Re: CS>Money, sweet as honey

2005-04-16 Thread Jonathan B. Britten

See this link for details of a call for an investigation:

My hunch is that, like a great deal of the criminality associated with 
a certain group of politicians currently in power, everything is 
technically legal.   However, hope springs eternal.   There are 
first-rate public citizens working to right the wrongs . . . .


On Saturday, Apr 16, 2005, at 15:11 Asia/Tokyo, Acmeair wrote:

what pharma did he get hired by?   was he present on any critical 
decisions on drug approvals ?? why don't we start a "crusade" on this 
dude.???   if he's honest, let it be, if not cut the juevoes off.

Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

I read today that a former US senator, Billy Tauzin, (R-La.),  
recently retired from Congress.  In addition to his 85 thousand 
dollar annual retirement package,  he now gets close to two million 
dollars per year as head of a pharmaceutical association.  In 
Congress he was -- big surprise -- on the committee that "regulates" 

The corruption of American politics is literally deadly, as many list 
members know well.

Send Billy a letter to congratulate him on pulling himself up by his 
bootstraps, from the poverty of Congress to the real money of private 

On Friday, Apr 15, 2005, at 22:25 Asia/Tokyo, Faith Saint Francis 

Raine wrote:
but general consensus was that there isn't one,

It ain't that there issent one ..
"Zey" know very well zet zere a' many. Ittis jussst that if "zey" 
would admit zet zere a' manymanymany treetments, it would cost them 
clients .. UUuuufff ..  it would cost zem moneymoneymoney. Money, as 
sweet as honey.

And losing money sweet as honey, that hurts bad!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Money, sweet as honey

2005-04-16 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
By the way, if you want possibly something even uglier,  read "Death of 
a Mountain" in Harper's, April 2005.   See page 59, paragraph two and 
onward.Coal industry this time. . .  bet you never read about the 
300 million gallons of toxic waste sludge that spilled in October 2000, 
a disaster 30 times the size of the Exxon-Valdez disaster.   Neither 
had I.   Check out the details of the thwarted investigation and the 
fate of the one decent bureaucrat involved.

Worth one's time if one wants to know how the government works, or 
doesn't. But I will stop here because our concern on this list is 
with CS, and only my original posting was directly pertinent, insofar 
as we are concerned with pharmaceutical companies in relation to CS.

On Saturday, Apr 16, 2005, at 16:07 Asia/Tokyo, Jonathan B. Britten 

See this link for details of a call for an investigation:

My hunch is that, like a great deal of the criminality associated with 
a certain group of politicians currently in power, everything is 
technically legal.   However, hope springs eternal.   There are 
first-rate public citizens working to right the wrongs . . . .


On Saturday, Apr 16, 2005, at 15:11 Asia/Tokyo, Acmeair wrote:

what pharma did he get hired by?   was he present on any critical 
decisions on drug approvals ?? why don't we start a "crusade" on this 
dude.???   if he's honest, let it be, if not cut the juevoes off.

Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

I read today that a former US senator, Billy Tauzin, (R-La.),  
recently retired from Congress.  In addition to his 85 thousand 
dollar annual retirement package,  he now gets close to two million 
dollars per year as head of a pharmaceutical association.  In 
Congress he was -- big surprise -- on the committee that "regulates" 

The corruption of American politics is literally deadly, as many 
list members know well.

Send Billy a letter to congratulate him on pulling himself up by his 
bootstraps, from the poverty of Congress to the real money of 
private enterprise.

On Friday, Apr 15, 2005, at 22:25 Asia/Tokyo, Faith Saint Francis 

Raine wrote:
but general consensus was that there isn't one,

It ain't that there issent one ..
"Zey" know very well zet zere a' many. Ittis jussst that if "zey" 
would admit zet zere a' manymanymany treetments, it would cost them 
clients .. UUuuufff ..  it would cost zem moneymoneymoney. Money, 
as sweet as honey.

And losing money sweet as honey, that hurts bad!

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Re: CS>Money, sweet as honey

2005-04-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Jonathan wrote:
> My hunch is that, like a great deal of the criminality associated with a
> certain group of politicians currently in power, everything is
> technically legal.   However, hope springs eternal.   There are
> first-rate public citizens working to right the wrongs . . . .

As long as by "...a certain group of politicians currently in power..." 
you mean *BOTH* major parties in Washington, I'm with you, Jonathan. 
Corruption in government did not start on January 20, 2001.

In any case, the OT list is ready and waiting for further discussion of 
this topic. A little activism is good thing. 

Be well,

Mike D.
list owner dude

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>What the CS & DMSO recipe for tooth infection ?

2005-04-16 Thread twllLL

CS>reflexology map of hands

2005-04-16 Thread Shirley Reed
Faith, I too would appreciate that map!  tia  pj

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>RE: cataracts

2005-04-16 Thread Christine Carleton

I'm nearsighted and astigmatic, and have been all my life. In addition,
polio skewed my vision so the topography of the eyeball reaches it's pitch
at 4 & 8 o'clock respectively which meant no one could grind lenses for me.
The pesky black spots were increasing, double vision was common, and triple
when stressed - things were not clear unless working at 18pt.

When someone suggested oil I thought they were nuts - but there were no
other untravelled avenues so... with great scepticism thought I'd try it.  I
blended the oils of Frankincense and Sensation in a recipe and applied
daily.  Initially it was a struggle - I had to get over my resistant
attitude towards MLM's - a personal block for me - (today I suspect my
closed mindedness reflected in my vision).  I'm glad I got over it, because
I passed my driving test without visual aids.  Works for me.

I used an internationally recognized French medical standard EC-AFNOR oils.
After all, it was literally my sight, and I didn't need to put my eyes at
further risk. That was about 6 years ago.  Now, if my vision acts up and
gets blurry (about once a year) - I use my recipe and in 1-2-3 days my eyes
have cleared up.  It's saved me a bundle with ophthalmologist fees and
fashionable glasses.  This is OT.  For further info, please contact me off

Life is humourous - my 3 younger sibblings have worn glasses for 10-15 years
and think I'm nuts --- it doesn't compute in their medical culture --- but I
don't need corrective lenses --- perhaps I'm not as crazy or blind as they
think!  Does the Universal laugh?  I think so.


Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2005 04:50:56 +
Subject: Re: CS>RE: cataracts

Have not heard from  you but I am very interested.

Thank you 

-- Original message from Christine Carleton
: --
> I've used essential oils to assist with a number of vision challenges
> including double & triple vision, black spots in front of the eyeballs, etc.
> Cataracts appear to respond also. Contact me off line if you want to know
> more. My ophthalmologist could not grind corrective lenses because as Post
> Polio individual, distortion in my eye muscles left the pitch - at 4:00 and
> 8:00 o'clock respectively. I was working at 18pt, with double and triple
> vision. Also had those pesky, nasty black spots in front of my eyeballs.
> Now I work at 10-11 pt in single vision with no correction & no black spots.
> I limit my dairy to cream in coffee and partake in cheeses. CC

CS>phantom pains and their removal - Phantom Pains Indeed

2005-04-16 Thread Jodi
Umm, Mike?  Would you please explain to the lady below that some of us 
don't appreciate her spouting her fanatical religious beliefs and they 
are neither welcome nor appropriate in this forum??  I'm not on this 
list to be on the receiving end of that because I find religious 
fanaticizm both nauseating and frightening (9-11 comes to mind).

I would appreciate equal time to counter her and say I wholeheartedly 
try to align myself with the spirit of goodness, and/or God, which is 
what I believe Christ represents.  And Cayce tried to be of like-mind 
and did only good all his life - and only goodness came from everything 
he said and did.

How can you literally trash another human being's life-work and 
character in a word, and then use "Christ" as a justification for doing 
so??  Does that not seem hypocritical to you?  Your reasoning, and the 
spirit that you've chosen to align yourself with by spouting such things 
with rightious indignation most certainly does NOT make you appear to 
come from God.  Please keep your "religion" to yourself.


> Subject: Re: CS>phantom pains and their removal
> Date: 4/15/2005, 10:29 PM
> From: Marshalee 
> To:
> Ladies,
> Cayce got his "knowledge" while in a trance. Anything can happen when in
> a trance.
> He was also given reincarnation, which IMHO is a lie. Cayce was a
> Christian, and didn`t want to believe it either! You can`t believe in
> both reincarnation and the resurrection, the former negates the need for
> a savior. I believe in Christ, and  I believe that Satan will tell a
> thousand truths in order to slip by one little lie, which makes it all a
> lie (the one rotten apple in a barrel situation).
> When I came to that conclusion many years ago, I dumped Cayce and
> reincarnation,
> and returned to Christ. Much happier now.
> Therefore I don`t trust anything Cayce said, knowing its source.
> I DO trust in Colloidal Silver, as it was given to me as the direct
> answer to a prayer for help
> with my Lyme Disease! It works.
> Nuff said, Mike...
> Marshalee
>> I C ..
>> done any research on Cayce's results? Or delve into communication with
>> those who are familiar with his help to great numbers of -private-
>> clients? Sleepin or unSleeping Prophet .. he did a lot of good.
>> Faith
>> Even charlatans are rarely wrong about everything. Sleeping prophet?
>> Don't think so. Sleeping Charlatan, I'd buy that.
>> I am unwilling to say that everything he espoused was wrong. As the
>> old saying goes, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
>> No insult intended, but I myself would agree or disagree with his
>> "advices" based solely on results, placing no confidence in any of
>> them simply because of the source.
>> sol
>> Faith Saint Francis wrote:
>>> Can't agree with you. Thousands of people were healed by Cayce's
>>> advices, and we have seen and experienced the results with The Edgar
>>> Cayce's oil-pack treatments. It does not seem right to call the
>>> Sleeping Prophet a charlatan.

> Subject: Re: CS>phantom pains and their remolval
> Date: 4/15/2005, 1:04 AM
> From: Marshalee 
> To:
> Sorry, but I can`t give credit to that charlatan.
> I read his stuff long ago, did you ever notice how nonsensical it often is?
> Marshalee
>>Edgar Cayce recommended massaging the body with a mixture of Olive Oil,
>>Castor Oil, and Peanut Oil starting from the extremities and going
>>towards the heart.  The massage should be done after a warm/hot bath.
>>About once a week...

> -- 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cataracts

2005-04-16 Thread Christine Carleton

I used a recipe that blends Frankincense and Sensation (EC-AFNOR standard
oils - French medical benchmarks of active chemical constitutents).  It's
worked for me for 6 years plus when specialists could not grind lenses for
me.  I have no restrictions on my driving licence because of the oils.  I'm
happy with them.  This is OT.  Your welcome to contact me off line if you
want to know more.


> From: Sandee George 
> Subject: Re: CS>Cataracts
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 16:11:42 -0700
> Which oils did you use Christine?
> Sandee
> "The one who accomplished it is the one
> who failed to realize that he could not do it."

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CS>C S and Bladder Cancer

2005-04-16 Thread Rowena

Judy, I just wanted to add to what others have said about bladder cancer.  I 
hope things are going well.  When I started looking locally for a CS generator 
and was given an address, it turned out that the old fellow who was making and 
selling them (in Perth, Western Australia) was doing so because he was so 
impressed with the results he got using it on his bladder cancer.  It was 
discovered almost by accident, and the outlook seemed grim.  However, he did 
his research, swtiched to drinking rainwater or distilled water rather than tap 
water, took apricot kernels, and CS.  He is quite well now and spending a lot 
of time and energy teaching about CS and water and making the generators.
  But when I found out I had bladder cancer I got scared of drinking the C S. 

CS>Extra help in killing germs: coconut oil (H pylori etc)

2005-04-16 Thread Rowena
Especially for those fighting Helicobacter pylori, but also for all of us 
concerned about parasites and germs, here is a site to visit:
Decreased growth of Staphylococcus aureus and decreased production of toxic 
shock syndrome toxin-1 was shown with 150 mg monolaurin per liter (Holland 
et al 1994).  Monolaurin was 5000 times more inhibitory against Listeria 
monocytogenes than ethanol (Oh & Marshall 1993).  Helicobacter pylori is 
rapidly inactivated by medium-chain monoglycerides and lauric acid, and 
there appears to be very little development of resistance of the organism to 
the bactericidal effects (Petschow et al 1996) of these natural 

A number of fungi, yeast etc

This long article was an address to the Asian Pacific Coconut Community.

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CS>reflexology map

2005-04-16 Thread mteacher

I would also like to have the map.


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CS>[List Owner] Cayce thread, again!

2005-04-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Okay folks! Heads up!

Jodi has posted to the Cacye thread that I already asked to be ended.

She voices some rather strongly worded opinions in response to 
Marshalee's earlier remarks that were also outside the rules and 
charter of the group, and the cause of my asking that thread to be 

Of course Marshalee will rightly remind us that others were talking 
about Cayce, which in itself is stretching things for this list if done 
at much length or delving into spiritual/occult areas.

Jodi has written me privately, apologizing for making this post. After 
re-reading the list rules she realized this was out of line and asked 
to be forgiven for her reply-in-anger.

Of course Faith has also chimed in with her cleverly titled "Cayce 
Closed" posting, plodding yet one step further along this tired path. 

How this list works, folks, is that you generally discipline 
yourselves! If you post something inappropriate, it will go out to all 
five hundred and forty some members. I don't step in except after the 
fact to clean up the mess. 

If you show that you can't regulate your *own* behavior I will warn you 
about it. I may suspend or ban you if the situation warrants it. This 
includes starting, carrying on, or retaliating for inappropriate 

So, let's see if we can let this thread die, again!

Don't respond to anybody else if they reply before noticing this or my 
other e-mail.

And don't repeat the same series of mistakes in the future, please!

Thank you all.

Joni wrote:
> Umm, Mike?  Would you please explain to the lady below that some of us
> don't appreciate her spouting her fanatical religious beliefs and they
> are neither welcome nor appropriate in this forum?? 

[the rest, mercifully, SNIPPED!!]

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>phantom pains and their removal - Phantom Pains Indeed

2005-04-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Right on! THANK YOU Marshalee! 

Mike D.
da list owner guy - a jumpin' all over the place!

> Gee whiz, I didn`t thik I was THAT bad! Fanatical???
> Just trying to explain why I personally won`t accept Cayce.
> I believe anyone can believe or accept whatever they want to. It is
> called free agency. Enough on that, back to silver. Marshalee

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>interest in maps of Reflexology

2005-04-16 Thread Faith Saint Francis

Dear Members of this Great Forum!
Thank you for the great amount of interest you showed in the alternative 
that Reflexology offers.

Yet ... PLEASE! Do me a grat favor.
Would you care to send your petitions to my other e-mail addres 
. That one my inbox is activated on .. it 
makes the work all the easier for me.

Thanks for cooperating,

And: I have the maps and the explanation ready for sending. I am now 
preparing the group-list on my Outlook Express.

Won't last long now!

Love to serve,
Love you all,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Urine Therapy, hand-in-hand wuith CS

2005-04-16 Thread Faith Saint Francis

Rowena wrote about Helicobacter pylori

Just for the record (and preparing for a lot of harsh laughter):
 wil be done with by any patient who dares to take in 
his/her own urine, under a treatment that is known as Urine Therapy, and has 
been practised, even in collaboration with Colloidal Silver treatments for 
far longer than we can remember.
I quote that it is a TREATMENT, so any interessee will have to cleanse 
his/her colon, and change diets, and run the road of health.


Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CS>Coconut Water

2005-04-16 Thread Raine
Ok, I lucked out and purchased a young coconut from the grocery store 
yesterday! I have never purchased a coconut in any form, so I'm staring 
at this thing wondering how to get the water out without wasting it. Any 


V wrote:

Hi Raine,

They look very different that the regular coconuts. they are usually white and 
look like a cylynder with a cone on top, as they have part of the husk on them 
still nad they are trimmed to look like that. the meat is real yummy and is 
eaten with a spoon or you can blend it into the water nad make a nice smoothie


Re: CS>Coconut Water

2005-04-16 Thread Faith Saint Francis
Chop off the "head" (where it hangs from the tree) with a SHARP anything 
(axe, machete, good knife). Cut away that hairy buss you'll find. The hard 
core has three "eyes" on top. One of these is soft. Pinch it, so to make a 
small opening. Pour out the water in a glass .. presto.

(Ifyaneverdunnit, thennits quite a job!)
The nut you can "crack" by bouncing it hard against the wall or the floor.
The white flesh on the inside of the nut is a delicacy.

From: Raine 
Subject: Re: CS>Coconut Water
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2005 15:23:27 -0700

Ok, I lucked out and purchased a young coconut from the grocery store 
yesterday! I have never purchased a coconut in any form, so I'm staring at 
this thing wondering how to get the water out without wasting it. Any 


V wrote:

Hi Raine,

They look very different that the regular coconuts. they are usually white 
and look like a cylynder with a cone on top, as they have part of the husk 
on them still nad they are trimmed to look like that. the meat is real 
yummy and is eaten with a spoon or you can blend it into the water nad 
make a nice smoothie

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Closing case on Edgar Cayce (2)

2005-04-16 Thread Faith Saint Francis

Jodi wrote:
And Cayce tried to be of like-mind
and did only good all his life - and only goodness came from everything
he said and did.

Although I consider this "Cayce closed", Jodi's words evoke me to the 
following considerations:
Edgar Cayce has been a Christian all his life. When he became aware of his 
gift he had a long lonely inner battle, caused by the limitatios he felt 
that were lain upon him by his religious background. Even as the Sleeping 
Prophet" (a name he had not given himself, Cayce was a shy man) he kept 
close to his Book (Cayce read all of the Bible in one year, he did so 
several times in is life). Many of his readings show serious references to 
the Bible.
Yet, as all Great Masters teach us: The one who has been on top of the 
(Mystical) Pyramid, he is the one who can oversee it all. Such a one feels 
no more limitations, he has even more and deeper respect for ALL RELIGIONS.
Cayce never gave up Chritianity. Only he had grown, to an extend many 
religious beings are un-able of.
I am looking for ways to tie this message to Colloidal Silver, but this 
time, really .. can't find. I must go to the other Forum indeed.
Anyway, I had already seen this case as closed .. much more fun in 
discussing Colloidal Silver matters anyways.


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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>phantom pains and their removal - Phantom Pains Indeed

2005-04-16 Thread Marshalee

Gee whiz, I didn`t thik I was THAT bad! Fanatical???
Just trying to explain why I personally won`t accept Cayce.
I believe anyone can believe or accept whatever they want to. It is 
called free agency.

Enough on that, back to silver.

Umm, Mike?  Would you please explain to the lady below that some of us 
don't appreciate her spouting her fanatical religious beliefs and they 
are neither welcome nor appropriate in this forum??  I'm not on this 
list to be on the receiving end of that because I find religious 
fanaticizm both nauseating and frightening (9-11 comes to mind).

I would appreciate equal time to counter her and say I wholeheartedly 
try to align myself with the spirit of goodness, and/or God, which is 
what I believe Christ represents.  And Cayce tried to be of like-mind 
and did only good all his life - and only goodness came from everything 
he said and did.

How can you literally trash another human being's life-work and 
character in a word, and then use "Christ" as a justification for doing 
so??  Does that not seem hypocritical to you?  Your reasoning, and the 
spirit that you've chosen to align yourself with by spouting such things 
with rightious indignation most certainly does NOT make you appear to 
come from God.  Please keep your "religion" to yourself.



Subject: Re: CS>phantom pains and their removal
Date: 4/15/2005, 10:29 PM
From: Marshalee 

Cayce got his "knowledge" while in a trance. Anything can happen when in
a trance.
He was also given reincarnation, which IMHO is a lie. Cayce was a
Christian, and didn`t want to believe it either! You can`t believe in
both reincarnation and the resurrection, the former negates the need for
a savior. I believe in Christ, and  I believe that Satan will tell a
thousand truths in order to slip by one little lie, which makes it all a
lie (the one rotten apple in a barrel situation).
When I came to that conclusion many years ago, I dumped Cayce and
and returned to Christ. Much happier now.
Therefore I don`t trust anything Cayce said, knowing its source.
I DO trust in Colloidal Silver, as it was given to me as the direct
answer to a prayer for help
with my Lyme Disease! It works.
Nuff said, Mike...


I C ..
done any research on Cayce's results? Or delve into communication with
those who are familiar with his help to great numbers of -private-
clients? Sleepin or unSleeping Prophet .. he did a lot of good.


Even charlatans are rarely wrong about everything. Sleeping prophet?
Don't think so. Sleeping Charlatan, I'd buy that.
I am unwilling to say that everything he espoused was wrong. As the
old saying goes, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
No insult intended, but I myself would agree or disagree with his
"advices" based solely on results, placing no confidence in any of
them simply because of the source.

Faith Saint Francis wrote:


Can't agree with you. Thousands of people were healed by Cayce's
advices, and we have seen and experienced the results with The Edgar
Cayce's oil-pack treatments. It does not seem right to call the
Sleeping Prophet a charlatan.




Subject: Re: CS>phantom pains and their remolval
Date: 4/15/2005, 1:04 AM
From: Marshalee 

Sorry, but I can`t give credit to that charlatan.
I read his stuff long ago, did you ever notice how nonsensical it often is?


Edgar Cayce recommended massaging the body with a mixture of Olive Oil,
Castor Oil, and Peanut Oil starting from the extremities and going
towards the heart.  The massage should be done after a warm/hot bath.
About once a week...





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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Rife seminar in California, May 14-15, with location

2005-04-16 Thread Nenah Sylver

Hello all.

I asked Mike's permission to send the following. You might be interested to 
know that at my workshops, I always bring my CS generator with me and make 
some there to show people how easy it is.

An Educational Seminar-- 
Rife Technology: An Electro-Medicine healing Modality that uses Frequency

presented by Nenah Sylver, PhD

  Imagine what your life would be like if you could eliminate illness. 
You would only need a day or so to manage a mild problem like a cold, and 
perhaps six to twelve months for serious illnesses such as cancer. Science 
fiction? Not at all. In the 1930s, some of the most prestigious doctors and 
scientists used frequency technology invented by Nebraska-born scientist 
Royal Raymond Rife to cure or manage cancer, leprosy, polio, streptococcus, 
tuberculosis, typhoid, and other diseases-without poisonous drugs or 
invasive surgery! Rife's inventions soon became world renown, reported in 
numerous publications including the San Diego Tribune, Scientific American, 
Journal of the Franklin Institute, Report to the Board of Directors of the 
Smithsonian Institution, and even the Mayo Clinic minutes. His amazing 
microbe-destroying technology was not only painless and inexpensive, it was 
completely safe and worked in harmony with the body.

  If Rife's treatment method was so effective, why hasn't everybody 
heard about it? How did this frequency technology work? And how can we use 
it today?

  With slides of historical movie footage, photos, diagrams, and 
charts, Dr. Sylver will explore:

*   The history of Rife and his inventions

*   The electromagnetic spectrum and precisely what is meant by "frequency"

*   The relationship between sound and light, and a special discussion of 
far infrared radiation (FIR) and LEDs and soft lasers

*   The phenomenon of pleomorphism (the many life cycles of a microbe)

*   The effects of bodily terrain, emotions, and outer and inner 
environments on illness

*   The Herxheimer (die-off) response and its relationship to Rife and other 
frequency therapies

*   Differences between a healing response and a disease crisis

*   The principles behind regenerative frequencies

*   Different types of frequency devices

*   How to give yourself a Rife session (light tube versus electrodes, 
pulsing, gating, sweeping, clothing to wear, duration of session, time 
between sessions, etc.)

*   Who can benefit from Rife Technology therapy and who should avoid it

*   How to administer sessions to children and animals

*   The special needs of people with cancer, Lyme, and other conditions

*   Complementary therapies: oxygen, colloidal silver, acupuncture, VoiceBio 
analysis, etc.

*   How to incorporate Rife Technology sessions into a well-rounded holistic 
health program

*   How to select frequencies, and the relevance of harmonics and octaves

*   Microbes and their response to frequencies

   This is an experiential workshop. You will also:

*   See at least one Rife Technology device in operation

*   Using Dr. Sylver's Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing as a guide, learn 
how to troubleshoot problem areas and select frequencies if your device does 
not already have diagnostic capabilities

*   Use your own frequency device to conduct a Rife session with another 
workshop participant

 Electro-medicine-the ability to heal with frequencies-is a 
modality that every holistic practitioner needs to know about. This 
presentation will provide a valuable overview of frequency therapies in 
general and Rife Technology in particular. Nenah's widely acclaimed, 
448-page, 8½ x 11 research manual, The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing, 
will be available for purchase. Packed with information, it is regarded as 
the definitive book on Rife Technology as well as a valuable basic primer on 
holistic health. Her newest volume, The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy, 
will also be available.

Brief Bio

Nenah Sylver, PhD

*   Received her doctorate from The Union Institute in Transformational 
Psychology, a multi-disciplinary program incorporating Reichian (body-mind) 
psychology, gender studies, and holistic health.

*   With over 20 years experience in private practice as a Reichian 
(bodymind) psychotherapist, she has also trained in Psych-K and Eidetic 
Imagery facilitation, and is a certified VoiceBio analysis practitioner.

*   Is an internationally published author in the areas of holistic health, 
gender studies, psychology, sexuality, and the natural sciences. Her work 
has appeared in anthologies, magazines, and textbooks since 1989.

*  A Rife researcher for over 10 years, she is a featured speaker on many 
wellness modalities at seminars, conferences, and on the radio.

2-Day Seminar at the Quantum School of Excellence in Santa Monica

May 14-15, 2005

* Quantum School of Excellence, 2812 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 205, Santa 
Monica, California

* May 14 - 15 (Saturday & Sunday), 10am to 5pm

* $249

Re: CS>Coconut Water

2005-04-16 Thread Raine
Thank ya, Faith! It was quite simple to get it open, and I was surprised 
at the volume of water it contained!

My old girl had her first coconut water treatment today. I'll keep the 
list updated on our findings.

-Raine, with Chino the one-eyed wonder dog

Faith Saint Francis wrote:

Chop off the "head" (where it hangs from the tree) with a SHARP 
anything (axe, machete, good knife). Cut away that hairy buss you'll 
find. The hard core has three "eyes" on top. One of these is soft. 
Pinch it, so to make a small opening. Pour out the water in a glass .. 

(Ifyaneverdunnit, thennits quite a job!)
The nut you can "crack" by bouncing it hard against the wall or the 

The white flesh on the inside of the nut is a delicacy.