CS ** Running scard
List members, This is a CS dealer I contacted. I would guess he is not one of us. His view of the recent blurb from the FDA is different. Please read and comment. God bless you all, Bob *** *** We just sent out a letter to our customers regarding a New Ruling by the FDA. That letter follows this note. I hope this answers your question adequately. Yours in Health, Denise Merchant --letter follows: September 2nd, 1999 Dear Friends, This is to inform you of the FDA's "Final Rule" on Colloidal Silver. As of September 16th, 1999, colloidal silver cannot be sold as an OCD (over the counter drug). According to the FDA "Talk Paper," the government wants to "investigate" the "unsubstantiated health claims" being made about colloidal silver in regards to AIDS and some of the "newer" diseases. They also want to investigate the side effect known as "argyria" -- a grayish blue discoloration of the skin. Years ago, argyria was caused by prolonged exposure to silver metal and by inferior colloidal silver solutions produced via the "Grind" method, which deposited ground silver into the system. The Grind method is no longer used. Argyria was diagnosed in LESS THAN 1% of those treated with colloidal silver. Nevertheless, the FDA feels compelled to test colloidal silver (again) to ensure the "safety of the public." Okay. A friend of mine said that the FDA is as arrogant as the IRS, and I have to agree. They approve of how many drugs a year? Have you heard the television commercials for drugs that include a list of side effects such as: dizziness, drowsiness, cramps, diarrhea, headache, etc. Brother! But, have no fear. The FDA has left a BIG loophole in their plan to take colloidal silver away from the masses. As long as the colloidal silver solution is labeled as a "mineral supplement" it can be sold legally. That's it! No problem! All of the manufacturers will now re-label their products and sell them as mineral supplements. I talked to Crystal Wyand at the FDA's Drug Department, and she informed me that because I am the author of The Wonders of Colloidal Silver, and that I sell the book (which is now considered "labeling the product"), my company, AA-MICRO can no longer sell colloidal silver solutions. Ms.Wyand is not sure about the machines because that is handled by the Device Dept. and they have yet to get back to us about that. So, as of September 16th, AA-MICRO will only be selling The Wonders of Colloidal Silver - which is (thank God) protected by the First Amendment. All of us at AA-MICRO want to thank you for your interest in our products. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement. We are still interested in collecting any testimonials you want to share. We are in the process of revising The Wonders of Colloidal Silver, and welcome your comments. If you want to check out the FDA's website, their URL is www.fda.gov. Type in "colloidal silver" in the word search. Check out the "Talk Paper." Our URL is still www.aa-micro.com. You can email us at silver...@aol.com. We appreciate you. Blessings in Health, Dhyana Coburn AA-MICRO 1311 Sierra Drive, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 800/ AA-MICRO (226-4276) -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com -or- silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS>BIG CS Generator
Jim, This looks great. God bless you. Thanks, Bob -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com -or- silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>I make some CS !
s just weaker, or possibly both small and weak. If you let it run 'til you get noticeable color, you'll have probably made a range of particle sizes, the largest of which should be okay if you don't try to run too long. > I do know that I need to experiment with different waters and that > if I find a good one then I may be able to get stronger tyndall but > still have it be clear - correct? To be clear, you'd have to limit the current enough not to start making the bigger particles. Still, I'd not worry. One way to tell the *relative* purity of your water is whether it takes more or less time to start producing visible particles when starting with plain water (no starter). Longer is purer. > Also, I think I am going to quit heating the water because it seems > to hurry the process and end up with it gold colored quicker - which > means bigger particles? Actually, Peter Lindemann, who is one of the folks who suggested heating the water, said to do it because it resulted in *smaller* particles, which he claims to have observed using electron microscopy of samples. It's not necessary, but doesn't hurt, and does speed things up. > And lastly, if I bend the silver wires so that they are further > apart it seems to take much longer for the tyndall to appear - is > this because it is much weaker for longer or is it because they are > smaller particles? Probably some of both? If they are really close together and you move them to where they're an inch or more apart, you'll have cut the initial current by quite a bit. That will both slow down generation and probably start out making smaller particles. > And what about seeding the batch with old batches of cs? That also > seems to speed up the process - but is it likely to create larger > particles? It will likely not produce as many smaller particles because the initial current will be higher, but it will produce no *larger* particles than your last batch, if you keep everything else the same and stop at a the same strength as you did before. If you're not monitoring current (I doubt you will be) then stop at a similar color or tyndall. Katarina, Yes, this question. I thought that last posting was going to include your questions and Mike's answers. It is very comprehensive as it stands. It answers my questions. Thanks Bob > Thanks in advance for the info - > Katarina Thanks for not letting the technical discussions overwhelm you. The bottom line is: You already know more than most of us did when we started! The product you make will be as good or better than what most people have used successfully already. Once you get the hang of it, and maybe send a sample or two for ppm testing, you'll have a pretty good idea of what you have. Get some experience *using* it and you'll understand that it works after all. Good job, Katarina! Be well, Mike D. [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] [mdev...@mail.id.net ] [Speaking only for myself... ] Dear Bob, You wrote: Dear Katarina, Mike and List This is the question and answer to start our FAQ Thanks this is great. God bless you all. Bob I feel very thick today- but I'm not sure what you are referring to? What question and answer? But I'm very glad if I have been of help! Take care, Katarina Oh, do you mean Mike's answers to my questions? I got lots more if you want them - Forwarded Message: Subj: CS Question? Date: 9/1/99 1:41:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: mailto:Kato 109">Kato 109 To: mailto:Elmatti";>Elmatti Dear Bob, You wrote: Dear Katarina, Mike and List This is the question and answer to start our FAQ Thanks this is great. God bless you all. Bob -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com -or- silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS making CS what and why and how
Katarina wrote: > I've been following the increasingly technical discussions of the > parameters for making CS with increasing awe at the the minds of > those of you who can figure out this stuff -- and I hope eventually > someone will summarize it all for those of us who are > technologically handicapped. Never fear! For someone claiming to be technologically impaired, you've acquitted yourself handsomly below. > But meanwhile I'm back to my quest to make the best CS I can with > the generator I already have, which is the Bob Beck Silver Pulser, > and I want to summarize what I think I know? and see if I got it > or am way off base. Okay, the silver pulser outputs a modest DC voltage that turns on and off rather quickly, if I'm not mistaken. I don't know if the CS generator hookup for it just lets you use the power supply directly or if it uses the pulsed output. In either case, it will produce good CS. > I assume that because my generator does not limit it's power it is > unlikely that I can make high ppm cs without making larger > particles. If you get the ppm up high enough, the current flow will increase and you will start making larger particles. That is exactly right! > It seems to me that it is agreed that larger amounts of lower ppm cs > will have the same effect as small amounts of higher ppm cs > (although they might not be as easy to use for a sinus infection > because of having to get more up there). Yes, you simply have to use *enough*, whatever that turns out to be for you, your CS, and your condition. Using a spray bottle or nasal inhaler for the sinuses as well as taking it by mouth will probably work for you if my and others' results are an indication. Concentration does not seem critical. > And it seems to me that smaller particle size probably means more > effective - unless you are going after larger bugs - so I'd rather > try to make smaller particle size at a lower ppm if necessary. Am I > accurate in assuming that if the cs I make is gold it will have > larger particles than if it is clear? So If I want smaller particles > I should run the generator for less time and get a clear sol. There are two ways to get clear sol: 1) limit the current so that the particle size never gets too big, 2) don't make your CS very strong. If the CS is gold then the particles will be bigger than the clear if it was made with low current. But plenty of people have had fine results with the golden, so don't dismiss it. Of course your sol will start out clear and stay clear for a while, until you get it strong enough to notice the color. Part of that is because it is the low current part of the generating process before the current ramps up, as you suspect, and part because it's just not concentrated enough to see. The irony is many of us started out making clear CS using salt and people started hammering on it as being inferior to the golden CS. Then the High Voltage AC advocates, (and now even the the Low Voltage high tech folks) started belittling golden for not being clear like theirs is! Don't worry. What you're making will be just like the stuff many of us have used with good results. > The clear sol has weaker tyndall - does that mean it probably has a > lower ppm? If it's been made with low current, long slow generation, then the ppm might be even higher. In that case the tyndall is weak because the particles just don't reflect in the visible spectrum and your laser passes right through. If it's weaker because you stopped sooner, then it's just weaker, or possibly both small and weak. If you let it run 'til you get noticeable color, you'll have probably made a range of particle sizes, the largest of which should be okay if you don't try to run too long. > I do know that I need to experiment with different waters and that > if I find a good one then I may be able to get stronger tyndall but > still have it be clear - correct? To be clear, you'd have to limit the current enough not to start making the bigger particles. Still, I'd not worry. One way to tell the *relative* purity of your water is whether it takes more or less time to start producing visible particles when starting with plain water (no starter). Longer is purer. > Also, I think I am going to quit heating the water because it seems > to hurry the process and end up with it gold colored quicker - which > means bigger particles? Actually, Peter Lindemann, who is one of the folks who suggested heating the water, said to do it because it resulted in *smaller* particles, which he claims to have observed using electron microscopy of samples. It's not necessary, but doesn't hurt, and does speed things up. > And lastly, if I bend the silver wires so that they are further > apart it seems to take much longer for the tyndall to appear - is > this because it is much weaker for longer or is it because they are > smaller particles? Probably some of both? If they are really close togethe
Dear Katarina, Mike and List This is the question and answer to start our FAQ Thanks this is great. God bless you all. Bob -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com -or- silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>Making CS
Vikki, Perhaps you can come up with a standard procedure for making CS in a simple easy to follow uncomplicated way. * Something like; A 12oz glass with an inside diameter of 3 1/2" * 14 guage .999 silver wire *3 9 volt batteries * Distilled Water * 1 black jumper wire (description) *1 red jumper wire (description) *Put 10 oz of DW into the glass. *Put each silver wire over opposite sides of the glass, hook 1/2" *over the edge of the glass *Hook red jumper wire to a silver wire *Hook black jumper wire to the silver wire *Hook up the 3 9 volt batteries (describe) Hook the wires up (describe) *Look for these signs... ^^ After 15 min. remove one battery (describe) ^^ Reconnect with 2 batteries (describe) ^^ After a total of 45 min. disconnect another battery (describe) ^^ Reconnect with 1 battery (describe) ^^ After 2 hours disconnect jumper leads. (describe) UNLESS ^^ This should yield a xxppm with a particle size of . to . ^^ Most people are comfortable with a maintenance dose of ___ ^^twice a day, Double or triple that when trying to combat a ^^health crises. Like you are looking for. Something easy to build and easy to run, but with fairly predictable results. It would work for me and probably a lot of people. Vikki, thank you for what you are doing. I pray God bless you with motivation, wisdom, decrement, knowledge and resources. Bob -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com -or- silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS>Re: Introduction and some questions
Hi Ho, Is this a good price? HVAC Colloidal Silver 10-12 PPM, 16 Ounce amber Glass Bottle: $20.00 Delivered (inside the Continental US) Sincerely, Bob -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com -or- silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>Nancy's great site http://oikourgos.com/silverworks/
Dear Nancy, Your web site is wonderful.http://oikourgos.com/silverworks I just spent an hour or so there. A lot of good information and great links. I didn't go to all the links but I went to many. Very good and useful information. It seemed to be a great blend of the wisdom of the silver list and your experience. Great job keep it up. God bless you and yours. Sincerely, Bob Elmatti. PS I found one bad link http://www.eskimo.com/~reid/txt/mycs.txt This is under the View/download details about colloidal silver and generators section of the site. Ref: http://oikourgos.com/silverworks View/download details about colloidal silver and generators. http://www.eskimo.com/~reid/txt/mycs.txt -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com -or- silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>Fwd: Colloidal Silver
Hi Ho Gang, I have a response from some other inquires I have made. Can anyone tell me what this is about. Thanks. Bob --- Begin Message --- Title: Colloidal Silver http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/PhonyAds/silverad.html Hi Bob, This is not very encouraging. I shall continue to look for you. Quackwatch Home Page Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit Stephen Barrett, M.D. Colloidal silver is a suspension of submicroscopic metallic silver particles in a colloidal base. Long-term use of silver preparations can lead to argyria, a condition in which silver salts deposit in the skin, eyes, and internal organs, and the skin turns ashen-gray. Many cases of argyria occurred during the pre-antibiotic era when silver was a common ingredient in nosedrops. When the cause became apparent, doctors stopped recommending their use, and reputable manufacturers stopped producing them. The official drug guidebooks (United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary) have not listed colloidal silver products since 1975. Dubious Ads In recent years, silver-containing products have been marketed with unsubstantiated claims that they are effective against AIDS, cancer, infectious diseases, parasites, chronic fatigue, acne, warts, hemorrhoids, enlarged prostate, and many other diseases and conditions. Some marketers claim that colloidal silver is effective against hundreds of diseases. During 1998, a Florida-based multilevel company, stated: Our colloidal silver contains 99.99% pure silver particles suspended indefinitely in demineralized water that kills bacteria and viruses. It can be applied topically and/or absorbed into the blood stream sub-lingually (under the tongue), thereby avoiding the negative effects of traditional antibiotics that kill good bacteria in the lower digestive tract. An all natural antibiotic alternative in the purest form available. The presence of colloidal silver near a virus, fungi, bacterium or any other single celled pathogen disables its oxygen-metabolism enzyme, its chemical lung, so to say. The pathogens suffocates and dies, and is cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics which destroy beneficial enzymes, colloidal silver leaves these beneficial enzymes intact. Thus colloidal silver is absolutely safe for humans, reptiles, plants and all multi-celled living matter. It is impossible for single-celled germs to mutate into silver-resistant forms, as happens with conventional antibiotics. Also, colloidal silver cannot interact or interfere with other medicines being taken. Colloidal silver is truly a safe, natural remedy for many of mankind's ills. Colloidal silver can be taken indefinitely because the body does not develop a tolerance to it [1] Seasilver Intermational, a California-based multilevel company, claims that American are suffering from "silver deficiency." Although silver is not an essential nutrient, product information posted on the company's Web site states: The depletion of minerals in our soil has left us deficient of silver, one of our most essential trace minerals, causing a drastic increase in immune system disorders in our society in the last decade. Research has taught us that all disease is allowed to manifest itself because of a weakened immune system. In over 20 years of worldwide research on Colloidal Silver, numerous interviews with government agencies, health care practitioners and their patients, no other nutrient, herb or drug (prescription or over-the-counter) is as safe and effective against all known forms of unfriendly virus, bacteria, and fungus. Additionally, while it is generally known that most antibiotics kill only perhaps 6 or 7 different disease organisms, reports have shown that Colloidal Silver has been used successfully in the treatment of over 650 diseases! Furthermore, strains of disease organisms fail to develop in the presence of Colloidal Silver. Colloidal Silver's greatest attribute is its unique ability to function as a superior second immune system in the body! [2] The ad below is from the July 1996 issue of Alternative Medicine Digest. Critical Studies In 1995, an herbal distributor named Leslie Taylor tested nine commonly marketed colloidal silver products available at health-food stores and concluded: Two of the products were contaminated with microorganisms. The amount of silver suspended in solution varied from product to product and would gradually decrease over time. Only five products actually showed antibacterial activity in a laboratory test. To perform the test, she prepared a culture plate with Staphylococcus aureas bacteria, which can cause infections in humans. She then placed a drop from each product on the plate and used disks of two common antibiotics as controls. After eight hours of incubation, she found that
Re: CS and sprouting
Dear Bill and Gang, Thank you for your posting. How would you suggest produce that I bring home from the market be treated with CS? Say I buy some fresh broccoli or grapes. Would I spray it with CS or would I have to soke it? What would you suggest? Lots of people may have handled this before I bring it home. God bless you and your families, Bob -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com -or- silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS>Intestinal Parasites & CSQ
In a message dated 8/19/99 12:10:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, apothec...@home.com writes: << http://apothecary.hypermart.net >> Dear Vikki. Thanks for the information. I hope to get started soon. After going through James Allison's site ((http://apothecary.hypermart.net)) I feel really informed and cared for during my stay at the web site. If anyone were looking for an objective FAQ this would be a good place to start. James, good job. God Bless, Bob -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com -or- silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com List maintainer: Mike Devour