Re: CSFw: silver toxicity

2005-07-03 Thread angel nest
hello 'yall,

does anyone know how i could calculate the gram or milligram content of my cs?

let's say, 8oz of 20ppm for instance.


Re: CSFw: silver toxicity

2005-07-03 Thread FRANK CUNS-RIAL
To convert part per million (by weight) into miligrams in 8 oz. do the 

One fluid oz.of CS equals about 30 grams.
8 oz. of CS is therefore 240 grams in which you have 20 ppm.
The grams of silver contained in your 8 oz,
20x240/100=0.0048 gr or 4.8 miligrams.
This asumes that the specific gravity of a ppm CS dispersion is 1.00.
Hope it hels
Frank Cuns-Rial
  - Original Message - 
  From: angel nest 
  Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 5:14 AM
  Subject: Re: CSFw: silver toxicity

  hello 'yall,

  does anyone know how i could calculate the gram or milligram content of my cs?

  let's say, 8oz of 20ppm for instance.


CSsilver toxicity

2005-07-03 Thread Michael Redecke
Hello Matthew !
concerning a 38 years old man with argyria:
Matthew wrote: 
.The dosage was 450ml of 450ppm CS taken 3 times a
day for 10 months. That concentration of 450ppm seems
odd. EIS made with DW does not come  close to 450ppm. 
the electrolysis process self-limits by going into
saturation, generating precipitates or floating
elemental surface crust, long before 450ppm can be

I am in email contact with Dr. Wadhera and the
I usually do not post private emails, but i think i
can post here for a better understanding of that case
a part of his email to me. I was wondering myself also
about this large quantity of silver and i asked him
for more details. In Germany we have a bit problems to
understand if someone in the new world means ounces or
fluid-ounces, which is not the same.

Dr Wadhera wrote to me: 
... Regarding your specific question about the
consumption of silver by our patient - He reported to
us that he was consuming 16 ounces of liquid (prepared
as described in the paper) containing approx 450 ppm
(mg/L) of colloidal silver 3 times a day for 10
months. I am not sure if he ever actually measured the
concentration of silver in the liquid he was drinking.
As you have mentioned in your email and included in
the discussion section of the paper, using a conc of
450 mg/L in 16 oz, 3 times/day gives you a daily dose
of apprx 650 mg of silver (450 mg/1000 ml * 450 ml *
3). So over a period of 10 months, assuming he drank
it every day, he consumed approx 200 gm of silver

To Richard:
...Please read my Site and Blogspot in which I offer 3
FREE pages of CS Uses + 1 page of my Favorites to
which Irefer often. Please let me know if I can be of

I will take a look !


In my calculation i made an error:
If someone would use 100 ml (0.1 l) of a 10 ppm silver
colloid, he or she would have an intake of 1 ppm = ~ 1
mg silver, after resoprtion (10%) 0.1 ppm = 100 ppb
would enter the body and will be diluited into around
50 liters giving us a tissue-concentration of around 2
ppb. (not 20 as i posted earlier).


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RE: CSsilver toxicity

2005-07-03 Thread Ed Kasper
It would seem to me that the actual amount of silver does
not matter. Most important would be the process of producing
EIS or CS. The method and materials should be suspect and
examined. It would also seem logical for the man to bring in
an actual sample for testing as well as his material and
equipment as the fault may lie anywhere. For example it may
have been very poor grade silver ...

Of course all this may have transpired  and I apologize as I
am getting in late on this discussion.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Redecke []
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 8:33 AM
Subject: CSsilver toxicity

Hello Matthew !
concerning a 38 years old man with argyria:
Matthew wrote:
.The dosage was 450ml of 450ppm CS taken 3 times a
day for 10 months. That concentration of 450ppm seems
odd. EIS made with DW does not come  close to 450ppm.
the electrolysis process self-limits by going into
saturation, generating precipitates or floating
elemental surface crust, long before 450ppm can be

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSsilver toxicity

2005-07-03 Thread Ernie Patai

-Original Message-
From: Ed Kasper [] 
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 12:20 PM
Subject: RE: CSsilver toxicity

It would seem to me that the actual amount of silver does
not matter. Most important would be the process of producing
EIS or CS. The method and materials should be suspect and
examined. It would also seem logical for the man to bring in
an actual sample for testing as well as his material and
equipment as the fault may lie anywhere. For example it may
have been very poor grade silver ...

I would have to agree, many are quick to jump at being alarmed when we
hear of cases of CS abuse to use this word very loosely. Being on this
list now for some time and reading the responses from those very
experienced and knowledgeable individuals ( u know who u are *smile );
Has given me the insight as to how we are mislead many times from
sources of questionable accuracy. How accurate is the information being
presented? When we don't know enough, or details are left out
completely, it is easy to conjure up a horror story reflecting the
misuse of this or that product. When this occurs; not to discount the
possibility, it is easy to place blame outwardly. After all we all know
how easy that is to do and how much better it makes us feel when we
don't have to take responsibility. YES!!! It's called DENIAL LOL. I
am glad to know those who are hear who can straighten out the
misconception and propaganda that every so often comes along to add
spice into the discussions. :-)

Best regards,


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2005-07-03 Thread Terry Chamberlin
A major part of the confusion about the topic of
silver toxicity comes from not differentiating between
one form of silver and another or one method of
preparation and another. It reminds me of the study (a
spoof) in which a group of men were first given whisky
and water, then gin and water and then vermouth and
water. In every case the men got drunk, which led the
scientists to conclude that water made you drunk.

Unless clear distinction is made between
ionic/colloidal silver (CS) and all other forms of
silver preparations, we are talking apples and
oranges. The reason why CS is safe is for several
reasons. One, the quantity of actual silver ingested
is so very low, especially compared to the amounts
mentioned in the scientific reports of argyria.

Second, if made correctly, the particle size is so
very small that it simply does not accumulate in the
body like the large-particle silver salts and

Third, there is no consideration given by the
scientific community to differing
accumulation/excretion rates of different forms of
silver. The primary mechanism that has been at all
acknowledged as causing silver to accumulate in the
human body is the fact that large silver particles
(compounds, salts, proteins) can accumulate in, as an
example, the skin, because these particles get
caught/lodged in the capillaries of the skin, being
too large to get through. It is a recognized fact that
silver joined to other substances (proteins, minerals,
etc.) produce very large particles. On the other hand,
*colloidal* silver particles range in size from
1/7,000th to 1/15,000th the size of a red blood cell,
making the idea of them getting “stuck” in the
capillaries rather ludicrous.

Fourth, the issue of accumulation/excretion. Does
any/every form of silver (protein, salt, colloidal,
ionic) accumulate in the human body at the same rate?
Or even at all? Roger Altman’s medically supervised
study demonstrated that clear, very tiny particle size
CS did not accumulate in the human body whatsoever,
even when ingested in voluminous quantities (quarts
per day). This is not at all true of silver nitrate or
silver arsphemamine.

All of the studies appear to operate on the assumption
that all forms of silver accumulate in the body,
whatever the form or however fast the ingestion. But
this must be taken into consideration, else estimates
of quantities leading to argyria are meaningless. If I
ingest one gram of silver (Which silver? What form?)
over a period of one week or one year, does that make
a difference? Altman’s study demonstrates clearly that
it does, at least concerning colloidal silver. Yet
even the toxicology statistics discuss the methods of
silver excretion (recognizing that the body does make
an effort to dispose of extra or unnecessary silver).
If the body does indeed excrete silver, wouldn’t this
affect accumulation rates? Obviously, if I ingest one
gram of silver over a thirty-year period or if I do it
in one day, that would be very significant. Yet none
of the studies or statistics seem to comment on that
important dynamic. Historically, we know that members
of Europe’s royalty mechanically ground up silver into
powder, stirred it into water or wine and drank it to
protect themselves from sickness. How much larger
would the smallest ground-up particles be than the
largest particles found in electronically isolated
colloidal silver? A thousand times bigger? 10,000
times? A million times? Some colloidal particles are
so small they can pass through glass.

When CS is prepared in improper ways, the particles
become very large and the amount of silver in the
preparation increases significantly.

Even the reports that identify “colloidal silver” as
the culprit do not examine the brewing process or the
components of the preparation. Did they use tap water?
Was it Fine silver or Sterling silver? How long was it
brewed? What color was the CS? (In other words, what
size were the particles?)

Stan Jones acquired a faint bluish tinge under his
eyes, but he made 8 ounces of CS using city tap water
and brewed it for one hour. His CS would have looked
like coffee, and he drank the whole 8 ounces each day!
This was not Colloidal Silver, much less ionic silver.
It was a sludge of silver compounds created by the
interaction of the silver with the chemicals/minerals
in the water. 

The scientific references to cases of argyria caused
by “colloidal silver” do not impress me, given the way
most scientists fail to differentiate between various
forms of silver solutions/treatments, nor to even
consider the principles of silver

“Intravenous administration of an estimated total dose
of 4-20 g silver arsphemamine over a 2- to 9.75-year
period caused argyria in humans. Argyria developed
after a total dose of 4-8 g in some patients, while in
others argyria did not develop until after a total
dose of 10-20 g (Gaul and Straud, 1935).”

The above is 

CSsilver toxicity

2005-07-03 Thread BBirecki
concerning a 38 years old man with argyria:
Matthew wrote:  
.The dosage was 450ml of 450ppm CS taken 3 times a
day for 10  months. That concentration of 450ppm seems
odd. EIS made with DW does not  come  close to 450ppm. 
the electrolysis process self-limits by  going into
saturation, generating precipitates or  floating
elemental surface crust, long before 450ppm can  be

Doesn't this claimed level of CS strength sound like what's posted on  
bottles of silver protein?

CSsilver toxicity

2005-07-03 Thread Matthew McCann
Hi, Bernie,

Yes, the 450ppm does seem more like mild silver protein.
If that was the case, then the hyperlink citation was
incorrect about its manufacture, i.e. home made.

Still odd.


CSsilver toxicity

2005-07-03 Thread Matthew McCann
Hi, Michael,

Two hundred grams. Hmmm. That is equivalent to  about
six and a half 1-oz (~31g) bullion coins ingested in less
than one year.



CSRe: silver toxicity / Frank

2005-07-03 Thread angel nest
Thank you Frank !

Very helpful.  Thanks for showing me the equation to use.

Regarding the CS dispersion/gravity - 
1)  1.00 means what?  1 per  what?
2) how can I know which measure my CS has?

I'm using a silverpuppy generator by Mr. Ken Odecoyote, by the way, if that 
tells you anything that I'm oblivious to...

Thanks again !

  To convert part per million (by weight) into miligrams in 8 oz. do the 

  One fluid oz.of CS equals about 30 grams.
  8 oz. of CS is therefore 240 grams in which you have 20 ppm.
  The grams of silver contained in your 8 oz,
  20x240/100=0.0048 gr or 4.8 miligrams.
  This asumes that the specific gravity of a ppm CS dispersion is 1.00.
  Hope it hels
  Frank Cuns-Rial


2005-07-03 Thread angel nest
But Frank...  I think I might be in trouble

What about this statement in one of Michael's emails...
The US-EPA publishes an oral reference dose (RfD) that
is based on a threshold for certain toxic effects such
as cellular necrosis. In units of micrograms per kg
per day and is an estimate of the maximum amount of
daily silver exposure that is not associated with any
deleterious effects over a lifetime. Current RfD for
oral silver exposure is 5 micrograms per kg per day.
An average (european) 70 kg man: = 350 µg/day

That means that my 4.8mg-4800mcg daily is about 1500% more than the safe daily 
dose  !!  I'm about 50kg ~105lbs, so I should only be consuming 250mcg, right 

Or am I missing something ???

Thanks again,

  To convert part per million (by weight) into miligrams in 8 oz. do the 

  One fluid oz.of CS equals about 30 grams.
  8 oz. of CS is therefore 240 grams in which you have 20 ppm.
  The grams of silver contained in your 8 oz,
  20x240/100=0.0048 gr or 4.8 miligrams.
  This asumes that the specific gravity of a ppm CS dispersion is 1.00.
  Hope it hels
  Frank Cuns-Ria

CSvrp silver protein

2005-07-03 Thread Betsy Coffey
vitamins research sells a product that is 400mpp. It
is silver protein. My friends doctor uses this daily
on her in an IV. Is this safe? I thought that silver
protein is considered an unsafe form of collodial
silver. I think the web site is if anyone is interested.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCSsilver toxicity

2005-07-03 Thread Nancy DeLise
 Dear Michael,

 I found your work of great interest and obviously you have given this a lot
of thought.   I think you might find a great deal to interest you on the web site. Especially click on the library icon
for more on thee subjects.  May I also suggest contacting the owner of the
sight  Stephen Quinto  You can contact him directly  You will have some very interesting
conversations with him.

- Original Message - 
From: Michael Redecke
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 2:42 PM
Subject: CSCSsilver toxicity

 Hello out there !
 Ist my first posting here. My name is Michael, from
 northern Germany. Not a silver-seller ant not a
 consumer of CS. I observe your discussions somehow
 from outside. I am in a different business
 (meteorology), but i studied med long time ago.

 Acute toxicity of silver:

 it is considered that 10 g of silver nitrate taken
 orally is a lethal dose of man. The systemic effects
 of a lethal dose are preceded by severe haemorrhagic
 gastroenteritis and shock. According to Goodman and
 Gilman (1965) the silver ion seems first to stimulate
 and then depress structures in the brain stem as
 silver has a neurotoxic effect in higher doses.
 Central vasomotor stimulation results in a rise in
 blood pressure. At the same time there is bradycardia
 due to central vagal stimulation. Death eventually
 results from respiratory depression.

 I have read that value -3.8 grams- a couple of times.
 It was related to the amount of silver necessary to
 procduce argyria in man. But in the past argyria
 occured also at much lower amounts of silver. The
 lowest possible amount of silver that may start
 argyria may be around 900 mg to 1 gram in some
 particular sensitive people. That value of 3.8 gram is
 of course a calculated value, it does not mean that
 3.7 grams are safe and 3.9 gram are dangerous... and
 ist a value related to a prolonged use of silver, not
 to a single dose. Some people took hundreds of grams
 of silver over years and survived.

 For more details and references and some data
 concerning silver-reistance in bacteria, i translated
 a text into (simple) English. Please excuse may


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