CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2015 #119

2015-04-09 Thread cncsmetal

I've had a couple of homeruns with skin infections. Eucalyptus oil worked for 
one but not
the second one. Coconut oil worked on the second one (Eucalyptus oil made it 
more angry).
For you that second guess the necessity of a quality distilled water because 
''it's too much 
trouble with a home distiller'' are kidding yourself if you think what you 
made/make is colloidal silver.
There are few if any ''short-cuts'' to making a quality colloidal silver. The 
generators of Ode Silver Puppy and Trem Williams (Silvergen) are my choices..

Uncleben ..

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2015 #109

2015-03-23 Thread cncsmetal

I'm one of those that has taken several ounces (total) daily with no stomach 
for a decade and a half or better. As far as constipation goes; I personally 
think if one 
is constipated often then maybe they need to drink more water. I seriously 
taking colloidal silver has much, if anything, to do with constipation. Not 
enough water,
(most, if not all, constipation stools are DRY) lack of physical activity, 
sitting for extended periods would tend to lean toward constipation far more 
readily than would CS... In my opinion of course...

Uncleben ..

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2015 #90

2015-03-03 Thread cncsmetal

The simplest answer to plastic over glass storage containers is to use glass 
(no worries 
about using the 'wrong' grade of plastic and very little controversy). I like 
the Grolsh glass 
beer bottles. They have a sealed cap that is easy to open and close..and 
they're dark brown
or green if your question is whether clear is okay (yes it is)... Storing in 
the sunlight 
does not seem to have a detrimental effect on CS but we ALL have shelving away 
from the 
sun so why does it even come up.. Some times I get the feeling that there are 
those that 
seem to NEED to be told what to doas if the thought process does not come 
One should always gather as much info as they can and using that, make a 
having done THAT learn from the results...  We do not learn much from ''blindly 
Does ''Jim Jones, Charles Manson'' come to mind?

On another topic; I use ''muscle testing'' to aid in my decision as to whether 
something goes
in or on my body...and no, I'm no guru on ''muscle testing''... Check it out if 
you're interested..then
make your own decision..

Uncleben ..


2015-03-02 Thread cncsmetal
Beck Protocol, Colloidal Silver, etc. There has never been a 
''cure-all"...unless you 
want to count our immune system.. And before you jump the gun I realize that 
of us has the ''perfect immune system''.. That is virtually impossible in the 
climate of 
today's food supplies...and suppliers.. But with that goal in mind (keeping in 
that we are all terminal) one can do better than we are doing today which is 
quite a 
chore to maintain but There ARE things we can learn with an open mind. I 
had a 
pencil eraser size ''growth'' pop up on the side of my nose.. The doctor 
it was a ''wart'' and froze it. It turned black and fell offand was back 
within a week.
Two more trips to the doctor with the same diagnosis and treatment...and result.
Enough of this BS..especially when the medical conglomerate doctors belong to 
this day (they call these fifteen second nitrogen freezes surgeries and charged 
accordingly) have no mercy on the working man..  I applied eucalyptus oil 
on it for a couple of days and within a week it was totally gone and that's 
been several 
years ago.. 

Another issue at a different time; a dry spot on my forearm itched so I 
scratched it.
The irritation grew to the point that it was a boil like eruption.. Tried 
eucalyptus oil 
on itmade it worse.. Tried coconut oil (God's own sun screen) and the 
effect was almost immediate. Continued with that (it took three months) and had 
improvement with nary a return once it totally cleared up..

Point is; there is something from nature that works on everything but we have 
that knowledge and now it's man-made prescription pills etc., most with awful 
effects.. We are our own worse enemy with what we eat, drink, and breathe..and 
we're still terminal.. Keep reading and searching and just maybe...

Uncleben ..


CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2015 #66

2015-02-20 Thread cncsmetal

Not to nitpick but silver DOES NOT dissolve in water. Whatever this guy's end 
result is by ''dissolving'' silver in his ''tap'' water has no relationship to 
colloidal silver.. Also, if one is plating the inside of their ''colloidal 
silver jar'' there is something out of whack with they're generator 
systemit reeks of runaway current. Folks like Ode Coyote with his 
SilverPuppy and Trm Williams with his Silvergen CS generator have done their 
homework and put out a great unit..  Also, cleaning your silver rods/strips 
should NOT be a trying effort. A paper towel or a soft clean cloth works 
well...and quit trying to make whatever ''residue'' they might leave behind is 
an issue...It's a NON issue unless you make it one..

Uncleben ..

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2015 #65

2015-02-20 Thread cncsmetal

I gave up on buying distilled water better than almost tow decades ago. Spend a 
bit and buy 
your own water distiller. No more whinin' and cryin' about the price, 
availability, etc. 

As to no TE in tap water and 200ppm Colloidal SilverBull. Have a lab (that 
knows what they're doing) check your stuff.. Lots of experts on this list over 
the years have been over that road with so many intelligent capabilities as to 
turn the pot holes into powder.. No way am I giving one iota of credit to this 
kind of BS..

Also, to the gentleman that ''has a sweet little setup" that has to wipe his 
electrodes ''every ten minutes''your idea of a ''sweet little setup'' would 
almost suggest you define ''sweet'' where you come from. To me it sounds like a 
''sweet little testimoney of total frustration''.. CS from pure silver coins? 
It's all about surface area...and NONE of our experts (and I mean our REAL 
experts) are suggesting using silver coins... I've never tried to ''re-invent 
the wheel''. Total waste of good time.. Many of the old timers that were 
prominent on this list for years (and years ago..) would have dumped so much 
lab proven information on rebuttal as to make one wonder why they brought up 
such a convoluted mess of a idea in the first place..

Uncleben ..

CS>I'm still here....

2015-02-17 Thread cncsmetal

It's nice to be missed..

I'm still around but The Silver List is a convoluted mess as far as reading the 
is concerned.. I get multiples of the same messages, most have so much garbage 
the individual words that it's time consuming to ferret out the message. So far 
from the ''online site format'' I was familiar with that it's a pain.
Uncleben ..

CS>diluting CS??

2015-01-12 Thread cncsmetal

Why would you dilute your CS by 100%? Makes no sense to me to dilute something 
that's only 8ppm to (maybe 12ppm) in the first place?. Especially when you're 
drinking it. Nebulizing CS for lung issues; I saturate my full strength CS with 
MSM and add 10% DMSO.. I've yet to have any (lung issues) but other members of 
my family (grandsons, daughter...) have and successfully nebulized it out of 
existence...and it should make you cough. Breathing deep makes more sense than 
sneaking up on it.. Just my opinion...and that's based on me personally taking 
CS several ounces daily for years (somewhere around seventeen). And by daily I 
mean EVERY day... and not for any particular problem...since I do not have any. 
I simply believe in the benefits of CS. I've seen it cure Parvo in dogs, a deep 
seated pocket of bacterial infection from an altercation with a car (the dog, 
not me...) etc. If one does not feel comfortable with this kind of testimony 
one needs to

Uncleben ..

CS>a day in the sun...

2015-01-06 Thread cncsmetal

I'm red headed, fair complexion, and sunburn easily.. Have not followed the d3 
much but
as far as being in the sun...coconut oil is God's sun screen. I can put it on 
in the AM and 
be out in the sun all day. It cuts the majority of the negatives and allows the 
sun to interact
with your skin to generate Vitamin D. I get a bit of color but no burn, no 
peeling, no itch and I get darker than I've ever been in my life...and I'm 
crowding 70 and grew up in south Texas, been burned
as an eleven year old so bad the blisters on my legs were dinner plate 
sizeand yes, I'm 
aware of the melanoma stats... You owe it to you and yours to check it out. The 
is readily available.

As far as the flu, colds, sinus, etc...I've taken CS for at least the last 
16/17 years, several ounces
daily (I do NOT not take my CS daily) and I have not had any issues with those 
in that whole span. 
CS is NOT a cure all but it certainly is not going to do any damageand I 
have to shake my head
at those that will only take a tablespoon or soor swish it around and spit 
it out.. Swishing and spitting is okay if that makes one feel better but then 
I'd be drinking and ounce or two.

Nebulizing...saturate your CS with MSM and add 10% DMSO.. 

Also, we tossed sugar a long time ago, opting for Xylitol instead...and if you 
have them both do NOT set them side by side..'cuz you will NOT be able to tell 
the difference.. We use it for everything we 
would normally use sugar for..  And for all you sceptics..and that could be 
most of you, I really do
not care. My wife of 48 years and I are both in our late sixties and are on no 
prescribed meds. 

Uncleben ...


2014-11-21 Thread cncsmetal

If I remember right... The guy that pioneered MSM and CS in a nebulizer also 
used DMSO as 10% of the mixture.. This should make you cough.. If not, you may 
not need to use a nebulizer altho I think it's probably a good idea for all of 
us...to a point..

Uncleben ..



CS>new member first post ..

2014-11-13 Thread cncsmetal
Haven't figured out just how to post yet (it's probably in the initial info 
sent to me but I'll have
to go back through it). Anyhow, if this gets posted some may remember me from 
one of the 
older colloidal silver forums since I was on there for a good many years and 
have been using
and touting CS for a good fifteen years or so. 

The Silver List has always been considered THE colloidal silver list yet this 
is my first foray
into your territory. I'll try to be a good boy. Going through the archives I 
see some old familiar 
names and hope to see more. I use two CS machines, one from the Ode Coyote and 
one from
Trem Williams, My favorite tho, was one called a Harmony ll which has long 
since quit working. 

I've turned on many to the benefits of CS tho most have backslid for a 
multitude of reasons, the 
main one I suspect is they simply can not fathom that CS can do what we know it 

Anyway, thank you for allowing me to join The Silver List.

Uncleben ..