Re: CS>Re where we are from

2002-10-17 Thread Ron Hackley

Ron Hackley
Roseburg Oregon

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Re: CS>A degrading question!

2002-05-31 Thread Ron Hackley
> Russ Rosser wrote:
> replied that flat bar eventually assumes a "V" shape due to an "edge
> THE ANODE REMAIN ROUND OVER ITS LIFESPAN on their way to becoming a
> piece of silver foil?

Hi Russ,

My silver coin started out about four years ago at 1.53" in diameter by
.125" thick. It is presently 1.36" in diameter by .08" thick in the
center and .05" around the edges, and still quite round. The leading and
trailing edges in the water current of the stirrer are the same
thickness, and the coin appears to be eroding(?) pretty equally all the
way around.

This coin had a big eagle head on the front which was about flush with
the raised rim around the edge. The edge (and eagle head) was about .02"
above the flat surface of the coin. A very soft image of the eagle head
is still discernible and this accounts for the difference between middle
and edges. The back of the coin had some light artwork nowhere near as
substantial as the eagle head, and the back is essentially flat.

I suspect the raised and knurled edge might raise the surface area
substantially when the coin is new, so there would be an initial rapid
fall-off in surface area as the edge became smooth, and ideal current or
time set for a ridged coin would be different than for a smooth one.

I use 30 VDC with a stirrer motor in a quart jar, silver round for the
anode and .130"x4" stainless rod for the cathode. Run until the current
rises to 1mA which takes several hours. Much higher than 1mA and silver
starts rapidly precipitating on the cathode. Wipe the cathode but not
the anode. No special reason for the size/shape cathode; it just
happened to be what I had and I never replaced it when I replaced the
silver wire with the silver coin.


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CS>Re: WScript.KakWorm Virus WARNING

2001-07-06 Thread Ron Hackley
Leo Keaveney wrote:
> Hi all,
> When I opened the post from "Paula MaySubject: CS>Dog
> Prostate Please Help" My Norton AntiVirus detected WScript.KakWorm.dat.
> Leo.

I looked at the source (from Netscape, View/Source) of the above from Paula May 
and about
half way down is a paragraph that begins with "Enumerator(sbf) and what follows 
quite ominous; references to AE.KAK, Autoexe.bat, copyfile, regedit, open. The 
KAK appear often in the paragraph. I don't understand it but it sure does look 
like it has
something to do with KAK. If I had Outlook Express I wouldn't open it until I 
heard from


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Re: CS>Re: Re: CS>Chewing Gum Releases Mercury From Dental Fillings

2000-12-28 Thread Ron Hackley

I recently got into it with my periodontist about mercury fillings and he 
there is NO mercury leakage; that the mercury is tightly bound. He also said 
that dentists
who remove amalgam fillings in order to improve the health of patients should be
prosecuted in court. Says it's a scam. He showed me the amalgams in his mouth 
to prove how
he feels about their safety. He says that everything about the dangers of 
mercury amalgams
that's on the internet is misinformation. This is a fairly young guy, maybe 
early forties.
Fairly, he did refer me when I stated that I wanted my fillings replaced with 
(and they have been!).

This same periodontist also insists that sodium fluoride is great stuff and 
safe. He wouldn't hear of there being a difference between it and calcium 
fluoride. He did
agree with me that MAYBE it shouldn't be in the water supply but not to worry 
Oregon doesn't fluoridate their water (yet?). However, he and the other 
dentists in the
area write prescriptions for sodium fluoride pills, which the local dental 
even subsidizes the price of! Nothing I'm going to say is going to change this 
guys mind;
he is a hard-line believer in what the Oregon and American Dental Associations 
tell him.
Dittos his staff. After each visit I have to reexamine my own beliefs, but I'm 
with the overwhelming evidence that I find up here on the net. The closed minds 
otherwise apparently educated and intelligent people really confuses me. Are 
they really
that brainwashed, or are they scared? I know my doctor is very reluctant to 
speak of
anything "alternative", for fear of the eFDeA.


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Re: CS>Ionic vs colloidal silver

2000-12-18 Thread Ron Hackley
Hi all...

On a non-CS list a person asked if ionic and colloidal silver were the same and 
following answer was posted, with link:

"No, Ionic Silver is already in an active form...Colloidal has to be broken 
down into
ionic form which is
the active part--it's a hit and miss proposition because of the "distraction" 
of active
ionic particles so
one has to take alot if using Colloids to overcome the "distraction" issue of 
particles not reaching
the desired destination.  Feel free to read my website info. at
Go to the Products link and scroll down to Silver 100, click to bring up the 
info. page."

The material refered to isn't that easy to find using the above link but will take you there directly, 
not that
there is much to read. Any comments? I'm perfectly happy with my home made CS, 
but when
someone starts saying that they have something much better I like to know why. 
Is it legit
or hype?. I don't understand "distraction issues" (except political ones;-). 
Can anyone
explain this on laymans terms?


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Re: CS>H2O2 and dos. for internal consumption

2000-12-17 Thread Ron Hackley
 A word of caution. It tastes like hell...

QUESTION: Most instructions call for x number of drops in an eight ounce glass 
of water.
Is the water simply a vehicle to get the H2O2 into the stomach? If so, then 
would it be ok
to dilute it further; use the same number of drops but a bigger glass of water 
in order to
"improve" the taste?


For internal consumption of H2O2 start with three drops of 35% food grade 
peroxide in an 8
oz glass of filtered or distilled
water three times per day  increase one drop each day until you reach a taste 
that you
cannot stand or 25 drops

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT Methylene blue & CO poisoning (was Argyria-large particle issue)

2000-12-12 Thread Ron Hackley
Hi Barb and list,

Reading through Barb's posting (snip below), I remembered an interesting 
posting on the
Oxyplus list made by Dr. Saul Pressman, which may be useful to file away. I'm 
posting it
below. I used to have an old truck that had a carbon monoxide leak (unbeknownst 
to me) and
when I used to drive home from San Diego to Boulevard in the high country (take 
however you wish;-) I would find myself getting extremely sleepy and thinking I 
could take
a nap while driving; just point the truck and wake up every now and then to 
check. I even
did it a few times, knowing better, but unable to act rationally (like pulling 
the truck
over... and possibly getting mugged instead). It's really scary to think back 
on those
times. You really can't think right at all, and sticking your head out the 
window for
fresh air doesn't help any at that point. The gas company began running 
warnings about
carbon monoxide poisoning on the radio and that woke me up to what was going on.

= wrote:
Re: CS>Argyria-large particle issue
>  This is why the only
> true way to save someone from a case of carbon monoxide poisoning is to
> drain off a large amount of their own blood while replacing it with fresh
> blood at the same time adminstering O2.  For you see, once the old blood is
> locked to the carbonmonoxide particles it can no longer take up oxygen, and
> suffocation of the cells is the result.
 Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 00:05:02 -0800
 From: "Saul Pressman" 
 Subject: Re: Methylene blue 

Methylene blue is a blue aniline dye made from methanol, used in the
laboratory for staining tissue samples on slides for viewing under a
microscope. It is a methyl donor with the ability to cleave carbon monoxide
off hemoglobin, transforming it into harmless carbon dioxide, which is then

 When the body is poorly oxygenated, the sugar that is burned in oxygen by
the cell for energy burns poorly, producing carbon monoxide instead of
carbon dioxide. This can build up and produce a condition known as
methemoglobin anemia. People over the age of fifty almost always have some
methemoglobin in their blood. Also, driving in traffic with the vents open,
a faulty gas furnace or gas water heater, or a smoky fireplace can cause a
buildup of carbon monoxide in the blood.

 Carbon monoxide in the system acidifies the blood, irritates the organs and
causes a lowering of body temperature, which microbes of all types prefer.
The body's natural way of dealing with bacteria and viruses is to shut off
the intake of food and raise the body temperature, which we call a fever, in
order to 'burn the bugs out'.

 For many years, methylene blue has been used to treat cyanosis, caused by a
lack of oxygen in the blood, and carbon monoxide poisoning. It is injected
intravenously in severe cases. It has also been used for bladder and kidney
infections. Dr. Wilner  recommended its use in treating cancer, and more
recently, it has been shown to eliminate HIV in the blood.

 Most people find that they have a boost in energy after taking methylene
blue, some in as little as a week. The recommended dosage is 5 drops in a
half glass of water at bedtime. If cancer or HIV is involved, the
recommendation is 15 drops in water twice a day. Transfer the drops to the
glass over a stainless sink, as porcelain will stain.

 Methylene blue is non-toxic and may be used on a daily basis. It will not
interfere with any other treatment program. Its only side effects are making
the tongue blue for about an hour, and sometimes causing the urine to be

Best of Health!
Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

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Re: CS polarity (was CS and saline solutions)

2000-12-12 Thread Ron Hackley
Hi Russ and all,

I've been using VOM's for forty some years and I darn well know how to use one 
certainly how to read polarity. I've been making and using CS for four years or 
so and I
think I know how to make it as well. I have two electrodes; the silver 
electrode is
connected to the positive terminal, and I have a stainless electrode connected 
to the
negative terminal (for those of you who are going to freak about using 
stainless for the
cathode, this was discussed a year or so ago on this list and seemed to be 
acceptable at the time, and it is much easier to clean; for the most part it 
plated with silver that is pretty firmly attached). If I turn the stirrer off I 
see silver
coming off the positive electrode (the only one that's silver so duh!). 
Discussions here
have also pointed out that the CS ideally has a positive charge which is 
believed to help
in whatever magic it does; I'd think that would be kinda hard to do if it comes 
off of a
negative electrode. If I'm doing something wrong then it is amazing that I'm 
making CS.
Would a few of the experts please verify that I am either right or wrong about 
polarity (I
say the CS comes off the anode or positive terminal). This is kinda important, 
when talking about electrodes being applied to the surface of the skin.


russ e rosser wrote:
> You CS maker is labeled wrong--use a VOM.
> On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 23:56:42 -0800 Ron Hackley  writes:
> > Russ, thanks for the valuable hint, but... my silver comes off of the
> > positive terminal on my CS maker. Why would you make the silver on the
> > eye electrode negative? Wouldn't you want it positive?
> >

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Re: CS and saline solutions

2000-12-11 Thread Ron Hackley
Russ, thanks for the valuable hint, but... my silver comes off of the positive 
terminal on
my CS maker. Why would you make the silver on the eye electrode negative? 
Wouldn't you
want it positive?


russ e rosser wrote:
> BTW, I've disinfected an eye inury with DC current, too.  This method
> should actually work on anyone, too, with no danger!  I let tears pool up
> into the inside corner of my eye, and held the POSITIVE electrode in
> contact with the saline.  The negative wire is inserted into a sponge
> moistened with salt water, and held in one hand.  (I used this polarity
> was because I had only the bared copper wire to work with; however, if
> you used 999 slver wire, you could use the *negative* electrode in the
> tears--thereby absolutely disinfecting the eye [probably all the way
> through!] while making CS on the spot!)

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Re: CS>no-calorie sugar substitute

2000-12-09 Thread Ron Hackley
The December 3rd issue of Dr. Mercola's newsletter goes into great detail on 
the potential
dangers of Splenda and includes some links to other info.

Too bad, because I was hoping I could use it instead of Stevia, which I don't 
care for. I understand in Japan they use Stevia to make ice cream. Has anyone 
had the
opportunity to try any? What about unheated honey (never been heated to 104 
There has been discussion of it recently on the Oxyplus list, and it seems to 
act much
differently and be much healthier than honey that has been heated above 104. 
Something to
check out. I switched, but now I have to feel guilty about unloading all of the 
heated Y2K
honey I have onto someone else, knowing it's not that good for them.

Roseburg OR

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Unidentified subject!

2000-11-10 Thread Ron Hackley
I'll try again... because this really is the answer you are looking for. You 
can delete
emails without looking at them in Netscape, but first you must change the 
frames, or
panels, and how they are displayed. First a little background. When on 
messenger you can
have up to three panels (or frames) showing. If all three are showing, the left 
hand one
shows all of the file folders that the emails are located in. You cannot select 
an email
from the left hand frame, only a file folder. Moving to the right you probably 
have two
frames, one over the other. The upper one will be the emails in the file 
folder, and the
frame beneath is where you view the selected email (whichever one is selected 
in the above
frame). When you click and highlight an email in the top frame it is displayed 
in the
bottom frame.

OK, to make it so the email is not displayed (opened) when it is simply 
highlighted you
need to get rid of the bottom view frame so you only have the top frame where 
you can
select emails, and possibly the left frame where you select file folders from 
(this can be
hidden too). To get rid of the bottom (view) frame, click on the center portion 
of the
dividing bar between the upper and lower frames that has the little up/down 
arrows on it.
This will make the upper frame extend all of the way to the bottom and there 
will be no
view frame beneath. Netscape now acts a little differently; you must double 
click on an
email in order to open and view it. If you click on it once it will be 
highlighted but it
will not open. Then you can delete it. To return back to having upper and lower 
just click on the center of the dividing bar again.

Roseburg OR 

Marshall Dudley wrote:
> Thanks, but not really.  The article said to delete any emails with that 
> subject without
> viewing the email at all.  I was stating that I can find no way to delete an 
> email without
> viewing it.  I still can't, since you have to click on the email to delete 
> it, and once you
> click on it, you have viewed it.
> This has nothing to do with viewing or clicking on attachements, since it is 
> impossible to do
> that until you have opened the email in the first place.  I don't care about 
> the attachments,
> I simply don't click on them.  How do you delete an email without opening, 
> reading or viewing
> it?  That is the only question I have been asking.  I can do a control A and 
> that will
> highlight ALL the emails, and if I hit delete it deletes everything in my 
> mailbox.  But that
> is an overkill, I only want to delete the one email that I have not, and do 
> not want to read.
> Thanks anyway,
> Marshall
> Ron Hackley wrote:
> > Hi Marshall...
> >
> > Netscape Messenger can display frames several different ways. If the frame 
> > that you select
> > from has a view frame below it then each file you click on will be 
> > displayed in the view
> > frame. I don't know if this qualifies as opening, but the email is tagged 
> > as having been
> > read, and you can scroll the view frame to view it.
> >
> > IF you click on the bar with the little up/down arrows at the bottom of the 
> > select frame
> > (the frame with the files you select from) then the select frame will 
> > expand all the way
> > to the bottom and there will be no view frame. You must then double click 
> > on a file to
> > view it and mark it as read; a single click to highlight it will not do 
> > that.
> >
> > I used to use the first method, having the view frame visible, but have 
> > recently started
> > using Netscape with the view frame not visible. That way Netscape doesn't 
> > tag a file as
> > read just because it got highlighted (very annoying).
> >
> > I hope this makes sense and is helpful.
> >
> > Ron KC7ZWA
> > Roseburg OR
> >
> > Marshall Dudley wrote:
> > >
> > > Sorry, but before I can get to the point to click on the file, I have to
> > > open the email.  It is how can I delete the email without reading it that 
> > > is
> > > the problem.
> > >
> > > Marshall
> > >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Unidentified subject!

2000-11-09 Thread Ron Hackley
Hi Marshall...

Netscape Messenger can display frames several different ways. If the frame that 
you select
from has a view frame below it then each file you click on will be displayed in 
the view
frame. I don't know if this qualifies as opening, but the email is tagged as 
having been
read, and you can scroll the view frame to view it.

IF you click on the bar with the little up/down arrows at the bottom of the 
select frame
(the frame with the files you select from) then the select frame will expand 
all the way
to the bottom and there will be no view frame. You must then double click on a 
file to
view it and mark it as read; a single click to highlight it will not do that.

I used to use the first method, having the view frame visible, but have 
recently started
using Netscape with the view frame not visible. That way Netscape doesn't tag a 
file as
read just because it got highlighted (very annoying).

I hope this makes sense and is helpful.

Roseburg OR

Marshall Dudley wrote:
> Sorry, but before I can get to the point to click on the file, I have to
> open the email.  It is how can I delete the email without reading it that is
> the problem.
> Marshall

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CS>Re:CS> CS in animals

2000-09-03 Thread Ron Hackley wrote: 
>Has anyone used CS on their pets?  For what reason? Did it help?

Hi Terri,

I think your posting is quite appropriate for the list. 

I have seven feral cats, mostly pretty tame with me (finally), though they do 
get upset
when I change my fur (clothes, shoes). They all get home-made CS in their water
(5-10ppm?), and all have been/are very healthy. I prefer not to give them any
vaccinations, hence the CS is all that much more important, especially since 
opossums, coons, and stray cats do get into their food and water. When I can 
get away with
it, I'll mist them with some CS too, since I figure they'll ingest some when 
they clean

** I belong to a feline list for natural health care **

Please send me subscription info for the feline list. How much traffic does it 

Some folks on the list have rigged up Bob Beck Bioelectrifiers and Hulda Clark 
Zappers to
use on their pets with apparent good results. Perhaps they will speak up.

Ron in Oregon


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Re: CS>Golliwogs & things- trivia

2000-08-30 Thread Ron Hackley
I was talking with my brother and mentioned the Golliwog thread here. He 
pointed out that
the Golliwogs was a name that Creedence Clearwater Revival had on their way to 
CCR. Did a Google search and sure enough:

Roseburg OR

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Re: CS>OT Barretts esophagus - cayenne?

2000-08-21 Thread Ron Hackley
Brickey... Interesting about the pill form causing GERDs. As for taking two tsp 
right off,
that's pretty good, or brave... my brother who doesn't normally take cayenne 
had maybe a
half a tsp in some salsa and just an hour later he came out of the bathroom 
with tears in
his eyes and walking with legs wide apart; his butt was on fire for hours. I 
was laughing
so hard it brought tears to me eyes. I'm sure it was good for his system, but 
he thinks
I'm nuts (suits me:-).

Tabasco seems pretty wimpy to me after using the powder, and I don't especially 
like the
vinegar taste on some things, but I suspect if it gives the effect then it's 
beneficial. I
sure can't say that cayenne tastes better than tabasco, but mixed with some 
juice it goes
down pretty easy. On Mr. Tracy's list the gauntlet has been thrown down for 
someone to try
the UDAP bear pepper spray (3 million SHU) but no takers yet. As for eye 
droppers, I
believe there are 70 drops in a regulation eye dropper. There are 360 drops to 
an ounce
and six teaspoons to an ounce, so that works out to 60 drops to a teaspoon, so 
perhaps a
dropper full would be a rounded teaspoon?  Dr. Schulze's sauce that I've made 
is a
tincture using peppers, vodka or pure grain, and a blender (I used a juicer). 
In an
emergency situation (heart attack, stroke, etc.) it would be a lot faster and 
easier to
get the cayenne into someone's system in the tincture form than mixing it with 
water, plus
he says the alcohol speeds its absorption.

And yes, I would continue using the CS regardless, especially in these times.

Ron wrote:
> Ron - Thanks for the info.  I see that even though I was taking cayenne
> pills, adding crushed red peppers to my food, it was not the same as drinking
> 2 t.  I was able to take 2 ts right away as I spend the winter near Mexico,
> (Yuma), and actually developed a taste for peppers.  Can I use a sauce like
> Tabasco with juice?  Is 2 eye droppers the same as 2 ts?  I see Dr Schulze
> says sometimes to use the cayenne sauce.  The cayenne pills actually
> triggered GERDS.
> I had a friend I worked with who had stomach cancer.  He told me that cayenne
> in hot water was the only thing that took away some of his pain.  The cancer
> got him, however.  I am still going to take Cs along with the cayenne.
> Brickey
> --
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> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT Barretts esophagus - cayenne?

2000-08-16 Thread Ron Hackley
Hi Brickey,

least) and had to take an antacid shortly after ANY meal or snack. CS
didn't seem to have any effect. My doctor recommended raising the head
of the bed and taking one of the new products (i.e.: Zantac, etc.). I
did neither, just continued along taking antacids. Earlier this year I
started taking cayenne pepper for no particular reason other than it
seemed a good thing to do for my health. I worked up to a couple of
teaspoons per day, stirred into OJ. I don't know when it happened, but I
realized that the GERDs wasn't bothering me, AND I had stopped using the
antacids. It just happened.

I reported the above to the list awhile back when GERDs showed up as a
topic. Since then I have been back to my doctor for another reason and I
mentioned to her that I'd been taking cayenne and my reflux problem had
gone away. She nodded and said that yes, cayenne would often work and
even c-u-r-e, but she couldn't tell me that because she'd get in
trouble. I was floored! Here was something cheap and safe, and she was
afraid to tell me to try it. She got her medical education in the
Balkans, and is a doctor more interested in healing people than writing
prescriptions and getting rich (she spent an hour with me that visit). I
got the feeling that she has been hassled before for recommending
alternative (non-pharmco) methods, and she is very shy about doing it

Anyway, you might want to look into cayenne. For a start, do a Google
search for "Dr. Richard Schulze". It's unlikely that cayenne will hurt
(no, it won't burn a hole in your stomach) and it might help. I used the
stuff from the supermarket for a long time, but recently switched over
to some from the health food store that's both hotter and costs a lot
less; $11 a pound. Take it mixed with something, not in a capsule; if
you put it into a capsule the stomach has no warning and can get very
unhappy when the capsule dissolves. Also, start small, like 1/8
teaspoon, unless you're one of those "macho walk-the-walk" friends of
Bob Lee (great post Bob - I'm baching it again and the info may come in

Ron in Oregon wrote: 
> I also have Barretts esophagus, where it is pink and ulcerated.  I take
> Aciphex to stop acid all day and night to try to get it to heal.  I have been
> using Aciphex going on 4 months.  Aciphex is the new drug we got form Japan,
> that competes with the older drug Prilosec.  I am taking 3 oz. Cs per day,
> doing Ph balancing to stay alkaline, stomach exercises, Zapping daily with a
> Clark zapper, parasite cleanses weekly, and 8 glasses water.  This condition
> can lead into Cancer.  Has anyone tried Cs for this condition?  How long?  I
> have no heartburn but the Aciphex would stop that.

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Re: CS>for the eyes?

2000-07-13 Thread Ron Hackley
Hi Pam,

I mixed up some CS and MSM (the MSM to just below saturation) for eye
drops. My wife and I both use it and it seems to work just fine. Sure
beats that commercial poly-plastic eye solution stuff she was using.


Pamela Grant wrote:
> Has anyone used CS in their eyes? I have a redness and would like to try
> putting CS into my eyes, but I would prefer to first ask the group.
> Thanks,
> Pam
> And The Truth Shall Help You Be Healthy,
> Pam
> --
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Re: CS>GERDS - cayenne may help?

2000-07-13 Thread Ron Hackley
The info I received was via snail mail and no URL listed. The toll free
phone number is 1-800-926-4561 for Save Your Life Videos (the company
name) in North Hollywood. It's called "The Curing with Cayenne
Collection". One book (336 pgs), one audio tape and three videos. $30
plus $6 S&H.
Ron wrote:
> I have book tapes and vidio, no url listed on  them but here is phone
> #(818)503-5980
> no 800 # Betty Ft. Lauderdale
> --
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Re: CS>GERDS - cayenne may help?

2000-07-10 Thread Ron Hackley
Hi Katie...

I started off with a fraction of a teaspoon in an 8 oz glass of OJ and
worked my way up. It's not the most wonderful taste (IMHO) but it is
supposed to be pretty near a magical herb for healing, first aid, and
for helping other herbs to do their work. For a quick overview check

but don't buy that book... Sam Biser has a larger book plus 3 video tape
package available for less cost which includes Dr. Shultz explaining how
to use cayenne and a few other herbs for a multitude of problems. To me,
knowing about cayenne pepper is right up there in importance with
knowing about colloidal silver and zappers.

Go up to Google (, type in the word "cayenne" and the
name "Biser" and you'll get a managable list of sites with info on
cayenne (just typing in "cayenne" will give you 92,200 hits, which is a
bit much). 

Katie Jay wrote:
> I can't imagine having two teaspoon of pepper in juice. What did it taste
> like? Was it hard to drink?
> Katie
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ron Hackley" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 4:47 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>GERDS - cayenne may help?
> >
> > I used to have this problem; would often wake up in the middle of the
> > night with a horrible burning in my throat. Doc suggested raising the
> > head of the bed (which I never got around to; just made sure I had
> > antacids on the night stand). Also, I had to take an antacid after every
> > meal, even snacks, or I had heartburn. This for some years (I lost
> > track).
> >
> > Several months ago (4-5?) I started mixing a couple teaspoons of cayenne
> > pepper into the juice (usually OJ) that I have with breakfast. Now, I
> > haven't even thought about an antacid in so long that I can't remember
> > the last one, nor had any night-time problems. I did not start taking
> > cayenne for this reason and it was a suprise when I realized I was no
> > longer using antacids regularly. No other changes in diet that would
> > account for this.
> >
> > For what it's worth. It might help someone.
> >
> > Ron

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Re: CS>GERDS - cayenne may help?

2000-07-06 Thread Ron Hackley

I used to have this problem; would often wake up in the middle of the
night with a horrible burning in my throat. Doc suggested raising the
head of the bed (which I never got around to; just made sure I had
antacids on the night stand). Also, I had to take an antacid after every
meal, even snacks, or I had heartburn. This for some years (I lost

Several months ago (4-5?) I started mixing a couple teaspoons of cayenne
pepper into the juice (usually OJ) that I have with breakfast. Now, I
haven't even thought about an antacid in so long that I can't remember
the last one, nor had any night-time problems. I did not start taking
cayenne for this reason and it was a suprise when I realized I was no
longer using antacids regularly. No other changes in diet that would
account for this.

For what it's worth. It might help someone.


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Re: CS>Recomendations (Zappers)

2000-07-06 Thread Ron Hackley

Thank you Bob. I guess the capitalization of "Zapper" went right past
me. I have read on this list and other lists and web sites references to
various "zappers". talks about the "Beck
zapper" and the "Clark zapper". Other sites mention "Clark type zapper".
Then there is Bruce Stenulson's zapper and Don Croft's zapper, both of
which give credit to Hulda Clark for their roots, although they are said
to be improved over her basic unit (and do appear to be). I guess I've
been thinking that something that zaps bad guys in the blood is a
zapper. I just wanted to be clear on which device you meant. I'll try
and pay more attention.

BTW, I appreciate your postings to the list; always a good read.


Bob Squires wrote:
> To your questions; There is only one Zapper ,the Clark unit
> the beck unit is what  Bob Beck called the blood purifier and has a
> different method of operation voltage and frequency range . The Zapper
> has a very low voltage that in most can't even be felt and in my
> thinking just acts as a carrier to get the frequency into your body and
> of it's self has no other function;

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Re: CS>Tooth aches - Zap 'em

2000-07-06 Thread Ron Hackley
Bob, which zapper are you talking about, Beck, Hulda, or other?  This
sounds great for emergency use if it works as you say, but I'm REAL
apprehensive about putting electricity near my teeth. I've had the
amalgams with w/composite, but still bad memories of "tooth shocks" when
metal would contact a filling. Would you please expand on this a little.

in Oregon

Bob Squires wrote:
>  If it is to much to bear. Take one of your silver probes and
> tape up all but a 1/4" of one ,leaving enough for the clip on the other
> end. Using your Zapper hold one probe in one hand or against the jaw and
> put the un insulated tip of the other probe directly on the affected gum
> or as close as you can get it to the area of pain. The pain will be gone
> and the infection with it . Continue contact for 5 min. or so and repeat
> every hour or so.

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CS>Coffee and CS reaction, ph of CS process

2000-07-04 Thread Ron Hackley
Hi List,

I found an article about the possibility of using coffee as a
photographic (re: silver) developer at:

"Without the pH maintenance, photographic development would be
difficult to control since both acid and/or base are being generated
with every silver ion to silver atom conversion within the image."...

Which I should add was a reference given in an interesting "must read"
CS research paper by John Marshall Dudley (any relation Marshall?) at:

The merits (or not) of drinking coffee aside, could components of coffee
(mixed in the stomach or bloodstream) contribute to making CS less
effective or more gray/bluing? Drinking coffee out of silver goblets
doesn't seem to be a good idea, but what about stirring with a silver
spoon; could that release photosensitive silver into the coffee? I know
I'm stretching things a little here but just trying to draw the question
out a bit.

What do they mean that both acid and/or base are being generated with
every silver ion to silver atom conversion during development? Wouldn't
the reverse also be true, going from atom to ion? Are both base and acid
being created as we make CS, even LVDC, but then quickly neutralizing
each other? Or not so quickly? A case for stirring?

Also, I thought I'd read here that CS in ion form isn't photoreactive,
yet this talks of the developing process being a conversion from ion to
atom. Can anyone explain what I'm missing?

Many years of coffee (more recently "French Market" which has a lot(?)
of chicory in it) and several years of CS hasn't turned me gray/blue,
but that might because the Oregon rain hasn't let me get exposed enough
prior to development (sorry but couldn't resist:~D)

Thanks :-) 
in Oregon

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CS>Polarity switching & voltage/freq = 150

2000-06-22 Thread Ron Hackley

Marshall Dudley wrote:
> It appears that for optimum results you need for the voltage/frequency = 150 
> or
> so.  Thus for 60 htz, optimum voltage is about 10K, and for 30 volts the 
> polarity
> reversing should be about .2 hertz or once every 10 seconds or so (assuming a
> linear relationship).  It has to do with the diffusion rate from the cathode,
> reversal should occur when the ions near, but have not reached the cathode 
> yet.
> If course the distance between the electrodes is very important since the 
> closer
> they are together the quicker the ions can move across the distance.
Marshall, this is really interesting! I use stirring and have very
little build-up (my "sludge" appears to be pure silver, not an oxide),
but I'd like to make my CS faster without having to heat the water (I
decided to stop microwaving the water until I get done with a bean
growing test and see if beans grow worse or not when watered with
previously microwaved water v/non-microwaved). 

How did you arrive at v/f=150 as being optimum, at least for your setup?
What qualities of your CS were you testing? What is your preferred
voltage, electrode seperation, quantity of water, temperature, current
cutoff, submerged electrode surface, whatever you're willing to tell? 

Above you said ".2 Hz or... 10 seconds or so.". I sometimes get so
confused by this when decimals appear, but if .2Hz is a full cycle (360
degrees) then wouldn't there be a full cycle every 5 seconds, hence each
electrode would be at one polarity or the other for 2.5 seconds? Or did
you mean every ten seconds? Could you please restate this for me:-).

Thank You,

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Re: CS>OT: Taste of MSM

2000-04-04 Thread Ron Hackley
I stir a rounded teaspoon of MSM and a rounded teaspoon of cayenne
pepper into either 8oz of orange juice or tomato juice. I don't even
notice the MSM unless I let some settle to the bottom for the last sip.
It really does seem a shame to do this to good OJ, but many tell us
there's a price to good health, eh?  

My wife can't handle MSM stirred into anything (and wants nothing to do
with cayenne), so I'll be getting some gelatin capsules and a tiny
funnel for her:).


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Re: CS>Re: possible VERY, VERY cheap ozonator plans?

2000-04-03 Thread Ron Hackley
A while back I tried making up an ozonator doing this, but instead of
breaking the glass of the outer bulb, I drilled a hole on the sides near
both ends of the outer bulb. Figured I would use an aquarium pump to
push air through. Results were a lot of ozone (smell) as the lamp was
firing up, then seems like hardly any after that. Very disappointing.
This wasn't a new lamp so that might have had something to do with it?

Note that the outer glass gets VERY hot. As for the warnings about
avoiding eye contact with UV, you will be very very miserable if you
sunburn your eyes with UV. Been there, done that, and not again.

Alvin Rose wrote:
> Marshall
> what amount of ozone level do you think this unit would put out.
> I have one ready to experiment with but didn.t realize the uv
> output would be high.
> A.rose
> At 01:10 PM 4/3/00 -0400, you wrote:
> >I cannot emphasize enough the danger to the eyes if a mercury vapor bulb
> >is viewed
> >for only a second or two without the outer uv filter (bulb).
> >
> >I remember reading about the outer bulb breaking on a bulb in a large
> >ampitheater,  and the hundreds of people who ended up having to get medical
> >attention for their eyes afterward, even though they were 100 or more feet
> >away
> >from it.
> >
> >Marshall
> >
> >Todd Horton wrote:
> >
> > > On Mon, 3 Apr 2000 01:30:43 EDT, you wrote:
> > >
> > > >>Joe G,
> > > >>
> > > >>It was suggested by a friend that one could use the filament and
> > fixture for
> > > >>a mercury gas type pole light as a cheap ozonator.  Any thoughts from 
> > > >>the
> > > >>techies?
> > > >>
> > > >>Jules
> > > >From my save folder..
> > >
> > > Go get a mercury vapor yard light.  I think you can get a complete
> > > fixture,
> > > ballast, bulb and all for about 20 bucks at most of the home
> > > improvement
> > > stores.  Break the OUTER envelope of the bulb, but do not damage the
> > > smaller,
> > > inner bulb.  The small bulb is the actual Mercury vapor lamp.  Fire
> > > 'er up, and
> > > you'll have a copious source of UV radiation, guaranteed to blister
> > > your
> > > eyeballs in a few seconds, (seriously!) or sunburn your skin in just a
> > > few
> > > minutes.  Enclose the lamp in a light-tight box, and arrange for a
> > > small fan to
> > > blow air through the box.  Voila`! Instant Ozone!  (Also erases Eproms
> > > very
> > > well.)
> > >
> > > --
> > > Ralph   W5JGV
> > >
> > > ICQ  8514638
> > >
> > >
> > > Home of the Rife Biomedical Research Web Ring
> > >
> > > --
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> > >
> > > To post, address your message to:
> > > Silver-list archive:
> > > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making CS

2000-04-02 Thread Ron Hackley
Hi Gaston & List...

I'm sure not the one to be getting advise from, but I'm glad to share my
experiences and thoughts on CS. The following pertains to Gaston's
posting that's below.

1. I don't use a starter other than a few ounces of my previous batch,
and I sometimes forget that. For several years prior to joining this
list I was adding a drop or two of very dilute sea salt solution as some
web pages have suggested. In about twenty minutes I had a somewhat gray
solution. We drank it and it seemed to work (no colds etc.) and we
didn't turn gray. It seemed to work as well (or better?) on cuts and
scratches as the clearer solution. However, the arguments on the list
convinced me to switch over to the slower method, particularly for
silver taken internally. 

2. and 3. I don't have CS test instruments YET beyond an ammeter/VOM so
I don't know what PPM or uS it is yet. Will post when I know. CS gets
used up pretty fast here so it doesn't sit around long, but I haven't
noticed any plating out in the bottles I use. 

Concerning current flow differences and recommendations; that probably
has something to do with the surface area of the electrodes. I use a
silver round which has a lot more surface area than a silver wire, hence
more current doesn't necessarily translate into a higher current density
at any specific point on the anode. I just started a batch of CS and the
starting current using the round was about 1.1ma. Then I unplugged the
round and plugged in the 3" long #14 silver wire I used to use and the
current dropped to 120uA.  

There seem to be many ways to make good (and bad) CS. I think if one can
make ANY CS they have an important tool, and then we can work to refine
and make it better. I don't think anyone should hold off making CS
because they are afraid they won't make it right or something. (I know
this doesn't apply to you Gaston, but once I start commenting it's
sometimes hard to stop:).


"G. Boucher" wrote:
> Hi Ron
> Good to hear from you on CS.
> I am new to the CS and I would like to know from your experience:
> 1.- Do you use any starter to produce your cs other than
>  a mixture from the previous batch ?
> 2.- Do you know the strength of your CS in either PPM or microSiemens ?
> 3.- Do you notice a decrease in PPM or Microsiemens 24 hours
>  after production ?
> I normally read 0.15 MA with distilled water at the start and heated
> I read around 0.25 to 0.35 MA.
> It is interesting to hear that you see T. E. at around 6 MA. Many
> CS producers recommend to use a limiting current of 0.8MA
> to produce cs. Does that mean that T. E. is not present with that
> kind of low current ?
> >From what I read, apprarently, low current is better to produce
> small particles. It seems to take longer to prduce CS with a low
> current and this is probably why we do get yellow CS.

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CS>Ed Dames mentions CS on Art Bell

2000-04-02 Thread Ron Hackley
Friday night (3/31/00) Art had remote viewer Ed "Dr. Doom" Dames on.
Near the 2AM station break Ed was talking about how he'd remote viewed
the AIDS virus and had been remote viewing for a cure for AIDS and
cancer. I wasn't listening too closely but then Ed said that the cure
seemed to have something to do with Colloidal Silver. Art said WHAT, and
Ed repeated himself, adding that there are various types of colloidal
silver (??) and that he wasn't sure what it meant yet. Then a station
break and it wasn't brought up again (I didn't really expect it to be).

Ed has a listing for a RA archive of the show (3/31/00) at It says that it isn't available yet
though. Since Art is retiring I don't know if an archive will appear at or not. It isn't much to listen to (the minute or so
mention of CS) but it sure did get my attention.


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2000-04-02 Thread Ron Hackley
Hi List,

I guess I've been lurking long enough and it's time for an intro. My
name is Ron and I live near Glide Oregon. My wife and I have been using
CS for several years now, as have the six feral cats (all neutered) that
we cater to. No colds or the like since we began. We drink 4-6oz a day,
sometimes more if we've been in town, and I usually slather it all over
my hands and face before heading out into public places and when I see
C-trails above. I've been scratched and bitten plenty by the cats while
getting them used to me/people, and CS has been the only treatment I've
used. Cat scratches usually heal so fast I forget they happened, and I
haven't had any problems with infection. My wife has lived with dry eye
syndrome for a long time and she says that her eyes haven't been as dry
since using the CS internally for a while. Else, it gets sprayed on
plants, used with cut flowers, as an underarm spray, mixed with MSM as a
mist to inhale, used as a swallowable mouthwash, etc. My periodontist is
having a tough time figuring out why the gum pockets around my teeth are
actually becoming less deep instead of just remaining the same or
getting deeper (he doesn't believe in CS, but does believe in fluoride
and aspartame, and chastises me for believing "everything" I read on the

My generator is homemade, and always open for improving and
experimenting. 12v into a Newport voltage converter that gives 30v out.
Anode is a 1oz silver round (.999 coin) and cathode is 1/8" stainless
welding rod about 6" long. Both are silver soldered to banana plugs
which makes cleaning and experimenting a lot easier. Banana jacks are on
the bottom of a plastic box that sits on top of a large glass. Stirring
is done using  one of those long motors salvaged from an old Walkman
tape unit. Power to it is resistered down so it turns maybe 250 rpm, not
fast enough to agitate the water. The stirrer itself; the shaft is the
needle (with actual needle snipped off) and sheath from a hypodermic,
like used for insulin or B-12. This is a good press fit over the pulley
on the end of the motor. The blades are quite small, fabricated with
scissors from a leftover plastic window blind. I plan on adding current
limiting, and maybe a cathode with a larger surface.

To make CS I heat store bought distilled water in the microwave (yeah, I
know!) to about 180 or so. I mix it with a bit of the previous batch,
check the starting current (usually about 1ma), then let it go for about
an hour and a half, wiping the cathode occasionally, and testing for the
T.E. When I begin to get a slight T.E. I check the current; around 6ma
has seemed about the right amount for me. I lift the electrodes out
while they are still energized (this *seems* to help keep some of the
slag attached to the cathode rather than releasing it back into the
solution). The CS is then poured through a filter into a large amber
beer bottle. The filter is just multiple coffee filters set in a funnel
and I know I need to find something better, but it works for now. My CS
has always been clear; I have tried to make yellow CS just to see what
everyone means and it just doesn't happen for me. I haven't picked up
any of the measuring devices yet (eh, got an ammeter) so I've been
mostly judging the strength by taste.   

I've also got a Beck bioelectrifier (whatever), homemade, and just
recently built the magnetic pulser (550uf, yet my washer only jumps a
few inches, but you can sure reverse the polarity of a compass fast with
it!). No results to report with either yet.

I've certainly learned a lot about a lot of things since joining this
list, and I hope to contribute some back in the future. What I get a
kick out of is all of the people who are here to learn about CS and end
up also learning something about electricity, electronics, water
chemistry, the politics of medicine, and so many other subjects that are
loosely related. Mike, thanks for a great job with the list, and to the
various experts here, thanks for all of the information and ideas.


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