Re: CS>CS killing fungus was Lyme disease

2004-12-17 Thread name withheld

i highly suggest you send a letter of support for this man in jail.

On Dec 17, 2004, at 1:49 PM, Paul Holloway wrote:

It hasn't touched my aspergillus. I have nebulized, sprayed, rinsed, 
flooded and soaked my sinuses with varying strengths and type of CS, 
and every time I rinse, more fungus comes out. I have also tried 
ozone, many essential oils, Sporanox, Diflucan, infra-red. This stuff 
is very hard to kill. I have heard of people burning down a house when 
they have aspergillus infecting it, as nothing else will kill it.

The only thing that helped was a magnetic multipulser (5kHz 
oscillating output) that I bought from Jaguar Enterprises, but it 
broke, and when I sent it back for repair, the owner was jailed for 
making medical claims for his devices, so I am sick again. Thanks FTC. 
So, don't buy anything from Jaguar until he is out of jail. A friend 
of mine is building a similar device, which I hope will work as well.

Paul H

- Original Message - From: "Ode Coyote" 
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS killing fungus was Lyme disease

 CS will kill any non spore producing bacterium. [A quote from some 

Really, It will kill the bacterium but not the spores.
Inhaled antrax would probably be "cured" only if CS were nebulized 
times a day for many many days to give all the spores a chance to 
hatch out

and die before making more spoors.

Fungi produces spoors too and CS doesn't likely kill the spoors.  If 

fungus OR spores escape destruction, it will be back.


At 03:24 PM 12/16/2004 -0700, you wrote:

How did you have it diagnosed? Cultured?

Paul Holloway wrote:

I have aspergillus fumigatus in my sinuses, and despite rinsing and
spraying with CS several times a day, it hasn't killed it.

Paul H

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2004-12-17 Thread bailar
addendum--i searched "mesosilver" and got to threads about the whole 
ionic/particle controversy. since the colloids site only tested mesosilver and 
seemed to indicate mesosilver was the best, but i disagree, i tried it and had 
no reaction of any kind. i see frank key has posted here in the past, too.

CS>confused about ionic/colloids etc

2004-12-17 Thread bailar
Someone posted a bunch of info on a yahoo group I'm on, a site with information 
about colloidal silver

here's what it says about ionic:

Can anybody address this for me? Sorry if this has been asked before, when I 
tried to search "ionic" thru the archives I didn't find an answer, thx.

RE: CS>how "un-beneficial" exactly IS non-clear cs?

2004-12-17 Thread Yogiboy

-Original Message-
From: angel z [] 
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 6:51 PM
Cc: angel z
Subject: CS>how "un-beneficial" exactly IS non-clear cs?

hello gurus,

i get that the darker the cs is the larger the particles are.  and that
larger the particles = the less penetrable the cs is in our bodies = the
less beneficial "action" it can engage.

"The Yellow Color"
There has been a fair amount of controversy in the public literature
concerning the appearance of the "yellow" color. A lot of well meaning
people have told me that "yellow is bad", "silver isn't yellow", "yellow
is sulfur contamination", "yellow is iron contamination", and lots of
other things. I finally found what I believe to be the answer to this
question in a book titled Practical Colloid Chemistry, published in
London in 1926. In the section on the "Colours of Colloidal Metals",
sub-section on the "Polychromism of silver solutions" on page 69, I
found the following statements: "The continuous change in colour from
yellow to blue corresponds to a change in the absorption maximum of the
shorter to longer wave-lengths with a decreasing degree of dispersion.
This is a general phenomenon in colloid chemistry illustrating the
relation between colour and degree of dispersion." This section goes on
to describe the colors that show up in a wide variety of colloidal metal
solutions. Interestingly, they ALL have yellow phase. For true
"electro-colloidal" silver, the particle size range that can appear
yellow is .01 to .001 microns (10 to 100 angstroms) because that is the
size of silver particle that best absorbs the indigo light, leaving only
its inverse color, yellow, to be observed. The final transparent-yellow
appearance only shows up after the particles have become evenly

Hope this helps...


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>how "un-beneficial" exactly IS non-clear cs?

2004-12-17 Thread angel z
hello gurus,

i get that the darker the cs is the larger the particles are.  and that the
larger the particles = the less penetrable the cs is in our bodies = the
less beneficial "action" it can engage.

i just succeeded in making my first 2 batches that stayed clear all the way
through brewing it (using a thermal stir generator from coyote) AND after
decanting it AND after opening the bottle a few times AND after adding the
new batch to it.  my following batches again went bad = amber or grey.  have
no idea why the two batches worked.  EVERYTHING that i can see was/is the

in preparation for the possibility that i'll have to just accept it and use
dark cs in lieu of the ideal - what i'm hoping to learn from you still is
HOW "unbeneficial" exactly un-clear cs is?  does it depend on the color?
amber vs. grey vs. blue etc.?it seems it would depend on the darkness
too, right?

and also, what exactly causes the particles to agglommerate?  i mean, what
happens in the water to draw them to eachother versus repell them?  i think
if i understood this process, it would be easier for me to find the cause.

any "plain english" input will be eagerly awaited !


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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>

2004-12-17 Thread Sally Khanna
LOL, could have been!  My friends Pennsylvania Dutch mother used to do 
something like that.

Rene Thurston  wrote:
Interesting!  My father did a similar thing to me when I was a child for warts. 
 I used to get them on my fingers, and he pulled something out of the frig one 
day and said some little poem his mother had taught him while he rubbed 
something on the warts.  To this day, I've never had a wart.  I'm pretty sure 
the little poem didn't have anything to do with it, but I wonder if it was 
garlic he rubbed on there?  (or maybe it WAS the poem? )
---Original Message---
Date: 12/17/04 14:10:42
Subject: Re: CS>

Hi Rene,  
That's a great story.
Two of my sons suffered from the symptoms you describe.  One had styes on his 
eyes also.  
Of course, I didn't know about CS then.  One son had no problems after we found 
out he was allergic to strawberries and discontinued them.  
the other son continued having styes and large boil-like infections until I met 
a lady from Greece who was know as a healer in the neighborhood.  She told me 
to peel a garlic clove and rub it VERY carefully on the stye without getting 
any in the eye and that would cure it.  Believe it or not, it never came back.

Rene Thurston  wrote:
I thought I would share a silver success story with everyone, especially those 
who may be like me - overtly skeptical!  After this, I'm almost 100% sold on 
the benefits of CS.
Ever since my daughter was three or four (she'll be 12 in January), she has had 
a problem with developing staph infections out of nowhere.  She is a very 
healthy child, rarely even having a cold or flu, so it's a mystery why she 
continues to get them.  They started out when she was younger with sties on her 
eyes.  She would get what looked like a normal sty on her eyelid, which would 
then get huge and would emit green pus.  This happened several times over a two 
year period with the doctor having me treat them topically with prescription 
soap, hot compresses, etc.  It would clear them up - eventually - but they were 
VERY painful for her and it would sometimes take two to three weeks or more.  
She developed one inside her nose one summer that was just horrible.  That was 
the last straw for me and I finally INSISTED they put her on an antibiotic to 
try to kill, what I felt, was a lingering bacteria in her system.  I normally 
am not ! a fan of antibiotics, but I was desperate.  
She went three or four years with no problems.  Then last year about this same 
time, she developed a spot on her left hip that within a day or two had turned 
into a staph infection (verified by testing).  It was REALLY deep down, so far 
down it wouldn't even drain.  It was EXCRUCIATINGLY painful for her, keeping 
her up at night crying (and she does NOT cry easily).  She was on 21 days of 
antibiotics to cure it, and it was so deep, it ended up leaving a scar.
Last week, she came to me with another of these strange infections popping up 
on her knee.  She has been on a daily maintenance dose of silver for about four 
or five months.  She said it was a little hot but didn't hurt.  It looked sort 
of like a pimple, except for the tell-tale green/yellow pus.  The pus was right 
up at the surface, and a little touch and it came right out.  I immediately 
soaked a sterile gauze pad with CS and band-aided it onto her knee.  Each time 
we changed the bandage, the infection had headed up at the surface, and a 
little touch would send the infection right out of it.  We also upped her to 
1/4-1/2 cup of CS a day in Gatorade in addition to the topical CS.  She 
complained it was a little sore like a bruise, but it didn't really hurt unless 
she pushed on it.  By day three, it was completely gone.  Now she has a big, 
dry scab where the skin is dead from the infection.  To get to that stage wit! 
h her hip last year took 21 days of antibiotics .  I don't even
 think this one will scar.  AND NO ANTIBIOTICS!!
Of course, I'm telling myself that maybe it WASN'T the CS and it would have 
cleared up on its own - but I seriously doubt it.  It was getting larger the 
first day we started the CS, and I think it would have continued to get worse 
and worse.   I was really concerned about the infection getting into her knee 
joint.  I had decided if the CS wasn't working by the second day, I would take 
her to the doctor.  I even used a Sharpie and made dots around the margins of 
the infection to show where the redness ended and normal skin began.  By the 
next day, the redness had reduced well inside the markings I had made.
I was a little perplexed as to why she developed one of these anyway since she 
is on a maintenance dose of CS.  I have a theory, but I'm no expert.  My theory 
is that these infections start topically, not from the inside out.  Once the 
infection deepened enough to reach tissue or blood that had CS in it, it began 
to head

Re: CS>

2004-12-17 Thread Rene Thurston
Interesting!  My father did a similar thing to me when I was a child for
warts.  I used to get them on my fingers, and he pulled something out of the
frig one day and said some little poem his mother had taught him while he
rubbed something on the warts.  To this day, I've never had a wart.  I'm
pretty sure the little poem didn't have anything to do with it, but I wonder
if it was garlic he rubbed on there?  (or maybe it WAS the poem? )

---Original Message---
Date: 12/17/04 14:10:42
Subject: Re: CS>
Hi Rene,  
That's a great story.
Two of my sons suffered from the symptoms you describe.  One had styes on
his eyes also.  
Of course, I didn't know about CS then.  One son had no problems after we
found out he was allergic to strawberries and discontinued them.  
the other son continued having styes and large boil-like infections until I
met a lady from Greece who was know as a healer in the neighborhood.  She
told me to peel a garlic clove and rub it VERY carefully on the stye without
getting any in the eye and that would cure it.  Believe it or not, it never
came back.

Rene Thurston  wrote:
I thought I would share a silver success story with everyone, especially
those who may be like me - overtly skeptical!  After this, I'm almost 100%
sold on the benefits of CS.
Ever since my daughter was three or four (she'll be 12 in January), she has
had a problem with developing staph infections out of nowhere.  She is a
very healthy child, rarely even having a cold or flu, so it's a mystery why
she continues to get them.  They started out when she was younger with sties
on her eyes.  She would get what looked like a normal sty on her eyelid,
which would then get huge and would emit green pus.  This happened several
times over a two year period with the doctor having me treat them topically
with prescription soap, hot compresses, etc.  It would clear them up -
eventually - but they were VERY painful for her and it would sometimes take
two to three weeks or more.  She developed one inside her nose one summer
that was just horrible.  That was the last straw for me and I finally
INSISTED they put her on an antibiotic to try to kill, what I felt, was a
lingering bacteria in her system.  I normally am not ! a fan of antibiotics,
but I was desperate.  
She went three or four years with no problems.  Then last year about this
same time, she developed a spot on her left hip that within a day or two had
turned into a staph infection (verified by testing).  It was REALLY deep
down, so far down it wouldn't even drain.  It was EXCRUCIATINGLY painful for
her, keeping her up at night crying (and she does NOT cry easily).  She was
on 21 days of antibiotics to cure it, and it was so deep, it ended up
leaving a scar.
Last week, she came to me with another of these strange infections popping
up on her knee.  She has been on a daily maintenance dose of silver for
about four or five months.  She said it was a little hot but didn't hurt. 
It looked sort of like a pimple, except for the tell-tale green/yellow pus. 
The pus was right up at the surface, and a little touch and it came right
out.  I immediately soaked a sterile gauze pad with CS and band-aided it
onto her knee.  Each time we changed the bandage, the infection had headed
up at the surface, and a little touch would send the infection right out of
it.  We also upped her to 1/4-1/2 cup of CS a day in Gatorade in addition to
the topical CS.  She complained it was a little sore like a bruise, but it
didn't really hurt unless she pushed on it.  By day three, it was completely
gone.  Now she has a big, dry scab where the skin is dead from the infection
  To get to that stage wit! h her hip last year took 21 days of antibiotics 
  I don't even think this one will scar.  AND NO ANTIBIOTICS!!
Of course, I'm telling myself that maybe it WASN'T the CS and it would have
cleared up on its own - but I seriously doubt it.  It was getting larger the
first day we started the CS, and I think it would have continued to get
worse and worse.   I was really concerned about the infection getting into
her knee joint.  I had decided if the CS wasn't working by the second day, I
would take her to the doctor.  I even used a Sharpie and made dots around
the margins of the infection to show where the redness ended and normal skin
began.  By the next day, the redness had reduced well inside the markings I
had made.
I was a little perplexed as to why she developed one of these anyway since
she is on a maintenance dose of CS.  I have a theory, but I'm no expert.  My
theory is that these infections start topically, not from the inside out. 
Once the infection deepened enough to reach tissue or blood that had CS in
it, it began to head up and extrude the infection.  The topical CS I applied
killed what was left at the surface.  I'm sure there are people here with
more expertise than myself who might confirm or 

Re: CS>

2004-12-17 Thread Rene Thurston
Thanks, Cindy.  Unfortunately, I'm pretty new to the CS world, and although
I have heard people mention DMSO, I really don't know what it is.  I've been
meaning to research it since it sounds like I definitely should.  I guess I
ll search through the archives and read up on it.

---Original Message---
Date: 12/17/04 12:55:43
Subject: Re: CS>
Hi, Rene,
Don't forget to use some DMSO with the CS topically because it'll take the
CS deeper.  

Re: CS>Colloidal Gold

2004-12-17 Thread William Amos
Hii Dan:
I would be more than happy to share this information with anyone interested. It 
would take a little time to prepare it in detail and perhaps send it in on a 
computer, since I only use a mailstation. My daughter takes care of those 
things since my time is limited on messages.  
Bill Amos
Can you describe your process in more detail, or is it secret?


CS>Re:Re: CS>Re:Re: CS>Colloidal Gold

From: William Amos (view other messages by this author)  Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 

Hello Again:
My CG is totally clear. I was never concerned about any color. I experimented 
for nearly 2 years, off & on, before finding a simple but complicated method
of making it with HVAC and LVDC in combination. I have sent it to be tested, 
with no results yet. 

The important thing is what I have been told " it has helped " Bill

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to: Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>vast database of dietary supplements, nutrition, botanicals

2004-12-17 Thread Matthew McCann

Hello, Members of the List,

There is a searchable database with over 460,000
scientific citations and summaries about dietary supplements, nutrition and 
botanicals. It references
both human and animal research studies. It is also
free of charge. What's the catch? It is supported with
your tax dollars , at the National Institute of
Health. Here is its URL:

Best regards,


RE: CS>RE: Colloidal Gold

2004-12-17 Thread Ed Kasper
yes both silver and gold are resistant to corrosion but not immune. Gold it
seems would take my lifetime to CG au natural.


-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote []
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 6:57 AM
Subject: Re: CS>RE: Colloidal Gold

 Gold is EXTREMLY corrosion resistant.
 Most 'acids' won't touch it.

At 01:42 PM 12/16/2004 -0800, you wrote:
>I have a question. Since distilled water is corrosive, why doesn't it
>dissolve a percentage of gold from a coin that is simply set in the water.
>Isn't that what the pilgrims need with their silver dollars. Seems it would
>at least produce a homeopathic type relationship.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>RE: Colloidal Gold

2004-12-17 Thread Ed Kasper
I 'm wondering if one could  HYDROSOL Gold  or Silver with distilled water.
This is a process commonly used to produce flower essence or essential oils.
You have a closed system with water boiling on the bottom. The steam rises
and passes through a second middle layer  [flowers / herbs / Gold / Silver]
and condenses at the top and collecting the essence of the flower/herb or
oil along with the steam distillate which runs down a cooling strip. I may
try that if I can get a hold of some gold and silver dust. Just have to plan
things out what to hold the dust on (stainless may as well corrode, paper
filters (like coffee filters, how to weight everything and what to look for
and then how to test whats there.

any ideas?

  -Original Message-
  From: Sally Khanna []
  Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:37 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>RE: Colloidal Gold

  In Ayurveda, we were taught to boil pure gold in water (I don't have the
specifics handy) to produce "gold water"  or the same process for silver.
this produces a somewhat homeopathic water.


  Ed Kasper  wrote:
I have a question. Since distilled water is corrosive, why doesn't it
dissolve a percentage of gold from a coin that is simply set in the
Isn't that what the pilgrims need with their silver dollars. Seems it
at least produce a homeopathic type relationship.


Re: CS>

2004-12-17 Thread Sally Khanna
Hi Rene,  
That's a great story.
Two of my sons suffered from the symptoms you describe.  One had styes on his 
eyes also.  
Of course, I didn't know about CS then.  One son had no problems after we found 
out he was allergic to strawberries and discontinued them.  
the other son continued having styes and large boil-like infections until I met 
a lady from Greece who was know as a healer in the neighborhood.  She told me 
to peel a garlic clove and rub it VERY carefully on the stye without getting 
any in the eye and that would cure it.  Believe it or not, it never came back.

Rene Thurston  wrote:
I thought I would share a silver success story with everyone, especially those 
who may be like me - overtly skeptical!  After this, I'm almost 100% sold on 
the benefits of CS.
Ever since my daughter was three or four (she'll be 12 in January), she has had 
a problem with developing staph infections out of nowhere.  She is a very 
healthy child, rarely even having a cold or flu, so it's a mystery why she 
continues to get them.  They started out when she was younger with sties on her 
eyes.  She would get what looked like a normal sty on her eyelid, which would 
then get huge and would emit green pus.  This happened several times over a two 
year period with the doctor having me treat them topically with prescription 
soap, hot compresses, etc.  It would clear them up - eventually - but they were 
VERY painful for her and it would sometimes take two to three weeks or more.  
She developed one inside her nose one summer that was just horrible.  That was 
the last straw for me and I finally INSISTED they put her on an antibiotic to 
try to kill, what I felt, was a lingering bacteria in her system.  I normally 
am not a fan of antibiotics, but I was desperate.  
She went three or four years with no problems.  Then last year about this same 
time, she developed a spot on her left hip that within a day or two had turned 
into a staph infection (verified by testing).  It was REALLY deep down, so far 
down it wouldn't even drain.  It was EXCRUCIATINGLY painful for her, keeping 
her up at night crying (and she does NOT cry easily).  She was on 21 days of 
antibiotics to cure it, and it was so deep, it ended up leaving a scar.
Last week, she came to me with another of these strange infections popping up 
on her knee.  She has been on a daily maintenance dose of silver for about four 
or five months.  She said it was a little hot but didn't hurt.  It looked sort 
of like a pimple, except for the tell-tale green/yellow pus.  The pus was right 
up at the surface, and a little touch and it came right out.  I immediately 
soaked a sterile gauze pad with CS and band-aided it onto her knee.  Each time 
we changed the bandage, the infection had headed up at the surface, and a 
little touch would send the infection right out of it.  We also upped her to 
1/4-1/2 cup of CS a day in Gatorade in addition to the topical CS.  She 
complained it was a little sore like a bruise, but it didn't really hurt unless 
she pushed on it.  By day three, it was completely gone.  Now she has a big, 
dry scab where the skin is dead from the infection.  To get to that stage with 
her hip last year took 21 days of antibiotics .  I don't even think
 this one will scar.  AND NO ANTIBIOTICS!!
Of course, I'm telling myself that maybe it WASN'T the CS and it would have 
cleared up on its own - but I seriously doubt it.  It was getting larger the 
first day we started the CS, and I think it would have continued to get worse 
and worse.   I was really concerned about the infection getting into her knee 
joint.  I had decided if the CS wasn't working by the second day, I would take 
her to the doctor.  I even used a Sharpie and made dots around the margins of 
the infection to show where the redness ended and normal skin began.  By the 
next day, the redness had reduced well inside the markings I had made.
I was a little perplexed as to why she developed one of these anyway since she 
is on a maintenance dose of CS.  I have a theory, but I'm no expert.  My theory 
is that these infections start topically, not from the inside out.  Once the 
infection deepened enough to reach tissue or blood that had CS in it, it began 
to head up and extrude the infection.  The topical CS I applied killed what was 
left at the surface.  I'm sure there are people here with more expertise than 
myself who might confirm or refute such a theory.
In short, the CS:
1. Cleared up an infection in three days that, from past experience, usually 
takes not only much time but antibiotics to get rid of.
2. Significantly reduced the discomfort usually associated with these 
3. Saved us a visit to the doctor!!  
Just thought I'd share.
Be well,

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Re: CS>Lunar Influence on the Electrochemical Production of CS

2004-12-17 Thread Sally Khanna
That is a very interesting site!  Thanks for sharing.  I know for myself, I 
discovered accidentally years ago that an eclipse will affect my health.  I 
never made the connection by myself, but an astrologer friend pointed it out to 
me.  Evert time there's an eclipse, I really feel awful and I don't know in 
advance when they are scheduled to happen.

twllLL  wrote:
This is something to think about.

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Re: CS>CS killing fungus was Lyme disease

2004-12-17 Thread Paul Holloway

Tried that, no effect.
I am using a home-made concoction of Sporanox (pharmaceutical 
drug) and DMSO at present.

Paul H

- Original Message - 
From: "name withheld" 

Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS killing fungus was Lyme disease

add small amounts of DMSO. this has had tremendous advantages 

sinus problems in general. it may help.

On Dec 16, 2004, at 5:24 PM, sol wrote:

How did you have it diagnosed? Cultured?

Paul Holloway wrote:

I have aspergillus fumigatus in my sinuses, and despite 
rinsing and spraying with CS several times a day, it hasn't 
killed it.

Paul H

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS killing fungus was Lyme disease

2004-12-17 Thread Paul Holloway
It hasn't touched my aspergillus. I have nebulized, sprayed, 
rinsed, flooded and soaked my sinuses with varying strengths and 
type of CS, and every time I rinse, more fungus comes out. I have 
also tried ozone, many essential oils, Sporanox, Diflucan, 
infra-red. This stuff is very hard to kill. I have heard of 
people burning down a house when they have aspergillus infecting 
it, as nothing else will kill it.

The only thing that helped was a magnetic multipulser (5kHz 
oscillating output) that I bought from Jaguar Enterprises, but it 
broke, and when I sent it back for repair, the owner was jailed 
for making medical claims for his devices, so I am sick again. 
Thanks FTC. So, don't buy anything from Jaguar until he is out of 
jail. A friend of mine is building a similar device, which I hope 
will work as well.

Paul H

- Original Message - 
From: "Ode Coyote" 

Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS killing fungus was Lyme disease

 CS will kill any non spore producing bacterium. [A quote from 
some study

Really, It will kill the bacterium but not the spores.
Inhaled antrax would probably be "cured" only if CS were 
nebulized several
times a day for many many days to give all the spores a chance 
to hatch out

and die before making more spoors.

Fungi produces spoors too and CS doesn't likely kill the 
spoors.  If any

fungus OR spores escape destruction, it will be back.


At 03:24 PM 12/16/2004 -0700, you wrote:

How did you have it diagnosed? Cultured?

Paul Holloway wrote:

I have aspergillus fumigatus in my sinuses, and despite 
rinsing and

spraying with CS several times a day, it hasn't killed it.

Paul H

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: CS>

2004-12-17 Thread C. Hatzfeld
Hi, Rene,

Don't forget to use some DMSO with the CS topically because it'll take the CS 


Re: CS>agyria

2004-12-17 Thread Sally Khanna
I have some Cell Forte IP6.  Does amyone know if it is important to take other 
supplements along with this?  It's a chelator, isn't it?
It says to take on an empty stomach, but since I take my thyroid first thing 
AM, I'd be waiting too long to eat if I took it AM. And since it contains 
calcium and magnesium (phytate) I don't know if it would interfere with my 
thyroid medicine.

Marshall Dudley  wrote:
I probably will.  My blue moons on my fingernails have lightened significantly 
since starting taking IP6. 
bailar wrote: Just curious, but suppose someone did start to get agyria in a 
rare case, why couldn't they do chelation? It works for lead, mercury etc 
wouldn't it work for silver?
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2004-12-17 Thread Tony Moody
On 16 Dec 2004 at 20:46, Rene Thurston wrote:

> I thought I would share a silver success story with everyone, especially 
> those who may be like me 
> - overtly skeptical! After this, I'm almost 100% sold on the benefits of CS.
> Ever since my daughter was three or four (she'll be 12 in January), she has 
> had a problem with 
> developing staph infections out of nowhere. 

Hi Rene,
What you describe could be boils. One after another or clusters of 
them. Most of us around here had them as kids. the rule (often 
broken) was not to touch them until they were "ripe". If pressed too 
soon they would burst sideways into flesh cause a huge sore and 
consequent scarring. If left until the swelling and heat went down 
they either self absorbed or could be popped out in a neat capsule 
leaving very little scarring. I was put on short course of zinc tablets 
and never had another one. 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS killing fungus was Lyme disease

2004-12-17 Thread name withheld

add small amounts of DMSO. this has had tremendous advantages for
sinus problems in general. it may help.

On Dec 16, 2004, at 5:24 PM, sol wrote:

How did you have it diagnosed? Cultured?

Paul Holloway wrote:

I have aspergillus fumigatus in my sinuses, and despite rinsing and 
spraying with CS several times a day, it hasn't killed it.

Paul H

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re:Re: CS>Re:Re: CS>Colloidal Gold

2004-12-17 Thread Dan Nave
Can you describe your process in more detail, or is it secret?


CS>Re:Re: CS>Re:Re: CS>Colloidal Gold

From: William Amos (view other messages by this author) 
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 11:50:07 

Hello Again:
My CG is totally clear. I was never concerned about any color.
I experimented for nearly 2 years, off & on, before finding a simple
but complicated method
of making it with HVAC and LVDC in combination. I have sent it to be
tested, with no results yet. 

The important thing is what I have been told " it has helped "

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS killing fungus was Lyme disease

2004-12-17 Thread Ode Coyote
  CS will kill any non spore producing bacterium. [A quote from some study
 Really, It will kill the bacterium but not the spores.
 Inhaled antrax would probably be "cured" only if CS were nebulized several
times a day for many many days to give all the spores a chance to hatch out
and die before making more spoors.

 Fungi produces spoors too and CS doesn't likely kill the spoors.  If any
fungus OR spores escape destruction, it will be back.


At 03:24 PM 12/16/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>How did you have it diagnosed? Cultured?
>Paul Holloway wrote:
>> I have aspergillus fumigatus in my sinuses, and despite rinsing and 
>> spraying with CS several times a day, it hasn't killed it.
>> Paul H
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>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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Re: CS>RE: Colloidal Gold

2004-12-17 Thread Ode Coyote
 Gold is EXTREMLY corrosion resistant.
 Most 'acids' won't touch it.

At 01:42 PM 12/16/2004 -0800, you wrote:
>I have a question. Since distilled water is corrosive, why doesn't it
>dissolve a percentage of gold from a coin that is simply set in the water.
>Isn't that what the pilgrims need with their silver dollars. Seems it would
>at least produce a homeopathic type relationship.
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