Hi Max
What you need is called a breadboard. They are fairly easy to use once you
understand the concept. See link. I dont know which two leads you short,
might need to experiment. A multimeter would come in handy.

hope this helps?

Sam L.

On 10/13/06, Max Sanders <mazsand...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hey V, or other helpful brethren and sistern, I should have asked about
the 3 leads too. Which 2 leads do I have to short together?   And as for
surface mounting,; do I get a circuit board at Radio Shack or somesuch to
help wire/mount?  How do I know it'll fit, take it with me and try it on?
I am pre ice-age.  Mammoth soup anyone?

*V <vzo...@yahoo.com>* wrote:

Well the ones Max had had three metal legs ( leads) they are made for
surface mounting and you haver to short two of the leads together.

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