you know. So far the only part of me that's blue
 my eyes.

 - Original Message -
 From: Reid Harvey
 To: silver list
 Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 8:55 PM
 Subject: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

  Dear Jason,
  Thanks for your very thoughtful message.  I can see your point that it
  would be best for concentrated CS to be administered by a doctor.  But
  how ironic that the vast majority of otherwise-reliable, western
  educated doctors would appear to tend not to accept the validity of CS,
  also the victims of the dis-information.
  You asked about the possibility of my having a comparison done on the
  high ppm CS I make, to see how effective it really is, and I will hope
  to do that at some point in the future.  But at present I use this CS
  primarily to saturate ceramic candle filters, all of which have tested
  100% removal of fecal coliforms.  I use the high ppm secondarily for
  various treatments on my family while traveling, 'where there is no
  For example, my wife Catherine had a very nasty bout of strep throat
  while we were in a Nepali game park, far from any clinic.  She had had
  this kind of severe strep several times before, only going to the doctor
  after it hit her like a ton of bricks, and each time she'd go on
  antibiotics and be laid up in bed for nearly a week.  While in the game
  park, when seh finally admitted that it was severe strep (her throat
  red) we put her on a careful regime of the labelled-3200ppm Microdyn,
  diluted to ~20ppm, a 200ml. glass every four hours.  By the second glass
  she was already feeling better and no further bed rest was indicated, so
  she didn't miss out on any of the fun activities of the family. (We
  subsequently rode an elephant out to a place where we could watch
  It would be interesting to know how Mexicans fare at the business of
  self treatment with Microdyn.  I suppose I have not tuned in sooner to
  your concern about improper dosage simply because, CS in any shape or
  form is considered improper by most doctors, misquided as their
  viewpoint may be.  So it may appear that the laymen need to hazard their
  own dosing, dependent on their own good instincts in seeking proper
  advice.  Of course your concern about a doctor's supervision would
  extend to many kinds of remedies and not only those of CS.  But what
  with lack of medical facilites, educated people in third world countries
  have to make do.  For example, peace corps doctors around the world tend
  to warn their volunteers about the hazards of self prescription/ self
  dosage.  Then they give the volunteers prescription drugs, like
  antibiotics, prior to their going to their various postings, usually
  So I may see your point about unethical sales of high ppm in the U.S.,
  for example.  But given the 

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread Bill Missett
But silver chloride and mild silver protein are not true collodial silver,

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS


 I've corresponded with three individuals over the last year who have
 developed Argyria, and I'm aware of two other cases.

 The two other cases were caused by Mild Silver Protein.  One was caused by
 the mass consumption of poorly made silver chloride for five years daily.
 One actually posted to the list earlier this year, and the mild Argyria
 caused by Water Oz.  The third was also caused by consuming Mild Silver

 Not everyone, apparently, is at the same level of risk for Argyria.

 I don't consider ten drops of CS excessive use, even undiluted.  The
 individual whom developed severe Argyria consumed either eight or sixteen
 ounces of CS daily, religously, for five years.

 Those who consume bentonite regularly will likely have a metabolism that
 more capable of processing any number of toxic substances used in the
 the body's elimination system is well cared for with such a habit, and
 functions are greatly supported.

 Kind Regards,


 - Original Message -
 From: Bill Missett
 Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 6:02 AM
 Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

  There seems to be a major shift in philosophy developing here.  Until
  discussion began, the dominant Silver List thought was that CS could NOT
  cause arygria.   Now we are hearing that high strength CS CAN cause
  Is there any evidence to support this contention?
  I have been consuming Microdyn CS, whatever its strength is, for six
  at times heavily, straight out of the bottle into my mouth.
  During a bout of Australian flu three years ago, I drank 10 drops of
  Microdyn every hour, right out of the bottle, for three straight days.
  (There were elderly people dying in NYC from that flu, and I didn't want
  be one of them.)
  Additionally, my drinking water is a prepared mix of sea salt, bentonite
  clay and Microdyn, which I consume daily.
  I have never had any adverse reactions to this practice, and consider
  Microdyn safe for consumption undiluted.
  If I turn blue, I'll let you know. So far the only part of me that's
  my eyes.
  - Original Message -
  From: Reid Harvey
  To: silver list
  Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 8:55 PM
  Subject: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS
   Dear Jason,
   Thanks for your very thoughtful message.  I can see your point that it
   would be best for concentrated CS to be administered by a doctor.  But
   how ironic that the vast majority of otherwise-reliable, western
   educated doctors would appear to tend not to accept the validity of
   also the victims of the dis-information.
   You asked about the possibility of my having a comparison done on the
   high ppm CS I make, to see how effective it really is, and I will hope
   to do that at some point in the future.  But at present I use this CS
   primarily to saturate ceramic candle filters, all of which have tested
   100% removal of fecal coliforms.  I use the high ppm secondarily for
   various treatments on my family while traveling, 'where there is no
   For example, my wife Catherine had a very nasty bout of strep throat
   while we were in a Nepali game park, far from any clinic.  She had had
   this kind of severe strep several times before, only going to the
   after it hit her like a ton of bricks, and each time she'd go on
   antibiotics and be laid up in bed for nearly a week.  While in the
   park, when seh finally admitted that it was severe strep (her throat
   red) we put her on a careful regime of the labelled-3200ppm Microdyn,
   diluted to ~20ppm, a 200ml. glass every four hours.  By the second
   she was already feeling better and no further bed rest was indicated,
   she didn't miss out on any of the fun activities of the family. (We
   subsequently rode an elephant out to a place where we could watch
   It would be interesting to know how Mexicans fare at the business of
   self treatment with Microdyn.  I suppose I have not tuned in sooner to
   your concern about improper dosage simply because, CS in any shape or
   form is considered improper by most doctors, misquided as their
   viewpoint may be.  So it may appear that the laymen need to hazard
   own dosing, dependent on their own good instincts in seeking proper
   advice.  Of course your concern about a doctor's supervision would
   extend to many kinds of remedies and not only those of CS.  But what
   with lack of medical facilites, educated people in third world

RE: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread Dennis Harwood
Please explain further the statement: the mild Argyria was caused by
Water Oz.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS


I've corresponded with three individuals over the last year who have
developed Argyria, and I'm aware of two other cases.

The two other cases were caused by Mild Silver Protein.  One was caused
by the mass consumption of poorly made silver chloride for five years
daily. One actually posted to the list earlier this year, and the mild
Argyria was caused by Water Oz.  The third was also caused by consuming
Mild Silver Protein.

Not everyone, apparently, is at the same level of risk for Argyria.

I don't consider ten drops of CS excessive use, even undiluted.  The
individual whom developed severe Argyria consumed either eight or
sixteen ounces of CS daily, religously, for five years.

Those who consume bentonite regularly will likely have a metabolism that
is more capable of processing any number of toxic substances used in the
body; the body's elimination system is well cared for with such a habit,
and liver functions are greatly supported.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message -
From: Bill Missett
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 6:02 AM
Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

 There seems to be a major shift in philosophy developing here.  Until 
 this discussion began, the dominant Silver List thought was that CS
could NOT
 cause arygria.   Now we are hearing that high strength CS CAN cause
 Is there any evidence to support this contention?

 I have been consuming Microdyn CS, whatever its strength is, for six
 at times heavily, straight out of the bottle into my mouth.

 During a bout of Australian flu three years ago, I drank 10 drops of 
 Microdyn every hour, right out of the bottle, for three straight days.

 (There were elderly people dying in NYC from that flu, and I didn't 
 be one of them.)

 Additionally, my drinking water is a prepared mix of sea salt, 
 bentonite clay and Microdyn, which I consume daily.

 I have never had any adverse reactions to this practice, and consider 
 Microdyn safe for consumption undiluted.

 If I turn blue, I'll let you know. So far the only part of me that's 
 my eyes.

 - Original Message -
 From: Reid Harvey
 To: silver list
 Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 8:55 PM
 Subject: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

  Dear Jason,
  Thanks for your very thoughtful message.  I can see your point that 
  it would be best for concentrated CS to be administered by a doctor.

  But how ironic that the vast majority of otherwise-reliable, western

  educated doctors would appear to tend not to accept the validity of 
  CS, also the victims of the dis-information.
  You asked about the possibility of my having a comparison done on 
  the high ppm CS I make, to see how effective it really is, and I 
  will hope to do that at some point in the future.  But at present I 
  use this CS primarily to saturate ceramic candle filters, all of 
  which have tested 100% removal of fecal coliforms.  I use the high 
  ppm secondarily for various treatments on my family while traveling,

  'where there is no doctor.'
  For example, my wife Catherine had a very nasty bout of strep throat

  while we were in a Nepali game park, far from any clinic.  She had 
  had this kind of severe strep several times before, only going to 
  the doctor after it hit her like a ton of bricks, and each time 
  she'd go on antibiotics and be laid up in bed for nearly a week.  
  While in the game park, when seh finally admitted that it was severe

  strep (her throat
  red) we put her on a careful regime of the labelled-3200ppm
  diluted to ~20ppm, a 200ml. glass every four hours.  By the second
  she was already feeling better and no further bed rest was
indicated, so
  she didn't miss out on any of the fun activities of the family. (We
  subsequently rode an elephant out to a place where we could watch
  It would be interesting to know how Mexicans fare at the business of

  self treatment with Microdyn.  I suppose I have not tuned in sooner 
  to your concern about improper dosage simply because, CS in any 
  shape or form is considered improper by most doctors, misquided as 
  their viewpoint may be.  So it may appear that the laymen need to 
  hazard their own dosing, dependent on their own good instincts in 
  seeking proper advice.  Of course your concern about a doctor's 
  supervision would extend to many kinds of remedies and not only 
  those of CS.  But what with lack of medical facilites, educated 
  people in third world countries have to make do.  For example, peace

  corps doctors 

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread

In my opinion, correct!

However, that said, I'm not exactly certain what Microdyn is, as I've never
researched it.  High PPM colloidal silvers are rarely isolated silver...
Usually they are compounds, either silver salts or silver proteins.  The
higher the PPM, the harder it is to stabilize CS without some sort of


- Original Message -
From: Bill Missett
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

 But silver chloride and mild silver protein are not true collodial silver,

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 12:24 PM
 Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

  I've corresponded with three individuals over the last year who have
  developed Argyria, and I'm aware of two other cases.
  The two other cases were caused by Mild Silver Protein.  One was caused
  the mass consumption of poorly made silver chloride for five years
  One actually posted to the list earlier this year, and the mild Argyria
  caused by Water Oz.  The third was also caused by consuming Mild Silver
  Not everyone, apparently, is at the same level of risk for Argyria.
  I don't consider ten drops of CS excessive use, even undiluted.  The
  individual whom developed severe Argyria consumed either eight or
  ounces of CS daily, religously, for five years.
  Those who consume bentonite regularly will likely have a metabolism that
  more capable of processing any number of toxic substances used in the
  the body's elimination system is well cared for with such a habit, and
  functions are greatly supported.
  Kind Regards,
  - Original Message -
  From: Bill Missett
  Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 6:02 AM
  Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS
   There seems to be a major shift in philosophy developing here.  Until
   discussion began, the dominant Silver List thought was that CS could
   cause arygria.   Now we are hearing that high strength CS CAN cause
   Is there any evidence to support this contention?
   I have been consuming Microdyn CS, whatever its strength is, for six
   at times heavily, straight out of the bottle into my mouth.
   During a bout of Australian flu three years ago, I drank 10 drops of
   Microdyn every hour, right out of the bottle, for three straight days.
   (There were elderly people dying in NYC from that flu, and I didn't
   be one of them.)
   Additionally, my drinking water is a prepared mix of sea salt,
   clay and Microdyn, which I consume daily.
   I have never had any adverse reactions to this practice, and consider
   Microdyn safe for consumption undiluted.
   If I turn blue, I'll let you know. So far the only part of me that's
   my eyes.
   - Original Message -
   From: Reid Harvey
   To: silver list
   Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 8:55 PM
   Subject: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS
Dear Jason,
Thanks for your very thoughtful message.  I can see your point that
would be best for concentrated CS to be administered by a doctor.
how ironic that the vast majority of otherwise-reliable, western
educated doctors would appear to tend not to accept the validity of
also the victims of the dis-information.
You asked about the possibility of my having a comparison done on
high ppm CS I make, to see how effective it really is, and I will
to do that at some point in the future.  But at present I use this
primarily to saturate ceramic candle filters, all of which have
100% removal of fecal coliforms.  I use the high ppm secondarily for
various treatments on my family while traveling, 'where there is no
For example, my wife Catherine had a very nasty bout of strep throat
while we were in a Nepali game park, far from any clinic.  She had
this kind of severe strep several times before, only going to the
after it hit her like a ton of bricks, and each time she'd go on
antibiotics and be laid up in bed for nearly a week.  While in the
park, when seh finally admitted that it was severe strep (her throat
red) we put her on a careful regime of the labelled-3200ppm
diluted to ~20ppm, a 200ml. glass every four hours.  By the second
she was already feeling better and no further bed rest was
she didn't miss out on any of the fun activities of the family. (We
subsequently rode an elephant out to a place where we could watch

CSmaking our own

2002-09-29 Thread Tom Mary McFadden
We have made our own for about 4 years now.

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread sol
Well, that is extremely interesting as I had never heard of anyone consuming
bentonite clay, unless they inhaled some while cleaning the catbox!
However, I am violently allergic to iodine, yet worry whether the  total
lack of it in my diet for the last 17 years is causing harm.
Where would one get food grade bentonite clay?
Also, if you drink/ eat salty stuff at or near the time you take your CS
does the CS react with salt in the stomach to form silver chloride? (Sorry
if that is terminally dumb!)
again, TIA,
--when you haven't any other place to step, it doesn't matter which foot
lands in the sh** first.  -Heris Serrano
- Original Message -
From: Bill Missett

 I drink very mild mixture, with pure unprocessed sea salt for the 82
 minerals and trace elements it contains, and bentonite clay to detox and
 cleanse liver and kidneys.  (The mix is two tablespoons of each in two
 liters of water, with two tablespoons of the mix diluted in two liters of
 fresh water, so it is a very mild dose.)

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread Bill Missett
Bentonite clay is used primarily (in the U.S. anyway) for facial clay beauty
pack application, because of its well-known ability to cleanse and detox
through its high absorption characteristic (which is the same way it
deodorizes cat boxes).

I use a variety made for beauty use, because it is ground to an extremely
fine powder.

- Original Message -
From: sol
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

 Well, that is extremely interesting as I had never heard of anyone
 bentonite clay, unless they inhaled some while cleaning the catbox!
 However, I am violently allergic to iodine, yet worry whether the  total
 lack of it in my diet for the last 17 years is causing harm.
 Where would one get food grade bentonite clay?
 Also, if you drink/ eat salty stuff at or near the time you take your CS
 does the CS react with salt in the stomach to form silver chloride? (Sorry
 if that is terminally dumb!)
 again, TIA,
 --when you haven't any other place to step, it doesn't matter which foot
 lands in the sh** first.  -Heris Serrano
 - Original Message -
 From: Bill Missett

  I drink very mild mixture, with pure unprocessed sea salt for the 82
  minerals and trace elements it contains, and bentonite clay to detox and
  cleanse liver and kidneys.  (The mix is two tablespoons of each in two
  liters of water, with two tablespoons of the mix diluted in two liters
  fresh water, so it is a very mild dose.)

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread Bill Missett
I just read the last half of your message, and I dont think that's a bad
observation at all (about mixing CS and salt).   It may even be true.

 But it goes beyond what happens in the stomach, for I mix the two together
in a base mix which often takes months to deplete.  Maybe I am making silver
chloride by doing so.   It certainly is worth thinking about.

However, the issue is one best addressed by some of the finer minds on this
list, for my chemistry expertise is very limited.  Non-existent would be
more accurate.

- Original Message -
From: sol
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

 Well, that is extremely interesting as I had never heard of anyone
 bentonite clay, unless they inhaled some while cleaning the catbox!
 However, I am violently allergic to iodine, yet worry whether the  total
 lack of it in my diet for the last 17 years is causing harm.
 Where would one get food grade bentonite clay?
 Also, if you drink/ eat salty stuff at or near the time you take your CS
 does the CS react with salt in the stomach to form silver chloride? (Sorry
 if that is terminally dumb!)
 again, TIA,
 --when you haven't any other place to step, it doesn't matter which foot
 lands in the sh** first.  -Heris Serrano
 - Original Message -
 From: Bill Missett

  I drink very mild mixture, with pure unprocessed sea salt for the 82
  minerals and trace elements it contains, and bentonite clay to detox and
  cleanse liver and kidneys.  (The mix is two tablespoons of each in two
  liters of water, with two tablespoons of the mix diluted in two liters
  fresh water, so it is a very mild dose.)

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSFw: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread Bill Missett
I correct myself:  Bentonite clay is primarily used in the U.S. for oil well
drilling operations, as a slurry which is pumped into the well.

It is also used in beauty packs.   The brand I use (internally) is (get
this)  Aztec Secret / Indian Healing Clay -- World's Most Powerful
Facial/Deep Pore Cleansing!  The clay is mined in Death Valley, CA.  I paid
$5.75 for a one-pound container at a Chinese alternative nutrition drug
store in New York City.

- Original Message -
From: Bill Missett
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

 Bentonite clay is used primarily (in the U.S. anyway) for facial clay
 pack application, because of its well-known ability to cleanse and detox
 through its high absorption characteristic (which is the same way it
 deodorizes cat boxes).

 I use a variety made for beauty use, because it is ground to an extremely
 fine powder.

 - Original Message -
 From: sol
 Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 3:33 PM
 Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

  Well, that is extremely interesting as I had never heard of anyone
  bentonite clay, unless they inhaled some while cleaning the catbox!
  However, I am violently allergic to iodine, yet worry whether the  total
  lack of it in my diet for the last 17 years is causing harm.
  Where would one get food grade bentonite clay?
  Also, if you drink/ eat salty stuff at or near the time you take your CS
  does the CS react with salt in the stomach to form silver chloride?
  if that is terminally dumb!)
  again, TIA,
  --when you haven't any other place to step, it doesn't matter which
  lands in the sh** first.  -Heris Serrano
  - Original Message -
  From: Bill Missett
   I drink very mild mixture, with pure unprocessed sea salt for the 82
   minerals and trace elements it contains, and bentonite clay to detox
   cleanse liver and kidneys.  (The mix is two tablespoons of each in two
   liters of water, with two tablespoons of the mix diluted in two liters
   fresh water, so it is a very mild dose.)
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSlugol's iodine

2002-09-29 Thread Acmeair
found some lugol's iodine.  reagents, inc.,  $8.50,  
500ml, 16.50,  and iodine-potassium iodide,  1 ltr,   16.50.

both solutions look like they have the same specs.   jim

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread Marshall Dudley
Bill Missett wrote:

 There seems to be a major shift in philosophy developing here.  Until this
 discussion began, the dominant Silver List thought was that CS could NOT
 cause arygria.   Now we are hearing that high strength CS CAN cause argyria.
 Is there any evidence to support this contention?

I am not certain it has shifted.  The problem is likely that the 500 ppm CS that
is sold is really not cs, but MSP, and we do know that msp can cause argyria.
So if you call 500 ppm msp colloial silver, then yes it can, but if you say it
is not really CS, then I know of no known cases of it causing argyria.

I do believe that silver can deposit in growing tissue even when using fairly
large quantities of low ppm CS.  I have evidence of this in my finger nails
which are now growing out, and a blue area is growing out with them from when I
was drinking quarts a day for something for a week or so.  There are also
reports of gray hair darkening when taking CS, which is likely do to the same
thing, since hair and fingernails are almost identical composition.

Now that tends to raise the questions of whether some deposit may end up when
something is healing. I have never heard any evidence of this, but it does seem

 I have been consuming Microdyn CS, whatever its strength is, for six years,
 at times heavily, straight out of the bottle into my mouth.

 During a bout of Australian flu three years ago, I drank 10 drops of
 Microdyn every hour, right out of the bottle, for three straight days.
 (There were elderly people dying in NYC from that flu, and I didn't want to
 be one of them.)

 Additionally, my drinking water is a prepared mix of sea salt, bentonite
 clay and Microdyn, which I consume daily.

 I have never had any adverse reactions to this practice, and consider
 Microdyn safe for consumption undiluted.

 If I turn blue, I'll let you know. So far the only part of me that's blue is
 my eyes.

The only place I have seen it show up is in the finger nails, and darkening of
the hair.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSOT..Third World Medical Protocol...

2002-09-29 Thread larry tankersley
   OR/AND ..first world medical dictate.
 Dear list.
 While living on an island in the Bay Islands of Honduras CA a few years
ago I had a minor medical problem which was solved by being sent off
with several vials of medication and an equal number of syringes, by a
lady MD. The instructions were mostly by sign language due to my poor
command of spanish.
 I guess she didn't know that in the U.S. we are assumed to be inept to
give ourself a shot in the bumm.. Or perhaps there is another reason
that I should return to the Doc's office six times had I been in the
U.S. of A. 
 Seems to me there is incongruity, in that we are so well educated and
yet  well I'm sure you get the point.
 On a side note.. I've had a great Doc. over the years that would give
me anything I wanted to take with me on my travels. I've always given
these drugs to the folks I've met when leaving them behind to deal with
it... I'm yet to have not cried as I escaped, I've wondered if the
sorrow came from guilt of being able to leave it all behind,while
knowing they didn't have the choice of us being born White in the USA
 On one occasion I had a full spectrum antibot. with me- that I think-
save my butt while living in Patan [Kathmandu valley, Nepal]... Lord
only knows what I'd contracted, but it was a week from hell.
  Didn't know of CS at the time. Gosh, I wonder why? ..being from a
first world country.
 Reid.. what are you up to in Nepal? I enjoyed your post a while back
when you were in India. Try and come up with a way to filter the air
pollution !! The Kathmandu valley which has been referred to as earths
navel is becoming the asshole due to the use of oil.
  I hung out a while with a Major in the Nepal army who felt  pollution
is a sign of progress  for Nepal ... best I could ever tell he was
 I have often wondered if CS would be effective with leprosy- which is
to say the least- a problem in Nepal. While leprosy is curable with long
term multi.antibio. the infrastructure and follow thru is poor. I use to
have contact with a W.H.O.  DR. in Pokara that ran the Leprosy clinic
there. At the time I was unaware of CS,so we never had that dialog.
 Keep doing GOOD Ried.. you are an inspiration... as are many on this
fine list of caring folks... 

larry tankersley; Gainesville,Florida USA

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSlugol's iodine

2002-09-29 Thread d.linen

 Acmeair wrote:
 found some lugol's iodine.  reagents, inc.,
 $8.50,  500ml, 16.50,  and iodine-potassium iodide,  1 ltr,   16.50.
 both solutions look like they have the same specs.   jim

7.95 4fl.oz. 

The Thyroid,

role of the thyroid
  gland has
been understood
  for some
time now.
places emphasis
  on its
contribution to
the body's
metabolism, an equally
role is its
contribution to the
immunological health of the
organ's thyroid
  cells are
the only ones in
  the body
capable of
iodine, an
mineral nutrient
  and potent
germ killer -
80% of the less
  than 25
mg. of iodine in the
  body is
found elswhere,
in muscle and
extracellularly - the
has a concentration
  of iodine
that is over 1,000
greater than that
  found in
muscle tissue.) In
  terms of
immunology, the
gland acts as a
gatekeeper: every 17
all the blood in the
passes through the
where this gland's
of iodine kills
  germs that
have come into
  the body
of food in the
tract, skin injury,
respiratory intake, etc.)
micro-organisms, the
causative agent for
  disease in
the body, are
weaker during their
through the
gland. With each
  17 minute
passage they
  are made
still weaker until
  most are
killed, provided
thyroid has its normal
  supply of
 We know
from clinical

CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread Reid Harvey
I'm aware that Microdyn uses perhaps 1% silver protein but in my
experience with high ppm CS the stabilizers may not be necessary.  i.e.
thus far I find that I can make/ store CS that's upto ~300ppm without
the requirement of any compound.  I did have one batch go unstable
overnight and precipitate to the oxide, due to the presence of an
electromagnetic field.  That batch was in close proximity, about seven
feet from both a ceiling fan and a recharging cell phone.  One or the
other of these devices caused the problem.  Of course Microdyn would
probably want to prevent a similar result by using the silver protein
(which others here have described as 'harmless as a hamburger'), but I
simply avoid the instability by storing away from the EM fields.

Incidentally, having lived around Africa and South Asia for nearly
twenty years, and now understanding a bit about argyria, I'm
increasingly aware that many (if not most) of the poor in the third
world wouldn't care a hoot about contracting this cosmetic condition.
Comparably we see many people of color who have a condition in which
their melanin has basically gone away, causing patchiness where they
have color and where they are white/ pink.  But various forms of
disfigurement are also common place, those who suffer from these tending
to be stoic or even unconcerned.

(I remember a neighbor in Liberia, when speaking of her husband who was
severely disfigured, she said, 'it's the body God gave him!'  She was
blown away that anyone would have a problem accepting him due to his

I think that folks in such parts of the third world would have no
problem with someone suffering from argyria and I for one am not afraid
of it.  Of course I do not believe myself to be following any practice
that would bring argyria on, nor would I encourage this.  But ironically
the acceptability of others' appearance may be one way in which the
third world is a better place to be than the west:  in the socioeconomic
millieu of the poor, people are accepting of their neighbors'
appearance, not hung up on being pretty, slim, whatever.

In any event I am increasingly incredulous that there should be so much
emphasis on this cosmetic problem, that it appears to completely
overshadow the benefits of CS.  It's my two cents and I sincerely hope
it does not offend.  I do know that conditions are a bit different in
Europe and the U.S.

Jason said:

In my opinion, correct!

However, that said, I'm not exactly certain what Microdyn is, as I've
researched it.  High PPM colloidal silvers are rarely isolated
Usually they are compounds, either silver salts or silver proteins.  The

higher the PPM, the harder it is to stabilize CS without some sort of


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CSOT: Query from CS list memeber...

2002-09-29 Thread roussie
Dear Larry,

This is totally unrelated to the CS List, but I was wondering if you might be 
related to any Tankersleys in Arkansas?

Just genealogical curiosity... 

Kindest regards,

Leigh Thames

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSOT: Bentonite Clay

2002-09-29 Thread Hanneke
For those interested learning more about bentonite clay, this link has more


Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 7:53 AM
Subject: silver-digest Digest V102 #709

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread Rick Johnson
AS a fairly new person to the list, I have an observation.

The Subject shown in this particular message has been around since I
joined the list.   However, the actual topic has been changed multiple

If possible, can we change the subject line when the subject changes?

I receive hundreds of e-mails a day.   When I see the same subject line
over and over, I have a tendency to delete.   I have a feeling I have
missed some good messages.

I think this might be helpful.

However, I could be wrong. grin

Rick Johnson  AOL IM Rebelfire77
Conservative Christian News Network
God's love for poor sinners is very wonderful, 
but God's patience with ill-natured saints is a deeper  mystery.

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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSafford to get a good generator

2002-09-29 Thread M. G. Devour
Jillian writes:
 Yes, I am confused by all this ppm business, and the fear
 of turning blue or grey or whatever.i just want to take colloidal
 silver for maintence and stronger doses for sicknesswith all the
 info how could I be a little unsteady in my thinking.i do
 appreciate the list and continue to learn.  thanks much. 

Hang in there, Jillian! 

The simplest to make CS may not be perfect but continues to work for a
lot of folks. 

Silver rods in a glass of distilled water, some hookup wire and
alligator clips and three 9-volt batteries will take you farther along
the path to success than all the improvements you will make later! 

The refinements will make a generator easier to run and the product
more consistent... both of which are fine goals... but your aim ought 
to be to start making CS and refine things as you go on.

If you can afford $100 - $150, plus or minus a few, then you can hold
out for some niceties like current regulation and auto-shut-off. Folks
here will give you some recommendations, I'm sure. 

Yet you can also get started with as little as $30 worth of parts if 
you assemble your own, and *that* design is simple to do. Just ask
Marshalee! She's no techie, but has been doing it for years.

The debate over the high ppm products is interesting but not really 
crucial to what you want to be working on right now. Simply made CS, at 
5 to 15 ppm, will be enough for the basic needs you mention.

For acute problems, some other tricks may be useful -- H202, DMSO,
MSM, nebulizers, IV administration, Gatorade or Ringer's lactate, and
so on -- but a surprising number of people never need to go that far,
staying healthy with a few ounces a few times a week, and an extra
'slug' when they feel something coming on...

It's that simple.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


2002-09-29 Thread CKing001
On Sun, 29 Sep 2002 19:10:58 -0400, Rick Johnson wrote:

The Subject shown in this particular message has been around since I
joined the list.   However, the actual topic has been changed multiple

If possible, can we change the subject line when the subject changes?

I receive hundreds of e-mails a day.   When I see the same subject line
over and over, I have a tendency to delete.   I have a feeling I have
missed some good messages.

I think this might be helpful.

However, I could be wrong. grin

Nice try!
Good luck!
Won't happen. It's a universal phenomenon!

I love my attitude problem .

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSOT: Query from CS list memeber...

2002-09-29 Thread roussie
My apologies... my previous message was supposed to be off-list.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CScompany i found today

2002-09-29 Thread BungaloJil
PREToday i went to our local healthfood organic grocery and checked to see if 
they had colloidal silver..found a product that was 500ppm and the label 
read dont take more than ten days as a possible side effect is argyria, a 
skin condition than effects the color of the skin (my words)i was so put 
off i didnt even look at the other brand. It was a 4 oz bottle and suggested 
use was half teaspoon twice a day if i remember right. I usually by my 
colloidal silver from but am always looking for another 
place to get it from until i can afford to get a good generator.  I am 
reading with interest all suggestions and I appreciate this list.   The 
product I say today had a web site but the only 
silver they show is for pets and it is 100ppm..

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: CS and Brain Barrier

2002-09-29 Thread OLMXR
Dear Listers:
Some time ago I posted a question as to the use of DMSO in weakening the 
Brain Barrier against CS.
Is it true that CS will NOT cross the Barrier by itself?
Can anyone tell me where to research this situation.
I have a friend who is a new user of CS that wants to know.
Thanks if anyone can help,

CSafford to get a good generator

2002-09-29 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Evening BungaloJil,

 It was a 4 oz bottle and suggested

use was half teaspoon twice a day if i remember right. I usually by my
colloidal silver from but am always looking for another
place to get it from until i can afford to get a good generator.

   I think you have been confused and overwhelmed by the technical 
aspect of Colloidal Silver.

You reference  a good generator.  Where have you seen a bad generator?

If you are holding out until you find and purchase the best generator, you 
will never get a generator.

Actually, they are about a dime a dozen.   If you are a non technical 
person, surely you have a friend or acquaintance who does in fact savvy 
technical devices.  People that understand these devices are so plentiful, 
you could not go thru a day without running into a dozen or more.

I urge you to pick just any old generator and get busy learning about 
making CS so you can use more than a teaspoonful per day.

Likely you will spend many times the cost of a generator buying per 
packaged CS.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSafford to get a good generator

2002-09-29 Thread BungaloJil
hello wayne

Gee, i hope you arent picking on me over choice of words   yes, i am 
looking for a 'good' generator..i am alone and have no clue or technical 
ability.  Perhaps I should have good a generator as I can 
afford.. everyone wants a good generator or a good doctor or go to a good 
school.gee, who would pick a bad one of anything..its just a turn of 
the phrase, part of our casualness of language.
Yes, I am confused by all this ppm business, and the fear of turning blue or 
grey or whatever.i just want to take colloidal silver for maintence and 
stronger doses for sicknesswith all the info how could I be a little 
unsteady in my thinking.i do appreciate the list and continue to learn.  
thanks much.  Jillian

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: CS and Brain Barrier

2002-09-29 Thread Marshall Dudley
There are some claims that it does not cross the barrier. I think I was
the first on the list to support that view.  But I am not certain it is

See:,, and
Silver can be toxic to nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, but is
normally prevented from entering those areas by the blood-brain barrier. and
WARNINGS: There are no known adverse side effects from the use of
Silvicidal 350, as none have been reported by any user of the product.
Toxicity studies done on animals using extremely high concentrations
have not produced any adverse side effects. Although no side effects
have been reported, side effects could occur, and if the user feels that
some side effect has occurred from the use of this product, the user
should contact their physician immediately. There is scientific evidence
that the use of citric acid may cause certain products ingested to cross
the blood brain barrier Therefore, to avoid this possibility, unless
authorized or prescribed by physician, it is best to avoid citric acid
products (like orange or grapefruit juice) within one half hour before
or after ingesting any dietary supplement or medication.

Now, that one is a surprise for me.  It suggests to not take juices
within one half hour of taking silver.  So, the implication is that
silver normally does not cross the barrier, but silver citrate does.

Marshall wrote:

 Dear Listers:
 Some time ago I posted a question as to the use of DMSO in weakening
 the Brain Barrier against CS.
 Is it true that CS will NOT cross the Barrier by itself?
 Can anyone tell me where to research this situation.
 I have a friend who is a new user of CS that wants to know.
 Thanks if anyone can help,