On Wed, 30 Jun 1999 21:46:43 +1200, you wrote:

>>> Does this mean that the use of silver killing everything else could
>>> result in the overgrowth of the above organisms ?
>>Perhaps, but that pre-supposes that one is infected with these
>>organisms in the first place, and gives no role to the immune system.
this happens in medicine every day.  
>>An overgrowth of any organism must surely be the result of a
>>compromised internal terrain, for whatever reason. As opposed to
or very virulent organism strain. or no other organisms competing for
the same interal terrain.

>>becoming infected, by the introduction of a pathogen, through
>>ingestion or being bitten by a tick or mosquito, etc.
not being alert to or concerned with an overgrowth will get you a
lawsuit for sure.

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