2002-01-09 Thread fedtoledo
Do you know how to replenish, or  preventatively maintain glutathione
levels.   I've heard of a product called Immunocal, "a milk protein dietary
supplement," but it's too expensive for my budget.

Thanks, Dee

-Original Message-
From: Duncan Crow 
Date: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: CS> CFS

Stress and depression produce toxic hormonal by-poducts that work like free
radicals, depleting glutathione levels.

But raised glutathione levels modulate the cytokine response, boost the
immune system's ability to repel infectious agents, and quench existing free
radicals and associated inflammation (free radical cascades), and break
toxins including normal stress by-products. In addition, in patients with
CFS, myalgias, and irritable bowel, research has shown that these symptoms
relate to the body hogging the glutathione precursors in favour of the
liver, the kidney, brain, and immune system first, at the expense of the
muscles, tissues and bowel lining.




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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Potassium iodide

2002-05-17 Thread fedtoledo
Hello List,

I'm glad to see this topic discussed here.  The input provided and links 
referred to have helped me understand the two different products and to make a 
decision regarding purchase.Thanks, all who  commented.

I have another set of questions, however,  that are of even more concern to me. 
  This regards taking the proper dosage of either of the two products with 
thyroid disease. I have a goiter.   It's small, seems to be getting smaller 
over the last couple of years, as I keep adding to my general health routine.   
 I've  taken Bernard Jensen's Liquid Dulse Iodine drops for maybe two years 

My endocronologist and every other doctor that ever noticed it haven't 
expressed any concern or treatment, nor did they recommend iodine supplement.   
 I quess I'm not allergic to iodine, or I would know it.Does anyone know if 
I am putting myself in harms way by taking the high dosages of potassium iodide 
or iodate in the event of high level radiation exposure?

Seems like the risk may not be reduced by not taking it.   Thyroid disease runs 
in my family, however I have great health.  But at age 50, I check my tsh 
levels yearly.  All are in normal ranges, as usual. 

I started taking a new potassium iodine product recently that is higher in 
strength, (iodine derived from Kelp).I noticed that it seems to warm me up. 
My body temp. is commonly  96 and 97 degrees. I took only 1 a day to 
start with, label recommends 4 a day for a month.

Would this warming up feeling be a symptom of my having an improper thyroid 
balance with the goiter, or do persons without any problem get such a reaction?

Should I take this topic to the off topic list?
  -Original Message-
  From: Tai-Pan 
  Date: Friday, May 17, 2002 8:36 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Potassium iodide

   Greetings Listers, 
   Information (FYI). 

   Iodine; A non-metalic element, a mineral, self life-forever, used in 
antisepsis and in treatment of goiter and cretinism. Tincture of Iodine used as 
a topical antiseptic. 
   Iodine 131 and Iodine 125 (radioactives) used as treatment and diagnosis of 
thyroid disorders. General disinfectant. 

   Iodide; a compound of iodine with more electrically positive element or 

   Iodate; any salt of iodic acid. 

   Potassium; a metallic element, usually combined with minerals, self 

   Potassium Iodide; a crystalline salt (KI) used chiefly as an expectorant. 
(mouth wash) Used also in treatment of syphilis and other diseases. 

   Potassium Iodate; used in the treatment of diseases of the mucus surfaces. 

   Potassium Iodine; Used in the disinfection of water and wounds. As an 

   Iodic acid; a monobasic acid (HIO3), used in dilute solutions as an 

   For the treatment of water we use Potassium Iodine. 

   As a note , the two water treatment products in the CampMor Catalog are both 
Iodine based. They are the Germicidal Tablets and Polar Pure. Both on page 114. 

   Bless you,  Bob Lee 

In a message dated 5/17/02 12:48:02 AM Central Daylight Time, writes: 
  Millenium Concepts has them on sale 5 bottles (200 pills) for $100. 
1-888-803-4438  It is Potassium Iodate, which is longer lasting, and better 
shelf life. 

I got Potassium Iodide from 100 pills per bottle for $24.  This 
site also has a ton of information, but I don't know the difference between 
Potassium Iodide and Potassium Iodate, except that the site says tests on the 
shelf life of the RadBlock they sell found near 100% strength after 11 years.  
I figured that was long enough for my purposes! 
Linda Ellis

  oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast 
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Re: CS>OT - bio terro question and Olive leaf extract

2001-10-16 Thread fedtoledo

On the topic of olive leaf extract, do you have an opinion on what is the most 
potent type to use?As I have learned to be discriminating with colloidial 
silver products, is there some education that would help me decide which 
products to purchase?  And  as regards Grapeseed extract?   Are the liquid 
extracts generally the best choice over capsules?   Does anyone know of 
particularly pure, potent and bioavailable products to have on the shelf use in 
times of special needs.

I'm just catching up on my emails,  ignore this message if this topic has been 

Thanks, Dee  

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley 
Date: Monday, October 08, 2001 7:24 AM
Subject: Re: CS>OT - bio terro question
  Why not use CS which is the most potent viruscide I know of, next to olive 
leaf extract. 

Re: CS>Snorting Saltwater with CS

2001-10-21 Thread fedtoledo
One the topic of "Snorting:"

I've been using a "neti pot" to clean my sinuses for about a year now and
like it better than the "snorting,"I use cs in it, or sometimes just a
pinch of salt (one or the other, not both).   Since I've gotten the hang of
it,  it's become part of my regular good health routine. I use it when I
think I'm coming down with a cold/flu, been closely exposed to someone
(grandkids, etc.) who's sick, or just to give those nasal passages a good
blast of cs.   The directions that came with the neti pot recommend a couple
of yoga type positions that help increase  sinus drainage at the same time.
It works for me!   My sinuses feel the same way my body feels after a good
shower,  "oh sooo refreshed!"


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Nick Grant/Candida

2001-10-24 Thread fedtoledo
Thanks for the good info. This sounds like it could be me, symptoms, Irish,
etc.  I checked the website but couldn't find a source of doctors or
naturopaths.Did I miss something?

Thanks, Dee

-Original Message-
From: Nick Grant 
Date: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 10:30 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Nick Grant/Candida

>Thanks Deanna, I willI will let you know.
>- Original Message -
>From: "David Haley" 
>Sent: Wednesday, 24 October 2001 02:45
>Subject: CS>Nick Grant/Candida
>> I have suffered from Candida since my early teens and went through some
>> major herbal therapy in my early twenties.  My condition improved.  It
>> back again in my 30's.  I had pretty much decided I was in just a
>> state.  Read your articles and basically had been following the suggested
>> treatment for years.  It still was only managable. For the past two
>> years the MD's have told me that my thyroid was enlarged BUT my thyroid
>> tests were normal.  I have always suffered from low body temp and low
>> sugar.  Why they did not put 2 and 2 together I really don't know.  I
>> something had to be wrong for the thyroid to be enlarged.  I was gaining
>> weight but was eating less, etc.  I was doing what I knew to do through
>> probiotics, herbs, diet, etc.  Then 3 months ago my hair started falling
>> out.  Leave it to vanity to cause a woman to jump into warpath mode.  I
>> started reading all I could find on thyroid really not meaning to address
>> the candidia issue.  I stumbled across Wilson's Syndrome.
>>   I nearly cried when I discovered I met the
>> exactly.  Many M.D.'s are treating for Wilson's but the only practitioner
>> listed for the Minneapolis area was a Licensed Naturopath.  After
>> a bunch of test results, looking a my slick sided tongue (I had no idea
>> a slick sided tongue meant that your liver wasn't working
>> have been checking friends and families, my hair
>> etc.  He said I had classic Wilson's.  I began therapy immeidately.  I
>> cautious at first.  Treatment was expensive and rather tedious since you
>> have to take your temp three times a day.  However, after the first month
>> did notice, by my own temp taking that my body temp was indeed going up.
>> was feeling better.  I had specifically asked the Naturopath how we would
>> approach the Candidia?  I figured since I was paying big bucks out of
>> I was going to hit every ailment I'd ever experienced.  He just smiled
>> said "I'm not worried about your Candidia".  "My experience has taught me
>> that if I take care of your Wilson's that in time you will not have
>> overgrowth".  He went on to basically explain the same thing your article
>> explained.  That when the endocrine system is not working properly the
>> candidia takes over.  That it would take several months to cleanse the
>> while supporting the thyroid but once everything was working properly my
>> body would ajust it's own flora.  He started me on the Wilson's
>> the dandelion root tea and suggested for quick results I go on the "Eat
>> your Blood Type" diet. (Have some amazing things to say about this
>> diet...testimonial from my 15 year old son that is doing nothing but the
>> diet and had his fairly severe acne almost disappear...even on his
>> back...just from staying away from potatoes.)
>> I was skeptical due to my long term history with candida, M.D's and
>> practioners.  I even remember thinking...well...this guy thinks he knows
>> what he's talking about with the candida but he dosen't know ME well
>> to know how stubborn my case is.  I even made some kind remark as to how
>> stubborn my case was.  He just smiled and said.  "If after you recapture
>> the thyroid you are still experiencing alot of candidia we'll deal with
>> then but my experience tells me it will take care of itself.  If it
>> then we will look at supporting your hormonal system."
>> After 3 months I have to eat crow (not literally thank you).  Nearly all
>> my candida symptoms have disappeared.  My large toenail is growing out
>> instead of yellow.  Very obvious...half the nail is yellow and half is
>> normal.  My energy is returning and my body temp is no longer 97.2-97.6.
>> I'm doing a trial for the past 3 weeks without the therapy and am
>> maintaining almost 98.00.  While they'd like to see me closer to normal
>> is still a good sign.  My endocrine system is starting to work again.  I
>> losing weight but the best part is that I am feeling better.  I would
>> definetly recommend seeing an MD or Naturopath that is familiar with
>> Wilson's if you are experiencing low body temp and candida.  Read the web
>> site and determine for yourself whether or not you think you are a
>> candidateDeanna

Re: CS>Artist's Air Brush (nebulizer) on sale

2001-10-27 Thread fedtoledo

Just before I read the recent dialog and website with the more detailed
instructions for this nebulizer, I was trying to put together all the parts
to assemble.   I couldn't figure out how to get an adapter for the hose to
fit the regulator.   I didn't get any answers at the art supply store or
OSH.  They said they had no adapters that would work, looked confused.

I was looking in the Harbor Freight catalog and could'nt find the airbrush
assembly item # 06131 mentioned below.   I did however find another one,
also made by Central Pneumatic, item #01500-4ATA (pg. 28 in my catalog).   I
ordered it because it appeared to have an adapter already installed on the
end of the hose hookup, stated " this heavy duty air brush can be operated
with CO-2 tank" and looked pretty much like the other model, with a couple
of additional attachments. ( Cost $19.95)

I was just wondering if anyone else had noticed this new air brush kit.
I just received it in the mail.  It looks pretty much the same.   The
airbrush itself is quite nice, made with all metal, a little cap for the
end, etc.  Nothing that would affect function at all.

I also have one of the 06131 assemblies, so with the recent directions I
took off the website (MUCH THANKS for these clarifications), I think I am
closer to finding my way now.   I'm happy to know  the size of tank to get,
I was looking at the big suba tank size and they are expensive.

Of course, the item # 06131 continues to be offered in the online catalog
and is available from Harbor Freight.

Much Thanks for ongoing support,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Artist's Air Brush (nebulizer) on sale

2001-10-28 Thread fedtoledo
Thank you Brooks,
I have ordered the Coupler, and now have only to purchase the tank and
regulator.   Hope to do that this week.


-Original Message-
From: brooks bradley 
Date: Saturday, October 27, 2001 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Artist's Air Brush (nebulizer) on sale

> Dear Dee,
>   The Harbor Freight Air Brush Coupler #P-1655, cost $1.95, will fit
>of the air brush assemblies you have referenced.
>Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
>- Original Message -
>From: "fedtoledo" 
>Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2001 6:36 PM
>Subject: Re: CS>Artist's Air Brush (nebulizer) on sale
>> Just before I read the recent dialog and website with the more detailed
>> instructions for this nebulizer, I was trying to put together all the
>> to assemble.   I couldn't figure out how to get an adapter for the hose
>> fit the regulator.   I didn't get any answers at the art supply store or
>> OSH.  They said they had no adapters that would work, looked confused.
>> I was looking in the Harbor Freight catalog and could'nt find the
>> assembly item # 06131 mentioned below.   I did however find another one,
>> also made by Central Pneumatic, item #01500-4ATA (pg. 28 in my catalog).
>> ordered it because it appeared to have an adapter already installed on
>> end of the hose hookup, stated " this heavy duty air brush can be
>> with CO-2 tank" and looked pretty much like the other model, with a
>> of additional attachments. ( Cost $19.95)
>> I was just wondering if anyone else had noticed this new air brush kit.
>> I just received it in the mail.  It looks pretty much the same.   The
>> airbrush itself is quite nice, made with all metal, a little cap for the
>> end, etc.  Nothing that would affect function at all.
>> I also have one of the 06131 assemblies, so with the recent directions I
>> took off the website (MUCH THANKS for these clarifications), I think I am
>> closer to finding my way now.   I'm happy to know  the size of tank to
>> I was looking at the big suba tank size and they are expensive.
>> Of course, the item # 06131 continues to be offered in the online catalog
>> and is available from Harbor Freight.
>> Much Thanks for ongoing support,
>> Dee
>> --
>> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>>  -or-
>> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>> To post, address your message to:
>> Silver-list archive:
>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2001-10-30 Thread fedtoledo
Thanks again for more good info Brooks,

I have been interested in the Magnetic Pulsar for a long time.   As I'm almost 
done putting together the nebulizer,   I am excited to be able to being able to 
put one of these together also.

I couldn't come up with the website you referred to for Allied Electronics to 
purchase the capacitor used, so came up with They had 
this part, same MFG part number (400v 300uf)  Allied part number # 852-1468 at 
this website. 

They had a $50 minimum order, so I ordered all 4 that they had in stock, 
$10.80ea.,If anyone would like one let me know.  I will keep two.Make 
one for out of state family.  

Thanks again Brooks,

I would like to join the off-topic list.  Would someone mind providing that 

  -Original Message-From: brooks bradley 
  Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 12:02 AM

   Dear Mike, I apologize for making this post on this list, but so very 
many of the people desiring information on the devicerelate that they are 
not on the "Off-List".
  I suggest that interested persons go to Dr. Richard Lloyd's website 
using this url His instructions are quite clear and 
easy to follow.
  This device (Super Thumpy) is a modified version of Dr. Bob Beck's 
device (essentially the same as the current Sota device)which incorporates 
a modification to the original Thumpy variation of the Beck device.  Of the 
devices we constructed and tested, this unit gave the best performance 
--based upon cost/complexity considerations.  It is quite adequate in 
power, for most "layman-type" users.  Some may be interested in the Haining 
Pulser, which is a 240 vac device which is  MUCH more powerful, but does pose 
some safety considerations.  For the more adventurous types, just go to 
Richard's index page and scroll down to the word Haining (down in the 
electronic device section) for a circuit and limited general characters.
  The secret to making the Radio Shack party strobe powerful 
enough to do an adequate job is to increase the main capacitor strength.  
Richard settled for  a 200 uf capacitor rated at 450 vdc.  We found that a 
slightly  lower voltage and a higher microfarad rating worked somewhat better.  
The 300 mf capacitor at 320 VDC from Allied he recommends works quite well.
  However, I suggest a possible variationthat we used.  It is 
to use part number LPX331M400E7P3 400vdc (450 surge) X 320 MFD  by Mallory (it 
is stocked by Allied Electronics ( I believe it 
costs about $9.00 and is well worth it.  It will fit quite nicely in the area 
where you remove the original capacitor from the top of the circuit board, of 
the little party strobe.  Do remember that the Negative (-) capacitor lead is 
on the side where the black stripe is painted.
  Remember, all you are doing is inserting an electro-magnet in 
series with the strobe light.  I am trying to download a couple of zoom photos 
of one of the units we show "exactly" which lead from the 
strobe light we cut and spliced the coil (magnet wire coil assembly) leads into.
  The Radio Shack strobe unit costs about $35.00 and works very 
  I do not know, exactly, what the coil Richard recommends we 
wound all of our own on old VCR tape cores...using #16 magnet wire.  
  The knob on the front becomes a fine frequency control.  Just 
advance in a CW direction until the unit is firing at the desired frequency.  
We have found that about once every 1.5 to 2.0 seconds gives superlative 
results for most applications.  For a little more power.set to about a 3.0 
second firing frequency. 
  NO commercial unit we evaluated gave results comparable to 
this little "shop-built" unit.  The Haining unit is much more powerful..but 
does pose some possible hazards to the unskilled population.  Additionally, the 
power levels are so high we have not established reliable safety 
parameters.for general use.
  This is not a challenging project and does not require any 
special skills.other than being able to use a soldering iron, wire cutters, 
stripper, a screwdriver---and some common sense.
  If you strike a snagjust give me a post.
  Good Luck Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.  
  p.s.  I recommend you use a 1/8" drill bit in an electric drill and bore 
about 10 well spaced holes in each side and the top ---of the strobe unit 
cover.  This greatly assists in giving enough ventilation to prevent 
overheating.during prolonged use.  Otherwise, I suggest you use a small fan 
to keep the unit from experiencing a shortened life-from lengthy periods of 
sustained use.

CS>Re: Vilik and PH testing

1999-06-02 Thread FEDTOLEDO

> From: Vilik Rapheles 
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Wateroz
> Date: Tuesday, June 1, 1999 6:23 PM
> Vilik,
What do you use to test your ph every morning.
> >
> --
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> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Building A Microwater Machine Using Patent Databases

1999-06-02 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Do you have any information regarding how to judge the appropriate ratios
of alkalizing minerals directly to water?  I am using "Alkalife" now, but
would like to find a less coslty way to do it myself.

> From: Ivan Anderson 
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Building A Microwater Machine Using Patent Databases
> Date: Friday, May 14, 1999 4:21 AM
> > 
> Hi,
> I too have studied patents relating to water alkalizers and concluded
> that it is far easier to add alkalizing minerals (magnesium hydroxide,
> sodium hydroxide etc,) in the appropriate ratios, directly to water.

> Ivan

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Eye Solution Treatment for dogs

1999-06-03 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Hi Pat,
I was wondering what the solution was you used, the ratio of MSM to CS for
pink eye, etc., for you and your kids?

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Eye Solution Treatment for dogs
> Date: Monday, May 31, 1999 7:17 PM
> Dear Brooks,
> I've been using such a solution (MSM/CS) for years mostly on myself and
> kids. When they were younger and if I thought they were getting a touch
> pink eye, in went the drops to both eyes and the next morning the
> was usually gone. 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Vilik and PH testing

1999-06-03 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Thanks Kass, 

Where do you get it,

> From: T 
> To:;
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: Vilik and PH testing
> Date: Wednesday, June 2, 1999 9:47 PM
> Hi Diana,
> I use pHydrion Vivid 5.5 to 8.0 test tape to test my urine.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> To: 
> Date: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 4:57 PM
> Subject: CS>Re: Vilik and PH testing
> >
> >
> >--
> >> From: Vilik Rapheles 
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Re: CS>Wateroz
> >> Date: Tuesday, June 1, 1999 6:23 PM
> >> 
> >> Vilik,
> >What do you use to test your ph every morning.
> >Diana
> >> >
> >> 
> >> 
> >> --
> >> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> >> 
> >> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
> >>  -or-
> >> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >> 
> >> To post, address your message to:
> >> 
> >> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
> >  -or-
> >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Vilik and PH testing

1999-06-03 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Thanks Kass,  
I was wondering about testing ph.  I understand there are 4 or five things
to test for ph.  Saliva, urine, blood, and can't remember what else.  I
quess  to get a full, accurate reading of your body's ph, in the case of
specific related illness or disease, you should have all tested.  Short of
that, we can test our own urine or saliva to save on doctor bills.

I further understand,(not to sure though)  that we aspire to have maintain
a ph of 7.2 to 7.6, and I supplement my diet with ph 10 water to help move
my acidic system to the desired direction.   But do you expect the urine
reading to test 7.2 to 7.6?  It would seem that urine is going to be a lot
more acidic than say, saliva, blood, etc.

Do you or Vilik know specifically what the urine reading should be for our
overall body ph to be balanced?

> From: T 
> To:;
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: Vilik and PH testing
> Date: Wednesday, June 2, 1999 10:32 PM
> Hi Diana,
> I get the test paper from Pacific Research Labs.  Ph. # 1 (800) 325-7734.
> also get my Coral Essence (lowers my pH) there.
> >

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Wateroz

1999-06-03 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Hi Vilik, 
Hope you're having a good day today.  Emailed wateroz at the address below.
 I quess I missed the boat in your previous listings.  I remember you
explaining wateroz is ionic water, but I guess it is also a mineral water
too.   I have yet to decide which product to try.   I would like to try a
30ppm to 100ppm.  I quess according to Bob's test, wateroz fits right in
the middle there.  

You also said, as I recall that you used and liked CSPRO.   I think that is
only 10ppm?  I can't afford to pay the $15 to $20 for two ounces at the
local store any more, but am reluctant to buy a gallon of something that
doesn't live up to their claims.

Happy Thursday,

> From: Vilik Rapheles 
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Wateroz
> Date: Tuesday, June 1, 1999 6:23 PM
>I also want to let everyone know that the WaterOz site on the net is
> WaterOz. They are in a struggle for their name, and have no site at this
> time. You can reach them at 1-800-547-2294, or email

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Wateroz

1999-06-04 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Thanks Michael,
I appreciate your input, as I'm still trying to find the right product to
try before I try to make my own.

> From: Michael Mahoney 
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: CS>Wateroz
> Date: Thursday, June 3, 1999 10:48 PM
> (snip)

> There may be other makers of CS that have products as good as CSPRO but
> that was the stuff we used and it worked astonishingly well. So I
> purchased one of their machines and have been making CS for a year this
> month.
> Am satisfied with the CS, the machine and with the way I was treated by
> Bruce Marx.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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Re: CS>Grapefruit Seed Extract

1999-06-06 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Hi list,
I've been using Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) for a little while.  I'm
experimenting with what the CS and the GSE will do, as they both are
supposed to be antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal.

I tried to cure a chronic upper respiratory condition back in
February/March, but I can't say either one really seemed to work.  I'm not
sure I took enough of either to do the trick, but I am still using them

I have been trying to get rid of what the vet says is likely a precancerous
skin condition on my cat's pink nose.  First I used the CS topically, then
the GSE, then hydrogen peroxide.The CS got rid of most but one stubborn
spot(they start out looking like a freckle, and eventually turn in to a
raised scab that keeps growing, then another freckle appears next to the
first, and grows too, etc., etc.) that had been there for months, the GSE
got rid of that, but then the spots started coming back,  the Hydrogen
Perxoide seems to be getting rid of the new spots that came back, but I
just starting using it a week ago, so the spots are not gone yet,  we'll
see what happens next.  

I am not aware of anyone making any claims or testimonials that GSE or CS
work on skin cancer or precancerous skin conditions, but my cat and I are
undaunted.  I would rather give all of these a try, before I start having
the vet burn them off, over and over.  

Besides the topical treatments, I started supplementing my cat's diet with
both CS and GSE, in rotation.   So this is a most unscientific experiment,
for sure.At the same time, I am somewhat amazed that any of these
things may be reducing or completely getting rid of the spots at all.  

I buy the Citricidal from   It is 2x the strength of
Nutribiotic, also sold at this websit.  Incidently, I just bought the
Dental Gel and love it over any of the natural toothpastes without flouride
that I have tried.GSE makes your teeth feel great, but I understand it
can remove enamel or something if used in to great a dosage, so I just use
the Dental Gel, and occasionally use a rinse with aloe vera and just a
little of the Citricidal in it. 

The GSE works great diluted in aloe vera for skin and facial complextion.  
 CS worked just as good, but I am just getting around, after a few weeks on
this list, to deciding which CS product to buy by the gallon.   The
problems with CS is it costs way to much to purchase in the Health Food
Store, and no matter where you purchase it, there seem to be a general and
consistent problem with getting the ppm advertised.   

They have many products offered at this website with GSE in it.   I've only
ordered once from them, but the service was very good, sent a couple of
emails regarding the product first, and I am happy with my order.It's a
lot cheaper than the Health food store too!


> From: Frederick Porter 
> To:
> Subject: CS>Grapefruit Seed Extract
> Date: Saturday, June 5, 1999 4:47 PM
> snip>
> Fellow Listers, 
>   I have recently become aware of an amazing product that has the
> potential to help many members of this list. It may well be the most
> antimicrobial yet discovered and its totally non toxic and dirt cheap!
> deadly against bacteria,fungi,parasites and is anti-viral! Sound too good
to be true.check it out for yourself and make up your own mind.
> Go to and
> > Rick
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Re: CS>Burn Story?

1999-06-07 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Sharon, I'd like to hear the story.

> From: Sharon L. House 
> To:
> Subject: CS>Burn Story?
> Date: Monday, June 7, 1999 6:24 AM
> To List,
> I have a burn story that happened to my daughter a long time ago. I have
> posted this to the yeast list that I'm on, and I know it's off topic, but
> if anyone ever gets a really severe burn, this info might be just what
> you'd need to know. Incidentally, this happened in my "pre-silver" days.
> I get any responses to this I'll post a copy of the story to this list.
> Sharon
> --
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Re: CS: Lupus and Chrones Disease

1999-06-08 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Hi list,

Anyone using CS for Lupus or Chrones Disease.  I have friends trying to
find alternative approaches to these diseases.Any  info/testimonials
would be appreciated.


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Re: CS>Good News!!

1999-06-09 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Yee HA!   God has blessed you and your family.  I'm very happy for
you Marsha.I've got a 3 and 5 year old granddaughter.   They are my
Diana in San Jose   

> From: Marsha Hallett 
> To:
> Subject: CS>Good News!!
> Date: Tuesday, June 8, 1999 9:24 PM
> Dear Listers, I just have to share this with all you nice folks..
> My new grandson was born at 1:01 PM MST today, in Salt Lake City
> Marsha, really proud grandma in Vallejo
> --
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Re: CS>Hey Vilik!

1999-06-09 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Hi Vilik,
Thanks for your posts. I didn't have any problem figuring out what E was.  
  I just ordered my first gallon of CS (Colloidal Silver).   I chose Silver
Lightning.  I'll be interested to hear what you think of the Silver
Lightning  vs.(versus) the WaterOz.  Hope you are having a good day,  

> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
> >  -or-
> >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> >
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Re: CS>con trails and cs

1999-06-14 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Hi Vilik, and all,
Another site for info on contrails:and
   William Thomas is an
investigative reporter and author who has been investigating this story for
some time.   I see them in San Jose, CA and the surrounding Bay Area All
too often.  I believe that is how I and friends got a chronic upper
respiratory condition this February, took two months to kick it. Good
new is I found CS, GSE(Grapefruit Seed Extract) and Hydrogen Peroxide along
the way.

Still waiting to receive my first gallon purchase of Silver Lightning. 
Expect it tomorrow.

> From: Vilik Rapheles 
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>con trails and cs
> Date: Sunday, June 13, 1999 12:20 AM
> Where can i read more about the chemtrails? Are they heavier in some
> than others?
> ~^^V^^~
> >
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> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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CS>Fw: Mary needs some help, please

1999-06-15 Thread FEDTOLEDO

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Mary needs some help, please 
> Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 6:53 PM
> Hi again Mary,
> I have only just begin to find my way through the choices with CS
>  And, will eventually purchase one of the generators to make it.   I
> really make any comparison comments, but hopefully others on the list
> much more experience with different products and generators will respond
> your question.
> Also, just reading postings for a few weeks will increase your knowledge
> many fold.  This is a great list.   I'll Keep in touch.
> Diana
> --
> > From: Mary 
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: hi Diana
> > Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 6:47 PM
> > 
> > Dear Diana,
> > 
> > Thank you for writing. Hope your foot surgery goes well!
> > 
> > I'm having also a lot of sore throats, could that be the air/and or
> trails??
> > 
> >  I make my own silver, use it occasionally.
> > 
> > However, have heard that HVAC is better, what do you think?
> > 
> > 

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Re: CS and CMO

1999-06-15 Thread FEDTOLEDO
I am very interested in CMO,  could you make some comments on you
experience or knowledge regarding.I resently learned about it, and am
having my mother take a product made by Dr. Kurt Donsbach for arthritus.  I
made this purchase after reading one article saying where the raw product
is derived from is very important, getting CMO from a vegatable source is
much preferred to a bovine source.

After purchasing DR. Donsbach's product, with CMO from a vegatable source, 
I find another article saying only bovine sources work and are really CMO, 
the vegatable source CMO is another form, not truly CMO, and doesn't work. 

I have a friend with Lupus and one with Crohn's that are both thinking of
taking it.
Anyone who can share knowledge on this topic?

> From: tj garland 
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS is helping!!!
> Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 7:42 PM
> Susan, you might try Arthro-7  , which contains CMO.  Hey, Vince, tell
> about CMO.  Kevorkian For White House Physician.  Jolly
> --
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Sorry Mary

1999-06-15 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Sorry Mary,
You asked me a question about HVAC's which I could not answer.  As this was
not personal or off topic, I considered the list would be very helpful.  It
 was not my intention to offend,  I will let you direct your own dialog to
the list.

> From: Mary 
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Fw: Mary needs some help, please
> Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 10:31 AM
> Diana,
> I don't understand why you posted a private message to the silver list
> without asking me?
> I have never had anyone do that before.
> Was this an oversight? 
> At 09:53 AM 6/15/99 -0700, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >--
> >> From:
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Re: Mary needs some help, please 
> >> Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 6:53 PM
> >> 
> >> Hi again Mary,
> >> I have only just begin to find my way through the choices with CS
> >products.
> >>  And, will eventually purchase one of the generators to make it.   I
> >can't
> >> really make any comparison comments, but hopefully others on the list
> >with
> >> much more experience with different products and generators will
> >to
> >> your question.
> >> 
> >> Also, just reading postings for a few weeks will increase your
> >> many fold.  This is a great list.   I'll Keep in touch.
> >> 
> >> Diana
> >> 
> >> --
> >> > From: Mary 
> >> > To:
> >> > Subject: Re: hi Diana
> >> > Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 6:47 PM
> >> > 
> >> > Dear Diana,
> >> > 
> >> > Thank you for writing. Hope your foot surgery goes well!
> >> > 
> >> > I'm having also a lot of sore throats, could that be the air/and or
> >> trails??
> >> > 
> >> >  I make my own silver, use it occasionally.
> >> > 
> >> > However, have heard that HVAC is better, what do you think?
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >
> >
> >--
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> >
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> >  -or-
> >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> >
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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Re: CS>Re: Kass and MSM

1999-06-17 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Hello Kass,

I know you have surely explored a lot of alternative remedies for the
breast cancer you are in the process of ridding your body of.   I would
like to give you the name and website of someone who was able to cure her
own breast cancer for your information.  Her name is Dr. Lorraine Day
   I may get these details a little confused, but they are
generally accurate and can be confirmed on her website.   Dr. Day was the
head of the San Francisco Memorial Trauma Center for many years, as well as
on staff of the San Francisco University Medical School.She was also a
major aids advocate, believing the medical industry was not trying to cure
aids and indeed did much to cover up what they know are cures that work. 

She was diagnosed with breast cancer, which eventually spread.  She had a
very large tumor on her chest, but refused kemo and radiation therapies and
struck out to find natural cures.   I have two of her videos and like them
very much.  I'm not fighting cancer, but after listening to her speak on a
radio show, I wanted to see what she had discovered as the lifestyle, diet,
treatments, etc.,  she believes can can do much to help us all stay or get
healthy  and alternative treatment options she found most viable for cancer
and many other diseases. 

I won't spend any more time reciting what I recall of her experience,
perhaps you are already familiar with her, or perhaps you are already
involved in a program that works best for you.  You can check out her
website for the accurate details, and Oh, I believe she has a Thursday
night chat hour from 7 to 8 or 8 to 9 where you can direct your questions
to her.

Thinking of healing thoughts towards you,

> Hi Sharon,
>I have breast cancer, and I know I have a large feeder blood vessel
> feeding the tumor.  I take MSM, now I'm wondering if I should stop.  Do
> think taking MSM is increasing the blood flow and food chain to the

> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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Re: CS>Alkaline quick fix...

1999-07-12 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Hi Vilik,
Norman Walker, author of "Fresh Vegatables and Fruit Juices" swears by a
glass or two a day of fresh celery juice.  He tells a story of living in
the hot Arizona climate, and he and his wife always felt comfortable while
his friends were miserable in the heat. Would be worth a try if you
have a juicer.   

Sweating in San Jose,

> From: Vilik Rapheles 
>I need help...FAST. This heat is knocking me out. Anybody got a quick
> fix? I think getting more alkaline fast would help. Any ideas besides
>Please...I am drooping badly
> V
>  i
>   l
> k
> --
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Re: CS>**? Sucralose

1999-07-13 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Hi Debbie,
I don't know anything about sucralose, but are you familiar with Stevia.   
It is from the leaves of a plant originally grown in South America.   I
found out about it while trying to find something other than aspartame for
my mother who was diagnosed with diabetes last year.  

She is quite happy with it.  It is a lot stronger than sugar and requires
very little.  You can get it in drops, white powder or green powder.The
white powder is most common, but has been bleached.  My mom likes the
green, but says it dissolves a little slower.  Check your local health food
store.   Also much info on the internet under "Stevia."   In some countries
physicians apparently accually prescribe it for hypo and hyperglycemia as
it regulates the insulin from the pancreas in some patients.

Also, fructose is supposed to have a low glycemic index.
> From: Debbie McDonald 
> To:
> Subject: CS>**? Sucralose
> Date: Sunday, July 11, 1999 10:52 AM
> Hi all,
>   Does anyone have any info on sucralose? After aspartame, I am
> paranoid. Deb
> -- 
>Debbie McDonald
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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Re: CS>Alkaline water Device

1999-07-13 Thread FEDTOLEDO
I have Sang Whang's book called "Reverse Aging" that discusses ph levels. 
He believes many diseases start or are caused by the acidic levels of our
body ph produced from our diets.To be brief, he suggests " drinking 5
glasses of 10 ph water daily will graduallly lower the bodies acidity and
enable the body to dispose of all the waste products produced daily and
then some.  Drinking inonized alkaline water is much better than taking
alkalline mineral tablets such as calcuim tablets." 

Sounds like the water you are getting would meet his approval with a ph of

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Alkaline water Device
> Date: Sunday, July 11, 1999 1:00 AM
> In a message dated 99-07-11 02:29:23 EDT, you write:
> > Hey,
> >  That sounds like a great price!!  I have followed different threads
> >  this subject and it seems it is quite a good thing to do.  Someone
> >  explained the principle of just how it worked and that was very
> >  interesting.  However, I think I looked in on a site and the price was
> >  exorbitant, and I believe that this product was made in China.  So,
let me
> >  know what you find out.  I don't have many resources up here.  Wonder
> >  they ship these out?  Have you actually seen one to see the quality
> >  such as that.
> >  
> >  I'm interested for one.  Thanks for the info!
> >  Susan
> Hi Susan,
> He had two at the store, collecting dust.  I didn't pull the one out
> the box, but saw the top of it.  The instructions and explanations were
> in Korean except for one brief overview in English.  I can ask if he will

> ship one.  Overall, it looked like a nice double-barrelled coffee maker. 
> *thought* that sounded like a good price.  Admittedly, I didn't pay much 
> attention to the discussion of ionized water when it was going on a few
> back.  I'll be down his way this Wednesday or the next Wednesday.  I'll 
> inquire about the shipping  -- to see if it's a possibility.  :)
> Samm
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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> To post, address your message to:
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CS>Fw: Paget's Disease -

1999-07-14 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Dear list,

This was sent to me by a close friend.  While off topic, the infomtion
contained about breast cancer of the nipple is important.   Please read and
pass along to others.
Knowledge is power.

> Is a rare form of breast cancer, and is on the outside of the breast, on
> the
> nipple and areola.  It appeared as a rash which later became a lesion
> with a
> crusty outer edge. I would not have ever suspected it to be breast
> cancer
> but it was. My nipple never seemed any different to me, but the rash
> bothered me
> so went to my doctor for that. Sometimes it itched and was sore,
> but other than that it didn't really bother me. It was just ugly and a
> nuisance, and could not be cleared up with all the creams prescribed by
> my
> doctor and dermatologist for the dermatitis on my eyes just prior to
> this
> outbreak. They seemed a little concerned but did not warn me it could be
> cancerous.
> Now I suspect there are not many women out there who know a lesion or
> rash on the
> nipple or areola can be breast cancer.
> What are the symptoms? Mine started out as a single red pimple on the
> areola.  One of the biggest problems with Paget's disease of the nipple
> is that the
> symptoms appear to be harmless. It is frequently thought to be a skin
> inflammation or infection, leading to unfortunate delays in detection
> and care.
> The symptoms include:
> 1. A persistent redness, oozing, and crusting of your nipple causing
>it to itch and burn. ( As I stated mine did not itch or burn much,
> and
> had no oozing I was aware of, but it did have a crust along the
> outer
> edge on one side).
> 2. A sore on your nipple that will not heal. (Mine was on the areola
>area with a whitish thick looking area in center of nipple).
> 3. Usually only one nipple is affected.
> How is it diagnosed?
> Your doctor will do a physical exam and should suggest having a
> mammogram of
> both breasts done immediately.
> Even though the redness, oozing and crusting closely resemble dermatitis
> (inflammation of the skin), your doctor should suspect cancer if the
> sore is
> only on one breast. Your doctor should order a biopsy of your sore to
> confirm what is going on. They will take a sample of your breast tissue
> in that area
> to test for cancer.
> If the cancer is only in the nipple and not in the breast, your doctor
> may
> recommend just removing the nipple and surrounding tissue or
> suggest radiation treatments. Had my doctor caught mine right away,
> instead of flaking it off as dermatitis, perhaps they could of saved my
> breast, and it wouldn't have gone to my lymph nodes.
> This message should be taken seriously and passed on to as many
> of your friends as possible; it could save someone's life. My breast
> cancer has spread and metastasized to my bones after receiving mega
> doses of
> chemotherapy, 28 treatments of radiation and taking tamaxofin. If this
> had
> been diagnosed in the beginning as breast cancer and treated right away,
> perhaps it would not have spread...
> I did try to spread the word through Rosie O'Donnell show on breast
> cancer
> awareness, but it failed trigger importance enough to announce on
> her show last year. This is sad as women are not aware of Paget's
> disease.
> If by passing this around on the e-mail, we can make others aware of
> it, and it's potential danger we are helping women everywhere.
> Thanks for taking the time to share.

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Re: CS>Silicon for osteoporosis?

1999-08-04 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Hi list,
Wanted to respond to this dialog.  I am taking silicon, the specific brand
is "Biosil."  It is a liquid from crystaline, touted as being the best form
for maximum absorption.   The literature included with the product sites a
medical study where the bone density of the femur bone was
increased(doesn't say by how much).  Silicon is also said good for joints,
aorta and other arterial tissue, skin, nails, hair and more.  While it is
hard to tell what it is doing internally, I can say I see a substantial
difference in my skin and nails.  Don't know if it could help with

-Original Message-
From: johnphil 
Date: Monday, July 26, 1999 10:57 PM
Subject: CS>pH

Can someone give me the source forAlkalife mineral drops and Coral
calcium?  My wife has osteoporosis and it I think this might help her.
Thanks. John

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Re: CS>Rife list?

1999-08-04 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Where is the rife list to be found?  Diana

> From: D. Garrett 
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>GoodBye
> Date: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 12:02 PM
> hi reid,
> are you on the rife list? verrry interesting.
> regards,
> Dennis
> --
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Re: CS>Silica to Calcium

1999-08-04 Thread FEDTOLEDO
I take Biosil silicon supplement by Jarrow.  One of the benefits listed in
the literature states that it is good for bones- "Silicon is essential for
collagen formation and complexing calcium into bone tissue(bone
mineralization).   Eisinger and Clairet(1993) showed that silicon
supplementation can increase the bone density of the femur."

> From: Bill Schramm 

> Perhaps trace silicon, or silica, is necessary for the assimilation of
> Calcium, as we know magnesium, boron, vitamin D etc. are.

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Re: CS, spouting and water filters.

1999-08-19 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Hi Alex,
I recently purchased water system I am very happy with.   I believe it has
the filter with silver particles( Stearacyle Candle).   It has a reverse
osmosis filter, a Stearacyle Candle filter, and two carbon filters.  

If you are interested, check out  and then give Gene Franks
a call directly.   He is very informative and will build you whatever type
of unit you need if you want something specialized.  Mine is just the
filters, linked together, no fancy housing at all.   I paid $195.   The
British Berkfield, they say it is used by the World Health Organization and
Red Cross worldwide, sells for app. $256 and I think only has the
Stearacyle candle.   

I attach the unit to my sink, but can use it as a simple siphoning system
for camping or if we should loose power associated with Y2K problems or
other natural disasters.   I am very satisfied with the unit and with the
excellent service I received as well. 
If you talk to Gene, tell him Diana Toledo recommended him.   I do not have
any affiliation with this company, but am happy to let them know how their
products and services are highly regarded.

> From: Alex C. Torres 
> To:
> Subject: RE: CS and spouting
> Date: Thursday, August 19, 1999 3:13 AM
> Dear Robert,
> So sad that USA is really slow to use or apply the "OLD" for Mexico and
> "New" for USA.
> Here in Mexico for more that 30 years we have a filter made basically
> silver granules (Activated silver) that destroys in the water that passes
> trough : 
> I cannot find that filter in USA in 20 years of living here. That filter
> really cheap, no more that 100.00 dollars and effectiveness is unlimited.
> Alex Torres M.D.
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CS>Re: Cancer treatment in Mexico

1999-08-23 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Hi Kass,
Hope you are feeling good!  I was wondering where you went in Mexico and
how you felt about your cancer treatments.   My mother just had a Clarks
stage 4 melanoma removed from her arm and I'm scrambling to find
alternative methods to treat her before the doctors say its chemo time.  
She is in the process of tests to check to see if it's spread.  I'm a
little confused, I thought stage 4 indicated it had already spread.

Thanks for the info on IP-6, she is going to start that also.

I quess we should take this dialog off list.
Best of Health to you,


> From: T 
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>IP6
> Date: Sunday, August 22, 1999 11:33 AM
> Hi Frank,
>Sorry it took so long for me to answer, I was in Mexico getting
> for cancer when I received your post, then couldn't find it again to
> Now that I'm home, I've had the time to look for your E-m and the add for
> IP6.  Go to
>Keep Smiling,

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Re: CS>Sympathies to Marshall

1999-08-23 Thread FEDTOLEDO
My deepest sympathies.  I am entering the same "twilight zone" with my Mom.
  She was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma (skin cancer) a kind that spreads
quickly.   We're looking for alternatives to chemo, unfortunately cost is a
major factor of consideration for us. 

You said Beck's four step process has good results on cancer.   Do you know
of anyone with this type of melanoma who used Beck's?

Even though it is the natural progression of life that our parents die
before we do, it's so hard to see it happen. The frustration is
drastically compounded by having to standby and watch the doctors step up
the process and by knowing the extension of life may be limited by lack of

I wish you great spiritual strengh to carry you through.  

With Love,

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Re: CS>Off Topic/soy/sesame seeds/nutrition questions

1999-08-25 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Can you tell me about the Gerson Therapy?   Is there a book, a website?  
Is it used for cancer?
Thanks, Diana

> From: david reese 
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Off Topic/soy/sesame seeds/nutrition questions
> Date: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 5:41 PM
> Hi Katarina
> In a Gerson newsletter a couple years ago an article stated that the only
part of
> soy  that is processed the same in this country as in  the Far East is
the soy
> sauce. If I remember right the sauce has too much sodium in it so none of
it is
> acceptable on the Gerson Therapy.  Not even for prostate cancer.
> Dave Reese
> > --
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> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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Re: CS>Fw: escharotic

1999-08-26 Thread FEDTOLEDO
I'm very interested in your result with the Escharotic paste.  My Mom was
just diagnosed with Clark's stage 4 melanoma on her arm and I am clammoring
around trying to decide on alternative treatments while the doctors check
to see if it has spread, and warm up the chemo equipment.  

Can you share any other information regarding your moms cancer.  Was it
Clark's stage 4, I am wondering because you said the doctors are sure it is
spreading somewhere.   Have you used the capsules also.How long did she
have the cancer before you treated it.   Do you have any information that
the topical treatment may be effective with cancer spreading under the skin
in the area? My mom had the tumor on her arm removed, they think they
feel another lump nearby under the skin.

I'm going to check out the website, but at the moment my computer is acting
up and all I can do is send and receive my email

Your thoughts are appreciated,
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Fw: escharotic
> Date: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 6:43 PM
> Another source of Escharotic is
> Alpha Omega Labs
> I got some paste from there for $49 and only a little of it destroyed a
> square inch melanoma on my mother's head in less than 24 hours.  It had
> effect on healthy tissue.  The substance was also available in capsules
> for $29 (a month's supply)  There was a nasty wound to heal afterwards
but no 
> infection ensued.  She suffers more now from the radiation she received
> anything else.  There may still be mets but the doctors haven't found
> yet - they are only 'sure' that it is spreading somewhere.
> Sincerely Yours,
> Ian Roe
> --
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Re: CS>New MSM product

1999-09-21 Thread FEDTOLEDO
I just found a new product at the Whole Foods, called Emer'gen-C, with
1000mg of Vitamin C.One of the products also has 1000mg of MSM, 32
mineral complexes, folic acid, B12, magnesium, manganese, potassium,
sodium, sulfur, zinc and chromium.It is sold in a box with 36
individual packets that "fizz" and immediately dissolve in a glass of
water, "no stirring necessary."   36 packets cost $8.99.

They sold the packets separately, so I tried a couple.   They dissolve
fast, and it tastes o.k., better than plain MSM.Just thought someone
might like to know about this product, as it often comes up.  

Manufacturer is Alacer Corp., Foothill Ranch, CA  (800) 854-0249 


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CS>Fw: Redish/Blue toe nails??

1999-09-21 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Hi All,

The toe nail bed on my big toe, left foot, has turned a dark redish/blue
over the last few days, and the right foot big toe seems to be joining
it.   I recently had foot surgery on right foot, so the circulation to the
toe on this foot may be somewhat reduced and could explain why it is less

I started taking homozon about 3 to 4 weeks ago.   I moved quickly from
1/4 tsp. a dat to 1 tsp twice a day.   Could this be related?Could I be
overdoing the Homozon?I stopped taking it yesterday to it the the
discoloration would go away.   I remember anesthesiologists used to moniter
the anesthesia in your system by noting the color of your toe nails and
fingernails, but don't know what they were looking for, or what the
indications were.Is this
redish/blue a sign of too much oxygen?   
Your thoughts are appreciated,


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Re: CS/nebulizer, bronchial spasm??

1999-09-28 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Can you tell me a little more about bronchial spasm?  I bought the air
brush kit you mentioned in an earlier post and am planning to try this
nebulizer set up. 

My mom is coming to visit from out of state.  She frequently gets bad sinus
problems from the smog when here in San Jose, Ca.She will get so
congested she looses her hearing, has to have tubes put in to drain her
ears, and vomits accumulation of mucus.   
I thought I might try a nebulizing system if she begins to develop this
problem.   She was a heavy smoker up till two years ago when she quit
following quadruple bypass surgery, but still lives in a house of smokers. 
 Do you consider this would have a relationship to the likelihood of
bronchial spasm? Is this a rush to the emergency room situation or just
a back-off on or stop treatment type reaction?

At any rate I am looking forward to trying it for myself also.

> To:
> Subject: Re: CS/nebulizer & CS and saline solution/Brooks Help?
> Date: Monday, September 27, 1999 10:28 PM
> To all interested list members.
> I will try to shed a little light on this
> protocol discussion;  at least to the limit of my present knowledge. 
There are
> several considerations involved in this issue.I will try to address
those of
> which I have some direct knowledge.
> First, the issue of using saline solutions.  We
did use
> saline solutions in several of our protocolssome with CSand some
> Because of the surface tension variations between saline and distilled
> saline is more readily passed through epithelial tissue, than is plain
> However, we found that it was the suspended "particle size" moreso than
the type
> of H2O solution, that made the principal difference as to whether or not
> spasm occurred.  Additionally, the "fluid density" had an effect as to
whether or
> not bronchial spasm occurred (e.g. as the mist concentration went up, the
> likelihood of spasm increased---without regard to the solutions;  so long
as no
> tissue-irritants were included).
> There is another considerationthe depth and duration
of the
> inhalation.
> Long (8 seconds, plus) inhalations caused much more bronchial spasm, than
> shorter ones (5 to 6 seconds)no matter what the nature of the fluid
> being employed.
> Additionally, the pressure setting had an influence on
both the
> volume and the velocity of the mist-stream.  Because of this, to overcome
> (when they occurred in susceptible volunteers) from this cause, we simply
> the driving pressure to about 20 psi.  This adjustment, in almost every
> solved the problem of bronchial spasm.  Please remember that there is
very wide
> variation in the pulmonary capacity, and response, among every age group.
> remember that the existing condition of the volunteer's pulmonary system,
has a
> pronounced influence in their immediate response to any
> "insult".beneficial or otherwise.  Most formal physicians, especially
> alleopaths, have little patience in addressing these
> instead---more of a one-size must fit all, approach.  I do not mean to be
> denigrating, but this is just the way things are.
>  Both penetration distance and volunteer's tolerance were
> by the particle size characteristic.  The mist-stream geometry yielded by
> nebulizer was the determining factor between acceptable and
> variations.  Some rather costly main-stream medical-supply nebulizers
> "completely unacceptable" when examined for this characteristic.  The
> economically-priced (less than $10.00) artist's airbrush was superior to
> mostfor this characteristic.  While it is true that our little $10.00
> was more than adequate, although being a single-action, internal mix
device;  the
> "best" droplet-size and flow-control came from our double-action,
internal mix
> airbrushes  (cost about $50.00).  We did not deem the improvement worth
> additional costfor our experimental/research purposes.
> No matter the assumed cause for bronchial spasm among
> experimental population, I suggest the FIRST correction you might
consider is
> reducing the driving pressure of the airstream (or O2 source).  I repeat;
 we have
> found that the major cause for bronchial spasm to be the "Volume" and
geometry of
> suspended liquid delivered within the time-window of a given
inhalationand not
> the specific nature (exluding tissue-irritants) of the solutions used.
> I hope this information is of value to the
> Sincerely.  Brooks Bradley.
> p.s.  There are other, secondary considerations such as the variation of
> "cough

CS>Re: Nebulizer/ bronchial spasm

1999-09-29 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Thanks for the info regarding your research results.   This is very
informing.  My Mother just started taking MSM and C recently, so may
already be doing some good things towards tolerating our tainted San Jose
air.I told her my house is smoke free and I'd take her to the beach for
a week.   Thought I might get some type of air purifier too, like perhaps
an Aranizer or something. So many topics to
explore.enjoying the journey,

> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: CS/nebulizer, bronchial spasm??
> Date: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 4:58 PM
> `Dear Diana.
> Bronchial spasm is, simply, repeated
> coughing.usually caused by epithelial irritation and/or partial
blockage of
> the air passageways.  The onset may be caused by many different
> things---including throat irritations.  A full-blown spasm is
characterized by
> uncontrolled coughing, and on occasion (but very rarely) may be
> life-threatening.  Smokers are at much greater risk than are non-smokers.
> Smokers, almost without exception, have varying degrees of alveolar
> damage.resulting in reduced pulmonary capacity.  Additionally, due to
> irritating coal-tar derivatives (mucous generating) and the
> imposed by nicotine sulphate, there results an actual, quantitative
> in available exchange volume in the lungs proper.  Unfortunately, a high
> of "second-hand" smoke (passive smoking) is, almost, as deleterious to
> healthas is direct primary inhalation.
> There is a simple, general maintenance, protocol which
appears to
> have greatly aided a number of our more severely-compromised volunteers: 
> includes the  ingestion of one 265 mg capsule of  micronized silica
> (generic microhydrin) taken twice daily;  accompanied by a  two  1000 mg
> capsules of MSM  and two 1000 mg  vitamin C (from natural sources).  The
> procedure results in taking one capsule of each substance, together,
> daily.  Our microscopy examinations (dark field type)   reveal SPLENDID
> short-time base recoveries from Rouleaux-type (cells sticking together
> poker-chips) complicationsfrom among our researach volunteers.  We
> sometimes, observed almost complete cell separation and increased oxygen
> transport characteristics in as little as 15 minutes.   Interestingly,
> incidence of compromised blood cell structure/arrangement was MUCH higher
> the very young volunteers (11 to 16 years), than we ever speculated to be
> case.
> Our researches revealed that both animal and human
> exhibited a much-enhanced degree of favorable response when we used
oxygen as
> the driving gas mediuminstead of atmospheric air. .
>Please be advised these comments are not to be
construed as
> ANY type of medical advice.  We are an experimental research group and do
> practice, or recommend ANY type of medical procedure..for any
> I hope this information is of value to you in
> personal research efforts.
> Sincerely.  Brooks Bradley.
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