Re: CS>Swine Flu Epidemic & Avianized Flu Pandemic

2009-05-03 Thread M. G. Devour
Perfect example of why we steer clear of religion... No way in hell you 
can say anything one way or another on the information below that 
somebody's not going to disagree. It's important! It's hogwash!

No, it's simply not anything we should bother to debate here. 

Please don't post it. Please don't respond to it. Don't respond if 
anybody else does. Thank you.

Don't know the rules? See ...

Mike Devour
silver list owner

> Hot Topic
> The media is filled with reports on the Swine Flu. Just what does the
> Bible code say about it? Read about the intriguing 15-letter-long code
> found by Nathan Jacobi, Ph.D., and BCD. Just visit our home page and
> click on Swine Flu under Hot Topics, or copy and paste the following
> into your browser window:
> Best Regards,
>, web home of Bible Code Digest, the
> world's leading newsletter source of information on Bible and Torah
> Codes.
> Isaac Newton Bible Code Research Society
> 1257 Siskiyou Blvd. (183) 
> Ashland, OR 97520

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CS>[List Owner] Reminder: topic, politeness, list cops...

2009-05-03 Thread M. G. Devour
I think Kathryn meant this to go privately, but it went to the list by 
mistake. She makes good points I'd be glad to respond to.

> Dear Mike,
> It's your list, so whatever rules you want you get.

Yeah, for better or worse! 

> As a formerly trained scientist (even if I don't get to play in that
> sand box anymore) this sort of fearmongering (culling the herd, etc)
> really sets my last nerve on fire.  

I bet you meant "formally" trained!  I spent 18 years as a 
research technician in the physical sciences. I can relate.

Most of what passes for "information" on the 'net is unsupported 
speculation. A lot of it attempts to masquerade as "scientific" but 
doesn't come even close for anybody with a little training. Yet a lot 
of people are not knowledgable enough and will be scared by it.

> There are so many worthwhile things that threaten us that focusing
> attention on this sort of thing dilutes legitimate discussion. It
> distracts attention that could rightly go to other really important
> issues. Issues that we stand a real chance of protecting ourselves and
> our families from if we have a head's up.

Yep, and that gets right to crux of *my* decision process. Legitimate? 
It all boils down to, where should I draw that line? 

> Like whether or not the swine flu is a 1918 type of flu, for example.
> Jury is still out on that. 

There are those interesting theories that aspirin, of all things, might 
have been responsible for many of the deaths in 1918. Folks killed 
their fevers, which would normally have slowed down the virus, which 
then proliferated and killed them.

> That is just one small example. The economy and what we can be doing
> right now to help protect ourselves; the list goes on and on. 

It gets tough to figure out what to do when you're not sure what's 
really happening. That leads to the endless back and forth over 
conspiracies and evil plots, versus stupiditiy and corruption, versus 
don't worry, be happy, everything's gonna be okay.

Some of that is going to bleed into the discussion, no matter what we 
do. It's just a matter of keeping it small, overall. 

> I realize the irony of my having pointed attention to it instead of
> letting it go.  It would have just slipped under the radar if I had
> not said anything, probably; or maybe it would have become yet another
> round of crazy stuff. 

If it had done the latter, it'd have been a case of my neglect. What I 
want is for folks to not respond to the OT and marginal stuff, and give 
me a heads-up when you think things are getting too far astray.

> Fine for somebody's sci-fi shelf, but for a what I had considered an
> experimental science list? 

Read any of David Weber's stuff? Good sci-fi... 

Basically, my policy of prohibiting politics, except as it relates to 
colloidal silver and important alternative health issues, is my best 
effort to avoid having to arbitrarily decree what is and is not 
"legitimate" within the broad spectrum of beliefs that exist in our 

On occasion I'll ask somebody to tone it down a bit in deference to not 
scaring off newcomers, but it's mainly a matter of keeping the volume 
low enough overall that the more conventional tends to balance the 
farther out, and folks can choose what to listen to.

I do that by trying to keep up with the discussion, which can be a 
challenge sometimes, and by watching my in-box for personal contacts 
from people with complaints or comments about what's going on. That's 
where you guys and gals can support my efforts.

> Maybe because things are so uncertain Out There right now we are more
> willing to suspend disbelief, and some of us (ie: me) are more on edge.
> Sigh;  like I need an edge to go over- "what edge- is there an edge
> there   (yhh..thunk)"  .

 I went over that edge a long time ago, I'm afraid. It started 
with lies I learned I was being told by the mainstream media about 
specific issues I'd never looked at closely before. It progressed to 
recognizing the disfunctionality of much of our "system." Somewhere 
along the way, I found out there was a whole other world of opinions 
and beliefs that, while labelled "fringe" by agencies of the 
aforementioned mainstream system, exhibited every sign of being 
dangerously real, just like colloidal silver has turned out to be.

(Dangerous, as in a hazard to my complacency...)

So I guess you can say I'm more prepared to "suspend disbelief" about 
things I'd never have taken seriously before I went down the rabbit 
hole 10 or 15 years ago. I know there are fewer things I'm willing to 
say are impossible now than I would have in the beginning.

> I'm happy you at least saw that I was trying to resolve it.

Oh, yes. I am much happier when folks make the conscious decision to de-
escalate and make things better. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

> Best Wishes,
> Kathryn
> PS- If you think this is suitable for listreading, you can send it on.

I think you took care of that just fine! 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Reminder: topic, politeness, list cops...

2009-05-03 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Regarding the swine flu issue:  there are a few fine, thoughtful 
articles about the probable links to factory farming, which encourages 
extremely rapid viral mutation.Factory farming (or ranching I 
suppose)  is a more plausible explanation for strange bird/pig viruses 
than weapons lab work, though the latter is hardly implausible.   The 
facts as I read them  don't provide any evidence of that, however.

For a good read, see Wm. Engdahl's recent article, and also the 
excellent Johann Hari.   I think both articles may be at not a Google search should turn 
both up quickly; they are very recent.   Both mention the world's 
largest pig ranch, American owned, in Mexico, where the "flu" first 

Hari may well be right that our craving for cheap meat will lead to a 
devastating pandemic, and proper regulation is essential.   The growth 
of these huge factories is quite recent, within the past 20 years, and 
can be done away with if only legislators would not sell out, as most 

On Sunday, May 3, 2009, at 14:17 Asia/Tokyo, Clayton Family wrote:

Dear Mike,

It's your list, so whatever rules you want you get.

As a formerly trained scientist (even if I don't get to play in that 
sand box anymore) this sort of fearmongering (culling the herd, etc) 
really sets my last nerve on fire.  We are all way too dumb to even 
make that necessary. I am speaking of the human race here, nothing 
personal for anyone to take offense at.   We may just all bomb 
ourselves into oblivion before anyone else has the chance to do any 
culling. My opinion.

There are so many worthwhile things that threaten us that focusing 
attention on this sort of thing dilutes legitimate discussion. It 
distracts attention that could rightly go to other really important 
issues. Issues that we stand a real chance of protecting ourselves and 
our families from if we have a head's up.

Like whether or not the swine flu is a 1918 type of flu, for example. 
Jury is still out on that. That is just one small example. The economy 
and what we can be doing right now to help protect ourselves; the list 
goes on and on.

I realize the irony of my having pointed attention to it instead of 
letting it go.  It would have just slipped under the radar if I had 
not said anything, probably; or maybe it would have become yet another 
round of crazy stuff. Fine for somebody's sci-fi shelf, but for a what 
I had considered an experimental science list?

Maybe because things are so uncertain Out There right now we are more 
willing to suspend disbelief, and some of us (ie: me) are more on 
edge. Sigh;  like I need an edge to go over- "what edge- is there an 
edge there   (yhh..thunk)"  .

I'm happy you at least saw that I was trying to resolve it.

Best Wishes,


PS- If you think this is suitable for listreading, you can send it on.

On May 2, 2009, at 3:38 PM, M. G. Devour wrote:

Just to remind everybody of a few things...

Karen wrote:
I see nothing wrong with the post [about swine flue as evil plot], 

have nothing to do with CS either but no one has said anything about

Yes, I allow, even encourage, other health-related questions to be
asked and answers given, so long as anything not CS-related gets
covered more briefly. Magnets are okay, so long as they don't stick
around too long. 

Why be so loose with the topic? Because we always have and always will
*get* those kinds of questions anyway, and a *lot* of good help and
useful information usually results. I've been criticized for this by
some people, but I think it contributes a great deal to the group's
sense of community.

This is an important topic, and whether or not it is true will be 

in the next few months, there is no reason to ever be rude.

Indeed, there is never reason to be rude.

Rense is generally thought of as a fairly speculative information
source -- some would characterize him as fringe -- but I would not 

jumped on Paula for posting this and other such links OCCASIONALLY, as
long as everybody understands that any discussion of the controversial
aspects of them are carried out on the OT list.

The difference between Paula's message and, for instance, Aaron's
comments that I remarked on just yesterday, was that Paula was only
giving a brief description of the content, and not a lengthy discourse
or speculation.

Part of the diversity that I expect everyone to tolerate is that some
folks here believe things that you find a bit of a stretch... sorta
like how your snotty brother-in-law (or pick your other favorite
annoying person) thinks about *YOU* and that stupid colloidal silver
stuff that you're always prattling on about... 

We know that not everything we're reading, mainstream or alternative,
is true or paints a complete picture. We're all adults capable of
discernment. I'm willing to allow a bit of... variety, so long as
discussion of politics and other controversy stay

CS>Show and tell

2009-05-03 Thread Ode Coyote
 IMO, this whole Swine flu thing is about showing the public that they can 
depend on Gov't to take care of them, thus, their money is being well spent 
in that quarter to distract from it being thrown into numerous black holes 
virtually every where else.

 Much ado about nothing much.
It's a socialized medicine propaganda "Trust us" campaign.

 Make a "show" of it where it doesn't matter.

But of it were something like H5N1 avian flu with an 80+% mortality rate 
WITH intensive hospital care..forget it.

 The system would crumble with a few of thousand cases, socialized or not.

 The 1976 Swine Flu panic had Gov't "forcing" the Pharm into releasing a 
vaccine prematurely...under protest.

 That flu killed 1 person, the rest, the *vaccine* killed or injured them.

 Uhh, thanks for all the concern?

The H5N1 avian flu itself isn't deadly, your own immune system over 
responds and drowns you with phlegm.

 Ain't nuthin like a good case of "cotton mouth" to dry up the ole lungs.

I've SEEN just a couple of tokes almost instantly clean up a congestive 
cough bad enough to turn that person blue for 3 days and 3 sleepless nights 
from lack of air when literally NOTHING else worked...and we did try every 
legal everything, even the opiates.

One little "bud" stays in my medicine betcher boots.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>paula

2009-05-03 Thread Paula Perry

I do accept your apology. I didn't really think you were sincere before
because after you said you were sorry you went on to justify yourself. I
think having access to a wide variety of information and opinions is
essential to having a healthy society. Every time there has been a crack
down on information the end result has been totalitarianism. That to me is
vastly more frightening than reading an article I thought was crap. I hope
you won't stew about our disagreement. I am not mad at you. I know that you
meant well. Personally, I doubt that this swine virus is a naturally
occurring virus because of the blend of the various components from
different places in the world, but I am not a virus expert. There are
scientists that do believe the same thing. It is okay with me if you believe
otherwise. If a subject is upsetting  you can always hit the delete key
without reading. That gives everybody a choice. I delete a lot of stuff when
my work schedule gets too heavy. If you want to respond to this let's take
it off-topic.
Take care,

- Original Message - 
From: "Clayton Family" 
Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2009 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: CS>paula

> Paula,
> So I take it you are not accepting my apology?
> I did mean it, you know. I was sincere. I am already laughing, but I
> can go over to Dan's post for more
> You could just accept my apology...
> :-(
> Kathryn
> On May 2, 2009, at 4:08 PM, Paula Perry wrote:
> > Kathyrn,
> > Lets just both agree to forget it and move on. I am sure you did not
> > mean to
> > come across as you did. Go to Dan's post and have a laugh.
> > Paula
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Clayton Family" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2009 3:08 PM
> > Subject: Re: CS>Swine Flu Epidemic & Avianized Flu Pandemic
> >
> >
> >> Paula,
> >>
> >> I apologised twice.
> >>
> >> Kathryn
> >>
> >> On May 2, 2009, at 1:41 PM, Paula Perry wrote:
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Reminder: topic, politeness, list cops...

2009-05-03 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Hi Mike.  I have been interested in the *aspirin theory* in all of the Swine 
Flu information I've read, and brought that theory to my husband's attention 
this morning.  He said something to the effect that he couldn't see how a 
temperature of 102 or 103 in the human body could kill a virus, when it 
requires temps of 140 and up to kill pathogens in the food we eat.  Wonder if 
someone here would have a good answer for him?

Also, I loved your analogy to the "rabbit hole" you went down ten to fifteen 
years ago.  I guess we've all gone down that rabbit hole, else we wouldn't be 
here on this list.  Methinks said rabbit hole has many different tunnels, and 
it's easy (and sometimes confusing) exactly which tunnels are valid and which 
are metaphoric dead-ends.  But one thing's for sure -- once down the rabbit 
hole, there's no going up it, is there?  lol

From: M. G. Devour

There are those interesting theories that aspirin, of all things, might 
have been responsible for many of the deaths in 1918. Folks killed 
their fevers, which would normally have slowed down the virus, which 
then proliferated and killed them.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Reminder: topic, politeness, list cops...

2009-05-03 Thread Indi
On Sun, May 03, 2009 at 05:56:42AM -0700, MaryAnn Helland wrote:
>He said something to the effect that he couldn't
>see how a temperature of 102 or 103 in the human body could kill a virus,
>when it requires temps of 140 and up to kill pathogens in the food we
>eat.  Wonder if someone here would have a good answer for him?

Pathogens in food are usually bacterial, which generally can survive in a 
much broader range of temperatures than viruses.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Swine Flu Epidemic & Avianized Flu Pandemic

2009-05-03 Thread Dee Fitzpatrick
There wasn't anywhere I could type my name in!  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Betty Shelly
Date: 02/05/2009 23:47:42
Subject: Re: CS>Swine Flu Epidemic & Avianized Flu Pandemic
Good one, Dan!
For all you put-upon people.
Go to the following link and type in your name.
It will make you feel much better!

CS>Genius Chemist, Who are they ?

2009-05-03 Thread Wayne Fugitt

At 08:29 AM 5/3/2009, you wrote:

Pathogens in food are usually bacterial, which generally can survive in a
much broader range of temperatures than viruses.

While that may be true,

It is not the complete answer to the question.

>> He said something to the effect that he couldn't see how a 
temperature of 102 or 103 in the human body could kill a virus, when 
it requires temps of 140 and up to kill pathogens in the food we 
eat.  Wonder if someone here would have a good answer for him?

( not within the body, ... or I think this reference is not 
within the body )

Scientists have known for many years,

Conditions that exist in a test tube, or outside the body,

Have no bearing at all,
on what can happen within the body.
 ( Vivo and  Vitro, Two major differences,  Life and NOT life )

Many factors enter into the picture.

To name a few,
Enzymes, solutions, pH,  Ion Concentration,  Type of Ion's
Unknown factors about the immune system,
 ( no scientist in the world, fully understands this, even the ones that
have studied it all their life )
Infinite is the Word.
( Temperature is not the main concern )

Now what else ?
Then genius chemist within the body
and Intercellular communications, ... for a start.

It is a great mistake to compare the chemical laboratory
with the body.   Nothing to compare.

Other ideas welcome, different explanations,
and I might be wrong,

But that is based on many years of study,  MINE,
Only 50 years.

Have you studied enough ?
I have not !


It costs ONE Nickle to change the subject.
If you do not have the Nickle, I will give you one, or a pocket full

 - An Old Chinese Proverb

1. He who knows and knows not that he knows.
   He is asleep... wake him.
2. He who knows not and knows not that he knows not.
   He is a fool... shun him
3. He who knows not and knows that he knows not.
   He is a child... teach him.
4. He who knows and knows that he knows.
  He is a king... follow him.   Author unknown

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Can't type my name, Why not ?

2009-05-03 Thread Wayne Fugitt

At 08:59 AM 5/3/2009, you wrote:

There wasn't anywhere I could type my name in!  Dee

If your eyes are good,

Then you mailer
browser  . is not so good.

just my redneck logic,

That is all,
and I may be dead wrong.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Show and tell

2009-05-03 Thread Bob Banever


   Those "buds" are effective for alot more than excess phlegm.   Recent 
studies suggest it will cure glioblastoma (brain cancer).  Visit Phoenix 
Tears for more on this interesting subject.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ode Coyote" 

Sent: Sunday, May 03, 2009 2:53 AM
Subject: CS>Show and tell

 IMO, this whole Swine flu thing is about showing the public that they can 
depend on Gov't to take care of them, thus, their money is being well 
spent in that quarter to distract from it being thrown into numerous black 
holes virtually every where else.

 Much ado about nothing much.
It's a socialized medicine propaganda "Trust us" campaign.

 Make a "show" of it where it doesn't matter.

But of it were something like H5N1 avian flu with an 80+% mortality rate 
WITH intensive hospital care..forget it.

 The system would crumble with a few of thousand cases, socialized or not.

 The 1976 Swine Flu panic had Gov't "forcing" the Pharm into releasing a 
vaccine prematurely...under protest.

 That flu killed 1 person, the rest, the *vaccine* killed or injured them.

 Uhh, thanks for all the concern?

The H5N1 avian flu itself isn't deadly, your own immune system over 
responds and drowns you with phlegm.

 Ain't nuthin like a good case of "cotton mouth" to dry up the ole lungs.

I've SEEN just a couple of tokes almost instantly clean up a congestive 
cough bad enough to turn that person blue for 3 days and 3 sleepless 
nights from lack of air when literally NOTHING else worked...and we did 
try every legal everything, even the opiates.

One little "bud" stays in my medicine betcher boots.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Magnets

2009-05-03 Thread mborgert

to Gayla
Thank you, 
The docs have her so scared and on sooo many pills she is in much pain, she has edema, feet burn, I thought maybe a magnets might help with the pain.
-- Original message from "Gayla Roberts" : -- > The metal she has should not be ferrous metal. Either stainless steel or > titanium. > Gayla Roberts > - Original Message - > From: > To: > Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2009 5:34 PM > Subject: Re: CS>Magnets > > > So,stay away from her back and hip? > Geez, you're not talking about magnetrons... > > Chuck > Coffee (n.), a person who is coughed upon. > > On 5/2/2009 10:59:49 AM, wrote: > > I have a question on magnets > > > > I myself use magnets but I have a friend who is 90 yrs old her feet and > > legs hurt, her doc said it is neuropothy. Her doc said she cannot use > > magnets because she has metal in her back and hip. > > What do you think? > > >  > > > > No virus found in this outgoing message. > Checked by AVG - > Version: 8.5.287 / Virus Database: 270.12.13/2091 - Release Date: 05/01/09 > 17:52:00 > > > -- > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. > > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: > > To post, address your message to: > > Address Off-Topic messages to: > > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... > > List maintainer: Mike Devour > > 

Re: CS>Genius Chemist, Who are they ?

2009-05-03 Thread Indi
Thanks Wayne, you are quite correct of course.

And BTW, I still have that picture in my head of you dragging a live deer 
and snorting across the road. Always make me chuckle...

On Sun, May 03, 2009 at 09:09:36AM -0500, Wayne Fugitt wrote:
> At 08:29 AM 5/3/2009, you wrote:
>> Pathogens in food are usually bacterial, which generally can survive in a
>> much broader range of temperatures than viruses.
> While that may be true,
> It is not the complete answer to the question.
> >> He said something to the effect that he couldn't see how a  
> temperature of 102 or 103 in the human body could kill a virus, when it 
> requires temps of 140 and up to kill pathogens in the food we eat.  
> Wonder if someone here would have a good answer for him?
> ( not within the body, ... or I think this reference is not within 
> the body )
> Scientists have known for many years,
> Conditions that exist in a test tube, or outside the body,
> Have no bearing at all,
> on what can happen within the body.
>  ( Vivo and  Vitro, Two major differences,  Life and NOT life )
> Many factors enter into the picture.
> To name a few,
> Enzymes, solutions, pH,  Ion Concentration,  Type of Ion's
> Unknown factors about the immune system,
>  ( no scientist in the world, fully understands this, even the ones that
> have studied it all their life )
> Infinite is the Word.
> ( Temperature is not the main concern )
> Now what else ?
> Then genius chemist within the body
> and Intercellular communications, ... for a start.
> Finally,
> It is a great mistake to compare the chemical laboratory
> with the body.   Nothing to compare.
> Other ideas welcome, different explanations,
> and I might be wrong,
> But that is based on many years of study,  MINE,
> Only 50 years.
> Have you studied enough ?
> I have not !
> Wayne
> It costs ONE Nickle to change the subject.
> If you do not have the Nickle, I will give you one, or a pocket full
>  - An Old Chinese Proverb
> 1. He who knows and knows not that he knows.
>He is asleep... wake him.
> 2. He who knows not and knows not that he knows not.
>He is a fool... shun him
> 3. He who knows not and knows that he knows not.
>He is a child... teach him.
> 4. He who knows and knows that he knows.
>   He is a king... follow him.   Author unknown
> ==  
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


Re: CS>Magnets

2009-05-03 Thread Gaiacita
Hi Mary.  Yes, the magnets will help with pain management.  Just be sure
that the negative side (the north seeking side) of the magnet is placed on
her skin.  

The positive side will work, but it's best in the long run to have the
negative side towards the skin.  That side can be used permanently.


---Original Message---
The docs have her so scared and on sooo many pills she is in much pain, she has 
edema, feet burn, I thought maybe a magnets might help with the pain.

Re: CS>Genius Chemist, Who are they ?

2009-05-03 Thread Wayne Fugitt

And BTW, I still have that picture in my head of you dragging a live 
deer kicking and snorting across the road. Always make me chuckle...

  The truth is often, sad and funny.

  Rest assured,
Those that do that,
  get exactly what they disserve,

   A trip to the hospital.   Yes, Indeed.

Many cowboys,  get the urge to lasso a deer.

One is all, ... they will ever do.   Bad news,

I prefer to spook the deer, and run them off.
Save them for another day, to stalk.

But I much rather
Stalk a human than a deer.

That is very scary
I do not advise the amateur to try it all .

Fools are killers,
   A genius is a hunter.

I guess,  I am neither.
but i like to try...



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>colloidal vs. ionic silver

2009-05-03 Thread Rachel Smithies


I am new to the list. Your archives are down and so I hope you don't mind if I 
ask a couple of questions...


Please can somebody tell me what the difference is between colloidal and ionic 
silver? Is it particle size and method of production? Which is safer to ingest 
for medicinal purposes, colloidal or ionic silver, in terms of preventing 
agyria problems?


Many thanks


Share your photos with Windows Live Photos – Free.

CS>Magnets/ Poles and direction..........

2009-05-03 Thread Wayne Fugitt

At 10:17 AM 5/3/2009, you wrote:
The positive side will work, but it's best in the long run to have 
the negative side towards the skin.  That side can be used permanently.

   I guess you figured out,
 Long ago,

Which is north
 Which is south.

I am still confused at times.   Depending on the wether.

Today, I think all directions are
  North, south, east and west,
 at the same time.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2009-05-03 Thread sms
How much DMSO can or should one add to the CS gel? 
Does it depend upon area applied or condition the gel is used for?
Thank you.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Magnets/ Poles and direction..........

2009-05-03 Thread Gaiacita
Wayne, you just have to close your eyes, wet your finger and put it in your
ear, spin around three times and your nose will point north!  Now, only you
can figure out if this is your north, true north, or north seeking finger. 
But you are smart enough for that.  :-)


---Original Message---
Today, I think all directions are
   North, south, east and west,
  at the same time.

Re: CS>Magnets/ Poles and direction..........

2009-05-03 Thread Malcolm
OK, but there's one thing to watch out for;  whatever else you don't do,
don't put your finger back in your mouth after you put it in your ear.

On Sun, 2009-05-03 at 11:50 -0500, Gaiacita wrote:
> Wayne, you just have to close your eyes, wet your finger and put it in
> your ear, spin around three times and your nose will point north!
> Now, only you can figure out if this is your north, true north, or
> north seeking finger.  But you are smart enough for that.  :-)
> Samala,
> Renee
> ---Original Message---
> Today, I think all directions are
>North, south, east and west,
>   at the same time.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>colloidal vs. ionic silver

2009-05-03 Thread M. G. Devour
Greetings and welcome, Rachel!

> I am new to the list. Your archives are down and so I hope you don't
> mind if I ask a couple of questions... 

Please do...

> ... can somebody tell me what the difference is between colloidal and
> ionic silver? Is it particle size and method of production? Which is
> safer to ingest for medicinal purposes, colloidal or ionic silver, in
> terms of preventing agyria problems?

Good questions, all.

Speaking in technical, rather than marketing terms, a colloid is a 
suspension of particles that are small enough to stay dispersed in a 
liquid just by the random mixing caused by Brownian motion within the 
liquid. That's just the normal movement of the molecules of the liquid 
due to the latent heat energy they posess due to the fact that our 
planet isn't a dark, frozen rock in space. Thank the sun for that!

Colloidal particles could be pretty big, on an atomic scale, consisting 
of 10's or 100's of atoms of a substance, or more. If they don't settle 
out after a long time then they're small enough for the suspension to 
be called a colloid; if they do settle out, they're not.

Fine clay in water can form a colloidal suspension, for example. It'll 
stay cloudy indefinitely and not settle out.

An ion is a particle, too, but specifically an atom or small group of 
atoms that has gained or lost at least one electron and thus has an 
electrical charge. 

Common table salt in water breaks apart into equal numbers of:

Na(+) sodium ions with a missing electron and a positive charge
Cl(-) chlorine ions with an extra electron and a negative charge

Even in plain water, random movement will cause there to be a few 
hydrogen, H(+) ions and hydroxyl, OH(-) ions floating about, as water 
molecules sponaneously break apart. They will recombine and cancel each 
other out, and form again, indefinitely.

Now, talking about silver, including some translation of marketing-

What's generically been called "colloidal silver" seems to encompass 
every damn thing anybody has ever bothered to put in a bottle.

Grind up silver metal into a powder, toss it in some liquid, and call 
it colloidal silver... You'd be right, at least until it settles out in 
the bottom of the bottle. Shake before use, no doubt! 

Put it in a protein gel to keep it suspended better and you'd have one 
of the early "silver protein" products. (There are some recent versions 
of these that are not so crudely made...)

Take a concentrated solution of some silver compound, mix it with 
another chemical, causing the compound to break up and the silver to 
precipitate out as tiny particles... and you'll have one of the 
chemically derived products calling themselves colloidal silver. Some 
of these are bottled and sold by health-food stores.

Take a concentrated solution of some silver compound and dilute it with 
water and sell it directly... and you'll have yet another product that, 
while it might be effective and safe if used sparingly, has also been 
linked more than once to cases of argyria.

Do what most of us do, and buy or build a basic colloidal silver 
generator, and you'll put silver into pure distilled water by low 
voltage direct current electricity. At low concentrations, this will 
produce mostly ions (single atoms) of silver, each bearing a positive 
charge, floating around in the water. Up to the solubility limit (about 
13ppm, isn't it?) these will mostly stay isolated in the water. 

(Which has led to some of our members calling this kind of preparation 
EIS, for Electrically Isolated Silver.)

Near the positive silver electrode, though, the local concentration can 
be pretty high, leading to atoms hitting each other occasionally and 
clumping together to make particles. These particles might or might not 
still have a charge on them, but they're certainly small enough to stay 
in suspension. 

If you run the CS maker long enough, the ions of silver will become 
crowded enough in the water to find each other and clump together just 
by random motion. After running it long enough, the clumps of atoms can 
grow big enough to start falling out of suspension. Go on even longer 
and you'll end up with mud. 

Thus, any product made this way is going to end up with some of both 
the ionic and colloidal forms.

Most of us try to make a relatively low concentration "CS" or EIS that 
will generally turn out to be 10 to 30% particles and 70 to 90% ions. 
>From a few ppm to about 10ppm is easy to do, safe, stable, and 
generally effective. Exactly what proportion you produce isn't all that 
important. It just works.

Back to marketing hype: People will claim that either ionic or 
particulate (colloidal) silver is the part that's effective, and that 
the other is less or not effective. 

They'll say it's only because of the few percent of colloid that forms 
that our simple EIS works at all.

Others will say the particulate part doesn't work and that it's the 
ions that do the job...

A little thought will sugge

Re: CS>Magnets/ Poles and direction..........

2009-05-03 Thread Gaiacita
Or, as they said in the spoof movie Airplane--"you don't know where that
finger's been" (and then the guy sniffs it lololol)

---Original Message---
OK, but there's one thing to watch out for;  whatever else you don't do,
don't put your finger back in your mouth after you put it in your ear.

CS>Magnets/ Poles and direction.......... PHTUI!

2009-05-03 Thread sms
Thank You Malcolm!  I always wondered how PHTUI! was spelled.

I like that much better than just plain old BLECH! although both seem rather
While BLECH! may incorporate shaking of the head from side to side and the
use of both hands and both feet while stomping and waving wildly, PHTUI! on
the other hand, only requires shaking one's head from side to side rapidly
while enunciating loudly.

My only consideration having to do with PHTUI! is that it seems to require a
few more exclamation points after it.  Don't ya think?

---Original Message---
From: Malcolm
Date: 5/3/2009 11:12:13 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Magnets/ Poles and direction..
OK, but there's one thing to watch out for;  whatever else you don't do,
don't put your finger back in your mouth after you put it in your ear.

Re: CS>Show and tell

2009-05-03 Thread cking001
What I take from this is that MJ might be a first aid for conjestive
heart failure?

Lord, Keep Your arm around my shoulder, 
and, Your hand over my mouth!

On 5/3/2009 5:53:35 AM, Ode Coyote ( wrote:
>The H5N1 avian flu itself isn't deadly, your own immune system over 
>responds and drowns you with phlegm.
>  Ain't nuthin like a good case of "cotton mouth" to dry up the ole lungs.
>I've SEEN just a couple of tokes almost instantly clean up a congestive 
>cough bad enough to turn that person blue for 3 days and 3 sleepless nights 
>from lack of air when literally NOTHING else worked...and we did try every 
>legal everything, even the opiates.
>One little "bud" stays in my medicine betcher boots.
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.5.287 / Virus Database: 270.12.15/2093 - Release Date: 05/02/09 

Re: CS>Magnets/ Poles and direction.......... PHTUI!

2009-05-03 Thread ZZekelink
Thanks for leaving this "off topic" in Mike . This  "sitcom" Is better than 
anything on TV. now.phtuee --oops sorry  a misspell...must 
be my North magnetic finger acting up again  :-)   Lois
**The Average US Credit Score is 692. See Yours in Just 2 Easy 

Re: CS>Magnets/ Poles and direction.......... PHTUI!

2009-05-03 Thread Malcolm
Well, yes; but I was trying to be conservative!?!?!!!

On Sun, 2009-05-03 at 12:13 -0700, sms wrote:
> Thank You Malcolm!  I always wondered how PHTUI! was spelled.
> I like that much better than just plain old BLECH! although both seem
> rather cathartic.
> While BLECH! may incorporate shaking of the head from side to side and
> the use of both hands and both feet while stomping and waving wildly,
> PHTUI! on the other hand, only requires shaking one's head from side
> to side rapidly while enunciating loudly.
> My only consideration having to do with PHTUI! is that it seems to
> require a few more exclamation points after it.  Don't ya think?
> S-Max
> ---Original Message---
> From: Malcolm
> Date: 5/3/2009 11:12:13 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Magnets/ Poles and direction..
> OK, but there's one thing to watch out for;  whatever else you don't
> do,
> don't put your finger back in your mouth after you put it in your ear.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>New Name for the list

2009-05-03 Thread Wayne Fugitt

A new Name for the list...   "Sitcom"

>> At 03:50 PM 5/3/2009, you wrote:

Thanks for leaving this "off topic" in Mike . This "sitcom" Is 
better than anything on TV. now.phtuee --oops sorry 
a misspell...must be my North magnetic finger acting up again  :-)  Lois

  My laugh of the the day.

  I hope and trust, that MIke
 did not get hijacked to another planet.

  I light loose a bet,
but I bet, Mike Likes it too.

Excuse me MIke,  please,

I try to be nice



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New Name for the list

2009-05-03 Thread M. G. Devour
Smitty writes:
> You, as many others on this list are NOT
> listening to Mike.
> If it ain't about CS, it goes in the SO slot.

Yes and no, Smitty... After several days in a row where I've stepped in 
to squelch some divisive or controversial discussion or another, I'm 
not averse to a little harmless banter. It lightens the mood -- a lot.

In fact, the list rules allow for, and I quote: "A *modest* amount of 
humor, chit-chat, friendly banter and encouragment..." as "important 
for the well-being of the list," so long as such threads are "*brief*, 
seldom more than a small handful of messages."

If you watch attentively you'll notice that whenever I step in to 
"correct" things, my mildest admonition seems to fall with the weight 
of a sledge hammer. Once things are settled it may take a day or three 
for folks to come out of hiding. I admit I can err on the side of 
neglect, but things are usually more comfortable the less I'm in the 
fray, constantly tweaking at things.

It's a balancing act that will never achieve perfection, but only catch 
a passing glance at it as it swings back and forth between, hopefully, 
modest extremes. That depends more on gradually "training" the members 
to understand my expectations for their behavior, than constant 
intervention. Given some of the *characters* we have in this group it's 
pretty amazing how well it works and the amount we actually get done! 


Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>colloidal vs. ionic silver

2009-05-03 Thread M. G. Devour
Hey Arnold, it's not plagiarism if you put it in quotes and credit it 
to the source in the footnotes! 

Mike D.

> Hi  Mike,
> As usual, a great explanation.  Tell me,  how do you feel about
> plagiarism? I am usually strongly against it and would not indulge in
> it, probably from fear of being discovered.  In this case I have a
> strong urge to just do a copy and paste. - Original Message -
> From: "M. G. Devour"  To: 
> Sent: Sunday, May 03, 2009 4:06 PM Subject: Re: CS>colloidal vs. ionic
> silver
> > Greetings and welcome, Rachel!
> >
> >> I am new to the list. Your archives are down and so I hope you don't
> >> mind if I ask a couple of questions...
> >
> > Please do...
> >
> >> ... can somebody tell me what the difference is between colloidal and
> >> ionic silver? Is it particle size and method of production? Which is
> >> safer to ingest for medicinal purposes, colloidal or ionic silver, in
> >> terms of preventing agyria problems?
> >
> > Good questions, all.
> >
> > Speaking in technical, rather than marketing terms, a colloid is a
> > suspension of particles that are small enough to stay dispersed in a
> > liquid just by the random mixing caused by Brownian motion within the
> > liquid. That's just the normal movement of the molecules of the liquid
> > due to the latent heat energy they posess due to the fact that our
> > planet isn't a dark, frozen rock in space. Thank the sun for that!
> >
> > Colloidal particles could be pretty big, on an atomic scale,
> > consisting of 10's or 100's of atoms of a substance, or more. If they
> > don't settle out after a long time then they're small enough for the
> > suspension to be called a colloid; if they do settle out, they're not.
> >
> > Fine clay in water can form a colloidal suspension, for example. It'll
> > stay cloudy indefinitely and not settle out.
> >
> > An ion is a particle, too, but specifically an atom or small group of
> > atoms that has gained or lost at least one electron and thus has an
> > electrical charge.
> >
> > Common table salt in water breaks apart into equal numbers of:
> >
> > Na(+) sodium ions with a missing electron and a positive charge
> > Cl(-) chlorine ions with an extra electron and a negative charge
> >
> > Even in plain water, random movement will cause there to be a few
> > hydrogen, H(+) ions and hydroxyl, OH(-) ions floating about, as water
> > molecules sponaneously break apart. They will recombine and cancel
> > each other out, and form again, indefinitely.
> >
> > Now, talking about silver, including some translation of marketing-
> > speak:
> >
> > What's generically been called "colloidal silver" seems to encompass
> > every damn thing anybody has ever bothered to put in a bottle.
> >
> > Grind up silver metal into a powder, toss it in some liquid, and call
> > it colloidal silver... You'd be right, at least until it settles out
> > in the bottom of the bottle. Shake before use, no doubt! 
> >
> > Put it in a protein gel to keep it suspended better and you'd have one
> > of the early "silver protein" products. (There are some recent
> > versions of these that are not so crudely made...)
> >
> > Take a concentrated solution of some silver compound, mix it with
> > another chemical, causing the compound to break up and the silver to
> > precipitate out as tiny particles... and you'll have one of the
> > chemically derived products calling themselves colloidal silver. Some
> > of these are bottled and sold by health-food stores.
> >
> > Take a concentrated solution of some silver compound and dilute it
> > with water and sell it directly... and you'll have yet another product
> > that, while it might be effective and safe if used sparingly, has also
> > been linked more than once to cases of argyria.
> >
> > Do what most of us do, and buy or build a basic colloidal silver
> > generator, and you'll put silver into pure distilled water by low
> > voltage direct current electricity. At low concentrations, this will
> > produce mostly ions (single atoms) of silver, each bearing a positive
> > charge, floating around in the water. Up to the solubility limit
> > (about 13ppm, isn't it?) these will mostly stay isolated in the water.
> >
> > (Which has led to some of our members calling this kind of preparation
> > EIS, for Electrically Isolated Silver.)
> >
> > Near the positive silver electrode, though, the local concentration
> > can be pretty high, leading to atoms hitting each other occasionally
> > and clumping together to make particles. These particles might or
> > might not still have a charge on them, but they're certainly small
> > enough to stay in suspension.
> >
> > If you run the CS maker long enough, the ions of silver will become
> > crowded enough in the water to find each other and clump together just
> > by random motion. After running it long enough, the clumps of atoms
> > can grow big enough to start falling out of suspension. Go on even
> > longer and you'll end up with mud. 
> >

CS>Early use of Silver

2009-05-03 Thread Wayne Fugitt

>> At 01:11 PM 5/3/2009, you wrote:

Grind up silver metal into a powder, toss it in some liquid, and call
it colloidal silver... You'd be right, at least until it settles out in
the bottom of the bottle. Shake before use, no doubt! 

  I thought that one of the earliest use for silver
was a powder called  Mirvadyne.  ( not sure of this spelling )

I read some articles about this long ago.

I could not find any historical articles now.
Likely I have one on one of my computers, and it may referenced it
my silver archives,  ( since year 2000 )

NO less, here is an interesting link,

  Silver file Area...

 "Many people would sooner die than think. In fact they do.

   Silver file Area...

   MDI Subscribe Email MDI_News-


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Magnets/ Poles and direction.......... PHTUI!

2009-05-03 Thread sms
Oh, Oops!  Yes!!!  Of course!
I forgot momentarily . . . . 
Politically speaking then, one exclamation point would most certainly be the
correct choice.
Carry on.
---Original Message---

From: Malcolm
Date: 5/3/2009 2:28:15 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Magnets/ Poles and direction.. PHTUI!
Well, yes; but I was trying to be conservative!?!?!!!
On Sun, 2009-05-03 at 12:13 -0700, sms wrote: Thank You Malcolm!  I always
wondered how PHTUI! was spelled. 

I like that much better than just plain old BLECH! although both seem rather
cathartic. While BLECH! may incorporate shaking of the head from side to
side and the use of both hands and both feet while stomping and waving
wildly, PHTUI! on the other hand, only requires shaking one's head from side
to side rapidly while enunciating loudly. 

My only consideration having to do with PHTUI! is that it seems to require a
few more exclamation points after it.  Don't ya think? S-Max 
From: Malcolm Date: 5/3/2009 11:12:13 AM To: Subject:
Re: CS>Magnets/ Poles and direction.. 

OK, but there's one thing to watch out for;  whatever else you don't do, don't 
put your finger back in your mouth after you put it in your ear. YUCK! PHTUI!

Re: CS>Magnets/ Poles and direction.......... PHTUI!

2009-05-03 Thread cking001
That reminds me.
I gotta go find where I put my Alex Chiu Immortality rings.
At least they're still working...


When you are dissatisfied 
and would like to go back to youth, 
think of Algebra. 

On 5/3/2009 4:50:11 PM, wrote:
> Thanks for leaving this "off topic" in Mike . This "sitcom" Is better than
> anything on TV. now.phtuee --oops sorry a misspell...must
> be my North magnetic finger acting up again :-) Lois
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.5.287 / Virus Database: 270.12.15/2093 - Release Date: 05/02/09 

Re: CS>New Name for the list

2009-05-03 Thread Smitty
> A new Name for the list...   "Sitcom"

Wayne =

You, as many others on this list are NOT
listening to Mike.
If it ain't about CS, it goes in the SO slot.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>colloidal vs. ionic silver

2009-05-03 Thread Neville Munn


> From:
> To:
> Date: Sun, 3 May 2009 18:06:38 -0500
> Subject: Re: CS>colloidal vs. ionic silver
> Greetings and welcome, Rachel!
> > I am new to the list. Your archives are down and so I hope you don't
> > mind if I ask a couple of questions... 
> Please do...
> > ... can somebody tell me what the difference is between colloidal and
> > ionic silver? Is it particle size and method of production? Which is
> > safer to ingest for medicinal purposes, colloidal or ionic silver, in
> > terms of preventing agyria problems?
Mike's severely snipped quote:


[What's generically been called "colloidal silver" seems to encompass 
every damn thing anybody has ever bothered to put in a bottle.]

-I recommend you read this part over and over till it is well understood.

[Do what most of us do, and buy or build a basic colloidal silver 
-This would be the best way, you'll know exactly what EIS you have then.

[Thus, any product made this way is going to end up with some of both 
the ionic and colloidal forms.]

-Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

[Most of us try to make a relatively low concentration "CS" or EIS that 
will generally turn out to be 10 to 30% particles and 70 to 90% ions.]

-This is generally true, but in my experience if you build your own generator 
this 'ratio' could differ slightly, depending on how the generator is 
constructed, and possibly in combination with the methods used to produce EIS.


In my experience, using my own equipment and production methods, I have gotten 
this ratio closer to 50/50.


My experimentation and observations have led me to consider which particular 
type of solution to use for any given situation, best of both worlds if you 
like, ions for internal use, particles for external use, or vise versa 
depending on an individuals interpretation of which is 'best', or what 'works', 
this assists me in deciding what type of solution to use at the time, and this 
incorporates 'colour' for me also.

[Back to marketing hype: People will claim that either ionic or 
particulate (colloidal) silver is the part that's effective, and that 
the other is less or not effective. 
Others will say the particulate part doesn't work and that it's the 
ions that do the job...]

-This sort of ties in with what I explained as a personal observation in the 
above few lines.  Perhaps I could suggest you read "The Body Electric" by 
Robert O Becker and "Colloids in Health and Disease" by Alfred B. Searle, I 
feel sure you won't regret doing so.

[Every case of argyria we know of has involved higher concentrations and 
chemical salts or other compounds or protein-based preparations, if the 
cause is known precisely at all.]

-I recommend you read this one over and over till it is fully understood also.

[In any case, we're all guinea pigs and lab rats, experimenting on 
ourselves with little or no guidance from "proper authorities." In 
other words, we're all on our own.]

-Never truer words were spoken!!  I'm using myself as a, 'case study' if you 
like, ingesting a quantity of EIS every morning before breakfast, and have been 
doing so for several years.  You will need to be careful of who you consider 
the "proper authorities" would be Mike speaks of here, I suggest it would be 
prudent not to stray too far from this site though. 


[I'm sure if I've left anything out or made any mistakes others will 
dive in with their corrections and additions. That's the way this place 
works! ]



Looking to change your car this year? Find car news, reviews and more

Re: CS>Magnets/ Poles and direction.......... PHTUI!

2009-05-03 Thread Gaiacita
Good thing your Immortality rings are for the little fingers, and not your
natural magnetic ear finger--otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell up from
down.  Or, like Wayne, you'd be seeing N, S, E and W all as the same
direction!  It'd be cornfusn'.


---Original Message---
That reminds me.
I gotta go find where I put my Alex Chiu Immortality rings.

CS>High particle EIS

2009-05-03 Thread Norton, Steve
In another post you made the comment:
"In my experience, using my own equipment and production methods, I have gotten 
this ratio closer to 50/50."

What is your method and how are you determining the ratio?

 - Steve N

Re: CS>colloidal vs. ionic silver

2009-05-03 Thread Arnold Beland

Hi  Mike,
As usual, a great explanation.  Tell me,  how do you feel about plagiarism? 
I am usually strongly against it and would not indulge in it, probably from 
fear of being discovered.  In this case I have a strong urge to just do a 
copy and paste.
- Original Message - 
From: "M. G. Devour" 

Sent: Sunday, May 03, 2009 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: CS>colloidal vs. ionic silver

Greetings and welcome, Rachel!

I am new to the list. Your archives are down and so I hope you don't
mind if I ask a couple of questions...

Please do...

... can somebody tell me what the difference is between colloidal and
ionic silver? Is it particle size and method of production? Which is
safer to ingest for medicinal purposes, colloidal or ionic silver, in
terms of preventing agyria problems?

Good questions, all.

Speaking in technical, rather than marketing terms, a colloid is a
suspension of particles that are small enough to stay dispersed in a
liquid just by the random mixing caused by Brownian motion within the
liquid. That's just the normal movement of the molecules of the liquid
due to the latent heat energy they posess due to the fact that our
planet isn't a dark, frozen rock in space. Thank the sun for that!

Colloidal particles could be pretty big, on an atomic scale, consisting
of 10's or 100's of atoms of a substance, or more. If they don't settle
out after a long time then they're small enough for the suspension to
be called a colloid; if they do settle out, they're not.

Fine clay in water can form a colloidal suspension, for example. It'll
stay cloudy indefinitely and not settle out.

An ion is a particle, too, but specifically an atom or small group of
atoms that has gained or lost at least one electron and thus has an
electrical charge.

Common table salt in water breaks apart into equal numbers of:

Na(+) sodium ions with a missing electron and a positive charge
Cl(-) chlorine ions with an extra electron and a negative charge

Even in plain water, random movement will cause there to be a few
hydrogen, H(+) ions and hydroxyl, OH(-) ions floating about, as water
molecules sponaneously break apart. They will recombine and cancel each
other out, and form again, indefinitely.

Now, talking about silver, including some translation of marketing-

What's generically been called "colloidal silver" seems to encompass
every damn thing anybody has ever bothered to put in a bottle.

Grind up silver metal into a powder, toss it in some liquid, and call
it colloidal silver... You'd be right, at least until it settles out in
the bottom of the bottle. Shake before use, no doubt! 

Put it in a protein gel to keep it suspended better and you'd have one
of the early "silver protein" products. (There are some recent versions
of these that are not so crudely made...)

Take a concentrated solution of some silver compound, mix it with
another chemical, causing the compound to break up and the silver to
precipitate out as tiny particles... and you'll have one of the
chemically derived products calling themselves colloidal silver. Some
of these are bottled and sold by health-food stores.

Take a concentrated solution of some silver compound and dilute it with
water and sell it directly... and you'll have yet another product that,
while it might be effective and safe if used sparingly, has also been
linked more than once to cases of argyria.

Do what most of us do, and buy or build a basic colloidal silver
generator, and you'll put silver into pure distilled water by low
voltage direct current electricity. At low concentrations, this will
produce mostly ions (single atoms) of silver, each bearing a positive
charge, floating around in the water. Up to the solubility limit (about
13ppm, isn't it?) these will mostly stay isolated in the water.

(Which has led to some of our members calling this kind of preparation
EIS, for Electrically Isolated Silver.)

Near the positive silver electrode, though, the local concentration can
be pretty high, leading to atoms hitting each other occasionally and
clumping together to make particles. These particles might or might not
still have a charge on them, but they're certainly small enough to stay
in suspension.

If you run the CS maker long enough, the ions of silver will become
crowded enough in the water to find each other and clump together just
by random motion. After running it long enough, the clumps of atoms can
grow big enough to start falling out of suspension. Go on even longer
and you'll end up with mud. 

Thus, any product made this way is going to end up with some of both
the ionic and colloidal forms.

Most of us try to make a relatively low concentration "CS" or EIS that
will generally turn out to be 10 to 30% particles and 70 to 90% ions.
From a few ppm to about 10ppm is easy to do, safe, stable, and
generally effective. Exactly what proportion you produce isn't all that
important. It just works.

Back to marketing hype: People will claim that either ionic or

Re: CS>Show and tell

2009-05-03 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
This is very interesting, especially in light of the growing acceptance 
of "medical marijuana" in California.It would be good to know if 
there are any peer-reviewed studies to support this useful anecdote.   
It would also be good to know if any everywhere-legal derivatives are 
available.   Homeopathic THC?   Would that be the efficacious 
component?As so much is suppressed, any data would be welcome.

On Sunday, May 3, 2009, at 18:53 Asia/Tokyo, Ode Coyote wrote:

I've SEEN just a couple of tokes almost instantly clean up a 
congestive cough bad enough to turn that person blue for 3 days and 3 
sleepless nights from lack of air when literally NOTHING else 
worked...and we did try every legal everything, even the opiates.

One little "bud" stays in my medicine betcher boots.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>colloidal vs. ionic silver

2009-05-03 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
One interesting claim by Ode:  that some studies show that even lower 
concentrations -- 3% I think -- are dramatically more effective than 
higher.   He once sent me a link to the information that resolved to a 
page describing a very interesting outdoor/ survival mult-tool  with an 
axe, knife, compass, etc.   (I would like to have one, actually, but 
lost the link.)Back on track:  any links to data about the lower 
concentrations would be helpful.Why spend time (many hours for a 
good constant current unit) to make a ppm that is less effective?

On Monday, May 4, 2009, at 03:11 Asia/Tokyo, M. G. Devour wrote:

A low concentration (~5-10 ppm), mixed ionic/colloidal silver
preparation like we advocate, will drown you from excessive water
intake long before you can ingest enough silver to cause argyria, at
least as far as experience has shown so far.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>ocular herpes?

2009-05-03 Thread Lea Ann Savage

I have a SilverGen colloidal silver maker.

I also have a 7 year old son who has had two ocular herpes outbreaks and is 
going to see a specialist about it because getting it so young (and having two 
outbreaks within a year) is very serious.  He already has scarring from his 
second attack of occular herpes.  This can lead to blindness.

I am writing to ask if anyone has had any experience with ocular herpes and if 
not, what would you do?

His current treatment is a drop of liquid anti-viral every 2 hours until the 
outbreak is gone (this last episode took SIX weeks to clear up!)  This medicine 
hurts his eyes so much he has to wear an eye patch for light sensitivity.

I am thinking that colloidal silver would not hurt his eye and that a drop of 
colloidal silver every hour would work.

Does anyone think there would be any contraindications to using colloidal 
silver in the eye?  I know that it is especially helpful on topical infections 
so I am pretty hopeful.

Has anyone tried colloidal silver for lip herpes topically?  Any results to 

Lea Ann Savage
Satellite Beach, FL
321-773-7088 (home)
321-961-9219 (cell)
John 13:35 

RE: CS>ocular herpes?

2009-05-03 Thread Nenah Sylver
Lea Ann,

I spray CS into my eyes and into my dog's eyes whenever there's an infection
or symptoms of allergy. It works great.


Just so you know, I treat all my CS with a little bit of Willard Water AFTER
the CS is made.





From: Lea Ann Savage [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 03, 2009 7:03 PM
Subject: CS>ocular herpes?




I have a SilverGen colloidal silver maker.


I also have a 7 year old son who has had two ocular herpes outbreaks and is
going to see a specialist about it because getting it so young (and having
two outbreaks within a year) is very serious.  He already has scarring from
his second attack of occular herpes.  This can lead to blindness.


I am writing to ask if anyone has had any experience with ocular herpes and
if not, what would you do?


His current treatment is a drop of liquid anti-viral every 2 hours until the
outbreak is gone (this last episode took SIX weeks to clear up!)  This
medicine hurts his eyes so much he has to wear an eye patch for light


I am thinking that colloidal silver would not hurt his eye and that a drop
of colloidal silver every hour would work.

Does anyone think there would be any contraindications to using colloidal
silver in the eye?  I know that it is especially helpful on topical
infections so I am pretty hopeful.


Has anyone tried colloidal silver for lip herpes topically?  Any results to


Lea Ann Savage
Satellite Beach, FL
321-773-7088 (home)
321-961-9219 (cell)
John 13:35 

RE: CS>High particle EIS

2009-05-03 Thread Neville Munn

Hi Steve,


Ummm, well that's going to be a little tricky for me to explain.  Not wanting 
to open old wounds, and not having completed my electronics course, I can only 
say that I *surmise* or *presume* the following is what is occurring, whilst 
not necessarily understanding the 'scientifics' of it, of which I'm not 
particularly phased at this point in time as I can continue to study that 
aspect at my leasure.


Simplified, in my circuit I have a diode? LED? whatever they are called but 
these only allow the 'current'? to flow directional, from the anode to the 
cathode let's say, whereby predominantly ions may be produced, but when the 
switch is set in the position for 'current' to  flow from the cathode to the 
anode then the dynamics of the process would change and probably 'works' 
quicker as the conductivity of the water increases, this I figure will 
'encourage' particle clusters to become more predominant, hence possibly 
increasing the formation of particle cluster content.


It usually takes me around 2 to 2 1/2 hours, (dependant on all the factors 
associated with EIS production, as we all know), to produce around a 20 odd 
ppm, give or take, but during this time I *carefully* remove the electrodes 
from the water every 30 minutes to wipe any 'residue' off which may/will be 
present, and alternate the electrode polarity.  The above explanation is why I 
think I get the percentage of which I spoke.  I should add that I use my own 
home made magnetic stirrer also as I believe this is an important factor in my 
production process.


I had several samples laboratory tested, of varying colours, and one of those 
results, of a clear solution, came back with: 12mg/l soluble Ag(filtered thru a 
0.45 micron paper filter), 23.5 Total Ag (acidified HCL), giving 51/49 
ionic/particulate %.  These samples were done 18 days after production, well 
long enough for stabilization to have taken place.


Whilst not being able to go into any 'scientific specifics' regarding the 
above, I believe I understand how I get these results, and can alter that 
result accordingly.  This is where I can pursue the 'scientifics' of it at my 
leasure by examining more closely my units using DMM's and taking readings etc, 
frankly, I can't be bothered at this point in time, perhaps at a later date.


I have done considerable research since last here and have satisfied myself 
that my best method of deducing the quality of my product, failing suitable lab 
equipment setups in my kitchen, is by eyesight and observation of any 
settlement and/or plateout which may become apparent after a suitable 
'stabilizing' time period.  In the 'perfect world' I would ideally like to have 
*every* batch I produce lab analysed for a period of 6 months or so, then I 
would have my own 'research' material.


This is about the best I can do by way of answering your questions Steve.




Date: Sun, 3 May 2009 19:56:55 -0500
Subject: CS>High particle EIS

In another post you made the comment:
"In my experience, using my own equipment and production methods, I have gotten 
this ratio closer to 50/50."

What is your method and how are you determining the ratio?

 - Steve N 

Looking to change your car this year? Find car news, reviews and more

Re: CS>Magnets

2009-05-03 Thread sol

I have seen benfotiamine and mega dose B-12 recommended for neuropathy pain.
(I hope that is the subject under discussion)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>ocular herpes?

2009-05-03 Thread cking001
When I make my own eyedrops, I use my CS as the base liquid primarily
to keep my mix sterile.
I use it daily, and have for years.

Marshall, I believe, uses CS to treat pinkeye.

Do as you deem prudent...

First you forget names, 
then you forget faces. 
Then you forget to pull up your zipper. 

It's worse when you forget to pull it down. 

On 5/3/2009 10:03:14 PM, Lea Ann Savage ( wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a SilverGen colloidal silver maker.
> I also have a 7 year old son who has had two ocular herpes outbreaks and
> is going to see a specialist about it because getting it so young (and
> having two outbreaks within a year) is very serious. He already has
> scarring from his second attack of occular herpes. This can lead to
> blindness.
> I am writing to ask if anyone has had any experience with ocular herpes
> and if not, what would you do?
> His current treatment is a drop of liquid anti-viral every 2 hours until
> the outbreak is gone (this last episode took SIX weeks to clear up!) This
> medicine hurts his eyes so much he has to wear an eye patch for light
> sensitivity.
> I am thinking that colloidal silver would not hurt his eye and that a drop
> of colloidal silver every hour would work.
> Does anyone think there would be any contraindications to using colloidal
> silver in the eye? I know that it is especially helpful on topical
> infections so I am pretty hopeful.
> Has anyone tried colloidal silver for lip herpes topically? Any results to
> report?
> Blessings,
> Lea Ann Savage
> Satellite Beach, FL
> 321-773-7088 (home)
> 321
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Re: CS>Magnets

2009-05-03 Thread mborgert

Thank you so very much for this information.
-- Original message from sol : -- > I have seen benfotiamine and mega dose B-12 recommended for neuropathy pain. > (I hope that is the subject under discussion) > sol > > > -- > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. > > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: > > To post, address your message to: > > Address Off-Topic messages to: > > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... > > List maintainer: Mike Devour > > 

Re: CS>High particle EIS

2009-05-03 Thread Norton, Steve
Thanks for the info. I will think on it a while. The reason I asked was not to 
question your claim but I also prefer to increase the amount of small silver 
particles even at the expense of silver ions (up to a point). I sometimes 
generate a yellow solution, let it stabilize and then add H2O2 to convert the 
agglomerated silver and some of the ionic silver to small silver particles. I 
do this because it would appear that the ionic silver, converted to silver 
chloride in the stomach, gives a quick punch while the silver particles gives 
an extended effect. I don't have proof of this. Additionally in vitro tests 
have shown that silver particles work directly on bacteria and viruses as well 
as the ions so why not have plenty of both. 
I may be the minority on this as most here appear to work to minimize silver 
As another data point, Utopia Silver which produces and sells colloidal silver 
recently developed an EIS generator to sell that is optimized to generate EIS 
with a high silver particle content. It uses 48 volts and makes a yellow EIS 
and even at that it only provides 30% silver particles. BTW, from what I have 
been to determine silver particles greater than about 1.5 microns are too large 
to pass through the intestinal walls and so yellow EIS has particles too large. 
Anyway that is why my interest. 
- Steve N

From: Neville Munn  
Sent: Sun May 03 21:35:45 2009
Subject: RE: CS>High particle EIS 

Hi Steve,
Ummm, well that's going to be a little tricky for me to explain.  Not wanting 
to open old wounds, and not having completed my electronics course, I can only 
say that I *surmise* or *presume* the following is what is occurring, whilst 
not necessarily understanding the 'scientifics' of it, of which I'm not 
particularly phased at this point in time as I can continue to study that 
aspect at my leasure.
Simplified, in my circuit I have a diode? LED? whatever they are called but 
these only allow the 'current'? to flow directional, from the anode to the 
cathode let's say, whereby predominantly ions may be produced, but when the 
switch is set in the position for 'current' to  flow from the cathode to the 
anode then the dynamics of the process would change and probably 'works' 
quicker as the conductivity of the water increases, this I figure will 
'encourage' particle clusters to become more predominant, hence possibly 
increasing the formation of particle cluster content.
It usually takes me around 2 to 2 1/2 hours, (dependant on all the factors 
associated with EIS production, as we all know), to produce around a 20 odd 
ppm, give or take, but during this time I *carefully* remove the electrodes 
from the water every 30 minutes to wipe any 'residue' off which may/will be 
present, and alternate the electrode polarity.  The above explanation is why I 
think I get the percentage of which I spoke.  I should add that I use my own 
home made magnetic stirrer also as I believe this is an important factor in my 
production process.
I had several samples laboratory tested, of varying colours, and one of those 
results, of a clear solution, came back with: 12mg/l soluble Ag(filtered thru a 
0.45 micron paper filter), 23.5 Total Ag (acidified HCL), giving 51/49 
ionic/particulate %.  These samples were done 18 days after production, well 
long enough for stabilization to have taken place.
Whilst not being able to go into any 'scientific specifics' regarding the 
above, I believe I understand how I get these results, and can alter that 
result accordingly.  This is where I can pursue the 'scientifics' of it at my 
leasure by examining more closely my units using DMM's and taking readings etc, 
frankly, I can't be bothered at this point in time, perhaps at a later date.
I have done considerable research since last here and have satisfied myself 
that my best method of deducing the quality of my product, failing suitable lab 
equipment setups in my kitchen, is by eyesight and observation of any 
settlement and/or plateout which may become apparent after a suitable 
'stabilizing' time period.  In the 'perfect world' I would ideally like to have 
*every* batch I produce lab analysed for a period of 6 months or so, then I 
would have my own 'research' material.
This is about the best I can do by way of answering your questions Steve.


Date: Sun, 3 May 2009 19:56:55 -0500
Subject: CS>High particle EIS

In another post you made the comment:
"In my experience, using my own equipment and production methods, I have gotten 
this ratio closer to 50/50."

What is your method and how are you determining the ratio?

 - Steve N 

Find car news, reviews and more Looking to change your car this year? 


2009-05-03 Thread batzcuz

BATz, just-kidding...Guess Chuck was already in BED and Sleeping, or
perhaps still-weighing his-risk, in responding to another OFF-TOPIC ???
(Maybe working on...Weapons-of-Math-Instruction, after Algebra Humor)
"List-Without-Wayne" ...would be like saying "NO-Wayne -- NO-PAIN"...
(I know, that was a Dirty (Old Bat) TRICK, but likely everyone will lQQK!)
Just to get this ON-TOPIC, for a  BATz Safety...(and longer-life on LIST),
let me ask Wayne, if his recent posting on "POT" powered CS generator   
has AUTO-REVERSE for Electrodes, or needs OPERATOR assistance?
Ya know...only takes Milli-amps (leakage), to FLAG...LINE-OFF-HOOK,
then, without dialing-number...operator warning-message, then OH~NO!
Ernestine/(Lily Tomlin), sends POT RIP your Phone Out?
Sure miss LAUGH-IN, TV~"Sitcom" & POTS/  POT-HUMOR, enjoy..?
Seriously, did anyone read John's REAL-CS Msg. posted 5 days ago..?
(It appears unless we Post OT-Theme/ one SEES-IT)
--- On Tue, 4/28/09, john freese  wrote:

From: john freese 
Subject: CS>Reverse polarity circuit
Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 7:56 PM

Could someone please post instructions on how to build a reverse polarity 
circuit for a 45dc volt CS system? I looked in the archives but I must be 
blind. Thank you. John. 

John NOT-BLIND and message from last Tuesday (5 days ago) is valid and should
be Brought Back into CIRCULATION, as this is something that was/is ON-TOPIC!
Just curious, are there actually any members on CS-LIST... that can HELP John?
John & Mike, I got replys last week...BAT delayed, due to personal 
...and NOW...Batz return you to Message from Smitty...(Mike to 

--- On Sun, 5/3/09, Smitty  wrote:

From: Smitty 
Subject: Re: CS>New Name for the list
Date: Sunday, May 3, 2009, 4:56 PM

> A new Name for the list...   "Sitcom"

Wayne =

You, as many others on this list are NOT
listening to Mike.
If it ain't about CS, it goes in the SO slot.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour