Chop off the "head" (where it hangs from the tree) with a SHARP anything (axe, machete, good knife). Cut away that hairy buss you'll find. The hard core has three "eyes" on top. One of these is soft. Pinch it, so to make a small opening. Pour out the water in a glass .. presto.
(Ifyaneverdunnit, thennits quite a job!)
The nut you can "crack" by bouncing it hard against the wall or the floor.
The white flesh on the inside of the nut is a delicacy.

From: Raine <>
Subject: Re: CS>Coconut Water
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2005 15:23:27 -0700

Ok, I lucked out and purchased a young coconut from the grocery store yesterday! I have never purchased a coconut in any form, so I'm staring at this thing wondering how to get the water out without wasting it. Any pointers?


V wrote:

Hi Raine,

They look very different that the regular coconuts. they are usually white and look like a cylynder with a cone on top, as they have part of the husk on them still nad they are trimmed to look like that. the meat is real yummy and is eaten with a spoon or you can blend it into the water nad make a nice smoothie

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