Re: CS>topic of being hot was/now thyroid-adrenals

2007-02-27 Thread bs clayton
This is very true. What is more, if you have any kind
of fungal infection, the steroids will cause the mold
to grow out of control, and boy you really don't want

Bioset makes some supportive herb and enzyme
supplements that made a big difference for me, they
don't cause any harm either, and can help a great
deal. They also have a line of vegan products, which
suits me.

I had all those symptoms but they were caused by mold
overgrowth inside my body- after the antifungals,
supplements and probiotics to fix it, all those
bothersome temperature symptoms went away by

I've been treating my thyroid (self treating) for
almost 2-1/2 years 
now.  The group Sol mentions below was a life-saver
for me and I still 
recommend it, but there is one thing I would say
differently from them. 
You should be very, very careful about treating your
adrenals. The 
standard medical treatment for it is hydrocortisone,
also recommended 
by What most people don't realize is
that 'treating your thyroid alone', ultimately repairs
your adrenals. If you feel you need additional
support, there are alternative adrenal treatments that
are not addicting and will help without doing any
damage.  Raw adrenal extracts or even a short term of
pharmaceutical grade pregnenolone for instance. Both
of which are over the counter or on the internet.  I
used pregnenolone and it seemed to do the trick for me.


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Re: CS>Re: Vitamin C and Salt Protocol warning - liver function

2007-02-25 Thread bs clayton
Dear Duncan,

I also would like a copy of the article:

Thank you very much.


Duncan Crow wrote:
> I have a liver function article scanned in from a
book by a Great 
> Smokies Labs founder; email me (anyone) for it and
start to 
> balance and support your liver's detoxification
function and your 
> immune system properly.
> I think the only thing the article got wrong was
mentioning oral 
> glutathione as a supplement, which doesn't work, and
mentioning n-
> acetylcysteine as the alternative for glutathione
> although it is rapidly hydrolysed into free
cysteine, a toxin, so 
> is only marginally useful in an emergency.
Undenatured whey, 
> selenium and lipoic acid are useful glutathione
promoters but I 
> don't recall them being mentioned together.


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CS>GENERAL COMMENT: Marine Kelps (seaweed)/ kelp

2007-02-16 Thread bs clayton
Forwarded Message
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 18:10:29 -0500

Subject: CS>GENERAL COMMENT: Marine Kelps (seaweed)/

How about if someone is allergic to seafood such as
lobster, shrimp 
etc, any thoughts on that?


Well, yes, I was told as a child not to eat any
seafood, but I could eat seaweed, that was ok, it was
the only seafood I could eat.

It seems that crustaceans and shellfish actually have
histamine in them and can cause severe allergic
symptoms in many people.

Some people that are sensitive to molds or candida
find that they do better when they stay away from
algaes such as kelp as well.



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Re: CS>athlete's foot

2006-12-21 Thread bs clayton
Hi, Rex, 

Yes I mean one application did it for my husband, and
I put it on full strength. If that is too strong for
you, you could dilute it a little.  I also sprayed it
around the yard on various rotting tree stumps that
were stinking and *really* bothering my allergies, and
it knocked all that fungus down too, but that came
back. I'll start spraying them again in the spring


Thu, 21 Dec 2006 13:12:14 -0600
From: "xer" 
Re: CS>athlete's foot

  Hello, I am very interested in this, when you
say cured, do you 
mean that the vinegar was used on one occasion(maybe
for a week each day) and then after that the athletes
foot never came back after a long time? 
- Original Message -
From: "bs clayton" 
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 11:27 AM
Subject: CS>athlete's foot

> Barb,
> try using white vinegar on a cotton ball. This has
> cured my husbands very bad case, and I heard it from
> other people using it. WHite vinegar  is an
> topical antifungal.
> You can also use CS, if you have any- I have not
> it for that, but it should work.
> Kathryn

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CS>athlete's foot

2006-12-21 Thread bs clayton

try using white vinegar on a cotton ball. This has
cured my husbands very bad case, and I heard it from 
other people using it. WHite vinegar  is an excellent
topical antifungal.

You can also use CS, if you have any- I have not tried
it for that, but it should work.


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CS>re: my batch

2006-12-17 Thread bs clayton
I pickle jar it is! I just happened to find one empty
in the fridge last night, so that's on for my next
batch. Thanks.


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Re: CS>RE: floaters in the eyes

2006-12-17 Thread bs clayton
I find curcumin to be cited as giving yellow color to
Turmeric. So it's turmuric you need to be taking, not

Now I found a site listing curcumin in ginger, but
there is a heck of a lot more in turmuric.

Just thought it was worth a mention. BTW, I am saving
your post to my remedies file, thanks.


Curcumin Treating eye disorders

Curcumin is apparently more than your typical kitchen
spice. It's the 
substance that gives ginger its yellowish colour, and
it has been 
implicated in the treatment of certain eye diseases
and conditions. One of those is known as chronic
anterior UVEITIS (CAU), an inflammatory condition of

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Re: CS>question on my new batch

2006-12-15 Thread bs clayton
Thanks, Dan,

That is why I am using a potentiometer instead of a
diode, so I can play with the current. I am trying to
keep my messing around to just 1 or 2 variables at a
time, mostly one, so I can see what happens when I
change it. I started out using 4 9V batteries, with no
current limiter, and was unsatisfied with the results.
I had to watch it carefully, which was fine, but then
I decided it would be better to not have the yellow
stream of particles floating towards the electrode- to
keep it smaller, that is. It does look very cool,

I appreciate your explanation.

If you have current limiting, then the current cannot
go above this set 

If you limit the current to a very small amount, it
will take longer to 
get a particular 
concentration (ppm) of CS for a particular size
container, compared to 
a batch made with a higher 
current limit setting.

The higher the current limit setting, the longer it
will take for the 
reaction to reach the point of 
the current limit.  This is the reason for increasing
the voltage, one 
reason for increasing the 
electrode area, and the reason for moving the
electrodes closer 
together.  Any one of these three 
changes will make the initial current higher and
therefore the cell 
will reach the current limit 
point faster.  After reaching the current limit point,
it will not be 
able to go any faster.

With very low currents like .2 and .3 ma, with the
types of electrodes 
and spacing we usually use, 
the current level is reached very quickly and there is
no way to 
decrease the amount of time it 
takes to make the CS without increasing the current
limit value.

The best way to make the process go faster is to do
any or all of these 
things but especially to 
increase the current limit setting.  You can also
spike the initial 
distilled water with previously 
made CS as well.

The electrode surface area determines how high a value
you might want 
to use for a current limit. 
Generally your stirring method will relate to how high
a current level 
you will want to use.  With 
really good stirring, you can use much higher

Any one of these methods involve certain tradeoffs.


bs clayton wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. I was making a quart, and the
> current varied a little bit between .2 and .3, it
> seems to me the average was .23mA- I can't find my
> production not

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Re: CS>question on my new batch

2006-12-15 Thread bs clayton
Dear Sam,

Thanks, that does help. Thermal stirring is the only
game in this house at the moment. I kinda like to do
things myself, and this is better than nothing. Maybe
it will work better with the electrodes spaced a
little farther apart. It is nice to get the info about
how many square inches I have submerged, I had not
figured that out yet.

Thanks for the offer of the Faraday calculator, but I
am not set up for excel, I am running a standard imac
with only the mac software for now. I can do the calcs
fine, though, it is a simple formula when the current
stays constant.
Hi Kathryn
The first batch was OK but you didn't run it long
enough. I would estimate 24-30 hours using .23 mA per
quart with electrode spacing at 2 inches. Using 1 mA
would take 6-8 hours (estimated)

Thermal stirring doesn't work well with quart batches
unless its a short fat jar, the stirring action is
only good for 4-5 inches upward. Although It might
work well with low current and electrode spacing of 2
inches. Most of my experimentation has been done with
electrode spacing of 1.5 inches or less. 

10.5 inches of 10 gauge wire is about 3 square inches
of total electrode so your safe up to 1.5-2 mA of
current if you want to go that high but I suspect you
will need a better stirrer or a short glass like a
pint jar. You could bend your electrodes in a u shape
to fit the height or the jar if needed.

Tyndall effect shows particles, not ions. Most lvdc
generators produce 80-85% ions and the rest particles.
If your using a laser to show Tyndall effect you want
to see a smooth Tyndall effect, not a real grainy
looking one with big sparkles with them.  More
important though is if the cs stays clear after a day
or two. If it goes off color like yellow or gray-gold
then the particle size has increased. 

Hope that helps.
I have a nice Faraday calculator built into and excel
speadsheet if your interested. 

Sam L.

On 12/14/06, bs clayton  wrote:
Thanks for the reply. I was making a quart, and the
current varied a little bit between .2 and .3, it
seems to me the average was .23mA- I can't find my
production notes, just my calc, and that is what I
wrote in the formula. The electrodes are fine silver 
wire 10 gauge, 5& 1/4 inches submerged, spacing is 2
inches. I am using a Frito bean dip can to hold the
light  similar to what you described.

I think what I'm going to do next is use half of what
I made before, and fill it up with distilled water,
then crank it up to 1mA, see if it goes faster this
time- and what I end up with ppm-wise.

I read some discussion of particle size being related
to Tyndall effect, and when I started the Tyndall was 
what I used to tell if it was ok. Now maybe that means
the particles are larger? Is there a consensus about
whether Tyndall is important in making this stuff? I
was trying to keep the particle size down, and the 
other stuff to a minmum (silver oxides and like that).


Hi Kathryn.
I dont know if this got posted to the list or not so I
will repost. 

Need more info. What size batch are we taking about?
What was the current .2-,3 or ,275 mA? What are you
using for Electrodes and what size. Whats the spacing
on the electrodes.
At .275 mA I would run the batch 24 hours per quart 
with electrode spacing of 1.5 inch's using a total of
12 inch's of 12 gauge wire (6 inch's per electrode)..

If you take a peanut can , drill a one inch hole in
the top center and a one inch hole in the side, put 
the light bulb in the hole in the side and the cs on
top, this will work good on a short glass jar. The
thermal stirring wont go above 5 inch's or so.

The batches I make = 50 ppm or so on the Faraday
calculations but some of the silver is left on the 
electrodes or on the glass container. The cs stays
clear most of the time.

Faraday calculations work but their are many of other
factors involved to produce a good CS. Stirring is
very important as is current control per sq inch of 
electrodes. Ode from silver puppy sells a magnetic
stirrer of which has solved many of my problems,

I have used very low current before with somewhat good
results. I prefer to use 1 mA of current per 12 inch's

of 12 or 14 gauge wire or .5mA per square inch of
total wet electrodes.

Hope this helps.

Sam L.

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Re: CS>question on my new batch

2006-12-14 Thread bs clayton
Thanks for the reply. I was making a quart, and the
current varied a little bit between .2 and .3, it
seems to me the average was .23mA- I can't find my
production notes, just my calc, and that is what I
wrote in the formula. The electrodes are fine silver
wire 10 gauge, 5& 1/4 inches submerged, spacing is 2
inches. I am using a Frito bean dip can to hold the
light  similar to what you described.

I think what I'm going to do next is use half of what
I made before, and fill it up with distilled water,
then crank it up to 1mA, see if it goes faster this
time- and what I end up with ppm-wise.

I read some discussion of particle size being related
to Tyndall effect, and when I started the Tyndall was
what I used to tell if it was ok. Now maybe that means
the particles are larger? Is there a consensus about
whether Tyndall is important in making this stuff? I
was trying to keep the particle size down, and the
other stuff to a minmum (silver oxides and like that).


Hi Kathryn.
I dont know if this got posted to the list or not so I
will repost.

Need more info. What size batch are we taking about?
What was the current .2-,3 or ,275 mA? What are you
using for Electrodes and what size. Whats the spacing
on the electrodes. 
At .275 mA  I would run the batch 24 hours per quart
with electrode spacing of 1.5 inch's using a total of
12 inch's of 12 gauge wire (6 inch's per electrode)..

If you take a peanut can , drill a one inch hole in
the top center and a one inch hole in the side, put
the light bulb in the hole in the side and the cs on
top, this will work good on a short glass jar. The
thermal stirring wont go above 5 inch's or so.

The batches I make = 50 ppm or so on the Faraday
calculations but some of the silver is left on the
electrodes or on the glass container. The cs stays
clear most of the time. 

Faraday calculations work but their are many of other
factors involved to produce a good CS. Stirring is
very important as is current control per sq inch of
electrodes. Ode from silver puppy sells a magnetic
stirrer of which has solved many of my problems, 

I have used very low current before with somewhat good
results. I prefer to use 1 mA of current per 12 inch's
of 12 or 14 gauge wire or .5mA per square inch of
total wet electrodes. 

Hope this helps.

Sam L.

On 12/7/06, bs clayton  wrote:
I am looking for some input on this new batch I did. I
changed 2 of the parameters, adding a light bulb under
the jar as a thermal stirrer, and I lowered the
current to .2-.3 mA.


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CS>re: bone

2006-12-07 Thread bs clayton
Sorry I left out some info- I guess I got too excited.
I use a quart jar, The electrodes are 10 gauge fine
silver, spacing is 2", with 4&7/8" under water. I used
a Fritos bean dip can to put the lite in, and I think
it did warm the bottom a little, it should have been
enough to set up a slow thermal convection. After 5
hours the electrodes were a little grey, so I wiped
them and switched the poles, then shut it off after 9
hours. The current varied slightly between 260
microamps and 300 microamps, so  .275 sounds close
enough to me for an estimate.

Thanks for the advice,  kathryn

Hi Kathryn
Need more info. What size batch are we taking about?
What was the current .2-,3 or ,275 mA? What are you
using for Electrodes and what size. Whats the spacing
on the electrodes. 
At .275 mA  I would run the batch 24 hours per quart
with electrode spacing of 1.5 inch's using a total of
12 inch's of 12 gauge wire (6 inch's per electrode)..

If you take a peanut can , drill a one inch hole in
the top center and a one inch hole in the side, put
the light bulb in the hole in the side and the cs on
top, this will work good on a short glass jar. The
thermal stirring wont go above 5 inch's or so.

The batches I make = 50 ppm or so on the Faraday
calculations but some of the silver is left on the
electrodes or on the glass container. The cs stays
clear most of the time. 

Faraday calculations work but their are many of other
factors involved to produce a good CS. Stirring is
very important as is current control per sq inch of
electrodes. Ode from silver puppy sells a magnetic
stirrer of which has solved many of my problems, 

I have used very low current before with somewhat good
results. I prefer to use 1 mA of current per 12 inch's
of 12 or 14 gauge wire or .5mA per square inch of
total wet electrodes. 

Hope this helps.

Sam L. 

On 12/7/06, bs clayton  wrote:
I am looking for some input on this new batch I did. I
changed 2 of the parameters, adding a light bulb under
the jar as a thermal stirrer, and I lowered the
current to .2-.3 mA.

So I have a 27V battery (3 nines)  hooked up in series

with a potentiometer and a multimeter, with the jar
now sitting atop a clear xmas light bulb, I ran it for
9 hours, wiping the electrodes off once and switching
the polarity once, just for kicks. It had a faint 
Tyndall effect when I turned it off.

According to my Faraday calculations, it should be
8.33 ppm. BUT it has no Tyndall effectnow, after
sitting overnight, which every other batch I have made
has had, but those batches were at 4 mA, not .275 mA. 
So I am missing my visual cue. Are the calculations
real? Is this stuff strong enough to use?

By the way, the water was really good, no conductivity
at all that I could measure with my ohm meter. And
this is my first try with very low current. 


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CS>re: bone

2006-12-07 Thread bs clayton
Osiyo Oginali!
Hello My Friends!

Sorry, I can't. It is anecdotal, from a friend of mine
from India (it is a traditional remedy from his home),
who healed his daughter after a car accident; also
others here have used it and the drs look at the xray
and wonder where the break used to be.

Curcumin (sp?) is one of the active ingredients that
have been studied, but I have not looked it up.

I have never heard of Turmeric (the spice) healing
cartilage and bones. 
you please back this one up with documentation?.

I have used Turmeric for many years as an
anti-inflammatory for my 
arthritis. I buy it bulk and put in 'O' size capsules
and take two 
500 mg's) twice daily. It reduces the painful grating
and finger 
effect in my hands.

Staya Udanvti


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CS>question on my new batch

2006-12-07 Thread bs clayton
I am looking for some input on this new batch I did. I
changed 2 of the parameters, adding a light bulb under
the jar as a thermal stirrer, and I lowered the
current to .2-.3 mA.

So I have a 27V battery (3 nines)  hooked up in series
with a potentiometer and a multimeter, with the jar
now sitting atop a clear xmas light bulb, I ran it for
9 hours, wiping the electrodes off once and switching
the polarity once, just for kicks. It had a faint
Tyndall effect when I turned it off.

According to my Faraday calculations, it should be
8.33 ppm. BUT it has no Tyndall effectnow, after
sitting overnight, which every other batch I have made
has had, but those batches were at 4 mA, not .275 mA.
So I am missing my visual cue. Are the calculations
real? Is this stuff strong enough to use?

By the way, the water was really good, no conductivity
at all that I could measure with my ohm meter. And
this is my first try with very low current.



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CS>conductivity meter

2006-12-07 Thread bs clayton
I found a Hi PWT meter for 58.00 (on Silvergen) - is
that a good price? Some other place I found is charing
nearly 100 bucks for the same thing. I could not find
this meter on the Hanna Inst website- don't know why
that is.

there is a very cool one that also checks pH, but I
finally decided it would be too much of a hassle to
get all the calibration solutions and fuss around with
it, when pH paper is easy to get and use.

gratefully,   Kathryn


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2006-12-06 Thread bs clayton
Turmuric is an effective healer of bones and
cartilage. The remedy is to take one teaspoon in a
glass of warm whole milk (or 2%) at bedtime. It needs
some fat to work. If you don't drink milk, you could
try full fat soymilk or something like that.

After a couple of weeks, it is hard to tell there was
a break.


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CS>Re: milk substitutes

2006-11-30 Thread bs clayton
I also like almond milk on occassion, but mostly I
drink Rice Dream. I use soymilk for baking, as the
protein in it holds up much better in cakes etc, and I
use no eggs or dairy. I really don't like drinking
soymilk, but it works in cooking.



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Re: CS>Budwig diet revision- inulin

2006-11-30 Thread bs clayton
from Wikipedia:

Inulin is indigestible by the human enzymes ptyalin
and amylase, which are designed to digest starch. As a
result, inulin passes through much of the digestive
system intact. It is only in the colon that bacteria
metabolise inulin, with the release of significant
quantities of carbon dioxide and/or methane.
Inulin-containing foods can be rather gassy,
particularly for those unaccustomed to inulin, and
these foods should be consumed in moderation at first.
However, given some time, most people can adapt to
consuming fairly high levels of inulin without side

Inulin is not broken down into simple sugars
(monosaccharides) by normal digestion, so it does not
elevate blood sugar levels, hence, helping diabetics
regulate blood sugar levels.

Inulin is also a highly effective prebiotic,
stimulating the growth of beneficial probiotic
bacteria in the gut. As mentioned, inulin passes
through the stomach and duodenum undigested and is
highly available to the gut bacterial flora. This
contrasts with proprietary probiotic formulations
based on yogurt or milk in which the bacteria have to
survive very challenging conditions through the
gastrointestinal tract before they are able to
colonize the gut.

Some traditional diets contain up to 20g per day of
inulin or oligofructose. Many foods naturally high in
inulin or oligofructose, such as chicory, garlic, and
leek, have been seen as "stimulants of good health"
for centuries (Full study of PubMed 10395609).

Inulin can be found in commerically available products
such as Fibersure from the Makers of Metamucil.
Fibersure is a fiber supplement powder that can be
added to foods or beverages without changing the taste
or texture. It performs well in cooking and baking
applications and can be an easy way to add additional
fiber to the diet through foods and drinks.

Inulin is also used in medical tests to measure the
total amount of extracellular volume and determine the
function of the kidneys ([Reference: MedlinePlus Drug

Natural sources of inulin

Plants that contain high concentrations of inulin

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

Wild Yam (Dioscorea spp.)

Jerusalem artichokes (Helianthus tuberosus)

Chicory (Cichorium intybus)

Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus)

Burdock (Arctium lappa)

Onion (Allium cepa)

Garlic (Allium sativum)

Agave (Agave spp


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2006-11-28 Thread bs clayton
Around these parts, the water sold by the co-ops in
bulk is nearly all RO water, and this is also true of
many  bottled waters. However, the primary water
quality is important, since, as you point out, the
purity of the water is dependent on where they set the

Minneapolis water is from the Mississippi, and has
many impurities, ranging from Thallium to the more
usual halo-chlorides (the side products of
chlorination?), and the never discussed radioactivity
from the nuclear power plant.  Some of these will not
come out with filtration entirely, but a good charcoal
filter will catch even some radioactive elements-
everything seems to stick to activated charcoal.

The local water in my town is well water, and has some
residual contamination (like many major railroad
sites) from creosote that basically has phenols in the
water that a chemist told me a good RO filter would
take out if I bought one (which I could not afford).

I can taste the difference in the various sources of
the different co-ops purified water. I believe the
mpls water is maybe the worst, but it tastes the best
to me! Go figure, personal taste. I keep buying
distilled, which is sometimes steam distilled.

When I tried to use my filtered tap water (carbon
block etc) to make CS, it bubbled up in a hurry- it
was pretty funny. Way too many solids to use
internally, but maybe I could try it for cleaning the
basement or something.

I can imagine the Vit E is a good antioxidant, but why
the selenium?


Debbie said,
> so would RO water be just as good? <

If you cannot find steam distilled water, RO water
will work, but your CS will probably not be clear. If
you are forced to make/drink cloudy CS, simply add a
50 mcg. tablet (capsule is better) of selenium, plus
400-800 I.U.s of Vit E daily to your diet.

If you own your own RO unit, you can set it to maximum
filtering (it uses a porous membrane) and it will
remove most or possibly all minerals from your water.
If you buy the RO water, you are stuck with whatever
the vendors set their RO machine at, which is rarely
at the same level as steam distillation.

Still, I'd rather drink RO CS and take some
supplements than go without it.

Terry Chamberlin


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CS>cottage cheese substitute

2006-11-25 Thread bs clayton
If it is a sulfurated protien you want, you could try
hummos. I find that hummos is very sulferous, and a
good protein.

Other proteins are mock duck which is made from wheat
protein, and is available from chinese groceries.

In answer to your question about a cottage cheese

2.  Those who are knowledgeable in the mentioned
protocol say that when flax seed oil is properly mixed
with sulfurated protein (cottage cheese or quark) even
people who are lactose intolerant seem to do fine
because it is a  new compound that acts differently on
the system. 




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Re: CS>question on reactions - steroids

2006-11-25 Thread bs clayton
I should add that steroids increase fungal growth, and
will make any fungal infection worse. And since that
is mostly what is in vogue for drs to prescribe these
days for asthma, you might imagine that asthma rates
would be worse.

When I was a child, the drs in my area did not
prescribe steroids for this purpose, it was considered
irresponsible since they have such a broad action on
the body, and it was unknown what other unintended
effects they would have.

However, what is decided to be in the best interest
for the public's health is usually not what is in the
best interest of the individual. It is not the same



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Re: CS>question on reactions - Asthma Testimonials

2006-11-25 Thread bs clayton
Dear Nancy,

Thanks for the link. 

As far as what I am making, it is reasonably good, my
reactions, in my opinion, speak much more to where I
have been healthwise. I was homebound with severe
lifethreatening allergic reactions that the drs could
not figure out for the longest time, so of course,
they thought it was in my head since they could not
figure it out. Even though it was repeatable, could be
stimulated by exposure to offending substances.

Turned out to be massive fungal infection, all over
the place. A very astute allergist (I had to travel to
see him) gave me diflucan, which started me on the
road back to health after the most horrible detox. I
took it for almost 2 years, maybe 1 year and a half,
with periodic check ups to test liver functions and
allergic responses.

It turns out that Mayo clinic discovered that 98% of
all sinus infections are due to fungal organisms. The
same guy found that his asthma patients were imporving
when on antifungals too. So there is a fungal link
with asthma in some people, I am one of them.

My current theory is this: I grew up in an area where
Valley Fever is endemic. practically everyone is
exposed to this growing up and a cerain subset of
these end up with asthma. VF is a fungal infection.
coccidiomycosis or something like that.

I appreciate all the info on this that I can find,


I can't help but wonder about the quality of your CS. 
How are you 

Go to
Lots of testimonials about asthma after the explantion
of what asthma 

>I am not able to tolerate using much cs at once, in
> addition, I am not able to tolerate the colored cs I
> made, only the clear solution, n small amts.
> When I take too much, I have asthma symptoms, when I
> take less, I get really thirsty is all.
> Anybody else get rid of asthma or other allergies
> CS?
> I have only found one reference to it, and it was
> oblique.
> Kathryn


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CS>question on reactions

2006-11-24 Thread bs clayton
I am not able to tolerate using much cs at once, in
addition, I am not able to tolerate the colored cs I
made, only the clear solution, n small amts.

When I take too much, I have asthma symptoms, when I
take less, I get really thirsty is all.

Anybody else get rid of asthma or other allergies with

I have only found one reference to it, and it was



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RE: CS>cs generator questions

2006-11-24 Thread bs clayton
Dear Peter,

It says 150 on it, but it is 2 x 75 ohm units on top
of each other. When I check it with my multimeter, it
says 90 ohms each, so it is actually 180 ohms, not
150.  However, I buy my parts at a surplus store, so
they might not be the top of the line. I have it
hooked up to only one part, so it would be a 90 ohm
potentiometer (variable resistor).

I got a diagram from  somewhere on a current
controlled set up, and went from that. It called for a
100K potentiometer, which you can adjust to control
the current. In the diagram, you just hook it up in
series. So that is what I do, and it works fine, I get
a much better product, but it takes a little more
time, which is fine by me, maybe an extra 30 mintues
per quart, max.



What is the rating of your variable resistor? If I can
have that 
I can search to find one.  Thank you



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CS>cs generator questions

2006-11-22 Thread bs clayton
"Also I know this may be a stupid question but I'd
rather sound stupid than remain ignorant. How do I
know when the batteries need changing. How long do
they last?
Many thanks for all the help.Kirsteen"

There are no stupid questions. A Voltmeter reads
volts, but a multimeter is so much more useful. The
batteries last  a long time. I don't know how long. I
have not run out yet.  

So if you get a multimeter you can keep track of many
parameters of this process, which I like to do. Mine
cost about 30 dollars, and can measure Volts, Ohms,
and Amperes, among other things. You would want one
that can measure amps down to a few milliamps, so you
can check your current strength. If you have fun with
this, you can get a variable resistor (mine was cheap,
under a dollar, I forget how much) in the correct
range, and can set it to keep the current under a set
level, which you can measure with the multimeter
gadget. It just gets attached in series with the wires
with the clips on the ends, and if you have the meter
hooked up in series also, you can read what is going
on. It is really fun.



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2006-11-20 Thread bs clayton
This is the site I used for instructions:

there is a wealth of info here,  I think the generator
instructions are listed under generators.


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CS>CS generator

2006-11-19 Thread bs clayton
This is a reply to the person who was not up to making
a unit. That is fine, but it is so easy, it is almost
a no brainer to make a simple battery unit. Then it
only takes an hour or so to make a liter, you have to
watch it the last 20 minutes fairly carefully to see
the ions coming off the silver so you can see when to

The only part that was  harder was getting the fine
silver wire, which was readily available, but I had to
get it from a jewelry supply store, instead of the
corner hardware store.

I just thought I would encourage you. Also, someone
posted a note saying there are people here on the
group that might put one together for you too.



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2006-11-14 Thread bs clayton
Au Contraire, 

I have allergic fungal sinusitis, diagnosed by an
official MD, that was treated for years with oral low
dose diflucan. That helped enormously. However, I have
switched to CS since I have heard of it, and it is
working wonders. I put it in an old nose spray bottle,
and I spray it in several times a day when I am
bothered. It really works well, and clears up my nose
in record time.

I started with buying sovereign silver, then started
making my own with a battery set up.



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CS>monitoring conductivity

2006-11-12 Thread bs clayton
Thank you very much for this discussion. I do not have
an LED on my set up, just batteries, multimeter, and
silver all hooked up with wires. Inspired by this
info, I set out to discover what the current is on the
various waters. I took a tall narrow vase to use as
the container, since it would keep the electrodes
covered at the same level.  The voltage was constant
at 32.7 V DC.

First I measured my tap water93.0 mA
Walgreens distilled.0.5
Glenwood distilled..0.44
CSnew batch clear...3.0
CS kc's batch..2.3
CS gold4.0 and
CS gold, cleared with H2O2...3.8 and steady
CSold batch clear..3.8

In some of these batches, the current is steady, but
in others it is not, it continues to rise by a .01
every second or 2. 

The new batch of clear CS was brewed for 2 hours, 1
quart, started with 32V dc, had the potentiometer set
at about 3.0, but it crept up over time to 3.3 mA.

How can I relate this current to conductivity, and to
ppm? It is obvious that as the conductivity (and the
ppm) rises, so does the current.  And I suspect that
the rise in current in the gold colored CS is due to
the strong nature of the solution.

Any ideas what I have made as far as ppm? I don't have
excel, so I can't use that handy program online. From
what others have posted here, it may be 18ppm, or
something like that.




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CS>re: definitions

2006-11-11 Thread bs clayton
Thanks. Now I get it. It is backwards, in a way.


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2006-11-11 Thread bs clayton
I have a multimeter connected to the electrodes, so I
can see things like the voltage dropping, and check
the amps, which with the potentiometer I have hooked
up in series is around 4.7mA. I graphed the voltage
drop for one batch I cooked for 4 hours, and it was a
pretty consistent line.

With the Pot. hooked up, the brew does not deteriorate
much over time, which is how I ended up letting that
one batch go for 4 hours for 500ml. No mud, it stayed
clear. Is there a snazzy way of telling more about the
process and where we are in it with the multimeter?

Does this conductivity meter have a name? or a brand?
I have seen the Hanna TDS meters online. I want to put
it on my Christmas list.

   You can't really use time alone to predict PPM.
  Only slightly purer water can make a really big
difference to get to 
the same stopping point

Best bet is to get a conductivity meter
  Next best , a PPM/TDS meter
Or even just an volt meter [multi meter ]

"Some" way to tell where you are in the process.



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2006-11-10 Thread bs clayton
When I was in school,  cations were the positively
charged ions in a rxn, anions were the negative.
Similarly, I thought the cathode was the plus side of
the battery, the anode the minus side.

So I looked it up in my World Book, and it says, and I

"cathode, noun. 
1. a negatively charged electrode. In an electrolytic
cell or electron tube, electrons flow from the cathode
to the anode. The filament in most vacuum tubes is a
2. the positive terminal of a battery or cell that
sends out current. The carbon electrode in a dry cell
is the cathode. Also, kathode. "

This must mean the same thing, but since I am only now
having my coffee, it looks different.

To recap, the plus side is the cathode, the electrons
stream out from it, and the anode collects them back
up, and is the minus side.

Is this right?  Kathryn


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2006-10-11 Thread bs clayton
One of my family has come down with maybe influenza.
Been down for days. I have recently joined the list,
have been making my own CS and also taking it as a

Since I have reactions if I take very much at once, I
am taking small amounts. I am concerned about giving
it to my sick dear one, since he also has the some of
the same chronic illness that prevents me from using

I am encouraging him to use it sublingually by single
droppersful. It is not enough.

The stuff I am making is clear, with a definate
Tyndall effect. I make it in a 450 mL beaker,  with
distilled water, 3 9v batteries,  2 12guage fine
silver wires and a resistor to limit the current to 5
mA. It takes about 1& 1/2 to 2 hours to brew up a
batch, and it comes out clean and clear. There is
about 4 inches of wire submerged.

I don't know how many ppm I am making. Anybody have
any advice?



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