Re: CS>Just an idea.

2006-10-30 Thread Sam Mureno

Hi Dan. I wouldnt be switching  the polarity, I would be just removing the
power from one side of the circuit periodically.

Sam L.

On 10/30/06, Dan Nave  wrote:

 What is the difference between this and polarity switching?


*From:* Sam Mureno []
*Sent:* Monday, October 30, 2006 12:32 PM
*Subject:* CS>Just an idea.

Just an idea I have been thinking about for awhile to eliminate a
stirring mechanism.
I know it isn't simple for the novice or practical for that mater.
Here is what I have been thinking. Set up a timing mechanism with a
relay, similar or equal to a polarity switch.
Set the on off times for 60 seconds or so. Now hook up the + or – to
one side of the relay so basically your shutting off the voltage for
60 seconds then back on for 60 seconds. Might have to adjust the
timing, maybe 120 seconds. Of course you also need some sort of
current limiting circuit. I already have a polarity switching device
with current limiting and a stirring device but if my stirring device
ever failed on me I thought this might work.
Any thoughts or other ideas.

Sam L.

PS. I post this same question on another list, just wanted to hit 2 bases.
For those that see this post twice, please excuse.

CS>Just an idea.

2006-10-30 Thread Sam Mureno

Just an idea I have been thinking about for awhile to eliminate a
stirring mechanism.
I know it isn't simple for the novice or practical for that mater.
Here is what I have been thinking. Set up a timing mechanism with a
relay, similar or equal to a polarity switch.
Set the on off times for 60 seconds or so. Now hook up the + or – to
one side of the relay so basically your shutting off the voltage for
60 seconds then back on for 60 seconds. Might have to adjust the
timing, maybe 120 seconds. Of course you also need some sort of
current limiting circuit. I already have a polarity switching device
with current limiting and a stirring device but if my stirring device
ever failed on me I thought this might work.
Any thoughts or other ideas.

Sam L.

PS. I post this same question on another list, just wanted to hit 2 bases.
For those that see this post twice, please excuse.

Re: CS>thought you would benefit fellow listers

2006-10-28 Thread Sam Mureno

Here in Brazil they never drink from the can or bottle. They always use a
straw . I read somewhere a male rat will urinate every ten seconds to spread
his scent.

Sam L.

On 10/25/06, Deborah Gerard  wrote:

I don't know what is worse what is on the can or indebbie

- Original Message 
From: Lisa Shepherd 
To: silver 
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:10:20 AM
Subject: CS>thought you would benefit fellow listers

came across this article and thought i should share, heard the rat stuff
was bad, but never imagined...

Recent research shows that the tops of soda cans are more contaminated
with germs and bacteria and than public toilets.
As soda cans are stored in warehouses for long periods before arriving at
your home, they come in contact with many potentially dangerous substances.
One of the most toxic substances includes rat urine, which, when ingested
can develop a bacterial disease called Leptospirosis, a bacterial disease
that can cause kidney damage, meningitis, liver failure, respiratory
distress, and sometimes death. Soda can tops are not typically cleaned
between the warehouse and your home. Be sure that when you bring home your
next case of soda, you thoroughly wash with warm soap and water the tops of
all soda cans before putting them in to your mouth or pouring your soda into
a glass.

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates
starting at 

Re: CS> Rodent excreta

2006-10-25 Thread Sam Mureno

Hi Rowena.
Rats also carry the hantavirus which can kill you pretty quick if not
treated in a short time.

Sam L

On 10/24/06, Rowena  wrote:

A while back I came across a report which said how dangerous dried rodent
faeces are.  A janitor was given the job of cleaning up some store rooms
that were thick with old rat dung.  He died.

One of the most toxic substances includes rat urine, which, when ingested
can develop a bacterial disease called Leptospirosis, a bacterial disease
that can cause kidney damage, meningitis, liver failure, respiratory
distress, and sometimes death.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Diodes with 3 leads ?

2006-10-13 Thread Sam Mureno

Hi Max
What you need is called a breadboard. They are fairly easy to use once you
understand the concept. See link. I dont know which two leads you short,
might need to experiment. A multimeter would come in handy.

hope this helps?

Sam L.

On 10/13/06, Max Sanders  wrote:

Hey V, or other helpful brethren and sistern, I should have asked about
the 3 leads too. Which 2 leads do I have to short together?   And as for
surface mounting,; do I get a circuit board at Radio Shack or somesuch to
help wire/mount?  How do I know it'll fit, take it with me and try it on?
I am pre ice-age.  Mammoth soup anyone?

*V * wrote:

Well the ones Max had had three metal legs ( leads) they are made for
surface mounting and you haver to short two of the leads together.

How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call

Re: CS>Parameters

2006-10-13 Thread Sam Mureno

Hi Julius.
I suspect the 3 second polarity change is causing the time extension. Try
30-45 seconds, that should speed things up. What are you using for striring?

Sam L.

On 10/13/06, Julius Kabrun  wrote:

 Greetings to all,

I am trying to produce ionic silver of the best quality
& am having great difficulty in the time required to make a 10ppm
solution.   It seems too much long.   I am using a 100mA transformer
 with a 30v DC supply
& sheet electrodes of about 6 sq. ins on one side of one electrode.
Naturally I use 2 electrodes of the same size.

To emulate some of the manufacturers who are on the Internet
I am using current control at 10mA  & polarity change at
3 second intervals .  Polarity exchange seems to have been the
 main cause of the time extension.  Current control is based
on about 0.8 mA per sq. inch of both sides of the one electrode.
I am using polarity change because of the lack of sludge .

Using distilled water as a starting point it can take up to
24 hours to reach this level.   Using a starting solution of one litre, a
 with the addition of 10% of a 10ppm ionic silver solution this time is
cut down to about  12 hours.  A clear solution is obtained &
measured with a Hanna PWT meter.

My feeling is that I must have made an incorrect assumption
of  one or more of the parameters so I would appreciate
informed & practical advice.   Direct access is at  & I am most happy to hear directly
from  anyone.

Regards to you all.
Julius Kabrun

 -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Re: CS>CS maker

2006-10-08 Thread Sam Mureno

Hi Herman.
3 hours is probaly too long unless your making a gallon. Try using a quart
jar and  with the coins on eash side of the jar facing each other. Run that
for about 1.5 hours. Shine a flashlight in the the water, you should see
clouds. Your CS should be clear at this point except for the clouds, it will
probaly turn yellow the next day.

Hope this helps.

Sam L

On 10/8/06, Smitty  wrote:

I have been making CS water by using 4-- 9v batteries
hooked to 2 silver 5 dollar Canadian Maple Leaf coins.
I suspend the coins in distilled water up to half-way
on the silver coins for 3 hrs.My questions:

1) The water is dark , murky. Not golden. why ?

2) Would silver wire be better ?

3) Is 3 hrs too long ?

Thank you,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2006 #658

2006-10-02 Thread Sam Mureno sell a CS gel kit. You need to make the CS first then add 2
ingredients to the CS to make the gel.
This isnt a pre-made gel, ode sell the ingredients to make the gel.

Hope this helps

Sam L.

On 10/1/06,  wrote:

 How does one purchase the silver gel for my lil dog's chronic ear

Re: CS>Need to go no email

2006-10-01 Thread Sam Mureno

Hi Diane M
Go to

Hope this helps

Sam L.

On 9/30/06,  wrote:

*I need to go no email as I am going to be out of town, but can not pull
up where I registered with this group.  Please advise.*
*Thank y ou*
*Diane M*

Re: CS>CS Gel and Warts?

2006-09-30 Thread Sam Mureno

Hi Lea Ann.
Yes I think it would. My mother had two warts, one on her arm and one on her
face near her eye. I treated the one on her arm with CS gel during the day
and at night we soaked a cotton ball with CS and put that on
under a bandage. It took about two weeks and the wart drieded up and fell
off. The one near her eye we used the CS gel. You could see the wart turning
a different color just like the one on her arm did. I think I also used a
small amout of DMSO (if your familiar with this). It helps to take the CS
farther into the skin.
After the medical gestapo got hold of her they tested the wart on her face
for cancer, it tested positive so they cut it out.
Ive also heard that zapping help the body to get rid of the many viruses and
parasites that may cause warts, if your son has alot of them it might be a
parasite problem also. See Hulda Clark book ( A Cure For All Diseases) for
free at this URL. Its a good read. Theirs alot of her stuff I believe in and
theirs some that just to far out their.

Hope this helps you.

Sam L.

On 9/30/06, Lea Ann  wrote:

Hi Sam,

Do you think the gel would be good for warts?  My son has a lot of them
and spraying colloidal silver on it would take many applications a day.

Lea Ann Savage
Satellite Beach, FL
We have two ears and one mouth - use them proportionately!
(I'm hoping that if it's in my signature line I'll heed the advice :-)
Philippians 4:8

- Original Message -----
*From:* Sam Mureno 
*Sent:* Saturday, September 30, 2006 2:03 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Question about stirring mechanisms

Hi Lea Ann
I'm glad you found it. It took me some time to figure it out also. I'm
sorry the URL I posted wouldn't take you right to it. Ode also sells a nice
gel kit, item number 18, for making CS tropical gel. Its the lowest price
Ive seen anywhere and am real happy with it. I use it on my face after
shaving and also on cuts and scrapes and also any skin rashes. I picked up a
bad skin rash in Brazil and this was the only thing that killed it for
good. It also stopped some of my mothers skin
cancer. I think it would of stopped all of it but the medical docs got a look
see on her annual checkup and
talked her into surgery.
Ive also used it for burns and sun burns with great success. Thanks Ode.
The mag stirrer works great for me, just remember theres a spinner in
the CS jar. I lost one by dumping the water out on a experimental batch that
went bad on me.

Sam L.

Re: CS>Question about stirring mechanisms

2006-09-30 Thread Sam Mureno

Hi Lea Ann
I'm glad you found it. It took me some time to figure it out also. I'm sorry
the URL I posted wouldn't take you right to it. Ode also sells a nice gel
kit, item number 18, for making CS tropical gel. Its the lowest price Ive
seen anywhere and am real happy with it. I use it on my face after shaving
and also on cuts and scrapes and also any skin rashes. I picked up a
bad skin rash in Brazil and this was the only thing that killed it for
good. It also stopped some of my mothers skin
cancer. I think it would of stopped all of it but the medical docs got a look
see on her annual checkup and
talked her into surgery.
Ive also used it for burns and sun burns with great success. Thanks Ode.
The mag stirrer works great for me, just remember theres a spinner in the CS
jar. I lost one by dumping the water out on a experimental batch that went
bad on me.

Sam L.

On 9/30/06, Lea Ann  wrote:


Lea Ann Savage
Satellite Beach, FL
We have two ears and one mouth - use them proportionately!
(I'm hoping that if it's in my signature line I'll heed the advice :-)
Philippians 4:8

- Original Message -
*From:* Lea Ann 
*Sent:* Saturday, September 30, 2006 12:52 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Question about stirring mechanisms

I'm feeling really dumb but I can't find a clickable link on that page to
get me to an order form and I can't tell if I can get just the magnedtic
stirring unit all by itself (not the silver generator portion).

Lea Ann Savage
Satellite Beach, FL
We have two ears and one mouth - use them proportionately!
(I'm hoping that if it's in my signature line I'll heed the advice :-)
Philippians 4:8

- Original Message -
*From:* Sam Mureno 
*Sent:* Saturday, September 30, 2006 12:33 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Question about stirring mechanisms

Hi Lea Ann
The URL is

See item number 8, Mag stirer.
Im not the owner, just one happy customer.

Sam L.

Re: CS>Question about stirring mechanisms

2006-09-30 Thread Sam Mureno

Hi Lea Ann
The URL is

See item number 8, Mag stirer.
Im not the owner, just one happy customer.

Sam L.

On 9/30/06, Lea Ann  wrote:


I have a SilverGen colloidal silver maker and when the stirring mechanism
worked, I could make crystal clear, wonderful colloidal silver but my
stirring mechanism broke.  I tried adding oil at the base and that worked
for a while but now the stirrer won't work at all.

I can't find the order page or a contact e-mail on the silver puppy
website - I know the owner is on this list... can you tell me if you can
sell me just a magnetic base with the stir thing that goes inside the jar
I can have stirring going on while my silvergen is on?

Thanks in advance.

Lea Ann Savage
Satellite Beach, FL
We have two ears and one mouth - use them proportionately!
(I'm hoping that if it's in my signature line I'll heed the advice :-)
Philippians 4:8

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Root Canal

2006-09-07 Thread Sam Mureno

Hi Ian
You might look at the microelectricitygermkiller site on yahoo groups. They
use low voltage DC to zap the germs, it different from the tens unit. Its
very easy to make one or V sells one on his site.
Ive had good luck with tooth problems using this and EIS. Never knew which
one took care of the problem, maybe it was a combination of both.


On 9/7/06, Ian Roe  wrote:


I had a large filling put in one of my molars about three months ago.
weekend, there was obviously an infection related to this tooth. The pain
was amost unbearable, went into my jaw and up the back of my head.  I
CS and TENS but to no avail. The infection went to the gland under my jaw
lymph node whatever.  Had to go on amoxacillin.  EVen with that, I spiked
fever and had chills. Three days left to go on the drug. The pain is
subsiding but the dentist says the tooth is movable and even if it calms
down this time, it will cause problems in the future.  I have some
1) extraction 2) extraction and a false tooth installed 3)root canal work-

the latter being the most preferable.

Are there folks out there who have beat this problem using other methods?
Ian Roe
Ian Roe 1-416-491-2663 or 1-877-991-2663 Toll Free
Marketing Executive, FreeLife, The Himalayan Goji Juice Company WOW!!! My affiliate information and ordering
sites. ,  Personal Stories
Ian Roe

Re: CS>Is it water or CS?

2006-06-20 Thread Sam Mureno

Hi AG.
If you have a pen laser  you could check for tyndall.


On 6/19/06, Silver Smith  wrote:

I have have been saving, cleaning  and using empty soft drink bottles to
store and give away CS in.  I have several bottles (green) old Sprite
bottles on the shelf full of something?  Is there a way to tell if I have
put CS in them OR  if they are just in the cleaning process and have water
in them?  I usually clean 1st with tap water and let them sit a bit.  I have
tried to use my TDS meter but my tap water has a  similiar ppm reading to my
CS.  Do I remember something about dropping some salt in an aliquot and it
will form AgCl and turn cloudy?



Re: CS>To Ode: Colloidal Copper questions

2006-06-20 Thread Sam Mureno

Hi DaddyBob.
I will try and answer those question for you.
Make yourself some electrodes from 12 gauge or better yet 10 gauge, 10 gauge
will fit better in the silverpup sockets otherwise you need to mash the
copper down a bit to hold in the sockets.. You can make them straight or
u-turned, copper  is totally different in the way it produces CC than
silver. The auto off wont work with CC the same as CS so you wiill need to
eyeball it. I have made CC before with Ode"s unit with the  light bulb
style. If memory serves me right on pint takes 4-5 hours. Check the tendall
effect as you go, Its making something and all you got is copper and
distilled water. Im not Ode but hes my mentor as many on this list are.
Anything that you can add Ode?


On 6/18/06, ransley  wrote:


I need to try making CC with your unit that I have (the light bulb base
style). If I simply make myself a couple of electrodes from 12 gauge

Should I make them straight or u-turned like your silver electrodes?

When I make it, will the unit shut itself off at the right time or do I
to time it?

I will be using the product externally. If it works, I'll have quite a
to tell. If it doesn't, not much lost in trying.

Thanks, DaddyBob

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Colloidal copper and zinc

2006-06-15 Thread Sam Mureno

Hi All.
Anybody out there know the protocol for making colloidal copper or zinc.
Voltage , time , ect.  I want to make some for tropical applications. I have
the copper but getting zinc seems difficult. Would zinc pennies work? Any
suggestions would be welcome.

Sam L.

Re: CS>blackening

2006-06-11 Thread Sam Mureno

Hi Lisa
Were you using distilled water?
Silver wire can be found here

12 or 14 gauge is the most common used.

Sam L.

On 6/11/06, Lisa Shepherd  wrote:

 I am Lisa Shepherd, I have a silver machine that is forming blackened
water when it is run and leaving large amounts of a thick foamy type of grey
matter in the jug.
 2 part Q: 1- what is causing this, 2- where may i find the silver to
replace in the jug since these have been eaten up somehow and have almost
totally disentigrated.
 I am located in N.E. Oklahoma now, I use to live down the street from
Brooks Bradley, who introduced me to this list. If you happen to read this
Brooks, Please send me your current email addy, the one I have has expired.
If anyone can help me understand what has happened to the machine and/or
where I may find the silver to replace with, hopefully in my area, it would
be greatly appriciated.
 Thanks to all and have a great day!
  L. Shepherd

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Re: CS>Ionic silver patented

2006-04-18 Thread Sam Mureno
Hi Trem.
I looked at their patent, sounds kind of  like they are adding gatorade to
an ionic silver sol.
I wish I would of thought of that. :-)


On 4/17/06, Trem  wrote:
> Hi everyone.  Check this one.
> Silver citrate is now patented.  My, aren't they clever.  Makes the ionic
> silver we make obsolete.  Sure it does!
> Trem

Re: CS>making CS - should this be happening?

2006-04-15 Thread Sam Mureno
Hi Deb.
To me that sounds like your using very low voltage, like under 12 volts . If
so give it some tiime.


On 4/15/06,  wrote:
> Sam what does it mean if the wire doesn't turn black after several
> hours...deb
> -- Original message ----------
> From: "Sam Mureno" 
> Yes, this is normal.
> Sam
> On 4/15/06, . .  wrote:
> >
> > One of the silver wires in my CS3 generator turns very dark after 15-20
> > minutes of operation, should this be taking place?
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> >
> > Address Off-Topic messages to:
> >
> > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour <>
> >
> >
> >

Re: CS>making CS - should this be happening?

2006-04-15 Thread Sam Mureno
That sounds about right, keep taking reading 30 mins apart from now on.. Im
not familar with the CS3 generator, please tell me about your unit.


On 4/15/06, . .  wrote:
> all right, I'm kind of confused here... I just lef it running for about 60
> minutes, I take a reading using TDS meter.. and it reads 1 ppm...
> thoughts?
> >From: "Sam Mureno" 
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: CS>making CS - should this be happening?
> >Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 19:05:15 -0700
> >
> >Yes, this is normal.
> >
> >Sam
> >
> >On 4/15/06, . .  wrote:
> > >
> > > One of the silver wires in my CS3 generator turns very dark after
> 15-20
> > > minutes of operation, should this be taking place?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> > >
> > > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> > >
> > > To post, address your message to:
> > >
> > > Address Off-Topic messages to:
> > >
> > > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> > >
> > > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > >
> > >
> > >

Re: CS>making CS - should this be happening?

2006-04-15 Thread Sam Mureno
Yes, this is normal.


On 4/15/06, . .  wrote:
> One of the silver wires in my CS3 generator turns very dark after 15-20
> minutes of operation, should this be taking place?
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Nanoparticles are better

2006-03-21 Thread Sam Mureno
Hi Bob.
I use a 5000 volt NST at 60 mA and have no problems. Makes 1 quart in about
1 hour.
For more info see cg_exchange at yahoo groups. Not to many people post
nowdays but alot of info in the archives. Alot of photos and files also.


On 3/21/06, Robert Berger  wrote:
> Pat,
> I have been developing the colloidal gold process and find that the
> microwave power supply is the best route to go.
> If you use Neon sign transformers (NST) then you have to have a minimum of
> 12 kv and 90 ma of current capability or the arc is almost impossible to
> sustain.
> With the microwave power supply you have 3.5 kv which drops to about 500
> volts and less as the processs progresses and about 260 ma of current. and
> it requires less attention .
> Hope this helps.
> "Ole Bob"

Re: CS>Fwd: Help for Stirrer

2006-03-18 Thread Sam Mureno
Hi Bob.
Heres a link to it.

Half way down the page, Item no. 7, Magnetically Coupled Stir Base $35



On 3/17/06,  wrote:
> -- Forwarded message --
> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 23:09:34 EST
> Subject: Help for Stirrer
>  I looked on Web site, I must be looking in wrong place I did not See the
> magnetic stirrer
> for sale just the Teflon unit for inside brew.
> Bob

Re: CS>Fwd: Stiring CS

2006-03-14 Thread Sam Mureno
Hi Bob.
I use a mini jet pump, works well on batches 1 Gallon and over. I  use it on
my 3 gallon batches.
Google mini jet pump or see link


On 3/14/06, Robert Berger  wrote:
> Go to a garden shop and buy the smallest submergable fountain pump that
> they have.
> They make a fantastic stirrer and introduce nothing into the EIS.
> "Ole Bob"

Re: CS>Fwd: Stiring CS

2006-03-14 Thread Sam Mureno
Yes IMO.
Think about it. Your pumping air though your CS batch which contains water.
Allot of things will dissolve in water including CO2. 1% of the CO2 pumped
though your water will turn into carbonic acid. I don't know what your air
quality is like where you live but the longer your batch runs the more
contaminated your batch will be using a fish bubblier. Allot of things
affect air quality, a recently painted house can put fumes out for months,
new carpet will put fumes out for years Ive been told. The big question is
how much will the cs be tainted, I cant answer that question, to many
variables to deal with. Send a sample to Ole Bob and he can test your CS.


On 3/14/06,  wrote:
> *In a message dated 3/14/06 7:19:35 AM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> *
> A fish bubbler will inject co2 into the water and tend to produce carbonic
> acid.
> *Can you elaborate on this please?  I know a lot of people who use a fish
> bubbler while making CS.  Are you saying that the CS will be tainted?   MA
> *

Re: CS>Stiring CS ( bubbler )

2006-03-14 Thread Sam Mureno
Hi Bob.
Go back to his site and see item number 7 on the order page.


On 3/14/06, Medwith, Robert  wrote:
>  I  see the teflon stirer but not the base for sale.
> On his unit he talks about thermal stirer.
> Morning Sam,
> >> At 07:18 AM 3/14/2006, you wrote:
> Check
> Ken makes a magnetic stirrer and for the price it cant be beat. A fish
> bubbler will inject co2 into the water and tend to produce carbonic acid.
>How bad is this?   Any idea of the amount of CO2?
> I have been using the bubbler for some time and thought it to be
> acceptable.
> Always something new to distort and change our ideas..
> Wayne

Re: CS>Stiring CS ( bubbler )

2006-03-14 Thread Sam Mureno
Hi Wayne.
Alot depends on your brew time. Some people use low voltage as in 3-4 volts
and run there batch for days or even a week to produce a gallon of CS. If
your brew time is short I wouldnt worry to much. A can of soda probably has
10-20 times more carbonic acid than what you would make, but theres no
reason to mix carbonic acid in your CS solution if there are other ways to
stir. Silverpuppy has a very good solution for around 35 bucks IMO for
batches up to 1 gallon. A fish bubbler will also injet nitrogen into the
water which may or may not form nitric acid. I dont know if water will
absorb nitrogen and the voltage could also be a factor. Ole Bob knows alot
more than I do on this subject and he also does testing of CS for 15 bucks.


On 3/14/06, Wayne Fugitt  wrote:
> Morning Sam,
> >> At 07:18 AM 3/14/2006, you wrote:
> Check
> Ken makes a magnetic stirrer and for the price it cant be beat. A fish
> bubbler will inject co2 into the water and tend to produce carbonic acid.
>How bad is this?   Any idea of the amount of CO2?
> I have been using the bubbler for some time and thought it to be
> acceptable.
> Always something new to distort and change our ideas..
> Wayne

Re: CS>Fwd: Stiring CS

2006-03-14 Thread Sam Mureno
Hi Bob.
Ken makes a magnetic stirrer and for the price it cant be beat. A fish
bubbler will inject co2 into the water and tend to produce carbonic acid.


On 3/14/06,  wrote:
> -- Forwarded message --
> From:
> To:
> Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 22:35:17 EST
> Subject: Stiring CS
>  I make my CS by the gallon. would a 7 watt night light (clear bulb)
> placed next to 1 gallon
> glass container be enough to keep CS stirred. Or would I be better with a
> bubbler.
> PS  Bob Medwith and sickleave48045  are one and the same. A little humor,
> SICK LEAVE is the name of my boat (28 Marinette with twin gas guzzlers).
> If any one wants to pass any thing on about my gray face I do not mind,
> any thing to further
> the good cause (CS).
> Bob

Re: CS>CS for baldness, skin peels, raccoon attack

2006-02-28 Thread Sam Mureno
Would dmso help to get the cs to the hair folicles?


On 2/28/06, Tad Winiecki  wrote:
> >From: V
> >Subject: Re: CS>CS over dose / Gray Face
> >Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 11:56:40 -0800
> >Yeah Bob Beck used CS on his head along with a magnetic pulser  to regrow
> >his hair. One theory is that the reason we loss hail is due to micro
> >orgcanisms in the hair folicles and if you kill them the hair will grlow
> >again. its just getting the CS in the follicles that's the problem as
> they
> >are usually clogged with sebum that is like a fat and does not allow
> stuff
> >to get down in the follicle. so you have to find a way to remove that
> >first and then get the CS down in the follicles. There is one guy that I
> >herad of that used some kind of chemical peel to clear all that out and
> >then you can get at the bugs to kill them.
> V- You mention chemical peels.  I've been reading about them on the
> internet and the TCA peel claims to remove the damage from pre-cancerous
> growths, sun spots, minor wrinkles, and acne scars and then regrow newly
> structured firmer skin that is unclogged, and smoother.  I'm wondering if
> anyone on this list has had personal experience with this kind of peel.  I
> want to know how long the skin remains sensitive to sun exposure and if it
> lives up to the hype.  Would CS make a good post-peel healing agent?  I
> would suppose it would, the only problem I have with CS being it's ability
> to also kill off beneficial bacteria.
> BTW, one of my ducks was attacked by a raccoon and had a 1 x 1.5" chunk
> bitten off the back of her neck just below the skull, exposing part of the
> bone of her vertebra, and another 2 x 3" chunk taken out of her side under
> her wing.  I really didn't think she would survive but put some CS and
> salve on the wounds and a bandage on her neck.  The patch under her wing
> regrew skin and down after 4-5 weeks and the patch on her neck is partly
> regrown with skin, part still with a scab after 8 weeks, and the tissues
> regrew to cover the bones under the old scab.  Amazing.   I wish people
> could do that as well.
> Nancy
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2006-02-26 Thread Sam Mureno
Hi Group.
This came off another list, just wanted to get some opinions here,
He states he produces 70 ppm CS. What I cant understand is how running the
two jars in series works. I can understand running them in parallel but not
in series. TIA

   This is his setup in a nutshell

System' is set up with 2 - 1 quart glass mayonnaise jars with original
lids.  Each jar has 2 electrodes,which are . (certified) Canadian Maple
leaf $5 coins.  The coins are drilled w/small holes near the top, where
hangers made from .%
silver wire thread through the coins and, twisted in a cork-screw pattern
and feed out of small holes in the plastic jar lids, where
leads are attached, as never to come in direct contact w/the distilled
water. The electrodes in each jar are approx. 1.25 inches apart.
Both jars are wired in series, current must pass through one jar (coins and
water) to get to the second, before looping back to the
PS. The Power supply is a 30VDC (rated) but actually reads 35VDC on a volt
meter. The .6ma CLD (current limiting diode) is jumpered and
alligator clipped in series (for ez replacement with various rated CLDs if
needed) in the circuit to keep the current from going
over .6ma. I also have a potentiometer (variable resister - or radio volume
knob) in the circuit so I can manually control the current if I
want to.
My stirring device, which also brings oxygen into the water, theorizing the
effect of hydrogen peroxide adding oxygen to silver
water, which has been shown to keep silver particles very small, is a
modified aquarium bubbler with a air line splitter to feed both jars.

Re: CS>EIS update

2006-02-26 Thread Sam Mureno
Hi Bob.
Take a look at this site, you can e-mail attachment up to 1 GIG, then the
recipent downloads the file from a link in the e-mail from their servers..
Might work for your book also.

Sam L.

On 2/25/06, Robert Berger  wrote:
> Hi Trem, How's the health and your gold work? I am developing a new gold
> system with a stepping motor to feed the gold against a tungsten electrode.
> This article is 4 pages long.  I will scan it tomorrow and see how large
> it is, maybe for the list it could go in several installments.
> For you it could be one.
> "Ole Bob"
> *Trem * wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> I tried to get the article you mentioned but they don't have it online.
> This is the teaser.If you have it can you scan it and let us (the list)
> see it?
>   Promising Cure to URTI Pandemics, Including the Avian Flu (H5N1): Has
> the Final Solution to the Coming Plagues Been Discovered? (Part I)
> by Eric Gordon, MD and Ken Holtorf, MD
> *The intriguing virotoxic properties of oligodynamic silver hydrosol
> suggest a cure in the offing.* Fear Mongering of the Flu, Questionable
> Medical Treatment, and A Homeopathic Alternative
> by Dana Ullman, MPH
> Should we be afraid of a coming pandemic? While few guarantees exist that
> antiviral drugs or vaccines can meet the challenge, the homeopathic
> Oscillococcinum, a proven flu remedy, is a unheralded, yet effective,
> alternative.
> Trem
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Robert Berger 
> *To:* silver-list 
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 23, 2006 3:14 PM
> *Subject:* CS>EIS update
> Lister's,
> Please note "The Sharper Image" ad in USA Today of 2-22-06, for a food
> container
> that uses nano silver as a preservative.
> Also find the February- March 2006 issue of Townsend Letter for Doctors &
> Patients, as it contains a five page article on silver solution as being the
> final solution to H5N1
> Bird flu.  It has an impressive bibliography of 72 items.
> "Ole Bob"

Re: CS>Book Price

2006-01-24 Thread Sam Mureno
Hi Bob.
Have you thought of putting the book in a pdf or word format, then e-mailing
the book as an attachment. Also pay pal worked good for payment options for
those who are compilable with that.


On 1/24/06, Robert Berger  wrote:
> Greetings listers,
> The book price is $10.00 plus $1.10 postage as it weighs 3.5 ounces.
> "Ole Bob"