Re: CS>glutathione
My son's doctor recommended Recancostat. He said it is more effective other formulas. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: Silver-list archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS>glutathione
Kevin Nolan wrote: > Hard to beat this site on price: Can't > say whether the stuff is as effective as Immunocal. > > Kevin Nolan > > - Original Message - > From: "Dave Darrin" > To: > Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 11:30 AM > Subject: CS>(no subject) > > > Larry you might try Beyond a century inc. Figuring the number of > > tablets and the potency > > their prices are about one half that of Hsvitimins even with their big > > sale. That is on the things I use anyway. > > > That's where I get most of my stuff and they send a catalog with each > > order that has a paragraph on the use and dosage of each product. Helps > > you decide if your looking for something different without > > days of searching (I have no connection with them either) > > Dave > > > > "Thanks to all for the info. and suggestions regarding CFS. I'll pass it > > on and provide the CS if she chooses. > > L-Glutathione and N-Acetyl Cysteine can be bought at what I'll bet is > > as good a price as you'll find during the 3 for 1 sale going on now,from > > HealthSmart / or 1- 800-645-1030 for catalog. [I have > > no connection with them ] If anyone can find better prices on > > supplements I'd like to know. > > Speaking of which..I haven't heard much from "Dr" Jon lately.. guess > > his mail order bride has his attention [;-)] I can relate to that !!" > > > > > > > > larry tankersley; Gainesville,Florida USA > > > > > > -- > > > > > > -- > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. > > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: > -or- > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. > > To post, address your message to: > Silver-list archive: > List maintainer: Mike Devour My son's doctor recommended Recancostat.
Thanks to Judy, I found my $29.99 nebulizer at ebay. Though only one is listed, this dealer has many units in stock. If anyone is interested, it can be seen at I can't vouch for quality, as I have not received it yet. Does anyone on the list have one of these? Maureen -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: Silver-list archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS nebulizer
I'm looking, too. This place sounds interesting. I found one for about $70. $85 - $15 (promo offer). wrote: > > >> Hello, I would be interested in buying an affordable nebulizer >> rather than try the airbrush/oxy method -- impractical for me for >> various reasons.I would be happy to hear from anyone having >> info. about affordable, non-prescription nebulizers. JBB >
CS>500 PPM
Dr. Marijah McCain, on the 9/7/01 Rense broadcast at speaks of the superiority of 500 PPM CS. Dr. Jon Brooks was quoted as saying, "Some scoundrels claim their CS is 100-800 PPM. This is rubbish. At such concentrations the particles would agglomerate forming much larger particles. Basic chemistry." Two doctors at odds. I don't have a knowledge of basic Chemistry. Can anyone substantiate either position? Thanks. Maureen
Re: CS>question (Meniere's)
The previously posted OT response to this was intended to be private, but I didn't send it the way I should have. I was trying rife/zapping but I had so many other conditions I was working on, I didn't give it a fair trial. I have also considered CS with DMSO dropped in the ear. Wonder if anyone has tried that? Maureen -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: Silver-list archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS>question
Frances Mehner wrote: > Anyone have any help they can offer for Meniere's disease? Thanks. Francis, here is a forward of a reply I got from someone on another list when I recently asked a similar question. Saul , does this just involve inserting a plastic tube in the ear and blowing ozone through it? How long and how often should it be done? Would MSM drops increase the effectiveness? Would this have an effect on the localized virus that causes Meniere's? Thanks. Maureen Subject: Re: [oxyplus] Ozone Ear Insufflation Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 01:54:20 -0400 From: "Saul Pressman" Reply-To: To: CC: References: 1 , 2 , 3 Dear Maureen, The silicone tubing is attached to the output fitting on the ozone generator and then an adapter is attached to the tubing. The adapter goes in the ear, and the ozone/oxygen gas enters at a very slow rate, so that it permeates through the ear drum into the inner ear. MSM drops might be a good idea, but not simultaneously with the ozone. It needs nothing to help it do its job -- it is already loaded for bear. This will destroy the virus that causes Menieres. We have had two cases of it eliminated with this technique. It also works on any ear, eye, sinus and Eustachian tube problem. And even brain cancer responds to this treatment. Best of Health! Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh
CS>Colloidal Copper
I have heard that colloidal copper can cause constipation and mental confusion. Water soluble copper; however, kills certain parasites. I know this from first hand experience. Some people claim it has restored their hair color. More information can be found at Maureen -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: Silver-list archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS>OT: Breathing Ozone wrote: > Can anyone on the Silver List tell me if it's healthy to breathe Ozonated > Air? Be sure you are using the right type of ozone generator. The kind hotels use for freshenng rooms produces nitric oxide. It is not safe to be in the room when they are in use. For more information see: Maureen -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: Silver-list archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS>OT homeopathy
Katie Jay wrote: > Here's why I am confused about trying the homeopathic remedies for mercury Katie, you are being given more information than you can assimilate at one time. If I were you, I would follow the protocol you were given in an earlier post (gold, arsenic, and mercury). Just the mercury alone should be of some benefit. Odd thing about homeopathy, once you notice it working - lay off. You are giving your body a boost, and if you push too hard you will push yourself back down again. My son's chronic asthma disappeared after one dose of the arsenic (arsenicum album). This remedy did not work on my daughter-in-law though. She may need a nosode. Homeopathic preparations are very inexpensive and worth a try. Most health food stores carry them. Hope you feel better soon. Maureen
CS and meat
The test was to eat rotten meat and see if the CS would prevent problems. What would we do without you daring and creative guys to venture into the perilous unknown just to add to our growing body of knowledge on beneficial uses of CS. Earlier this year, I discovered a few jars of home canned meat that hadn't sealed properly. It looked and smelled OK, but that does not always mean it is safe. I added approximately two tablespoons of CS to each jar before heating and eating it. I didn't get sick. This doesn't prove much because maybe the this meat was still OK. If I didn't have the CS though, I would not have taken the chance. I would have had no choice but to throw it out. Now, thanks to your intrepid research, I know that if I ever open a jar and it looks and smells like great green gobs of you-know-what, I yuck!..sorry guysI'm gonna throw that stinker out! Maureen
Re: CS>More truth
Hi fellow listers, I'm glad I'm in the company of those who like to research and discover things on their own, instead of taking everything the anointed medical establishment says as the final word. We like to share with each other, and, at times, we like to challange each other. KD'C wrote: Any viewpoint can be confirmed, and belief validated to the satisfaction of the believer by the very nature of belief. True. None of us were there when life began, so we all take it on faith. You may believe in the Biblical account or you may believe in the theory of evolution. It's a matter of faith. Most of us have been bombarded with evolutionary propaganda in the schools, in the media, and in our public parks and museums. What we really know of the other - the politically uncorrect view? Were you told that creation science is religion and evolution is science? Did you know that many scientists believe in creation for scientific reasons. Don't swallow everything the "powers-that-be" have worked so hard to condition you to believe. Check it out for yourself. Search for the truth. I found the following at The "Peppered moth" (biston betularia) example The "peppered moth" (biston betularia) example is commonly used as evidence for the theory of evolution. Almost all college biology textbooks talk about it at some point. It happened in England during the 1840's through 1895. Before 1848, ninety-eight percent (98%) of peppered moths were white. Many more of the white moths survived; they blended in with the trees much better than the black moths did. Then, in 1848, the black moths started increasing, until in 1895, there were ninety-eight percent (98%) black moths! What caused the sudden increase? If we look at this closely, we find that there was no evolution involved! What actually happened is that the pollution increased. This killed the white likens on the trees and turned the trees black. Predators could see the white moths better than the black moths, therefore more were eaten. When the pollution was reduced, the white moths were again less visible than the black moths, and everything returned to how it was before. There was no actual change in the moth, only in the ratio of black moths to white moths, therefore evolution did not take place. Although it is true that the peppered moth experiments conclusively prove the theory of natural selection (which isn't a debated theory anymore), they don't show evolution, since there was no actual change in the gene pool of the moths. Cris Colby (pro-evolution) comments in his Introduction to Evolutionary Biology, "The increase in relative abundance of the dark type was due to natural selection. The late eighteen hundreds was the time of England's industrial revolution. Soot from factories darkened the birch trees the moths landed on. Against a sooty background, birds could see the lighter colored moths better and ate more of them. As a result, more dark moths survived until reproductive age and left offspring. The greater number of offspring left by dark moths is what caused their increase in frequency. This is an example of natural selection." The whole example is full of holes anyway. For one thing, peppered moths don't even rest on trees during the day! They were laboratory-bred moths. As Dr. Carl Wieland comments, "The moths filmed being eaten by the birds were laboratory-bred ones placed onto tree trunks by Kettlewell; they were so languid that he once had to warm them up on his car bonnet (hood)." Dr. Wieland also comments, "And all those still photos of moths on tree trunks? One paper described how it was done - dead moths were glued to the tree. University of Massachusetts biologist Theodore Sargent helped glue moths onto trees for a NOVA documentary. He says textbooks and films have featured 'a lot of fraudulent photographs'." What, pray tell, is scientific about this? :) Maureen -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: Silver-list archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS>More truth
Hi fellow listers, I'm glad I'm in the company of those who like to research and discover things on their own, instead of taking everything the anointed medical establishment says as the final word. We like to share with each other, and, at times, we like to challange each other. KD'C wrote: Any viewpoint can be confirmed, and belief validated to the satisfaction of the believer by the very nature of belief. True. None of us were there when life began, so we all take it on faith. You may believe in the Biblical account or you may believe in the theory of evolution. It's a matter of faith. Most of us have been bombarded with evolutionary propaganda in the schools, in the media, and in our public parks and museums. What we really know of the other - the politically uncorrect view? Were you told that creation science is religion and evolution is science? Did you know that many scientists believe in creation for scientific reasons. Don't swallow everything the "powers-that-be" have worked so hard to condition you to believe. Check it out for yourself. Search for the truth. I found the following at The "Peppered moth" (biston betularia) example The "peppered moth" (biston betularia) example is commonly used as evidence for the theory of evolution. Almost all college biology textbooks talk about it at some point. It happened in England during the 1840's through 1895. Before 1848, ninety-eight percent (98%) of peppered moths were white. Many more of the white moths survived; they blended in with the trees much better than the black moths did. Then, in 1848, the black moths started increasing, until in 1895, there were ninety-eight percent (98%) black moths! What caused the sudden increase? If we look at this closely, we find that there was no evolution involved! What actually happened is that the pollution increased. This killed the white likens on the trees and turned the trees black. Predators could see the white moths better than the black moths, therefore more were eaten. When the pollution was reduced, the white moths were again less visible than the black moths, and everything returned to how it was before. There was no actual change in the moth, only in the ratio of black moths to white moths, therefore evolution did not take place. Although it is true that the peppered moth experiments conclusively prove the theory of natural selection (which isn't a debated theory anymore), they don't show evolution, since there was no actual change in the gene pool of the moths. Cris Colby (pro-evolution) comments in his Introduction to Evolutionary Biology, "The increase in relative abundance of the dark type was due to natural selection. The late eighteen hundreds was the time of England's industrial revolution. Soot from factories darkened the birch trees the moths landed on. Against a sooty background, birds could see the lighter colored moths better and ate more of them. As a result, more dark moths survived until reproductive age and left offspring. The greater number of offspring left by dark moths is what caused their increase in frequency. This is an example of natural selection." The whole example is full of holes anyway. For one thing, peppered moths don't even rest on trees during the day! They were laboratory-bred moths. As Dr. Carl Wieland comments, "The moths filmed being eaten by the birds were laboratory-bred ones placed onto tree trunks by Kettlewell; they were so languid that he once had to warm them up on his car bonnet (hood)." Dr. Wieland also comments, "And all those still photos of moths on tree trunks? One paper described how it was done - dead moths were glued to the tree. University of Massachusetts biologist Theodore Sargent helped glue moths onto trees for a NOVA documentary. He says textbooks and films have featured 'a lot of fraudulent photographs'." What, pray tell, is scientific about this? :) Maureen
CS>More truth
On 8/2/00, Kent Hovind spoke on the Art Bell show. "Dr. Hovind is considered by many to be one of the foremost authorities on "Science and the Bible". He is dedicated to the proclamation of scientific evidence supporting the biblical record of creation and the history of the world." You can hear this program at Just click on the windows icon by the date 8/01/00. The "contradictions" in the Bible are discussed here and at his web site: Just thought this might be of interest to some people on this list. Sometimes we can be so busy looking under every stone (CS, zappers, herbs, etc.) for our needs that we forget to look to the Rock. Maureen
CS>Re:H2O2 warning
I have applied 35% H2O2 directly on brown raised growths on my chest. They were gone after four applications (four days). Yes, it stung a little bit for a little while, but I'm pleased with the results. I have heard somewhere that a hospital successfully used 35% H2O2 on that fast spreading flesh eating bacteria. This is great stuff. The food grade 35% solution must be kept in the freezer as it has no additives to keep it stable. Oddly, it doesn't freeze. I can't find my reference book, but I think you need a 90% solution for rocket fuel - a great disappointment to my teenage rocket building son. Maureen -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: Silver-list archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour