Re: CS>OT - CS>Brew

2003-04-22 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Negative.  Lowenbrau makes a non-alcohol beer.  

JBB wrote:
> The reason you feel "really wonderful" when you drink Lowenbrau is
> because it contains 5 percent alcohol.
> From: Jonathan B. Britten
> Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 18:31:12 I find that I feel really wonderful
> when drinking non-alcholic beer,
> brands including Henninger, Holsten, Lowenbrau, and others.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ribavirin, not CS? LINK

2003-04-22 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
If the information regarding ribavirin from the LE site is incorrect,
that would be good to know;  I have read various reports with
contradictory information.  I have generally found LE an excellent
information source, and disagree with the the "propaganda" comment.   I
hope, given the worldwide concerns, C. Creel will give us some snippets
of the most valuable information from the list of SARS doctors she
refers to here.   I would certainly welcome these, if if ribavirin is
not useful, it would be good to know what might be, other than beta


C Creel wrote:
> Dear Jonathan,
>   You said:
> <<
> Life Extension Foundation provides this link advocating ribavirin
> against SARS, with treatment protocol:
> &key=Body+Bottom+Sars
> NB LE's claim of FDA suppression of this drug.  An old, sad song. . . >>
>   **  I don't know where the talk of suppression originated but ribavirin
> has been  being used in Hong Kong and Toronto.  It has little if any effect.
> In fact,
> I believe Hong Kong is abandoning the treatment.
>   This information is not from the media.  It is from a mailing list of
> physicians treating
>   The LE site says:
> < effective treatment for SARS, yet the Chinese report excellent results using
> the drug ribavirin (sold in the United States under the brand name
> Rebetol®). According to Hong Kong health officials, at least 90 percent of
> patients treated with ribavirin have recovered.>>
>**This is propaganda.  I'm sitting on this list with these people
> treating this virus.  They are in an utter panic over the way it is
> spreading and the lack of efficacious treatment for it while the are using
> ribavirin.
>   You may also note that Hong Kong and Toronto have the highest mortality
> rates while the U.S. has had no deaths.
> Ribavirin failed in in vitro tests against SARS.
> Regards,
> Catherine
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ribavirin, not CS? LINK

2003-04-22 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
A doctor from Hong Kong was featured in a recent news article.  In his
hospital, the docs wear respirators;  they throw them out after a day or
so as they fill up with viral contamination.  This doc takes absolutely
NOTHING into the hospital with him except his underwear, which he leaves
behind each day.  No pens, phones, nothing.  He is extremely careful
with his family when he goes home, as he is terribly afraid of infecting

Once again, it would seem to me that given the low cost of Beta 1,3
Glucans, list members would do well to investigate this powerful
nutraceutical carefully. 

C Creel wrote:
> Dear Jonathan,
>   You said:
> < inhalations should note that MD's reportedly say that any ventilation
> method results in patients exhaling vast clouds of infection.  Be
> forewarned -- if you do this, you fill up the room with virus!
> Persons doing this should more or less isolate and quarantine
> themselves!   Friends and loved ones should not be in the same room. >>
>   **  Regardless of what you are using for treatment, isolation is a must.
> Friends and loved ones should not be in the same room.  Hospital staff are
> falling like flies despite wearing N95 masks as per protocol.
> Interestingly, thr company that makes these masks said over a week ago that
> they would not suffice as protection from SARS because the virus is so
> small.
> Relevant, too -  SARS has been cultured from surfaces after 48 hours of
> being there.
>   Another note - though it has been announced that SARS has been genomically
> mapped,
> there are 4 clear variations in the mapping.  It appears that there are
> variations to this virus.
>   Regards,
> Catherine
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Mined colloidal trace mineral water...

2003-04-22 Thread jay ice
Is there a web site or a name of the mine I can put in my search engine to read 
about it. Sounds very interesting. Thanks.Jay

C Creel  wrote:>

Where did you hear the latter part of this sentence? The "mine" that the
minerals came from he was touting at the time was certified long ago to
provide trace minerals in supplemrnt form. In fact, it is the only mine in
the U.S. certified for this purpose. Thre companies now have rights to this
mine. They all produce colloidal trace minerals. One of them has been in
business since the 1940s.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: CS>New CS question

2003-04-22 Thread Malcolm Stebbins

I uh, . . . . ummm . . .

I forget 

> >I don't remember.
> ...not that I recall.
> K
> >As an other side note: Has anyone found an unexpected change in their
> >memory since using silver?
> >
> >Regards
> >
> >  Graham
> >
> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> >Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >
> >Silver-list archive:
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: CS>Re: Wallach

2003-04-22 Thread C Creel

   Where did you hear the latter part of this sentence?  The "mine" that the
minerals came from he was touting at the time was certified long ago to
provide trace minerals in supplemrnt form.  In fact, it is the only mine in
the U.S. certified for this purpose.  Thre companies now have rights to this
mine.  They all produce colloidal trace minerals.  One of them has been in
business since the 1940s.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Wallach

2003-04-22 Thread AScottSilver
That guy was a shyster. I remember when he had a radio program and he sold 
colloidal minerals. He claimed that there was a community of Indians that 
drank from a sacred spring and they lived to be 140 years old. He was selling 
the sacred spring water. It turned out that there was no civilization of 140 
year old people and that he was really selling crunched up shale water from a 
mine in Utah. It contained heavy metals as well as traces of everything else.

I had his Dead Doctors Don't Lie tape and he made a lot of unfounded claims 
about being nominated for a Nobel prize and that doctors don't live as long 
as everyone else. I'm sure he made a lot of money off of it. He probably 
moved because he had to. I'm sure there were a lot of law suites. He was 
quite the salesman.

People like him and his greed screw things up and get the FDA and FTC 
involved in things that they shouldn't be involved in. Good riddance as far 
as I'm concerned.

Re: CS>Re acne treatments/Wallach

From: E82278 
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 17:54:11 Dr. Joel Wallach is a friend of mine.  Before 
went into the vitamins and minerals thing he was a veteranian and zoo direct
or.  He is a brilliant man who knows a lot about nutrition.  He is
 presently on Baffin Island (it is near Greenland if you look on a globe) wo
rking at a private animal preserve where he is in charge of a variety of ani
mals, from eagles, wolves, buffalo, elk, deer, polar bears, black bears, gri
zzly bears, to the world's largest horse called Onyx.  Unfortunately he
 is too busy to consult with anymore regarding humans and their nutrition as
 he is devoting himself exclusively to these animals and the private preserv
e.  He almost has a cure for the buffalo disease brucaliousis (I know t
hat is not spelled right).

When I was able to speak to him regarding CS he said that was an "old time" 
remedy that not too many people knew of and he wholeheartedly endorsed for "
whatever ails you".  He uses it now on Baffin Island for all sorts of a
nimal problems (and a few human problems when they come up as well).  <

There is a picture on the internet I found not too long ago that showed Dr. 
Joel (what I call him) in his Humvee with buff colored sheepskin seatcovers.
  He looks like he is having the time of his life doing what he wants t
o and doing it best.

Just thought you might want to know what Dr. Joel is up to now as he is not 
on radio or tv just now.

Re: CS>LM317 connection

2003-04-22 Thread Brickeyk
I have the TO-92 package.

CS>Fw: Virus Is Mutating Rapidly, Genetic Sequencing in China Indicates

2003-04-22 Thread C Creel

Virus Is Mutating Rapidly, Genetic Sequencing in China Indicates

By John Pomfret
Washington Post Foreign Service
Wednesday, April 23, 2003; Page A26

BEIJING, April 22 -- Chinese scientists have deciphered the genetic code of
number of samples of the SARS virus and say their research could provide
important clues as to whether the microbe will weaken or increase in
over time.

Yang Huanming, one of China's best-known geneticists, said the work has
significant differences between virus samples from patients in Guangzhou and
in Beijing, indicating that the virus is mutating rapidly.

Yang's Beijing Genomics Institute has sequenced SARS, severe acute
syndrome, in a joint project with the Institute of Microbiology and
Epidemiology of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences. He said samples
already sequenced in the United States and Canada were similar to the
Guangzhou samples because the American and Canadian samples came from people
who caught the disease in southern China. But when researchers did
of samples collected in Beijing, about 1,200 miles to the north, they
significant differences from the southern strain.

"We don't have evidence that these structural differences are related to the
intensity of the disease," Yang said in an interview at the institute,
on the outskirts of Beijing, "but that possibility can't be excluded."

The SARS virus belongs to a family of viruses known as coronaviruses, which
are prone to mutations. So it is not surprising that the virus has developed
changes in its genetic makeup, according to other scientists. The key
is whether the changes affect the virus in any meaningful way, such as
it more or less likely to spread or more or less likely to cause severe
disease. Most mutations in viruses have little effect on how the disease
manifests in humans.

"These mutations may cause the virus to become more virulent, or
the mutations may cause the virus to become less virulent," said Michael
a coronavirus expert at the University of Southern California. "It will take
more analysis to know."

The mutations were seen in all five of the viruses' known functional genes,
with most of them occurring in the gene that carries the instructions for
distinctive spikes that jut from the outside of the virus, according to Siqi
Liu, associate director at the Beijing Genomics Institute, part of the
Academy of Sciences.

The only way to determine whether the mutations are changing how the virus
behaves is by seeing whether patients or animals infected with the virus
the mutations are getting sicker or are more infectious, Lai said.

"If you see all the patients have more severe disease, then this would
this mutation has some effect," Lai said.

Drafts of the sequences have been posted on a public Web site for other
scientists to review, officials said.

The Chinese institute began sequencing samples on April 15, three days after
Canadian researchers successfully sequenced another sample of SARS.
Researchers sequenced tissue samples from the lungs of two deceased
one in Guangzhou and one in Beijing; a mix of samples from the liver and
gland of another Beijing patient; and samples from nasal and throat cultures
of several SARS patients in Beijing.

Yang and other institute scientists hypothesized that the vast differences
the intensity of the disease from patient to patient may be explained by
mutations within the virus. Some patients with SARS have been dubbed "poison
kings" by the Chinese because of their tendency to infect scores of people.
Some scientists have discounted this theory, however, saying steps taken to
protect against infection are the determining factor.

Wang Jian, one of Yang's colleagues, said the mutations also might explain
the virus seems to lose strength over time. "It can go in both directions,"
said. "It can become less virulent or more poisonous."

Yang said his institute would soon be sequencing samples from Inner Mongolia
and other parts of China where SARS is currently spreading.

Staff writer Rob Stein in Washington contributed to this report.

© 2003 The Washington Post Company

Henry L Niman, PhD
Department of Bioengineering
Shriners' Burn Center
51 Blossom Street, Room 422
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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>SOTA machine, clear solution

2003-04-22 Thread David Bearrow

At 01:57 PM 4/22/03, you wrote:

Linda said    "I saw no visible change in color in FIVE HOURS of 
"cooking" (using the SOTA unit).  I had left the unit running for 
twelve hours. The silver wires were "bearded," but the color is still 
pretty clear.  What did I do wrong?"

Q - I also use a SOTA machine with their constant current adapter.  I use 
a large deep drinking glass and find a clear solution after 3+ 
hours.  What's this about glass plating on Mason jars that could cause a 
problem?Does this mean that a clear solution is ineffective?

No, a clear solution is what most people on this list strive for. The 
problem with plating is instead of the silver ions dispersing into the 
water half are attracted to the wall of the jar due to the current flowing 
through the plating and this causes more plating and less free silver ions 
in the water and causes you to take twice as long to reach the same ppm and 
makes it more ionic due to the fact that the particles get attracted to the 
plate and become a part of the plate.

+-   Bentonite Clay for sale-+
¦  David Bearrow ¦
¦  ¦
+  Phone: (972)722-8319  +

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ribavirin, not CS? LINK

2003-04-22 Thread C Creel
Dear Jonathan,

  You said:


  **  Regardless of what you are using for treatment, isolation is a must.
Friends and loved ones should not be in the same room.  Hospital staff are
falling like flies despite wearing N95 masks as per protocol.
Interestingly, thr company that makes these masks said over a week ago that
they would not suffice as protection from SARS because the virus is so

Relevant, too -  SARS has been cultured from surfaces after 48 hours of
being there.

  Another note - though it has been announced that SARS has been genomically
there are 4 clear variations in the mapping.  It appears that there are
variations to this virus.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ribavirin, not CS? LINK

2003-04-22 Thread C Creel
Dear Jonathan,

  You said:

Life Extension Foundation provides this link advocating ribavirin
against SARS, with treatment protocol:

NB LE's claim of FDA suppression of this drug.  An old, sad song. . . >>

  **  I don't know where the talk of suppression originated but ribavirin
has been  being used in Hong Kong and Toronto.  It has little if any effect.
In fact,
I believe Hong Kong is abandoning the treatment.

  This information is not from the media.  It is from a mailing list of
physicians treating

  The LE site says:


   **This is propaganda.  I'm sitting on this list with these people
treating this virus.  They are in an utter panic over the way it is
spreading and the lack of efficacious treatment for it while the are using

  You may also note that Hong Kong and Toronto have the highest mortality
rates while the U.S. has had no deaths.

Ribavirin failed in in vitro tests against SARS.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT - CS>Brew

2003-04-22 Thread AScottSilver
The reason you feel "really wonderful" when you drink Lowenbrau is because it 
contains 5 percent alcohol.

From: Jonathan B. Britten  
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 18:31:12 I find that I feel really wonderful when 
drinking non-alcholic beer,
brands including Henninger, Holsten, Lowenbrau, and others.   

Re: CS>OT - CS>Brew

2003-04-22 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
I find that I feel really wonderful when drinking non-alcholic beer,
brands including Henninger, Holsten, Lowenbrau, and others.   Some
guarantee 0% alcohol content, others less than 0.5%.   I am aware of
some benefits of alcohol, but believe from my own experience that the
non-alcohol beers have health benfits, without the risks of alcohol. 
Non-drinkers, then, may enjoy at least some of the benfits Roman
hypothesizes. . . . 

Roman wrote:
> Hops may indeed be a good addition to beer. This is what Mark Konlee at
> Keep Hope Alive write ( "About a
> year ago, I wrote an article that DRINKING BEER STOPS AIDS PROGRESSION
> that raised a few eyebrows. Recently, a medical assistant who has access
> to the medical records of several hundred AIDS patients in Wisconsin
> asked me why persons on drug cocktails who were heavy alcoholic drinkers
> had higher T cell counts than non-drinkers. I told him that beta 1, 3
> glucan was in beer, but I didn’t think beta glucan was the whole story
> and that the herb “Hops” used to flavor beer may have anti-viral and/or
> immunological benefits. Also, alcohol itself will dissolve the outer
> envelope of lipid envelope viruses like HIV and HHV-6 and in moderation
> will increase ATP production that helps with antigen presentation.
> However, too much alcohol will deplete B vitamin and mineral reserves
> and that is immuno-suppressive. Beer is preferred over both wine and
> hard liquor as it is a rich source of B vitamins and is a source of
> minerals and other nutrients. A long term patient with CFIDS reported
> she had some health problems while she was a heavy beer drinker fro
> several years but added that her health really deteriorated after she
> stopped drinking beer."
> Roman
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Kathie,
> >
> > A glass of good home-brew made with real malted barley, hops and yeast
> > can indeed be just like eating a loaf of good bread - only better.
> > Warning - This won't work with any domestic beer or most imported
> > beers.
> >
> > Best wishes,
> > Andy (^_^)
> >
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Ribavirin, not CS? LINK

2003-04-22 Thread Jonathan B. Britten

Heads up: 

Life Extension Foundation provides this link advocating ribavirin
against SARS, with treatment protocol:

NB LE's claim of FDA suppression of this drug.  An old, sad song. . . 

I would be glad to hear of a source of this medicine as non-prescription
pharmaceutical availalbe to laypersons;  direct contact would be
appreciated as well as reply to list.  

Also NB:  persons using the Bradley protocol of CS/MSM/DMSO/oxygen
inhalations should note that MD's reportedly say that any ventilation
method results in patients exhaling vast clouds of infection.  Be
forewarned -- if you do this, you fill up the room with virus!   
Persons doing this should more or less isolate and quarantine
themselves!   Friends and loved ones should not be in the same room. 

Last comment, pure speculation:  a simpler inhaler device might possibly
be made -- I am just guessing here -- by buying bottled oxypgen that
climbers use,  the sort in typical aerosol-type bottles,  sold (at least
in Japan) in many sporting-goods stores.   Seems to me one might rig up
a tube, connect it to a typical mask-type nebulizer, and possibly get
some or even all of the benefits of the more elaborate device Mr.
Bradley has described in such great deatail.  

His device is not suitable to my situation, so I am thinking of
alternatives . . .  Comments and criticism of the idea welcome from the
pros. . . .

Thanks in advance. 


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re acne treatments/Wallach

2003-04-22 Thread E82278
Dr. Joel Wallach is a friend of mine.  Before he went into the vitamins and 
minerals thing he was a veteranian and zoo director.  He is a brilliant man 
who knows a lot about nutrition.  He is presently on Baffin Island (it is 
near Greenland if you look on a globe) working at a private animal preserve 
where he is in charge of a variety of animals, from eagles, wolves, buffalo, 
elk, deer, polar bears, black bears, grizzly bears, to the world's largest 
horse called Onyx.  Unfortunately he is too busy to consult with anymore 
regarding humans and their nutrition as he is devoting himself exclusively to 
these animals and the private preserve.  He almost has a cure for the buffalo 
disease brucaliousis (I know that is not spelled right).

When I was able to speak to him regarding CS he said that was an "old time" 
remedy that not too many people knew of and he wholeheartedly endorsed for 
"whatever ails you".  He uses it now on Baffin Island for all sorts of animal 
problems (and a few human problems when they come up as well).  

There is a picture on the internet I found not too long ago that showed Dr. 
Joel (what I call him) in his Humvee with buff colored sheepskin seatcovers.  
He looks like he is having the time of his life doing what he wants to and 
doing it best.
Just thought you might want to know what Dr. Joel is up to now as he is not 
on radio or tv just now.

CS>Need help to calculate the PPM

2003-04-22 Thread Maja Hristozova
In Bulgaria we only have 1-2 brands Silver and it
doesn't say the PPM on the bottle. 

So I need help to calculate it - it's written - 2120
micrograms per bottle. 1 bottle is 175 mililitres. 

Is it possible at all to calculate the PPM from that?


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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New CS question

2003-04-22 Thread Graham Telfer

Bill & Ode Coyote,

Thanks for your reply to my email. However you assumed that the question 
related to loss of memory not having a better memory. This was just a 
question which was prompted by someone outside this list. I am more 
interested in your response to the first part of the question (ie silver's 
effects on other minerals) which I believe is a relevant and serious one.



  At 10:56 AM 22/4/2003 -0500, you wrote:

I forget 

> >I don't remember.
> ...not that I recall.
> K
> >As an other side note: Has anyone found an unexpected change in their
> >memory since using silver?
> >
> >Regards
> >
> >  Graham
> >
> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> >Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >
> >Silver-list archive:
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2003-04-22 Thread Robert Berger
Hi CS'ers,

Has anyone had experience with Microwater or have you made any?

The hardware seems easy to make.

"Ole Bob"

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>SOTA machine, clear solution

2003-04-22 Thread S K

Linda said    "I saw no visible change in color in FIVE HOURS of "cooking" (using the SOTA unit).  I had left the unit running for twelve hours. The silver wires were "bearded," but the color is still pretty clear.  What did I do wrong?"

Q - I also use a SOTA machine with their constant current adapter.  I use a large deep drinking glass and find a clear solution after 3+ hours.  What's this about glass plating on Mason jars that could cause a problem?    Does this mean that a clear solution is ineffective?
SOTA says that after 3 hours, the PPM will be in the 9-10 PPM range, and that the PPM does not increase significantly up to 5 hours - their test showed 10.4 with a pale yellow color.
As always... Thanks!


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>LM317 connection

2003-04-22 Thread Robert Berger
Jeff, try 

"ole Bob"

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New CS question

2003-04-22 Thread Bill Missett
I forget 

> >I don't remember.
> ...not that I recall.
> K
> >As an other side note: Has anyone found an unexpected change in their 
> >memory since using silver?
> >
> >Regards
> >
> >  Graham
> >
> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> >Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >
> >Silver-list archive:
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT - CS>Brew

2003-04-22 Thread Roman
Hops may indeed be a good addition to beer. This is what Mark Konlee at
Keep Hope Alive write ( "About a
year ago, I wrote an article that DRINKING BEER STOPS AIDS PROGRESSION
that raised a few eyebrows. Recently, a medical assistant who has access
to the medical records of several hundred AIDS patients in Wisconsin
asked me why persons on drug cocktails who were heavy alcoholic drinkers
had higher T cell counts than non-drinkers. I told him that beta 1, 3
glucan was in beer, but I didn’t think beta glucan was the whole story
and that the herb “Hops” used to flavor beer may have anti-viral and/or
immunological benefits. Also, alcohol itself will dissolve the outer
envelope of lipid envelope viruses like HIV and HHV-6 and in moderation
will increase ATP production that helps with antigen presentation.
However, too much alcohol will deplete B vitamin and mineral reserves
and that is immuno-suppressive. Beer is preferred over both wine and
hard liquor as it is a rich source of B vitamins and is a source of
minerals and other nutrients. A long term patient with CFIDS reported
she had some health problems while she was a heavy beer drinker fro
several years but added that her health really deteriorated after she
stopped drinking beer."

Roman wrote:
> Hi Kathie,
> A glass of good home-brew made with real malted barley, hops and yeast
> can indeed be just like eating a loaf of good bread - only better.
> Warning - This won't work with any domestic beer or most imported
> beers.
> Best wishes,
> Andy (^_^)

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>cloudy silver

2003-04-22 Thread Robert Berger
Hi  Kevin 7 Glenda,

The first thing to do is throw away the  coffe cup warmer. The heated Dw
makes very large particle CS, and I don't think you want that as that is
where the color comes from. If you have color it is junk in my opinion.

No one on this or any other list has run as many experiements of making CS
as I have and have never has to use a starter or heat the DW. As for using a
starter, the product you make will be identical to the starter that you
used. If you used a starter with large particles you will get large
particles.   Please visit my web site.

"ole Bob"

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>LM317 connection

2003-04-22 Thread Robert Berger
Hi  Brickey,

For the LM317T place the heat sink (metal tab) down with the fingers
pointing towards you.

The left most terminal should have a dot molded into the case. that is
the Input terminal.

The middle terminal is the Output and the right most is the Adjust .

Connect the reisitor across the Output and the Adjust and connect the
Adjust terminal to your brew cell positive terminal.
The Input terminal goes to your DC power source positive terminal.

"Ole Bob" wrote:

>  How can I tell how to connect the LM 317 to my CS generator?  Vout
> and adj. are not marked.  I tried to download data sheet from digikey
> but the page would not display.  Vin also isn't marked.  I assume that
> looking from the flat side it would be Vin +, adj, and Vout.  Connect
> the resistor from adj. to Vout?
> Brickey

Re: CS>LM317 connection

2003-04-22 Thread Rich Adams

- Original Message - 

> Ole Bob has a website?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>LM317 connection

2003-04-22 Thread Jeff
Ole Bob has a website?
-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: CS>LM317 connection
You can go to the below web site and download the PDF data sheet and go
to the bottom of page 15 or you can go to "OLE BOB'S" web site.
Hope this helps - (^_^)

CS>LM317 connection

From: Brickeyk  
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 21:38:20  How can I tell how to connect the LM
317 to my CS gen
erator?  Vout and adj. are not marked.  I tried to download data s
heet from digikey but the page would not display.  Vin also isn't marke
d.  I assume that looking from the flat side it would be Vin +, adj, an
d Vout.  Connect the resistor from adj. to Vout?


Re: CS>New CS question

2003-04-22 Thread Ode Coyote

I don't remember.

...not that I recall.


As an other side note: Has anyone found an unexpected change in their 
memory since using silver?



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New CS question

2003-04-22 Thread Ode Coyote

  Probably what happened is that the distilled water was so pure that very 
little current was being drawn.
 I have seen water so pure that even an 8 oz batch took 4 hours to draw .7 

 It's also possible that your batteries [you use batteries?] are nearly dead.


At 11:28 PM 4/21/2003 -0400, you wrote:

I've been away from making CS for a little while, and yesterday I decided to
make up a batch.  I took out my mason jar, swished some distilled water
around to clean it out, and then used my Walgreen's distilled water for the
CS.  I don't have a Hanna tester yet (I'm working on that!), so I've been
kind of gauging that it was "done" when the color was a little golden.

Well, last night, I saw no visible change in color in FIVE HOURS of "cooking"
(using the SOTA unit).  I finally fell asleep, and woke up this morning to
realize that I had left the unit running for twelve hours.  The silver wires
were "bearded," but the color is still pretty clear.

What did I do wrong?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>cloudy silver

2003-04-22 Thread Ode Coyote

Unless you are making metal flake paint or one of those snow storm scene 
paper weights or want results are are entirely unpredictable.

 FYI  If you place a blackened electrode in H2O2, it will be cleaned up 
very fast.  If you leave it in there, it will turn black again.

 Add a little current to that, anything that can happen will.

At 11:26 PM 4/21/2003 -0600, you wrote:

I am just brewing a batch of cs, right now.  I started with about 1/4
solution of a previous batch of silver that went from golden to violet
over a period of about a week and then I put some hydrogen peroxide in
it last night, today it was virtually clear.   I have it set on a coffee
cup warmer.  I spaced the electrodes about 3/4 inch apart and have run
it now for 35 minutes.  I switched the polarity at about 25 minutes.  It
has been very milky from near the start of the run.  Is this due to the
hydrogen peroxide that I put in the starter solution?  I used the same
container as last time and I did not wash it out at all.

I stopped the brew at 40 min.  It is fairly dark solution and very
milky. It has a few large black clumps that fell of the rods.  The rods
did not get the feathery look to them like most runs before, but the
clouds were very visible coming of the rods.


What should I look out for or do differently?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>LM317 connection

2003-04-22 Thread David Bearrow

You have the TO-92 package? The one that looks like a transistor?

At 11:35 PM 4/21/03, you wrote:
How can I tell how to connect the LM 317 to my CS generator?  Vout and 
adj. are not marked.  I tried to download data sheet from digikey but the 
page would not display.  Vin also isn't marked.  I assume that looking 
from the flat side it would be Vin +, adj, and Vout.  Connect the resistor 
from adj. to Vout?


+-   Bentonite Clay for sale-+
¦  David Bearrow ¦
¦  ¦
+  Phone: (972)722-8319  +

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New CS question

2003-04-22 Thread David Bearrow
I had the same problem. It wasn't until Trem started talking about plating 
on the mason jar that I figured out my culprit. I got a new jar and my 
batches are back to normal.

At 10:28 PM 4/21/03, you wrote:

I've been away from making CS for a little while, and yesterday I decided to
make up a batch.  I took out my mason jar, swished some distilled water
around to clean it out, and then used my Walgreen's distilled water for the
CS.  I don't have a Hanna tester yet (I'm working on that!), so I've been
kind of gauging that it was "done" when the color was a little golden.

Well, last night, I saw no visible change in color in FIVE HOURS of "cooking"
(using the SOTA unit).  I finally fell asleep, and woke up this morning to
realize that I had left the unit running for twelve hours.  The silver wires
were "bearded," but the color is still pretty clear.

What did I do wrong?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

+- Solomons Porch   -+
¦  David Bearrow ¦
+  Phone: (972)722-8319  +

Re: CS>question

2003-04-22 Thread Ode Coyote

 Any device that mechanically throws water droplets into the air will do. 
[Ultrasonic, air feed, rotating drum etc]
 Any device that makes a mist by heating something into a steam will not 
as it 'distills' the liquid leaving impurities [in this case colliodal 
silver] behind.


At 06:35 PM 4/20/2003 -0400, you wrote:

Dear Trem,

  You said:


  How can one tell if a unit is the right type (besides the Vicks



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New CS question

2003-04-22 Thread Graham Telfer

On a side note, I am beginning to wonder what's wrong with my cats. They 
love drinking CS and lately they've been eating fruit and lettuce. Maybe 
they're trying to change there diet cause they have acne too. lol.

 Hi all,

Just a question on this side note. Is there another or other minerals that 
will become deficient or  bound up by using excess silver. Most, (if not 
all) other minerals are effected by different levels of  other companion 
minerals. If so, the activity of these cats could be explained by the 
depletion of a mineral.
As an other side note: Has anyone found an unexpected change in their 
memory since using silver?



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>LM317 connection

2003-04-22 Thread Jim

For the data sheet go to:

JIm wrote:
  How can I tell how to connect the LM 317 to my CS generator?  Vout and 
adj. are not marked.  I tried to download data sheet from digikey but 
the page would not display.  Vin also isn't marked.  I assume that 
looking from the flat side it would be Vin +, adj, and Vout.  Connect 
the resistor from adj. to Vout?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>cloudy silver

2003-04-22 Thread Harvey Norris

--- wrote:
> Good CS should never be milky and black chunks
> should not fall off of the 
> wires unless you are in a hurry. If you describe
> your apparatus, others on 
> the list might have more useful suggestions. Hope
> this helps.
> From: Kevin & Glenda  
> I am just brewing a batch of cs, right now.  I
> started with about 1/4
> solution of a previous batch of silver that went
> from golden to violet
> over a period of about a week> 
Numerous folks have noted that violet is overkill, it
went to violet just by sitting for a week? Surely you
were not processing it for a week? Consider the
surface area of the wire vs the amperage consumption
also. Sounds like you are using a battery method, and
just about every wrong thing that can be imagined.
> What should I look out for or do differently?
Maybe use .999 silver rounds from a coin dealer for
better surface area than a wire and a amperage digital
meter to know when to stop the process after reaching
three times the initial amperage reading or
conductivity. Not a lot of details here have been
supplied, so Im sure most list members would agree.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour