Re: CS>Big hello from New Zealand
Ivan wrote: I have found a microbiologist who thinks this product is the greatest thing since sliced bread and is giving me support and guidance. We have embarked on an intensive testing program the results of which I will share with you via the list. Hello Ivan! Welcome! Your comments fit very well with the thoughts of many on the list. Best of all, you seem to be in a position to do legitimate research. A group of us were planning to do some microbial challenge tests using our home made brews. We haven't gotten around to it yet. Since you (or your microbiologist friend) seem to have done some research, I very much look forward to your share with the list your testing experience on different organisms. A description of methodology and results would be most appreciated. Best regards, Bob Wells
Donna Earnest - MCT Fund
Hi Donna, Your pledge was for the MCT Fund (microbial challenge test). Unfortunately, I got swamped, didn't get useful information and never got back to the group with an update. No one has sent any money yet, and, as I promised, shouldn't until we get specific agreement on how the money will be used. I don't want to stir up a hornets nest, as there was some debate over raising money and how it should be used. I still hope to put together a valid testing of home brewed CS. I take responsibility for not making progress on this to date, and I apologize. I take it from your message below that your pledge remains in place. Again I pledge that we will take no money from everyone until we have a consensus on the testing and its cost. Bob Wells Donna Earnest wrote: I have a friend who has lyme very bad along with her kids. I have been trying to get her to use the CS for some time now. She finally called and asked where she could find info on the CS. I have told her how to subscribe to the list but does anyone have the url's for any good sights. Nancy if you read this can you give me yours, I can't seem to find it. Also, I think I owe someone $10.00 that I pledged before and have not sent it out. Please let me know whose list I was on for the donation. Sorry about the absentmindedness. Donna Earnest
Ed McCabe
Bill Galkowski wrote asking for help with Mr. McCabe's phone bills. I don't know who Ed McCabe is. Is he in jail? However, I have a couple of suggestions for you. First, avoid collect calls! You can usually refuse them and then call him back. That should save a lot of money. Second, you can get a personal 1-800 number from MCI that will charge you only about 10 cents per minute on domestic calls to your home number. The number can be unlisted so only those people you want to give it to will have it. Third, make sure that your long distance service is giving you good international rates. For example, Voicenet (1-800-500-9028), a calling card service, charges only 27 cents per minute to the UK. They charge an additional flat 35 cents (not per minute) if the call originates from a payphone (it's a charge mandated by the FCC to compensate the payphone company). You may be able to do better than than that on international charges with MCI or Sprint. Fourth, if you trust Mr. McCabe not to run up the bill, you can get him a calling card. Voicenet charges 17.5 cents per minute on domestic calls (again with the 35 cent flat fee for originating from a pay phone). If you let him make his calls direct, you save by not paying for two calls at the same time. Fifth, consider getting conference calling capabilities on your phone that allow you to connect two incoming calls so that Mr. McCabe's friends can call you at the same time as Mr. McCabe does, thereby shifting the burden of the international calls to them. I obviously don't know or understand the situation. However, as difficult as it may be, if Mr. McCabe cannot pay for his own calls, he should be very considerate of your plight and cut his calling way back. Calling his fiance in the UK and a friend in New Zealand at your expense, particularly several times per week is really stretching a friendship. Bob Wells
tds-1 reading
On Aug 20 Dick Pope wrote: Hi List, Has anybody got a higher reading on their tds-1 than 34 on home made collidal siver from distilled water? Thanks. Nope. Not yet. By the way, I've been away for 10 days visiting family. Missed you all though. Time to get back to work. I've got over 250 messages to plow through. Leaving has its disadvantages. Bob Wells
Dameon, You should be able to buy Sucanut at your local healthfood store. Is there a Fresh Fields or Food for Thought store near you? Sucanut is dried sugar cane juice, but is completely unrefined. Therefore, it is still sugar, but is usually considered a much safer sweetner than white or brown sugar. Sort of like using honey instead of refined sugar. It has an advantage over some other alternative sweetners by having the same bulk as sugar, so it can be easily substituted into recipes. You might also consider Stevia powder. This is a very strong natural sweetner, but because it is so strong, you need to use very small amounts and it cannot be directly substituted into a recipe that calls for significant amounts of sugar. Stevia should also be available from a local healthfood store. We're not expert on these things, but my wife uses them and feels comfortable with them. She says that like all sweetners, they should be used sparingly. Bob Wells
MCT update 4 AUG 98
The latest MCT pledge is now $615: Bob$20.00 Tom Young $20.00 Bruce K. Stenulson $20.00 Paul Bembower$20.00 M. G. Devour $20.00 Nick Ferraro $50.00 Sandi $50.00 Michael$20.00 Bill $20.00 Jerry WineBrenner $20.00 D. K.$10.00 Fidget $10.00 Robert Wells $50.00 George N. $20.00 W. D.$10.00 Debbie $10.00 Marsha Hallett $20.00 Dameon $20.00 Dean Woodward$20.00 George $20.00 George Martin $50.00 Douglas McMurtrie$50.00 Jeff Lafavre $20.00 Donna$10.00$15.00 Anonymous1$20.00
MCT Fund Update 7/31 AM
There were no updates on 7/30. More funds have been pledged. They are shown below. First, however, an editorial comment in response to bjs' concerns (which I appreciate): >There are those that want other people to tell them what >to do with their money, and there are those that would >like to make that decision for themselves. We should >error on the safe side. Just think of it as a little tax cut for >the already over exceeded goal. I guess this is unpopular >with the higher ups around here. It is really starting to turn >me off to be honest. We as a group can do anything we >want, and we will. Once they start controlling the money, >there will be none. Let's keep it clean as we can. >bjs As the instigator of the MCT idea, and having inherited the responsibility to track the pledges, my policy is the following: The pledges being listed as part of an MCT Fund are for the purpose of testing home brewed colloidal silver (possibly compared to a commercial brand) for either bacteriostatic properties (limiting growth/reproduction of bacteria) or for bactericidal properties (ability to kill bacteria). Pledges can be made or withdrawn at any time until a decision is made and money is sent. Decisions will be made by unanimous vote. Anyone not voting or disenting, when the time comes, will be considered to have withdrawn their pledge. Lab tests will not be done and checks will not be cashed until the final committed amount has been received. I will publicly disclose what funds have been received once we get to that point. I will respect anyone's desires to remain anonymous, but will still disclose the amounts accordingly. Therefore, I concur with M. Devour's opinion that funds for different purposes be kept separate. I don't want to be involved in collecting or reallocating money for Jim's efforts, mostly because it could be too complicated and messy. I've put my money where my mouth is. I think Jim's work is valuable. I think it deserves to be supported financially. I've sent $50 to Jim Einert and I've restated my $50 pledge to the Microbial Challenge Test. I recommit myself to obtaining solid proposals for the MCT from one or more labs. Although it appears that there is evidence that some silver products either kill bacteria or limit its growth, I want to know how a home-made brew stacks up. I agree that we need to define the manufacturing process and quality standards of what we test. Please, don't anyone feel forced or coerced to support any efforts by members of this group in any particular direction. When the time comes, you'll do your real voting with your checkbook, after using your brain and your heart. Until then, all pledges are simply an indication of the level of support you feel you can give, assuming you agree with the direction most of us choose to go in. Based on responses to date, the support for a microbial test is clear. Before anyone sends a red cent, I'll give you enough information to hang me high if I'm irresponsible with your precious resources, and I promise to account publicly and meticulously for every penny. I will also report the results publicly for everyone's benefit. Bob Wells The latest MCT pledge is now $635: Bob$20.00 Tom Young $20.00 Bruce K. Stenulson $20.00 Paul Bembower$20.00 M. G. Devour $20.00 Nick Ferraro $50.00 Sandi $50.00 Michael$20.00 Bill $20.00 Jerry WineBrenner $20.00 Whitney $20.00 D. K.$10.00 Fidget $10.00 Robert Wells $50.00 George N. $20.00 W. D.$10.00 Debbie $10.00 Marsha Hallett $20.00 Dameon $20.00 Dean Woodward$20.00 George $20.00 George Martin $50.00 Douglas McMurtrie$50.00 Jeff Lafavre $20.00 Donna$10.00$15.00 Anonymous1 $20.00
MCT Fund
Thanks Whitney, your support is valued. However, you need to be the person who decides where your contribution goes. I don't think anyone else should do it for you unless you specifically appoint someone to make your decision for you and are prepared to write a check. If you want to support Reid and Jim, send them a check now. They'll appreciate it. If you want to stick with the microbial test, you can do that too. It's your choice. If you drop out of the MCT Fund, just let me know. Bob Wells Whitney wrote: >Mike, your recommendations are all OK with me. >I do want to say that the $20 which I pledged for >microbial testing can be moved wherever it is needed >(to the particle-size measurement or ppm testing projects). >Whitney Collins
MCT Update 7/29 PM and Jim Einert's camera.
There has been some discussion lately about some funding needs for Jim Einert's equipment. My pledge here remains, but I wrote Jim this morning asking him to send me his address so I could send him $50 for the camera. If any of you wish to switch your contributions, please advise and I'll be happy to update this list accordingly. Jim, how much more do you need to break even? By the way, I'm still catching up on old e-mails. The latest MCT pledge is now $600: Bob$20.00 Tom Young $20.00 Bruce K. Stenulson $20.00 Paul Bembower$20.00 M. G. Devour $20.00 Nick Ferraro $50.00 Sandi $50.00 Michael$20.00 Bill $20.00 Jerry WineBrenner $20.00 Whitney $20.00 D. K.$10.00 Fidget $10.00 Robert Wells $50.00 George N. $20.00 W. D.$10.00 Debbie $10.00 Marsha Hallett $20.00 Dameon $20.00 Dean Woodward$20.00 George $20.00 George Martin $50.00 Douglas McMurtrie$50.00 Jeff Lafavre $20.00 Donna$10.00 Total to Date $600.00
MCT Update 7/29 AM
Here is the latest pledge update: Bob$20.00 Tom Young $20.00 Bruce K. Stenulson $20.00 Paul Bembower$20.00 M. G. Devour $20.00 Nick Ferraro $50.00 Sandi $50.00 Michael$20.00 Bill $20.00 Jerry WineBrenner $20.00 Whitney $20.00 D. K.$10.00 Fidget $10.00 Robert Wells $50.00 George N. $20.00 W. D.$10.00 Debbie $10.00 Marsha Hallett $20.00 Dameon $20.00 Dean Woodward$20.00 George $20.00 George Martin $50.00 Douglas McMurtrie$50.00 Jeff Lafavre $20.00 Total to Date $590.00
MCT Over the Top - pledge control
I see that Doug has nominated me to maintain the list of commitments going forward. I liked it better when he was doing it, but OK, I'll keep and publish the list from today on. I will also contact people once we have an agreed upon lab test and protocol. As near as I can tell, the last update Doug provided, as of Fri 7/24 was as follows: For now the fund stands as follows: Bob - $20.00 Tom Young - $20.00 Bruce K. Stenulson - $20.00 Paul Bembower - $20.00 M. G. Devour - $20.00 Nick Ferraro - $50.00 Sandi - $50.00 Michael - $20.00 Bill - $20.00 Jerry WineBrenner - $20.00 Whitney - $20.00 D. K. - $10.00 Fidget - $10.00 Robert Wells - $50.00 George N. - $20.00 W. D. - $10.00 Debbie - $10.00 Marsha Hallett - $20.00 Dameon - $20.00 Dean Woodward - $20.00 George - $20.00 George Martin - $50.00 Douglas McMurtrie - $50.00 ___ Total to Date $ 570.00 If there are other updates, I'll add them when I get through these e-mails. Bob Wells
Do any of us live close enough together to meet & compare mfg devices?
Hi List, I've been out of touch for a while. Sorry. I'm a banker and have a loan that is requiring some heavy duty attention . I've followed up with my contact regarding the lab that would do a microbial challenge test (now affectionately known as an MCT on this list), but I don't have any new information yet. I do think that we need to define a standard sample to be tested and am pleased with what I've been reading about progress on this front. So far, I'm up to July 20th messages, so obviously I'm still a week behind. The group moves so fast that I don't know what I'm missing at the moment. I'm wondering if it might be possible for some of us to get together to work on CS. We could compare our devices and share ideas. Most of all, we could simultaneously make a bunch of batches at the same time with similar conditions (same distilled water, etc.) and compare our results. It is simply a logistical question regarding physical location. I live in Wilton, CT (south west corner of CT) and work in New York City. Also, while I'm behind on my e-mail, I haven't seen a source for pure silver wire. Marsha, I know you gave me one once, could you post that again? I think it was for .999 fine. I would also like to go for the . fine. Bob Wells
Bob Wells back from trip. Haven't read posts yet.
Hi everyone, Today is Thursday. I'm back from a 3 day business trip. I just opened my e-mail and found a heap of postings to the list. I haven't had time to even scan them yet. I'll try to do that tonight, but I can't promise to get to them all. I know people are anxious to get going on the testing. I'm sure there are lots of ideas. No money has been sent or spent, Again, let me say that I don't intend to do anything that is not approved by all contributors, so hopefully, no one who has made a pledge feels at risk. I don't have any updates on labs, procedure or costs at the moment. I'll be sure to post as soon as I have anything. Bob Wells
Standardizing CS Making Methodology
On July 11 Mike Devour wrote his thoughts suggesting collaboration on standardizing our manufacture and testing of CS so that we can agree on a specific product to test. Since I rarely do e-mail on the weekend, I've gotten a bit behind, but I'm fully in agreement with Mike on this. Perhaps by the time I finish reading the last 3 days of messages, I'll have a clearer idea how Mike's suggestion was received by the group. Bob Wells
Microbial Challenge Test Fund
>Joyce wrote: >I once used a silver which had an natural, active ingredient added to it >(electron-giver) that enhanced the action of the silver in killing >pathogens--it was the fastest germ killer tested at a university. Which university? Can we get them to do some testing for us at no charge? Maybe a grad student has a need for a good project. >Joyce also wrote: >Please choose a testing facility that is honest (not infiltrated by NewWorldOrder who often sabotages health experiments). I'm one of those who does not yet believe in the conspiracy theories attributed to the NewWorldOrder and the Illuminati. Nevertheless, as there are clearly different opinions on the subject, I do not wish to offend. I have no idea which laboratories you might find acceptable. Perhaps you have some suggestions? While we debate how best to approach the testing of CS to our own satisfaction, I'm still interested in finding reputable ways to get the job done for free. That's one reason I'm not anxious to collect any money until we have a consensus on our approach. Any suggestions? Bob Wells
Lotus files
My apologies to some of you. I use Lotus Notes most of the time for sending mail. I do so because all of my mail is received through Lotus Notes at my corporate address. I tend to read my mail at work more than at home so I just quit using my home address. However, a few people over time have informed me that they can't read my messages when they are sent via Lotus Notes. In those cases, I find that if I use Netscape, my messages escape the corporate environment without any problem. I think one of the problems is that Lotus sends e-mail in a MIME compliant fashion, but not everyone has software or networks which accept these files. If anyone has suggestions about how to deal with this issue, I'm very open to changes. Nevertheless, I'm informed that before too long, we are downgrading from Lotus Notes to Lotus CC Mail. I don't know what difference, if any, that will make to the problem some of you may be having in receiving my messages. If you have comments, please respond to me directly so as to avoid copying everyone on the LIST, most of whom don't care about my e-mail technical issues. For now, I will try to send e-mail to the LIST via Netscape. I believe that will solve the problem for most of you. Bob Wells rockerr (Vern) wrote: Hey Robert, What format are you posting your messages to the silver list in? All I get is an attachment to each message from you that is called Lotus. I have tried several ways to open the attachments, all without success. What program are you using to post and maybe that will help me out. Thanks, Vern
Just received my Hanna TDS-1!
I just received my Hanna TDS-1 yesterday. It cost me $14.95 plus shipping. The first thing I did was to test the water from my kitchen faucet. We have our own well. It tested at 78-79 ppm. Then I tested the water from our Amway water filter. It registered 74-75 ppm. I next tested distilled water made by my Sears distiller. It tested at 1ppm. I also tested the store-bought distilled water. It also tested 1-2 ppm. So far, so good. I tested my home-brewed CS, and it tested at 18-20 ppm. We make it with 3 9v batteries hooked in series and attached to the silver wire. We do not have a light bulb connected to the series, though I want to make this improvement soon. The silver wire is held in place by a board in which I drilled a couple of small holes about half an inch apart. I got the silver wire (.999 pure) from a place suggested by Marsha (Liahona). I place the board over an 8 oz Kerr bottling jar relatively full of distilled water. I use the board mostly because someone suggested that, ideally, the wire shouldn't touch the bottle, and it seems easier to manage the contraption this way. We let the thing run until one of the leads is pretty gunky. We haven't been very careful about timing. We simply assume that when the annode is pretty covered with flakes and the water seems yellowish in color we have an adequate concentration of CS. I'm pretty happy with the 18-20 ppm result of the last batch. Just for fun, my wife tested a commercial variety of CS that we have on hand. It claims to be 10 ppm. You can imagine my surprise when it tested at 98 ppm. Now I'm confused. Either my TDS-1 isn't calibrated correctly (and therefore all of my measurements are suspect) or the commercial brand I have is under-rated. Maybe I should have both my home brew and the commercial stuff tested at a lab? What might this cost? By the way, one thing I've noticed is that when I drink colloidal silver, I can't taste it with my tongue, but the taste buds at the back of my throat sense a metallic type of flavor that sticks for a bit. Bob
TDS-1 Information
Bob Lee recently gave an e-mail address for the TDS-1 and there have been some discussion recently regarding results. I became interested enough to decide to buy one and found Hanna Instruments on the web. For those interested, the TDS-1 is for sale for $14.90. For details, check the following URL: The following is text copied from that page: After 10 years from its introduction Hanna proudly offers TDS 1 at $ 14.90. Housed in waterproof ABS case, this pocket-sized Total Dissolved Solids tester is very durable. It is the ideal meter for fish farming, agriculture, plating, water purification and other applications with high humidity levels. Wide Measurement Range TDS1 = 1 to 999 ppm Excellent Accuracy + 2% Full Scale Long Battery Life more than 1000 measurements One-Point Calibration ATC
Emergency help needed with diagnosis!!
Valerie has been writing an urgent plea for help on the Lyme newsgroup since yesterday. She has a daughter who is very ill from an apparent insect bite. I am going to post pieces of her various posts below. If you have any ideas, please contact her directly at the addresses she gives: You can email me through this address of until the 13th - then you'll have to email me through the email address. Hello, I'm writing to see if anyone here can give me some help/information. The story... so far... May 3 - daughter's arm - bug bite looking mark. May 4 - daughter's arm - bug bite turns to "ringworm" look. May 5 - daughter's arm - ringwork look fills in, becomes VERY RED, hard and begins to sweel, looks "bubbled". May 6 - daughter's arm - the "bite area" now has doubled in size, the area around it looks "whelped" like an allergic reaction, her arm looks like a huge knot. We take her to the emergency room - shortness of breath (already an asthma established patient), stomachache and of course, her arm hurts. The ER doc thinks its a Spider Bite - and puts her on Keflex antibiotic, and 60 mg of prednisone in the ER. May 7 - afternoon - my daughter is worse, hard to walk around without shortness of breath, headache and bad stomachache. Slight rash around the "bite area" - she looks like she hasn't slept, but thats about all she's been doing. Doctor says its just an acute allergic reaction to some sort of bite, though he doesn't know what bit her. Says to discontinue all Medication, except for Benadryl, but puts her on a 5-day dosage of Prednisone, for her asthma. I discontinue the med's, and within 12 hours, she's worse and so is the bite area. I put her back on them, over the weekend. Saturday she sleeps most of the day away, headache and stomachache, arm hurts and shoulder hurts. We keep icing it, antibiotics, etc etc. Sunday she seems better, until nightfall. May 11 - Back to yet another doctor (#3 to be exact) - this one is concerned about LYME Disease! Scrapes her arm for a sample, says its definitely not ringworm. We begin blood-testing for Lyme Disease, and she has to have another blood test in two weeks to determine Tomorrow morning, she has an appointment with her Pediatricain (Doc #2 - who seems to have thought this was nothing). Daughter's head hurts so bad, she says it hurts worse when she lays down. Her neck hurts her, her should and arm hurt and down to her wrist now. The bite area is still improving - but she looks worse and feels worse. We're still on Keflex, neosporin ointment, one more Prednisone pill, and of course Benadryl. Tylenol no longer makes her headache feel any better at all, so we've switched to 200 mg Ibuprofen per Doc #3's request. Anyone - comments, help, suggestions, pictures of the bite/rash (I've only found one on the net so far, but I've just started my search!). I have little time to spend on my own research at this moment, as she wants and needs my time and attention. I'd appreciate anyone who can help me, please she's the only little girl I've got - and even so - unreplaceable at any cost. I feel like these Docs are a bunch of quacks, except for possible the one we saw today - so why did she refer me back to quack #2??!?! Signing Off, With hopes that my prayers will be answered - by answers/help/comments from anyone out there who reads this... my sincerest of thanks in advance Valerie, Mother of Amanda-age 11 Response 1: PREDNISONE a Cortiosteriod would worsen symptoms of Lyme, if thats what she has. What would be the downside to putting her on antibiotics known to be effective against Lyme if the Dr. suspects Lyme. Keflex is not one of them IMHO. Sooner is better than later. I hope shes better soon. Valerie's Response to Response 1 >PREDNISONE a Cortiosteriod Would worsen symptomsof Lyme, if thats what she has. This is what I've been reading and finding out - thank heavens she took the last one yesterday!! >What would be the downside to putting her on >antibiotics known to be effective against Lyme if the Dr. suspects Lyme. >Keflex is not one of them IMHO Sooner is better than later The Doc who put her on Keflex, was the 1st Doc, in the Emergency Room - she did it because she diagnosed it as a Spider Bite, possibly the Brown Recluse aka Fiddle Back (poisonous). But, she wasn't certain. The Keflex she said, was the antibiotic of choice by most Plastic Surgeons, its a "skin" antibiotic and would help to keep the wound from spreading, and help aid it in healing properly regardless of which spider bit her. The Prednisone was for her asthma which flared up while in the ER and also was told it was for the swelling of the bite site. Then, 24 hours later, when she was worse and constantly short of breath - her Pediatrician diagnosed a 5-day course of Prednisone to "help her out". She's off both of those right now, and as of 4 pm tomorrow, we will have a Biopsy of the bite site/wound done - my D