CS>Ozone versus EDTA

2001-06-09 Thread spiroflx

I was just rereading one of your older posts in which you spoke of your
bi-annual use of IV chelation for cleaning out plaque buildup in your
arteries and veins.

If you subscribe to the ozonetherapy list --- moderated by Dr Saul
Pressman --- you can ask Saul for a copy of his book, "The Story of Ozone."
The book is only available from him and he gives it away free of charge to
subscribers to his list. He has written other books as well.

My point is this --- Saul's methods of ozone therapy remove plaque safely, a
molecule at a time, as well as the probable underlying cause, fungus on the
arterial wall.  Once cleaned out, you maintain your clean veins and arteries
by using your ozone sauna twice per week for a half hour each of two days
per week. You don't need to buy any more antioxidants and probably will
never need any more antibiotics.

The investment is currently US$6600.00 for all of Saul's equipment,
including an oxygen concentrator that feeds oxygen to the ozone generator as
well as a bunch of accessories for bagging and funneling ozone. This price
includes shipping. Saul's equipment is only available from Saul.

Saul has been successfully treating people with all sorts of illnesses using
his protocols and equipment --- for eight years. He currently has more than
a thousand satisfied customers of his equipment, all over the world.

He now offers a manual with specific protocols for specific conditions ---
ozone concentrations and flow rates, etc. --- so there is no guesswork for
the do-it-yourselfer and Saul is always available by email for consultation.

He says that the result of his methods is the oxidizing of pathogens and the
oxygenation of the cells. PH goes up as a result of this. The threat of
cancer is eliminated for anyone on this ozone routine, as well as plaque in
the arteries, etc. etc. There is no danger of "oxygen free radicals" using
his methods. His books explain it all.

Start by asking for his book, The Story of Ozone.

I have tried IV chelation.  Ozone seems to me to be more versatile and more
economical in the long run  --- useful for a very wide variety of illnesses
and illness prevention --- and can be done in the convenience of your home
by all members of your family. There is just the initial investment,
basically, if you use an oxygen concentrator as your oxygen source.

Ozone has been used medically for more than 100 years, mostly
autohemotherapy. It is big in Germany, Cuba, and Brazil and elsewhere. I
know of a cancer clinic in Australia that now uses the ozone sauna for
curing cancer patients.

But Saul's idea of an ozone sauna cabinet and his other ideas and equipment
for the do-it-yourselfer is especially useful. He has worked out all the
details of flow rates and concentrations.  For the sauna cabinet you need a
very powerful ozone generator producing medical grade ozone. His equipment
comes with all necessary regulators, controls, accessories, and

His patented cold plasma ozone generator is guaranteed for life --- it is a
modified Tesla design. There are Tesla cold plasma ozone generators still in
use today --- seventy years old. Saul's modification may be nothing more
than the mixture of noble gases that he uses to obtain a frequency within
the range considered ideal for treating humans. Ozone is electrically highly
active. It is this electrical effect on the body that provides the
beneficial forces, apparently.

His system produces medical grade ozone useable for everything except
intravenous ozone treatments, if you use an oxygen concentrator. For IV
ozone uses you need to use an oxygen tank as your source of oxygen for his
ozone generator. But transdermal ozone in his sauna cabinet, using his ozone
generator, has proven to be MORE effective than IV ozone. Many physicians
prefer IV ozone therapy, nevertheless, because you have to go to the doctor
to get the treatment.

Saul contends that airborne pathogens primarily enter the body through the
ears. He recommends funneling ozone into the ear for five minutes in each
ear as a preventative and fifteen minutes if you feel a cold or something
coming on.  Ear funneling of ozone, he says, is the most effective way to
get rid of a Candida infection in the middle ear, a favorite hiding place
for Candida. Four days, usually, fifteen minutes in each ear, twice per day.

Saul has succeeded in getting his ozone protocols and equipment approved
officially in British Columbia by the Assoc of Naturopathic Physicians. More
than forty doctors are using it regularly in their practices in British
Columbia. Other Canadian provinces seem to be in the process of getting on
board. He says about eight states in the USA allow ozone therapies to be
used officially.

In the meantime do-it-yourselfers are free to do what they want to
themselves.  And doing it at home is more economical. A good way to stay out
of the doctor's office and avoid antibiotics.

To subscribe to the ozone list or talk to Dr Saul Pressman ---

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2001-05-21 Thread spiroflx

If you go to your doctor armed with a printout of the checklist/questionnaire 
available at the following website --- 
http://www2.lymenet.org/domino/file.nsf/UID/guidelines --- then you will be 
better prepared for the initial interview. This is an overview of Lyme disease 
by an allopathic physician, with a checklist of symptoms, diagnostic hints, and 
allopathic treatment guidelines. You will find the symptoms that you have 
mentioned that you have had already.

However, your holistic physician may have a better treatment protocol such as 
that mentioned by Dr Bill Biagioli.

I am a former "Lyme" victim now symtom free. I am looking for a faster way to 
help my friends get rid of some "Lyme diseases." Note the plural. When you are 
bitten by an insect that gives you Borrelia burgdorferi you usually are given 
one or more other diseases along with it like Babesia, Ehrlichia, Boronella or 
the new Borrelia recently announced.

For this reason the electrotherapeutic approach of Dr Bill Biagioli appeals to 
me. It is so broad spectrum. All I would add is hyperthermia --- frequent 
saunas at 110 degrees --- because the Borrelia burgdorferi cyst is killed by 
heat, once you are able to endure the sauna for 30-45 minutes at a time. It 
relieved my pains as well. But I was a case of "chronic Lyme" having been sick 
for fifteen months before beginning treatment. I healed very slowly (two years 
of treatment) because at the time I did not know about the Bio Wave or EMEM. I 
used CS and blood electrification and the sauna. 

I would be interested in knowing how you make out with your first doctor 
Best wishes, Carlos LeClair at   spiro...@tampabay.rr.com 


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CS>Blowing the Whistle . . . -- part 1

2001-05-04 Thread spiroflx
Just stumbled on an article entitled,
Blowing the Whistle on the Rife Story or Who's Who In the Rife Game.
The whole story is found at
http://jcau.com/energymedicine/articles.htm#PHOTON LIGHT
Here is a first installment of this long, factual article, apparently
written by Linda Hannapel and Keith Frick.


The history of the Rife Frequency Generator goes back in time to the 1930's.
However, the original research travels back even further to 1880, and the
first patents were issued in 1890, to a man named Fisher. Many men like
Tesla, Lakhovsky, Voll, Nagier, etc. all contributed to this technology1.
Rife happened to land an over zealous journalist named Barry Lynes who made
him into a folk hero with the book, "The Cancer Cure That Worked."  But,
back in those early years, there were many heroic experiments.

Because of the controversy over Rife, we will concentrate on his legacies
and early instrumentation. Rife developed 5 powerful optical microscopes,
the most powerful at which is known as the Universal Microscope. It was
developed in 1933, consists of 5,682 parts, and is so "powerful" because of
its ability to accurately view microorganisms in their natural habitat.
Rife, while observing bacteria, viruses and fungi when using the microscope,
was able to observe their demise while applying energy derived from the
frequency of the square wave generator.

Audio frequency generators of the 1930 era were large and bulky1 and subject
to frequent instability. The instrumentation was crude and unstable. To
determine the precise frequency with accuracy was difficult and quartz
crystal control was required for optimum frequency stability. It is no
wonder that Rife did not publish the frequencies that caused the demise of
viruses that he observed. It would have been difficult for a person other
than an expert radio technician or engineer to determine and measure
frequencies accurately in 1930.

In the manual and notes of Rife, there is no mention of the frequency, only
dial settings. And these depend upon how the parameters were set up in the
oscillator stage. The Manual also points out many "Do Nots", which indicates
mechanical instability of the instrument. The 1987-88 versions of the
original Frequency Generator had been developed through a need for an
experimental program to investigate and study the work of Rife and perhaps
revalidate his experiments using an audio frequency square wave generator to
destroy harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi.

In 1977, a researcher from San Diego, California discovered a man who had
for many years known Rife. Rife provided a frequency generator for this man'
s use when he developed cancer. He used the generator and cured his cancer.

Rife built that instrument from a SQID "Heath Kit". It had vacuum tube
electronics which were impossible to he kept exactly tuned and accurate.
Therefore, whatever the frequencies were, they had little, if anything, to
do with the healing. Through later research, it has been found that the
harmonics of the frequency band are what made it work. Rife merely
substantiated what Lakhovsky knew in 1925.

According to his original material, Rife didn't know the differences between
a frequency and a pulse repetition rate. By sheer luck the vacuum tube's
natural oscillation, and the Heath Kit he used, just happened to match the
body's impedance. (In order to get energy into the body it is necessary to
break through the electric field around the body.) Rife "lucked out", and
the off-the-shelf-generator modified with foot pads worked!

The San Diego researcher in the late 1970's then had a problem with a
relative who had breast cancer. She contacted Rife's friend who loaned the
generator to her. After having complete success, she asked Ed Skilling (a
pioneer in the field of electromagnetics) to duplicate the old generator
with state of the art electronics.

Ed, using the number settings of the old generator with an oscilloscope,
converted the numbers on the dial settings to actual audio frequencies. We
must assume that the numbers on the dial settings were correct, as the
result of its use in the past fifteen years would indicate. Then, Bob Beck
and Ed Skilling created schematics for the copy generator and gave them out
to researchers free, thinking research could then be conducted by many
people and could not be stopped easily.

However, the plot thickens . . . Several people from California took the
schematics with the five frequencies and started manufacturing units in
their garage. When Ed and Bob warned them of the two higher frequencies,
they said the "spirits" told them they were OK to use, so they continued to
manufacture and sell. Thus, the QLF was born. The only difference between
the Skilling Schematics and the final QLP' was that the technician who put
it together used a crystal control, which isn't significant. Because the
frequencies are in the hundreds there could be a drift of minus 5 or 10
hertz and it wouldn't m

CS>An alternative suggestion (off topic)

2001-05-02 Thread spiroflx
Perhaps you also have come to the conclusion that the current escalation of
gas prices is a concerted plan on the part of the oil companies --- a
monopolistic power play, pure and simple.

Someone has come up with a good idea for gas consumers to use to fight back.
What do YOU think of this idea? It is not original with me. But I like it. I
think it is doable. I think it could work. I definitely think we should give
it a try. It is the best idea that I have heard so far.

First, there is always the obvious idea of cutting out as much driving as
possible. A 5% or 10% cut in consumption would create a surplus and send a
message. But would it change the oil companies' concerted plan? I think not.
Because the drop in sales would be spread evenly among the oil companies.
The price increase offsets it, anyway. Plus the summer increased driving
season in North America and Europe is about to happen.

Here is an alternative idea that someone emailed to me that I like. Read the
letter that follows below. This idea makes sense and if we can all stick
together and follow it, then I am convinced that we can make the oil
companies really feel the effective power of the consumer, worldwide. Here
is the letter that I just received. This idea makes more sense to me than
the don't-buy-gas-on-a-certain-day routine --- an idea being circulated

Gasoline Prices!

By now Americans are probably thinking that gasoline priced at about $1.49
is cheap. Me too! It is now $1.58 for regular unleaded where I live in
Florida. Perhaps where you live it already costs more. In New Zealand the
price has recently reached $5.00 per gallon.

Now that the oil companies have conditioned us in the USA to think that the
cost of a gallon of gas is cheap at less than $1.50, we need to attempt a
concerted defensive response to their concerted price gouging. With the
price of gasoline reported to be likely to keep going up everywhere,
consumers need to start taking concerted action NOW. But what action can we

The only way consumers can make an impact is by not buying gas. But, that's
not really a practical option since we all have come to rely on our cars.

But there IS a way that we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act

Here is the simple and doable idea. For the rest of the year 2001, just
don't purchase gasoline from the biggest gasoline company in the world.
This company is comprised of two companies --- EXXON and MOBIL. They
recently merged into one company to form the largest oil company in the
world. But their gas stations in the USA are still using the two separate
names. When Exxon/Mobil sees that they are not selling any gasoline at all
they will get a strong message and they will be inclined to lower their

But, for this consumer defensive action plan to have a real impact we need
to get this message out to literally millions of gasoline users. This is
readily doable by email. I am sending this letter to at least 10 people and
this health forum. If each of you send it on to at least 10 more . . . and
those 10 send it to at least 10 more . . . and so on . . . then by the time
the message reaches the sixth iteration we will have reached over one
million consumers of gasoline. Acting together on this idea we can make the
oil companies feel the immense power of the consumer. This is doable and
worth doing. The sixth iteration could happen in just one week or less.

If you decide to go along with this email communication plan, please do two
things for the benefit of your friends to whom you are going to send this
message. First, put all their email addresses in the blind copy (Bcc) area
of the address boxes. Then you won't be sending everyone a long list of
other people's email addresses. Secondly, don't "forward" this message.
Instead, show consideration for subsequent readers by highlighting this
whole email message with your cursor, then hit   to place the
whole text on your clipboard. Then copy this message from your clipboard
into the message area of a new email message by hitting   . This
will send a clean copy of this email message to your friends --- without the
annoying ">s" on every line.

If this consumer defensive action makes good sense to you, then please pass
this message on to ten people, or some more if you wish.  However, if you
prefer, write your own note and send it on to ten people.

Let's make it our goal, starting right now, to not buy any gasoline at all
from Exxon/Mobil until the price of regular gasoline at an Exxon or Mobil
gas station in the USA is down to $1.29 per gallon.  Those living in other
countries may wish to set a different price goal. THIS CAN WORK, if we all
stick to one price goal and all focus on the biggest oil company in each
country. Gas consumers unite!
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CS>FDA announcement

2001-04-07 Thread spiroflx
Medscape's latest weekly Infectious Diseases email newsletter carried this 

The US Food and Drug Administration has contacted a number of Internet
retailers to caution them that touting colloidal silver as a cure for
conditions ranging from sunburn to the common cold violates the agency's

Re: CS>websites on cancer cures needed

2001-04-05 Thread spiroflx
There seem to be many people that have fought off certain kinds of cancers.
You'll find some of these people posting to flaxseed...@yahoogroups.com
Their simple formula of flaxseed oil with legans plus cottage cheese seems
to help people with cancers and taking radiation. Gives them lots of energy.
Amazing testimonials. Subscribe and tell your story there.

- Original Message -
Subject: CS>websites on cancer cures needed

> To All~
> A 7th grade boy at my daughter's school has bone cancer.  We don't
> him, and his family probably isn't into alternative healing methods.  But
> was going to make a card for him and include a few website addresses just
> case they could get the family interested and it could possibly help him.
> have tons filed on cancer but the only site I have that might be
> is  http://www.quantumbalancing.com/";>Electro Medicine Resources
> Main Page about Dr. Robert Beck.  Does anyone have any other sites to
> suggest, that wouldn't upset someone that most likely believes in
> medicine, that might be helpful?  There must be a good one about Hulda
> or perhaps I should just send the Amazon report on her book.  Any
> would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Karen G.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Lyme disease without the arthritis --- a reason why?

2001-04-03 Thread spiroflx
Medscape's weekly email newsletter covering Infectious Diseases had this
bulletin which may help explain why some Lymies do not suffer with the
arthritic symptoms.

The paucity of arthritis in transgenic mice deficient in decorin suggests
that decorin-binding proteins on the spirochetes that cause Lyme disease
play an important role in their pathogenesis, according to a report in the
April issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation. Go to

=== Here is the text of the abstract you'll find there ===

Decorin-Binding Proteins Important in Lyme Disease Pathogenesis

WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) Mar 28 - The paucity of arthritis in
transgenic mice deficient in decorin suggests that decorin-binding proteins
on the spirochetes that cause Lyme disease play an important role in their
pathogenesis, according to a report in the April issue of the Journal of
Clinical Investigation.

Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, binds to host
collagen by way of decorin adhesins - proteoglycan molecules that are
ubiquitously associated with the host's collagen tissues, through its
decorin-binding proteins A and B, the authors explain.

Dr. Eric L. Brown from Texas A&M University System Health Science Center in
Houston and colleagues used transgenic mice lacking one (Dcn(+/-)) or both
(Dcn(-/-)) decorin genes to investigate the role of decorin and
decorin-binding proteins in the pathology of Lyme disease.

Decorin-deficient mice had consistently lower percentages of B. burgdorferi
blood cultures a week after infection than did wild-type mice, the authors
report, though these differences disappeared after 14 days.

Similarly, significantly fewer Borrelia were recovered from the joints of
Dcn(-/-) mice (47% culture-positive) than from normal mice (90%
culture-positive), the report indicates. Dcn(+/-) mice had intermediate
rates of joint culture-positivity (72%).

Moreover, the researchers note, both the incidence and severity of arthritis
were reduced in animals lacking decorin.

The resistance to the development and severity of Lyme disease could be
somewhat overcome by increasing the size of the spirochete inoculum, the
investigators observe.

Decorin deficiency had no apparent impact, however, on the humoral or
cellular immune responses to the B. burgdorferi, the results indicate.

"The interactions between Borrelia and decorin play a significant role in
the colonization process, as is evidenced by the increased resistance in
Dcn(-/-) mice to the Lyme spirochete," Dr. Brown told Reuters Health. "If
the colonization process can be delayed or stopped, resolution of disease
will be more rapid."

"We are currently developing a second-generation Lyme vaccine based on the
decorin binding protein A (DbpA) and two other Borrelia adhesins," Dr. Brown

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Important new article

2001-03-26 Thread spiroflx
An important new article has recently appeared in Alternative Medicine 
Magazine. It is titled "LYME DISEASE --- The Unknown Epidemic"  by DJ Fletcher 
and Tom Klaber. 

Charles Ray Jones, M.D., of New Haven, Connecticut, is quoted in this article 
as saying that many people who have Lyme "are thought to have multiple 
sclerosis, ALS [Lou Gehrig's disease], chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, 
Alzheimer's" and other debilitating conditions. 

This article talks about new and accurate tests that now exist so that you can 
know for sure if you have Lyme disease. It is stressed that it is urgent that 
anyone with a chronic illness should rule out Lyme asap. Names, addresses, 
telephone numbers and email addresses of authorities quoted in the article are 
provided at the end of the article.

I am a former chronic Lyme patient, now in total remission. I had to research 
this subject extensively to find the answers that I needed to get rid of the 
disease. Colloidal silver was part of the solution. I would like to say that 
this article, IMO, is up-to-date, accurate, practical, and provides some useful 
information on this subject. It explains some of the mysteries of this disease.

If you are wrestling with a chronic illness, I urge you to read this article 
asap. If you cannot download the article, let me know and I will email it to 
you. Go to http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/lymedout/page6.html 


Re: CS and Tummy Bugs (Repost of Three Dumb Guys)

2000-12-20 Thread spiroflx

Your story about your recent bad food/tummy experience should bring back
wonderful memories and belly laughs to old time CS Listers. Old-time CSers
will recall the testimonial to end all testimonials on this subject which
was originally posted by Bob Lee --- aka Tai Pan --- Here it is reposted
once again for any new CSers who haven't read it.

From: Tai-Pan 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

Greetings Glorious Ones of CS,


A few military friends of mine got together last week for the usual yak-yak
about military things. The talk came around to the anthrax shots. I opened
my mouth and said they wouldn`t need them if all the military were taking

A long discussion then went on, at the end of which we had decided to set up
a real "he-man", "macho", "walk-the-walk" test. Too much cold brew can do
odd things to normally intelligent people. This was not a smart thing to do,
but please consider who our small group is. One was me, Tai-Pan, ex-seal
from Nam, one was ex-Army Ranger Shannon from Desert Storm, and one was
ex-82nd Air Borne paratrooper Richard from Bosnia. I was the oldest, they
were the young guys.

The test was to eat rotten meat and see if CS would prevent problems. We
agreed that if anyone became ill we would wait for at least a 103 F fever
before taking CS. If the CS did not work we would go to the ER at a fever of
105 F. The ER was only a few blocks away at Poly Ryan Hospital.

Then we decided that one, Richard, would be the observer, and the other two
would eat the rotten meat. Then we decided that one meat would be treated
with CS and one not.

OK, so here we go to Richard`s house and get the rotten meat that he was
going to throw out. It smelled very bad and strong. Richard is bacheloring
it, so what's new.

We made two patties of about 1/4 lb each, hamburger size. One was put in a
bowl and CS poured over it and then we kneaded in well the CS and made it
into a patty again. The other one was untreated. We drew straws to see who
got each patty.

I got the CS one and Shannon got the untreated one. We ate them, with a
little more beer to blunt the taste of them. Really macho. :-)

Then we waited. After half an hour Shannon developed a stomach ache, which
proceeded to get worse. He had classical symptoms of food poisoning
(botulism). I did not develop any symptoms at all. Shannon's temperature
began to rise so we decided to start using the CS right away at about 101.5
F. We gave Shannon four tablespoons of CS every 15 minutes for 90
minutes --1 1/2 hrs. His temperature held steady, then began dropping. We
gave CS at four tablespoons every 30 minutes, and by the end of four hours
he was feeling normal again. Continued CS at four tablespoons once an hour
until the end of six hours just to make sure the botulism was gone. That was
Saturday, now it is Monday and Shannon is still OK.

The CS was 9ppm, active.

So what does this prove --- besides how dumb was our dumb idea?

1. Well, the CS-treated spoiled meat was rendered safe. It demonstrated that
CS might be used to treat rotten food in an emergency if need be.
2. It proved it would stop botulism. I usually take CS before eating out.
3. It proved you shouldn`t drink too much beer at any one time.
4. It convinced Richard and Shannon to start using CS. :-)

Now I feel better about the youngsters and their health outlook. --- Bless
you all,  Bob  Lee

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 12:30 AM
Subject: CS and Tummy Bugs

 A few weeks ago I ate something that had been sitting out all day. Several
hours later I began to get incredibly nauseaus. I was so sick to my stomach
that I just wanted to die and have it be over with. Then I remembered CS. I
quickly drank about 1/2 cup. Then I laid down. I heard all kinds of gurgling
sound coming from my stomach. And within an hour I was fine and fell asleep.
I never threw up or had any diarrhea. This isn't very scientific, but for me
 the CS saved me from what could have been a horrible night.
 Chris S

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS and saline solutions --- and eye infections

2000-12-16 Thread spiroflx
CS and saline solutionsCS is an analgesic, an antiseptic, and it aids in the 
healing of damaged cells. It is the positive electrons (cations) that 
accomplish all three of these actions. 
In the case of pain, the (positive) cations inhibit the flow of the pain 
message (negative electrons) across pain junctures. CS stops pain. It does not 
cause pain.
Combining CS with other elements can render the CS ineffective and even 
dangerous. It loses its free cations as they combine with those other elements. 
CS should only be mixed with ultra pure or distilled water. 
One can put CS in an eye cup.  Tilt the head back and open and close the 
affected eye twice. Done a few times each day over the course of a day or two 
and this could make the eye feel and look better as well as counter an 
infection. There has been testimony re this effective method of use of CS on 
this forum.
I am not a doctor and I do not offer medical advice. --- Spiroflex
  - Original Message - 
  From: Lewis Ted (x5710) 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 4:33 PM
  Subject: CS and saline solutions

  Hi gang, 

  I seem to remember a discussion quite a while back about whether or not CS 
was effective when added to a saline solution (such as for use in the eyes, 
nose, etc.).  I don't remember the outcome of the thread...was it ok or not ok 
to combine CS and saline?  Does the saline reduce the effectiveness of the CS? 

  The reason: my 5-year old has had an ongoing bout with some type of eye 
infection.  We've given him an antibiotic eye drop, but it keeps coming back.  
I'd like to try CS eye drops to see if we could stop it, but I'm afraid 
straight CS might be too painful.  He's pretty squeamish and might not let me 
do it more than once.  (I'm assuming it would take multiple treatments.)  I'd 
like to prove to my family (and myself) that CS really works.

  Any thoughts or suggestions? 


CS>Newsweek Lyme disease article

2000-11-06 Thread spiroflx
IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM DR. BURRASCANO regarding the Lyme disease legal
goings-on in New York State and the nature and extent of the disease.
"Newsweek magazine will run a story on Chronic Lyme, and my problems with
New York State. It is being published TODAY and will be on the newsstands
TOMORROW, Monday, Nov. 6. Please check it out, and be prepared to send
letters to the editor (with copies sent to other appropriate contacts).
Please also spread the word to everyone! Thanks, Dr. B.!
--- Spiroflex

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Athlete's Foot

2000-10-02 Thread spiroflx
I recently stopped a bad case of athlete's foot that was not responding well
to Tinactin spray or powder. I simply soaked my feet in a plastic basin
containing freshly made strong CS --- 30 minutes evening and 30 minutes
morning for two-three days. This rapidly stopped the pain and itch and
healed the ulcerated skin lesions.
I put tinactin powder in my shoes. I wear white cotton socks which I change
at least twice daily.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Constant Current Converter

2000-09-26 Thread spiroflx
Sept 26, 2000
I am interested in this concept of constant current generation of CS.
My son-in-law, John Nystrom, will be visiting me again (from Papua New
Guinea) at Thanksgiving time and I want to equip him with some Beck devices
and the best thing you know of for CS generation. He is still battling his
recurring fevers and weakness. --- Right now it is malaria.
- Original Message -
From: "Robert L. Berger" 
To: "silver-list" 
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 5:33 PM
Subject: CS>Constant Current Converter

> Hi Ya'all,
> If any of you would like to try your hand at constant current generation
> of CS contact me off line.
> Be sure and tell what you are presently doing in the way of maming CS.
> While this will not have automatic shut-off its not much bigger than a
> postage stamp.
> If you are using a wall mounted transformer you could get a $5.00  timer
> from the hardware store and let it run by itself.
> Both Ivan and coyote swear by constant current. Try it you might like
> it.
> "Ole Bob"
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS --- no pain --- hence no swelling?

2000-09-26 Thread spiroflx
September 26, 2000
To Fred, Ivan and others interested in this topic:
A neighbor of mine, who is an MD, explained to me that fluids containing
positive electrons (cations) --- such as CS --- when applied externally to
burns and wounds will stop pain messages from reaching the brain by
inhibiting the flow of electrons (negative) across pain junctures in the
body. As a consequence of this interruption of communication of "the pain
message" would this not also stop consequential swelling from taking
place? --- Spiroflex

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Leeches can be beneficial for some people

2000-09-18 Thread spiroflx
Marshall wrote a bit sarcastically I think,

"They thought putting leaches on people was helpful too."

Actually, Marshall, I believe putting leaches on some people did serve a
medically useful purpose and is still used today for the same medical
purpose. Some physicians say that It removes blood from the patient in such
a way that it helps to lower and keep at a safer lower level the ferritin
(stored iron) in the patient.  This is useful in people with a ferritin
level considered to be excessive and dangerous. Physicians differ somewhat
as to what is a safe and what is a dangerous ferrtin level.

Today some physicians believe that we can get this ferritin lowering done by
donating blood or dumping blood (with a prescription) at a blood collection
center if done on a certain tight schedule.  The trick is to trick the brain
into signaling the body to release stored iron from cells and put them back
into the bloodstream without lowering the ferritin too low. Who knows, maybe
leaches steadily sucking blood accomplish this trickery better than pint
blood donations spaced many weeks apart. A physician who still uses leaches
may have the answer to this question.

The people most likely in need of this bloodletting are said to be people
with one or two genes that are said to be traceable back to the Celtic
tribes of France. These genes enable the gene owner to absorb more iron from
their food than the average person. Thus, leeching was popular in England
where there are many inbred Celtic descendants (Celtics marrying Celtics).
The medical problem is sometimes called hemochromatosis. Full blown
hemochromatosis is said to occur when you have both of the two Celtic genes.
One gene is said to be enough to get you a lot of iron in your cells if you
don't engage in some kind of bloodletting. Some call it iron overload

Stored iron is said to promote (as a catalyst for oxidation) cell
degradation, now called damage from oxygen free radicals. Chelation, oral
and IV, may be another way of combating the problem. I conjecture as to
whether spikey red blood cells may be related to this problem.

I have noted that several major TV networks in the past few years have run
short med news segments on the subject of blood donation with the advice to
people of Western European descent that "your regular blood donations may be
helping you the donor as much as it helps the donated blood recipient."

Carlos LeClair at spiro...@tampabay.rr.com

- Original Message -
From: "Marshall Dudley" 
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Parasites are beneficial???

> mama2b...@aol.com wrote:
> > I'm almost embarrassed to say so but several people tell me internal
> > parasites perform a vital function in the body.  Old timers used to
> > they helped digest food.  Of course I know better, so don't laugh at me.
> > One doctor, a cancer specialist, says everyone has them and they "serve
> > purpose."  Any comments?
> They thought putting leaches on people was helpful too.

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Spikey red blood cells/Blood electrification/antioxidants -- Sept update

2000-09-16 Thread spiroflx
Terry Wayne previously wrote on August 17, 2000:

> Listers,
> I am friends with a nearby medical doctor whom I've
> known for some years. When I started making CS, she
> politely listened to my enthusiasm, but reserved
> opinion. Later she referred to me a woman with
> Mastitis. I shipped this woman a 16-ounce bottle of CS
> with instructions to ingest 2 teaspoons per day.
> Instead, she drank the whole bottle in one day. 24
> hours later, her Mastitis was gone. After that, the
> doctor started recommending CS to most of her
> patients.
> Recently I called her up and described the Beck
> machines to her. At one point in my description, she
> said, "You know Terry, this does sound awfully
> Star-Trekky!" I admitted as much and continued my
> recital. When I finished, she said, "Well, this is
> very interesting that you should be telling me about
> this right now..." and she proceeded to tell me how
> she had just 2 days before had had a live blood cell
> microscopy performed, and she had a condition called
> Mycoplasma, which is believed to be a bacteria that
> behaves like a virus, is usually present in conditions
> such as HIV, chronic fatigue syndrome, Gulf WAr
> syndrome, etc. At least one doctor believes it could
> be a precurser to leukemia. He red blood cells are
> spikey and bumpy, not round and smooth.
> I loaned her the two Beck units, which she excitedly
> received. She will be using them plus CS, and having
> new microscopy's performed every 2 weeks or so, to
> observe any changes in her blood.
> I will report as appropriate.
> Terry wayne
I recently wrote to Terry the following:

> > September 15, 2000
> > Terry,
> > I also have a MD friend. She is a hematologist and
> > does live blood cell analysis. She and I are
> > interested in whatever changes noted that occur in
> > your friend's blood as she proceeds with using the
> > Beck devices and using CS. What can you report since
> > August 17, 2000, the date of your post to the silver
> > list? Thanks.
> > --- Carlos LeClair at spiro...@tampabay.rr.com
Terry has replied as follows:
> Carlos,
> I waited almost three weeks before calling her to
> follow up (she had also been out of town) and she had
> stopped using the machines because she became so tired
> when she did. She was surprised to hear that she
> should start off with 3 minutes/day, or 1 minute/day,
> or even 15 seconds/day, whatever it took to use the
> machines without becoming so tired (I still can only
> use them 5 minutes/day). She pledged to start again at
> a much lower time. I will admit, it's frustrating, I
> have been using them 5 minutes/day for almost 2 weeks,
> and still cannot increase the time more than that
> without becoming too tired and depressed to function.
> I recently tried 8 minutes in the morning and 8
> minutes at night, but again became tired and
> depressed.
> I took today off to catch up, I'll start again
> tomorrow. I'm assuming I will eventually be able to
> increase the Blood Electrifier time. The goal is to be
> able to wear it for 2 hours/day for 3 weeks, take a
> week off, do another 3 weeks. By the end of the second
> 3 weeks, according to Beck, I will have "Immortal
> Blood".
> As soon as I can report anything significant about
> either the doctor or myself, I will post it on the
> silver-list.
> Terry

September 16, 2000 --- And here is my current comment to Terry:

The electrifier only inactivates the bugs. Your leukocytes are trying to zap
the bugs and in the process of doing this they are consuming oxygen in your
body, hence fatigue. Isn't this why Bob Beck advocates the ozonated water to
increase the supply of oxygen and thereby lessen this fatigue problem? The
fatigue is also called a Herxheimer Effect by some.
You and the doctor should invest in the ozonator and also get real serious
about taking certain oral antioxidants.
When I started the electrification I was already rid of much of my complex o
f diseases labelled Lyme disease. More importantly perhaps, I first improved
the oxygen transporting ability of my blood by taking an effective brand of
Pycnogenol, 200 mg per day simultaneously with certain other antioxidants.
Microscopy shows that an effective Pycnogenol makes your red blood cells
become round and smooth and to a certain extent unsticks them, sometimes in
just 30 days or less. Taken of course with 500 mg of Vit C, 400 units of Vit
E, 200 mg of Co-Q-10, some Lipoic acid, a multi-vitamin and some extra
vitamin B.  Tomorrow I'll give you the brand name of the Pycnogenol that I
use. It has a plant enzyme based delivery system built into it. They all
claim that but the one I now take is noticeably effective, as demonstrated
by microscopy and my comparing its results to five other brands over the
For all these reasons the fatigue factor was not so severe for me.  I had
Lyme disease real bad at the time of my first microscopy test for Lyme but
my RBCs were nice and 

Re: CS stimulates bacteria???

2000-09-16 Thread spiroflx
Dear Katie Jay,

In your post you said in part, two things:

1.  "Did you know [that] some antibiotics cause mutations of Bb (lyme
spirochete) that's why I'm taking a rest from abx and went to Mexico."

2.  Your friend said that the doctor told her that her "bacteria count"

I think your friend may actually have been told that her viral count
tripled.  At any rate, according to my Infectious Disease specialist it is
the Herpes 6 or 7 virus that is associated with MS symptoms. My physician
says it is the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) and the other bacterias
such as Ehrlichia that "activate" the viruses somehow.

When you first start treating Lyme disease EFFECTIVELY one's symptoms
usually but not always get much worse. This widely reported Herxheimer
effect may be due to an increase in the viral load in the body. The adverse
Herxing effect is temporary. Some think that the viral increase may be due
to viruses being released by dying bacterias.

My guess is that your friend would have had the same viral increase if she
had been taking Doxycycline or Metronidazole for just a short while.

If you take Doxycycline in sufficient amount you will kill Bb spirochetes
because the Doxy can attach itself to the cell wall of the spirochete. But
Bb spirochetes have the ability to revert to an alternate cystic form when
threatened by a hostile environment such as when surrounded by cerebral
spinal fluid, attacked by Doxycycline or by CS, or some other hostile
environment in the body. It isn't just CS or abxs that prompt and allow some
Bb spirochetes to escape and revert to a cystic form.

The cystic form of Bb does not have a cell wall like the spirochete and
therefore the Doxy cannot attach itself to the cystic form of Bb and thereby
kill or inactivate it.  But oral Doxy seems to be a good way to BEGIN
treatment for Lyme and can potentially make one feel a whole lot better
after the first four to six weeks of feeling worse and up to the third month
or so you can feel much better.  But you can expect that after three or four
months of only oral Doxy you will seem to plateau and then go downhill as
the Bb cysts keep multiplying. This was true of me and I was later found to
also have Ehrlichia. As soon as you stop the Doxy the spirochetes emerge
from the cysts and you feel very sick immediately.

I had a live blood microscope test done --- using Giemsa stain --- done
during the sixth month that I was on Doxy and I was shown through a
microscope the live and kicking Bb cysts alongside a few dead spirochetes.
Both the cysts and the spirochetes luminesced under ultra violet light and
appeared beautifully clear under phase contrast illumination. If I stopped
the Doxy for 24 hours I started feeling awful. But note that Olive Leaf
Extract capsules and Grapefruit Seed Extract tablets taken with the Doxy
helped me feel much better --- no headaches.  Perhaps this was because of
the anti-viral attributes of these two herbal products.

So I suggest to chronic Lyme sufferers to not throw away the CS idea as
ineffective. Just realize that there are probably viruses also to deal with
and those Bb spirochetes are alive, smart, and capable of retreating when
threatened by transforming themselves into an alternate cystic form. It
should be no surprise that it may take more than CS alone to do the job in
the case of late disseminated Lyme disease --- aka chronic Lyme disease.
Metronidazole and Tinidazole are effective at dealing with the cystic form
of Bb.  Tinidazole is 10 times as effective against the cystic form of Bb in
vitro according to Norwegian researchers (unpublished).

BTW Tinidazole is available in Mexico relatively cheap and even without a
prescription, I was told. When Lyme patients start taking something that is
effective against the cyst form of Bb they experience shock symptoms in
their body, probably because Bb cysts are located in the nervous systems.
Both metronidazole and CS gave me shocks behind my eyeballs when I first
began to take them. Previously, the Lyme disease had been giving me tapping
sensations behind my eyeballs.

But if you have Babesia or Ehrlichia, common co-infections of Bb (from the
same bug bite) then they say that you will never get rid of the Bb until you
get rid of these two co-infections.  Ehrlichia was reported as being capable
of invading your neutrophils and compromising your immune system.

IMO the Bb bacteria and the other bacterias seem to either activate viruses
in our body, or deposit them, or create them --- choose your theory. In any
event, Bb patients have viruses to kill or inactivate as well as bacterias
and maybe more stuff not yet identified.

So a chronically ill patient ought to be tested for Borrelia, Babesia,
Ehrlichia, and all the viruses possible to test for including Epstein-Barr.
Which is why knowledgeable and up-to-date physicians say that Lyme disease
and these other diagnoses are really best viewed as a complex of
diseases --- a comp

Re: CS>Beck protocol for cancer

2000-09-07 Thread spiroflx
September 7, 2000


I think you can still obtain copies of published articles by the physicist
Bob Beck PhD and other researchers dealing with the experimental use of CS,
electrical currents, magnetic impulses, ozonized water and the electrical
activity of leukocytes in the human body.

I recently sent 12 dollars to Action Electronics, 1300 E Edinger Ave, Santa
Ana CA 92705-4425 [action-electronics.com].  I told them I was interested in
any reprints of published reports/articles/abstracts written by researchers
pertaining to experiments in the general field of electromedical research
and the functioning of the human immune system --- anything that they could

I understand that Action Electronics passed my request and my money on to
someone else.  After about ten days or more I received around 40-45 pages of
reprints of articles and research reports in a large envelope that had no
return address.

With the permission of copyright holders it is still legal to pass around
reprints of published articles --- a right protected by the First Amendment
to the USA Constitution --- if it is kept "properly separated" from the sale
of devices so as not to be construed in the eyes of the FDA and the FTC as
the labeling of devices for sale for a use not duly approved by the FDA.
"Fair use" privileges of copyrighted material also may apply here.

Action Electronics personnel will not discuss with you any possible
experimental medical uses of the devices that they sell.  They WILL discuss
with you the design of their devices.  Some of the experimental devices that
they sell are clearly labelled "not approved for use on humans" and some
experimental devices offered by Action Electronics are said to be
design-approved by Bob Beck.

- Original Message -
From: "Bradley Kirby" 
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 2:15 AM
Subject: CS>Beck protocol for cancer

> I need to construct a protocol for liver cancer using the four Beck
> machines. Any suggestions welcome. Also if any one has a copy of the 50
> Beck pamphlet that printed pre FDA action.
> Thank You bradki...@email.com

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Testing for free ions -- How?

2000-07-30 Thread spiroflx
July 30, 2000
How do you propose to test for free ions in a solution?
Is your test the same for measuring free silver ions in blood as for
measuring free silver ions in water?
If the free positive silver ions were suspended in a solution of ultra pure
water, do you think that this might alter the results of your test for free
silver ions?
Do you know how one could measure the quantity of free positive ions
(cations) in an ultra pure water solution of colloidal silver regardless of
whether the cations are from the silver, the hydrogen or the oxygen?
- Original Message -
From: "Ivan Anderson" 
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2000 6:44 AM
Subject: Re: CS and colds
> Roger, having silver in the urine implies having silver in the kidneys.
> Having silver in the kidneys implies that the silver has been complexed
> and removed from the plasma and is awaiting elimination. One would
> need to test the blood for free silver ions in order to determine the
> amount in circulation vs time. I will do this, as I can test for silver
> if I can get hold of some syringes.

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Jaguar Enterprises

2000-07-27 Thread spiroflx
The black box made by Jaguar Enterprises, which is used for experimental
purposes, sounds to me like a good one.  It seems to be more versatile than
some others advertised, more features, more options. I have someone else's
experimental stimulator which offers less options.  I like it ---
effective --- but I plan to order a Jaguar black box soon in order to
experiment with the additional options.  --- Spiroflex

- Original Message -
From: "Katie Jay" 
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 4:11 PM
Subject: CS>Jaguar Enterprises

> Has anyone used Beck devices made by Jaguar Enterprises? Here's a link:
> http://www.ioa.com/~dragonfly/bbstuff.html
> I would be very interested in opinions on the black box, because I want to
> use it as part of Beck's protocol (which includes CS).
> Thanks,
> Katie
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Government control...will it happen in the USA

2000-07-24 Thread spiroflx
As I think I understand it, in October 1994 a new law (passed in 1992) went
into effect that took oversight of OTC products and supplements away from
the FDA and gave it to the FTC.  At the same time rules were spelled out for
proper "labeling" of OTC products.
The FDA retained control of products for medical use.
This new legislation was pushed for by the OTC and supplement industry. It
was not the FDA's wishes as I understand it, but was promoted by legislators
friendly to the supplement vendors, such as Sen. Orrin Hatch --- whose
family is said to have benefited from alternative medicine.
In a cute paraphrase, the law says, "If you sell, don't tell and if you tell
don't sell."
Tellers are protected by the right of free speech.
SOTA has not been playing by these new rules in existence for six years.
Canada apparently now has similar rules or Canada and the US may have a
trade cooperation agreement.
Apparently someone who has been playing by the rules filed a complaint, an
investigation took place and SOTA has been told to cease and desist from
vending devices as though they were medical devices for human use. To do
that you still have to go through the FDA and Canadian approval process. The
FDA is still responsible for supervision of the marketing of medical devices
for human use.
The OTC and supplement industries want to polish up their industry to
improve their image in the eyes of the public and gain more public
Other web sites, in the USA, may soon have complaints filed against them for
the same reason. Often it is the one who is just stung by the rule enforcers
who is the next to squeal, wishing to level the playing field.
One of the new 1994 FTC rules is that you must be "objective" when you make
claims for your product, presenting the negative along with the positive.
And you must be able to substantiate all your claims with documentation that
any consumer may request in writing of the vendor.
We have been witnessing the results of this lately on USA TV with the
supplement commercials. Have you noticed? Do you really think this bad?
--- Spiroflex

- Original Message -
From: "James Osbourne, Holmes" 
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2000 3:42 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Government control...will it happen in the USA

> Hi Trem,
> Chilling indeed.
> All that is not mandatory shall be forbidden.
> Your choice of "Draconian" is perhaps more relevant than you may know.
> And perhaps also, "Sirian", in uneasy alliance behind the WO---new is same
as old.
> Their goal is to reduce the farm to a more manageable population level.
Anything which interferes with that goal will be crushed.
> James Osbourne Holmes
> a...@trail.com
> -Original Message-
> From: Trem [SMTP:t...@silvergen.com]
> Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2000 10:49 AM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>Government control...will it happen in the USA
> Hi List and especially other CS generator manufacturers and vendors,
> Has anyone else seen the Sota site lately.  Looks to me as though they got
> shut down by the Canadian government.  Not much info is available on their
> site to let us know what happened but it seem from reading between the
> lines, they stepped across one line that was a no-no.  Sounds pretty
> Draconian to me.  We can't be sure it was from CS machines because they
> marketed many different type devices but in any case it's a bit
> chilling.  Check it out www.sotainstruments.com .
> If anyone knows the real story, how about letting us know what you have.
> Trem
> www.silvergen.com
> Constant Current Colloid Generators
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Lou Gehrig's disease?

2000-07-22 Thread spiroflx
Lou Gehrig's disease has often tested out to be Lyme Disease, when a live
blood culture was done such as that done by Lida Mattman PhD, researcher in
Warren MI.  Lida's culture is the Gold Standard for testing for Lyme IMO.

I found an abstract of Mattman's report on the Web at PubMed Web at:

If you cannot access this, let me know and I'll post it.

Print out and let your friend read the long document by Dr Joseph Burrascano
MD found at.
This is an excellent overview of Lyme disease, with a checklist of symptoms,
diagnostic hints, and treatment guidelines.

If that gentleman was a friend of mine I would try to persuade him to get a
referral to an infectious disease specialist with plenty of experience
treating Lyme patients.

But a treatment protocol such as the 4-part plan proposed by Robert Beck PhD
would be my personal choice for dealing with a complex of diseases like Lyme
or "Lou Gehrig's disease." That protocol includes CS, blood electrification,
magnetic pulsing and drinking ozonized water.


- Original Message -
From: "Michael" 
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V100 #539
. . . Another thing that I find interesting is that I am getting IV
twice a week and there is a man there that can hardly walk and he looks to
be in his late forties that has been diagnosed with Lou G. disease and he
has been everywhere looking for help and now is getting the IV chelation and
also he gets the hydrogen peroxide drip and he said he was told he had a
high level of silver which was causing his problem.  I didn't mention that I
was taking CS.  Of course he has been to a lot of Drs. and has been told a
lot of different things.  Feel like he is being steered wrong.  Does anyone
know of anything for Lou G  Disease? . . .

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List maintainer: Mike Devour