Re: CS>ONLY IV Chelation??

2001-11-07 Thread Todd Horton

>>I also get my dental work done in Mexico.  Last year I got 6 crowns, one 
>>filling for $950.  

I would like to find out more about the dental services in Mexico.  If
this is off topic could you write me about it ?  thanks

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Re: CS>Golden Toenails

2000-09-27 Thread Todd Horton
On Tue, 26 Sep 2000 14:45:41 EDT, you wrote:

>>In a message dated 9/26/00 1:40:54 PM Central Daylight Time, 
>> writes:
>><< try alkaline minerals - plant based.  Must stay on program 30 days. >>
>>Todd:  Is this something I can get at our health food store??  And what do I 
>>ask for?
tell them you want minerals, plant based and you want to alkanlinze
your body.

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Re: CS>Golden Toenails

2000-09-26 Thread Todd Horton
On Tue, 26 Sep 2000 09:28:28 EDT, you wrote:

>>In a message dated 9/26/00 8:06:22 AM Central Daylight Time, 
>> writes:
>><< This sounds like a nutrition problem. What age group are we talking about 
>> Does he also have toenail fungus? Did the color go away?
>> Does he get relief with lotions? >>
>>DH is 46.  He has not had toenail fungusjust terrible cracking and 
>>bleeding on the bottoms of his feet.  He does not get much relief from 
>>lotions. Toenails are still a little yellow.  He wears only white socks and 
>>always keeps them clean. 

try alkaline minerals - plant based.  Must stay on program 30 days.

Todd Horton , podiatrist with lots of case histories

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Re: CS>OTMarsha-lymelists,cyst form of lyme

2000-06-21 Thread Todd Horton
On Wed, 21 Jun 2000 12:03:41 EDT, you wrote:

>>In a message dated 6/21/00 9:57:00 AM EST, writes:
>><< Rob,
>> My main "leftover" Lyme symptoms are neuro.   Tiredness, forgetfulness,
>> short term memory stuff, etc.
>> I didn't have a whole lot of inflamation to begin with.
>> Where are the burning sensations you are getting? 
>>Burning feelings on the soles of your feet can be symptomatic of B vitamin 
>>Sparrow: I am hoping you could elaborate about your last sentence. We use to 
>>take vitamin B supplements, but we stopped ~ 6 months ago. Now I have a 
>>burning sensation on the heel of my right foot. It's much worse in the 
>>morning when I wake up and stant on it for the first time, then subsides 
>>during the day, but doesn't go away entirely. Any additional thoughts?
plantar fascitis or heel spur

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Re: CS>Todd Horton/Cottage Cheese

2000-06-16 Thread Todd Horton
On Thu, 15 Jun 2000 23:11:55 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>>"Flax Oil as a True Aid against Arthritis,Heart Infarction, Cancer and
>>other diseass" page 11 flax seed oil, togther with the substance
>>which dissolves them, and that is cottage cheese.   Variousl highly
>>trained and educated individuals are dismayed and irritated by the fact
>>that serious medical conditions can be cure by cottage cheese and flax
>>seed oil." 
Its not cottage cheese which 'dissolves them' , it is what's in the

to acquire the essential fatty acids, your body still needs help to
assimilate these nutrients. In the past this dietary help was found in
cottage cheese because of its abundance in the sulphurated proteins.
This helped our bodies to digest, assimilate and utilize the essential
fatty acids. 

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Re: CS>Kawasaki/ Dotsie

2000-06-15 Thread Todd Horton
On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 23:04:10 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>>Dr. Budwig in Germany has used some simple food to cure a lot of real
>>serious medical conditions:  Cancer, diabetes, liver disease, and many
>>more.  Its quite simple:  Water soluable oil is needed to cary oxygen to
>>cells of the body so it can heal itself.  The best one is flax oil.  It
>>must be taken with cottage cheese to energize it.  Read her book, "
how does cottage cheese do this.?
>>Flaxoil as a true aid against arthritis, heart infarction, cancer and
the flaxoil I have heard of but the cheese is a new one.
>>other diseases."  Dr Johanna Budwig.  Also, in "Optimal Wellnes" by Dr
>>Ralph Golan.  These simple foods are so plain that anyone can add them
>>to their food intake with no concern.  Two tablespoons of flax oit with
>>three tablespoons of cottage cheese is all that is needed each day.  The
>>above diseases were cleared up in 3 months.  I think it would help.

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CS>need a new small piece of silver wire

2000-05-19 Thread Todd Horton
need a new small piece of silver wire

who could sell this to me ?

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Re: CS>Excessive sweating

2000-05-06 Thread Todd Horton
On Sat, 6 May 2000 09:13:09 EDT, you wrote:

>>Hello all, 
>>Anyone out there have any health tips for "excessive sweating?"  
>>Dr. Clark's work indicates that all imbalances and sickness is due to 
>>pollutants and or paraistes, as most on this list know, but I can't find 
>>anything specific, to give for advice to a friend, with an over production of 
>>sweat. Would CS also help? (Probably!) I know it can be used as a deodorant 
>>to kill odor causing germs, but how about for the root problem?
>>Thanks in advance.
>>Love, Kathy  
excess can be symptom of low zinc  (when all else has failed)

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Re: CS>Re: OT Need info on Gall Bladder cleanse Please

2000-05-03 Thread Todd Horton
On Wed, 3 May 2000 12:19:17 -0700, you wrote:

>>Several months ago, there was quite a bit of info on a gall bladder cleanse
>>involving olive oil, and lemon juice.   Does anyone still have the info
>>And has anyone who actually has gallstones actually done the cleanse?
>>Is there pain when the stones pass?
I did it a number of years ago.  I passed quite a few stones,
eliminated the pain and decided not to have the surgery.  No pain with
stone passage but do be close to the bathroom for most of the a.m.
Had the dye test before and after and it looked like no change in the
results but I am happy with the results.
>>Spent the night (shudder) at the hospital, in intense pain, guess from the
>>sound they took, I was passing a gall stone, holy cats did it HURTI
>>wondering how these stones pass during the cleanse.   However, now
>>gall bladder surgery has been suggested, and of course I'd like to avoid
>>if I can.
>>Feel free to e-mail at   so the list isn't tied up
>>with off topic stuff.

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Re: CS>Re: possible VERY, VERY cheap ozonator plans?

2000-04-03 Thread Todd Horton
On Mon, 3 Apr 2000 01:30:43 EDT, you wrote:

>>Joe G,
>>It was suggested by a friend that one could use the filament and fixture for 
>>a mercury gas type pole light as a cheap ozonator.  Any thoughts from the 
From my save folder..

Go get a mercury vapor yard light.  I think you can get a complete
ballast, bulb and all for about 20 bucks at most of the home
stores.  Break the OUTER envelope of the bulb, but do not damage the
inner bulb.  The small bulb is the actual Mercury vapor lamp.  Fire
'er up, and
you'll have a copious source of UV radiation, guaranteed to blister
eyeballs in a few seconds, (seriously!) or sunburn your skin in just a
minutes.  Enclose the lamp in a light-tight box, and arrange for a
small fan to
blow air through the box.  Voila`! Instant Ozone!  (Also erases Eproms

Ralph   W5JGV

ICQ  8514638
Home of the Rife Biomedical Research Web Ring

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Re: CS>Another use?

1999-07-09 Thread Todd Horton
On Fri, 9 Jul 1999 09:27:50 -0700, you wrote:

>>Has anyone had any success with CS on psoriasis?  Mine is flaring up 
>> again after years of dormancy, and I'm really at a loss.

psoriasis is a colon problem.   Psoriasis is handled fairly well with
homeopathics but if you want to stop it you must use a colon cleanser.
>>Dear Liz, My Massage Therapist has Psoriasis, and has used CS for several 
>> years since I first introduced her to it. CS doesn`t stop hers, as the 
>> condition seems to be caused by several factors other than an infectious 
>> organism. She has gotten rid of hers by eliminating meat from her diet. She 
>> ate meat at a family get-together recently and Boom! back came the 
>> psoriasis! 
>>I`ll ask her if she has done anything else, and will let you know.
>>She isn`t online, or she`d be on the Silverlist, too!

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Re: CS>kills all ?

1999-06-30 Thread Todd Horton
On Wed, 30 Jun 1999 21:46:43 +1200, you wrote:

>>> Does this mean that the use of silver killing everything else could
>>> result in the overgrowth of the above organisms ?
>>Perhaps, but that pre-supposes that one is infected with these
>>organisms in the first place, and gives no role to the immune system.
this happens in medicine every day.  
>>An overgrowth of any organism must surely be the result of a
>>compromised internal terrain, for whatever reason. As opposed to
or very virulent organism strain. or no other organisms competing for
the same interal terrain.

>>becoming infected, by the introduction of a pathogen, through
>>ingestion or being bitten by a tick or mosquito, etc.
not being alert to or concerned with an overgrowth will get you a
lawsuit for sure.

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Re: CS>kills all ?

1999-06-29 Thread Todd Horton
On Wed, 30 Jun 1999 00:02:09 +1200, you wrote:

>>I would be very surprised if CS killed all bacteria, fungus, protozoa,
>>yeasts, and viruses. Even in swimming pools copper ions are required
>>in addition to silver ions to control fungus.
>>Here is a list of pathogens documented to be resistant to silver.
>>"Citrobacter Freundii
>>Enterobacter Cloacae
>>Enterobacteriaceae (some strains)
>>Escherichia Coli (some strains)
>>Klebsiella Pneumoniae
>>P. Stutzeri (some strains)
>>Proteus Mirabilis
>>Vegetative B. Cereus Spores."
>>Silver is good, but lets not start believing our own propaganda.
>>Regards - Ivan.
Does this mean that the use of silver killing everything else could
result in the overgrowth of the above organisms ?

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Re: CS>Re: Re: CSSuccessful uses

1999-06-29 Thread Todd Horton
On Tue, 29 Jun 99  5:55:19 PST, you wrote:

>>Yes, I actually use CS as a deodorant.  Simply pour some in your hands and 
>>rub it under your arms - viola!  It kills the bacteria which cause the 
>>unpleasant odors when you sweat.  I've been using it exclusively for several 
>>weeks, even while doing yardwork in 90+ degree heat - no problems.  Only 
>>limitation that I have found is it only works for about one day, and then 
>>look out nose!  Also, it is not an effective antiperspirant.

think I will pour some in my shoes !
>>Give it a try over a weekend or such to see if it works for you, and please 
>>let me or the list know your findings!
>>>Hi, Please explain the deordorant substitute---Are you saying to use CS for
>>>deodorant? Or do you add it to something?  Thank you, Kathy in GA

I thought that I would share the successes that I've had with CS.  If you
>>>remember, I treated my Lyme's crippled dog with CS and saw complete recovery
>>>within hours.  Friends and co-workers came running for some as word spread,
>>>and I freely distribute it to those who ask for some in exchange for updates
>>>on their miscellaneous uses and recoveries.  Here are those successes noted
>>>since mid-April (all with 20 ppm concentrations):

* Lyme's disease
* Various cold sores/fever blisters
* Herpes (STD) sores
* Urinary tract infection
* Jock itch
* Various colds
* Sore throat
* Mild eczema
* Insect bites
* Cracked corners of mouth
* Bleeding gums
* Deodorant substitute
* Conjunctivitis
* Yeast infection

I will keep the list updated periodically with any new uses as they become
>>>known to me.


Dragonfly (aka "medicine man" at work :)

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Re: CS>questions

1999-06-26 Thread Todd Horton
On Sat, 26 Jun 1999 13:05:22 -0500, you wrote:

>>Yes the color was a very light gold, it looked clear except for those black
>>thing that had come of the electrodes, I did switch the current about every
what is the 'black thing' anyway ?

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