RE: CS>Weighing the silver...

2010-02-24 Thread Neville Munn

I've little doubt it's 'do-able', I expect a centrifuge could be used to 
isolate the particulate silver, as for the ionic component...I'll leave that 
part to the experts?  When everything is in powder form...weigh it.


Sounds like a heck of a lot of trouble though 


Not too sure about "answers to a lot of questions", everyone uses different 
equipment which would result in differing end products, hence would make it 
difficult to form any sort of 'standard?' from the exercise.  An individual 
with the right equipment could find out exactly what *they* had in *their* 
product I imagine, and then praps some mathematical data to follow for anyone 
who may wish to attempt to reproduce similar results using *the* exact same 
setup and procedures etc etc. Dunno, that's way out of my league.


> Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 12:42:39 +0900
> Subject: Re: CS>Weighing the silver...
> From:
> To:
> My guess is that it's measurable, and 
> that the information might clear up a lot of questions that have been 
> circulating on the list for years.
If it exists, you'll find it on SEEK. Australia's #1 job site

Re: CS>Fw: using h2o2 and EIS

2010-02-24 Thread Richard Goodwin
No, I missed that detail.  I'll give that a try.

So ... if I understand right, when you put in H2O2, and the solution turns 
clear, that is because it has broken down the larger particles into smaller 
ones, and they can then get to more places and do more good.  Sounds worth 


- Original Message 
From: "" 
Sent: Wed, February 24, 2010 5:25:45 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Fw: using h2o2 and EIS

According to our resident experts, adding H2O2 needs to be done after
your CS brew has aged for some days.

Did you account for this?

_  _  
   | )/ )  
\\ |//,' __
On 2/24/2010 9:25:00 AM, Richard Goodwin (
> Trying to use H2O2 -- half success, half unknown result... I made two
> batches of a gallon each, both with distilled water, one with some silver
> I got from some place in Arizona or New Mexico a while back, the other with
> silver from Atlasnova, both 99.99.
> The Atlasnova batch came out clear with a slight tinge of yellow around 15
> PPM.
> The other batch came out about the same, but with slightly more yellow,
> and some kind of cloudiness.
> I put 24 drops of H2O2 into the Atlasnova batch, and it turned clear, as I

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fw: using h2o2 and EIS

2010-02-24 Thread Richard Goodwin
Interesting -- we have similar results.  But I'm encouraged by the successful 
one.  I'm trying a lot of different things, and not necessarily being careful 
enough with cleanliness and exact repetition of processes.  Once I have some 
results that I consider worth repeating, I'll start to nail down the process 

What I'm reading here, and what I'm seeing, though, is that there are many 
variables, and I won't see perfect repeatability and consistency, but that 
doesn't really matter.  It's all good even if there are minor differences 
between batches.


- Original Message 
From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick 
Sent: Wed, February 24, 2010 1:27:26 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Fw: using h2o2 and EIS

I never had any success with it Dick.  I did one that sort of worked but the 
next two were just murky grey!  dee

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fw: using h2o2 and EIS

2010-02-24 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
A quick additional question regarding EIS and H202:has anyone tried 
going one step further, and using the reduced EIS in Gatorade, about 
which B. Bradley has had good things to say in past? Based on what 
I have read here,  one should choose one or the other, and putting 
reduced EIS into Gatorade would just increase particle size again.

On Thursday, Feb 25, 2010, at 02:20 Asia/Tokyo, Marshall Dudley wrote:

Christina Mattson wrote:

Hi all, can anyone tell me what the benefits of using h2o2 with
EIS. i read that one supies oxygen to the body and the other helps
the body to use it. I know it breaks the EIS even more but which
part of it, the Particles or Ions or both and is there anyway to
purify non food grade to remove any stabilizers or other chemicals
that may be used. It seems impossible to get the food grade h2o2
Thank you in advance

It breaks the particles down, it is impossible to break down ions 
(except in a cyclotron to quarks), they are atoms that have lost an 
electron and are actually smaller than the atom.  I don't worry about 
the stabalizers, there is only a small amount in the peroxide, and 
when you are only adding a few drops there is very very little. That 
may be a mistake since I have not looked at the MSDS on the 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>machine question

2010-02-24 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
I read her site in some detail years ago, and was impressed in 
particular by one link to an academic article about a Japanese many who 
got argyria from consuming a popular breath mint sold here -- Jintan is 
the name, sold in a few variations.

Sliver Jintan breath mints look like BB's or ball bearings or very 
large cake sprinkles.   The silver color, according to the article, is 
actual silver -- what kind exactly I can't say.

According to RJ's site at that time, silver cake sprinkles are the same 
-- real silver. As I'd enjoyed a few packs of Jintan, and was 
dabbling with EIS as well,  I was really glad to learn what she had to 
say; it may have spared me discoloration.

I don't know if Silver Jintan is still on the market.

As for RJ,  I try to keep an open mind and near divergent opinions, 
though I gave up on correspondence;  RJ doesn't want to hear ideas that 
differ from her own.

On Thursday, Feb 25, 2010, at 00:43 Asia/Tokyo, Ode Coyote wrote:

it would be really nice of Rosemary to put those links back..but I 
guess she actually read what they linked to and found out it tended to 
disprove her assertions.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Weighing the silver...

2010-02-24 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
I have some nutritionist friends who might know.   I'll try to remember 
to ask.Wouldn't surprise me if Frank Key knows already, though, or 
someone else lurking online.   My guess is that it's measurable, and 
that the information might clear up a lot of questions that have been 
circulating on the list for years.

On Wednesday, Feb 24, 2010, at 08:55 Asia/Tokyo, M. G. Devour wrote:

Neville wrote:

I seriously doubt putting the whole kit and kaboodle on a scale would
be anywhere near accurate enough.

I recall thinking about this years ago...

If you made a liter of CS at 20 ppm, that would be 20 milligrams of

Now, can we measure a change of 20 milligrams on a 4" long piece of
silver wire? Maybe.

14 gauge wire is 1.628 millimeters diameter, 4" is about 100mm

pi x diameter x length = 1.628 x 3.1416 x 100 = 511 cubic millimeters

... which will be .511 cubic centimeters.

Density of silver is about 10.5 grams per cc:

.511 cc x 10.5 g/cc = 5.37 grams = 5370 milligrams

20 milligrams / 5370 milligrams = .00372 or .372 percent of the
electrode mass, dissolved into the water.

Now, we need a balance with a resolution of at most 1 milligram and a
maximum measurement range in excess of 6 grams...

I'm looking at a mettler ae100 that'll read up to 109 grams to the
nearest 0.1 milligrams... That'd do it. Don't know what it'd cost used.
Probably a few thousand.

Doable if you've got a decent balance. Your old triple beam probably
won't do it, though.

Please re-check my math to make sure I didn't drop some zeros anyplace!

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>More questions for Tom

2010-02-24 Thread Renee
Lol--exactly.  I think we just get use to it.


---Original Message---
However, I have always found it odd that a person will choke their head off
while smoking their first cigarette, then end up smoking a pack, or several
packs, a day without hardly choking at all.  It could be something similar
to this.

Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread cking001
OH, No...
I've never done anything original...

*** original tag line ***

On 2/24/2010 9:12:38 PM, MaryAnn Helland (
> Clever, Chuck!!! Your own design, no doubt?
> MA
> -
> From: ""
> _..._  /
> .'  '. /  _
> /  .-""-\ _/ \
> .-| /:. | | |
> | \ |:. /.-'-./
> | .-'-;:__.'  =/
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> ='
> / _. |  ;
> ;-.-'|  \ |
> / | \  _\ _\
> \__/'._;. ==' ==\
> \  \ |
> /  / /
> /-._/-._/
> \ `\ \
> `-._/._/

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Colloid Master??

2010-02-24 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Hi Aldi.  I think you might have the same unit I do, but mine is pretty old and 
is only called the Colloid Master AC.  On mine, the green light is what goes on 
when the unit is making CS.  When it has reached the ppm-level desired, then 
the green light goes out.  But the yellow *testing* light (underneath the start 
button) remains lit, which reminds you that the unit is still plugged in.  And 
I believe that light blinks when the unit switches polarity.  That yellow light 
goes out when you unplug the unit before removing the clips from the silver 
bars.  My unit has no red light, but it does have the switch that allows you to 
choose between standard brewing time and fast.  Mine is always set on 
standard.  Does any of this help you?

From: Golden Aldi 
Sent: Wed, February 24, 2010 1:21:03 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Colloid Master??

Hi Dave,

Thanks for responding! I was beginning to think my mails weren't getting 
through at all, but nice to see that this one got through.

I don't have the 777 model, but the Universal one. There is only a switch to 
turn the generator on, and the processing button to start the process. Then 
there is the green light, which goes on as soon as you turn it on.  This is the 
time you can test the water, but you already know that :-)
But I don't recall ever seeing the red light go on.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:37 PM, Dave Darrin  wrote:

>On the front panel of the 777 there is a switch that is labeled either 
>standard or fast, the setting you need to use is the standard  setting, the 
>red and green lights alternate every minute and the red comes on bright when 
>it shuts off. 
>On the fast setting it is running manually and will brew until you shut it off 
>hence the colors you got.
>I've never been able to get anything but clear up to 20 ppm (setting # 7)with 
>mine set on standard.

Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Clever, Chuck!!!  Your own design, no doubt?

From: ""

    _..._    /                      
      .'    '.  /    _                  
    /    .-""-\  _/ \                  
  .-|  /:.  |  |  |                  
  |  \  |:.  /.-'-./                  
  | .-'-;:__.'    =/                    
  .'=  *=|NASA _.='                    
  /  _.  |    ;                        
;-.-'|    \  |                        
/  | \    _\  _\                        
\__/'._;.  ==' ==\                      
        \    \  |                      
        /    /  /                      
        \  `\  \                      

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] breaking Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Yay!!  and   Yay!!!   :-D

From: Sandy

Oops does this mean what I think it does? John has been dissolved into cyber 

Disclaimer: Canceled 


>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
>Off-Topic discussions: 
>List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>(LL) Mike said "OK" to post this but

2010-02-24 Thread ZZekelink
..." Follow up discussion should be migrated 
to the OT list or  elsewhere,Lois
On February 4, 2010, Senators  John McCain and Byron Dorgan  introduced
> S. 3002, the "Dietary Supplement Safety  Act."   This legislation would
> mandate that every dietary supplement would   have to go through a brand
> new process of government review in order to  stay on  the market.  
> If this bill becomes law  your  health care choices will be drastically
> reduced, and many of  the supplements  available today will become
> illegal.  This  and other provisions of this  misguided legislation
> affect ALL  dietary supplements, including vitamins,  minerals, herbs,
> sports,  and diet products.
> The supposed purpose of the bill  is to  make dietary supplements
> "safer," which is ironic because dietary   supplements already have an
> excellent safety record.  It also  ignores the  fact that the U.S. Food
> and Drug Administration, the  U.S. Federal Trade  Commission, and the
> U.S. Drug Enforcement  Administration already have the powers  they need
> to police the  market.  
>  Copy & paste to  send
> _>  
>  4051)  to send a note in opposition to S. 3002 directly to  your  two
> Senators or use the information on the website to write a personal  
> letter.  Either way, you need to act immediately.  Do not let  Congress 
> take away your right to dietary  supplements.

Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread slickpicker
"Cyper space" - LOL.


Please do us a favour - do not return - too boring, too rude and  
nothing to contribute - thanks
On 24/02/2010, at 4:15, John E. Stevens wrote:

> Hey, mike;
> Please do me a favor.  Dissolve me into cyper space from your  
> silverlist of clowns.  Brooks Bradley is the only person who has  
> anything to say that is meaningful, but I know most of what he's  
> been talking about anyway.  I haven't learned anything from your "We- 
> We" community-life in the time I've been on your list and I'm on  
> other health lists that  are much more beneficial than this one. But  
> then, again, I've been involved with alternative health for 35  
> years.  You folks are dangerous to newbies and even experienced  
> others in giving some un-backed info out - that you read somewhere -  
> and not from experience.  Thanks, it's been fun tantalizing all of  
> you.  Have a great life and stay fat...
> John
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:03 AM, M. G. Devour   
> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've been asked if I'd post a reminder on a couple if list etiquette
> items that are being neglected lately. I agree that it's appropriate.
> Trimming text:
> When you hit reply and then type a few lines of text at the top,  
> please
> realize that the WHOLE POST you're responding to is quoted in yours,
> along with several more previous messages in many cases! It's there,
> even if you don't see it in the editing window! Just hit down-arrow a
> few dozen times and you'll realize just how ridiculously wasteful your
> message is!
> Please delete all but the relevant parts of the post you're replying
> to, leaving enough so your readers have context for your remarks.
> Thanks!
> The other matter is one of noise level.
> People ask questions, others give answers. We get the occasional  
> heads-
> up on political or regulatory issues. Folks post their experiences or
> report on what they're doing or things they've found. All of that is
> content that is appropriate for what we're here to do.
> One liners saying "Thank you!" "Great post!" or "Me too!" and variants
> thereof... add very little to the discussion, yet often account for a
> large fraction of daily message volume.
> Now, I fully understand that our mommas all taught us to be polite.
> It's just good manners to be thankful and say so... I'll make two
> suggestions:
> Send it privately to the one person for whom it really matters to know
> you are grateful.
> Or, collect up the names of those who've responded to you and send
> 'batch' thank-yous to the list that acknowledge several at once.
> When you hit reply, the list address will be in the To: or Addressee:
> field of your message editor by default. You're going to have to
> manually cut and paste the oringal author's address there, unless
> you're lucky and your mail editor gives you the chance to choose other
> options.
> Now, these are only guidelines, so you won't be breaking any rules if
> you forget, and I don't want to hear any apologies out there, either!
> Just, as we go forward, please ask yourself if the message you're  
> about
> to send falls into one of these catagories and consider re-addressing
> it or not sending it this time. And trim your text, too!
> Thank you!
> Be well,
> Mike Devour
> silver-list owner
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> []
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 


Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread ATOMICSILVER
Please do us a favour - do not return - too boring, too rude and  
nothing to contribute - thanks

On 24/02/2010, at 4:15, John E. Stevens wrote:

Hey, mike;

Please do me a favor.  Dissolve me into cyper space from your  
silverlist of clowns.  Brooks Bradley is the only person who has  
anything to say that is meaningful, but I know most of what he's  
been talking about anyway.  I haven't learned anything from your "We- 
We" community-life in the time I've been on your list and I'm on  
other health lists that  are much more beneficial than this one. But  
then, again, I've been involved with alternative health for 35  
years.  You folks are dangerous to newbies and even experienced  
others in giving some un-backed info out - that you read somewhere -  
and not from experience.  Thanks, it's been fun tantalizing all of  
you.  Have a great life and stay fat...


On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:03 AM, M. G. Devour   

Hi folks,

I've been asked if I'd post a reminder on a couple if list etiquette
items that are being neglected lately. I agree that it's appropriate.

Trimming text:

When you hit reply and then type a few lines of text at the top,  

realize that the WHOLE POST you're responding to is quoted in yours,
along with several more previous messages in many cases! It's there,
even if you don't see it in the editing window! Just hit down-arrow a
few dozen times and you'll realize just how ridiculously wasteful your
message is!

Please delete all but the relevant parts of the post you're replying
to, leaving enough so your readers have context for your remarks.


The other matter is one of noise level.

People ask questions, others give answers. We get the occasional  

up on political or regulatory issues. Folks post their experiences or
report on what they're doing or things they've found. All of that is
content that is appropriate for what we're here to do.

One liners saying "Thank you!" "Great post!" or "Me too!" and variants
thereof... add very little to the discussion, yet often account for a
large fraction of daily message volume.

Now, I fully understand that our mommas all taught us to be polite.
It's just good manners to be thankful and say so... I'll make two

Send it privately to the one person for whom it really matters to know
you are grateful.

Or, collect up the names of those who've responded to you and send
'batch' thank-yous to the list that acknowledge several at once.

When you hit reply, the list address will be in the To: or Addressee:
field of your message editor by default. You're going to have to
manually cut and paste the oringal author's address there, unless
you're lucky and your mail editor gives you the chance to choose other

Now, these are only guidelines, so you won't be breaking any rules if
you forget, and I don't want to hear any apologies out there, either!

Just, as we go forward, please ask yourself if the message you're  

to send falls into one of these catagories and consider re-addressing
it or not sending it this time. And trim your text, too!

Thank you!

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 


RE: CS>Hair Loss - link here

2010-02-24 Thread Norton, Steve
Correct link for below.

laser dot 2 for $4.62, built in regulator

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 1:40 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Hair Loss - link here

Here are some laser options if you want to build your own laser healing units. 
If you want a crosshair as shown in the link below, use the crosshair laser. 
You can put together a row of focused line lasers to cover more area but there 
will be space between each line. Or you can buy a bunch of the laser dots and 
make an array of any size you want. The focusable laser dot may allow you to 
broaden out the dot a little to give you less open area between each laser dot. 
The one with a built in regulator makes it much easier to connect to a battery. 
With the unregulated lasers you either have to use a power source between 3 to 
4.5 volts or use a higher voltage with a limiting resistor. One important item 
to remember is that the lasers will get warm and if you put to many together 
you may have a problem unless you make provisions to conduct the heat away. 

Disclaimer: I have no tried this myself.

5 mw laser with crosshair, $4.06, no regulator

focused line, $4.07, no regulator

focused line, $3.11, no regulator

laser dot 2 for $4.62, built in regulator

Focusable laser dot, $4.06, no regulator

 - Steve N


Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread cking001
I miss him already...

_..._ /  
  .' '.  /_  
 /.-""-\   _/ \  
   .-|   /:.   |  |   |  
   |  \  |:.   /.-'-./   
   | .-'-;:__.'=/
   .'=  *=|NASA _.=' 
  /   _.  |; 
 ;-.-'|\   | 
/   | \_\  _\
\__/'._;.  ==' ==\   
 \\   |  
 //   /  
 \   `\  \   

On 2/24/2010 3:06:21 PM, Craig Chamberlin
( wrote:
> May he rest in peace:)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Colloid Master??

2010-02-24 Thread Dave Darrin
 You might try contacting them as something is amiss with what you describe.
They are very good to answer any questions and will replace your unit with
no proof of malfunction.
I sent mine in for repair because when I first tried it (after owning it for
over a year) it didn't work.
They sent me a new one with a car charger and two more silver strips with an
apology for the inconvenience to me.
They put a time for warrenty but they say they don't adhere strictly to it.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Golden Aldi  wrote:

> Hi Dave,
> Thanks for responding! I was beginning to think my mails weren't getting
> through at all, but nice to see that this one got through.
> I don't have the 777 model, but the Universal one. There is only a switch
> to turn the generator on, and the processing button to start the process.
> Then there is the green light, which goes on as soon as you turn it on.
> This is the time you can test the water, but you already know that :-)
> But I don't recall ever seeing the red light go on.
> Aldi
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:37 PM, Dave Darrin  wrote:
>> Aldi
>> On the front panel of the 777 there is a switch that is labeled either
>> standard or fast, the setting you need to use is the standard  setting, the
>> red and green lights alternate every minute and the red comes on bright when
>> it shuts off.
>> On the fast setting it is running manually and will brew until you shut it
>> off hence the colors you got.
>> I've never been able to get anything but clear up to 20 ppm (setting #
>> 7)with mine set on standard.
>> Dave

Re: CS>Fw: using h2o2 and EIS

2010-02-24 Thread cking001
According to our resident experts, adding H2O2 needs to be done after
your CS brew has aged for some days.

Did you account for this?

_  _   
   | )/ )  
\\ |//,' __
On 2/24/2010 9:25:00 AM, Richard Goodwin (
> Trying to use H2O2 -- half success, half unknown result... I made two
> batches of a gallon each, both with distilled water, one with some silver
> I got from some place in Arizona or New Mexico a while back, the other with
> silver from Atlasnova, both 99.99.
> The Atlasnova batch came out clear with a slight tinge of yellow around 15
> PPM.
> The other batch came out about the same, but with slightly more yellow,
> and some kind of cloudiness.
> I put 24 drops of H2O2 into the Atlasnova batch, and it turned clear, as I

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Barwick's BS about CS.

2010-02-24 Thread M. G. Devour
Sol writes:
>I just recently had one of my very few computer successes. I found
> that I can make a list of "plain text" domains in my email program. If
> it is working, it lets me compose my emails normally in HTML, but all
> emails sent to the silverlist should be sent automatically in plain
> text. 

Which your message was! Good for you!

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS : Deodorant

2010-02-24 Thread Dave Darrin

That's Amazing :
It didn't do a thing for me in that respect, could be you were using anti
perspirant to your detriment rather a deodorant?

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Harold MacDonald  wrote:

>  What is wrong with CS/IES as a deodorant?
> Having lived a lot of years with BO,Jock itch,etc.,using various
> deodorants,even DRs. scripts,special soaps,you name it, I am sure I tried
> it; results? not a one did anything good.I eventually ended up with severe
> re-actions to the stick deodorants.
> Glory be ,guess what???,I found that CS/EIS was the only answer,works
> wonders ,Whoopee.
> Since I started using it some years ago,the problem has gone away except
> for the rare occasion.
> The bacteria that is the culprit can be  contagious, I believe.
> Use in the bath,laundry,hand rinse with it after washing,unlimited uses.
> .
> Harold

Re: CS>Barwick's BS about CS.

2010-02-24 Thread sol

At 04:04 PM 2/23/2010, you wrote:

You poor dear! I'm working right now on the coding to convert all
incoming messages to plain text. I'm afraid the smilies won't survive
that treatment!

  I just recently had one of my very few computer successes. I found 
that I can make a list of "plain text" domains in my email program. 
If it is working, it lets me compose my emails normally in HTML, but 
all emails sent to the silverlist should be sent automatically in plain text.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Barwick's BS about CS.

2010-02-24 Thread cking001
Go with the flow!
><º>¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸ ><º>¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸ ><º>¸.·´¯`·.¸.

Laughing stock: cattle with a sense of humor.

On 2/23/2010 5:59:23 PM, M. G. Devour ( wrote:
> > LOL --
> didn't you see the great big grin smiley that I sent with it? 
> Oh. I keep my mailer configured to show me only the plain text.
> > On one of my lists they offer an unusual variety of smilies -- which
> > includes one which is rolling on the floor, laughing and pounding the
> > floor with skinny arms.  We need that one!  :-D MA 
> You poor dear! I'm
> working right now on the coding to convert all
> incoming messages to plain text. I'm afraid the smilies won't survive
> that treatment!
> I hope you'll forgive me?
> Mike D.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Hair Loss - link here

2010-02-24 Thread Frank
Hi Lisa I would also be interested in learning how to assemble such a unit. 
Are we talking laser or LD?

Thanks Frank

From: "Lisa" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 11:18 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Hair Loss - link here

Hi Steve,

I know I'm interested in how you put your own laser unit together (and I'm
sure others would be too). Would you be willing to share the "how to"?


-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 5:43 PM
Cc: Annie B Smythe
Subject: Re: CS>Hair Loss - link here

My wife and I have also found low level laser therapy works well. Some 
on the silver list have also used red LED lights for hair growth. I 

my own laser unit and find it penetrates a little better than LEDs. Both
will work though. works well for 

relief too

 Annie B Smythe  wrote:

Just take zinc too or the balance will get out of
kilter and deplete your zinc , and make sure your
iron levels are okay. Too much copper without Iron
can deplete iron. And big doses or B12 can do the
same. A good rule of thumb is approx 2 mg copper
to 50 mg zinc.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Leslie wrote:

Hi, When I saw Hair Loss I wanted to mention that Utopia is advertising
an elec. cs generator that makes copper also. I asked just what was
copper for and I was told it was for hair loss and energy. I would like
to know if any have any comments on copper. Thanks, Leslie

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Hair Loss - link here

2010-02-24 Thread Norton, Steve
Here are some laser options if you want to build your own laser healing units. 
If you want a crosshair as shown in the link below, use the crosshair laser. 
You can put together a row of focused line lasers to cover more area but there 
will be space between each line. Or you can buy a bunch of the laser dots and 
make an array of any size you want. The focusable laser dot may allow you to 
broaden out the dot a little to give you less open area between each laser dot. 
The one with a built in regulator makes it much easier to connect to a battery. 
With the unregulated lasers you either have to use a power source between 3 to 
4.5 volts or use a higher voltage with a limiting resistor. One important item 
to remember is that the lasers will get warm and if you put to many together 
you may have a problem unless you make provisions to conduct the heat away. 

Disclaimer: I have no tried this myself.

5 mw laser with crosshair, $4.06, no regulator

focused line, $4.07, no regulator

focused line, $3.11, no regulator

laser dot 2 for $4.62, built in regulator

Focusable laser dot, $4.06, no regulator

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 11:43 AM
Cc: Lisa
Subject: RE: CS>Hair Loss - link here

Hi Lisa,

I had to contract with a company in Asia to have the lasers custom made with 
milspec components and high grade optics. I suppose if you had all the 
machinery you could do it yourself. That is why they are much more expensive 
than the laser pens you see on ebay and elsewhere. The industrial grade 635nm 
diode is actually 10mw but exits the aperture at about 5mw. If you check 
pricing on industrial grade 10mw 635nm laser diodes you'll understand why the 
laser therapy pen is not cheap.
The LEDs discussed earlier DO work they just don't penetrate as deeply. If you 
are trying to save $ that's a good way to go. 

 Lisa  wrote: 

Hi Steve,

I know I'm interested in how you put your own laser unit together (and I'm
sure others would be too). Would you be willing to share the "how to"?


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 5:43 PM
Cc: Annie B Smythe
Subject: Re: CS>Hair Loss - link here

My wife and I have also found low level laser therapy works well. Some folks
on the silver list have also used red LED lights for hair growth. I designed
my own laser unit and find it penetrates a little better than LEDs. Both
will work though. works well for pain
relief too


Re: CS>More questions for Tom

2010-02-24 Thread poast
Hello Renee,

While I have no experience with liposomal vitamin C, the answer is very simple. 
 If the PH of the solution ends up acidic, it will activate sodium chlorite.  
Now, what happens afterward may need to be explored.  Remember the basics.  To 
activate sodium chlorite you have to reduce the PH of the sodium chlorite to 
below around 8.

As a matter of fact, some people use vinegar as an activator... :) 

To bring this a little closer to being on topic, I am wondering what the 
reaction between EIS and sodium chlorite or acidified sodium chlorite or 
chlorine dioxide is.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Renee 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 10:34 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>More questions for Tom

Sigh--I think I've opened up a can of worms. :-)  Another question. 

The person that is asking this question was the one who asked about the 
HCI with sodium chlorite.  He told me to thank you for him for all your help.  
Here's his next question--and if you don't know about the encapsulation 
process, and don't have time for yet more experimentation to learn about it, we 
all understand.  Your answer will be "I don't know"--and that's good enough for 

(Oh--and now I'm wondering--since this is SO not about CS, should we 
take it off list?  I know certain other subjects are ok, to an extent, but this 
seems to be too ongoing?)

Now, can you ask him about the possibility of creating a liposomal 
MMS/VitC combo?

He may not have any knowledge of the process used to create liposomal 
Vit c, so here is a link to the post from Brooks explaining the process:

Re: CS>More questions for Tom

2010-02-24 Thread poast
Hello Renee,

That is a very good question, and I don't know the answer.

However, I have always found it odd that a person will choke their head off 
while smoking their first cigarette, then end up smoking a pack, or several 
packs, a day without hardly choking at all.  It could be something similar to 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Renee 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 10:10 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>More questions for Tom

Thanks again Tom.

Since we've been discussing your great information on the MMS list, 
someone brought up the question of nausea levels.

If AMMS is actually a poison that the body reacts to, causing nausea 
and diarrhea--rather than pathogen die-off as Jim says--why is it that once a 
certain level is reached, the body quits reacting that way?

Meaning (and I have found this to be true for me also) that when I 
first started AMMS I could take 6 drops without nausea.  At 7 drops nausea hit. 
 I backed off, stayed at 6 for a few more days, then went back to 7 and no 
nausea.  Same at each level.

The person asking about this has worked up to the full 15 drops twice a 
day, and no longer has any nausea.  

Since we have been told this is because the AMMS has killed the 
pathogens so that there are no more death toxins in our system, and therefore 
we are no longer nauseated, how do we reconcile this with the fact that it's a 
poison and that our stomach/bowels were simply reacting to the poison?

Is it because our bodies become use to the poison?

I do know that MMS is an extreme product, causing the exact opposite 
reactions in different people.  So I don't see a large problem with believing 
that MMS is both a poison that causes stomach distress, and yet can also NOT 
cause stomach distress after a while. 
  :-)  But there are others who have such faith in MMS and what Jim 
says, that it's hard for them to believe that their stomach only reacted 
because it is a poison, but is no longer reacting to it.  If once a poison, 
always a poison.

Sodium chlorite--such an interesting chemical!



Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread M. G. Devour
Kirsteen wonders:
> Ok, I may be slow on the uptake here but what did he mean by 'stay
> fat' 

Ummm, I don't know, but that wasn't the wish I was granting him. 

> Cheers
> Kirsteen

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread Kirsteen Wright
Ok, I may be slow on the uptake here but what did he mean by 'stay fat'


CS>[List Owner] breaking Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread Sandy
Oops does this mean what I think it does? John has been dissolved into cyber 

Disclaimer: Canceled 


--- On Wed, 2/24/10, Sandy  wrote:

From: Sandy 
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2010, 2:24 PM

Not that I would ever argue with John but he never ever tantalized you 
on the other hand...  :)

 I see I will have to remain disclaimerized for a bit longer.


Disclaimer: Everything contained within my messages are strictly my own 
opinions and should not be construed as me speaking for anyone else. Thank you.

--- On Wed, 2/24/10, M. G. Devour  wrote:

From: M. G. Devour 
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2010, 8:56 AM

John writes:
> Please do me a favor.  Dissolve me into cyper space from your
> silverlist
 of clowns. 

Gee... with the immensity of his competence, he can't follow the same 
simple instructions that allowed him to sign up in the first place?

More technical naivete?

> Brooks Bradley is the only person who has anything to say that is
> meaningful, but I know most of what he's been talking about anyway. 

And in all the years I've known that man, never has he been the 
slightest measure less than a perfect gentleman.

John is no gentleman.

> I haven't learned anything ...

Because his mind is closed and he hasn't shut his mouth long enough to 
hear a word anyone else has said.

> Thanks, it's been fun tantalizing all of you. 

How much does he charge for the whole package, I wonder?

Shows the kind of generous spirit... he entirely lacks.

> Have a great life and stay fat... 

He's got us surrounded, the poor bastard.

His last wish has
 been granted.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 



Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread Sandy
Not that I would ever argue with John but he never ever tantalized you 
on the other hand...  :)

 I see I will have to remain disclaimerized for a bit longer.


Disclaimer: Everything contained within my messages are strictly my own 
opinions and should not be construed as me speaking for anyone else. Thank you.

--- On Wed, 2/24/10, M. G. Devour  wrote:

From: M. G. Devour 
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2010, 8:56 AM

John writes:
> Please do me a favor.  Dissolve me into cyper space from your
> silverlist of clowns. 

Gee... with the immensity of his competence, he can't follow the same 
simple instructions that allowed him to sign up in the first place?

More technical naivete?

> Brooks Bradley is the only person who has anything to say that is
> meaningful, but I know most of what he's been talking about anyway. 

And in all the years I've known that man, never has he been the 
slightest measure less than a perfect gentleman.

John is no gentleman.

> I haven't learned anything ...

Because his mind is closed and he hasn't shut his mouth long enough to 
hear a word anyone else has said.

> Thanks, it's been fun tantalizing all of you. 

How much does he charge for the whole package, I wonder?

Shows the kind of generous spirit... he entirely lacks.

> Have a great life and stay fat... 

He's got us surrounded, the poor bastard.

His last wish has been granted.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 


Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread Craig Chamberlin

May he rest in peace:)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread M. G. Devour
John writes:
> Please do me a favor.  Dissolve me into cyper space from your
> silverlist of clowns. 

Gee... with the immensity of his competence, he can't follow the same 
simple instructions that allowed him to sign up in the first place?

More technical naivete?

> Brooks Bradley is the only person who has anything to say that is
> meaningful, but I know most of what he's been talking about anyway. 

And in all the years I've known that man, never has he been the 
slightest measure less than a perfect gentleman.

John is no gentleman.

> I haven't learned anything ...

Because his mind is closed and he hasn't shut his mouth long enough to 
hear a word anyone else has said.

> Thanks, it's been fun tantalizing all of you. 

How much does he charge for the whole package, I wonder?

Shows the kind of generous spirit... he entirely lacks.

> Have a great life and stay fat... 

He's got us surrounded, the poor bastard.

His last wish has been granted.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Hair Loss - link here

2010-02-24 Thread scl555
Hi Lisa,

I had to contract with a company in Asia to have the lasers custom made with 
milspec components and high grade optics. I suppose if you had all the 
machinery you could do it yourself. That is why they are much more expensive 
than the laser pens you see on ebay and elsewhere. The industrial grade 635nm 
diode is actually 10mw but exits the aperture at about 5mw. If you check 
pricing on industrial grade 10mw 635nm laser diodes you'll understand why the 
laser therapy pen is not cheap.
The LEDs discussed earlier DO work they just don't penetrate as deeply. If you 
are trying to save $ that's a good way to go. 

 Lisa  wrote: 

Hi Steve,

I know I'm interested in how you put your own laser unit together (and I'm
sure others would be too). Would you be willing to share the "how to"?


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 5:43 PM
Cc: Annie B Smythe
Subject: Re: CS>Hair Loss - link here

My wife and I have also found low level laser therapy works well. Some folks
on the silver list have also used red LED lights for hair growth. I designed
my own laser unit and find it penetrates a little better than LEDs. Both
will work though. works well for pain
relief too

 Annie B Smythe  wrote: 

Just take zinc too or the balance will get out of 
kilter and deplete your zinc , and make sure your 
iron levels are okay. Too much copper without Iron 
can deplete iron. And big doses or B12 can do the 
same. A good rule of thumb is approx 2 mg copper 
to 50 mg zinc.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Leslie wrote:
> Hi, When I saw Hair Loss I wanted to mention that Utopia is advertising 
> an elec. cs generator that makes copper also. I asked just what was 
> copper for and I was told it was for hair loss and energy. I would like 
> to know if any have any comments on copper. Thanks, Leslie

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Colloid Master??

2010-02-24 Thread Golden Aldi
Hi Dave,

Thanks for responding! I was beginning to think my mails weren't getting
through at all, but nice to see that this one got through.

I don't have the 777 model, but the Universal one. There is only a switch to
turn the generator on, and the processing button to start the process. Then
there is the green light, which goes on as soon as you turn it on.  This is
the time you can test the water, but you already know that :-)
But I don't recall ever seeing the red light go on.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:37 PM, Dave Darrin  wrote:

> Aldi
> On the front panel of the 777 there is a switch that is labeled either
> standard or fast, the setting you need to use is the standard  setting, the
> red and green lights alternate every minute and the red comes on bright when
> it shuts off.
> On the fast setting it is running manually and will brew until you shut it
> off hence the colors you got.
> I've never been able to get anything but clear up to 20 ppm (setting #
> 7)with mine set on standard.
> Dave

RE: CS>Hair Loss - link here

2010-02-24 Thread Lisa
Hi Steve,

I know I'm interested in how you put your own laser unit together (and I'm
sure others would be too). Would you be willing to share the "how to"?


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 5:43 PM
Cc: Annie B Smythe
Subject: Re: CS>Hair Loss - link here

My wife and I have also found low level laser therapy works well. Some folks
on the silver list have also used red LED lights for hair growth. I designed
my own laser unit and find it penetrates a little better than LEDs. Both
will work though. works well for pain
relief too

 Annie B Smythe  wrote: 

Just take zinc too or the balance will get out of 
kilter and deplete your zinc , and make sure your 
iron levels are okay. Too much copper without Iron 
can deplete iron. And big doses or B12 can do the 
same. A good rule of thumb is approx 2 mg copper 
to 50 mg zinc.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Leslie wrote:
> Hi, When I saw Hair Loss I wanted to mention that Utopia is advertising 
> an elec. cs generator that makes copper also. I asked just what was 
> copper for and I was told it was for hair loss and energy. I would like 
> to know if any have any comments on copper. Thanks, Leslie

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>CS : Deodorant

2010-02-24 Thread Harold MacDonald
What is wrong with CS/IES as a deodorant?
Having lived a lot of years with BO,Jock itch,etc.,using various 
deodorants,even DRs. scripts,special soaps,you name it, I am sure I tried it; 
results? not a one did anything good.I eventually ended up with severe 
re-actions to the stick deodorants.
Glory be ,guess what???,I found that CS/EIS was the only answer,works 
wonders ,Whoopee.
Since I started using it some years ago,the problem has gone away except for 
the rare occasion.
The bacteria that is the culprit can be  contagious, I believe.
Use in the bath,laundry,hand rinse with it after washing,unlimited uses.


Re: CS> Use of copper---

2010-02-24 Thread Renee
Usually liver cleanses do not cause diarrhea.  Of course, every person is
different--so I would advise just starting with a tablet or two a day and
see how he reacts.


---Original Message---
Do you happen to know what would happen after taking the liver cleanse tablets? 

Re: CS>(LL) Have you heard of this name change ?? Sweeteners.

2010-02-24 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
But what I read said that the aspartame excitotoxins cause nerves to die?  Is 
this not right then?  dee

On 24 Feb 2010, at 15:01, Ode Coyote wrote:

> At 06:25 PM 2/23/2010 +, you wrote:
>> But aspartame is a known neurotoxin (exitotoxin) sol,
> "Blankets" can't stay alive without excitotoxins.
> Look a little deeper.
> ode

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>More questions for Tom

2010-02-24 Thread Renee
Sigh--I think I've opened up a can of worms. :-)  Another question. 

The person that is asking this question was the one who asked about the HCI
with sodium chlorite.  He told me to thank you for him for all your help. 
Here's his next question--and if you don't know about the encapsulation
process, and don't have time for yet more experimentation to learn about it,
we all understand.  Your answer will be "I don't know"--and that's good
enough for us.  

(Oh--and now I'm wondering--since this is SO not about CS, should we take it
off list?  I know certain other subjects are ok, to an extent, but this
seems to be too ongoing?)

Now, can you ask him about the possibility of creating a liposomal MMS/VitC

He may not have any knowledge of the process used to create liposomal Vit c,
so here is a link to the post from Brooks explaining the process:

Re: CS>Fw: using h2o2 and EIS

2010-02-24 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I never had any success with it Dick.  I did one that sort of worked but the 
next two were just murky grey!  dee

On 24 Feb 2010, at 14:25, Richard Goodwin wrote:

> Trying to use H2O2 -- half success, half unknown result...  I made two 
> batches of a gallon each, both with distilled water, one with some silver I 
> got from some place in Arizona or New Mexico a while back, the other with 
> silver from Atlasnova, both 99.99.
> The Atlasnova batch came out clear with a slight tinge of yellow around 15 
> PPM.  
> The other batch came out about the same, but with slightly more yellow, and 
> some kind of cloudiness.
> I put 24 drops of H2O2 into the Atlasnova batch, and it turned clear, as I 
> had expected from reading this list.
> I put 6 drops of H2O2 into the other batch, and it lost a little of the 
> yellow, but turned much more cloudy.  Now it is sort of a very pale yellow 
> with some kind of opaque cloudiness in it.  Can't figure what it could be.  
> Any ideas?
> Dick

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Use of copper---

2010-02-24 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
This is such a brilliant supplier Renee, I always get my supplements from them 
as they are so reasonable.  Postage is amazing too - they charge me $4 whereas 
other places charge as much as $39!  Do you happen to know what would happen 
after taking the liver cleanse tablets?  Its just that my husband has a really 
delicate system and the least thing will have him rushing to the loo!  dee

On 24 Feb 2010, at 14:14, Renee wrote:

> Just one spot could be anything.  Usually when one starts getting liver spots 
> they are past 50 and they usually start showing up first on hands, though 
> they can be anywhere.
> But, unless you are 20 something, (and even then with todays world being what 
> it is) it never, ever hurts to do a liver cleanse.
> There are many good ones out there, and they can be bought at any health food 
> store. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>More questions for Tom

2010-02-24 Thread Renee
Thanks again Tom.

Since we've been discussing your great information on the MMS list, someone
brought up the question of nausea levels.

If AMMS is actually a poison that the body reacts to, causing nausea and
diarrhea--rather than pathogen die-off as Jim says--why is it that once a
certain level is reached, the body quits reacting that way?

Meaning (and I have found this to be true for me also) that when I first
started AMMS I could take 6 drops without nausea.  At 7 drops nausea hit.  I
backed off, stayed at 6 for a few more days, then went back to 7 and no
nausea.  Same at each level.

The person asking about this has worked up to the full 15 drops twice a day,
and no longer has any nausea.  

Since we have been told this is because the AMMS has killed the pathogens so
that there are no more death toxins in our system, and therefore we are no
longer nauseated, how do we reconcile this with the fact that it's a poison
and that our stomach/bowels were simply reacting to the poison?

Is it because our bodies become use to the poison?

I do know that MMS is an extreme product, causing the exact opposite
reactions in different people.  So I don't see a large problem with
believing that MMS is both a poison that causes stomach distress, and yet
can also NOT cause stomach distress after a while. 
  :-)  But there are others who have such faith in MMS and what Jim says,
that it's hard for them to believe that their stomach only reacted because
it is a poison, but is no longer reacting to it.  If once a poison, always a

Sodium chlorite--such an interesting chemical!


Re: CS>Fw: using h2o2 and EIS

2010-02-24 Thread Marshall Dudley

Christina Mattson wrote:

Hi all, can anyone tell me what the benefits of using h2o2 with
EIS. i read that one supies oxygen to the body and the other helps
the body to use it. I know it breaks the EIS even more but which
part of it, the Particles or Ions or both and is there anyway to
purify non food grade to remove any stabilizers or other chemicals
that may be used. It seems impossible to get the food grade h2o2
Thank you in advance

It breaks the particles down, it is impossible to break down ions 
(except in a cyclotron to quarks), they are atoms that have lost an 
electron and are actually smaller than the atom.  I don't worry about 
the stabalizers, there is only a small amount in the peroxide, and when 
you are only adding a few drops there is very very little. That may be a 
mistake since I have not looked at the MSDS on the stabilizers.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Which layer of skin for silver deposit?

2010-02-24 Thread Marshall Dudley
Theoretically yes. Practically, maybe not. If you can get a valid 
measurement then you could still be off by what has deposited on the 
container sides and bottom, and plated out on the cathode.  You could 
weigh both electrodees to eliminate the plating out on the cathode.  But 
you will be looking for a very small amount, if you put 10 ppm  of 
silver in one liter of water, that would work out to only 10 milligrams 
of silver, or .01 grams of silver.  Now there are balances that can 
weigh that, but when you are looking for a change that small with the 
electrodes weighting 10 grams or so, you need an accuracy AND 
repeatability of 1 part per thousand or so on the scale, whereas just 
weighting it the accuracy could be 1 in 100 and be fine.

With that said, the following might work, even by weighting the electrodes:


poast wrote:

Hello Marshall,

Is is possible to weigh the anode before and after and get an idea of how
much is in the solution?

Once again we are looking at very small measurements, but if you did several
batches between weighing, you may get an agerage.

The may be opptimistic, but could give a ballpark esimation.


- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Dudley" 

Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Which layer of skin for silver deposit?


Doing quantitative analysis for silver compounds is really rather easy,
if you have much silver present. The biggest problem is that at 5-20
ppm, the quantities are so small, that getting a good weight on them is
difficult.  It can be done though with a good balance, forget a postage
scale. These pages might give you some ideas:

Anyway, this can be done.

Add a few drops of hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid should be ok) to the
mix. Verify that it becomes cloudy. Let the cloudy part settle, and
decant off the liquid. Dry the power and weight. Take the weight in
grams and divide by 1.33, that will give you the silver content of the
precipitant. Now divide that by the amount of water you had in liters
and multiply by 1,000,000. Add .6 ppm for the dissolved portion, and you
will now know the amount of ionic silver in ppm in the mixture.

Now take the same amount of EIS and boil it dry.  Add about 10 drops of
nitric acid (this must be done in a test tube) and reflux the sides
while boiling dry again over a flame (or use a flask over a hot plate).
You now have 100% silver nitrate. Weight this in grams and divide by
1.575 and that will give you the total silver content. Divide that by
the amount of water in liters and multiply by 1,000,000 to get the ppm
of silver.

Warning, nitric acid is very very toxic, breathing the fumes will
liquefy your lungs so boiling it must be done under a fume hood.  Don't
even think of using a venta hood over a stove, it will completely eat
the metal of the hood and the metal piping to the outside up (if it even
goes outside).  Fumes are not only toxic, but will destroy any
electronics you have in area.

Another way to get the total silver would be to add the hydrochloric
acid as above, and boil it dry.  Then subtract the amount you got in
grams in the first part. What remains will be the silver content of the
colloidal part.  Divide this by the amount of water in liters and
multiply 1,000,000 for the colloidal part in ppm.

PS, if you measure everything in micrograms instead of grams, you do not
have to multiply by 1,000,000 to get the ppm.


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List Owner: Mike Devour 


Re: CS>Diabetes Question

2010-02-24 Thread Ode Coyote

  It has also been noted that in 100% of gastric bypass patients that had 
the upper part of the stomach removed and also had even severe Diabetes, 
didn't have it any more, at all, in about 2 days after the surgery.


At 10:39 AM 2/23/2010 -0500, you wrote:

Dear Jonathan
Thank you. I will look further into this. Blessings Karen Conrad
- Original Message - From: "Jonathan B. Britten" 

Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Diabetes Question

I once read that MDs using adult stem cell therapy have cured diabetes, 
restoring the pancreas to normal condition.  The cells came from the 
patient's nostrils.I have not read follow-up on this report and can't 
vouch for its accuracy.

On Sunday, Feb 21, 2010, at 04:22 Asia/Tokyo, Karen and Jerry Conrad wrote:

unfortunately my son has had type I diabetes for 15 years, hopefully 
this info can and will help someone else, Blessings Karen Conrad

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:
Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>machine question

2010-02-24 Thread Ode Coyote

  Store bought is often Mild Silver Protein. MSP [in the fine 
Big metallic particles partly covered up with protein gel..guesstimated to 
be about 1/50th as effective as EIS per PPM.

Store bought electro-colloidal silver should be the same as what you make 
at home..but is sometimes not as strong as the label says, sometimes as 
little as .3 PPM on a bottle labeled at 10 PPM by people that didn't know 
how to run their HVAC open arc commercial production unit with an inert gas 
blanket, then used a meter to measure nitric acid content rather than 
silver and didn't know they were.


At 12:17 PM 2/23/2010 -0800, you wrote:
Hi Bob, I also had this dilemma a while back. I ended up going with what 
you call ionic (which i call CS but an going to change to EIS) Anyway, 
Maybe you could purchase some Particulate silver solution and some Ionic 
and compare the two. I have not tried the Particulate type.
One thing i know for sure is I like the CS i made with my silver puppy a 
lot more than the CS i purchased, it's more effective and seems to give me 
more energy.
My daughters boyfriend has had pink eye three times and the third time he 
used mine instead of store bought, he said mine eased the discomfort 
within minutes of dropping it into his eye and cured it in two days vs 
four days with the store bought CS.
I'm definitely not an expert and I'm sure your going to get all the 
information you need and then some here. I have learned so much and i'm 
getting better at understanding the technical stuff the more i read it.


--- On Tue, 2/23/10, Dorothy Fitzpatrick  wrote:

From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick 
Subject: Re: CS>machine question
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 3:01 AM

Most on this group prefer the EIS (electronically isolated silver) 
commonly known as colloidal silver (CS)  ours is a mixture of both and 
consists of mainly ionic with some colloidal.  I have a SilverPuppy which 
I love--this makes clear EIS and is cheap and easy to use.  You can use 
it manually or automatically and it has a facility whereby you can switch 
polarity to limit build up on the electrodes.  This I find an excellent 
feature.  You literally just pour in your distilled water into your jar - 
put the generator on the top and just leave it and it turns itself off 
when done.  couldn't be easier.  For larger amounts, there is the 
SilverGen which is a bit more expensive I believe, but does larger amounts. dee

On 22 Feb 2010, at 21:18, william heene wrote:

> Afternoon...I am new to the group and looking to buy a CS mach., at 
this point I am confused about which is more effective,  ionic or 
particle.  I can't seem to find an answer!  One site they say ionic and 
other site it is particle.  I assume you people are very experienced in 
CS producion and it's uses and looking for some input about the topic.

> Thanks Bob

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List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>machine question

2010-02-24 Thread Ode Coyote

Ions cannot exist without the water, so sizing particles made out of ions 
by drying them, using an electron microscope that can only be used on dry 
samples, is total BS.


adding:  Any time you see a particle size figure at .0008 microns, it 
was determined using an electron microscope taking photos of something 

 Those are Silver Oxide particles MADE by drying out the Ions. [removing 
the water]

At 97% Ionic, it might take quite a bit of searching just to FIND a 
particle with an electron microscopes field of view.if it COULD in a 
liquid, which it can't.
[Of course, those will also be in the dried sample, carefully avoided so as 
not to show any of those relative monsters. ]

The new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator  [snip]
   * Produces uncommonly small silver micro-particles as low as 
.0008 microns.

##  Actually, seeing as the author of that mess of mixed contexts doesn't 
seem to know the difference between a particle and an Ion and can call Ions 
particles...MOST of what that and every generator makes is WAY~WAY smaller 
than .0008 microns.

So, "as low as" is not only not true, but excludes mention of all the 
bigger ones that form later by distraction from the fact that the ones that 
ARE mentioned were never-in-the-water...and the ones that WERE in the 
water being at only around 3%-15% of the total silver and would survive 
drying, the microscope apparently didn't find any of them.

 Ignorance...happenstanceor design?

 "Technically" an Ion IS a particle by "legal" definition as it takes up 
space and has mass, but if you ever expect a lawyer to tell you 
something  you are "meant" to applying the very reason 
for saying anything at all as an intended communication of 
meaningwelldon't hold your breath.
It's wiser to recognize a slick ass "lawyer" and steer clear of the 
legalese BS designed to say things it DOESN'T mean without "technically" lying.

 Ohh, I LIKE this one.
"Over a year and a half in development, [ a long time ago ] this brand new 
unit [manufactured recently and never before used] represents a bona-fide 
breakthrough in colloidal silver-making technology.[ back when everybody 
was using salt, 3 nines and thought 1PPM per minute was possible during the 
second and third minutes as the current shot up the line like a 
though a timer works now when it didn't used to, but no one knew it didn't. ]

Well, at least they don't cost $400+ anymore.

"Standard Colloidal Silver"  ??  What the heck is that? [Words that imply 
meaning but have absolutely none]
 I mean, my house is smaller than a standard rock?  [Sorta depends on 
where and how you live, don't it? ]

I think I'll go Phishing nowjust wade across the pond to England with 
my hook, line and stinker and all the Phish are 27 long [feet or 
millimeters?] and over 10 pounds. [sterling]


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike Devour 

yellow instead of a clear EIS Re: Ole Bob and HVAC, was Re: CS>Which layer of skin for silver deposit?

2010-02-24 Thread Ode Coyote

Observations, draw your own conclusions

  Using a bottom up light to eliminate reflections and a near optical 
round jar for magnification and  experimenting with various current 
setting, LVDC, no stirring [Keep light off till brief observation time]...
 When the current density is too high, I saw a stream of particles coming 
off both electrodes, one golden from the electrode that turns black, one 
whitish coming from the other one, forming an inverted arc with a potion in 
the middle that showed nothing at all.
If that arc was allowed to touch the bottom, the golden stream laid down a 
black contact [Oxide] spot deposit, the white stream a white [Hyroxide] 
deposit and the nothing in the middle made a nice shiny silver mirror.

 Reducing the current eliminated the golden stream. [but not the black 
spot, entirely]

If the current density is too high, some of the Silver Oxide enters the 
water rather than sticking to the electrode.
 Every time I've seen that golden particle stream the batch came out 
yellow, the stronger it was made, the deeper yellow it was.
Of note, Hydrogen Peroxide almost instantly dissolves the Silver Oxide on 
the electrode and whatever may accumulate on the glass, except for that 
black spot..and...clears up a yellow batch.

..draw your own conclusions.

The silver mirror resulting from the invisible portion of the arc must have 
come from Ions picking up electrons and converting into metallic silver to 
plate there.
 Glass has capacitive capabilities and a capacitor gathers electrons on a 
surface [usually aluminum foil, but glass will do it too] where a Silver 
Ion might pick it up.
 Glass, a silicon based substance, like a solar cell, also has certain 
impurities that can serve as doping for an inefficient solar cell to place 
those electrons on the surface of the glass.

 Any ambient electromagnetic radiation could be the source.

 The black spot is not easily dissolved with Hydrogen Peroxide, so, it 
could be possible that the Oxide also picked up electrons and enabled the 
formation of a different oxide.

[??] denotes an "I dunno", just guessing.

Of note:  If you clean a blackened electrode with H2O2, but leave it in the 
H2O2, it will turn black again and H2O2 won't remove it.  AgO [+]  + O 
[-] > Ag2O  [??]
The Peroxide and the surface electrons on glass does the same thing to the 
AgO...converting it into Ag2O using different sources for the mono-atomic 
oxygen. [??]

I once ran an LVDC batch with H2O2 in the water for several days and it 
made great big shiny silver snow flakes in clear water that after about 3 
months of sitting on a sunny windowsill looking very pretty but useless, 
turned deep yellow with black balls rolling around on the bottom.  The 
conductivity never went over 3 uS., however [very foggy memory here] I seem 
to recall that the yellow stage metered at 30 uScould be wrong, that 
was a long time ago.
 Apparently, under certain energetic conditions, H2O2 can donate an 
electron to a silver ion [??]

 When using polarity shifting  LVAC, no arc will form.
If the frequency is on the high side, both electrodes tend towards white.
If lowered to very slow, both electrodes tend towards black.
With bottom lighting and magnification, the particle cloud can be 
observably made to form or collect [Can't tell which] directly between the 
electrodes in a standing field.

I've not tried this using over current...could be that a golden standing 
field could happen?

 Taking it another step:
In almost every discipline where a crystal lattice is formed, metallurgy, 
ice snow and weather, rock candy making etc etc, a crystal forms more 
readily on an impurity using it as a "seed" or nucleus...which also often 
determines the shape of the fractal arms of the crystal...and different 
shapes refract light differently.

IF a Silver Oxide particle is being used as that seed to collect Silver 
Hydroxide and /or metallic silver particles into a crystal it will be 
covered and hidden, thus not show a color from pigment.
 However, the size and shape of the crystal could show various colors from 
refraction [Rayliegh Light Scattering ?? ]

 Since H2O2 will destroy AgO, post haste...AND will remove ANY color from 
CS/EIS , not just yellow..could it be that it is removing that Oxide 
nucleus and breaking the fractal arms off that crystal to make smaller 
pieces that don't display the light scattering effect ..nor be yellow due 
to the destruction of the pigment hidden at the center?

In the case of converting red and violet colored CS.. crystals large enough 
to display those colors, the broken off fractal arms may be large and 
numerous enough to make a very dense TE, yet small enough to not display 
some other color.


At 10:56 AM 2/23/2010 -0500, you wrote:
I produced HVAC CS for about 6 years before switching to LVDC.  With my 
setup I was unable to exceed more than about 7 to 8 ppm before the 
particles stated becoming objectionably large, a

CS>CS healing, Cross post from another list

2010-02-24 Thread Ode Coyote

Cross post from another list.

I ripped a 1" circle of skin off the back of my hand on a door jamb
while carrying a box of stuff though it , picked the bloody chunk up out of
the dirt and pasted it back on using my grubby fingers with a few sprits
of CS as a quick wash off.
I kept it soaked with CS and a piece of paper towel for 6 a
shaving cut and toilet paper.
In 5 days the replaced skin had turned baby butt pink with a pinker edge.
In 7 days, I couldn't tell it had happened.

I recently had a spider bite my ankle 7 times. [I never saw a spiderso
don't know what sort or even really if it was a spider]
All I really know is that in a line of decreasing diameter spots starting
about 3/4" my skin liquefied and fell off showing muscle underneath.

I placed a CS soaked paper towel over the wounds and held it in place with
a clean white sock, kept it wet.
The ankle swelled up a bit for a day or so, showing many little spider
veins popping out...worrisome to the point of considering going to the
Docs, but gave it some more time as it was a weekend.
It did a fair amount of oozing and a little blood..sop it up and change
wet towel.
Healed over in 5 days, baby butt pink, no scabs.
In 14 days, no sign but the lack of pigment in those spots.

Flat out AMAZING
I've busted a lot of knucks in my time and NOTHING beats CS for not losing
little chunks of knuckle for weeks.

A friend cut 3 fingers in a line with a chain saw...pretty deep groove there.
Wrapped one up with gauze soaked with CS
One with gauze and Neosporin.
One with ...just wash the hole with cold water and gauze.

The CS finger healed up twice as fast as the Neo finger, no infection and
no scar.
The Neo finger had some infection and eventually healed up with little scar.
Nearly lost the untreated finger till he soaked it constantly in
CS..badly swollen and tender and weeping, starting to turn a little black
in spots.
It came back OK, a little numb and mangled, but not too bad.


At 08:58 PM 2/22/2010 +, you wrote:
>I've used a chainsaw for forty some years with only two mishaps, neither
>left more than scars. The second one was just this last Saturday. I was
>cutting upward to throw the chips away from me and the saw jumped up on
>top and ran across my left boot, ruining the boot and tearing up my big toe.
>Had 150 yards or so to get to the house. I'm turning the sky blue, hearing
>the 'squish' in my boot and working myself into a really bad mood although
>I realize that I can still move my toes...
>Unceremoniously woke my lovely wife up from her Olympic games induced nap
>to give me a hand. Bleeping blood everywhere. We put my foot in a plastic
>bag and I hobble to the closest bathroom that has a tub and we proceed to
>try to see just what I've done..
>She gets her surgical sissors out to cut away some of the mangled skin
>away while it's still 'numb'...and I'm not sure about this. Too late and I
>didn't feel a thing. Oops, she clips a small artery and I can count my
>heart beats by the systematic squirt. Poured H2O2 on it and followed that
>with CS.. Soaked a compress in CS and wrapped it with a 'stick to itself'
>stretchy wrap.
>This was about 5:00. Changed it three times before 9:00 with the damn
>nerves in that leg forcing me to have to hold it down while she does the
>best she can..
>My daughter calls from 320 miles away telling her momma that the labor
>pains have started.. The lovely lady looks at me and I tell her to 'go
>on.. I've got this..' She lines me out with all she thinks I'll need close
>to hand, packs her bag and she's gone..
>I can go to sleep in my recliner but I don't sleep well in it.. Re-did the
>compress one more time, slowly put two oversized socks on it and went to
>bed..carefully.. Learned real quick not to let ANYTHING touch the big toe
>area of that foot..
>To shorten this up some..Sunday I redid the bandaging with a liberal use
>of CS, hobbled around a bit, found an old moccasin, cut the top out of
>that and proceeded to: carry in three loads of firewood, feed the animals,
>go through a box of 45ACP, and generally whatever I wanted to do..and that
>brings me to my question..
>Once up for a bit Sunday I felt very little pain and it looks really good
>with very little seepage. I give all the credit to the CS. My question
>relates to the hocus pocus around the regeneration qualities of Colloidal
>Silver.. How much credit do I give that because I'm blown away with the
>lack of pain the the general good looks of the damaged area..
>Uncleben ..

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CS>Silver Carbonate>Confusion Making CS

2010-02-24 Thread Ode Coyote

  After reading what Dr Marx of CS Pro says about using Baking Soda as a 
buffer so that a timer has a *chance* of't affect the 
quality of the CS.. I gave it a go using enough to buffer the water up to 
around 10 uS..a small batch.. and ran in manual mode for something like 4 
hours @ one milliamp.

Everything seemed go swimmingly as claimed and I started writing an "OK, so 
I'm full of it" piece to the silverlist..but just as I was finishing it up, 
the batch went murky milky white.


 So, I set the batch on a North facing windowsill for a day and it went 
murky milky grey with a lot of grey sediment.

Looking around on the Google, I found a potters site that described how to 
make a silver glaze from silver carbonate by converting it to a highly 
soluble silver acetate.

OK, so I added a goodly dollop [scientific measurements there] of white 
distiller vinegar to the murky milky grey with bottom crud batch and in a 
few hours it was crystal clear with no sediment.

 Silver Carbonate "Highly" soluble?
 Well, maybe before light gets to it.

..and I do believe that Dr Marx is wrong.


 At 10:25 AM 2/23/2010 -0500, you wrote:
Sorry, I was having some fun with the words.  Actually silver carbonate is 
highly soluble, and thus will really look like pure water, but will of 
course be a compound which is more likely to cause argyria.


Deborah Gerard wrote:

Hi Marshall...what does bubble trouble carbonate rubble look like?
thanks Deb

*From:* Marshall Dudley 
*Sent:* Mon, February 22, 2010 11:09:56 AM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Confusion Making CS

Also note that a bubbler increases the production of silver carbonate, 
and if you bubble furiously you can get bubble trouble carbonate rubble.


sol wrote:
> At 01:14 PM 2/20/2010, you wrote:
>> I should have clarified in the last message that I didn't use a 
bubbler with any of these experiments last night.

>> Thanks Debbie
> But you ARE using distilled water? Nothing added?
> When I used an aquarium bubbler with my homemade set up, I found it 
important to have the bubbles coming out very slowly, one at a time, and 
also to have it set so the bubbles rose as closely as possible right 
between the electrodes.

> sol
> >

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Re: CS>machine question

2010-02-24 Thread Ode Coyote

  From links posted long ago on the Blue Lady site [Rosmary Jacobs]
 One of the research papers linked to, the scientists were unable to 
produce any cases of Argyria to study in dogs and went to the silver 
industry looking for cases.
 The researcher found no current cases and a history of 1 in 2000 workers 
developing the condition over a period of something like 80 yearsand a 
lower than usual absenteeism rate from colds and flu.

it would be really nice of Rosemary to put those links back..but I guess 
she actually read what they linked to and found out it tended to disprove 
her assertions.


At 01:35 PM 2/23/2010 -0800, you wrote:
Hello again bob, i was in a hurry and for got to mention that i have read 
literature about Particulate vs Ionic and here's what i came up with. In 
my case i was specifically interested in knowing which of the two 
presented a greater (if any) risk of Argyria.
One said that it's the type with mostly ions and a small percentage of 
particulate in super high doses would cause it. this was by people in 
favor of ionic.
Another said the miners who worked in a silver mine got it from inhaling 
the silver dust so i figured that would have to be particles. this one was 
brought up in an article by someone strictly against pretty much any 
silver product used for health especially CS. So i decided (for myself 
only) that the ions were necessary for mine and my son's personal needs 
and i would use it in moderation.


--- On Tue, 2/23/10, Christina Mattson  wrote:

From: Christina Mattson 
Subject: Re: CS>machine question
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 11:17 AM

Hi Bob, I also had this dilemma a while back. I ended up going with what 
you call ionic (which i call CS but an going to change to EIS) Anyway, 
Maybe you could purchase some Particulate silver solution and some Ionic 
and compare the two. I have not tried the Particulate type.
One thing i know for sure is I like the CS i made with my silver puppy a 
lot more than the CS i purchased, it's more effective and seems to give 
me more energy.
My daughters boyfriend has had pink eye three times and the third time he 
used mine instead of store bought, he said mine eased the discomfort 
within minutes of dropping it into his eye and cured it in two days vs 
four days with the store bought CS.
I'm definitely not an expert and I'm sure your going to get all the 
information you need and then some here. I have learned so much and i'm 
getting better at understanding the technical stuff the more i read it.


--- On Tue, 2/23/10, Dorothy Fitzpatrick  wrote:

From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick 
Subject: Re: CS>machine question
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 3:01 AM

Most on this group prefer the EIS (electronically isolated silver) 
commonly known as colloidal silver (CS)  ours is a mixture of both and 
consists of mainly ionic with some colloidal.  I have a SilverPuppy 
which I love--this makes clear EIS and is cheap and easy to use.  You 
can use it manually or automatically and it has a facility whereby you 
can switch polarity to limit build up on the electrodes.  This I find an 
excellent feature.  You literally just pour in your distilled water into 
your jar - put the generator on the top and just leave it and it turns 
itself off when done.  couldn't be easier.  For larger amounts, there is 
the SilverGen which is a bit more expensive I believe, but does larger 
amounts. dee

On 22 Feb 2010, at 21:18, william heene wrote:

> Afternoon...I am new to the group and looking to buy a CS mach., at 
this point I am confused about which is more effective,  ionic or 
particle.  I can't seem to find an answer!  One site they say ionic and 
other site it is particle.  I assume you people are very experienced in 
CS producion and it's uses and looking for some input about the topic.

> Thanks Bob

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List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Confusion Making CS

2010-02-24 Thread Ode Coyote

 I've sent samples to several labs, one of them NC State DNR water lab in 
Raleigh that does nothing BUT water and doesn't accept work from the public 
[ I know somebody that works there and she slipped it under the tableI 
also helped pour the concrete floors as a youngster, my first "steel and 
concrete" construction job, and managed to keep a cranky gas powered 
elevator running between pours]

Anyhoo, that lab was WAY off on the PPM to the high side and I didn't know 
it for quite a while.

Not every lab is very good. at "silver".


At 12:18 PM 2/23/2010 +, you wrote:

Calm down Neville--you'll do yourself a mischief !  dee

On 22 Feb 2010, at 22:47, Neville Munn wrote:

> Excuse my butting in but the only way to *determine* anything with your 
EIS is laboratory analysis.  If you've got a pocket full of money and are 
willing to get *several* samples analysed, go for it, but if not, then 
don't worry about it, just keep using that meter.

> Jeez, if I didn't know better I'd be thinking someone's trying to put 
the frighteners up people again, only this time it's about meters.


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Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>machine question

2010-02-24 Thread Ode Coyote

  The  silvergen SG7 does 5 gallon pretty short order.
The SG6 does smaller batches [one quart] and is a decent generator at a 
decent price made by a decent guy, Trem.

When anyone asks about making a BUNCH of CS/EIS...that's where I send 


At 12:01 PM 2/23/2010 +, you wrote:
Most on this group prefer the EIS (electronically isolated silver) 
commonly known as colloidal silver (CS)  ours is a mixture of both and 
consists of mainly ionic with some colloidal.  I have a SilverPuppy which 
I love--this makes clear EIS and is cheap and easy to use.  You can use it 
manually or automatically and it has a facility whereby you can switch 
polarity to limit build up on the electrodes.  This I find an excellent 
feature.  You literally just pour in your distilled water into your jar - 
put the generator on the top and just leave it and it turns itself off 
when done.  couldn't be easier.  For larger amounts, there is the 
SilverGen which is a bit more expensive I believe, but does larger amounts. dee

On 22 Feb 2010, at 21:18, william heene wrote:

> Afternoon...I am new to the group and looking to buy a CS mach., at 
this point I am confused about which is more effective,  ionic or 
particle.  I can't seem to find an answer!  One site they say ionic and 
other site it is particle.  I assume you people are very experienced in 
CS producion and it's uses and looking for some input about the topic.

> Thanks Bob

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Re: CS>(LL) Have you heard of this name change ?? Sweeteners.

2010-02-24 Thread Ode Coyote

At 06:25 PM 2/23/2010 +, you wrote:

But aspartame is a known neurotoxin (exitotoxin) sol,

"Blankets" can't stay alive without excitotoxins.
Look a little deeper.


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List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Troll

2010-02-24 Thread Ode Coyote

  But...'s so much fun to watch trolls bump theirs head on their 
own bridge.
It would seem it's always behind them, location forgotten and when they get 
turned around just a little bit when no one is paying the toll by 
capitulating into a believer or getting angry...


Tin't nuthin like a straight answer to a crooked question.


At 01:03 PM 2/23/2010 +0200, you wrote:

Its a long time since we last had a troll. Seems we have forgotten how to
deal with it.

Ignore it.

It will get bored and disappear.


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List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Is CS effective against HPV?

2010-02-24 Thread John E. Stevens
I can tell you some of the ways to go at it.  E-mail me at my private e-mail
address and I'll explain.


On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 7:10 AM, Rod Stevenson wrote:

> Hello,
> Can anyone here give me information or links to information about how
> to use CS against HPV?
> Are there other things that can be added to or mixed with it?
> TIA,
> Da Luo
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fw: using h2o2 and EIS

2010-02-24 Thread Tel Tofflemire
Check your containers for cleanliness, it is easy to wipe them clean with a 
couple of paper towels, or (coffee filters,no lint) and cheaper too.  Also let 
CS set for a week or two before you add the H202, it works better to wait until 
it settles good. Good luck, your on the right tract.
I make clear CS the first time, I have two quarts that are in clear glass 
bottles, 12 yeas old, no color & 15 ppm ,  and I'm  holding for show.
 Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

From: Richard Goodwin 
Sent: Wed, February 24, 2010 7:25:00 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Fw: using h2o2 and EIS

Trying to use H2O2 -- half success, half unknown result...  I made two batches 
of a gallon each, both with distilled water, one with some silver I got from 
some place in Arizona or New Mexico a while back, the other with silver from 
Atlasnova, both 99.99.

The Atlasnova batch came out clear with a slight tinge of yellow around 15 PPM. 

The other batch came out about the same, but with slightly more yellow, and 
some kind of cloudiness.

I put 24 drops of H2O2 into the Atlasnova batch, and it turned clear, as I had 
expected from reading this list.

I put 6 drops of H2O2 into the other batch, and it lost a little of the yellow, 
but turned much more cloudy.  Now it is sort of a very pale yellow with some 
kind of opaque cloudiness in it.  Can't figure what it could be.  

Any ideas?



Re: CS>Fw: using h2o2 and EIS

2010-02-24 Thread Richard Goodwin
Trying to use H2O2 -- half success, half unknown result...  I made two batches 
of a gallon each, both with distilled water, one with some silver I got from 
some place in Arizona or New Mexico a while back, the other with silver from 
Atlasnova, both 99.99.

The Atlasnova batch came out clear with a slight tinge of yellow around 15 PPM. 

The other batch came out about the same, but with slightly more yellow, and 
some kind of cloudiness.

I put 24 drops of H2O2 into the Atlasnova batch, and it turned clear, as I had 
expected from reading this list.

I put 6 drops of H2O2 into the other batch, and it lost a little of the yellow, 
but turned much more cloudy.  Now it is sort of a very pale yellow with some 
kind of opaque cloudiness in it.  Can't figure what it could be.  

Any ideas?


Re: CS> Use of copper---

2010-02-24 Thread Renee
Just one spot could be anything.  Usually when one starts getting liver
spots they are past 50 and they usually start showing up first on hands,
though they can be anywhere.

But, unless you are 20 something, (and even then with todays world being
what it is) it never, ever hurts to do a liver cleanse.

There are many good ones out there, and they can be bought at any health
food store.  

Then after the cleanse it's good to continue to support the liver.  Milk
thistle is the number one liver support herb as it not only strengthens the
liver but helps build new cells.  The very best way to take milk thistle is
to buy milk thistle seeds, whole, and grind them as you use them.  They can
be put into a salt or pepper grinder, and just grind them over your salads
or potatoes, etc, or you can get a spice grinder and grind up just a few
days worth.

There's a good liver product that I've recently been hearing about on a pet
list.  It seems that many dogs that have had high liver values and have
already been on either prescription liver meds or on milk thistle, have
taken this product and within 2 to 3 weeks their liver values have come down
to normal.  

It is called Country Life Liver Support Factor. The cheapest place I've
Found it is   http://www.iherb

I would do a cleanse and then start on the Liver Support Factor.  OR, take
the morning drink of the juice of one half to one lemon, a tablespoon of
either grade B maple syrup or black strap molasses in a cup of warm water. 
This helps to mildly clean the liver daily.


---Original Message---
SO if I have just one spot on my face for several years and that means that
I need a liver cleanse do I just get one from  Sun Harvest?

Re: CS>Barwick's BS about CS.

2010-02-24 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
You don't *have* to buy *anything* on these peoples site and I think they are 
valuable for the information they give.  I would have been a lot poorer in 
knowledge if not for Mercola, and no, I don't buy his products--too expensive!  
You can choose to believe what they say or not, always cross referencing with 
other sources.  We all have choice thankfully, and I didn't object to what John 
*said* about Steve Barwick as I didn't know who he was - I just objected to his 
insulting way of speaking to those who disagreed with him.  dee
On 23 Feb 2010, at 20:55, Norton, Steve wrote:

> Against my better judgment, I am putting in my 2 cents on this subject.
> Some may want to criticize me as being a "list cop" but I am not and
> don't care to be. But as a member of the list, I am entitled to express
> my opinions too.
> I really don't see Steve Barwick as much different than Mercola, Byron
> Richards, Natural News and other similar sellers that send me
> information. All of them are out to sell me something and whatever news
> they send just happens to conveniently correspond to a product they have
> handy and for sale. If you have ever read an article or book on writing
> advertising copy, they all use some bit of news as the hook to get your
> interest followed by product info and a request for you to buy their
> product. The news is selected to correspond to their product and their
> copy is biased towards their product and getting you to buy it. If you
> are looking for unbiased news these are not the sources for it. These
> people are MARKETEERS, if you don't trust their info then just ignore
> them.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Smilies

2010-02-24 Thread M. G. Devour
> Oh cwap!  Well -- we'll just have to rely on the realiable old :-) and
> :-D.  I can live with that.  Those'll come through OK, right? MA

Yes they will! 8p

So retro!

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fwd: Fwd: Flyover Denied For The First Time In 42 Years!!

2010-02-24 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi gang,

Please do not respond to this message from Jim. It was obviously an 
indiscriminate broadcast to everybody in his address book. I have sent 
a warning to him privately.

Since I don't pre-screen messages, this sort of thing will happen 
occasionally. Your patience and restraint are appreciated.

Mike D.
list owner

Acmear wrote:
> - Original Message - From:Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 3:52
> PM Subject: Fw: Flyover Denied For The First Time In 42 Years!!

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Can't even exit gracefully, can you John?  

From: John E. Stevens 
Sent: Wed, February 24, 2010 4:15:40 AM
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

Hey, mike;

Please do me a favor.  Dissolve me into cyper space from your silverlist of 
clowns.  Brooks Bradley is the only person who has anything to say that is 
meaningful, but I know most of what he's been talking about anyway.  I haven't 
learned anything from your "We-We" community-life in the time I've been on your 
list and I'm on other health lists that  are much more beneficial than this 
one. But then, again, I've been involved with alternative health for 35 years.  
You folks are dangerous to newbies and even experienced others in giving some 
un-backed info out - that you read somewhere - and not from experience.  
Thanks, it's been fun tantalizing all of you.  Have a great life and stay fat...


On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:03 AM, M. G. Devour  wrote:

Hi folks,
>I've been asked if I'd post a reminder on a couple if list etiquette
>items that are being neglected lately. I agree that it's appropriate.
>Trimming text:
>When you hit reply and then type a few lines of text at the top, please
>realize that the WHOLE POST you're responding to is quoted in yours,
>along with several more previous messages in many cases! It's there,
>even if you don't see it in the editing window! Just hit down-arrow a
>few dozen times and you'll realize just how ridiculously wasteful your
>message is!
>Please delete all but the relevant parts of the post you're replying
>to, leaving enough so your readers have context for your remarks.
>The other matter is one of noise level.
>People ask questions, others give answers. We get the occasional heads-
>up on political or regulatory issues. Folks post their experiences or
>report on what they're doing or things they've found. All of that is
>content that is appropriate for what we're here to do.
>One liners saying "Thank you!" "Great post!" or "Me too!" and variants
>thereof... add very little to the discussion, yet often account for a
>large fraction of daily message volume.
>Now, I fully understand that our mommas all taught us to be polite.
>It's just good manners to be thankful and say so... I'll make two
>Send it privately to the one person for whom it really matters to know
>you are grateful.
>Or, collect up the names of those who've responded to you and send
>'batch' thank-yous to the list that acknowledge several at once.
>When you hit reply, the list address will be in the To: or Addressee:
>field of your message editor by default. You're going to have to
>manually cut and paste the oringal author's address there, unless
>you're lucky and your mail editor gives you the chance to choose other
>Now, these are only guidelines, so you won't be breaking any rules if
>you forget, and I don't want to hear any apologies out there, either!
>Just, as we go forward, please ask yourself if the message you're about
>to send falls into one of these catagories and consider re-addressing
>it or not sending it this time. And trim your text, too!
>Thank you!
>Be well,
>Mike Devour
>silver-list owner
>[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
>[                        ]
>[Speaking only for myself...               ]
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Rules and Instructions:
>Off-Topic discussions: 
>List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Is CS effective against HPV?

2010-02-24 Thread Rod Stevenson
Can anyone here give me information or links to information about how
to use CS against HPV?
Are there other things that can be added to or mixed with it?
Da Luo

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 


2010-02-24 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Oh cwap!  Well -- we'll just have to rely on the realiable old :-) and :-D.  I 
can live with that.  Those'll come through OK, right?

From: M. G. Devour 

 I'm working right now on the coding to convert all
incoming messages to plain text. I'm afraid the smilies won't survive
that treatment!

I hope you'll forgive me?

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread Hanneke

John, let me be helpful here  :)

(from the footer):




,,, and the pleasure is all mine


At 08:45 PM 24/02/2010, you wrote:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread Neville Munn

Hey, can you do me a favour before you disappear into cyber space?  I wanna 
know if you've had any personal experience with changing colour using EIS?  Do 
what you want but I want to know.  I'm holding the ball here ready for strike 
three and my arms getting tired!


If I don't get my answer then I'm gunna have to assume you're only going on 
what you've read as well, with no evidence!


C'mon, don't leave me hanging here, I'm going for the perfect score.



Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 05:15:40 -0500
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

Hey, mike;

Please do me a favor.  Dissolve me into cyper space from your silverlist of 
clowns.  Brooks Bradley is the only person who has anything to say that is 
meaningful, but I know most of what he's been talking about anyway.  I haven't 
learned anything from your "We-We" community-life in the time I've been on your 
list and I'm on other health lists that  are much more beneficial than this 
one. But then, again, I've been involved with alternative health for 35 years.  
You folks are dangerous to newbies and even experienced others in giving some 
un-backed info out - that you read somewhere - and not from experience.  
Thanks, it's been fun tantalizing all of you.  Have a great life and stay fat...


On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:03 AM, M. G. Devour  wrote:

Hi folks,

I've been asked if I'd post a reminder on a couple if list etiquette
items that are being neglected lately. I agree that it's appropriate.

Trimming text:

When you hit reply and then type a few lines of text at the top, please
realize that the WHOLE POST you're responding to is quoted in yours,
along with several more previous messages in many cases! It's there,
even if you don't see it in the editing window! Just hit down-arrow a
few dozen times and you'll realize just how ridiculously wasteful your
message is!

Please delete all but the relevant parts of the post you're replying
to, leaving enough so your readers have context for your remarks.


The other matter is one of noise level.

People ask questions, others give answers. We get the occasional heads-
up on political or regulatory issues. Folks post their experiences or
report on what they're doing or things they've found. All of that is
content that is appropriate for what we're here to do.

One liners saying "Thank you!" "Great post!" or "Me too!" and variants
thereof... add very little to the discussion, yet often account for a
large fraction of daily message volume.

Now, I fully understand that our mommas all taught us to be polite.
It's just good manners to be thankful and say so... I'll make two

Send it privately to the one person for whom it really matters to know
you are grateful.

Or, collect up the names of those who've responded to you and send
'batch' thank-yous to the list that acknowledge several at once.

When you hit reply, the list address will be in the To: or Addressee:
field of your message editor by default. You're going to have to
manually cut and paste the oringal author's address there, unless
you're lucky and your mail editor gives you the chance to choose other

Now, these are only guidelines, so you won't be breaking any rules if
you forget, and I don't want to hear any apologies out there, either!

Just, as we go forward, please ask yourself if the message you're about
to send falls into one of these catagories and consider re-addressing
it or not sending it this time. And trim your text, too!

Thank you!

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

View photos of singles in your area! Browse profiles for FREE

RE: CS>deoderant

2010-02-24 Thread Dianne France

Where did you buy your zinc oxide powder?  Have looked local and couldn't find 



Subject: Fw: CS>deoderant
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 20:35:11 -0700

For years I have used Zinc Oxide powder, mixed with enough water to make a 
paste and smeared on. Works great. Recommended by Hulda Clark.

- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 5:50 AM
Subject: CS>deoderant

   I've been using  around 20% Vit E oil,  80% hemp oil and a dab of 
spearmint oil mix lately for  deodorantit seems to last for several days.


At 08:17 AM 2/20/2010 -0800, you wrote:
>   Why not just reduce it to get it stronger?
>As far as the deodorant is concerned I've never had any luck using CS for 
>that but there is a product that deodorises without blocking the normal 
>excretion of toxins ( very good for protecting against breast cancer).  It 
>is called Lavilin. They say it lasts at least a week and through a couple 
>I use it every time I shower but it really works, even when I work up a 
>sweat it doesn't smell.
>On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 7:47 PM, Neville Munn 
><> wrote:
>> From this can I assume you were possibly ingesting silver nitrate for a 
>> period of time? Yes?/No?/Dunno?
>> > Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 19:06:11 -0800
>> > From:
>> > Subject: Re: CS>Which layer of skin for silver deposit?
>> > To:
>> >
>> > So Marshall and all you other experts, let me double check with you 
>> about the high voltage arcing -- you are sure that it will produce 
>> silver nitrate?
>> >
>> > Or perhaps can it also be producing silver ions with extra oxygen? (I 
>> know, wishful thinking).
>> >
>> > I'm just thinking that I used whatever that produced for several 
>> years, and it worked great for preventing illness. Only trouble is the 
>> beginnings of argyria in my wife, and blue moons in me.
>> >
>> > I guess I'm looking for something to improve on 15-20 ppm low voltage 
>> EIS. The reason is that since I went to that a couple of months ago, I 
>> have gotten a cold, albeit a mild one, and my wife got that food 
>> poisoning after stopping EIS for one week. And we have both noticed that 
>> the low voltage EIS does not last very long when we use it for 
>> deodorant. The arced stuff, and the silver citrate I just made seem to 
>> last 24 hours easily, which makes me think they are much stronger.
>> >
>> > Isn't there any way to make a strong EIS without risking argyria? Or 
>> is that the tradeoff?
>> >
>> > How about H2O2? I haven't really tried that one yet. That will be 
>> next, I guess.
>> >
>> > Dick
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>> > Rules and Instructions: 
>> >
>> > Unsubscribe:
>> > 
>> > Archives:
>> > 
>> >
>> > Off-Topic discussions: 
>> > List Owner: Mike Devour 
>> >
>> >
>>Australia's #1 job site 
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Re: CS>[List Owner] Etiquette reminder...

2010-02-24 Thread John E. Stevens
Hey, mike;

Please do me a favor.  Dissolve me into cyper space from your silverlist of
clowns.  Brooks Bradley is the only person who has anything to say that is
meaningful, but I know most of what he's been talking about anyway.  I
haven't learned anything from your "We-We" community-life in the time I've
been on your list and I'm on other health lists that  are much more
beneficial than this one. But then, again, I've been involved with
alternative health for 35 years.  You folks are dangerous to newbies and
even experienced others in giving some un-backed info out - that you read
somewhere - and not from experience.  Thanks, it's been fun tantalizing all
of you.  Have a great life and stay fat...


On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:03 AM, M. G. Devour  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I've been asked if I'd post a reminder on a couple if list etiquette
> items that are being neglected lately. I agree that it's appropriate.
> Trimming text:
> When you hit reply and then type a few lines of text at the top, please
> realize that the WHOLE POST you're responding to is quoted in yours,
> along with several more previous messages in many cases! It's there,
> even if you don't see it in the editing window! Just hit down-arrow a
> few dozen times and you'll realize just how ridiculously wasteful your
> message is!
> Please delete all but the relevant parts of the post you're replying
> to, leaving enough so your readers have context for your remarks.
> Thanks!
> The other matter is one of noise level.
> People ask questions, others give answers. We get the occasional heads-
> up on political or regulatory issues. Folks post their experiences or
> report on what they're doing or things they've found. All of that is
> content that is appropriate for what we're here to do.
> One liners saying "Thank you!" "Great post!" or "Me too!" and variants
> thereof... add very little to the discussion, yet often account for a
> large fraction of daily message volume.
> Now, I fully understand that our mommas all taught us to be polite.
> It's just good manners to be thankful and say so... I'll make two
> suggestions:
> Send it privately to the one person for whom it really matters to know
> you are grateful.
> Or, collect up the names of those who've responded to you and send
> 'batch' thank-yous to the list that acknowledge several at once.
> When you hit reply, the list address will be in the To: or Addressee:
> field of your message editor by default. You're going to have to
> manually cut and paste the oringal author's address there, unless
> you're lucky and your mail editor gives you the chance to choose other
> options.
> Now, these are only guidelines, so you won't be breaking any rules if
> you forget, and I don't want to hear any apologies out there, either!
> Just, as we go forward, please ask yourself if the message you're about
> to send falls into one of these catagories and consider re-addressing
> it or not sending it this time. And trim your text, too!
> Thank you!
> Be well,
> Mike Devour
> silver-list owner
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> []
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Fw: using h2o2 and EIS

2010-02-24 Thread Christina Mattson

Hi all, can anyone tell me what the benefits of using h2o2 with EIS. i read 
that one supies oxygen to the body and the other helps the body to use it. I 
know it breaks the EIS even more but which part of it, the Particles or Ions or 
both and is there anyway to purify non food grade to remove any stabilizers or 
other chemicals that may be used. It seems impossible to get the food grade 
h2o2 here. 
Thank you in advance