Re: CSRe: the blue senator

2002-10-13 Thread Dean Miller
Hi Ian, Bill and all,

I had thought that Stan's FAQ about his CS experience had been posted
here, but I guess not.  So ...  here it is.

On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 19:50:19 -0400, Ian Roe wrote:

The fact is, the CNN picture on the internet doesn't have the same color
scheme as other contemporary pictures on the internet of the same man.

Stan Jones' FAQ:

Here's my standard response. I think it answers most of your

Don't stop what you're doing. Colloidal silver has been so completely
researched that we know it is very safe. Many people don't see any
difference in my skin. This news blast started because a reporter who
saw me in a debate in Great Falls, Montana interviewed me and
published a story with a doctored photo (made my face decidedly blue).
The associated press picked the story up and put it all on the

To answer your questions:

1) I use a generator with three nine-volt batteries connected in
series (27 volts D.C.);

2) I started taking colloidal silver in Seattle where the tap water
is generally free from minerals. I added a few drops of salt water to
improve the conductivity. When I moved to Montana 1998, I continued to
use tap water but here it is full of minerals. I never had it tested.

3) I made my solution in an eight ounce paper cup, conducting the
current for one hour. I then added one half of this solution to two
gallons of drinking water that I kept in my refrigerator. I have no
idea what the PPM of this solution was.

4) I drank my water over the entire day , but mostly in the evening
after work. I have no idea how much I drank during any day.

5) I never filtered the solution.

6) People began to tell me my complexion was getting pale or
green or blue. I never noticed the difference in my mirror every
day. I did notice that under my finger nails was turning blue -- like
a lack of oxygen. That's probably the first sign. No other part of my
body shows any indications.

I hope this is helpful. I know that I am an unusual case -- only the
second or third case to be reported. If you are as careful as you
indicate, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Stay healthy.
You are with millions of other Americans that take silver. Here's a
good web site to visit

Best wishes

Yours for good health and freedom

Stan Jones, Libertarian Candidate for the U.S. Senate

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSCS production - water uncertainty

2002-10-13 Thread Heidrun Beer

I have only recently started to study CS production, and I am 
uncertain what to think about the various waters I am testing.
I know what I see, but not what to conclude from it.

I would be grateful if one or some of the experts here could
take a look at my parameters!

Before I started buying things, I studied CS theory, devices
etc. on the internet. I spent about a week fulltime, simply
reading everything which Google would give me. I also bought
an e-book with a lot of interesting background data.

After that, I created my setup. Please bear with my European
units, I hope you can translate them to US units!

I use not the ~ 250 ml which would be 8 ounces of water, but 
600 ml of water, because here I have lots of perfect and 
free glass bottles and I can keep a constant setup without
having to frequently rethink processing times. My silver is
a 999 fine silver rod, 3 mm diameter, especially produced
for me at our national agency for precious metals (Oegussa).

I use four 9 V rechargeable batteries which should give me 
36 V, but the actual output is more like 32 - 33 V. I have 
a meter built in with a scale from 0 to 100 mA, and for 
water testing I use a second one, a multi-meter which has
a setting with a 0 - 0.5 mA scale. 

Instead of using the wildly varying production time settings
given in the literature, I stop the process at a certain current 
mark, which is 7 mA. I got that from a URL which I have recently
seen on this list, saying that about 1 mA per cm2 of wet 
electrode (I assume one electrode, not both) are the upper limit.
I have 7 cm of wet electrode; at 3 mm diameter they have roughly 
1 cm2 surface per cm of length.

The second meter with the 0.5 mA scale gives me a clue about the 
water conductivity at the start of the process (I have no other
way to evaluate the water quality). 

I had been warned by the literature that what says distilled water 
on the label is most probably not actually distilled, but created 
by some kind of ion exchange machinery. So while I was testing 
various distilled waters, I also ordered a Waterwise 4000 water
distiller (that decision came after I found out that my best
available water, Aqua bidest from the pharmacy which is even OKed 
for intravenous solutions, would cost me € 3,71 a liter...!)

Here is why I am confused and uncertain what to think:

The water with the highest conductivity seems to give me the 
best CS, at least if I judge from the literature I have studied.

I have only the ampere-meter to judge conductivity. The following
waters have been tested. I give you their names with the mA I read
at process start (the water has room temperature):

METRO (a supermarket) water (don't use for medical purposes) 0.30 mA
BIPA (another supermarket) water 0.32 mA
PURIFIED WATER (locally made in our pharmacy) 0.35 mA
AQUA BIDEST (sterile in infusion bottles) 0.16 mA
WATERWISE 1 (self-distilled, once) 4 mA
WATERWISE 2 (self-distilled, twice) 0,48 mA

(just out of curiosity I also tested tap water conductivity: 50 mA !!! )

Waterwise distiller was in the mail. I seemed to get reasonable CS 
out of all these waters. It had a golden color and the taste was 
about the same I tasted in a bottle of CS which I had bought 
at € 40,- for 100 ml at my naturopath's practice.

BUT I never saw any golden silver cloud hover between the electrodes. 
Instead, I got a feathery blackish buildup on the negative electrode, 
looking like a christmas tree, and a dark brown cover on the positive 
electrode. In some waters, the stuff would not attach itself to the 
negative electrode but first travel to it and then sink to the bottom.

After settling for two or three days, the remaining fluid would be
golden and clear and show me a faint tindall effect.

When my distiller arrived, I went to work with great enthusiasm, 
thinking that now I had the real thing. Great was also my disappointment
when I saw that with 4 mA at process start, my water obviously was not 
of the quality I needed. I reached my 7 mA already after 15 minutes
(normally about 1 hour 20 minutes), didn't wait any longer and threw 
that batch away.

I decided to double-distill. Now I had 0.48 mA at process start.
And oh wonder, for the first time ever I saw the famous silver cloud
build up between the electrodes. The negative electrode remained
absolutely clean, from the positive electrode I saw a fine dark
brown dust sink down to the bottom. That batch reached 7 mA at 1 hour 
10 minutes. The flashlight still showed me the silver cloud hovering
in the water when I put it up on the shelf for settling. 

That was in the evening; in the morning the liquid was crystal clear 
(no golden color) with only a little brown dust at the bottle bottom.

Now I am confused what to think. The WATERWISE 2 process looked
cleanest, but it had the highest starting conductivity of all 
the waters I tested. Do I have silver salts in it now? And what 
happened with the 

Re: CSIan's piece on CS

2002-10-13 Thread jrowland
 ...we desperately need to get CS to the third world...-Reid-

 ..nor can we produce a cadre of CS mercenaries who will go from town to town
 in Central Nowhere and do this for us...-Bill-

Seems like there's plenty of 3rd world conditions right here in the US,
Maybe the homeless and the street-people, having much to gain, could be
a factor?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Argyria Clears Up

2002-10-13 Thread Dean Miller
On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 16:48:07 -0700 (PDT), Paul Ladendorf wrote:

I had a customer tell me the other day that her mother was using cs (don't 
know any details) and contracted argyria. She said her face was definitely 
blue but a couple months after she stopped using cs it went away. She is going 
to get me more details and maybe a phone number so I can talk to her first 
hand. Who knows maybe I could get her on the list.

Oooh.  The going away part is most interesting.  I'd sure like to
find out what she eats that's out of the ordinary.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSBritish Columbia on silver toxicity guidelines

2002-10-13 Thread Ivan Anderson
Hi Dean,

It's true that silver chloride etc. are less effective against
pathogens, at least in the test tube, but whether the it is 300 times
less effective cannot really be taken from this article. What they are
reporting is the reaction of silver ions with the gills (I assume) of
flathead minnows, which can result in the death of these fish.

The availability of silver ions systemically in mammals, when
introduced as silver salts or proteins, depends primarily on redox
reactions between these and the attractive sites on the pathogen. In
other words, how strongly the silver is bound to protein or as a salt
vs. the pulling power of the (mainly) sulfhydryl groups upon bacterial
cell walls.

As thiosulphate is one of the reagents used to complex silver for
uv/vis spectrographic concentration assays, it is not surprising that
it has a very powerful bond and is 17,500 times less toxic than free
silver ions, but it looks like silver will give up chloride in favour
of sulphide and so may be available as a anti-bacterial. I guess that
is somewhat obvious, considering that cs made with salt reportedly has
positive results.


 -Original Message-
 From: Dean Miller []
 Sent: Saturday, 12 October 2002 8:33 p.m.
 Subject: Re: CSBritish Columbia on silver toxicity guidelines

 On Fri, 11 Oct 2002 22:36:05 -0700, wrote:

 Good find, Mike!

 There's a really interesting paragraph near the bottom of the page.
 It reads:

 The effect of speciation on the acute and chronic toxicity
 of silver
 was compared using the fathead minnow as the test organism. Silver
 sulfide, silver thiosulfate and silver chloride were compared to the
 silver ion, added as silver nitrate. The tests were flow-through in
 soft water at 25 degrees C. Silver chloride was found to be
 300 times
 less toxic, silver sulfide was 15,000 times less toxic, and silver
 thiosulfate was 17,500 times less toxic than silver nitrate.

 This could be another reason not to add salt to distilled water to
 speed up the process, if it's 300 times less effective against

 -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS production - water uncertainty

2002-10-13 Thread Dean Miller
Hi Heidrun

On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 07:59:03 GMT, Heidrun Beer

 snip of lots of good data on production setup

Here is why I am confused and uncertain what to think:

The water with the highest conductivity seems to give me the 
best CS, at least if I judge from the literature I have studied.

I have only the ampere-meter to judge conductivity. The following
waters have been tested. I give you their names with the mA I read
at process start (the water has room temperature):

METRO (a supermarket) water (don't use for medical purposes) 0.30 mA
BIPA (another supermarket) water 0.32 mA
PURIFIED WATER (locally made in our pharmacy) 0.35 mA
AQUA BIDEST (sterile in infusion bottles) 0.16 mA
WATERWISE 1 (self-distilled, once) 4 mA
WATERWISE 2 (self-distilled, twice) 0,48 mA

(just out of curiosity I also tested tap water conductivity: 50 mA !!! )

I assume you're using the 32 volt source to test the current.  If
that's true, then all except the self-distilled, once water is good,
and even that water is acceptable.  If the Waterwise distiller has a
carbon filter, did you remove it (or use it to filter the water before
the water was used in the distiller)?  Carbon filters can add minerals
to distilled water.

Waterwise distiller was in the mail. I seemed to get reasonable CS 
out of all these waters. It had a golden color and the taste was 
about the same I tasted in a bottle of CS which I had bought 
at € 40,- for 100 ml at my naturopath's practice.

BUT I never saw any golden silver cloud hover between the electrodes. 

The best colloidal silver is uncolored clear, not yellow.  And if you
see a silver cloud it means the process is using too much current.

Instead, I got a feathery blackish buildup on the negative electrode, 
looking like a christmas tree, and a dark brown cover on the positive 
electrode. In some waters, the stuff would not attach itself to the 
negative electrode but first travel to it and then sink to the bottom.

The black is oxidized silver, and a feathery buildup (as opposed to an
even black coating) implies a slightly high current at times.  The
brown cover is silver surrounding microscopic hydrogen bubbles.
Neither is bad for you.

After settling for two or three days, the remaining fluid would be
golden and clear and show me a faint tindall effect.

The golden color says the particles are probably larger than the best
CS generators produce.  But it's still quite good CS -- just not the
best.  :)

You can produce better CS by putting a 4 position switch between the
batteries and the electrodes so you can switch the voltage from 32
volts to 24 volts when the current reaches 5 mA, and then switch to 16
volts when it again reaches 5 mA, and then switch to 8 volts until
done.  It will take longer to make the CS, but the particles will be

When my distiller arrived, I went to work with great enthusiasm, 
thinking that now I had the real thing. 

You do have the real thing.  But it's not the best you can do with
your equipment.

Great was also my disappointment
when I saw that with 4 mA at process start, my water obviously was not 
of the quality I needed. I reached my 7 mA already after 15 minutes
(normally about 1 hour 20 minutes), didn't wait any longer and threw 
that batch away.

Even that batch of CS can be used externally.  And it wouldn't have
hurt you to drink.  

I decided to double-distill. Now I had 0.48 mA at process start.
And oh wonder, for the first time ever I saw the famous silver cloud
build up between the electrodes. The negative electrode remained
absolutely clean, from the positive electrode I saw a fine dark
brown dust sink down to the bottom. That batch reached 7 mA at 1 hour 
10 minutes. The flashlight still showed me the silver cloud hovering
in the water when I put it up on the shelf for settling. 

That was in the evening; in the morning the liquid was crystal clear 
(no golden color) with only a little brown dust at the bottle bottom.

That's more like it, but with 32 volts still driving the process at 7
mA, the silver particles popping off the electrode would still be
larger than the best processes.  But ... the CS will be very

Now I am confused what to think. The WATERWISE 2 process looked
cleanest, but it had the highest starting conductivity of all 
the waters I tested. Do I have silver salts in it now? And what 
happened with the other batches?

With the length of time you're taking to process, you might want to
add a stirring mechanism to your generator.  The easiest/cheapest in
most places is an air pump such as those used for small fish
aquariums.  A small stream of bubbles will gently move the water
around to break up the silver cloud you see (which could give you a
false reading on the meter, as the meter is measuring the path through
the silver cloud).  Other methods of stirring are also acceptable as
long as the stirring is very slow and gentle and 

RE: CSre: silver toxicity

2002-10-13 Thread Ivan Anderson
There is a famous congressional report that supposedly proves that the
soil has been leached of minerals in the last 100 years or so.

All minerals have their origins in rock, and rock dust (of the
appropriate kind) is the best fertiliser. Humic acids (notably fulvic)
are powerful solvents, which leach out rock bound minerals, sequester
them, and transport them in run-off and the water table for great
distances. Plants absorb these minerals from the leachate and use them
as part of their growth cycle. Certain plants have an affinity for
silver, mushrooms and wheat come to mind, and hence silver finds its
way into our diet.

I am not sure that current populations are more healthy than previous,
indeed, the incidence of cancer, obesity and heart disease are at
epidemic proportions... but as you say, it comes down to diet.


 -Original Message-
 From: Ode Coyote []
 Sent: Sunday, 13 October 2002 4:51 a.m.
 Subject: Re: CSre: silver toxicity

  How do ancestors get silver from soil when silver is a
 precious metal
 because of its rarity?
  Maybe some ancestors got some and maybe thay were
 healthier than many
 other ancestors, most of whom lived for about 40 years.
  There's something about wearing yourself out with hard
 labor or getting
 killed young in a very dangerous world that tends to prevent old age
 related disease.  Does a shrew ever get cancer?  Would you,
 if you starved
 to death at 35 or got run over by a bison?

  There's organic soil [mulch, humus etc] and inorganic soil
 ground up rock]
 Minerals leaching from mineral soil? Wouldn't you be left
 with plain old
 rock? [chock full of minerals]
 Since when is any given area of rock the same as any other area?
 Does granite have the same silver content as quarts? [Or the same
 radioactive trace elements?]

  Has anyone made a chemical comparison between foods from
 100 yrs ago and
 today? [I think not]

 I dunno, My BS-o-meter is screaming modern myth.
  If people are vitamin deficient, it's probably because
 they don't eat
 right...not that many of our ancestors did either.
  Seen a case of scurvy or rickets lately?  Goiters?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSBritish Columbia on silver toxicity guidelines

2002-10-13 Thread Dean Miller
On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 22:24:31 +1300, Ivan Anderson

It's true that silver chloride etc. are less effective against
pathogens, at least in the test tube, but whether the it is 300 times
less effective cannot really be taken from this article. What they are
reporting is the reaction of silver ions with the gills (I assume) of
flathead minnows, which can result in the death of these fish.

That's true.  But it is an indication.   :)

As thiosulphate is one of the reagents used to complex silver for
uv/vis spectrographic concentration assays, it is not surprising that
it has a very powerful bond and is 17,500 times less toxic than free
silver ions, but it looks like silver will give up chloride in favour
of sulphide and so may be available as a anti-bacterial. I guess that
is somewhat obvious, considering that cs made with salt reportedly has
positive results.

Probably even the sulfide versions are effective (notice the combining
of CS with MSM that has been discussed here).  

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS production - water uncertainty

2002-10-13 Thread Heidrun Beer

Hi Dean,

thanks a lot, that helped me understand things!

On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 04:30:48 -0500, Dean Miller wrote in

I assume you're using the 32 volt source to test the current.  


If that's true, then all except the self-distilled, once water is good,
and even that water is acceptable.  If the Waterwise distiller has a
carbon filter, did you remove it (or use it to filter the water before
the water was used in the distiller)?  Carbon filters can add minerals
to distilled water.

Ooo...! Didn't know that. It is in the machine like designed,
i.e. after the water has been distilled. I'll take it out then!

Heidrun Beer

Workgroup for Fundamental Spiritual Research and Mental Training

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSIan's piece on CS

2002-10-13 Thread Bill Missett
Granted, but with Big Brother FDA you won't get far... we need to overturn
the FDA's ban with a public education program  ...  Besides,  I can't see
street people ever doing this -- they are more interested in survival ...
how about starting with American Indian reservations, which generally have
poor health care and are exempt from federal law?

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 3:30 AM
Subject: Re: CSIan's piece on CS

  ...we desperately need to get CS to the third world...-Reid-
  ..nor can we produce a cadre of CS mercenaries who will go from town to
  in Central Nowhere and do this for us...-Bill-
 Seems like there's plenty of 3rd world conditions right here in the US,
 Maybe the homeless and the street-people, having much to gain, could be
 a factor?

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSIan's piece on CS

2002-10-13 Thread Ralph D.Gerhardt
Last year I had a similar idea of providing missionaries to poor countries 
with small CS making kits.  To this end I contacted my pastor and he, in 
turn, connected me with someone high-up in a local missionary effort. I 
told him about CS and how easy it would be for a missionary to carry a 
small CS kit and be able to make CS on-the-spot to help people in poor 
areas of the world. He seemed to be interested and said he would get back 
to me.  He never did so I assumed he just wrote me off as a kook.  It was 
kind of frustrating but not unexpected.  When talking about CS here at 
home, I sometimes get strange looks from people who think that if you don't 
take a pill that costs at least $5, then you can't get well.
I enjoy the list even though it is sometimes overwhelming trying to read it 
all.  Keep up the good work everyone.

Ralph Gerhardt

/02 -0500, you wrote:

I agree with your premise, but I think you're ahead of the ballgame.  We
have an extensive information and education process to put in place first.

We can't just go dropping CS kits into the jungle and expect to get results;
nor can we produce a cadre of CS mercenaries who will go from town to town
in Central Nowhere and do this for us.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: the blue senator

2002-10-13 Thread Sammark4
In a message dated 10/13/02 2:44:08 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

 I had thought that Stan's FAQ about his CS experience had been posted
  here, but I guess not.  So ...  here it is.

Dean, was this in private to you or is there a link for Stan's statements?  I 
would like to quote his comments to a forum where this was discussed, if 


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSre: silver toxicity

2002-10-13 Thread mamapug
Dear Ivan,
   For what its worth, I recently saw a segment on a news program where they
showed that vegetables and fruits from 50 years ago, the year I was born,
BTW, were much higher in vitamins and minerals than things grown today.
I personally suspect the difference is in the way the fields are fertilized.
Back then much more animal manure was used, whereas today farmers use mostly
Basically farmers are feeding the plants` growth, but not ours!
I also recall another program where they showed a field that was fertilized
on one side with chemicals, the other side with manure. When a flock of
sheep were turned in to graze, they all stayed on the manured side!! Dumb
Where can we buy manure-fertilized produce?

 There is a famous congressional report that supposedly proves that the
 soil has been leached of minerals in the last 100 years or so.

 All minerals have their origins in rock, and rock dust (of the
 appropriate kind) is the best fertiliser. Humic acids (notably fulvic)
 are powerful solvents, which leach out rock bound minerals, sequester
 them, and transport them in run-off and the water table for great
 distances. Plants absorb these minerals from the leachate and use them
 as part of their growth cycle. Certain plants have an affinity for
 silver, mushrooms and wheat come to mind, and hence silver finds its
 way into our diet.

 I am not sure that current populations are more healthy than previous,
 indeed, the incidence of cancer, obesity and heart disease are at
 epidemic proportions... but as you say, it comes down to diet.


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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2002-10-13 Thread OLMXR
Dear Group:

I thought this was interesting. This is in part taken from an article in our 
local newspaper.

  Last year, Americans spent $144 billion on prescription medicine. Then 
we spent $177 billion for medical and economic consequences associated with 
medical mishaps.  (clip) That's one reason the natural medicine market has 
exploded. Boomers have come to realize that modern medicine doesn't help 
everyone and may carry a slew of side effects --- some intolerable or 
downright dangerous.


RE: CSBritish Columbia on silver toxicity guidelines

2002-10-13 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Hi Dean, et al,

A chemist who visited this list several year ago told me in e-mail
correspondence that MSM, being highly oxidized, does not interact with
silver, ionic or particulate.

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-Original Message-
From: Dean Miller []
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 3:56 AM
To: *Silver-List*
Subject: Re: CSBritish Columbia on silver toxicity guidelines

On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 22:24:31 +1300, Ivan Anderson

It's true that silver chloride etc. are less effective against
pathogens, at least in the test tube, but whether the it is 300 times
less effective cannot really be taken from this article. What they are
reporting is the reaction of silver ions with the gills (I assume) of
flathead minnows, which can result in the death of these fish.

That's true.  But it is an indication.   :)

As thiosulphate is one of the reagents used to complex silver for
uv/vis spectrographic concentration assays, it is not surprising that
it has a very powerful bond and is 17,500 times less toxic than free
silver ions, but it looks like silver will give up chloride in favour
of sulphide and so may be available as a anti-bacterial. I guess that
is somewhat obvious, considering that cs made with salt reportedly has
positive results.

Probably even the sulfide versions are effective (notice the combining
of CS with MSM that has been discussed here).

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSre: silver toxicity

2002-10-13 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes

I read that forests can produce only two crops without glaciation.
Elsewhere I have read that rock flour, so fine it almost behaves like a
liquid, is the most effective way of increasing soil fertility and
production; it feeds the microorganism that feed the plants. Re-establishing
the microorganisms themselves is also very effective.  Add  some manure and
you have the whole package.

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-Original Message-
From: mamapug []
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 10:09 AM
To: *Silver-List*
Subject: Re: CSre: silver toxicity

Dear Ivan,
   For what its worth, I recently saw a segment on a news program where they
showed that vegetables and fruits from 50 years ago, the year I was born,
BTW, were much higher in vitamins and minerals than things grown today.
I personally suspect the difference is in the way the fields are fertilized.
Back then much more animal manure was used, whereas today farmers use mostly
Basically farmers are feeding the plants` growth, but not ours!
I also recall another program where they showed a field that was fertilized
on one side with chemicals, the other side with manure. When a flock of
sheep were turned in to graze, they all stayed on the manured side!! Dumb
Where can we buy manure-fertilized produce?

 There is a famous congressional report that supposedly proves that the
 soil has been leached of minerals in the last 100 years or so.

 All minerals have their origins in rock, and rock dust (of the
 appropriate kind) is the best fertiliser. Humic acids (notably fulvic)
 are powerful solvents, which leach out rock bound minerals, sequester
 them, and transport them in run-off and the water table for great
 distances. Plants absorb these minerals from the leachate and use them
 as part of their growth cycle. Certain plants have an affinity for
 silver, mushrooms and wheat come to mind, and hence silver finds its
 way into our diet.

 I am not sure that current populations are more healthy than previous,
 indeed, the incidence of cancer, obesity and heart disease are at
 epidemic proportions... but as you say, it comes down to diet.


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Unlimited Long Distance only $29.95/ month!
Sign Up Today!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: the blue senator

2002-10-13 Thread Bill Missett
I have read a lot of occult literature over the years which alluded to a
blue race of people in our distant past.  Perhaps we are destined to
re-create the race here and now.

Vote for Stan Jones!!

- Original Message -
From: Dean Miller
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 2:44 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: the blue senator

 Hi Ian, Bill and all,

 I had thought that Stan's FAQ about his CS experience had been posted
 here, but I guess not.  So ...  here it is.

 On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 19:50:19 -0400, Ian Roe wrote:

 The fact is, the CNN picture on the internet doesn't have the same color
 scheme as other contemporary pictures on the internet of the same man.

 Stan Jones' FAQ:

 Here's my standard response. I think it answers most of your

 Don't stop what you're doing. Colloidal silver has been so completely
 researched that we know it is very safe. Many people don't see any
 difference in my skin. This news blast started because a reporter who
 saw me in a debate in Great Falls, Montana interviewed me and
 published a story with a doctored photo (made my face decidedly blue).
 The associated press picked the story up and put it all on the

 To answer your questions:

 1) I use a generator with three nine-volt batteries connected in
 series (27 volts D.C.);

 2) I started taking colloidal silver in Seattle where the tap water
 is generally free from minerals. I added a few drops of salt water to
 improve the conductivity. When I moved to Montana 1998, I continued to
 use tap water but here it is full of minerals. I never had it tested.

 3) I made my solution in an eight ounce paper cup, conducting the
 current for one hour. I then added one half of this solution to two
 gallons of drinking water that I kept in my refrigerator. I have no
 idea what the PPM of this solution was.

 4) I drank my water over the entire day , but mostly in the evening
 after work. I have no idea how much I drank during any day.

 5) I never filtered the solution.

 6) People began to tell me my complexion was getting pale or
 green or blue. I never noticed the difference in my mirror every
 day. I did notice that under my finger nails was turning blue -- like
 a lack of oxygen. That's probably the first sign. No other part of my
 body shows any indications.

 I hope this is helpful. I know that I am an unusual case -- only the
 second or third case to be reported. If you are as careful as you
 indicate, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Stay healthy.
 You are with millions of other Americans that take silver. Here's a
 good web site to visit

 Best wishes

 Yours for good health and freedom

 Stan Jones, Libertarian Candidate for the U.S. Senate

 -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour - Experts Sound Alarm on Health of Americas' Natives - October 11, 2002

2002-10-13 Thread email_from_a_friend
Bill Missett (  has sent you this article. 

Personal message:

CS works against TB, doesn't it? - Experts Sound Alarm on Health of Americas' Natives

Re: CSRe: the blue senator

2002-10-13 Thread Bill Missett
Why hasn't  anyone demanded an accounting of this hoax to the news media?
Get me the proof, including Stan's own testimony, and I'll take care of it.
I need to know what news agencies issued the doctored photo, and which
publication originated the doctored photo.  This needs to be exposed.

Let's blow this hoax out of the water!!

- Original Message -
From: Dean Miller
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 2:44 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: the blue senator

 Hi Ian, Bill and all,

 I had thought that Stan's FAQ about his CS experience had been posted
 here, but I guess not.  So ...  here it is.

 On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 19:50:19 -0400, Ian Roe wrote:

 The fact is, the CNN picture on the internet doesn't have the same color
 scheme as other contemporary pictures on the internet of the same man.

 Stan Jones' FAQ:

 Here's my standard response. I think it answers most of your

 Don't stop what you're doing. Colloidal silver has been so completely
 researched that we know it is very safe. Many people don't see any
 difference in my skin. This news blast started because a reporter who
 saw me in a debate in Great Falls, Montana interviewed me and
 published a story with a doctored photo (made my face decidedly blue).
 The associated press picked the story up and put it all on the

 To answer your questions:

 1) I use a generator with three nine-volt batteries connected in
 series (27 volts D.C.);

 2) I started taking colloidal silver in Seattle where the tap water
 is generally free from minerals. I added a few drops of salt water to
 improve the conductivity. When I moved to Montana 1998, I continued to
 use tap water but here it is full of minerals. I never had it tested.

 3) I made my solution in an eight ounce paper cup, conducting the
 current for one hour. I then added one half of this solution to two
 gallons of drinking water that I kept in my refrigerator. I have no
 idea what the PPM of this solution was.

 4) I drank my water over the entire day , but mostly in the evening
 after work. I have no idea how much I drank during any day.

 5) I never filtered the solution.

 6) People began to tell me my complexion was getting pale or
 green or blue. I never noticed the difference in my mirror every
 day. I did notice that under my finger nails was turning blue -- like
 a lack of oxygen. That's probably the first sign. No other part of my
 body shows any indications.

 I hope this is helpful. I know that I am an unusual case -- only the
 second or third case to be reported. If you are as careful as you
 indicate, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Stay healthy.
 You are with millions of other Americans that take silver. Here's a
 good web site to visit

 Best wishes

 Yours for good health and freedom

 Stan Jones, Libertarian Candidate for the U.S. Senate

 -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSMarshall, How do you know CS cannot reach these areas ?

2002-10-13 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Usually caused by massive industrial exposure to silver dust

James-Osbourne: Holmes
  -Original Message-
  From: Ode Coyote []
  Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 6:14 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMarshall, How do you know CS cannot reach these areas ?

  Obvoiusly, if one can devolop argyria in the brain, silver can get there.

  Argyria, silver deposition, occurs in all organs. Common deposition sites
for people who have no history of therapeutic use are the liver, skin,
pancreas, adrenals, glomeruli of the kidney, brain, bone marrow, walls of
the blood vessels, thyroid, mesenteric glands, choroid plexus, spleen and

  P. D. Warrington, Ph.D. RPBio.
  Water Quality Branch
  Environmental Protection Department
  Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks

  For further information
  Phone: (250) 387-9513
  Email: Pat Warrington
   I just want to know, WHERE IS THE SCIENTIFIC PROOF that CS cannot
   these areas ?
  I don't know. Possibly, but I don't know where it is. Experience plays a
  part in ones concepts, and my experience and the experience of those I
know who
  have had lyme is that when in the advanced stages, the other protocols
  sometimes necessary to get past a plateau to full recovery. A number of
  state that silver does not make it past the blood brain barrier, but they
  no bibliographys.

  -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMarshall, How do you know CS cannot reach these areas ?

2002-10-13 Thread Ode Coyote

Obvoiusly, if one can devolop argyria in the brain, silver can get there.

Argyria, silver deposition, occurs in all organs. Common deposition sites for people who have no history of therapeutic use are the liver, skin, pancreas, adrenals, glomeruli of the kidney, brain, bone marrow, walls of the blood vessels, thyroid, mesenteric glands, choroid plexus, spleen and testes

P. D. Warrington, Ph.D. RPBio.
Water Quality Branch
Environmental Protection Department
Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks 

For further information
Phone: (250) 387-9513
Email: Pat Warrington 
>> I just want to know, WHERE IS THE SCIENTIFIC PROOF that CS cannot penetrate
>> these areas ?
>I don't know. Possibly, but I don't know where it is.  Experience plays a big
>part in ones concepts, and my experience and the experience of those I know who
>have had lyme is that when in the advanced stages, the other protocols are
>sometimes necessary to get past a plateau to full recovery.  A number of sources
>state that silver does not make it past the blood brain barrier, but they offer
>no bibliographys.

-- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSre: silver toxicity

2002-10-13 Thread CKing001
On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 10:09:02 -0600, mamapug wrote:

   For what its worth, I recently saw a segment on a news program where they
showed that vegetables and fruits from 50 years ago, the year I was born,
BTW, were much higher in vitamins and minerals than things grown today.
I personally suspect the difference is in the way the fields are fertilized.

I think this is a case of the macronutrients being replaced, but not the trace
elements. Thus the the soil becomes depleted in elements that we may not even
know about. Fertilizers such as fishmeal and seaweed contain ALL the elements
from an undepleted source.
Back then much more animal manure was used, whereas today farmers use mostly
's funny. I've recently come across info that goes 180 degrees opposite, saying
that manured crops and animals raised on them are NOT good for our health.
Bothered me 'cause I always thought manure was great fertilizer.

Basically farmers are feeding the plants` growth, but not ours!
I also recall another program where they showed a field that was fertilized
on one side with chemicals, the other side with manure. When a flock of
sheep were turned in to graze, they all stayed on the manured side!! Dumb
Again, it's strange. I saw a similar example in Dr Jarvis' book claiming the
opposite as proof that animals know that the manured feed was unhealthy.
Maybe Wayne has some experience.

Where can we buy manure-fertilized produce?

Lots of organic produce showing up in regular groceries now.


If you jog in a jogging suit, lounge in lounging pajamas, and smoke
in a smoking jacket, WHY would anyone want to wear a

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: the blue senator

2002-10-13 Thread Marshall Dudley
There is literature that alludes to there being a race of advanced beings that
had blue blood.  Some of this literature indicates that these are the
inhabitants of the 12th planet, and were giants, IE the giant that David slew.
They or their descendants became the heads of the monarchies, and were called
blue bloods.  Supposedly they had copper instead of iron for the oxygen
carrying capability, thus making them have blue blood instead of red blood.
Supposedly if you mixed the bloods of the blues and the humans, it would lead
to blood disorders like hemophilia.

I do have my doubts as to this.  I would find it surprising if a blood which is
copper based humanoid could cross with a iron based one and end up with
anything that would live.

I have heard three theories as to why the monarchs were called blue bloods.

1. They had argyria from drinking wine from silver cups.
2. They had a blood disorder from inbreeding
3. They were decedents of the blue blooded aliens.

Probably one of them is correct, but not sure which one.


Bill Missett wrote:

 I have read a lot of occult literature over the years which alluded to a
 blue race of people in our distant past.  Perhaps we are destined to
 re-create the race here and now.

 Vote for Stan Jones!!

 - Original Message -
 From: Dean Miller
 Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 2:44 AM
 Subject: Re: CSRe: the blue senator

  Hi Ian, Bill and all,
  I had thought that Stan's FAQ about his CS experience had been posted
  here, but I guess not.  So ...  here it is.
  On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 19:50:19 -0400, Ian Roe wrote:
  The fact is, the CNN picture on the internet doesn't have the same color
  scheme as other contemporary pictures on the internet of the same man.
  Stan Jones' FAQ:
  Here's my standard response. I think it answers most of your
  Don't stop what you're doing. Colloidal silver has been so completely
  researched that we know it is very safe. Many people don't see any
  difference in my skin. This news blast started because a reporter who
  saw me in a debate in Great Falls, Montana interviewed me and
  published a story with a doctored photo (made my face decidedly blue).
  The associated press picked the story up and put it all on the
  To answer your questions:
  1) I use a generator with three nine-volt batteries connected in
  series (27 volts D.C.);
  2) I started taking colloidal silver in Seattle where the tap water
  is generally free from minerals. I added a few drops of salt water to
  improve the conductivity. When I moved to Montana 1998, I continued to
  use tap water but here it is full of minerals. I never had it tested.
  3) I made my solution in an eight ounce paper cup, conducting the
  current for one hour. I then added one half of this solution to two
  gallons of drinking water that I kept in my refrigerator. I have no
  idea what the PPM of this solution was.
  4) I drank my water over the entire day , but mostly in the evening
  after work. I have no idea how much I drank during any day.
  5) I never filtered the solution.
  6) People began to tell me my complexion was getting pale or
  green or blue. I never noticed the difference in my mirror every
  day. I did notice that under my finger nails was turning blue -- like
  a lack of oxygen. That's probably the first sign. No other part of my
  body shows any indications.
  I hope this is helpful. I know that I am an unusual case -- only the
  second or third case to be reported. If you are as careful as you
  indicate, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Stay healthy.
  You are with millions of other Americans that take silver. Here's a
  good web site to visit
  Best wishes
  Yours for good health and freedom
  Stan Jones, Libertarian Candidate for the U.S. Senate
  -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMarshall, How do you know CS cannot reach these areas ?

2002-10-13 Thread Marshall Dudley
Interesting. So we have reports that it cannot pass the blood brain barrier, 
and that it can deposit into the brain. Unfortunately I can find NOTHING that 
gives any references that can be checked on this for either.

Surely there is some research somewhere that will put this to rest.


Ode Coyote wrote:

 Obvoiusly, if one can devolop argyria in the brain, silver can get there.

 Argyria, silver deposition, occurs in all organs. Common deposition sites for 
 people who have no history of therapeutic use are the liver, skin, pancreas, 
 adrenals, glomeruli of the kidney, brain, bone marrow, walls of the blood 
 vessels, thyroid, mesenteric glands, choroid plexus, spleen and testes

 P. D. Warrington, Ph.D. RPBio.
 Water Quality Branch
 Environmental Protection Department
 Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks

 For further information
 Phone: (250) 387-9513
 Email: Pat Warrington
  I just want to know, WHERE IS THE SCIENTIFIC PROOF that CS cannot penetrate
  these areas ?
 I don't know. Possibly, but I don't know where it is. Experience plays a big
 part in ones concepts, and my experience and the experience of those I know 
 have had lyme is that when in the advanced stages, the other protocols are
 sometimes necessary to get past a plateau to full recovery. A number of 
 state that silver does not make it past the blood brain barrier, but they 
 no bibliographys.

 -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: the blue senator

2002-10-13 Thread Keith Pittman
 To answer your questions:
 1) I use a generator with three nine-volt batteries connected in
 series (27 volts D.C.);

Here is the first problem.  This method will allow the particles to get
to large very quickly.  A Constant Current CS generator will not allow
the particles to get so large that they can't pass through the body.

 2) I started taking colloidal silver in Seattle where the tap water
 is generally free from minerals. I added a few drops of salt water to
 improve the conductivity. When I moved to Montana 1998, I continued to
 use tap water but here it is full of minerals. I never had it tested.

Tap water has all sorts of minerals in it that when mixed with the silver
will produce all kinds of silver compounds.  The salt will cause silver
nitrate.  Distilled water and NO SALT will give you a pure CS 
product with no compounds.  My tap water in Plano, TX is 480 PPM
of who knows what!

 3) I made my solution in an eight ounce paper cup, conducting the
 current for one hour. I then added one half of this solution to two
 gallons of drinking water that I kept in my refrigerator. I have no
 idea what the PPM of this solution was.
Refrain from mixing CS with anything unless you are trying to kill 
the germs in it, like perhaps purifying drinking water.  Generally you
should take CS straight without mixing with anything.  

All of this combined can cause Agyria.  So, please seek the truth.

 Best wishes
 Yours for good health and freedom
 Stan Jones, Libertarian Candidate for the U.S. Senate
 -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF


Keith Pittman

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: [Re: CSre: silver toxicity]

2002-10-13 Thread Hank Adams
mamapug, Anything anyone may post someone will say you are wrong. Now someone
come and say I am wrong.
Yours Hank wrote:
On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 10:09:02 -0600, mamapug wrote:

   For what its worth, I recently saw a segment on a news program where they
showed that vegetables and fruits from 50 years ago, the year I was born,
BTW, were much higher in vitamins and minerals than things grown today.
I personally suspect the difference is in the way the fields are fertilized.

I think this is a case of the macronutrients being replaced, but not the
elements. Thus the the soil becomes depleted in elements that we may not even
know about. Fertilizers such as fishmeal and seaweed contain ALL the elements
from an undepleted source.
Back then much more animal manure was used, whereas today farmers use mostly
's funny. I've recently come across info that goes 180 degrees opposite,
that manured crops and animals raised on them are NOT good for our health.
Bothered me 'cause I always thought manure was great fertilizer.

Basically farmers are feeding the plants` growth, but not ours!
I also recall another program where they showed a field that was fertilized
on one side with chemicals, the other side with manure. When a flock of
sheep were turned in to graze, they all stayed on the manured side!! Dumb
Again, it's strange. I saw a similar example in Dr Jarvis' book claiming the
opposite as proof that animals know that the manured feed was unhealthy.
Maybe Wayne has some experience.

Where can we buy manure-fertilized produce?

Lots of organic produce showing up in regular groceries now.


If you jog in a jogging suit, lounge in lounging pajamas, and smoke
in a smoking jacket, WHY would anyone want to wear a

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Yours Hank 

RE: CSRe: the blue senator

2002-10-13 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
The news media is the largest hoax of all. 

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-Original Message-
From: Bill Missett []
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: the blue senator

Why hasn't  anyone demanded an accounting of this hoax to the news media?
Get me the proof, including Stan's own testimony, and I'll take care of it.
I need to know what news agencies issued the doctored photo, and which
publication originated the doctored photo.  This needs to be exposed.

Let's blow this hoax out of the water!!

- Original Message -
From: Dean Miller
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 2:44 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: the blue senator

 Hi Ian, Bill and all,

 I had thought that Stan's FAQ about his CS experience had been posted
 here, but I guess not.  So ...  here it is.

 On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 19:50:19 -0400, Ian Roe wrote:

 The fact is, the CNN picture on the internet doesn't have the same color
 scheme as other contemporary pictures on the internet of the same man.

 Stan Jones' FAQ:

 Here's my standard response. I think it answers most of your

 Don't stop what you're doing. Colloidal silver has been so completely
 researched that we know it is very safe. Many people don't see any
 difference in my skin. This news blast started because a reporter who
 saw me in a debate in Great Falls, Montana interviewed me and
 published a story with a doctored photo (made my face decidedly blue).
 The associated press picked the story up and put it all on the

 To answer your questions:

 1) I use a generator with three nine-volt batteries connected in
 series (27 volts D.C.);

 2) I started taking colloidal silver in Seattle where the tap water
 is generally free from minerals. I added a few drops of salt water to
 improve the conductivity. When I moved to Montana 1998, I continued to
 use tap water but here it is full of minerals. I never had it tested.

 3) I made my solution in an eight ounce paper cup, conducting the
 current for one hour. I then added one half of this solution to two
 gallons of drinking water that I kept in my refrigerator. I have no
 idea what the PPM of this solution was.

 4) I drank my water over the entire day , but mostly in the evening
 after work. I have no idea how much I drank during any day.

 5) I never filtered the solution.

 6) People began to tell me my complexion was getting pale or
 green or blue. I never noticed the difference in my mirror every
 day. I did notice that under my finger nails was turning blue -- like
 a lack of oxygen. That's probably the first sign. No other part of my
 body shows any indications.

 I hope this is helpful. I know that I am an unusual case -- only the
 second or third case to be reported. If you are as careful as you
 indicate, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Stay healthy.
 You are with millions of other Americans that take silver. Here's a
 good web site to visit

 Best wishes

 Yours for good health and freedom

 Stan Jones, Libertarian Candidate for the U.S. Senate

 -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSot edible zapper...

2002-10-13 Thread
Greetings, all:

As many of you know, I follow James Carr's work ( Alpha Omega Labs ) fairly 
closely, and utilize a number of his products.  I've also been a fan of the 
Russian Scientific Community for quite some time, as well.

I thought those of you who are familiar with DC Zapper technology would get a 
kick ( literally? ) out of a family of products developed in the ( former ) 
Soviet Union...  Edible zappers, at about 40.00 US a pill.

Now, who's going to be the first to develop the first in-blood-stream zapper?

Happy reading and kind regards,
