RE: CS>Nationwide mysterious rashes

2002-03-12 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
That is correct. As I said the folks at the doctor's office were mystified.

-Original Message-
From: James Osbourne, Holmes []
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Nationwide mysterious rashes

I presume that cultures have been made with no meaning results?

James-Osbourne: Holmes

 -Original Message-
From:   Martin, Bill (CXO) []
Sent:   Tuesday, March 12, 2002 3:38 PM
Subject:RE: CS>Nationwide mysterious rashes

Colorado must be one of those states, because my grandson just had a case of
the rash. Thinking it was measles or chicken pox, my son took him to the
doctor's office. They were mystified, and just threw them a script for an
anti-biotic (standard mal-practice, I guess). My son is an avid CS user, so
he took the boy home and soaked him inside and out with our favorite 'silver
bullet' - and it worked. In just a matter of hours, the rash was much
improved (redness and bumps gone, but still itched). It was totally gone in
24 hours.

-Original Message-
From: Trem []
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 3:23 PM
Subject: CS>Nationwide mysterious rashes

Has anyone experienced the mysterious rash now reported in 14 states?  In
particular a persistent rash of  unknown cause affecting adults and not
responding to conventional treatment?  If so has CS been successfully used
to treat it?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Nationwide mysterious rashes

2002-03-12 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
Colorado must be one of those states, because my grandson just had a case of 
the rash. Thinking it was measles or chicken pox, my son took him to the 
doctor's office. They were mystified, and just threw them a script for an 
anti-biotic (standard mal-practice, I guess). My son is an avid CS user, so he 
took the boy home and soaked him inside and out with our favorite 'silver 
bullet' - and it worked. In just a matter of hours, the rash was much improved 
(redness and bumps gone, but still itched). It was totally gone in 24 hours.

-Original Message-
From: Trem []
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 3:23 PM
Subject: CS>Nationwide mysterious rashes

Has anyone experienced the mysterious rash now reported in 14 states?  In
particular a persistent rash of  unknown cause affecting adults and not
responding to conventional treatment?  If so has CS been successfully used
to treat it?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Kefir !!

2002-02-11 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
I checked the web for more info on Kefir, and found that for the most
part, animal milk is used in the process. Does anyone know if you can
use something other - say: soy milk - as a substitute?

-Original Message-
From: DJG []
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 6:46 PM
Subject: CS>Kefir !!

Hey! I've been making my own Kefir for several months now. It's quite
the amazing "stuff". I'm getting pretty good at it too. There is no
comparison to yogurt and kefir. Kefir is superior in every way. Do a
search and you'll be amazed what can be done with it, and the health
benefits. Heck, you can even make your own booze with it in a pinch lol.
Like CS, the cost is very low, and only the initial price of the grains,
but they grow and multiply, then you give them to someone else. The
cycle never ends. 

RE: CS>CS RE> Steam Distillers

2002-01-28 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
If you like Sears products, they have a couple of models available. I
bought the smaller one ($130). which produces just under a gallon in
about 5 hours. The bigger one ($180) will do just over a gallon in 6
I bought mine from Sears, because I know they will stand behind their

-Original Message-
From: Harold MacDonald []
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 2:48 PM
Subject: CS>CS RE> Steam Distillers

Does anybody have good recommends for a steam Distiller?Something
reasonable.I don't trust my local supply of distilled water.

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RE: CS>Anthrax (not to worry) - Small Pox (????)

2001-10-12 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
Wolfcreek1 ---
Thanks - Great set of links in your reply!
But don't get me wrong. I have long since subscribed to what you are
saying - the "cure" is worse than the disease.
I'm not going to run out and demand a vaccination from my health care
provider. I'm just making sure that a good supply of CS and/or Olive
Leaf Extract will cover my family, in case of attack.
I needed those links, because like the anthrax, I had no idea what to
expect in the way of symptoms.
I'm pretty sure about treatment - just not totally - yet. My virus
"buga-boo" still hasn't been calmed yet.
Bill ---

-Original Message-
From: wolfcreek1 []
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Anthrax (not to worry) - Small Pox ()

Hi Bill ~
Here is a website with lots of smallpox vaccine info:
And Dr. Mercola's The Fraud of Vaccination
specifically addresses small pox vaccination
It is my belief, understanding, and practice that we do not vaccinate
anything for any reason.  Often times, the vaccines cause illness,
death, dis-ease even for the same disease one was vaccinated for.   A
healthy immune system is your number one best bet.  Not just the foods
you eat, but sunshine, exercise, as little exposure to toxins as
possible, and doing the things your soul loves (so you smile BIG from
the inside out - which therefore makes you GLOW!) are among the things
that create abundant dis-ease resistant health.
Here are some links to vaccine resources.  Some may be located near you.
Vaccination is a personal decision, but it's your life and your health
which deserve ALL the time, education, and research you can give to make
the most informed decision for you and yours.
Hugs & Howls,
Julie & Critters

I have several scars on my arm from small pox vaccinations, but I can't
remember the last time I had any sort of booster. Anybody else feeling
"vulnerable" out there???
CS should work, because of its long list of successes against viruses,
but does anyone know for a fact that it has worked against Small Pox?

Bill Martin

RE: CS>Fw: CNN Breaking News

2001-10-12 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
Yeah - and just look who's getting hit - MEDIA PEOPLE - just think of
the rumors / conspiracy theories we can start. :-)

-Original Message-
From: JudytheK []
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 12:31 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Fw: CNN Breaking News

There are a lot of crazy, resentful people in the world -- remember the
tylenol poison?
Judy down Maine

-Original Message-
From: Josephine []
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Fw: CNN Breaking News

Good point. Perhaps in inside job?

I can't help wondering if these antrax incidents 
have been perpetrated by somebody else -- other 
than arab terrorists, that is. Judy Down Maine

> -- An NBC employee in New York has tested positive for anthrax.

CS>Anthrax (not to worry) - Small Pox (????)

2001-10-12 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
We've about beat the Anthrax issue to death, but now I'm hearing that
Small Pox could be another threat. No one has been vaccinated since
1981. And now Israel (a favorite target for terrorism) is scrambling to
prepare for that possibility.
I have several scars on my arm from small pox vaccinations, but I can't
remember the last time I had any sort of booster. Anybody else feeling
"vulnerable" out there???
CS should work, because of its long list of successes against viruses,
but does anyone know for a fact that it has worked against Small Pox?

Bill Martin
User Interface Developer

RE: CS>Study Indicates that Vitamin C is Not Effective for Colds

2001-10-01 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
In defense of C 

-Original Message-
From: Robert Berger []
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2001 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Study Indicates that Vitamin C is Not Effective for

I question the results of the vitamnin C tests. One pioece of data is
missing. What ype of C.
I have been established that ascorbic acid (man made C) is useless.
Only that from all natural sources are of any value.
"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Osmar bin Laden

2001-09-12 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
Anyone see "Larry (Lefty) King Live". Even the most liberal person in
Congress (Feinstein) was calling for blood. I have a hard time
corrolating that to any hidden agendas or even to spin control.

 >> first instinct with regard to the attack is that it's a
>inside job -- designed to destabilize, drum up public support, then
>ultimately offer a solution that will further an agenda.

>  That's right, I m suspicous it's the Illuminati and their agenda of
> global domination. Of
>course they'll work hard to obscure the information and effect a spin
>the media,
>which they also control.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2001-09-12 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
Those buildings collapsed - top down. Fire weakened whatever structure
they had designed in for earthquake or impact. And once that gave in, it
was just like an avalance. Nothing on earth can stop it. The TONs of
steel and concrete were more than enough to take the place down - to
ground level.

Normally, explosives are set with the expressed intent of causing a
building to implode. While it looks from a distance that it did implode
- a close look shows that parts of the building are falling outward as
they were sheered off in the collapse.

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: CS>PEACE Please

Marshall Dudley wrote:

> I am going to try to get some better looks when they replay the
collapse.  I
> think the center might have collapsed from the bottom, and the loss of
> at the top once the center support was gone caused the outer shell to
> from the top down.

OK, I went to my TiVo and replayed what I had several times. The two
main building
could have done what was indicated above, or it could have simply
collapsed from
the top down (although I still don't see how that could happen if
properly designed
and built).  There was a big explosion just preceding one of the tower's
that could be heard on the tape I was watching.  What exploded?

But the video on the 3rd building is VERY interesting.  It absolutely
from the bottom. It looks exactly like when they demolish a building.
Thing is, it
was built conventionally without the outer walls being self supported.
And it fell
exactly like I have seen lots of others fall from demolition.  Why?  It
makes no
sense.  If supports gave way, then that part of the building would have
fallen, and
the rest either stood, or fallen toward the area that failed.  But the
building fell at once, IN ONE PIECE, as if all supports had been blown
out at the
same time.  I am virtually certain that building was blown. I can think
of no other
way it could have fallen the way it did otherwise.

As far as the towers, the jury is still out on that one, could be either


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Question On Side Effects

2001-08-24 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
OK - now I feel silly - Hey! Did anyone else see Steve's original message in
a Chinese (or Japanese - whatever) font ? ? ?

-Original Message-
From: Martin, Bill (CXO) 
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 7:08 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: CS>Question On Side Effects

Now I find this very interesting. But Steve. Is this what you really meant
to say? I mean really. How should I interpret what your are saying? -
literally - :-)

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Hessler []
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Question On Side Effects

This is OT but Roger did you ever get my message relating to Mia Carlson?
Stephen K. Hessler, N.M.D.
HC  1  Box 175
Centerville, MO 63633
573-924-2254 (usually home after 8 pm)

RE: CS>Question On Side Effects

2001-08-24 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
Now I find this very interesting. But Steve.
Is this what you really meant to say? I mean really. How should I interpret
what your are saying? - literally - :-) 
-Original Message-From: Stephen Hessler
[]Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 6:38
PMTo: silver-list@eskimo.comSubject: Re:
CS>Question On Side Effects 
This is OT but Roger did you ever get my message relating to Mia Carlson?
Stephen K. Hessler, N.M.D.
HC  1  Box 175
Centerville, MO 63633
573-924-2254 (usually home after 8 pm)

RE: CS>Question On Side Effects

2001-08-23 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
Relatively low = 2 tsps per day (my son scared her - thinks she'll turn gray
if she takes too much CS)
She will not increase her dose beyond that.
Her discomfort has subsided, but - we are still curious about the issue.

-Original Message-
From: JudytheK []
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 6:10 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Question On Side Effects

What does "relatively low" mean? How much was her intake at first? What has
it increased to?
These are all important considerations.

My Daughter-In-Law is having some discomfort (pain?) in her lower abdomin. 
Since she is fairly new to CS use, she is wondering if anyone out there has 
had the same side effect from CS use. Her CS intake is relatively low, so 
it's unlikely to be the "Herx" effect. 

She asked me to post the question for her, so she can at least eliminate 
the CS as the source of her discomfort. She wants to eliminate some 
possibilities before resorting to a visit to her doctor. 

Bill Martin 
User Interface Developer 

Bill: I don't think CS can be ruled out since a small percentage of people 
have had similar experiences (probably from digestive problems) when they 
first started taking it. Have her stop taking it for a while to see if the 
pain goes away. If it does, have her start taking it again to see if the
comes back. Roger 

CS>Question On Side Effects

2001-08-22 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
My Daughter-In-Law is having some discomfort (pain?) in her lower abdomin.
Since she is fairly new to CS use, she is wondering if anyone out there has
had the same side effect from CS use. Her CS intake is relatively low, so
it's unlikely to be the "Herx" effect.
She asked me to post the question for her, so she can at least eliminate the
CS as the source of her discomfort. She wants to eliminate some
possibilities before resorting to a visit to her doctor.

Bill Martin
User Interface Developer

RE: CS>The Following from Quackwatch May be of Interest

2001-08-22 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
. . .  the politicians (assuming there are any left after the lawyers -
since most politicians *are* lawyers).
-Original Message-
From: aka jhon []
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: CS>The Following from Quackwatch May be of Interest

  first the lawyers,,then...
- Original Message - 
From: James Osbourne,   Holmes 
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 4:10 PM
Subject: RE: CS>The Following from Quackwatch May be of Interest

I can't remember the details, but there was a political upheaval of some
sort in Amsterdam, perhaps in the 1500s.  To start things off, they hung all
of the lawyers. 
James-Osbourne: Holmes
 : List maintainer: Mike

RE: CS>Re: Dr. Jon's CS process

2001-08-17 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
Hey, Mister "Ole Bob", Sir.
Do you have a name and address for this place in KC, MO, where you can get
ten (10) feet of wire for $30.25 plus postage? As you say, when you are
committed to a process such as this one, cost is seldom a factor. However,
when you find a good deal (such as the one you mentioned here), you
certainly don't want to pass it up. :-)

Bill Martin

-Original Message-
From: Robert L. Berger []
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Dr. Jon's CS process


Pardon my  French but why in the H-ll are you worried about cost

Ten feet of #14 gauge cost $30.25 plus postage here in KC MO. Coins present
holding problem, and wire solves this very effectively. Ten feet of #14 will
make several thousand gallons of CS, and that is more than you could every

You talk about cost effectiveness and you are using batteries at about six
bucks a battery ($18+) when a wal-wart for 120 v to 30 v dc is only $695

I think that you are gagging at a nat and swallowing a camel!!

"Ole Bob" :-(


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Health matters

2001-08-15 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
Fear not Listers (at least those of you who are concerned about the poisons
in their so called vaccines):

There is a web site which addresses those of us in the US who want to avoid
this government infringement into family life

To save you a click, I have pasted the meat of the text here:
A State-by-State Summary of Vaccine Exemptions:

Medical Exemption: All states permit a medical exemption to "mandatory"
vaccinations when a medical doctor certifies that a vaccine is
containdicated for the individual. (Most doctors refuse to sign a medical

Religious Exemption: All states, except Mississippi and West Virginia,
permit a religious exemption. However, some states are more strict than
others regarding the precise requirements to exempt your children from the

Philosophical Exemption (or Conscientious Objection): The following states
are the least likely to harass parents who are opposed to vaccines for their
children: AZ, CA, CO, ID, IN, LA, ME, MI, MN, NE, ND, OH, OK, UT, VT, WA,
I live in Colorado. I have a friend who still has kids in the public school
system. He tells me that he simply quit giving his kids the vaccines, and
signed a waiver on the back of the health forms for the schools, and so far
- no problem.

For home schoolers - no problem there either. Then it's simply a matter of
keeping the camel's nose out of the tent.
-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Health matters

"chris.osborne" wrote:

> Hi Terry,
>  I know a lady who now lives in the UK with her family but when she was in
> France she wanted to avoid the children being vaccinated and took lots of
> info but to no avail.
> The other mothers told her it would be unfair for her children to go to
> school UN vaccinated as their children may catch whatever.

Huh?  If the vaccine works, then the other children would be immune, if it
doesn't then the situation would be no different than if none were
In either case the other effect on the other children would be nil.


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To post, address your message to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>On Tabulating CS Data

2001-08-14 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
I was thinking the same thing - online database - one that any of us on the
list (carefully selected and limited listers) could provide input into -
I've written several of these systems myself, BUT - you knew there had to be
one of those --
There are lots of problems.
1. The web service has to support some sort of database engine (ie.
Microsoft - Access, SQL Server)
2. The web service has to support some sort of web interface to the database
(ie. Cold Fusion, Active Server Pages)
3. The web service data storage capacity has to be sufficent for our
purposes. Most will do around 5 Mb.
4. Colaboration on software development can be tricky in this environment.
But whatever, I'm willing to contribute to the cause.

-Original Message-
From: Wayne Fugitt []
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: CS>On Tabulating CS Data

Morning  Everyone,

Bob: The operative word here is "data". Such information must be based on a 

standardized way to make CS, the product of which would have been completely

characterized with regard to its ionic and particulate components, the
having been defined with regard to particle size distribution.

  If you guys establish the standard, we will have to scrap our old methods
and comply to the
standard.   This may be the beginning of a new era.

  Not everyone would do it, but in order to get our data into the database,
we would have to comply.

 As far as the 
resulting data is concerned, that part must be unambiguous and reproducible.

If you find any information along these lines, I'll be happy to tabulate it 
for the List.

  Why not a genuine on line database? 

  I had one of these working great on an older server software I used to

  Now I have a computer freak working for me that is doing these for others
now.  I hope he is doing it right or I am in a world of hurt.   Maybe I
better inspect some of his work.


RE: CS>No distilled water

2001-08-14 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
My wife and I have been drinking primarily distilled water for close to 20
years now.

We got one of those water coolers with the 5 gallon jugs on top. Just to be
sure we were getting good stuff, we started using distilled water. Now we
can really tell the difference when we *have* to drink tap water or worse.
The only thing better (to me anyway) is water I can get straight from one of
my local Colorado mountain streams (thru a filter, of course).

We've never really considered getting a distiller, but now that I know that
it's a critical part of making good CS - seems to me it would be a worth
while deal. The only thing is - I'm cheap. I'm making my own CS generator,
so I it makes sense to me to try and make my own (cheap) distiller.

Has anyone out there tried and succeeded at making their own distiller???

-Original Message-
From: Wayne Fugitt []
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 5:12 AM
Subject: CS>No distilled water

>The other problem is I haven't yet found a source for steam-distilled 
>water.  At the pharmacies here (including Walmart) they only have 
>demineralized/ozonated water with <10 ppm.  I'll keep looking I guess, 
>maybe make a trip across the border ;)

   You might consider purchasing a distiller.   I have considered it.  It 
gets to be a chore and a task picking up distilled water.   Seems I am 
always running out.

Presently I drink Reverse Osmosis water.

Would the change from RO water to distilled water for drinking be a 
worthwhile move?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Boberger et al Engineers

2001-08-14 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
Great Idea - I have the Software Engineering covered - to include database
driven web pages, if we decide to go that way.

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 8:16 PM
Subject: CS>Boberger et al Engineers

Perhaps we engineers should put our heads together and develop some sort of 
tabulation containing the pertinate data concerning CS 
Said list would be on-going, of course, as new data is reduced to figures
could understand. 

Barnbert,  Robert N Barnett, Reg. P.E.[retired after 46 plus years] Mech., 
Elec. really everything required in a bulding except Structural and 

CS>What I Really Meant Was - - - -

2001-08-13 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
Thanks All ! ! !
I've really been learning a lot from the information you've all been posting
or directly replying to my original question.
What I am looking for is something (web site, book) that lists the CS
application, how much to take, in what concentration, how often each day,
and for how long it should be administered. I'm an engineer, so I like to
see things in tables - for example the info I seek might look like the
following in a tabular format:
ApplicationDoseConcentration   Frequency   Duration
---   ---   -
Eye Wash  3 drops5ppmtwice/day3 days
Pimples  SprayOn  40ppm  once/day 5 days
Cold  2 Tblspn   10ppm  every 4 hrs  2 days
(you catch my drift)
I realize that the info will not likely exist in just that format, but I if
I can find a good source for that kind of info, I can convert it for my own
I've checked the web sites that some of you have sent me, but unless I
missed something, they didn't really have that kind of information. By the
way, for whatever reason, I could not read any of the articles at  
My browser has a problem with the ActiveX plug-in they use.
Also, the archive was down at the time that I attempted to search it.
Someone mentioned a book by Zane Baranowski.
Books are different problem. Naturally, that kind of thing is going to take
me a while to locate, access and digest. Gotta admit. The internet has
certainly spoiled me with its instant access to all sorts of info.
Thanks again. And I look forward to more of your postings.

Bill Martin
User Interface Developer

CS>Confused About PPM Concentrations

2001-08-10 Thread Martin, Bill (CXO)
I've not yet started to generate my own CS, but will be soon. However,
reading the various web sites out there, I'm confused about the colloidal
strenghts, that I should use.
Can someone tell me or direct me to a good site on how to determine the
recommended PPM concentrations, and how much to administer???

Bill Martin
User Interface Developer