
2003-08-03 Thread jrowland
"...several large scale studies over the past few 
years had been "unable to tease out any clear 
relationship" between sunscreen use and melanoma 
incidence. But some studies showed sunscreens 
increased the incidence of melanoma..."
Have always been leery of sunscreens because never really
understood how they were supposed to "work", but used them
anyway.  Now, just use CS spray when going to the beach,
or know I'll be exposed to lots of sun, just as a matter
of course, but still left with a vagueness of its eficacy;
does it prevent burning/damage, or just speed up repair?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Abuot Mercury/Eureka

2003-08-03 Thread Jack Dayton
M. G. Devour8/3/03 10:26 PM

> It's about a computation aid that Bob, Mike, and others
> have been employing in their study (and debate) of the Faraday
> equations and their relationship (or lack thereof) to the making of CS.
Ha and Ha again ! 

Just a waste of electrons,
I down loaded it, but it
won't run on a Mac.  :-)


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>the wrong generator

2003-08-03 Thread Jack Dayton
John A. Stanley8/2/03 11:50 AM

> and every few batches I give the "dregs" to
> the kitties and clean the jar.
Uh Oh   sounds like
animal cruelty to me.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>the wrong generator

2003-08-03 Thread Jack Dayton
Hi Ken,

Did you ever offer for sale a generator
that had both thermal and mechanical stiring?


Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks,
it was called witchcraft.
Today, it's called golf.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>PWT & its Limits,

2003-08-03 Thread Frank & Cindy Welch
A similar thing happened a few months ago here.  My local store carried 
"IGA" brand DW that was reading 0.9 - 1.4 uS/cm.  This was around the 
time I started to increase the anode : cathode size ratio and was trying 
out my new PWT!  The local store switched distributors for their DW to 
"SureFine" and this brand of DW runs at  3 - 4.5 uS/cm. and when I made 
my usual gallon batch of SC it ended up pale yellow (the dogs didnt 
notice the difference).  I switched to Wal-Mart DW an have a stock of 12 
gallons of Wal-Mart DW that is reading at 0.9 - 1.4 uS/cm.  I will have 
to find some pure DW when this runs out!  I really liked the IGA brand.

This initial finding was made with a TDS but I didnt quite trust it 
knowing the accuracy limits of the meter.  My newly arived PWT confirmed 
the difference.

I just bought me a pack of white shoe laces that will be used on the 
cathode in my next brew.  I am using the PS-30 Generator from PrideLabs 
but it doesnt control the current as fine as I want it so I am working 
on a cuircit to control the current.  It will probly be a LM-334 to keep 
it at 25 uA/sqin of anode area.  

I like my PWT!


/*PS-30 Generator from PrideLabs
Brew Cell:  Gallon Sun Tea Jar
cathode:  5" #14 . silver wire
one inch separation
2 anodes: 7" #12 . silver wire
air pump bubbler
brew temp: 120 f.
usual brew time 4-5 1/2 hrs
crystal clear CS @ 12-14 ppm

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Abuot Mercury/Eureka

2003-08-03 Thread M. G. Devour
> Peter wrote
> > Roger Schlafly has a version of Eureka with copywrite date of 2001, It
> > would make it about 10 years younger than Mercury 2.0
> > 
> > It can be downloaded from:
> > 

Jack replied:
> What does that have to do with CS???
> Or anything that I can think of?

Ummm, Jack? It's about a computation aid that Bob, Mike, and others 
have been employing in their study (and debate) of the Faraday 
equations and their relationship (or lack thereof) to the making of CS.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Abuot Mercury/Eureka

2003-08-03 Thread Jack Dayton
Peter Rebaudo  8/3/03  10:49 AM

> Roger Schlafly has a version of Eureka with copywrite date of 2001, It
> would make it about 10 years younger than Mercury 2.0
> It can be downloaded from:
What does that have to do with CS???
Or anything that I can think of?

Jack Dayton

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>PWT & its Limits

2003-08-03 Thread Arnold Beland
Good post Ole Bob,

Would this perhaps explain the higher than expected ppm readings than
what they would be according to Faraday's laws  of electrolysis.

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Berger" 
To: "silver-list" 
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 1:07 PM
Subject: CS>PWT & its Limits

> Greetings EIS'ers,
> This will be classic Berger and may well be worth printing for
> The PWT or Pure Water Tester has probably become the most used tool
> list members to ascertain the concentration of their silver
> However when used by it's self it is not adequate for the task
> The addition of a series digital current meter will greatly
> the process, but the combination still is not adequate to complete
> task.
> The reason being for these tools inadequacy is that the DW used is
> always the same. When measuring the DW with the PWT one  is
> the ability of the DW to carry current. One cannot buy "pure water"
> they all contain some impurities, as it was reported about a week
> one supplier said their DW has 0.02+ ppm of nickel and 0.3+ ppm of
> copper. Also the DW will contain dissolved nitrogen gas and may well
> have some CO2 gas which forms carbonic acid like soda pop. These are
> process variables that we cannot control or eliminate. Water's
> to adsorb these gases is the reason why I do not use bubble stirring
> it will affect the PWT readings.
> The most sensitive measure of the DW quality is the initial current
> your particular setup. It would be most enlightening to measure the
> conductance (with the PWT) and the current at regular intervals
> the brew cycle (every 1/2 hr) and plot the data. If the two data
> are parallel each other then the PWT reading will read the Ag+ ions
> using the appropriate "fudge factor." If they divert (separate) then
> bets are off, as the "fudge factor" will change with length of brew.
> Now for the caveat, the earlier Wal-Mart made at Hazelwood MO, had
> initial conductance of 2.0 to 2.5 uS/cm and for my setup the initial
> current would be about 1 mA. (25 uA/sqin) and would rise slowly as
> the conductance curve.
> The new W-M DW from KCKS measures about 4 to 5 uS/cm with an initial
> current of  about 1 mA., however the current rises very fast and the
> conductance curve rose even faster. So time for a given PPM has
> If you would plot the data whenever the new DW has a 10% change in
> initial reading you will be able to generate a history that will
> you to reproduce nearly the same results.
> Remember "No pain no gain"
> "Ole Bob"
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>PWT & its Limits

2003-08-03 Thread Robert Berger
Greetings EIS'ers,

This will be classic Berger and may well be worth printing for history.

The PWT or Pure Water Tester has probably become the most used tool by
list members to ascertain the concentration of their silver solution.
However when used by it's self it is not adequate for the task assigned.
The addition of a series digital current meter will greatly facilitate
the process, but the combination still is not adequate to complete the

The reason being for these tools inadequacy is that the DW used is not
always the same. When measuring the DW with the PWT one  is measuring
the ability of the DW to carry current. One cannot buy "pure water" as
they all contain some impurities, as it was reported about a week ago,
one supplier said their DW has 0.02+ ppm of nickel and 0.3+ ppm of
copper. Also the DW will contain dissolved nitrogen gas and may well
have some CO2 gas which forms carbonic acid like soda pop. These are
process variables that we cannot control or eliminate. Water's ability
to adsorb these gases is the reason why I do not use bubble stirring as
it will affect the PWT readings.

The most sensitive measure of the DW quality is the initial current for
your particular setup. It would be most enlightening to measure the
conductance (with the PWT) and the current at regular intervals during
the brew cycle (every 1/2 hr) and plot the data. If the two data plots
are parallel each other then the PWT reading will read the Ag+ ions by
using the appropriate "fudge factor." If they divert (separate) then all
bets are off, as the "fudge factor" will change with length of brew.

Now for the caveat, the earlier Wal-Mart made at Hazelwood MO, had an
initial conductance of 2.0 to 2.5 uS/cm and for my setup the initial
current would be about 1 mA. (25 uA/sqin) and would rise slowly as would
the conductance curve.

The new W-M DW from KCKS measures about 4 to 5 uS/cm with an initial
current of  about 1 mA., however the current rises very fast and the
conductance curve rose even faster. So time for a given PPM has changed!

If you would plot the data whenever the new DW has a 10% change in
initial reading you will be able to generate a history that will allow
you to reproduce nearly the same results.

Remember "No pain no gain"

"Ole Bob"

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Need spray bottles OT

2003-08-03 Thread jrowland
> I think 99% of these internet sales cos. are just one man 
> sales reps for different manufacturers---TJ

Maybe so, TJ; I'd bookmarked Netbottle from Alan's earlier post, who'd
recommended them, but have not personally dealt with them:
> They also sell eye droppers, and fine mist sprayersGreat little 
> company .  > ---Alan

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Chemtrails are global nanoscience-Colloidal silver/colloidal gold

2003-08-03 Thread Marshall Dudley
Marshall Dudley wrote:

> Matt, do you know the guy that wrote this?  His name is Jim Phelps and in the
> document he said he works (worked?) at ORNL.
> Marshall
> "T.J.Garland" wrote:

I apologize for this. That was intended to be sent to a friend that works at 
but somehow it went back to the list.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Chemtrails are global nanoscience-Colloidal silver/colloidal gold

2003-08-03 Thread Marshall Dudley
Matt, do you know the guy that wrote this?  His name is Jim Phelps and in the
document he said he works (worked?) at ORNL.


"T.J.Garland" wrote:

> FYI-- Not necessarily my views. There will be a big demonstration at the
> Y-12 plant this Sat.
> - Original Message -
> From: Jim Phelps 
> To: ; 
> Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 4:09 PM
> Subject: [DOEwatch] Excalibur and nanoscience--->Chemtrails are global
> nanoscience
> > Hello Folks,
> >
> > Lots of the latest series of chemtrails information has been directed at
> > teaching the big picture of how these things work and their simple
> origins.  The
> > origins of chemtrails trace back to the Egyptian colloid purple gold and
> how
> > these came from their metal working efforts.  Egyptian metals sciences
> used
> > powder metal materials to make advanced alloys.  They had steel from the
> stars.
> > These issues lead to the naming for Star Wars and the naming for
> Excalibur.
> > The colloid science of today is called nanoscience.  I invented
> "nanoscience"
> > and the revolution in small atom scale materials to effect global systems
> > effects.
> >
> > Lets begin this discussion with the science behind the King Arthur Sword
> > named Excalibur.  Science in the old days had proprietary secrets and
> these things
> > often were reported in a kind of cryptic method linked to myths, because
> the
> > common people did not understand science very well.  We know the Egyptians
> had
> > access to steel in the form of star metals, or meteor iron of low carbon
> and
> > high nickel.  These irons were worth more than gold by factor of ten.
> > Pharaohs were buried with their Star Metals.
> >
> > The great long shiny sword of King Arthur was made by these same methods.
> > Excalibur was made from either bog iron, which is refined by a bacteria
> process
> > into little balls of low carbon iron, or even the use of similar low
> carbon
> > meteor iron.  This was the steel of the old days and even was allowed with
> > nickel, so it was like a stainless steel.  This is how King Arthur and
> Glastonbury,
> > UK was connected to the secrets of the Ark.  The Ark brought metals
> > technology to the UK from what the Jewish people learned from Egypt and
> used to
> > establish their own cultures beginning with Moses and his volcano and
> metals research.
> >
> > The Excalibur says that only the pure of heart can pull the sword from the
> > stone in which is was lodged, and this means simply that the secrets of
> the Ark
> > were only shared with those that intended its use for good.  This is the
> kind
> > of issue that is related to the issues of national security today--that of
> the
> > common good.  It has been in elements of religions since the beginning of
> > time.  Everyone that works in the national security business recognizes
> these
> > methods of communications using symbolism's.
> >
> > In Egypt, the symbols for eternal life was the Ankh, which is the sign for
> > copper.  Copper was one of the first metals mined and smelted with the
> > temperatures of charcoal processes.  Copper was used all over Egypt for
> mirrors and
> > ways to extend life, pharmacy.  This started the use of the metals for
> pharmacy.
> > Egypt also used other metals for this, like the very corrosion free gold.
> > Gold had medicinal properties to combat mercury poisoning effects from
> gold
> > mining.
> >
> > Along the way, Egypt, China, and others learned how to cook with gold to
> > improve health.  And the simple story of Moses and the golden rings cooked
> with
> > the golden calf is the same type story.  They found that making a gold
> liquid
> > with very fine atomic levels of gold, called a colloid, was the best
> medicine of
> > all.  Colloids could be made with batteries from dissimilar metals or a
> > chemical process called "Purple of Cassius."  The effect of the colloids
> was that
> > their size was on the order of those for proteins in the body and they
> could
> > get into all parts of the body and cells with ease.  There they could
> combine
> > with mercury or fluoride and render it harmless, then be excreted.
> >
> > It was this amazing discovery that Egypt gave to its rulers as a right to
> > rule and right to power.  It was one of their most highly prized secrets,
> next to
> > the pure iron star metals.  Star metal and copper could be used with fruit
> > acids to make batteries in these old times and be used to make "purple
> gold."
> > Purple gold took on the name Manna in these old times and it had special
> powers
> > to heal and was said to have come from the stars.  Its link to copper,
> which
> > meant eternal life, and the link to pure iron, or star metals is the key.
> It
> > was the special propriety secret of rulers in these times, from those of
> the
> > Egyptians and Isis on down to Moses and The Star of David Throne.  This
> they
> > believe made them the chosen ones of God and gave them the Divine Right to
> rule.
> >
> >
> > M

Re: CS>Burn treatment with bentonite and CS ...

2003-08-03 Thread TJ Garland
Schulze's Formula #2 has Ph. grade bentonite clay, psyllium, flax seed 
,act.willow charcoal,fruit pectin,etc. great cleanse, parasite killer, and 
poison antidote.

TJ Garland, CMO supplier
  there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.

From: "Jason Eaton" 
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Burn treatment with bentonite and CS ...
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 22:47:30 -0700


Thanks for the report!  My experience matches your description exactly.
Over the last year, we've come along way in complicating -- I mean
contemplating -- reasons for the effectiveness of clay applications, from a
scientific point of view.  All known possible resources have now been

One of the Arizona Universities failed to uncover the mysteries of clay 

a few well-intentioned but unsuccessful analytical studies.  They quickly
ran out of ideas and time, and thus gave up.  World-renown and nobel prize
winning Professor Alexander Graham Cairns-Smith was consulted -- by Thierry
Brunet -- who showed brief interest, non-belief, and had no real -- even
whimsical or hypothetical -- explanation to offer.  In fact, Thierry has
travelled the world and met with every known expert on healing clays he
could locate.  We now, by far, have the largest collection of knowledge and
information ever assembled regarding the subject ( besides anecdotal
experience by users, of course )...  Some of France's prominent and gifted
"spiritual" healers have examined clay, expressing amazement at the 

"healing energy" the clay possesses. Initial Kirlian photography done by
extremely knowledgable homeopaths in France has demonstrated that clay
applied locally is an extraordinary stimulating force, and that clay
ingested effects the body's metabolism within a few short minutes of
ingestion... with an unexplainable reach far beyond the digestive system (
as we know, since ingesting clay initially can -- but won't always -- cause
a slight increase in blood pressure, as an example ).

We've collectively turned down an offer to present data at a United Nations
WHO meeting, as the results of the last meeting ( which I did not attend ),
while generating great interest via overwhelming evidence presented, there
was also a great deal of skepticism, including half-hearted accusations of
doctoring photos.  Beyond the interest, none of the needed support was
acquired as a result...  It seems pointless to... continue the same thing
expecting different results.  Incidentally, I have some of the most amazing
images one would ever see regarding the sheer power of healing clay...  

these images cannot be released in any form publically, and one must have a
stomach of solid steel to view them...  As this was a case of an infection
where treatment had no chance of being successful ( too late ), but the
individual elected to do the therapy ( there would have been no other hope
anywhere ) because miracles can happen.  In this case, the individual
eventually required amputation of a hand/forearm ( which would have been 

first action if the clay therapy was not done ), but the knowledge and
insight gained from the treatment was nearly unfathomable -- to those with
experience with the nature of infections and tissue degeneration.  Email me
privately if you wish to see them.

Anyway, I was hoping that the further research would begin to unveil the
mysteries of clay healing from a scientific viewpoint.  Sadly, it has done
exactly the opposite!

Antibacterial Time kill studies demonstrated that Illite, which is another
class of green healing clay ( a mica, illuminosilicate ), actually promoted
the growth of bacteria in vitro.  Bentonite and Montmorillonite ( smectite,
illuminosilicates ) have proven antibacterial capabilities.  Our one
research experiment done with natural bentonite shows that the bentonite
silver mixture is effective against gram positive bacteria ( which the clay
responds very slow to ), with about a 15% reduction in efficacy of the
silver.  This is significant, as one can harness the benefits of the clay
without sacrificing too much of the "silver power"... Very few substances
are truly compatible with silver for medicinal applications.

Now, the Illite is much more powerful than montmorillonite in certain
circumstances, such as the Buruli Ulcerations.  It is a very powerful
healing clay, and presents more mysteries than it solves.  It is far less
effective in other situations, such as baths, where the ion exchange
capability of the smectites, and the way the charge layers form, provides a
far greater ( dare I say catalyst? ) reaction.

We finally got our hands on some natural French illite for testing 

and we immediately began to "pit it against" our own natural desert
bentonite -- with great relish.  The illite is... exotic.  I don't have the
numbers in front of me, but the average particle size is minute compared to
even the finest bentonites.  It has been hypothesized that

Re: CS>Re: Need spray bottles OT

2003-08-03 Thread TJ Garland

Thanks  jr. I've found that companies I ask have no idea or will not tell me 
where to look. I think 99% of these internet sales cos. are just one man 
sales reps for different manufacturers.

TJ Garland, CMO supplier
  there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.

From: jrowl...@nctimes.net
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Re: Need spray bottles OT
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 21:19:42 -0700

If these guys can't provide them, they might be able to send you
to the right source:

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*  

CS>Chemtrails are global nanoscience-Colloidal silver/colloidal gold

2003-08-03 Thread T.J.Garland
FYI-- Not necessarily my views. There will be a big demonstration at the
Y-12 plant this Sat.
- Original Message -
From: Jim Phelps 
To: ; 
Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 4:09 PM
Subject: [DOEwatch] Excalibur and nanoscience--->Chemtrails are global

> Hello Folks,
> Lots of the latest series of chemtrails information has been directed at
> teaching the big picture of how these things work and their simple
origins.  The
> origins of chemtrails trace back to the Egyptian colloid purple gold and
> these came from their metal working efforts.  Egyptian metals sciences
> powder metal materials to make advanced alloys.  They had steel from the
> These issues lead to the naming for Star Wars and the naming for
> The colloid science of today is called nanoscience.  I invented
> and the revolution in small atom scale materials to effect global systems
> effects.
> Lets begin this discussion with the science behind the King Arthur Sword
> named Excalibur.  Science in the old days had proprietary secrets and
these things
> often were reported in a kind of cryptic method linked to myths, because
> common people did not understand science very well.  We know the Egyptians
> access to steel in the form of star metals, or meteor iron of low carbon
> high nickel.  These irons were worth more than gold by factor of ten.
> Pharaohs were buried with their Star Metals.
> The great long shiny sword of King Arthur was made by these same methods.
> Excalibur was made from either bog iron, which is refined by a bacteria
> into little balls of low carbon iron, or even the use of similar low
> meteor iron.  This was the steel of the old days and even was allowed with
> nickel, so it was like a stainless steel.  This is how King Arthur and
> UK was connected to the secrets of the Ark.  The Ark brought metals
> technology to the UK from what the Jewish people learned from Egypt and
used to
> establish their own cultures beginning with Moses and his volcano and
metals research.
> The Excalibur says that only the pure of heart can pull the sword from the
> stone in which is was lodged, and this means simply that the secrets of
the Ark
> were only shared with those that intended its use for good.  This is the
> of issue that is related to the issues of national security today--that of
> common good.  It has been in elements of religions since the beginning of
> time.  Everyone that works in the national security business recognizes
> methods of communications using symbolism's.
> In Egypt, the symbols for eternal life was the Ankh, which is the sign for
> copper.  Copper was one of the first metals mined and smelted with the
> temperatures of charcoal processes.  Copper was used all over Egypt for
mirrors and
> ways to extend life, pharmacy.  This started the use of the metals for
> Egypt also used other metals for this, like the very corrosion free gold.
> Gold had medicinal properties to combat mercury poisoning effects from
> mining.
> Along the way, Egypt, China, and others learned how to cook with gold to
> improve health.  And the simple story of Moses and the golden rings cooked
> the golden calf is the same type story.  They found that making a gold
> with very fine atomic levels of gold, called a colloid, was the best
medicine of
> all.  Colloids could be made with batteries from dissimilar metals or a
> chemical process called "Purple of Cassius."  The effect of the colloids
was that
> their size was on the order of those for proteins in the body and they
> get into all parts of the body and cells with ease.  There they could
> with mercury or fluoride and render it harmless, then be excreted.
> It was this amazing discovery that Egypt gave to its rulers as a right to
> rule and right to power.  It was one of their most highly prized secrets,
next to
> the pure iron star metals.  Star metal and copper could be used with fruit
> acids to make batteries in these old times and be used to make "purple
> Purple gold took on the name Manna in these old times and it had special
> to heal and was said to have come from the stars.  Its link to copper,
> meant eternal life, and the link to pure iron, or star metals is the key.
> was the special propriety secret of rulers in these times, from those of
> Egyptians and Isis on down to Moses and The Star of David Throne.  This
> believe made them the chosen ones of God and gave them the Divine Right to
> Manna given to the rulers gave them higher powers to think and cognitively
> process compared to the simple masses, or what became the gentiles.  When
> to the Jewish masses via the wine and sacrament processes it made them
> resistant to disease and offered a strategic advantage.  This has been
used for
> thousands of years.  Even the dark side secret of the Ark usin

CS>Abuot Mercury/Eureka

2003-08-03 Thread Peter Rebaudo


Roger Schlafly has a version of Eureka with copywrite date of 2001, It 
would make it about 10 years younger than Mercury 2.0

It can be downloaded from:

You can contact Roger Schlafly at r...@ieee.org .

I thought some of you might be interested


Peter R

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour