Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread Ode Coyote

  Diamond brand 3% H2O2 doesn't have additives.

It's not likely any official will tell you it's OK to ingest a corrosive 
substance unless it's packaged as an approved treatment or product.

 Food Grade just means that the product meets standards for use *on* food 
or food preparation surfaces [not *as* food] and doesn't mean there are no 
additives so long as any additives are approved under the definitions of 
food grade.
 If there are additives it will say so on the label but might not identify 
what they are, otherwise it will say water, H2O2

It also doesn't mean that any other grade doesn't meet those 
standards.  Food grade does, any other grade might...and probably does.

 After all...
 H2o2 ain't rocket science. [Oops, yes it is.  Spray some 100% on silver 
and see what happens. Makes a pretty good thruster. ]


At 08:37 AM 9/25/2008 -0600, you wrote:
6% is used for bleaching hair.  I am at an understanding it is not food 
grade and has stabilizers.

Neville wrote:
Looking for information regarding h2o2.  I have Hydrogen Peroxide 20 
volume 6% w/v in a brown glass bottle bought over the counter at a 
pharmacy.  Although there is nothing printed on the bottle regarding 
'stabilisers' having been added, and having an expiry date of 2010 
printed on the lable, I am wondering if this product is suitable, in 
diluted form, to be used in conjunction with CS for ingestion 
purposes.  I am aware that 'Food Grade' is the catch phrase but wonder if 
those two words would, in fact, appear on a bottle or if this product can 
be interpreted as 'Food Grade'.

I also have a 3% solution which is in a plastic bottle but states that 
stabilisers have been added, (I am in no way thinking of ingesting this 
product though, so don't fret there, external use only), but as the 6% 
has nothing stated on it regarding stabilisers I was wondering if this 
one would be considered 'Food Grade'.

As a 'throw away' question, I have asked several pharmacies if their 
product can be ingested and get different answers from each one, although 
I would never consider ingesting the 3% one anyway, at any time.  Just 
another instance of a lack of credible information one can rely 
on.  Perhaps someone could tell me how they define 'Food Grade', ie; is 
'Food Grade' actually stated on the label?


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Re: CS[FW]Promising Study on Obesity

2008-09-26 Thread Bernadette
Brooks and list:  I received your posting yesterday afternoon .

  - Original Message - 
  From: Brooks Bradley 
  Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 8:08 PM
  Subject: CS[FW]Promising Study on Obesity

  If list members have, already, received this I do humbly apologize. However, 
I sent this posting about 1:00 pm today and have failed to see it appear on the 
list. While I do not suffer ego self-indulgences it is with some effort that I 
compose postings these days. If anyone received my earlier posting...or this 
one, a one-liner confirming such would be appreciated. 
  Sincerely, Brooks Bradley 

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

Subject : [FW]Promising Study on Obesity

Date : Thu, 25 Sep 2008 19:43:46 -0400 (EDT)

From : Brooks Bradley

To :

  -[ Received Mail Content ]--

  Subject : Promising Study on Obesity

  Date : Thu, 25 Sep 2008 13:04:28 -0400 (EDT)

  From : Brooks Bradley

  To :

  Recently, prompted by information encountered in Dr. Sharon Moalem's 
splendid book 

  entitled Survival of the Sickest (he covers everything from the 
evolution of diabetes, to the bubonic plague), we prosecuted a limitedbut 
revealing, investigation relating to obesity in children. Dr. Moalem's premise 
revolved around data originating from Duke University scientists. What they had 
discovered was, to usseminal in naturean occurrence both fascinating 
and revealing-relating to the effects of the DIET and SUPPLEMENTATION, by 
the prospective mother both before and during the earliest stages of pregnancy. 
To wit: It was discovered that a group of mice, specifically bred to carry a 
gene called AGOUTI, which gives them their characteristic pale coat and 
tendency toward obesityreliably yielded off-spring 

  which were FAT AND YELLOW. The Duke scientists separated a population of, 
female Agouti mice into two groups---one control and one MODIFIED (but only to 
the extent of the diet. The Controls were fed a normal dietthey yielded the 
expected FAT YELLOW babies. The other group received similar prenatal 
care...with one exception---they were given vitamin supplements (actually, a 
combination of compounds especially rich in B12, folic acid, betaine and 

  The results were, in shortSTARTLING. Somehow, the Agouti gene had 
been TURNED OFFthe fat yellow mice had produced the THIN BROWN MICE. The 
Agouti gene in the thin brown mice was just were it was supposed to bebut 
SUPPRESSED ITS INSTRUCTIONS. This process is called methylation. 

  Our experiments tended to CONFIRM the results obtained by the Duke 
University research team. These results have us VERY excited, because they 
promise to offer excellent support to a means of effecting conditions enabling 
direct MODIFICATION of unwanted genetic instructionsin certain conditions. 
These studies are based upon a research field known as Epigenetics. 

  I will not bore you with further diatribe on this matter. However, we 
feel that 

  this tends to confirm the POWERFUL influence of prenatal nutrition on the 
health parameters of newborns.and indications that such continues on into 
their later lives. 

  I would be remiss if I did not encourage the more interested of list 
members, to obtain a copy of Dr. Moalem's book--I guarantee it to be one of 
the MOST interesting and 

  informative you will ever read. 

  Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 

  p.s. We have a great interest in the possible effects of adult stem cell 
protocol on currently-expressing cases of morbid obesity (together with many 
other serious insults, such as 

  coronary heart disease/damage).in adults of all ages. Adult stem cell 
protocols do not have ANY of the objectionable moral arguments put forward 
against the use of fetal cell extraction.additionally, all stem cells are 
derived from the hostand therefore, do not present ANY form of rejection 
considerations. Note: Adult stem cell protocols ARE NOT, presently, legal in 
the U.S..except in veterinary medicine (the horses and other large animals 
are benefiting in astounding ways from this new science. FDA says HUMANS will 
have to wait until some future era in earth's history. Meanwhile, if someone 
has a dear family member 

  (and about 40k to 50k dollars) there are excellent clinics in 
Thailand---and other countries---which are achieving powerful results 
(often---IN DAYS)..among persons diagnosed as terminally hopeless for 
addressing cardio-vascular damage. I AM NOT putting forward recommendations of 
any type.for direct treatment. My recommendations are for persons involved 

Re: CS[FW]Promising Study on Obesity

2008-09-26 Thread Dee

I got it fine Brooks and it is 1.10pm here in the UK.  dee

Brooks Bradley wrote:
If list members have, already, received this I do humbly apologize. 
However, I sent this posting about 1:00 pm today and have failed to 
see it appear on the list. While I do not suffer ego self-indulgences 
it is with some effort that I compose postings these days. If anyone 
received my earlier posting...or this one, a one-liner confirming such 
would be appreciated.

Sincerely, Brooks Bradley

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2008-09-26 Thread Paula Perry
I was able to get a refill prescription of Armour yesterday and did not 
encounter any problems. 

CS OT- Plant and Clarks Collodial Minerals

2008-09-26 Thread
I thought this interesting enough to share ...
3 weeks ago I was out walking and saw a plant that had pretty flowers so I 
broke off a section to take to the nursery to identify.  When I arrived home 
the flower part was closed up tight.  So I put in in a jar filled with filter 
water and thought I'd add 1/2 tsp of  clarks Collodial Minerals.  
The flower fell off after a few day, but the leaves are deep green and soft...  
I replenish the water at 2 weeks an added another 1/2 tsp of minerals.   
I think it's amazing...  I do not have a green thumb and have never had 
anything live more then a few days.  
It just sits on the kitchen counter and it will until it passes away or until 
it can be planted.  I think it needs to sprout roots for that...  I really know 
very little about the lives and plants.

Click here to find Medical Transcription Training programs.

Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread Marshall Dudley
Can't you just look at the label?  All the H2O2 I have seen has the 
stabilizers listed on the label.


Norton, Steve wrote:

You can find 3% H2O2 in stores without stabilizers but usually in
discount stores where there is a high turnover of the Hydrogen Peroxide
so the stabilizers are not necessary. I have heard that Wal Mart carries
one without stabilizers. Dollar Tree carries Assured brand without
stabilizers and I have used that myself. Here is a test for stabilizers
but I have not used it:

There is a simple way to see if Hydrogen Peroxide contains stabilizers:
Pour 1/2 cap of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water. If the color has
yellow (or other off colors), it has a stabilizer. It is best to set it
out in the sun where it is easier to see. If the H202 remains colorless
when mixed in a glass of water, it usually does not have a stabilizer. 

Almost all H2O2 sold in drug stores will have stabilizers, actually to
discourage people to use them internally. So you can use this as a way
to compare them. Basically, H2O2 poured into a clean glass and left out
in a sun covered by a dish should not have air bubbles. If it does,
there are metal contaminants. If you are asking for trouble, a drop of
ammonia solution in H2O2 mixed in water will cause a rapid air bubble
generation. It is more unstable if it has stabilizers. You can try the
experiment and compare the results. 

The test for this is not perfect one, but the key is the color, even
when you add just a small amount of water in direct sunlight. Also, a
good quality H2O2 doesn't get small bubbles during storage.

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Neville [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 3:20 PM

Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion

Hairdresser I asked uses 12% but I wouldn't touch it with a 40 foot
barge pole.

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Re: CSCall your reps. and stop the bailout

2008-09-26 Thread M. G. Devour
Woopsie! Wrong list, Marshall!

Mike D.
da list owner guy...

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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CSCall your reps. and stop the bailout

2008-09-26 Thread Marshall Dudley

This is from Ron Paul or his economic advisors, the ONLY member of 
congress who has even one ounce of sense, and the guts to stand up to 
the big money, wall street and the fed.  I will probably get monitored 
for this, with some claiming this is political. It is NOT political, 
both political parties are trying to ram this down our throats,   This 
affects us all, we will all be robbed.  Call your representative and let 
them know you will not vote for them if they vote for this bailout.  The 
government and fed caused it, and the only thing they can do is what 
governments always do, make it worse.


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Re: CSCS oddities

2008-09-26 Thread Ode Coyote

  It was probably about to shut off when you stopped it.


At 09:54 PM 9/25/2008 +0100, you wrote:
Hi all, just a couple of little oddies I've just made.  One, I made a 
batch using a seed batch which remained perfectly clear as I still have 
some left (of the seed batch).  The batch turned yellow after a few 
days.  This was nothing to do with the plastic bottles as I hadn't 
transferred it yet and it was still in the brewing jar where I have 
*never* had a yellow batch. The second thing is I made a batch from 
scratch but after nine and a half hours, it still hadn't shut off.  I 
measured this and it reads eight which is what it reads usually after 
eight hours.  I presume this means around 16ppm.  Any idea why it should 
have taken so long and not shut off even though it had reached the 
'normal' ppm?  Thanks in advance.  dee

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7:23 PM

Re: CSCS oddities

2008-09-26 Thread Dee
probably Ode, or maybe the electrodes have managed to get further 
apart.  They did look a bit further apart but I thought it may just be 
the distortion caused by the jar.  dee

Ode Coyote wrote:

  It was probably about to shut off when you stopped it.


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Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread James McCourt, Ph.D.
My best recall is that Reagent grade is 35% concentration, and was the most
pure for use in chemical lab work. Concentration levels over 35% were
considered unstable but had some uses such as missile power generators and
rocket fuel oxidizer.

- Original Message - 
From: Neville
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion

 - Original Message - 
 From: James McCourt, Ph.D.
 Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 9:26 AM
 Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion

 [Also consider REAGENT grade.]

 This would be fairly high percentage you are talking about here though
 wouldn't it?  My research suggests there is your 'plain' HP, (3% or 6% as
 sold OTC), 'up to and including 35% Food Grade' HP, (which I can't get
 pharmacists to co-operate with in my enquiries), and then it goes into the
 higher percentages over 35%, eg; 70%, 90% etc, which comes into the
 'Reagent' terminology as it starts to get somewhat 'unstable' above 35%,
 one doesn't know what one is doing that is)...would I be correct in saying
 anything above 35% would fall into the 'Reagent' catagory...Yes?

 Perhaps the above descriptions could be a simple dialect thing regarding
 'definition' or 'terminology' and not a standard form of global definition
 with regard to Hydrogen Peroxide.


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Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread cking001
On other lists that I'm on people refuse to believe the label if no
stabilizers are listed.
It's irrational.

I mean, even with stabilizers, the common dose would be about a half
God, I eat more dirt than that!


de ja fu - The feeling that somewhere, somehow you've been hit in the
head like this before.

On 9/26/2008 11:08:48 AM, Marshall Dudley (
 Can't you just look at the label?  All the H2O2 I have seen has the
 stabilizers listed on the label.
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Re: CS[FW]Promising Study on Obesity

2008-09-26 Thread Roger Barker
I got it too thanks Brooks. Very interesting so will be keeping a  
lookout for the book.

Cheers,  Roger
Rotorua, New Zealand.

Brooks Bradley wrote:
If list members have, already, received this I do humbly apologize.  
However, I sent this posting about 1:00 pm today and have failed to  
see it appear on the list. While I do not suffer ego self-indulgences  
it is with some effort that I compose postings these days. If anyone  
received my earlier posting...or this one, a one-liner confirming  
such would be appreciated.

Sincerely, Brooks Bradley

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Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread M. G. Devour
And one more reminder is in order: There was a quite scary report from 
Jason Eaton of an acquaintance of his that nearly killed himself by 
inhaling a *VERY* dilute hydrogen peroxide solution from a nebulizer. 
What did it? HE WAS A SMOKER!! The peroxide mobilized a near fatal dose 
of nicotine, released from his lung tissues into the bloodstream, that 
nearly sent him into shock.

I would hope that somebody with relatively clean lungs would not be in 
that kind of danger, but do research the subject thoroughly before 
inhaling, please?

Thanks, I'll crawl back in my hole now! grin

Mike D.

 Just as an FYI I meant to sent you a link to a person who has been
 inhaling off the shelf HP for years with no problem. I am not right now
 able to provide the link but you could probably find it with Google. One
 more test you could do is combine the HP and CS and look for a light
 blue coloring to see if any stabilizers give you a silver salt. 
  - Steve

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSCS for pets

2008-09-26 Thread M. G. Devour
I believe that was Marshall, Steve.

Also, there's the CS Pets list on Yahoo. Do you have the address for 
that, Marshall?

Mike D.

 Is it you that is looking for info on CS benefiting pets? It didn't come
 to mind earlier but there is a Yahoo group on Oleandersoup for pets.
 There is also one for people of which I am a member. While it is
 primarily about using oleander to fight cancer, as with this group the
 members have broad knowledge and experiences. CS is commonly in use by
 that group and you might be able to get good info from them if you ask.
  - Steve N

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread M. G. Devour
 Thanks for that info, Mike. I was considering suggestiing nebulizing CS
 and HP to a relative who has a lung condition and is also a smoker. Do
 you know if CS alone could cause that?
  - Steve N

Woah! Good timing, then, eh?

I don't *know* if CS alone would be safe, or at least safer, but that 
would be my guess.

Start very cautiously. One tiny puff, then wait an hour? Dilute your CS 
with distilled water first? I'm afraid I have no experience with that 
situation. These are only my tentative suggestions.

If anyone does have experience with CS and smokers' lungs, let us know, 

Mike D.

 - Original Message -
 From: M. G. Devour
 Sent: Fri Sep 26 16:09:44 2008
 Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion
 And one more reminder is in order: There was a quite scary report from
 Jason Eaton of an acquaintance of his that nearly killed himself by
 inhaling a *VERY* dilute hydrogen peroxide solution from a nebulizer.
 What did it? HE WAS A SMOKER!! The peroxide mobilized a near fatal dose
 of nicotine, released from his lung tissues into the bloodstream, that
 nearly sent him into shock.
 I would hope that somebody with relatively clean lungs would not be in
 that kind of danger, but do research the subject thoroughly before
 inhaling, please?
 Thanks, I'll crawl back in my hole now! grin
 Mike D.
  Just as an FYI I meant to sent you a link to a person who has been
  inhaling off the shelf HP for years with no problem. I am not right
  now able to provide the link but you could probably find it with
  Google. One more test you could do is combine the HP and CS and look
  for a light blue coloring to see if any stabilizers give you a silver
   - Steve
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]
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 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread Neville

- Original Message - 
From: Marshall Dudley

Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion

Can't you just look at the label?  All the H2O2 I have seen has the 
stabilizers listed on the label.


Really, well I have a bottle of 6% Gold Cross HP from bioteck labs in 
melbourne and it's got jack on the label!


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Re: CSCall your reps. and stop the bailout

2008-09-26 Thread Carol Ann


100% behind your post.  CS, even the silver we need to make CS - will be 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..

--- On Fri, 9/26/08, Marshall Dudley wrote:
From: Marshall Dudley
Subject: CSCall your reps. and stop the bailout
Date: Friday, September 26, 2008, 11:37 AM

This is from Ron Paul or his economic advisors, the ONLY member of 
congress who has even one ounce of sense, and the guts to stand up to 
the big money, wall street and the fed.  I will probably get monitored 
for this, with some claiming this is political. It is NOT political, 
both political parties are trying to ram this down our throats,   This 
affects us all, we will all be robbed.  Call your representative and let 
them know you will not vote for them if they vote for this bailout.  The 
government and fed caused it, and the only thing they can do is what 
governments always do, make it worse.


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Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread Neville

Thank You for that Ode.

As with all else I read and hear, and what's available in the public domain, 
in the end I will make my own mind up as I did regarding CS.  Jeez, if I 
believed only half of what I have researched about CS I would be thinking 
all users needed phsychiatric analysis.  I normally do considerable research 
before deciding on anything anyway.

It's a matter of researching and listening and then deciding who knows what, 
read between the lines, and then make a decision based on that, combined 
with common sense and logic, (however short I may be on those last two, but 
who cares anyway, only me).

The 3% states contents, (well probably only some anyway), but the 6% states 

If the day comes and I get cancer I'll be dead anyway but at least I will 
have the control and die by my own hand and not just follow the 'flock' and 
letting the establishment pump me full of 'other' chemicals and space 
invader concoctions.  They made two wrong diagnoses with my old man which 
killed him in the end, I ain't going down that road thanks very much.  I'll 
live by the sword and die by the sword but at least the sword will be in my 
hands, not someone elses.  If anyone is going to kill me, then it will be 
me.  Guess it's my rebelious nature, I blame my convict ancestry for 

Yeah, I know about the 'rocket fuel' also. g

I'm getting back to Steve with his 'test' he mentioned a little later.

Thanks and Cheers...Neville.

- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote

Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion

  Diamond brand 3% H2O2 doesn't have additives.

It's not likely any official will tell you it's OK to ingest a corrosive 
substance unless it's packaged as an approved treatment or product.

 Food Grade just means that the product meets standards for use *on* food 
or food preparation surfaces [not *as* food] and doesn't mean there are no 
additives so long as any additives are approved under the definitions of 
food grade.
 If there are additives it will say so on the label but might not identify 
what they are, otherwise it will say water, H2O2

It also doesn't mean that any other grade doesn't meet those standards. 
Food grade does, any other grade might...and probably does.

 After all...
 H2o2 ain't rocket science. [Oops, yes it is.  Spray some 100% on silver 
and see what happens. Makes a pretty good thruster. ]


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Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread Neville

Hi James,

Yeah, I did some 'hunting' for info on HP and there are several 'grades' 
according to use, eg; 3% etc as sold OTC for wounds etc, then there is 
'technical' which is used for circuit boards and electronics etc, then there 
is 35% 'Food Grade' which is used to spray insides of milk cartons and on 
fruit etc etc, then you come to the 'Reagent' grades which are the higher 
percentages used for...well used for things I have no interest in 

Terminologies may not be exact in the above, and may not be in the correct 
order but you get my drift.


- Original Message - 
From: James McCourt, Ph.D.

Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 4:12 AM
Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion

My best recall is that Reagent grade is 35% concentration, and was the 

pure for use in chemical lab work. Concentration levels over 35% were
considered unstable but had some uses such as missile power generators and
rocket fuel oxidizer.

- Original Message - 
From: Neville

Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion

- Original Message - 
From: James McCourt, Ph.D.

Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion

[Also consider REAGENT grade.]

This would be fairly high percentage you are talking about here though
wouldn't it?  My research suggests there is your 'plain' HP, (3% or 6% as
sold OTC), 'up to and including 35% Food Grade' HP, (which I can't get
pharmacists to co-operate with in my enquiries), and then it goes into 

higher percentages over 35%, eg; 70%, 90% etc, which comes into the
'Reagent' terminology as it starts to get somewhat 'unstable' above 35%,

one doesn't know what one is doing that is)...would I be correct in 

anything above 35% would fall into the 'Reagent' catagory...Yes?

Perhaps the above descriptions could be a simple dialect thing regarding
'definition' or 'terminology' and not a standard form of global 

with regard to Hydrogen Peroxide.


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Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread Neville

- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 5:29 AM
Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion

Morning Chuck,

[I mean, even with stabilizers, the common dose would be about a half
teaspoon.  God, I eat more dirt than that!  Chuck]

Yep, I'm slowly coming around to that way of thinking.


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Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread Neville

- Original Message - 
From: Norton, Steve

Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 8:14 AM
Subject: RE: CSConcensus of opinion

Morning Steve, if you are around anywhere,

[Pour 1/2 cap of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water. If the color has
yellow (or other off colors), it has a stabilizer. It is best to set it out 
in the sun where it is easier to see.  Basically, H2O2 poured into a clean 
glass and left out in a sun covered by a dish should not have air bubbles. 
The test for this is not perfect one, but the key is the color, even when 
you add just a small amount of water in direct sunlight. Also, a good 
quality H2O2 doesn't get small bubbles during storage.]

Did this yesterday, and overnight, here are my observations:

Colour was extremely hard to detect with naked eye, but if I was forced to 
commit to an answer I would have to say that the 3% remained clear, (no 
colour change I could detect), and minimal bubbles, (as in 1 or 2 stuck to 
the glass).

6% had only one tiniest slow stream of miniscule bubbles coming from the 
bottom of glass rising to the surface. Colourwell as I said if I had to 
answer I would say this one was perhaps coloured, but by hell it's hard to 
detect, and I looked and looked, even used various 'backboards' to try to 
pick up any colour.

I think from what replies I have received here, combined with your test, I 
am realising that the 3% would be OK.  When you think about it, that 
probably makes sense cos it's available anywhere and the risk would be high 
of kids getting into it by mistake or something and this would not make for 
good publicity for an OTC product, (this is my reading between the lines 
here), but of course obligation would be there by appropraite authorities to 
make the 'non-ingestable' comment on the bottle label just to cover their 
own backsides.

As Chuck said about the 'eating more dirt than that', this sort of answers 
one of my points I made earlier regarding the small amount used anyway.

I do believe I am satisfied!  Of course, if you want to reply to my 
observations I am all ears if the above indicates anything I am unaware of. 
Seems to me that the 6% would be a 'no go'.  On the face of it, stabilisers 
in the 3% would appear to be less 'potentially' harmful.


-Original Message-
From: Neville []
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion

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Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread Norton, Steve
Just as an FYI I meant to sent you a link to a person who has been inhaling off 
the shelf HP for years with no problem. I am not right now able to provide the 
link but you could probably find it with Google. One more test you could do is 
combine the HP and CS and look for a light blue coloring to see if any 
stabilizers give you a silver salt. 
 - Steve

- Original Message -
From: Neville
Sent: Fri Sep 26 18:38:19 2008
Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion

- Original Message - 
From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 8:14 AM
Subject: RE: CSConcensus of opinion

Morning Steve, if you are around anywhere,

[Pour 1/2 cap of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water. If the color has
yellow (or other off colors), it has a stabilizer. It is best to set it out 
in the sun where it is easier to see.  Basically, H2O2 poured into a clean 
glass and left out in a sun covered by a dish should not have air bubbles. 
The test for this is not perfect one, but the key is the color, even when 
you add just a small amount of water in direct sunlight. Also, a good 
quality H2O2 doesn't get small bubbles during storage.]

Did this yesterday, and overnight, here are my observations:

Colour was extremely hard to detect with naked eye, but if I was forced to 
commit to an answer I would have to say that the 3% remained clear, (no 
colour change I could detect), and minimal bubbles, (as in 1 or 2 stuck to 
the glass).

6% had only one tiniest slow stream of miniscule bubbles coming from the 
bottom of glass rising to the surface. Colourwell as I said if I had to 
answer I would say this one was perhaps coloured, but by hell it's hard to 
detect, and I looked and looked, even used various 'backboards' to try to 
pick up any colour.

I think from what replies I have received here, combined with your test, I 
am realising that the 3% would be OK.  When you think about it, that 
probably makes sense cos it's available anywhere and the risk would be high 
of kids getting into it by mistake or something and this would not make for 
good publicity for an OTC product, (this is my reading between the lines 
here), but of course obligation would be there by appropraite authorities to 
make the 'non-ingestable' comment on the bottle label just to cover their 
own backsides.

As Chuck said about the 'eating more dirt than that', this sort of answers 
one of my points I made earlier regarding the small amount used anyway.

I do believe I am satisfied!  Of course, if you want to reply to my 
observations I am all ears if the above indicates anything I am unaware of. 
Seems to me that the 6% would be a 'no go'.  On the face of it, stabilisers 
in the 3% would appear to be less 'potentially' harmful.


-Original Message-
From: Neville []
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion

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CSCS for pets

2008-09-26 Thread Norton, Steve
Is it you that is looking for info on CS benefiting pets? It didn't come to 
mind earlier but there is a Yahoo group on Oleandersoup for pets. There is also 
one for people of which I am a member. While it is primarily about using 
oleander to fight cancer, as with this group the members have broad knowledge 
and experiences. CS is commonly in use by that group and you might be able to 
get good info from them if you ask.
 - Steve N

Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread Norton, Steve
Thanks for that info, Mike. I was considering suggestiing nebulizing CS and HP 
to a relative who has a lung condition and is also a smoker. Do you know if CS 
alone could cause that?
 - Steve N

- Original Message -
From: M. G. Devour
Sent: Fri Sep 26 16:09:44 2008
Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion

And one more reminder is in order: There was a quite scary report from 
Jason Eaton of an acquaintance of his that nearly killed himself by 
inhaling a *VERY* dilute hydrogen peroxide solution from a nebulizer. 
What did it? HE WAS A SMOKER!! The peroxide mobilized a near fatal dose 
of nicotine, released from his lung tissues into the bloodstream, that 
nearly sent him into shock.

I would hope that somebody with relatively clean lungs would not be in 
that kind of danger, but do research the subject thoroughly before 
inhaling, please?

Thanks, I'll crawl back in my hole now! grin

Mike D.

 Just as an FYI I meant to sent you a link to a person who has been
 inhaling off the shelf HP for years with no problem. I am not right now
 able to provide the link but you could probably find it with Google. One
 more test you could do is combine the HP and CS and look for a light
 blue coloring to see if any stabilizers give you a silver salt. 
  - Steve

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread Neville

- Original Message - 
From: M. G. Devour

Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion

Morning Mike,

[And one more reminder is in order: There was a quite scary report from 
Jason Eaton of an acquaintance of his that nearly killed himself by inhaling 
a *VERY* dilute hydrogen peroxide solution from a nebulizer. What did it? HE 
WAS A SMOKER!! The peroxide mobilized a near fatal dose of nicotine, 
released from his lung tissues into the bloodstream, that nearly sent him 
into shock.  Mike D.]

I have an article regarding what you state here, (if I saved it), and I 
won't give anything away here.excuse me for a moment, cough 
coughthat's better, g I tried to find where nicotine was the 
actual cause, or if it was due to the other chemicals contained in smokes. 
The HP lifts the crud off the lung tissue which apparently allowed it to 
roam around in the blood stream.  I would still like to find if it was 
directly related, or linked, to nicotine though.  I don't think they 
elaborated on that in the article I read, I think they just made the broad 
statement regarding 'nicotine poisoning'.  Not suggesting it wasn't though 
you understand, just didn't find enough corroborating evidence in the 


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Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread Neville

- Original Message - 
From: M. G. Devour

Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: CSConcensus of opinion

[If anyone does have experience with CS and smokers' lungs, let us know, 
please?  Mike D.]

I'm still waiting to get the flu or something so that I can try inhaling.  I 
try to expose myself to the 'wog' but haven't been able to catch it 
yet...damn!  When, or if, I get the flu I will let you know. Make for 
interesting scientific stat's and further reseach study regarding CS won't 


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CSSmokers Lung, Nebulizing, What is Toxic

2008-09-26 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Evening Neville,

First, it will likely CRASH the list.

I changed the subject line !

 At 10:34 PM 9/26/2008, you wrote:

You guys finally got me attention.

First, I think people nebulize too long,  no doubt.

I have never used H202, I use CS and DMSO.

It works wonders in a very short time of nebulizing.
I do not do it often.

[If anyone does have experience with CS and smokers' lungs, let us 
know, please?  Mike D.]

   How does one define Smokers Lung ?

Many smoke too much and smoke too long.

I had lunch with a business associate.  I knew he was a physical 
fitness nut.   He does  No Holds Barred fighting.

After lunch, he said,  I have to go out to my car.
He came back with a cigarette, and said,
I smoke one cigarette per day, One after lunch.

I'm still waiting to get the flu or something so that I can try inhaling.

  Not sure I have ever had the flu in my life.
I asked someone how would I feel and how would I know ?

I have had so few pains, I barely know how pain feels.

In all honesty, I have experienced more pain by

running into a fist than anything else.

That can hurt, ... really hurt.

 I try to expose myself to the 'wog' but haven't been able to catch 
it yet...damn!  When, or if, I get the flu I will let you know.

  I would bet, I can get some flu germs and send them to you.

Make for interesting scientific stat's and further reseach study 
regarding CS won't it.

Find others that are sick.   That is not hard to do.

I allow wasps, honey bees, and fire ants to bite me just to test the 
immune system.

A few bumble bees also.

I try to avoid hornets and spiders, but a few times I have failed.

Never had a snake bite, but a few have struck at me.
I have had very large poison snakes less than 1 foot from my eyes.

They were eye level.  When you can see their eyes and the forked 
tongue, . that is too close,  yes, too close.

Of course you do not know, I grew up in a swamp, raised in a cane 
break by an old mama lion, and was a licensed swamp guide before I 
was 15.Some would call that a Swamp Rat, but I was much more than that.

I enjoyed guiding doctors, lawyers, and those that thought they were hunters.

Yes, I drank the swamp water without any CS or any purifying methods 
at all.  It never made me sick.

So,  what is toxic and what is not, remains a hard and on 
going question that will never be answered.

Modern Thinking, Primitive Logic


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Re: CSCS in SHampoo?

2008-09-26 Thread Teri Kavakos


I just use soap nuts to make my own shampoo.  Take 4 soap nuts and simmer 
them in around a quart of water for 30 minutes.  I then add some black seed 
oil and it really does a good job cleaning my hair.  Just realize there 
will be no suds but it cleans just fine.


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Re: CSSmokers Lung, Nebulizing, What is Toxic

2008-09-26 Thread Neville

- Original Message - 
From: Wayne Fugitt

Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 2:07 PM
Subject: CSSmokers Lung, Nebulizing, What is Toxic

Hi there Wayne,  (snipped most your post).

[Find others that are sick.   That is not hard to do.]

Yeah well that's funny, (or maybe not), I have done that, but then like 
idiots they go and look on the net, find the first article, (which will 
probably be negative), and then crap themselves and don't use it.  What can 
one say?  I don't bother anymore.  Now I just get closer to people to see if 
I can get the wog.

[They were eye level.  When you can see their eyes and the forked tongue, 
. that is too close,  yes, too close.]

LOL, yeah, been there and done that as a kid, most people probably don't 
realise just how high they can 'prop' or 'stand up'.  Frightens the 
bejeebers out of you though if you don't know they have the capability to do 
that, or aren't expecting it.


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Re: CSConcensus of opinion

2008-09-26 Thread sol

Neville wrote:
I'm going to lead with my chin again here and suggest that the 
miniscule amount of HP used with CS would be so minimal regarding any 
stabilisers that these stabilisers would be inconsequential to health 
That is my opinion. Plus I researched and found a site that listed the 
contaminants in food grade 35% peroxide. So the stabilizers in plain old 
grocery store peroxide don't worry me.


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