CSSilver wire?

2008-04-07 Thread gvagraphics
Mike and Silver Listers,

Where does one buy silver wire at the moment.

Silver costs/price must be volatile and probably has been for some time!

Any suggestions

Thanks: Douglas Haack

PS Aspartame has never worked for me on little black ants --
I'm in the San Diego area

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CSFiltering medium for fluoride??

2007-11-17 Thread gvagraphics

What filtering medium can you suggest for filtering fluoride. I'm in sourthern 
CA and they are starting to fluoridate our water supply. My concern is bathing 
and showering -- drinking water is an easier matter to deal with.

Some time ago someone suggested Diatomacious earth as a likely filter medium 
(not for filtering fluoride).

The net suggests Activated Alumina -- not to sure about using Alumina to filter 
water for showering -- then again something call Alum is used in the water 
treatment area and has been for many years -- is there a connection?

There are small filters available for shower heads -- I can't see them doing 
much for long. Our water has a TDS reading of 400 not exactly for making CS. 
Not sure what the PWT reading is!

I'd like to cobble together a pre-filter array of say 4 x 48 inch (4 black PVC 
pipes) filled with a fine granular filtering medium -- a final finer filter 
into the hot and cold water pipes -- a commercial system will cost 5-600 bucks  
(a maybe 24 inch metal cylinder and you don't know what they are using as  
filter medium!!! Obviously I'd be perpared to maintain the unit closely and 
renew the medium -- being well armed with a TDS and PWT meter!

Of course I have to wonder if my array of 4 x 48 inch pipes will take the 
pressure of an incoming town water system -- that I can research myself!

I use Albertsons distilled water for my Bob Berger constructed CS-EIS Maker.

Any suggestions Listers -- Thanks

Douglas Haack

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CSTest for Silver Particles--Easy!! see my Nebulizer pic

2006-10-08 Thread gvagraphics
Quite often over the last 8 years or so -- People like Marshall D and
others (forgive me for not being able to name them right now) -- have answered
the following question which came up in various guises --

I paraphrase:

Q: if I heat CS or EIS to near boiling --  and breathe in the steam -- will the 
steam contain silver?

A: No! The silver will drop out of suspension.

I didn't believe him/them. I tried it! I used an electrical Vics steam inhaler. 
You will notice the silver particles drop out and collect in the non-stick 
coated boiler-water reservoir.

If you put the residue under a m-scope -- I can only presume most of the 
content will be silver -- assuming you ahve used good quality distilled water!

I have used ultra-sonic nebulizers for some 8 years with CS to very great 
therapeutic affect.

See my next post re the most efficient NEBULIZER INHALER I've come across -- 
with attached 460K pic!!

I have tried to contrast the ultrasonic cold steam against a green cutting 

Douglas H

 da...@alchemysa.com.au wrote: 
 The particles you see in home-made CS are (according to who's  
 talking) an assortment of oxides, hydroxides, crystals and (maybe)  
 some pure silver. Some commentators say that its impossible for  
 electrolytic CS to contain pure silver particles, but I think they  
 are definitely present, as indicated by silver specks on the surface  
 and the mirror sheen that appears on some brewing jars. In fact I  
 would not be surprised if the percentage of pure silver particles is  
 a lot higher than anyone suspects.
 These commentators usually give 'electro-chemical' equations to  
 explain why pure silver particles can't be present in home-made CS,  
 but I think they DO exist thanks to a purely 'mechanical' process. My  
 theory for how PURE silver particles come to be in the jar is that  
 they literally fall off the electrodes as tiny pieces of pure silver  
 that have been 'undercut' by the electrolysis process. (A bit like  
 how a soluble aspirin breaks into small pieces before it fully  
 Everyone knows that electrodes get pitted, but most people probably  
 don't realise how deep and numerous those pits are because they are  
 usually filled with fuzz. (The pits not the people).
 I recently examined a 'well used' . silver electrode that had  
 been cleaned in a a small ultrasonic jewelley bath. Under a  
 magnifying glass the pitting of the electrode was quite incredible.  
 It reminded me of Swiss cheese. And that was just what I could see  
 with my eyes. Imagine the pitting and tunneling that must go on at an  
 atomic level where some fissures would only be an atom or two across.  
 After seeing this I believe its almost inconceivable that pieces of  
 silver are not continually breaking off the electrodes. And some of  
 these pieces might be no more than a few atoms in size.
 I don't know if my theory can be tested in any way. I've read that  
 Frank Key's Colloidal Science Lab can't differentiate between the  
 types of particles in a batch. Anyone got any ideas on how to remove  
 or dissolve all but the pure silver particles in a batch of CS?  Any  
 remaining TE would then have to be due solely to pure silver particles.
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


CSEFT -- NO Placebo a/e/ffect I don't think!

2006-07-18 Thread gvagraphics
Ag Listers, BB and JBB,

I've now had my EFT DVD's for some 9 weeks -- two sets of the 4 sets of DVD's 

Have casually perused them (not all of them) -- I've applied the technique for 
high blood pressure -- reduced mine significantly (after 6 weeks) -- from: 
182/116 to 140/90.

I applied the technique 4 times in this time period -- also immediately before 
my doctor visit in my motor vehicle. I will never take blood thinning 
medication anyway!

I have an optometrist visit this week and hope to also have improved my 
eyesight a little -- I'll let you know. Have now applied the technique some 3 
times and will apply it some two more times before the actual visit. Takes me 
about ten minutes to apply the technique. I also have to admit I'm a little 
haphazzard with it -- I don't totally keep to the DVD routines -- and after you 
see the DVD routines in difffierent settings -- it's not entirely necessary to 
stick exactly to the applied routines -- but I do apply broadly what is being 

I dare say one will have to repeat all the individual applications occasionally 
-- this just makes good sense.

The moderator, Gary Craig readily answers questions -- explanational help is 
only an email away. Also go directly to Gary Craig's sight to order the course 
-- it's cheaper!!

I have absolutely NO connection with the sight -- I'm just a very pleased 

Douglas H

 Jonathan B. Britten jbrit...@cc.nakamura-u.ac.jp wrote: 
 Anyone who gives the placebo effect any thought at all will realize 
 that most medical doctors are, well,  indoctrinated to precede the 
 placebo effect  with the adjective only.   This way of thinking is 
 An open-minded person would be tremendously excited by this effect, and 
 I suppose B. Bradley is among these.
 Rapid, self-induced self-healing seems astounding to me.   The report 
 from Mr. Bradley makes me all the more eager to try EFT.   I remember 
 well my scornful dismissal of reflexology when I first heard of it.  
 These days, I am quite familiar with organ representation points all 
 over the body, and methods to make use of them.
 Three cheers for the placebo effect,  which desperately needs a new 
 name that does justice to its powers.
 On Monday, Jul 17, 2006, at 11:11 Asia/Tokyo, brooks76009 wrote:
   I am not recommending EFT as a treatment for anything-just 
  relating my personal experience. If it was a PLACEBO EFFECT, it was 
  the most powerful of which I have ever heard
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


CSBeck-Clark Pulsers -- How They Work!

2006-07-10 Thread gvagraphics

Thanks for taking the time -- a lucid explanation!!

Signed: Douglas H

 Both the Beck and Clark zappers work. They both work by the same means in
 fact, but I prefer the Clark because it does not cause the
 electrophoration, and I believe I somewhat more effective due to the
 higher frequency.  Here is how they both seem to work:
 1. There is a fast transition of a pulse followed by a bias in the pulse.
 2. The fast pulse contains a large number of frequencies (if you look at
 the forier transform of the leading edge).
 3. Different DNA is reonant with different frequencies.
 4. The energy of each frequency is divided among all the DNA of that is
 resonant with that frequency.
 5. There is so much of the body's DNA that the power for it's resonant
 frequencies are essentially nil, thus the body's DNA does not break
 6. There is very little of the pathogen's DNA present, so each stran of
 it's DNA receives significant power, sufficient to cause the DNA to break
 7. When DNA breaks each end has an opposite charge, so normally the DNA
 will immediately be attracted back together and rejoin with no harm
 caused to the structure the DNA is part of.
 8. Both the zapper designs provide that a bias is present (the Clark an
 average bias continuously, and the Beck on a bias for about 1/100 of a
 second), which causes the broken oppositely charged ends to be attracted
 into opposite directions, so that they are unable to find each other and
 thus the break becomes permanent.
 9. The broken DNA kills the virus or cell that the DNA is part of, or at
 least makes it so it cannot reproduce.
 The requirement for 1/100 second or more bias to be applied to seperate
 the ends is why the Clark Zapper MUST be unipolar pulses, and not
 bipolar, and why when using bipolar pulses like the Beck design, the
 pulses must be no more than about 100 Htz.

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CS Two PWT's are my standard

2006-07-10 Thread gvagraphics

I bought two PWT's from Trem a couple of years ago and check one off against 
the other.
The battries are expensive $3.50 each and wach PWT takes 4 small micro units.

I bought battries recently from Radio Shack (#23-105 -- 1.5v Watch  
Calculator) -- I unpacked the first from its sealed sales card holder and 
measured less Milli-Amps than the old ones -- in other words they were old and 
had no useby date so beware!!

The battery manufacturers have a free ride -- they never have to really 
guarantee their products will work for any period of time etc. Yes! Some do 
have use-by dates.

Now there's a Consumer Issue for someone looking to become famous!!

Douglas H

 Ode Coyote odecoy...@alltel.net wrote: 
The calibration solution I got from Hanna was 50% off spec.  Plenty of 
 denial, no refunds.
   I learned a lot by deduction and it took about a month to figure it all out.
   The calibration instructions were far from enlightening and didn't 
 mention what temperature compensation was all about.
   Hanna Tech was like You're too stupid to ask questions, so stop it [If 
 we tell you the real story, you'll see how misleading our ad copy 
 is...defend the product at all costs. ]
 Fortunately I had 2 PWTs to make comparisons by and make deductions from.
 At 10:53 AM 7/9/2006 -0600, you wrote:
 Hi Mike,
I haven't worried about calibration since the first couple of months I 
  owned my PWT. It has remained consistent with itself, and the measurment 
  of uS of an immediately finished batch of CS in my Silverpuppy never 
  varies more than fraction.
A meter that isn't too far off, that gives consistent readings of both 
  my DW and the finished CS is more important than that it read an exactly 
  accurate uS. Hope that makes sense? I can tell immediately if anything is 
  different in the DW or the CS, and I think that consistency is what is 
I believe Ode some years back had a similar experience to what you 
  described your friend had with two PWTs that gave very different readings.
 Mike Monett wrote:
 I have a Hanna PWT but the COM100 is next on my
 shopping list. I really like the temperature display, and I understand from
 David that the probe is a bit smaller than the Hanna which will make it
 easier to get readings from a bit of cs in a shot glass prior to sublingual
 I should also mention that my Hanna arrived several years ago in perfect
 calibration, and has held the original calibration extremely well. I have
 verified it numerous times with precision measurements using the Faraday
 calculation, and it has always agreed within 1uS up to about 15uS. The
 readings tend to depart around there due to AgOH formation. So I am
 confident my unit is functioning well.
 My faith in Hanna plummeted recently when I recommended a friend get one.
 She got two, with the calibration solution. When she brought them over to
 compare calibration with mine, we discovered that one unit was so far out
 of calibration that the adjustment screw could not bring it into
 The second unit was fine, but it was out of calibration. We discovered her
 calibration solution read high, about 96uS. So I recommended she send them
 back and get a refund.
 It is very difficult to recommend what to do to verify the manufacturer's
 products in a case like this. If you can do the Faraday calculation, it can
 help up to about 15uS. The salt test is useful, but it takes practise to
 judge the readings, and they won't be closer than about 5uS. So it can only
 catch gross calibration errors. Diluting a saturated salt solution takes
 some skill, and the resulting solution may not be very stable. It can also
 become contaminated from the container the solution is stored in.
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Re: CSemu oil -- Cook em mate -- Ah!!

2006-06-29 Thread gvagraphics
You're right! Emu's don't have oil teats!!

Yep! Cook em like a big chicken Mate! Just skim off the oil. 

Emu oil has a marvellous facility to penetrate the skin into the joints -- a 
sort of natural WD-40!

Emu meat is very rich and red. It tastes OK!

Roo meat is very healthy (no fat, little cholesterol)) -- but needs to be farm 
raised (for human consumption) due to massive parasitic worm content. Wild Roo 
meat is used as commercial pet food. The average farmer just feeds it to his 
farm and sheep dogs after first boiling for the worms etc.

When I lived in the bush in Oz that's what we would do.
The commercial emu oilers probable have a more sophisicated process
although the method would be the same.

Way back then I was spending an extended vacation on very large sheep farm in
Moree (North West NSW). I was a hapless 17 old with a sparse blonde goatee -- 
also intent on hunting Kangaroos, wild pigs but (no emus -- people/farmers 
generally don't hunt them)!

I have never hunted since -- I eventually used my last shell on this big Roo 
and it didn't go down!
It became a real dilemma having this medium large obviously wounded animal 
still slowly hopping about. This beast just looked at me -- asking why?? Well, 
I won't go into any more detail -- I have never hunted since!!

I'm going back soon and aim to leave you Yanks to sort out your own illegal 
immigration problems -- Good luck!

Before you all come down on me and other Australians for hunting Roos etc -- 
the Roos can be in plague proportions in well watered conditions and -- being a 
relatively large animal competes for available feed with the introduced species 
-- ie -- sheep and cattle. The Roo being native to the continent, have large 
padded feet and do no disturb and destroy the delicate vegetation in times of 
drought, as the hoofed sheep and cattle do.

I have this video of my 3 year old daughter walking up to a mother Roo in a 
wild life park. I held my breath as she reached up to the face of this animal. 
I just stood and waited for this animal to swat her -- they have big claws! I 
wasn't able to do anything as sudden movement on my part may have compromised 
the situation.

Anyway, mother Roo (eating puffed wheat snack) just firmly pushed/parried 
daughter's hand away, without any real animosity. The Kangaroo gods had 
forgiven me!!

Douglas H

 Arnold Beland abela...@comcast.net wrote: 
 This might be a stupid question, but how do you get oil out of an emu?
 Best Regards,
 Arnold Beland
 - Original Message - 
 From: Sandee George oha...@juno.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 7:32 AM
 Subject: Re: CSemu oil
  Hi Zeb - For 100% genuine Emu Oil try Talyala Emu Farms
  P.O. Box 2058
  Murray Bridge SA5253 
  Phone 08 8532 3185
  Fax 08 85310337
  e-mail taly...@emu-shop.com
  Happy shopping and results, they are good
  May your troubles be less, your blessings more, and nothing
  but happiness come through your door!
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CSMorgellon's Bugs/Bacterium into Microwave/

2006-05-29 Thread gvagraphics

Should one put any new cotton underwear, q-tips, make-up cleaning pads into the 

I sort of knew why I have kept my microwave oven!!

Douglas H

 V vzo...@yahoo.com wrote: 
 Hi SJY,
 Well look at it this way, with kirlian photgraphy you can view some of the 
 energy streaming off the fingers. And also we are all standing in a voltage 
 gradient that puts about 300 to 600 volts or more between our feet and the 
 top of our head  at all times. Any pointed surface usually streams off any 
 excess charge so when you hold a Qtip in your fingers there is defenitely a 
 charge happening there at the point. A real test would be to put the Qtip in 
 a faraday cange and view it with a video camera from a distance and then see 
 if anything moves then.
 Take care,
  I too looked at a few Qtips with a strong magnifying glass, and on one I did
  see one or two of the fibers moving around.  I was very careful to ensure
  there were no air currents.  BUT, as an electronic engineer with some high
  voltage experience, I hypothesized that the movement could be caused by
  electrostatic fields in the vicinity of the Qtips.  Things charged with
  static electricity (high voltage DC) can exhibit some dynamic activity as
  the charge leaks off, and/or external things (e.g. hands) move in the
  vicinity and change the electrostatic field geometry.  There are all sorts
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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CSReflexology for diabetes -- Let us all know!!

2005-04-26 Thread gvagraphics
 Reflexology for diabetes -- Plse, Let us all know!!

Douglas H

 mycjwo...@aol.com wrote: 
 My apologies as I know it's off topic but when i asked about CS for diabetes, 
 someone said they had information about reflexology curing diabetes.  I 
 forgot who said it, but could you write me privately please. thank you

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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2005-04-06 Thread gvagraphics
It's looking Better -- In SILvation, Douglas H



PRESS RELEASE -- Solari Action Network Forum Index  - Health

For immediate release 5 April 2005 



 There was tremendous news today for the millions of people in Europe who 
choose to use food supplements. Following a landmark challenge in the European 
Courts of Justice (ECJ) brought by the Alliance for Natural Health and 
Nutri-Link Ltd to the contentious Food Supplements Directive, which effectively 
proposed to ban 75% of vitamin and mineral forms, Advocate General Geelhoed, 
the senior adviser to the ECJ, gave his Opinion in favour of the Alliance's 

 What does this mean? That the chances of consumers being able to continue 
using the natural food supplements they believe are beneficial to their health 
are now greatly increased. There has been uproar about the proposed EU ban, and 
maybe, against the odds, the consumer is going to come out on top in what is a 
remarkable modern day case of David and Goliath. 

 In a statement released in Luxembourg today at 0830 GMT, the Advocate General 
concluded that: 

 * The Food Supplements Directive infringes the principle of proportionality 
because basic principles of Community law, such as the requirements of legal 
protection, of legal certainty and of sound administration have not properly 
been taken into account.  
 * It is therefore invalid under EU law. 

 It should be stressed that the Advocate General's pronouncement is not a 
ruling. That will come from the ECJ judges, later - probably around June. But 
typically, in the vast majority of cases, the Court Judgment follows the 
recommendations of the Advocate General. 

 If the Advocate General's recommendations are adopted, in effect, the ban on 
vitamin and mineral forms not included on the EU's 'Positive list,' due to come 
into effect on 1 August 2005, will be declared illegal.  In essence, the 
positive list of allowable nutrient forms will be deemed to be too narrow, too 
restrictive, and based on flawed science. 

 This would avoid the totally irrational situations that the Food Supplements 
Directive would otherwise create. For example, synthetically produced selenium 
would have been allowed on the positive list, while the natural source found in 
Brazil nuts would not; synthetic forms of Vitamin E (often used in 'adverse' 
vitamin studies reported in the media) would be allowed, but the natural, most 
beneficial food forms would not. 

 An outstanding moment for the Alliance for Natural Health 

 The Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) is a Europe-wide professional 
organisation dedicated to ensuring that good science and good law are applied 
to regulation affecting the leading edge of natural health.  If the Advocate 
General's recommendations are endorsed by the ECJ judges, it will represent the 
culmination of three years dogged determination, dedication and hard work on 
the part of ANH and its many supporters around the world. 

 'It is commendable that the EU Advocate General has seen through the flawed 
science and law of the Food Supplements Directive and reached his 
recommendations today,' said Dr. Robert Verkerk, Executive Director of the ANH. 
'All that ANH is campaigning and working cooperatively for is the right for 
consumers to have access to safe natural healthcare and for legislation to be 
based on good science and good law. This is a great day for the tens of 
millions of people who believe passionately in the benefits of natural, 
preventative healthcare.' 

 David C. Hinde, Solicitor and ANH Legal Director, added: 'This is a very 
significant Opinion in a landmark case. What we want to see in the EU is the 
Food Supplements Directive doing the job for which it was created which is to 
provide a safe harbour for food supplements so that they are not classified 
as drugs, and to promote their availability across the EU. Advocate General 
Geelhoed is the most senior Advocate General at the ECJ and his considered 
reasoning vindicates ANH's legal analysis and position. We are very optimistic 
that the Court will adopt his recommendations.' 

 Supporting safe supplements 

 ANH supports many aspects of the Directive, and firmly endorses the banning of 
ingredients that are patently not safe, stating that existing UK and EU food 
law already provides perfectly effective protection from unsafe products 
getting onto the market. Furthermore, ANH says that it is not scientifically 
rational to classify an ingredient as being unsafe without taking dosage levels 
into account, something that was not a condition of being admitted onto the 
positive list. 

 ANH believes that a far more appropriate system for banning any 

CSUK Laws Regulating Vitamin Sales Ruled Invalid

2005-04-06 Thread gvagraphics
Sales Ruled
UK Laws Regulating Vitamin 
Sales Ruled Invalid
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UK Laws Regulating Vitamin=20
Sales Ruled Invalid
By David Derbyshire and David Rennie=20
The Telegraph - UK -- 4-6-5
The British health food industry claimed a major victory  yesterday after c=
ontroversial laws to tighten up the sale of vitamin pills  and health suppl=
ements were declared invalid.
The interim advice, issued by a senior judge at the European  Court of Just=
ice in Luxembourg, found that the legislation failed to protect  the rights=
 of individuals and firms seeking to have products declared safe  for sale.
It was also scathing about the way the rules were drawn  up, calling them =
as transparent as a black box.
If the legal opinion is accepted by the full court, then  much of the EU's =
Food Supplements Directive due to come into force in August  may have to be=
The declaration followed a legal challenge from British  campaigners who ar=
gued that the new rules would lead to thousands of common  food supplements=
 being banned.
It is a very substantial victory and it's a crowbar  in the door, said Dr=
 Robert Verkerk, a spokesman for the Alliance  for Natural Health.
The Food Supplements Directive was designed to standardise  vitamin, minera=
l and food supplements, which are taken by about 43 per  cent of Britons.
Under the new rules, only ingredients on an approved  list could be used in=
 supplements. There would also be restrictions on  the upper limits of vita=
min doses.
The industry was given until July 12 to submit detailed  scientific dossier=
s proving that their ingredients were safe.
Supporters of the legislation said it would protect consumers  who bought f=
ood supplements without any guarantees about quality or safety.
Critics, who included Carole Caplin, the former health  and beauty adviser =
to Cherie Blair, said the rules were unnecessary and  would lead to 5,000 p=
roducts being banned.
The British Health Food Manufacturers Association, the  National Associatio=
n of Health Stores and Alliance for Natural Health,  which launched the cha=
llenge, said the costs of complying were too high  for small companies.
In his advice to the European Court of Justice, Leendert  Geelhoed, the adv=
ocate general, backed the principle of an approved list.
But he said the wording of the directive was seriously  deficient and inf=
ringed basic legal and administrative principles.
It lacked clearly-defined rules and norms for the European  Commission to f=
ollow when deciding which products to add to the list.
It was also unclear whether manufacturers would be able  to submit products=
 for evaluation, he said.
The directive does not comply with essential requirements  of legal protec=
tion, of legal certainty and of sound administration, which  are basic prin=
ciples of Community law, he said.
Thus it is lacking appropriate and transparent  procedures for its applica=
tion, and the directive infringes the principle  of proportionality. It is =
therefore invalid.
The full court is expected to reach a verdict in a few  months time. Howeve=
r, in most cases, judges follow the advice of the advocate  general.
Andrew Lockley, from the solicitors Irwin Mitchell, the  legal adviser to t=
he HFMA and NAHS, said: It is encouraging that  the advocate general has s=
upported our view that the directive does not  provide a fair mechanism for=
 the regulation of food supplements.
Peter Aldis, the managing director of the health food  chain Holland  Barr=
ett, said: The opinion is a scathing indictment  of this shoddy piece of l=
The court's conclusions show the European Commission  and those who agreed=
 this flawed regulation in an extremely bad light.
The Prime Minister must now intervene to ensure  that all the ingredients =
that would otherwise come off the UK market in  July are protected by the i=
mmediate submission of the necessary dossiers  to Europe by the Food Standa=
rds Agency.
Chris Grayling, the shadow health minister, said: This  is not the final r=
uling, but I am confident that we are in a position where  we're close to w=
inning the battle to scrap this controversial measure.
=C2=A9 Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2005.

From: Rense.com

in SILvation, Douglas H

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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OT Archive: 

CSMarshall's EIS/CS Theory--Great! But what about . . .

2005-04-01 Thread gvagraphics

Thanks for this great Synopsis or Abstract of CS/EIS's Theory of Everything.

Would you consider adding any external applications of CS/EIS? When one 
considers the Dr Robert O Becker's and Dr Bart Flicks application/s of silver 
ions in relation to bones and skin repair.

As I read it -- the silver ions or silver chunks re-connect/re-wire the 
skin's electrical potential after suffering a skin break -- an abrasion or 
burn -- thus starting and accelerating the healing process.

in SILvation, Douglas H

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSInformative CODEX article from an Aust. site

2005-03-20 Thread gvagraphics
Written fron an Australian perspective -- really informs us all!!


in SILvation, Douglas H

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSSmell -- take on a mistress!!

2005-03-17 Thread gvagraphics
Robert, you poor sod -- just take on a mistress


 Medwith wrote: 
 My Wife says she can smell the CS coming out of my pores.
 What can I take to counteract this.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSCODEX in June 2005 -- see site below

2005-03-17 Thread gvagraphics
CODEX -- is it real for June 2005???


in SILvation, Douglas H

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com