Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

2002-03-01 Thread Neilinthegarden
Here's some drug company info on Wellbutrin you might like to see.  This 
isn't submitted in the spirit of debate, just information:  I am generally 
anti-pharmaceuticals, although I've taken plenty in my time;  A few years ago 
I took Prozac and got my Joy back: what a relief!  But I don't think I would 
ever take an antidepressant again.  I've realized that the drug corporations 
are withholding a lot of negative infomation on their products (and God knows 
we get blasted with chemicals in this country every day, just in our food!).  
The following info is just what they're willing to admit.  Anyhoo, here's the 
quoted material:

In a letter to health professionals,1 Health Canada and GlaxoSmithKline
stated that 1127 reports of suspected adverse drug reactions for bupropion
were received between May 1998 and May 28, 2001. Included were reports of 19
deaths (including 1 case of liver failure, 1 case of myocarditis, 3 cases of
suicide), 172 reports of seizures or convulsions and 37 reports of
serum-sickness-like reactions. Although cause-and-effect relations have not
been established in the vast majority of the reports, it is important to
remind physicians and warn patients of possible adverse effects of this

The drug

Bupropion appears to block noradrenergic reuptake and dopaminergic reuptake
in the brain. It is used as an antidepressant (marketed in Canada as
Wellbutrin SR) and as a smoking cessation aid (marketed in Canada as Zyban).
Common adverse events include dry mouth and insomnia, nausea, headache and
rash.2 Bupropion is known to reduce seizure thresholds, with a seizure rate
of about 1 in 1000 subjects treated.3 Anaphylactoid reactions, including
dyspnea, angioedema, urticaria and pruritus, have been reported at a rate of
1 to 3 cases per 1000 patients enrolled in clinical trials.2 Symptoms of
arthralgias, myalgias and fever and rash resembling serum sickness have been
reported rarely. For detailed descriptions of drug interactions and adverse
effects, see the product monograph.

What to do

Patients should be warned of the risks of potential serious adverse effects
of these medications, including seizures and allergic reactions. Zyban and
Wellbutrin SR should not be administered concurrently, nor should they be
prescribed to patients with a seizure disorder. Furthermore, bupropion
should not be administered to patients with conditions altering the seizure
threshold, including anorexia nervosa or bulimia, patients with potential
benzodiazepine or alcohol withdrawal, those with head trauma or central
nervous system pathology, or patients taking antipsychotic drugs, systemic
steroids, quinolone antibiotics or antimalarial drugs. Doses should be
limited to no more than 150 mg per single dose and to no more than 300 mg
per day. If a seizure or allergic reaction occurs, the medication should be
discontinued and appropriate medical attention sought. To avoid prolonged QT
intervals and ventricle arrhythmias secondary to thioridazine toxicity,
bupropion should not be administered if a monoamine oxidase inhibitor or
thioridazine antipsychotic drug has been given within the past 14 days.
Bupropion is contraindicated in patients with severe hepatic impairment. A
patient information sheet is now available online.4 - Eric Wooltorton, CMAJ

Offered with concern and respect,

Re: CS>OT: Zappers increase viral load?

2002-03-02 Thread Neilinthegarden
In a message dated 3/1/2002 11:36:34 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> Just out of curiosity, does the PCR happen to measure both dead and
> live virii?  Someone who's really sick will have to get rid of the
> toxins produced by dead virii, and the skin's the major option when
> the kidney's are overloaded

Yes, the PCR measures not only Dead and Live virus but also counts pieces of 
dead virus, so it is a very murky measuring stick.

Re: CS>Nebulizing CS

2002-04-14 Thread Neilinthegarden
Dear Christiane,
Thanks for sharing your story.  Your experience with CS is very 
encouraging and heartwarming.  My question is:  Where did you get your 
nebulizer?  I have found one here in town, an electric model, but they won't 
sell it to me without a prescription.
Thanks so much,

Re: CS>Nebulizing CS

2002-04-14 Thread Neilinthegarden
In a message dated 4/14/2002 8:30:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Not sure where you live but common drugstores and Dimestores carry sonic 

Dear Don,
 I looked around in drugstores here (in San Francisco) but couldn't find 
a single one.  And in this town Dimestores have gone the way of the corner 
malt shop!  Any other suggestions?

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V102 #271

2002-04-14 Thread Neilinthegarden
In a message dated 4/14/2002 10:48:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Perhaps we are referring to an ultrasonic humidifier? It makes a nice 
> little cloud of nebulized water.
> And you can get them anywhere.
> Byron

Actually, I'm referring to a nebulizer that fits over one's mouth and nose to 
get the aerosoled substance directly into the lungs.

Re: CS>Nebulizing CS

2002-04-15 Thread Neilinthegarden
Thanks a bunch, Bob, and to all of you who have offered info.

In a message dated 4/15/2002 7:49:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Hi I bought a nebulizer over the net   HREF="";> I bought the 
> ultrasonic I
> like it and it works good but I do have to use hot water to heat the little 
> dish of Meds
> The Mystique Ultrasonic Nebulizer  $84.95
> There are lots of places to buy on net
> I did not need a Prescription for mine
>   Bob

Re: CS>CS Salve

2002-04-17 Thread Neilinthegarden
I once saw a website from which you could order a substance (some kind of 
inert gel) that you could mix with CS to make a salve, but have long since 
lost the link.  But I know it's out there somewhere.

Re: CS>Listowner comments... please read

2002-04-17 Thread Neilinthegarden
In a message dated 4/17/2002 7:12:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> list,
> I think a little experimentation may be helpful.  If one were to use a 
> mineral like Magnesium it might replace or absorb the silver.  

I was thinking the same thing.  I have been using some products from Twilight 
that deliver magnesium throught the skin, apparently an infinitely more 
efficient method than taking it orally.  Also, Twilight offers a product that 
makes "structured water" that is said to neutralize toxins in the body.  I 
have been using these products with great results over the past few months.  
I can't say enough good about them.
   I have a financial interest in these products so I don't want to  go 
beyond the moderator's rules about commercial activity on this forum by 
saying too much here.  If anyone would like more information about the 
products and how to order them wholesale you may email me OFFLIST! and I will 
be happy to send you an attachment with the information and answer your 
questions privately.
Neil Rhoads

Re: CS>Prill Thin Water

2002-05-02 Thread Neilinthegarden
In a message dated 5/2/2002 5:31:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Ian Roe wrote:
> > Hi:
> >
> > Has anyone tried to make CS out of Prill Thin Water?
> >
> > Ian

Dear Ian,
I haven't used the Prill water to make CS with but I have been drinking it 
for 5 months and love it.  It tastes so good and goes down easy.  I can't 
think of any reason why it wouldn't make good CS.  According to the inventor, 
Jim Carter, the Prill beads don't add anything at all to the water, they just 
restructure it.  He has said that Prill water will corrode metals over time 
but that might be a neutral factor or an asset in making CS with it.  I will 
ask around to those "in the know" about Prill water and see what I can find 

Re: CS>Prill Thin Water

2002-05-02 Thread Neilinthegarden
In a message dated 5/2/2002 6:01:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> I know they say that the prills add nothing to the water but that is not 
> true.  I started with R.O. water at 6 ppm TDS and wound up with water at 
> 83ppm TDS or about 1/2 the TDS of our municipal water which is at 170 to 
> 190 ppm.  

Please, what is TDS?

Re: CS>Prill Thin Water

2002-05-05 Thread Neilinthegarden
In a message dated 5/5/2002 11:12:43 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I sure would like to find out if the Prill beads really do dissolve

> (slowly) and add magnesium to the water.

I, too, would like to know if the Prill beads dissolve.  As for the 
magnesium, there never was a claim, as far as I know, that the Prill beads 
add magnesium to the water.  Their only purported effects are  to restructure 
the water and neutralize toxins.  The other Twilight products are said to 
deliver magnesium to the body through the skin.

Re: CS>Prill Restructured Water

2002-05-10 Thread Neilinthegarden
In a message dated 5/10/2002 5:38:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> I have since found a web site that more fully explains the technology 
> behind Prills.  (75 pages of information including the first chapter of 
> Shealy's book)>

Dear Ian,
Could you give us the URL to this website, please?
> < The water unit sells for $1000 USD.  Prills cost a great deal less ($70 
> or less on special) and don't wear out.>

When you order directly from Twilight the Prills cost $50.00 for one  (or, as 
a limited-time special, $100.00 for 10).  If any of you want the price list 
and order forms for Twilight, just email me off-list and I will send it to 
you  (  Alternatively, if there are 10 of you who 
want to get a bag of Prills beads and try the Prills water for yourselves, I 
will be happy to order the ten for $100.00 and mail them to you for $15.00  
($5.00 for shipping and handling) and you can try it out.  The Prills water 
tastes very smooth and satisfying to me, and gives me lots of energy.   
Again, just email me off-list and we'll see if we get close to ten takers.
< I already have high gauss magnets on my water intake pipes for several 
years now 
> and they probably help to deprogram the water before it comes out my taps.>

I have rare earth magnets on my water intake pipes, too.  The magnetized 
water makes my garden SHOOT up and bloom like crazy.


Re: CS>More water questions, please

2002-05-11 Thread Neilinthegarden
In a message dated 5/11/2002 6:47:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Dear Linda,
I don't know what site Ian is referring to;  hopefully he will tell us.  But 
here's a Canadian website that has a lot of info on the Twilight products, 
including Prillwater:";>Mandala Twilight Page 

And here's the URL for the water pipe magnets source.  You can read up on it 

As for myself, I have the magnets on my water pipes, so the water arrives at 
my tap magnetized, then goes through a home filter to remove cooties, then I 
make Prill water with it.  So by the time I drink it, it has been fiddled 
with to within an inch of it's life.

> Having made those decisions, this morning I turn on the computer and there 
> are all these messages about Prill Water, which I now think I 
> misunderstood, 
> and using MAGNETS at the water supply!  Okay, I'm off researching again, 
> but 
> would appreciate comments


2002-05-15 Thread Neilinthegarden
In a message dated 5/15/2002 9:16:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> And it tastes great too!

I certainly wouldn't call the taste great, but tolerable.

Re: CS>For cats?

2002-05-24 Thread Neilinthegarden
In a message dated 5/24/2002 9:15:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> I am not sure it is because of the CS specifically.  They seem to prefer 
> some
> taste to the water.  They will also pick toilet water and water from a bowl
> filled with algae over pure clean water as well in my experience.
> Marshall

My sick cat adores drinking Prill water with a little CS in it.

Re: CS>Prill Water - Off Topic

2002-06-10 Thread Neilinthegarden
Yes, I have been drinking Prill water for the last 5 months.  The first thing 
I noticed was an upsurge in energy and stamina and well-being.  (I have heard 
other poeople report the same thing.  However, one woman said when she 
started drinking Prill water it made here very tired and dull, but soon that 
went away.)  The increased energy lasted for a long time.  Then I started to 
detox and experience some retracement.  That receded and the energy and 
well-being returned.
Also, I can drink lots and lots of the Prill water whereas before, drinking 
plain water made me feel bloated and nauseous.  Curiously, my hair has 
started to darken back to it's more youthful color.  Another Prill drinker 
has said the same thing.  And, soon after I started drinking it my sleep 
patterns changed.  For the first time in my life I've started waking up early 
in the morning, instead of sleeping like a lump until 8 or 9 o'clock.  The 
other thing is I used to have to get up a couple of times a night to pee, but 
now I sleep through the night and in the morning let 'er rip.
I've concluded, from my own experiences and that of others, that the primary 
effect of Prill water is that it stimulates and supports, through the process 
of cell hydration and toxin neutralization, the body's natural healing 
process.  That would look different for each individual person.
I feel really good about this product and want to share it with others.  So, 
I've ordered several bags of Prill beads at the bulk price and am offering to 
mail them to the CS list members at the price I get them at, plus shipping 
and handling, if you're interested.  That would be $20.00 for each bag, as 
opposed to the $50.00 retail price.  My order hasn't arrived here yet so it 
may be a while before I could get them out to you.
If you are interested please email me OFFLIST at
Neil Rhoads

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V102 #530 Stevia

2002-08-02 Thread Neilinthegarden
In a message dated 8/2/2002 5:08:05 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> To find some good Stevia try the 

Yes, I've found this nice clear Stevia to be the least saccharine-tasting of 
the Stevias.


2002-09-26 Thread Neilinthegarden
Dear Kevin,
There is a company here in the US that ships to the UK.  They are very loving 
people and would ship ASAP to you.  They make a really good colloidal silver 
that is charged with love and payers, to boot.  And their prices are very 
They are at

CS>Electrically Charged Water

2002-10-06 Thread Neilinthegarden
Here is a website that gives instructions for making "charged water" with a 
battery, and drinking it for healing purposes.  This looks very close to the 
process for making colloidal silver, as you will see.  I wonder:  If this 
"charging" process really does have a positive healing effect does that 
explain part of the beneficial effect of colloidal silver?";>Energized Water 

CS>OT: Colloidal Indium

2002-10-16 Thread Neilinthegarden
Someone on this list mentioned a source for colloidal Indium.  
Could you post that again, please?  (or email me privately at  Thanks so much