CS>CS nebulizer bronchitis

2007-11-23 Thread Ian Davies
Ian , what brand nebuliser did you buy and was it euro voltage ?
Great testimonial - thanks - Richard - in Spain -.


It's an "Ardes", EU voltage, the supplier is in Barcelona. You'll find it

If the link doesn't work, go to e-bay and search "Nebulizador"

Ian in Spain.

Re: Re[2]: CS>Alzheimer's disease

2007-11-23 Thread Hanneke

My response to your post I sent to Off-topic silverlist.


At 08:27 AM 24/11/2007, you wrote:
For me it started in my late 30's. Sounds like you're from Great 
Britain? If so were you and your family members vaccinated? Lyme is 
really a VID, or vaccine induced disease. The really fun part is 
that it gets passed down from genarations and then you get stabbed 
with more needles adding insult to injury. I'll get a copy of that 
study to you.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS nebulizer bronchitis

2007-11-23 Thread faith gagne

I am talking about last February.

Faith G.

- Original Message - 
From: "Wayne Fugitt" 

Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS nebulizer bronchitis

Evening Faith,

>>At 06:41 PM 11/23/2007, you wrote:

Well I immediately ran down to the store and bought the last bottle there 
so I can easily answer your question.  (They may have re-stocked since

   I can't believe you are buying CS as much as we have told you. 

   Do I have to send you a generator and the silver wire too?

   Sometimes we fail and confuse, but it is not intentional.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS nebulizer bronchitis

2007-11-23 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Evening Ian,

I read all your message, twice.
At 07:34 AM 11/23/2007, you wrote:

Very interesting indeed.

I took 20 inhilations every 20 minutes for an hour and did the same after 
4 and then 8 hours. I am now doing it morning and night but only 10 

  I find it interesting how you are doing the timing and intervals.
I simply go by the stop watch.

How long to you hold each inhalation before exhaling ?

I have found the nebulizer very effective also.  I use 10% DMSO.
Some may use less and some may use more.

I have searched the list archives and found several interesting  messages 
on nebulizing but most do not mention the exact time intervals.

I did as you did, experiment to see the effect. I usually do
2 to 5 minutes.

One message stated that Nebulizing CS was almost as good as
IV CS.   That got my attention.



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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>virus causation - PART I

2007-11-23 Thread Clayton Family
I would agree that additional detox measures should be helpful as well. 
 But I would like to say that in my experience, the cs does do some 
actual detoxing of its own which has been different from the help that 
the measures you outline below have done for me.

Sweating is another detox measure that helps me.


On Nov 23, 2007, at 11:44 AM, His Child wrote:

I really appreciated the 3 articles about viruses.
Just a thought, but the jist of the articles, if I'm
not mistaken, was that toxins create a virus
replication responce and a healing attempt.  The
mosquito spraying would be a toxin and the healing
response would possibly include virus replication.
The CS would help reduce the virus symptoms, but would
not help with the detoxification.  Seems like the
virus is the symptom, and CS would only help the
symptom.  Should be better yet to treat the problem of
toxicity and open the detox pathways and keep them
flowing well.  CS would only be a small part of such a
process.  I love my CS, but my daily Schultz formula
I, Flax seed oil, Kombucha Tea, Kefir, bentonite clay,
apple pectin, oat bran, psillium hull, and activated
charcoal are helping my detox and stay that way.  The
daily CS is helping with frequent flairups of
bacterial and viruses caused by the detox.  They all
go well together (not taken at the same time during
the day, of course).

Best Regards,
His Child
--- Sandee George  wrote:

Hi There John, thanks for all three - very
interesting especially as we
have all just been

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS nebulizer bronchitis

2007-11-23 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Evening Faith,

>>At 06:41 PM 11/23/2007, you wrote:

Well I immediately ran down to the store and bought the last bottle there 
so I can easily answer your question.  (They may have re-stocked since

   I can't believe you are buying CS as much as we have told you. 

   Do I have to send you a generator and the silver wire too?

   Sometimes we fail and confuse, but it is not intentional.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Lyme-Autism-Vaccine connect the dots

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
  _http://www.pr- usa.net/index. php?option= com_content& task=view& id=42154& 
(http://www.pr- usa.net/index. php?option= com_content& task=view& id=42154& 

Evidence Mounts Implicating Lyme Disease in the Autism Epidemic 
(http://www.pr- usa.net/index2. php?option= com_content& do_pdf=1& id=42154) 
(http://www.pr- usa.net/index2. php?option= com_content& task=view& id=42154& 
pop=1&page= 0&Ite
(http://www.pr- usa.net/index2. php?option= com_content& task=emailform& 
id=42154& itemid=9) A new article in Medical Hypotheses 
(_http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=PublicationUR L&_tockey= 
%23TOC%236950% 23%23999 99
%239%23FLA% 23&_cdi=6950& _pubType= J&_auth=y& _acct=C50221 &_version= 
lVersion=0&_ userid=6271824& md5=995d1b571754 f3dc6cda665b9c20 d2af_ 
(http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=PublicationUR L&_tockey= 
#TOC#6950# #9# 9
#FLA#&_cdi= 6950&_pubType= J&_auth=y& _acct=C50221 &_version= 
=0&_userid=6271824& md5=995d1b571754 f3dc6cda665b9c20 d2af) ), "The association 
between tick-borne infections, Lyme Borreliosis and autism spectrum 
disorders" was released this week. Robert Bransfield, M.D., the main author 
collaborated with top doctors in both fields on this paper such as Jeff 
Wulfman, M.D., 
William T. Harvey, M.D. and Anju Usman, M.D. 
The summary of the article states that "Chronic infectious diseases, 
including tick-borne infections such as Borrelia burgdorferi may have direct 
effects, promote other infections and create a weakened, sensitized and 
immunologically vulnerable state during fetal development and infancy leading 
increased vulnerability for developing autism spectrum disorders." 
Bransfield et al 
(_http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/ sites/entrez? Db=pubmed& Cmd=ShowDetailVi 
ew&TermToSearch= 17980971& ordinalpos= 1&itool=EntrezSy stem2.PEntrez. Pubm
ed.Pubmed_ResultsPa nel.Pubmed_ RVDocSum_ 
(http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/ sites/entrez? Db=pubmed& Cmd=ShowDetailVi 
ew&TermToSearch= 17980971& ordinalpos= 1&itool=Entr
ezSystem2.PEntrez. Pubmed.Pubmed_ ResultsPanel. Pubmed_RVDocSum) ), examine cli
nical observations, case reports, laboratory testing of patients with Autism 
Spectrum Disorder for tick-borne diseases, brain imaging results, 
epidemiological findings, infections and autism, tick-borne/Borrelio sis 
infections and 
psychiatric illness and many other factors in this collaboration of research 
Numbers indicate that 20-30% of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder may 
be infected with Lyme Borreliosis and pathogenic Mycoplasma may be a 
contributor in 58% of cases. With these staggering numbers, families and 
need education on the proper testing and treatment methods currently available. 
With these 20-30% numbers representing around 140,000 cases of autism in the 
United States alone, the human impact of this disease is staggering. 
Bransfield et al states that "If just 20% of the 560,000 recognized cases of 
ASD in 
the US can be prevented or more effectively treated, this could result in a 
savings of $358 billion in addition to the incalculable human impact of this 
The authors recognized the contributions of Charles Ray Jones, M.D. for 
decades of expertise and dedication in helping hundreds of children with Lyme 
Borreliosis and autism spectrum disorder. 
Parents needing more information on testing and treatment can turn to the 
LIA Foundation (_http://www.liafound ation.org_ (http://www.liafound 
ation.org/) ) 
for support. They are a non-profit organization which focuses on research, 
awareness and education on the multiple infections, including Borrelia/Lyme 
Disease, and how that impacts children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 
About Autism: 
Autism is a disorder that currently affects 1 out of 150 children. Boys are 
the majority of those affected. The numbers of autism cases spiked in the 
mid-late 90's and continues to remain high. Most children do improve with some 
sort of biomedical and behavioral intervention. 
About Lyme Disease: 
Lyme disease is generally caused by a tick bite and can is more effective 
when antibiotics are administered soon after the infection. Borreliosis is a 
long-term infection that exists and can be undiagnosed Lyme disease or 
transmitted in some other way. Symptoms 
(_http://www.lymeindu cedautism. com/symptomcheck list.html_ 
(http://www.lymeindu cedautism. com/symptomcheck list.html) ) 
include achy joints, confusion, slurring words, word retrieval problems, brain 
fog, sensitivity to light and sound. Lyme disease in its late stage can be 
fatal, causing MS like symptoms and debilitating its victims. One of the 
in which Lyme disease is known to mimic is autism spectrum disorder. 
About the LIA Foundation (_http://www.liafound ation.org_ 
(http://www.liafound ation.org/) ): 
The foundation was started in September 2006 by parents of children with 
autism and Lyme disease. Kathy

Re: CS>CS nebulizer bronchitis

2007-11-23 Thread faith gagne
Well I immediately ran down to the store and bought the last bottle there so 
I can easily answer your question.  (They may have re-stocked since

She used a total of 2 ounces of Wellness Colloidal Silver 30 ppm from Source 

Faith G

- Original Message - 
From: "M. G. Devour" 

Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CS nebulizer bronchitis

Dear Faith,

So here is one dosing example that worked.  Good luck.

If you can sometime find out what brand of "CS" she bought or how
concentrated it was it would help complete the dosing picture for us.

Great report!

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Debbie- Salt/ Vitamin C Protocol

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
No problem Debbie. Glad to try and help.

Deborah Gerard  wrote:
  Big thank-you Kurt I appreciate it very much...debbie

Kurt Milkowski  wrote:  
  Hey Debbie,

  Heres the basic protocol:

  A quick thumbnail summary of How To Do The Protocol is as follows:
(Note:  The best, most thorough "How-To" in terms of exactly what to do
step-by-step, how to properly "Scale-Up", what to expect, when, where 
get materials, adjuncts to assist the protocol, etc., are available as 
complete eBook "How Top Do The Oral Salt/C Protocol" which is available
in the Advanced Members Section.)

  1.  Read The Basic Concept and Theory:  
At the original Lymephotos site:

  2.  Get the correct salt for the protocol:   
  Get the correct salt as noted at Link # 12. in the Links Section of
  this board entitled:  "Salt Sources (online and offline)".   If you
  use natural salts (instead of the 1 gram CMC salt tabs), get empty 
  capsules to fill to make a salt "dose".  One size #00 capsule will
  give you roughly 1 gram of salt when filled. . 3.  Get Vitamin C:   
It can be any good Vitamin C tab or capsule from your local health 
or online.  Best is a "natural source" type C (example" vitamin C from
"rose hips") that also has "bioflavanoids" for better absorption and
assimilation.  Those with "tender tummies" from their Lyme complex, may
prefer "buffered C".

Note: it is also possible to "pre-mix" a "day's worth" of salt/C doses
in a container and then take doses from it spread out through the day. 
This has been found helpful for those with nausea issues as result of
their Lyme complex.  For more information on this method see Link #9 of
the Links Section, entitled "Mixture Method". 
  4.  The "Scale-Up" Method:   
DO NOT start out at full-dose (the "up to 12 grams" per day) as
described at the Lymephotos site.
  Use the "Scale-Up Method.  Start with 1 gram of salt and 1 gram of
  Vitamin C, taken together - and literally just take them 1-2 times 
  day.  Many folks with high microbial "loads" have had significant
  "die-off" reactions (or "herxheimer" reaction - or "herx" for short),
  just on such a starting dosing.  (example: at 10AM and then again at
  2PM) Then, "listen" very carefully to the reaction of your body.  If
  there's even just increased fatigue, or the common "itching, moving"
  sensation of the skin, hold at that dose. Continue just at that dose
  until it "flattens" or "plateaus", and the reaction subsides, before
  edging up an additional dose for the day, or 3 times spread-out in 
  day. Note:  drink plenty of water on the protocol, both with the
  dosing and in between, so that many glasses of water are consumed
  daily. If the reaction is really strong, really "stiff" as we say and
  is too uncomfortable, you can back down the dose or even hold off
  altogether for a day or so to allow the body to "clear" the die-off
  material.  (However, it is best wherever possible to simply back down
  the dose rather than stop the protocol, as it is the constant
  application of the protocol that has been found to bring a person 
  healthwise in a shorter time). During the "die-off" reaction (or
  "herx") period, you will want to help the body and give it as much
  support as possible by:
l  drinking lots of good, pure water
l  take ample minerals (Concentrace liquid minerals are recommended) l 
eat an alkalizing diet (at least 75% good, fresh veggies/fruit, etc.) l

for digestive, nausea, toxic feeling, take Activated Charcoal (online 
health store) but away from the supps l  give your body as much rest as
  Follow the above pattern, edge the doses up gradiently and steadily,
  allow "clearing" as noted and support the body.  The motto is: "pace,
  not race". . 5.  "Herx" periods:   
Expect to hit more pronounced or "stiff" herx periods at approximately
the 4-5 week period, the 8-9 week, the 12-13 week, the 16-17 week, and
roughly every 4 weeks from the time of starting for many months.  A
significant period can be found at the 6 month (or 26-27 week area) and
the 9-10 month area.

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Re: Re[2]: CS>Alzheimer's disease

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
You may be headin off to antarctica to find that place unfortunately. And if 
theres no Burgdorferi, theres Afzelii, Garinii, and a couple hundred more 
relatives out there.

Duncan Crow  wrote:
  One might think by the study that there is no alzheimers in 
regions that don't have Borrelia Burgdorferi then, right?

Anyway, look into "oxidative stress"; I have had the research on 
my site for several years. What it boils down to is that 
glutathione breaks down oxidative stress from all sources as well 
as reduces infection of all types.


On 24 Nov 2007 at 7:47, Hanneke wrote:

> Kurt, I would be interested in seeing a reference to this 
> recent study.
> Alzheimer's 'runs' in our family - on my mum's side, the FAD 
> (Familial Alzheimer's Disease) and appears to have a clear 
> genetic component to it.
> I have lost my grandma, my mum, 2 uncles and, only this week, my 
> own brother - 59, to this disease.
> Deterioration of brain functions involving memory can have many 
> different causes, but not all dementia is Alzheimer's.
> Although there appears to be still a lot of uncertainties and un-
> knows with regard to this disease, the slow developing form more 
> often than not begins at an earlier age. For all of my relatives 
> it started to manifest in their early forties.
> Hanneke
> At 02:09 AM 24/11/2007, you wrote:
> Well apparently in a recent study 100 out of 100 alzhiemers 
> patients tested positve for Borrelia Burgdorferi, post mortum. 
> Some of the scientists studying this also believe that the 
> plaques that develope on the patients brains are from Bb. Throw 
> in flouride, aluminum, mercury, and whatever else the bugs seem 
> to like and try and figure it all out. To me it seems fairly 
> obvious, in light of the recent study.
> Kurt
> Deborah Gerard wrote:
> Kurt is lyme the only thing that causes dementia/alzhiemers? 
> thanks much debbie
> Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> Well seems when treated for lyme the demetia/alzhiemers does get 
> better.Hm.
> Kurt
> Deborah Gerard wrote:
> Hi Zoe,
> What would you advise for the aging that are showing signs of 
> dementia? thanks in advance debbie...send it to me privately if 
> you wish.
> zoe w wrote:
> Alzheimers is just one form of dementia but they are all being 
> misnamed under that blanket recently. Alzheimers cannot be 
> diagnosed except by autopsy- we can guess because of the 
> symptoms.
> There are as you suspected many possible causes for dementia
> Multi-Infarct ( series of strokes) is just one of them, drug 
> and.or alcohol abuse being another. Head injuries in which 
> unconsciousness occurs is another one. It doesn't really matter,
> what causes the dementia, be it Alzheimers or any other, the 
> result is exactly the same. Treatments may differ according to 
> the cause, but the effect is always the same. Dementia causes an 
> erasing of the memory beginning with the present and working its 
> way backwards. Multi-task sequencing becomes difficult and 
> eventually impossible, communication skills are impaired, the 
> ability
> to take care of ones daily needs , no matter how simple becomes a 
> very
> difficult if not impossible task.
> Brain tumors can also cause dementia, some are operable, some are 
> not, but this should be ruled out before proceeding with any type 
> of dementia treatment.
> zoe
> > thank you Kathryn.
> > Clayton Family wrote:
> > One thought I had was that there was an essay for the NY Times 
> written
> > by a dr, the head of the autopsy dept at Johns Hopkins. His mom 
> had
> > altzheimer's diagnosis before she passed away, but it turned 
> out that
> > she did not have it- she had a series of small strokes that 
> mimiced the
> > other. It is entirely possible that there are numerous 
> conditions that
> > manifest as the series of symptoms that are known as Alzheimers.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 
> Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: 
> http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour
> Get easy, one-click access to your favorites. Make Yahoo! your 
> homepage.
> Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! 
> Mail. See how.
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.4/1147 - Release Date: 
> 23/11/2007 9:19 AM 

Re: Re[2]: CS>Alzheimer's disease

2007-11-23 Thread Duncan Crow
One might think by the study that there is no alzheimers in 
regions that don't have Borrelia Burgdorferi then, right?

Anyway, look into "oxidative stress"; I have had the research on 
my site for several years. What it boils down to is that 
glutathione breaks down oxidative stress from all sources as well 
as reduces infection of all types.


On 24 Nov 2007 at 7:47, Hanneke wrote:

> Kurt, I would be interested in seeing a reference to this 
> recent study.
> Alzheimer's 'runs' in our family - on my mum's side, the FAD 
> (Familial Alzheimer's Disease) and appears to have a clear 
> genetic component to it.
> I have lost my grandma, my mum, 2 uncles and, only this week, my 
> own brother - 59, to this disease.
> Deterioration of brain functions involving memory can have many 
> different causes, but not all dementia is Alzheimer's.
> Although there appears to be still a lot of uncertainties and un-
> knows with regard to this disease, the slow developing form more 
> often than not begins at an earlier age. For all of my relatives 
> it started to manifest in their early forties.
> Hanneke
> At 02:09 AM 24/11/2007, you wrote:
> Well apparently in a recent study 100 out of 100 alzhiemers 
> patients tested positve for Borrelia Burgdorferi, post mortum. 
> Some of the scientists studying this also believe that the 
> plaques that develope on the patients brains are from Bb. Throw 
> in flouride, aluminum, mercury, and whatever else the bugs seem 
> to like and try and figure it all out. To me it seems fairly 
> obvious, in light of the recent study.
> Kurt
> Deborah Gerard  wrote:
> Kurt is lyme the only thing that causes dementia/alzhiemers? 
> thanks much debbie
> Kurt Milkowski  wrote:
> Well seems when treated for lyme the demetia/alzhiemers does get 
> better.Hm.
> Kurt
> Deborah Gerard  wrote:
> Hi Zoe,
> What would you advise for the aging that are showing signs of 
> dementia? thanks in advance debbie...send it to me privately if 
> you wish.
> zoe w  wrote:
> Alzheimers is just one form of dementia but they are all being 
> misnamed under that blanket recently. Alzheimers cannot be 
> diagnosed except by autopsy- we can guess because of the 
> symptoms.
> There are as you suspected many possible causes for dementia
> Multi-Infarct ( series of strokes) is just one of them, drug 
> and.or alcohol abuse being another. Head injuries in which 
> unconsciousness occurs is another one. It doesn't really matter,
> what causes the dementia, be it Alzheimers or any other, the 
> result is exactly the same. Treatments may differ according to 
> the cause, but the effect is always the same. Dementia causes an 
> erasing of the memory beginning with the present and working its 
> way backwards. Multi-task sequencing becomes difficult and 
> eventually impossible, communication skills are impaired, the 
> ability
> to take care of ones daily needs , no matter how simple becomes a 
> very
> difficult if not impossible task.
> Brain tumors can also cause dementia, some are operable, some are 
> not, but this should be ruled out before proceeding with any type 
> of dementia treatment.
> zoe
> > thank you Kathryn.
> > Clayton Family wrote:
> > One thought I had was that there was an essay for the NY Times 
> written
> > by a dr, the head of the autopsy dept at Johns Hopkins. His mom 
> had
> > altzheimer's diagnosis before she passed away, but it turned 
> out that
> > she did not have it- she had a series of small strokes that 
> mimiced the
> > other. It is entirely possible that there are numerous 
> conditions that
> > manifest as the series of symptoms that are known as Alzheimers.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 
> Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: 
> http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour
> Get easy, one-click access to your favorites. Make Yahoo! your 
> homepage.
> Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! 
> Mail. See how.
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.4/1147 - Release Date: 
> 23/11/2007 9:19 AM 

Re: CS>Debbie- Salt/ Vitamin C Protocol

2007-11-23 Thread Deborah Gerard
Big thank-you Kurt I appreciate it very much...debbie

Kurt Milkowski  wrote: 
  Hey Debbie,

  Heres the basic protocol:

  A quick thumbnail summary of How To Do The Protocol is as follows:
(Note:  The best, most thorough "How-To" in terms of exactly what to do
step-by-step, how to properly "Scale-Up", what to expect, when, where 
get materials, adjuncts to assist the protocol, etc., are available as 
complete eBook "How Top Do The Oral Salt/C Protocol" which is available
in the Advanced Members Section.)

  1.  Read The Basic Concept and Theory:  
At the original Lymephotos site:

  2.  Get the correct salt for the protocol:   
  Get the correct salt as noted at Link # 12. in the Links Section of
  this board entitled:  "Salt Sources (online and offline)".   If you
  use natural salts (instead of the 1 gram CMC salt tabs), get empty 
  capsules to fill to make a salt "dose".  One size #00 capsule will
  give you roughly 1 gram of salt when filled. . 3.  Get Vitamin C:   
It can be any good Vitamin C tab or capsule from your local health 
or online.  Best is a "natural source" type C (example" vitamin C from
"rose hips") that also has "bioflavanoids" for better absorption and
assimilation.  Those with "tender tummies" from their Lyme complex, may
prefer "buffered C".

Note: it is also possible to "pre-mix" a "day's worth" of salt/C doses
in a container and then take doses from it spread out through the day. 
This has been found helpful for those with nausea issues as result of
their Lyme complex.  For more information on this method see Link #9 of
the Links Section, entitled "Mixture Method". 
  4.  The "Scale-Up" Method:   
DO NOT start out at full-dose (the "up to 12 grams" per day) as
described at the Lymephotos site.
  Use the "Scale-Up Method.  Start with 1 gram of salt and 1 gram of
  Vitamin C, taken together - and literally just take them 1-2 times 
  day.  Many folks with high microbial "loads" have had significant
  "die-off" reactions (or "herxheimer" reaction - or "herx" for short),
  just on such a starting dosing.  (example: at 10AM and then again at
  2PM) Then, "listen" very carefully to the reaction of your body.  If
  there's even just increased fatigue, or the common "itching, moving"
  sensation of the skin, hold at that dose. Continue just at that dose
  until it "flattens" or "plateaus", and the reaction subsides, before
  edging up an additional dose for the day, or 3 times spread-out in 
  day. Note:  drink plenty of water on the protocol, both with the
  dosing and in between, so that many glasses of water are consumed
  daily. If the reaction is really strong, really "stiff" as we say and
  is too uncomfortable, you can back down the dose or even hold off
  altogether for a day or so to allow the body to "clear" the die-off
  material.  (However, it is best wherever possible to simply back down
  the dose rather than stop the protocol, as it is the constant
  application of the protocol that has been found to bring a person 
  healthwise in a shorter time). During the "die-off" reaction (or
  "herx") period, you will want to help the body and give it as much
  support as possible by:
l  drinking lots of good, pure water
l  take ample minerals (Concentrace liquid minerals are recommended) l 
eat an alkalizing diet (at least 75% good, fresh veggies/fruit, etc.) l

for digestive, nausea, toxic feeling, take Activated Charcoal (online 
health store) but away from the supps l  give your body as much rest as
  Follow the above pattern, edge the doses up gradiently and steadily,
  allow "clearing" as noted and support the body.  The motto is: "pace,
  not race". . 5.  "Herx" periods:   
Expect to hit more pronounced or "stiff" herx periods at approximately
the 4-5 week period, the 8-9 week, the 12-13 week, the 16-17 week, and
roughly every 4 weeks from the time of starting for many months.  A
significant period can be found at the 6 month (or 26-27 week area) and
the 9-10 month area.

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CS>Re: CS and Sub-mandibular stone

2007-11-23 Thread S-Max
Google Sub-mandibular stone. There is a lot of information there, but none
that I can find that is alternative. 
If it is a stone in the salivary gland, you can try pushing up on the
underside of the roof of your jaw when it swells up. Sometimes that will
push it out, and sometimes not if it is too large to come out through the
little salivary gland hole. Then you might have to consider going to the
dental surgeon to have him help remove it. If it dislodges by itself, you
won't experience the problem again. 
---Original Message--- 
From: Dee 
Date: 11/23/2007 9:16:36 AM 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: CS>CS 
Hi S-Max. This seems to describe it almost exactly! I have never ever had
anything like that happen before but it did happen just before eating, but
got a lot worse when I actually *was* eating. It was incredible just how
fast it did swell. As I say, I freaked, but it also went down fast too. I
had four mouthfuls of 
CS every ten minutes, and then, after another five minutes or so, it just
felt the smallest bit less taught. I then had another couple of swigs of CS
and within the hour, it had almost vanished. Regards, Dee 
---Original Message--- 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Lyme Disease/ Alzhiemers Plaques

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
  1: Med Hypotheses. 2006;67(3):592-600. Epub 2006 May 3.

Plaques of Alzheimer's disease originate from cysts of Borrelia burgdorferi, 
the Lyme disease spirochete.

MacDonald AB.
St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center, Department of Pathology, 50 Rte 25 A, 
Smithtown, NY 11787, USA. inmacdon...@yahoo.com

Here is hypothesized a truly revolutionary notion that rounded cystic forms of 
Borrelia burgdorferi are the root cause of the rounded structures called 
plaques in the Alzheimer brain. Rounded "plaques' in high density in brain 
tissue are emblematic of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Plaques may be 
conceptualized as rounded "pock mark-like" areas of brain tissue injury. In 
this century, in brain tissue of AD, plaques are Amyloid Plaques according to 
the most up to date textbooks. In the last century, however, Dr. Alois 
Alzheimer did not require amyloid as the pathogenesis for either the disease or 
for the origin of its plaques. Surely, amyloid is an event in AD, but it may 
not be the primal cause of AD. Indeed in plaques, amyloid is regularly 
represented by the "congophilic core" structure which is so named because the 
waxy amyloid material binds the congo red stain and is congophilic. However an 
accepted subset of plaques in AD is devoid of a congophilic amyloid core region
 (these plaques "cotton wool" type plaques, lack a central congophilic core 
structure). Furthermore, there is "plaque diversity" in Alzheimer's; small, 
medium and large plaques parallel variable cystic diameters for Borrelia 
burgdorferi. Perturbations of AD plaque structure (i.e. young plaques devoid of 
a central core and older plaques with or without a central core structure) 
offer room for an alternate pathway for explanation of ontogeny of the plaque 
structures. If amyloid is not required to initiate all of the possible plaques 
in Alzheimer's, is it possible that amyloid just a by product of a more 
fundamental primal path to dementia? If a byproduct status is assigned to 
amyloid in the realm of plaque formation, then is amyloid also an epiphenomenon 
rather than a primary pathogenesis for Alzheimer's disease. In the "anatomy is 
destiny" model, cysts of borrelia are always round. Why then not accept 
roundness as a fundamental "structure determines function" argument for
 the answer to the mystery of why Alzheimer plaques are always round? Parataxis 
causality, a concept borrowed from philosophy, is the error that comes from 
linking two events, which occur contemporaneously or in close proximity to one 
another with a cause and effect relationship. Parataxis tells us that what 
appears to be cause and effect in the couplet "amyloid plaque" merely by a 
proximity relationship may be "spurious causality" which is a cognitive dead 

PMID: 16675154 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 

Re: Re[2]: CS>Alzheimer's disease

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
For me it started in my late 30's. Sounds like you're from Great Britain? If so 
were you and your family members vaccinated? Lyme is really a VID, or vaccine 
induced disease. The really fun part is that it gets passed down from 
genarations and then you get stabbed with more needles adding insult to injury. 
I'll get a copy of that study to you.

Hanneke  wrote:
  Kurt,  I would be interested in seeing a reference to this  recent study.  

Alzheimer's 'runs' in our family - on my mum's side, the FAD (Familial  
Alzheimer's Disease) and appears to have a clear genetic component to it.  
I have lost my  grandma, my mum, 2 uncles and, only this week, my own brother - 
59,  to this disease.  
Deterioration of brain functions involving memory can have many different 
causes, but not all dementia is Alzheimer's. 

Although there appears to be still a lot of uncertainties and un-knows with 
regard to this disease,  the slow developing form more often than not  begins 
at an earlier age. For all of my relatives it started to manifest  in their 
early forties.


At 02:09 AM 24/11/2007, you wrote:
  Well apparently in a recent study 100 out of 100 alzhiemers patients tested 
positve for Borrelia Burgdorferi, post mortum. Some of the scientists studying 
this also believe that the plaques that develope on the patients brains are 
from Bb. Throw in flouride, aluminum, mercury, and whatever else the bugs seem 
to like and try and figure it all out. To me it seems fairly obvious, in light 
of the recent study.

Deborah Gerard  wrote:

   Kurt is lyme the only thing that causes dementia/alzhiemers? thanks much 

   Kurt Milkowski  wrote: 

   Well seems when treated for lyme the demetia/alzhiemers does get 

   Deborah Gerard  wrote:

   Hi Zoe,
   What would you advise for the aging that are showing signs of dementia? 
thanks in advance debbie...send it to me privately if you wish.

   zoe w  wrote:

   Alzheimers is just one form of dementia but they are all being misnamed 
under that blanket recently. Alzheimers cannot be diagnosed except by autopsy- 
we can guess because of the symptoms.
   There are as you suspected many possible causes for dementia
   Multi-Infarct ( series of strokes) is just one of them, drug and.or alcohol 
abuse being another. Head injuries in which unconsciousness occurs is another 
one. It doesn't really matter,
   what causes the dementia, be it Alzheimers or any other, the result is 
exactly the same. Treatments may differ according to the cause, but the effect 
is always the same. Dementia causes an erasing of the memory beginning with the 
present and working its way backwards. Multi-task sequencing becomes difficult 
and eventually impossible, communication skills are impaired, the ability
   to take care of ones daily needs , no matter how simple becomes a very
   difficult if not impossible task.

   Brain tumors can also cause dementia, some are operable, some are not, but 
this should be ruled out before proceeding with any type of dementia treatment.


   > thank you Kathryn.

   > Clayton Family wrote: 
   > One thought I had was that there was an essay for the NY Times written
   > by a dr, the head of the autopsy dept at Johns Hopkins. His mom had 
   > altzheimer's diagnosis before she passed away, but it turned out that 
   > she did not have it- she had a series of small strokes that mimiced the
   > other. It is entirely possible that there are numerous conditions that
   > manifest as the series of symptoms that are known as Alzheimers.

   The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

   To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

   Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

   List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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   Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. See how.

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Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.4/1147 - Release Date: 23/11/2007 
9:19 AM

CS>World Food Consumption/Cost Comparisons

2007-11-23 Thread Brooks Bradley
 I believe this is the site that TJ and Hanneke were referring
to in their postings.Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

What People Eat Around The World | Everybody Go To

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Re[2]: CS>Alzheimer's disease

2007-11-23 Thread Hanneke

Kurt,  I would be interested in seeing a reference to this 
recent study.  
Alzheimer's 'runs' in our family - on my mum's side, the FAD
(Familial  Alzheimer's Disease) and appears to have a clear genetic
component to it.  
I have lost my  grandma, my mum, 2 uncles and, only this week, my
own brother - 59,  to this disease.  
Deterioration of brain functions involving memory can have many different
causes, but not all dementia is Alzheimer's. 
Although there appears to be still a lot of uncertainties and un-knows
with regard to this disease,  the slow developing form more often
than not  begins at an earlier age. For all of my relatives it
started to manifest  in their early forties.

At 02:09 AM 24/11/2007, you wrote:
Well apparently in a recent
study 100 out of 100 alzhiemers patients tested positve for Borrelia
Burgdorferi, post mortum. Some of the scientists studying this also
believe that the plaques that develope on the patients brains are from
Bb. Throw in flouride, aluminum, mercury, and whatever else the bugs seem
to like and try and figure it all out. To me it seems fairly obvious, in
light of the recent study.
Deborah Gerard  wrote:

Kurt is lyme the only thing that causes
dementia/alzhiemers? thanks much debbie

Kurt Milkowski  wrote:

Well seems when treated for lyme the demetia/alzhiemers does get



Deborah Gerard  wrote:

Hi Zoe,

What would you advise for the aging that are showing signs of
dementia? thanks in advance debbie...send it to me privately if you

zoe w  wrote:

Alzheimers is just one form of dementia but they are all being
misnamed under that blanket recently. Alzheimers cannot be diagnosed
except by autopsy- we can guess because of the symptoms.

There are as you suspected many possible causes for dementia

Multi-Infarct ( series of strokes) is just one of them, drug and.or
alcohol abuse being another. Head injuries in which unconsciousness
occurs is another one. It doesn't really matter,

what causes the dementia, be it Alzheimers or any other, the result
is exactly the same. Treatments may differ according to the cause, but
the effect is always the same. Dementia causes an erasing of the memory
beginning with the present and working its way backwards. Multi-task
sequencing becomes difficult and eventually impossible, communication
skills are impaired, the ability

to take care of ones daily needs , no matter how simple becomes a

difficult if not impossible task.

Brain tumors can also cause dementia, some are operable, some are
not, but this should be ruled out before proceeding with any type of
dementia treatment.


> thank you Kathryn.

> Clayton Family wrote: 

> One thought I had was that there was an essay for the NY Times

> by a dr, the head of the autopsy dept at Johns Hopkins. His mom

> altzheimer's diagnosis before she passed away, but it turned out

> she did not have it- she had a series of small strokes that
mimiced the

> other. It is entirely possible that there are numerous
conditions that

> manifest as the series of symptoms that are known as


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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:


To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.4/1147 - Release Date:
23/11/2007 9:19 AM

Re: Re[2]: CS>Alzheimer's disease

2007-11-23 Thread Hanneke

Oops,  apologies for not trimming my previous email.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>frugal housewife

2007-11-23 Thread T. J. Garland

Re: CS>virus causation - PART I

2007-11-23 Thread His Child
I really appreciated the 3 articles about viruses. 
Just a thought, but the jist of the articles, if I'm
not mistaken, was that toxins create a virus
replication responce and a healing attempt.  The
mosquito spraying would be a toxin and the healing
response would possibly include virus replication. 
The CS would help reduce the virus symptoms, but would
not help with the detoxification.  Seems like the
virus is the symptom, and CS would only help the
symptom.  Should be better yet to treat the problem of
toxicity and open the detox pathways and keep them
flowing well.  CS would only be a small part of such a
process.  I love my CS, but my daily Schultz formula
I, Flax seed oil, Kombucha Tea, Kefir, bentonite clay,
apple pectin, oat bran, psillium hull, and activated
charcoal are helping my detox and stay that way.  The
daily CS is helping with frequent flairups of
bacterial and viruses caused by the detox.  They all
go well together (not taken at the same time during
the day, of course).

Best Regards,
His Child
--- Sandee George  wrote:

> Hi There John, thanks for all three - very
> interesting especially as we
> have all just been
> heavily sprayed for mosquitos - so timing is of the
> essence - I have
> already increased my
> daily intake of EIS so all will be well.
> Take good care of you
> Regards
> Sandee
> Peace is easy ... it is a Mindset
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
> Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to:
> silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are
> currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


Be a better pen pal. 
Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. See how.  


2007-11-23 Thread Dee
Hi S-Max.  This seems to describe it almost exactly!  I have never ever had
anything like that happen before but it did happen just before eating, but
got a lot worse when I actually *was* eating.  It was incredible just how
fast it did swell.  As I say, I freaked, but it also went down fast too.  I
had four mouthfuls of
CS every ten minutes, and then, after another five minutes or so, it just
felt the smallest bit less taught.  I then had another couple of swigs of CS
and within the hour, it had almost vanished.  Regards, Dee 
---Original Message---
From: S-Max
Date: 23/11/2007 16:56:45
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>CS
I get the same thing. I think it may be a blocked salivary gland. It doesn't
happen all the time, but only some times.  And it happens on those rare
times when eating.  It affects my sub-mandibular gland and everything swells
up amazingly fast from under my ear all the way down to under my chin where
the salivary gland has enlarged and is accompanied by a slight tickle and
itch type sensation.


2007-11-23 Thread S-Max
I get the same thing. I think it may be a blocked salivary gland. It doesn't
happen all the time, but only some times.  And it happens on those rare
times when eating.  It affects my sub-mandibular gland and everything swells
up amazingly fast from under my ear all the way down to under my chin where
the salivary gland has enlarged and is accompanied by a slight tickle and
itch type sensation. 
The first thing I do is reach for my CS and hold a swig under my tongue for
several minutes. Then I'll drink an ounce or two. The swelling eventually
goes down. Some say to suck on a lemon drop to release the blocked saliva.
But if it is a salivary stone it will have to be surgically removed, I think
 Maybe MMS can eliminate it. I just don't know. Anybody know? 
Dee  wrote: 
Hi all, I've just had a weird thing happen to me and thought I would share
as I have never had anything like this before and it shows just how
wonderful and amazing CS is. Yesterday, I had a sort of bubble appear inside
my cheek, and I had a vague twinge in my jaw, as if I had cricked it. Anyway
 I then ate something (omelette) and the twinge really got a lot more than a
twinge. I felt my face and I had a huge swelling right from my cheek and ear
and starting down my neck. I can tell you I almost freaked as I looked like
something out of a horror film! I guzzled some CS down as I was panicking
because my throat felt tight and I thought it may be an allergic reaction to
something. To cut to the chase, I took CS every ten minutes for an hour and
then suddenly, it felt slightly easier. After another couple of swigs, it
was gone, bar a slight swelling along my jaw and a slight tenderness. An
hour later there was no sign that anything odd had happened. I have no idea
t it was but maybe a blocked gland or something, but whatever it was, it was
no match for CS, and I thank providence for the day I discovered it. Dee 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>$100,000 offer for MD to publicly drink vaccine cocktail

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
 snipped this from another groupGREAT SUGGESTION..

I think this speaks volumes about the safety of
vaccinations. It is fun to
inform doctors who administer children's vaccinations
about this and ask if
they'll take up Jock's offer.


From: J Doubleday [mailto:jockdoubleday2007@
* * * PRESS RELEASE * * *

November 19, 2007

Ojai, CA -- On January 29, 2001, Jock Doubleday
$20,000 to the first U.S.-licensed medical doctor or
company CEO to publicly drink a mixture of standard
additive ingredients:

http://www.mercola. com/2001/ feb/10/vaccine_

The offer had no takers.

On August 1, 2006, Doubleday increased the $20,000
offer to

http://www.vaclib. org/links/ jockslinks. htm#press

The new $75,000 offer had no takers.


On June 1, 2007, the offer was increased to $80,000.
On July 1, 2007, the offer was increased to $85,000.
On August 1, 2007, the offer was increased to $90,000.
On September 1, 2007, the offer was increased to
On October 1, 2007, the offer was increased to
On November 1, 2007, the offer was increased to

The offer will increase $5,000 per month, in
perpetuity, until an
M.D. or pharmaceutical company CEO, or any of the 14
members of the ACIP (see below), agree to drink a
calibrated dose of the poisonous vaccine additives
that M.D.s
routinely inject into children in the name of health.

As of December 1, 2007, the offer will increase to
As of January 1, 2008, the offer will increase to
$115,000. . . . etc.

This offer has no expiration date unless superceded by
a similar 
offer of higher remuneration.

In health,

Jock Doubleday
Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc.
A California 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation
http://gentlebirth. org/nwnm. org/nwnm_ org.html


[Letter sent out August 1, 2006]

To Whom it May Concern:

As of August 1, 2006, I have increased the reward from
$20,000 to
$75,000 for the public drinking of the vaccine
additives mixture.

Please see the full text of the offer below ("PRESS

The original $20,000 Vaccine Offer was made January
29, 2001.
Since that time, 14 doctors, or persons claiming to be
doctors, have
contacted me about publicly drinking the vaccine
additives mixture.

None has followed through.

Regarding the new $75,000 Vaccine Offer, please note
that I have
added to the list of potential candidates the 14
relevant members of
the CDC's 2006 Advisory Committee on Immunization
(ACIP), as follows:

Jon S. Abramson, M.D. (Chair)
Ban Mishu Allos, M.D.
Carol Baker, M.D.
Janet R. Gilsdorf, M.D.
Harry Hull, M.D.
Susan Lett, M.D.
Tracy Lieu, M.D.
Dale L. Morse, M.D.
Julia Morita, M.D.
Kathleen Neuzil, M.D.
Patricia Stinchfield, N.P.
Ciro Valent Sumaya, M.D.
John J. Treanor, M.D.
Robin J. Womeodu, M.D.

In health,

Jock Doubleday
Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc.
A California 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation
http://gentlebirth. org/nwnm. org/nwnm_ org.html

Jock Doubleday is the author of
"Spontaneous Creation:
101 Reasons Not to Have Your Baby in a Hospital, Vol
A Book about Natural Childbirth and the Birth of
Wisdom and
Power in Childbearing Women"


* * * PRESS RELEASE * * *

August 1, 2006


THE FOLLOWING OFFER is made to U.S.-licensed medical
who routinely administer childhood vaccines and to
company CEOs worldwide:

Jock Doubleday, director of the California 501(c)3
corporation Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc., hereby
$75,000.00 to the first medical doctor or
pharmaceutical company
CEO who publicly drinks a mixture of standard vaccine
ingredients in the same amount as a six-year-old child
is recommended
to receive under the year-2005 guidelines of the U.S.
Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. (In the event that
thimerosal has
recently been removed from a particular vaccine, the
containing version of that vaccine will be used.)

The mixture will not contain viruses or bacteria dead
or alive, but
will contain standard vaccine additive ingredients in
their usual
forms and proportions. The mixture will include, but
will not be
limited to, the following ingredients: thimerosal (a
derivative), ethylene glycol (antifreeze) , phenol (a
dye), benzethonium chloride (a disinfectant) ,
formaldehyde (a
preservative and disinfectant) , and aluminum.

The mixture will be prepared by Jock Doubleday, three
professionals that he names, and three medical
professionals that
the participant names.

The mixture will be body weight calibrated.

Because the participant is either a professional
caregiver who
routinely administers childhood vaccines, or a
company CEO whose business is, in part, the sale of
vaccines, it is understood by all parties that the
considers all vaccine additive ingredients to be safe
and that the

Re: CS>virus causation - PART I

2007-11-23 Thread Sandee George
Hi There John, thanks for all three - very interesting especially as we
have all just been
heavily sprayed for mosquitos - so timing is of the essence - I have
already increased my
daily intake of EIS so all will be well.
Take good care of you

Peace is easy ... it is a Mindset

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS nebulizer bronchitis

2007-11-23 Thread Richard
Ian , what brand nebuliser did you buy and was it euro voltage ?  
Great testimonial - thanks - Richard - in Spain -.

On 23/11/2007, at 14:34, Ian Davies wrote:

I am sure that many of you have heard similar testimoials in the  
past but I'm sure there are other "newbies" who might be  
interested. I suffered from bronchitis on and off for several  
years, when I got a cold it often ended up as bronchitis. I have  
been taking CS for a few years more or less regularly and the  
incidence of colds, flu and bronchitis has been drastically  
reduced. It wasn't until recently that I got a generator and I  
previously had to pay for my CS so supplies were limited. I lapsed  
recently for several days and developed a terrible morning cough, I  
drank half a litre of CS a day for three days but the dry cough  
persisted, it was bronchitis. I visited ebay instead of the doctor,  
and bought a portable nebulizer, it even has a car cigar lighter  
connection so you can inhale CS as you drive I suppose :-) only  
joking, it could prove a very useful attachment. It cost me 84  
euros including delivery and to my amazement, it arrived in less  
that 24 hours. I followed the limited instruction manual which told  
you nothing about how to use it, only how to set it up, and my  
cough was gone after 5 minutes, I could breathe easily again after  
20. I took 20 inhilations every 20 minutes for an hour and did the  
same after 4 and then 8 hours. I am now doing it morning and night  
but only 10 inhilations. The neighbours are sleeping much better.
I have absolutely no idea how many times I should breath in, I  
tried 20 and it worked. Is there a danger of drowning?
In this part of the world (I am in Spain) there are many cases of  
young children who suffer from bronchitis.
I would very much appreciate any feedback from anyone who has  
experience using CS and a nebulizer, especially with children. I  
have one friend who has a child of 4 and who can't remember how  
many times she has taken her daughter to the emergency room due to  
brochitis. I am never reluctant to encourage adults to take CS and  
many other alternative therapies, I would however like some  
reassurance from the resident experts that such a treatment would  
be positive for a young child and obviously I need some advice  
about dosage.

Thanks in advance for your help.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Re[2]: CS>Alzheimer's disease

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Well apparently in a recent study 100 out of 100 alzhiemers patients tested 
positve for Borrelia Burgdorferi, post mortum. Some of the scientists studying 
this also believe that the plaques that develope on the patients brains are 
from Bb. Throw in flouride, aluminum, mercury, and whatever else the bugs seem 
to like and try and figure it all out. To me it seems fairly obvious, in light 
of the recent study.

Deborah Gerard  wrote:
  Kurt is lyme the only thing that causes dementia/alzhiemers? thanks much 

Kurt Milkowski  wrote: Well seems when 
treated for lyme the demetia/alzhiemers does get better.Hm.

Deborah Gerard  wrote:
Hi Zoe,
  What would you advise for the aging that are showing signs of dementia? 
thanks in advance debbie...send it to me privately if you wish.

zoe w  wrote:
  Alzheimers is just one form of dementia but they are all being misnamed under 
that blanket recently. Alzheimers cannot be diagnosed except by autopsy- we can 
guess because of the symptoms.
There are as you suspected many possible causes for dementia
Multi-Infarct ( series of strokes) is just one of them, drug and.or alcohol 
abuse being another. Head injuries in which unconsciousness occurs is another 
one. It doesn't really matter,
what causes the dementia, be it Alzheimers or any other, the result is exactly 
the same. Treatments may differ according to the cause, but the effect is 
always the same. Dementia causes an erasing of the memory beginning with the 
present and working its way backwards. Multi-task sequencing becomes difficult 
and eventually impossible, communication skills are impaired, the ability
to take care of ones daily needs , no matter how simple becomes a very
difficult if not impossible task.

Brain tumors can also cause dementia, some are operable, some are not, but this 
should be ruled out before proceeding with any type of dementia treatment.


> thank you Kathryn.

> Clayton Family wrote: 
> One thought I had was that there was an essay for the NY Times written
> by a dr, the head of the autopsy dept at Johns Hopkins. His mom had 
> altzheimer's diagnosis before she passed away, but it turned out that 
> she did not have it- she had a series of small strokes that mimiced the
> other. It is entirely possible that there are numerous conditions that
> manifest as the series of symptoms that are known as Alzheimers.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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CS>Debbie- Salt/ Vitamin C Protocol

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
  Hey Debbie,

  Heres the basic protocol:

  A quick thumbnail summary of How To Do The Protocol is as follows:
(Note:  The best, most thorough "How-To" in terms of exactly what to do
step-by-step, how to properly "Scale-Up", what to expect, when, where 
get materials, adjuncts to assist the protocol, etc., are available as 
complete eBook "How Top Do The Oral Salt/C Protocol" which is available
in the Advanced Members Section.)

  1.  Read The Basic Concept and Theory:  
At the original Lymephotos site:

  2.  Get the correct salt for the protocol:   
  Get the correct salt as noted at Link # 12. in the Links Section of
  this board entitled:  "Salt Sources (online and offline)".   If you
  use natural salts (instead of the 1 gram CMC salt tabs), get empty 
  capsules to fill to make a salt "dose".  One size #00 capsule will
  give you roughly 1 gram of salt when filled. . 3.  Get Vitamin C:   
It can be any good Vitamin C tab or capsule from your local health 
or online.  Best is a "natural source" type C (example" vitamin C from
"rose hips") that also has "bioflavanoids" for better absorption and
assimilation.  Those with "tender tummies" from their Lyme complex, may
prefer "buffered C".

Note: it is also possible to "pre-mix" a "day's worth" of salt/C doses
in a container and then take doses from it spread out through the day. 
This has been found helpful for those with nausea issues as result of
their Lyme complex.  For more information on this method see Link #9 of
the Links Section, entitled "Mixture Method". 
  4.  The "Scale-Up" Method:   
DO NOT start out at full-dose (the "up to 12 grams" per day) as
described at the Lymephotos site.
  Use the "Scale-Up Method.  Start with 1 gram of salt and 1 gram of
  Vitamin C, taken together - and literally just take them 1-2 times 
  day.  Many folks with high microbial "loads" have had significant
  "die-off" reactions (or "herxheimer" reaction - or "herx" for short),
  just on such a starting dosing.  (example: at 10AM and then again at
  2PM) Then, "listen" very carefully to the reaction of your body.  If
  there's even just increased fatigue, or the common "itching, moving"
  sensation of the skin, hold at that dose. Continue just at that dose
  until it "flattens" or "plateaus", and the reaction subsides, before
  edging up an additional dose for the day, or 3 times spread-out in 
  day. Note:  drink plenty of water on the protocol, both with the
  dosing and in between, so that many glasses of water are consumed
  daily. If the reaction is really strong, really "stiff" as we say and
  is too uncomfortable, you can back down the dose or even hold off
  altogether for a day or so to allow the body to "clear" the die-off
  material.  (However, it is best wherever possible to simply back down
  the dose rather than stop the protocol, as it is the constant
  application of the protocol that has been found to bring a person 
  healthwise in a shorter time). During the "die-off" reaction (or
  "herx") period, you will want to help the body and give it as much
  support as possible by:
l  drinking lots of good, pure water
l  take ample minerals (Concentrace liquid minerals are recommended) l 
eat an alkalizing diet (at least 75% good, fresh veggies/fruit, etc.) l

for digestive, nausea, toxic feeling, take Activated Charcoal (online 
health store) but away from the supps l  give your body as much rest as
  Follow the above pattern, edge the doses up gradiently and steadily,
  allow "clearing" as noted and support the body.  The motto is: "pace,
  not race". . 5.  "Herx" periods:   
Expect to hit more pronounced or "stiff" herx periods at approximately
the 4-5 week period, the 8-9 week, the 12-13 week, the 16-17 week, and
roughly every 4 weeks from the time of starting for many months.  A
significant period can be found at the 6 month (or 26-27 week area) and
the 9-10 month area.

Top of page
Return To Yahoo Group Links Page
Go To Lyme Strategies Website

Re: CS>CS nebulizer bronchitis

2007-11-23 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Faith,

> So here is one dosing example that worked.  Good luck.

If you can sometime find out what brand of "CS" she bought or how 
concentrated it was it would help complete the dosing picture for us.

Great report!

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Re[2]: CS>Alzheimer's disease

2007-11-23 Thread Deborah Gerard
Kurt is lyme the only thing that causes dementia/alzhiemers? thanks much debbie

Kurt Milkowski  wrote:Well seems when treated 
for lyme the demetia/alzhiemers does get better.Hm.

Deborah Gerard  wrote:
Hi Zoe,
  What would you advise for the aging that are showing signs of dementia? 
thanks in advance debbie...send it to me privately if you wish.

zoe w  wrote:
  Alzheimers is just one form of dementia but they are all being misnamed under 
that blanket recently. Alzheimers cannot be diagnosed except by autopsy- we can 
guess because of the symptoms.
There are as you suspected many possible causes for dementia
Multi-Infarct ( series of strokes) is just one of them, drug and.or alcohol 
abuse being another. Head injuries in which unconsciousness occurs is another 
one. It doesn't really matter,
what causes the dementia, be it Alzheimers or any other, the result is exactly 
the same. Treatments may differ according to the cause, but the effect is 
always the same. Dementia causes an erasing of the memory beginning with the 
present and working its way backwards. Multi-task sequencing becomes difficult 
and eventually impossible, communication skills are impaired, the ability
to take care of ones daily needs , no matter how simple becomes a very
difficult if not impossible task.

Brain tumors can also cause dementia, some are operable, some are not, but this 
should be ruled out before proceeding with any type of dementia treatment.


> thank you Kathryn.

> Clayton Family wrote: 
> One thought I had was that there was an essay for the NY Times written
> by a dr, the head of the autopsy dept at Johns Hopkins. His mom had 
> altzheimer's diagnosis before she passed away, but it turned out that 
> she did not have it- she had a series of small strokes that mimiced the
> other. It is entirely possible that there are numerous conditions that
> manifest as the series of symptoms that are known as Alzheimers.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: CS>CS nebulizer bronchitis

2007-11-23 Thread faith gagne
I discovered CS through an elderly friend of mine who had severe bronchitis for 
two months around the first of this year.  She could not stop coughing day or 
night.   She was so sick and coughed so hard at night that her cat jumped up on 
the bed to see what was wrong with her.  She could not talk on the phone.  She 
could not lie down  She could hardly breathe.   She is not a young woman and I 
do not know how she survived it.  

Then a friend called her on the phone.  She could not talk on the phone.  He 
instructed her to  get some cs from the health store and to  take 2 teaspoons a 
day.  So she did that.   She took one teaspoon in the morning and another in 
the late afternoon..  Her bronchitis was completely gone in 6 days.

Now maybe she could have taken a larger dose and gotten rid of it sooner, I do 
not know.  All I know is that it worked like a charm for her and that is what 
got me interested in cs.

So here is one dosing example that worked.  Good luck.

Faith G.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ian Davies 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 8:34 AM
  Subject: CS>CS nebulizer bronchitis

  I am sure that many of you have heard similar testimoials in the past but I'm 
sure there are other "newbies" who might be interested. I suffered from 
bronchitis on and off for several years, when I got a cold it often ended up as 
bronchitis. I have been taking CS for a few years more or less regularly and 
the incidence of colds, flu and bronchitis has been drastically reduced. It 
wasn't until recently that I got a generator and I previously had to pay for my 
CS so supplies were limited. I lapsed recently for several days and developed a 
terrible morning cough, I drank half a litre of CS a day for three days but the 
dry cough persisted, it was bronchitis. I visited ebay instead of the doctor, 
and bought a portable nebulizer, it even has a car cigar lighter connection so 
you can inhale CS as you drive I suppose :-) only joking, it could prove a very 
useful attachment. It cost me 84 euros including delivery and to my amazement, 
it arrived in less that 24 hours. I followed the limited instruction manual 
which told you nothing about how to use it, only how to set it up, and my cough 
was gone after 5 minutes, I could breathe easily again after 20. I took 20 
inhilations every 20 minutes for an hour and did the same after 4 and then 8 
hours. I am now doing it morning and night but only 10 inhilations. The 
neighbours are sleeping much better. 
  I have absolutely no idea how many times I should breath in, I tried 20 and 
it worked. Is there a danger of drowning?
  In this part of the world (I am in Spain) there are many cases of young 
children who suffer from bronchitis. 
  I would very much appreciate any feedback from anyone who has experience 
using CS and a nebulizer, especially with children. I have one friend who has a 
child of 4 and who can't remember how many times she has taken her daughter to 
the emergency room due to brochitis. I am never reluctant to encourage adults 
to take CS and many other alternative therapies, I would however like some 
reassurance from the resident experts that such a treatment would be positive 
for a young child and obviously I need some advice about dosage. 
  Thanks in advance for your help.

CS>CS nebulizer bronchitis

2007-11-23 Thread Ian Davies
I am sure that many of you have heard similar testimoials in the past but
I'm sure there are other "newbies" who might be interested. I suffered from
bronchitis on and off for several years, when I got a cold it often ended up
as bronchitis. I have been taking CS for a few years more or less regularly
and the incidence of colds, flu and bronchitis has been drastically reduced.
It wasn't until recently that I got a generator and I previously had to pay
for my CS so supplies were limited. I lapsed recently for several days and
developed a terrible morning cough, I drank half a litre of CS a day for
three days but the dry cough persisted, it was bronchitis. I visited ebay
instead of the doctor, and bought a portable nebulizer, it even has a car
cigar lighter connection so you can inhale CS as you drive I suppose :-)
only joking, it could prove a very useful attachment. It cost me 84 euros
including delivery and to my amazement, it arrived in less that 24 hours. I
followed the limited instruction manual which told you nothing about how to
use it, only how to set it up, and my cough was gone after 5 minutes, I
could breathe easily again after 20. I took 20 inhilations every 20 minutes
for an hour and did the same after 4 and then 8 hours. I am now doing it
morning and night but only 10 inhilations. The neighbours are sleeping much
I have absolutely no idea how many times I should breath in, I tried 20 and
it worked. Is there a danger of drowning?
In this part of the world (I am in Spain) there are many cases of young
children who suffer from bronchitis.
I would very much appreciate any feedback from anyone who has experience
using CS and a nebulizer, especially with children. I have one friend who
has a child of 4 and who can't remember how many times she has taken her
daughter to the emergency room due to brochitis. I am never reluctant to
encourage adults to take CS and many other alternative therapies, I would
however like some reassurance from the resident experts that such a
treatment would be positive for a young child and obviously I need some
advice about dosage.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Re[2]: CS>Alzheimer's disease

2007-11-23 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Well seems when treated for lyme the demetia/alzhiemers does get 

Deborah Gerard  wrote:
Hi Zoe,
  What would you advise for the aging that are showing signs of dementia? 
thanks in advance debbie...send it to me privately if you wish.

zoe w  wrote:
  Alzheimers is just one form of dementia but they are all being misnamed under 
that blanket recently. Alzheimers cannot be diagnosed except by autopsy- we can 
guess because of the symptoms.
There are as you suspected many possible causes for dementia
Multi-Infarct ( series of strokes) is just one of them, drug and.or alcohol 
abuse being another. Head injuries in which unconsciousness occurs is another 
one. It doesn't really matter,
what causes the dementia, be it Alzheimers or any other, the result is exactly 
the same. Treatments may differ according to the cause, but the effect is 
always the same. Dementia causes an erasing of the memory beginning with the 
present and working its way backwards. Multi-task sequencing becomes difficult 
and eventually impossible, communication skills are impaired, the ability
to take care of ones daily needs , no matter how simple becomes a very
difficult if not impossible task.

Brain tumors can also cause dementia, some are operable, some are not, but this 
should be ruled out before proceeding with any type of dementia treatment.


> thank you Kathryn.

> Clayton Family wrote: 
> One thought I had was that there was an essay for the NY Times written
> by a dr, the head of the autopsy dept at Johns Hopkins. His mom had 
> altzheimer's diagnosis before she passed away, but it turned out that 
> she did not have it- she had a series of small strokes that mimiced the
> other. It is entirely possible that there are numerous conditions that
> manifest as the series of symptoms that are known as Alzheimers.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

  Get easy, one-click access to your favorites. Make Yahoo! your homepage. 

Re: CS>LEDs & arthritis

2007-11-23 Thread Paula Perry
Hi S-Max,
I went to the site but I did not see what you called a Gozilla? The lights
look very interesting. I am not sure what product you are using. I would
like to know more.
- Original Message - 
From: "S-Max" 
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2007 4:33 PM
Subject: CS>LEDs & arthritis

> Visit Vzon's site for an array of healing LED's. V has been around for
> and is on many yahoo lists. Absolutely trustworthy and very credible. You
> don't have to worry about his products.
> He also sells blood electrification equipment known as the Gozilla. I use
> mine all of the time. I love it, and swear by it for killing pathogens and
> for reducing and eliminating pain as I use it like a TENS unit.
> You can find his products at the following link. Thought you would like to
> know.
> http://www.theledman.net/
> S-Max
> ---Original Message--- 
> From: Clayton Family
> Date: 11/21/2007 2:24:37 PM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS> LEDs & arthritis: COMMENT
> Thanks for the clarification. This makes me think of my grandma using
> infrared for her arthritic hands, so she could quilt. I am looking up
> the LED s. --Kathryn
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>virua causation PART II

2007-11-23 Thread John Plumridge

The Symbiotic Poliovirus

Having now established the possibility of an innocent poliovirus, its 
presence in polio can be explained as follows, with five more points:

a) Accelerated Genetic Recombination: Genetic recombination is accelerated 
whenever a biological system is threatened22. Pesticides can be that 
threat. The proliferation of viruses are known to be part of the process of 
accelerated genetic recombination.

The SOS Response: When a cell is critically threatened, accelerated 
genetic recombination (which may include virus proliferation) is just one 
of a set of events that may occur. This set of events is called the “SOS 
response,” which is known to be triggered by exposure to toxic chemicals 
or radiation.23

Arnold Levine, writing in Field’s Virology, provides an example:

“When lysogenic bacteria were lysed [split open] from without, no virus 
was detected. But from time to time a bacterium spontaneously lysed and 
produced many viruses. The influence of ultraviolet light in inducing the 
release of these viruses was a key observation that began to outline this 
curious relation between a virus and its host.”24

Is this mere irony? Common medical procedures such as chemotherapy, 
radiation therapy, and the use of toxic pharmaceuticals accelerate genetic 
recombination and thus the potential for a necessary virus proliferation.

c) The Ames Assay Test: The SOS response is utilized in the Ames Assay 
Test, a standard test whereby chemical toxicity is determined. According to 
the procedure, bacteria are exposed to a chemical solution in question, and 
if a genetic recombination accelerates via the spontaneous proliferation of 
viruses from these bacteria, then the chemical is determined to be a 
poison. The phenomenon is analogous to a poker player with a bad hand who 
must request an exchange of cards and a reshuffled deck to improve the 
possibilities for survival. In the Ames Assay Test, bacteria are concerned 
with their genetic “hand” in order to improve their abilities to 
metabolize poisons, create utilizations for poisons, and shield against 
poisons. Thus they engage in this well-known phenomena of “gene 
shuffling,” facilitated by virus proliferation.

Thus, I propose that the poliovirus is a symbiotic (and possibly a dormant) 
virus that behaves in a manner suggested by the phenomenon found in the 
Ames Assay Test, a test used to determine toxicity.

One could object to this analogy on the grounds that because the Ames Test 
utilizes prokaryote cells (bacteria-like cells) rather than eukaryote cells 
(nucleus-containing cells that comprise multicellular tissue) and because 
it is asserted that poliovirus invokes damage by infecting eukaryote cells, 
the explanation is invalid. However, the evolution of eukaryotes includes 
structures and functions inherited from symbiotic unions of prokaryotes. 
Eukaryotes continue to possess to this day prokaryote functionality such as 
found in the genetic independence of the organelles within the eukaryote 
cells, such as mitochondria (Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan, What Is Life? 
(1995), and, Lynn Margulis, Dorion Sagan, Slanted Truths: Essays on Gaia, 
Symbiosis, and Evolution (1997)). Thus, generalizations derived from the 
Ames Test can contribute well to a valid hypothesis for the presence of 
poliovirus in "polio".

d) Dormant Virus: When a cell is critically threatened by toxic chemicals 
(or radiation) it can invoke survival mechanisms (the SOS Response) such as 
the suspension of metabolism, or the activation of dormant viruses, 
triggering their proliferation from the cell — such viruses are said to 
be "dormant" or "latent". These words are not my preference because the way 
that they are popularly used implies that viruses are only externally 
generated and are found in the cell in a condition of temporary rest 
(dormancy). In cyclical phenomena, such as the life cycle of the virus, the 
"starting point" is a political-philosophical decision. The orthodox virus 
image (possibly a projection of the orthodox mind) is of an external, 
selfish, non-living parasite that tricks cells into infecting themselves 
with the virus and then to replicate said virus with cell machinery. 
Dormant viruses are publicized as external life forms that spend most of 
their time (as much as several decades) waiting inside cells, awaiting 
activation to perform parasitic activities.

Recently it has become known that a tremendous amount of human DNA is 
devoted to virus proliferation. The virologist, Eleni 
Papadopulos-Eleopulos, stated in Continuum, Autumn 1997:

...it's accepted that endogenous retroviral DNA forms about 1% of human 
DNA... that's about 3,000 times larger than what the experts claim is the 
size of the HIV genome. And what’s more, new retroviral genomes can arise 
by rearrangements and recombination of existing retroviral genomes.

Like the retroviruses, the poliovirus is an RNA virus and has a genome of 

CS>virus causation - PART I

2007-11-23 Thread John Plumridge
Here below is a fascinating long extract by CRAIG-OXLEY culled from 
discussing virus contradictions, environmental toxins and viral causation 
with special regard to polio in a most reasoned manner. With references.


Pesticide Composite: Summary

Just over three billion pounds of persistent pesticides are represented in 
the graph below. (SEE: 

Virtually all peaks and valleys correlate with a direct one-to-one 
relationship with each pesticide as it enters and leaves the US market. 
Generally, pesticide production precedes polio incidence by 1 to 2 years. I 
assume that this variation is due to variations in reporting methods and 
the time it takes to move pesticides from factory to warehouse, through 
distribution channels, onto the food crops and to the dinner table.

A composite of the three previous graphs, of the persistent pesticides — 
lead, arsenic, and the dominant organochlorines (DDT and BHC) — is 
represented in the following:

These four chemicals were not selected arbitrarily. These are 
representative of the major pesticides in use during the last major polio 
epidemic. They persist in the environment as neurotoxins that cause 
polio-like symptoms, polio-like physiology, and were dumped onto and into 
human food at dosage levels far above that approved by the FDA. They 
directly correlate with the incidence of various neurological diseases 
called “polio” before 1965. They were utilized, according to Biskind, 
in the “most intensive campaign of mass poisoning in known human 

Virus Causation

A clear, direct, one-to-one relation between pesticides and polio over a 
period of 30 years with pesticides preceding polio incidence in the context 
of the CNS related physiology just described, leaves little room for 
complicated virus arguments, even as a co-factor, unless there exists a 
rigorous proof for virus causation. Polio shows no movement independent 
from pesticide movement as one would expect for the virus model.

Medical propagandists promote images of a predatory, infectious virus, 
invading the body and quickly replicating to a level that causes disease, 
however, in the laboratory, poliovirus does not easily behave in such a 
predatory manner. Attempts to demonstrate virus causation are performed 
under extremely artificial and aberrant conditions.

Poliovirus causation was first established in the mainstream mind by 
publications of an experiment by Landsteiner and Popper in Germany, 
1908-1909.13 Their method was to inject a pulverized purée of diseased 
brain tissue into the brains [correction, intraperitoneally] of two 
monkeys. One monkey died and the other was sickened.

Proof of poliovirus causation was headlined by orthodoxy. This, however, 
was an assumption — not a proof — of virus causation. The weakness of 
this method is obvious to everyone except certain viropathologists and has 
recently been criticized by the molecular biologist Peter Duesberg 
regarding a modern-day attempt to establish virus causation for kuru, 
another CNS disease.14 Since 1908, the basic test has been repeated 
successfully many times using monkeys, dogs and genetically altered mice. 
The injected material has even been improved — scientists now use a 
saline solution containing purified poliovirus. However, a crucial weakness 
exists — polio epidemics do not occur via injections of poliovirus 
isolate into the brains of the victims through a hole drilled in their 
skull — except, of course, in laboratories and hospitals.

If injection into the brain is really a valid test for causation then it 
should serve especially well as a proof for pesticide causation. I propose 
that pesticides be injected directly into the brains of test animals. If 
paralysis and nerve degeneration subsequently occur, we then would have 
proved that pesticides cause polio.

Going further, towards much higher standards of proof than those used to 
prove virus causation, pesticides could be fed to animals and found to 
cause CNS disease. This has already been done with DDT and the histology of 
the spine and brain was poliomyelitis. Virus proofs require injection, 
often intracranial, to get any reaction from the experimental animal. It is 
axiomatic that a theory is only as good as its ability to predict future 
events. I predict that such a test would prove pesticides to be the most 
reliable causative factor.

The injection of purée of diseased brain tissue into the brains of dogs 
was the method preferred by Louis Pasteur to establish virus causation with 
rabies, another CNS disease. A recent, definitive biography of Pasteur 
finds him to be a most important publicist for germ theory, a crucial 
promoter for the notion that rabies is caused by a virus. Unfortunately, 
his rabies experiments were biased and unsupported by independent studies.15

CS>virua causation PART III (of III)

2007-11-23 Thread John Plumridge

Virus Contradictions

The concept of a predatory poliovirus becomes less certain in the context 
of these little known virus "facts":

1. Poliovirus "[I]nfectosomes have yet to be experimentally 
demonstrated…", writes Roland R. Rueckert, under the subtitle, 
"Infection: A Rare Event" in Fields Virology.

2. "Eukaryote cells have a wide arsenal of activities to control the 
half-lives of mRNAs, and these nucleases have made it difficult to isolate 
intact RNA viral genomes from cells." ("Virus Evolution", Ellen G. Strauss, 
et al, Fields Virology, Lippincott - Raven Publishers, Philadelphia (1996), 
v1p163) In view of item 1, this appears to be another careful way of saying 

3. The poliovirus does not always infect in accordance to its notoriety, 
"For every 200 or so virus particles that encounter a cell, only one will 
successfully enter and replicate, so research in this area is often 
confounded by the rarity of successful entry." ( 
http://cumicro2.cpmc.columbia.edu/PICO/Cha...s/Cellular.html )

4. Only herpesvirus has been traced enroute to site of disease from site of 
infection. "Viruses during retrograde transport on their way up to the cell 
bodies have so far been localized ultrastructurally only in the case of 
herpes simplex and herpes virus suis." (Martin E. Schwab and Hans Thoenen, 
Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, edited by George Adelman, pub, Birkhaüser 
Bros. Inc., Boston (1987), Chapter 39, p102-3)

5. A " poliovirus" has been electrophotographed in cell tissue. Due the 
lack of any photos of the virus as an infectosome, these photos should be 
interpreted as evidence of the cell's SOS response rather than of 
poliovirus causation. Electrophotography has existed for several decades 
and has yet to photograph a poliovirus infectosome. An infectosome is a 
"membrane-associated particle... which transfers genomic viral RNA through 
the membrane." (Field's Virology (1996), p635)

6. "It seems likely that all viruses trace their origins to cellular genes 
and can be considered as pieces of rogue nucleic acids." (Encyclopedia 
Britannica, Micropaedia (1997), "Virus") This demonstrates the great 
potential for a symbiotic relation between viruses and "hosts".

7. The point in history when known viruses began their evolution has been 
calculated by molecular biochemists who have interpolated backwards through 
time the speed and direction of virus evolution. They found that "most 
viruses we know today have probably evolved since the last ice age." 
("Virus Evolution", Ellen G. Strauss, et al, Fields Virology (1996), p164)

8. Viruses are involved in a process called transduction, one of the three 
modes of genetic transfer between cells, a process that can accelerate 
genetic recombination when cells are critically threatened by poisons.

9. Virus infection is used by clone technology to transfer genetic material 
into cells.

10. "Genetic information moves between viruses and their hosts to the point 
where definitions and classifications begin to blur." (Fields Virology 
(1996) p6)

11. In terms of genetic similarity, "[T]here was a remarkable continuum..." 
from virus to host. (Fields Virology (1996) p6)

12. "Carrel (1926) was able to produce tumors resembling Rous' sarcoma and 
transmissible by cell-free filtrates with indol, arsenic, or tar in chicken 
embryo. Carrel's observations have been confirmed by other workers. Fischer 
(1926), by treating cultures of normal cells with arsenic obtained on one 
occasion a filtrable virus capable of causing tumors." (Ralph R. Scobey, 
M.D., "Poliomyelitis Caused by Exogenous Virus?", Science, v71 (1954))


Any of the items listed above can be used to direct work towards a 
refreshing view of viropathology. For instance, Alexis Carrel and Albert 
Fischer's experiments, in 1925-1926, preceded the discovery of the cellular 
SOS Response by decades. Their work is important in its impact on the basic 
tenants of viropathology, the contemporary proofs of virus causation, and 
definitions of immunity. Carrel, who happens to be one of the most 
recognized of all the Nobel Laureates, has stated without equivocation that 
the Rous sarcoma tumour is not infective, is caused by an agent within the 
cells themselves, yet is transmissible by cell-free Berkfeld filtrate of 
tumour extract. He states that the agent could not be a virus because of 
his assumption that a virus is an external, disease-causing, infectious 
entity. In retrospect such statements reveal the first (unrecognized) 
discovery of the dormant retrovirus. Carrel also clearly demonstrates 
poison causality for cancer. These landmark experiments are very simple, 
very clear, and totally ignored by orthodoxy.

If one views Carrel and Fischer as a reinforcement of the symbiotic virus 
paradigm, then two strong alternative views can be defined regarding work 
that has been based on injections:

Virus Disease: In the case of classical induction of disease by injec