Kataarina and Marsha H.
      Marsha, thank you I got the silver you sent. Report on how it went 
      Kataarina and Mike I did not post the last thing I pasted correctly.  I 
wanted to put a little note at the top but I messed up and didn't 
     I will get this posting stuff that includes previous listings right 
sometime, at least I hope so. 
    The question you submitted and Mike's answers were just what I needed to 
get an understand of what is happening. 
   I just made my second batch. 
   In the first batch I used 3 - 9v batteries a Radio Shack meter that had a 
10 ma range and a mason jar. I let it go until I got 2.2 ma.  The starting 
resiance was 180K ohms and the ending resistance was 15K ohms
     Second batch, I started the same, but when I got to 2ma I removed one 9 
v and went with 18 volts, Again when the current got to 2ma, and removed one 
battery and went with (one 9 v battery) s until it got to 2ma.  The starting 
restancewas 90K ohms and the final resiance was 7.5 K ohms. I believe my 
starting restance was higher becouse I only rinsed out my jar once with D 
water. I may have left some residue behind, I don't know.    
   I hope what I have now is a higher ppm but still maintaining a small 
particle size. It has a very light golden tint. 
Katarina wrote:
> I've been following the increasingly technical discussions of the
> parameters for making CS with increasing awe at the minds of
> those of you who can figure out this stuff -- and I hope eventually
> someone will summarize it all for those of us who are
> technologically handicapped.
Never fear! For someone claiming to be technologically impaired, 
you've acquitted yourself handsomly below. <g>
> But meanwhile I'm back to my quest to make the best CS I can with
> the generator I already have, which is the Bob Beck Silver Pulser,
> and I want to summarize what I think I know? and see if I got it
> or am way off base.
Okay, the silver pulser outputs a modest DC voltage that turns on and 
off rather quickly, if I'm not mistaken. I don't know if the CS 
generator hookup for it just lets you use the power supply directly 
or if it uses the pulsed output. In either case, it will produce good 
> I assume that because my generator does not limit it's power it is
> unlikely that I can make high ppm cs without making larger
> particles.
If you get the ppm up high enough, the current flow will increase and 
you will start making larger particles. That is exactly right!
> It seems to me that it is agreed that larger amounts of lower ppm cs
> will have the same effect as small amounts of higher ppm cs
> (although they might not be as easy to use for a sinus infection
> because of having to get more up there).
Yes, you simply have to use *enough*, whatever that turns out to be 
for you, your CS, and your condition. Using a spray bottle or nasal 
inhaler for the sinuses as well as taking it by mouth will probably 
work for you if my and others' results are an indication. 
Concentration does not seem critical.
> And it seems to me that smaller particle size probably means more
> effective - unless you are going after larger bugs - so I'd rather
> try to make smaller particle size at a lower ppm if necessary. Am I
> accurate in assuming that if the cs I make is gold it will have
> larger particles than if it is clear? So If I want smaller particles
> I should run the generator for less time and get a clear sol. 
There are two ways to get clear sol:  1) limit the current so that 
the particle size never gets too big, 2) don't make your CS very 
If the CS is gold then the particles will be bigger than the clear if 
it was made with low current. But plenty of people have had fine 
results with the golden, so don't dismiss it. 
Of course your sol will start out clear and stay clear for a while,
until you get it strong enough to notice the color. Part of that is
because it is the low current part of the generating process before
the current ramps up, as you suspect, and part because it's just not 
concentrated enough to see.
The irony is many of us started out making clear CS using salt and 
people started hammering on it as being inferior to the golden CS. 
Then the High Voltage AC advocates, (and now even the the Low Voltage 
high tech folks) started belittling golden for not being clear like 
theirs is! 
Don't worry. What you're making will be just like the stuff many of
us have used with good results.
> The clear sol has weaker tyndall - does that mean it probably has a
> lower ppm?
If it's been made with low current, long slow generation, then the 
ppm might be even higher. In that case the tyndall is weak because 
the particles just don't reflect in the visible spectrum and your 
laser passes right through.
If it's weaker because you stopped sooner, then it's just weaker, or 
possibly both small and weak.
If you let it run 'til you get noticeable color, you'll have probably 
made a range of particle sizes, the largest of which should be okay 
if you don't try to run too long.
> I do know that I need to experiment with different waters and that
> if I find a good one then I may be able to get stronger tyndall but
> still have it be clear - correct?
To be clear, you'd have to limit the current enough not to start 
making the bigger particles. Still, I'd not worry.
One way to tell the *relative* purity of your water is whether it 
takes more or less time to start producing visible particles when 
starting with plain water (no starter). Longer is purer.
> Also, I think I am going to quit heating the water because it seems
> to hurry the process and end up with it gold colored quicker - which
> means bigger particles?
Actually, Peter Lindemann, who is one of the folks who suggested 
heating the water, said to do it because it resulted in *smaller* 
particles, which he claims to have observed using electron microscopy 
of samples.
It's not necessary, but doesn't hurt, and does speed things up.
> And lastly, if I bend the silver wires so that they are further
> apart it seems to take much longer for the tyndall to appear - is
> this because it is much weaker for longer or is it because they are
> smaller particles?
Probably some of both? If they are really close together and you move 
them to where they're an inch or more apart, you'll have cut the 
initial current by quite a bit. That will both slow down generation 
and probably start out making smaller particles.
> And what about seeding the batch with old batches of cs? That also
> seems to speed up the process - but is it likely to create larger
> particles?
It will likely not produce as many smaller particles because the 
initial current will be higher, but it will produce no *larger* 
particles than your last batch, if you keep everything else the same 
and stop at a the same strength as you did before. If you're not 
monitoring current (I doubt you will be) then stop at a similar color 
or tyndall.

    Yes, this question. I thought that last posting was going to include your 
questions and Mike's answers. It is very comprehensive as it stands. 
It answers my questions. 

> Thanks in advance for the info  - 
> Katarina

Thanks for not letting the technical discussions overwhelm you. The 
bottom line is: You already know more than most of us did when we 
started! The product you make will be as good or better than what 
most people have used successfully already.

Once you get the hang of it, and maybe send a sample or two for ppm 
testing, you'll have a pretty good idea of what you have. Get some 
experience *using* it and you'll understand that it works after all.

Good job, Katarina!

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

Dear Bob,
You wrote:

Dear Katarina, Mike and List

   This is the question and answer to start our FAQ

Thanks this is great. God bless you all. 


I feel very thick today- but I'm not sure what you are referring to? What 
question and answer? 
But I'm very glad if I have been of help!
Take care,
Oh, do you mean Mike's answers to my questions? I got lots more if you want 

Forwarded Message: 
Subj:   CS Question?
Date:   9/1/99 1:41:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   <A HREF="mailto:Kato 109">Kato 109</A>
To: <A HREF="mailto:Elmatti";>Elmatti</A>

Dear Bob,
You wrote:

Dear Katarina, Mike and List
   This is the question and answer to start our FAQ
Thanks this is great. God bless you all. 


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