CS>Current limitation Please check my math

2003-05-02 Thread Dave Sawatzky
Hi Bob

You wrote:

>Have you checked you CS for NO3 and NO? At 25 kv you are bound to be
>making a bunch of it.

>"Ole Bob"

On June 19/02 you tested two of my HVAC samples. Test results were:

   ConductivitypH  Ag+TE  NO3   NO
20 us/cc 5.7312.78  stromg  0  0
 Crystal clear
25 us/cc 5.8016.28  strong   0  0   
      Crystal clear 

Dave Sawatzky

CS>Current Limitation Please check my math

2003-05-01 Thread Dave Sawatzky
Hi Mike

You wrote:

 > If you  think you are safe, you might be in for a  bad  surprise. It
  >doesn't matter  which  way you plug your circuit in.  With  a bridge
  >rectifier, both rods have the same shock hazard.

  >Here is  an  animation of a bridge rectifier that  I  posted earlier
  >that shows the voltage across the rods and to ground.

  >(The green  arrows  show conventional current  flow,  which  is from
  >positive to  negative. This is the opposite direction from  the flow
  >of electrons.)

  >Study this graphic carefully. If you don't understand it, please let
  >me know and I'll try to help.

  >In any event, I'd abandon the circuit you are now using.

  >Mike Monett
That is a neat graphic Mike. I agree with your point about polarity, I should 
have explained what I meant with shock protection. 
Shock hazard has little to do with voltage and everything to do with current.

If you consider the circuit I described with the bridge rectifiers and current 
limiting resisters, with a 15k ohm bleeder resister the 
open circuit voltage will be 55 volts.You can take both silver rods in your 
hands (even wet hands) and not get any shock when 
handling because of the current limiting resisters. The maximum current flow 
through your body is likely less than 1ma.

Now take a worsed case scenario; I have seen many diodes short circuit when 
exposed to lightning or line voltage surges.
Imagine then the diode in one AC line shorting to the B+ side of the bridge. 
Another diode on the other side is shorting to the  
minus side of the bridge, the other two diodes are open. You now have  115 
volts AC on the DC side of the bridge. 
This is where the polarity reversal becomes an issue. If a person was to hold 
one rod in one hand and touch a water pipe or 
any other type of ground, he would be exposed to approx. 40 volts AC with one 
polarity and about 80 volts AC the reverse 
polarity. However, if you consider the body resistance to be 100k ohms, your 
maximum current that can flow is limited to 1ma. 
This is very safe.

I have in fact grabbed the rods and played around with conceivable scenario's, 
in the shorted diode case you will get a slight 
shock if you take the 80 volt rod in one hand and the other hand on a natural 
ground, but even here the current will still be so 
low that it cannot harm you. With the bridge rectifiers in tact, I did not get 
any shocks until I increased the bleeder resistor to 
27K ohms. Even then just a little tickle.

So I repeat, This circuit is very safe although not as safe as when you use an 
isolation transformer. .

I should mention that I make all of my CS with 25 kv  HVAC, and have been doing 
this for three years. Talk about a shock hazard.
My reason for playing around with this circuit is because I enjoy experimenting 
with LVDC. I have been intrigued by Ole Bob's 
experiments and try to copy some of his experiments.
I am also looking for a very inexpensive circuit that can I can afford to give 
away to people in poverty situations. 

CS>Re: Current limitation Please check my math

2003-04-27 Thread Dave Sawatzky
Hi Mike Monett

You wrote
 > It sounds  like  the generator has a series resistor,  but  it's not
 > apparent what value is. The above numbers looked a bit strange, so I
 > tried to calculate it.

>The first  run  of  6  hrs produced  24.5V  and  3.24mA.  The series
 > resistance calculates to:

  R = E / I
= (90 - 24.5) / 3.24e-3
= 20,216 ohms

  I am the guy that sent those samples to Ole Bob. The circuit I used is
very much like the one you described, but when I designed it my primary
concern was safety. I wanted to design a line rectified generator that was
almost shock proof, so this is what I came up with.

In the AC line I put a 3k ohm resister in both sides of the line before the
bridge diodes, this limits the short circuit bridge current to 19ma. After
the bridge is a 22 mfd capacitor with a 10k ohm resistor in both the
positive and negative lines. ( which agrees with your calculation of 20,216
ohms) The purpose here is for greater shock protection in case of polarity
reversal. After the current limiting resisters I added a 220k bleeder
resister from hot to negative. An LED  then connects to the anode rod. The
220k resister resister will reduce the open line voltage from 160 volts to
135 volts and will discharge the capacitor when unit is turned off. This
resister can be any value between 10k and 220k or higher  allowing you to
change the open circuit output voltage to any level you choose. A 15k ohm
resister will have open circuit voltage of 55 volts and a much lower shock
hazard making it very safe to use.

I was intrigued by Bob's idea of increasing the anode rod length and
decreasing the cathode, so this is what I tried.
67" of 12 ga wire wound into a 3 inch coil ( 5 turns) In the center of the
coil I placed a .038 ga. 11/2"
this is a 67 to 1 ratio of surface area.

The question is what generated the NO and NO3?
Was it the high voltage, the coil arrangement,or both.
Bob seems to think it is the voltage. I have produced more samples done at
lower voltages and will be sending them to Bob shortly for testing.

I apologize for not responding to earlier comments on this, but a neck
injury gives me a lot of pain at times and has caused me to severely limit
my computer time the last two months.

Dave Sawatzky

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>LED's For Phototherapy Light Wand

2002-06-27 Thread Dave Sawatzky
In the May discussions on LED Phototherapy Light wands, Ivan Anderson say
"I have single red LED's that produce 6,000 mcd."

Where can I get 6,000 mcd LED's?  I have searched the internet and found some 
9,000 mcd LEDs but they were only 630 nm. Can anyone tell me if that wavelength 
is less effective for treatment?

I just received some 4.000 mcd LEDs from BGMicro, but on my tests they have 
light output that is approx. 20 % lower than the 3500 mcd I have from a 
different supplier. I also tried a few of their clusters that were discussed 
here. I found that most of the individual LEDs had very poor light output. If I 
remember correct, there were only 5 out of 27 of the red ones that had 
reasonable brightness left in them.

I have built 2 light wands and the tests have been very encouraging. One man 
has a bad rotator cop in his shoulder, and the light has substantially reduced 
his pain. The second unit is being tested by a lady with a sprained ankle. She 
is reporting that her swelling went down after the first treatment with a 
reduction in pain.

I also have a question for Brooks Bradley.
Ivan posted the construction article in May that shows a grid with 5/8" squares 
with LEDs in alternate points, which gives a 1 1/4" spacing between units.  How 
important is spacing? I built one before I had those plans and spaced the leds 
touching each other. This gives a greater concentration of light in a small 
area. Have you done some research on effectiveness as it relates to spacing.
I have very much appreciated your sharing on this site Brooks, and look forward 
to learning more from your well of experience. Thank you

Dave Sawayzky 

CS>OT re:daily unintentional vomiting

2002-05-18 Thread Dave Sawatzky
Hi Fernwoods,

I feel for your daughters friend with the vomiting problem. I spent 5 years 
looking for a solution to a nausea problem that was so severe that my body 
wanted to vomit all the time, even when there was no food in the stomach. 
This all started as a reaction to taking some improperly prescribed medication. 
After 6 days my body went into shock and I started vomiting uncontrollably till 
I took some Gravol ( a Canadian over the counter anti nausea med.) I took three 
gravol a day for the next 5 years looking for a cure. In those 5 years I saw 15 
different health professionals, including a 6 day stay at Mayo Clinic in 
Rochester. Not one of them could find a way to stop it or even explain why this 
was happening. Mayo Clinic was my last attempt with the medical profession. 
They simply said " Sorry we can not help you." It was at this point that for 
the first time in my life that I started looking at alternative treatments. Got 
no help there either, till I reluctantly decided to try a lay person in the 
community that claimed to have a gift from God that gave him some super natural 
senses in his fingers. I went to see him in his home and within 10 minutes he 
told me that I had five dislocated nerves in my back and two in the neck. (The 
medical people will tell you that nerves cannot dislocate) My nausea was gone, 
but only for a few days. The nerves  kept slipping out and I had to go back 
many times before they stayed in place. This gave me many opportunities to 
question him about his gift. I discovered that he could actually feel the 
electrical impulses that travel along the nerves.

He said he had never seen a case like mine before, but he had seen a few people 
that had the same kind of vomiting after eating condition that you described. 
One was a man from North Dakota that could not eat a full meal without 
vomiting.  He had found a nerve on the bottom of his stomach that was out of 
place. After he manipulated it into place the man had gone to a restaurant and 
ordered a steak and had then come back to tell him that was the first full meal 
he had been able to keep down for years.

After telling this story to some friends, an elderly lady came to see him with 
the same problem. He gave her the same treatment and she too is cured.
I am totally convinced that this man has a super natural gift, I was fortunate 
to have someone like that only six miles away. Sometimes it pays to try even 
things you had not believed in before. 
I hope this helps you to understand some possible causes. If you want any more 
info, please contact me off list.
 Sorry this got so long.

Dave Sawatzky

E mail address:  dsawa...@mts.net


2002-05-15 Thread Dave Sawatzky

I have had two people that have had success with CS for Psoriasis. The first 
one was a young lady approx. a year ago, she had a bad case of it in her scalp. 
She used cs both topically and internally and most of it cleared up. Only after 
she also started drinking a Flor Essence (Essiac) herbal tea did it clear up 

Second person, an elderly male, I gave him a sample bottle in December and 
after one bottle was much improved. He has been taking it on a regular basis 
since then and has been free of the Psoriasis for several months already. He 
had not had any success from prescribed medications.

Hope this helps, I hope it will also be succesfull for your friend.

Dave Sawatzky

Sylvie wrote
A friend of mine as a pretty bad case of psoriasis. Being an immune system 
disorder, I do not understand the claim that cs is helping this condition. 
Any of you had success using cs? If so, I would suggest it to her, but I 
diffinitely do not want to make a fool of myself.

CS>Re: Alternative treatment

2002-04-30 Thread Dave Sawatzky

Sorry, but I do not know how to contact you off list. I am interested in 
receiving more information on the carpel tunnel treatment using the LED 
assembly. Please include wiring diagram if possible. Is it also useful for 
other conditions?
Thank you

Dave Sawatzky


In our experimental medical investigations of carpal tunnel syndrome, we
were able to develop "quite simple" and most inexpensive protocol addresses
to this most uncomfortable disorder...from among a quite varied experimental
volunteer population.   One of the simplestand most effective.being
the utilization of vitamin B-6, plus  frequent exposure to very "low-tech" 
Light-Emitting Diode assemblies (utilizing 5 to 15  3500 mcd [milli-candle]
).  For a more comprehensive coverage of our experimental research
investigations..plus actual dosages and times of exposure-please
contact me off-list.

It isnow my personal view this is a HIGHLY treatable 
exclusive of invasive surgical techniques.

Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

CS>Re: Poinsettia & CS

2001-12-30 Thread Dave Sawatzky
Hi Bob
Thank you for your excellent report. When you said that I probably had high 
acid content I remembered that the stuff I gave my daughter was from a batch 
that  I rejected because I had run the arc to long and had something like 30 
ppm. Whenever I have something I am not sure of I dump it in a jug and mark it 
for agricultural use only. I assumed that it was simply ionic silver, am 
surprised that I never heard about producing a highly acidic product with the 
arc before.

>>To make HVAC with all of your electrodes wet is the first disaster. My 
>>investigations of two wet (why 4?) was never able to >make more that 9 ppm 
>>(true not hanna stuff) and it would go yellow or dirty and have
silver drop out. So I abandoned that process.

I use four rods to reduce the current per rod to make the smallest particles 
possible, also wetting 1/2 inch of each electrode gives more surface area  
releasing the particles.  I have experimented with different rod lengths wet 
and found that 1/2 inch gave me the best results. But you are correct about the 
ppm, I can not get above 4 ppm on the Hanna meter, and that is because with 
that process I produce  mainly particles. That is why I finish off with the 
arc, I then stop it at 10-12 ppm.
My question to you is: What is the difference between arcing one rod for the 
whole process or arcing 2 rods at the end to top off the ionic content. My goal 
was to increase the particle ratio and I know I have accomplished that. I 
suspect that either method would produce the same amount of nitric acid per rod 
per hr.

>> I will attach a plot of one of my
run made on 11/6/01 and retested yesterday. It is quite revealing.

Sorry, I did not receive that.

>>HVAC ARC when there is a CO2 blanket makes a product that has structured 
>>water and is almost totally ionic. Mine is 98+% ionic  checked by two labs. 
>>The T.E.M. photographs ($75.00 each run) show the size to be 1nm to 8 nm.

How do you create a CO2 blanket?
 Also please explain the difference of NO2 and NO3 products.

I will take you up on your offer to test some samples and will try to get them 
in the mail in about a week.

Thanks again for your helpful input.


CS>Re: Poisettia & CS

2001-12-29 Thread Dave Sawatzky
Thanks for your reply Bob.

I make my cs with a Spartan 9KV-30 MA HVAC generator from Utopoia Silver. I 
have added a stirring device powered by adapter.

I have 4-12 qauge rods of . silver 2 inches in the water. Water measures 1 
ppm at start, I run a 2 gal batch for 10hrs. That gives me a very strong tyndal 
effect, but reads only 4 ppm. I then pull the rods out of the water approx 1/4 
inch and arc into the water for approx 1/2 an hour to bring the ionic content 
up to approx 10 ppm. (just to satisfy those who insist on at least 10 ppm) I 
estimate this to be 75% ioniv and 25% particle.
The batch used on the poisettia had been run a bit longer on arc and measured 
14 ppm.

I do not use any covering on the 7 inch opening of the jug.

This is the first time I have heard of producing a NO 3 nitric acid with the 
arc. If you can test it for nitric acid I would like to send you a sample to 
test. I have experimented using the arc only, and have made it as strong as 
1200 ppm with zero tyndal effect. I have never used this product, but it would 
be interesting to know if it had a nitric acid component.

I sent some samples to Frank Key for testing in May 2001, they had run for 5 
hrs, but no arcing 
The ppm measured 3.29  total,
2.08 ppm ionic, 1.21 ppm particle
In order to get a higher percentage particles I then doubled the run time, and 
then topped it off with the arc thinking that the arc was adding pure ionic 
silver to the particles.

I usually monitor the current and it starts at about 17ma and ends 25-27 ma.

Please advise what you make of this. 

Hi Dave,

How do you make your HVAC???   If it is make by the arc method with an
air blanket then you have a good sized ppm of
NO3 !!! that is part of nitric acid.

My HVAC ARC CSmade with a CO2 blanket will have no more and 0.0 to 2.0
ppm of NO3. I have seen some made in ait with 27 ppm of NO3, and that is

Since Dr Bill Bagioli and my self developed the HVAC ARC method, please
tell me exacly what you are doing.

It can be great stuff with 98+% ionic silver or a real disaster.

"Ole Bob"

CS>Re: Poinsettia & CS

2001-12-28 Thread Dave Sawatzky
I gave my daughter some cs to use on her Christmas tree. She decided to put 
some on her Poinsettia plant as well, which she watered with it and then 
sprayed it on the leaves, after a very short while the leaves started to curl 
and the plant died.
Has any one else experienced this?
Can anyone explain why this happens?

The cs is made by HVAC method, and I believe it is approx 70% ionic and 30% 
particles, is clear and measures 14 ppm.

Thanks in advance for your response.

Dave Sawatzky

CS>Re: Sparton 9KV-30 HVAC generator

2001-11-23 Thread Dave Sawatzky

- Original Message - 
From: Dave Sawatzky 
To: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com 
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 9:08 PM
Subject: Re:Sparton 9KV-30 HVAC generator

Hi Langsley

This is my third attempt to send this message. Would be nice if there was a 
"post response" thing on each page. I think my messages failed to go through 
the auto selection because I failed to put Re: in the subject line.

You asked;

>1 do you any sort of mechanical stirring while producing your CS with 
>  the Spartan 9KV-30 HVAC?

I added mechanical stirring a few months ago, before that I would stop the 
process every hour to stir. I bought a Radio Shack 1 1/2 volt motor, powered 
with a universal adapter, pushed a 3/16"plastic fluted rod  called a Ny-Rod 
from a Radio Controlled Airplane,(my other hobby) onto the motor shaft, a 
perfect cheap stirring device.

>2 have you had occasion to deal with the vendor, Utopia Silver, to >resolve 
>problems or answer questions? If so, how were they to deal >with?

I asked Bill Fernald if I could order the machine on approval, and he was very 
accomodating. I have since called him a few times and he has always been 
helpfull. I have had no problems with the generator. The generator has pretty 
good current control, starting at 18ma, ending at approx 25-27ma. the unit 
comes with  several feet of 12 gauge . silver wire. I changed my setup from 
the two rod system  to 4 rods as recommended by Bill, this helps to reduce 
particle size.

>3 You mentioned having Frank Key test your finished product. What did >that 
>cost per test, $ US?

Frank's price list can be found at 

Hope this helps

Dave Sawatzky

CS>Fw: Sparton 9KV-30 HVAC generator

2001-11-22 Thread Dave Sawatzky

- Original Message - 
From: Dave Sawatzky 
To: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com 
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 9:08 PM
Subject: Sparton 9KV-30 HVAC generator

Hi Langsley

You asked

>1 do you any sort of mechanical stirring while producing your CS with 
>  the Spartan 9KV-30 HVAC?

I added mechanical stirring a few months ago, before that I would stop the 
process every hour to stir. I bought a Radio Shack 1 1/2 volt motor, powered 
with a universal adapter, pushed a 3/16"plastic fluted rod  called a Ny-Rod 
from a Radio Controlled Airplane,(my other hobby) onto the motor shaft, a 
perfect cheap stirring device.

>2 have you had occasion to deal with the vendor, Utopia Silver, to >resolve 
>problems or answer questions? If so, how were they to deal >with?

I asked Bill Fernald if I could order the machine on approval, and he was very 
accomodating. I have since called him a few times and he has always been 
helpfull. I have had no problems with the generator. The generator has pretty 
good current control, starting at 18ma, ending at approx 25-27ma. the unit 
comes with  several feet of 12 gauge . silver wire. I changed my setup from 
the two rod system  to 4 rods as recommended by Bill, this helps to reduce 
particle size.

>3 You mentioned having Frank Key test your finished product. What did >that 
>cost per test, $ US?

Frank's price list can be found at 

Hope this helps

Dave Sawatzky

CS>Fw: Any Info on This Generator?? (Sparton 9KV-30 HVAC)

2001-11-21 Thread Dave Sawatzky

- Original Message - 
From: Dave Sawatzky 
To: silver_l...@eskimo.com 
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 3:10 PM
Subject: Any Info on This Generator?? (Sparton 9KV-30 HVAC)

Hi Langsley Russell

On Nov 9 you asked:

Does anybody on the list have any experience with the Spartan 9KV-30 CS 
generator made by Utopia Silver at http://www.utopiasilver.com/ ? It is an HVAC

Sorry to be so late in responding, I have been off the list for a while and am 
slow catching up.

I have used this generator for over a year now and have been producing an 
average of 16 gal. per month, and am very pleased with the product it produces.
I was dissapointed at first when it did not produce a 10 ppm product in 1 1/2 
hrs as per instructions, all I got was 3 ppm.

 I started doing a lot of experimenting with rod placement and spacing and 
found that I was getting a much stronger TE then I ever got with LVDC, but with 
very low ppm readings.  At the same time I began to learn about ionic silver 
and silver particles from Frank Keys web site. I sent a sample to Frank for 
testing and found that I could produce a product with 63% ionic silver and 37% 
particle, with particle size of 25 nm. I then discovered that I could also 
produce a very high ionic only product testing as high as 1200 ppm. Perfectly 
clear with no TE. I have settled on a process that runs for 10 hrs producing a 
very strong particle content, then a 1/2 hr run to top off the ionic to read 10 
to 12 ppm. According to my calculations based on previous samples tested by 
Frank, I believe that I am cosistantly producing a 75/25 % ratio with this set 
up. While the generator is somewhat slow, I like the flexability it gives me to 
adjust the ionic/particle ratio. I have not used any other HVAC generators, but 
from what I understand you cannot vary the ionic content or particle size on 
the other HVAC generators I have looked at.
I believe the product could be improved some more, especially in particle size. 
But I simply cannot afford to pay Frank,s prices for annalizing with a Canadian 
dollar only worth a little more than  half the American dollar.

I hope this still helps

Dave Sawatzky

CS>Re Nebulizer

2001-10-11 Thread Dave Sawatzky

You are correct, the Omron nebulizer does not require oxygen, it has a built in 
air pump that will put out 24 psi. This is the same model NE-C16V that I have 
seen advertised on a few other sites for $95.00. At $54.95 it is a real 
bargain, unfortunatly, I live in Canada, and with exchange and border taxes it 
costs me over $90.00 Canadian. I still think it is a good buy.

Go to the www.drugstore.com  site and type the word nebulizer in the search box 
in the top left corner, you will then see this nebulizer plus an ultrasonic one 
for $149.00. If you click on the picture you will the get the details on the 

To Nina's question about face mask. The Omron model comes with a mouth piece 
instead of face mask. You breath in and out through the mouth piece. works 
well.  Yes you can use it hands free


CS>re Nebulizer

2001-10-10 Thread Dave Sawatzky

The Omron Nebulizer does not require oxygen or external compressor.
It has a built in air pump, runs on 115 volts, and comes with all accessories 
required to make a very fine mist. Also included is a video tape showing how to 
use it and clean it.


CS>Re Nebulizer

2001-10-09 Thread Dave Sawatzky

 Drugstore.com sells the Omron Nebulizer for $54.95. I have purchased 4 of 
these for friends that do not have internet access. They can be purchased 
without prescription, and they work very well. One person cleared up his 
pneumonia, my sister is presently using one for her lung cancer and in her last 
report the tumor had reduced in size.

Dave Sawatzky

CS>re email

2001-10-09 Thread Dave Sawatzky
Thank you Mike. I did not see any instructions on how to post a response to 
someones message, do I Just send them to this address.

Also I do not want the messages to show up in my mail box, I want to follow 
them on the message list on the web site.

Thank you

Dave Sawatzky