Dear Katie Jay,

In your post you said in part, two things:

1.  "Did you know [that] some antibiotics cause mutations of Bb (lyme
spirochete) that's why I'm taking a rest from abx and went to Mexico."

2.  Your friend said that the doctor told her that her "bacteria count"

I think your friend may actually have been told that her viral count
tripled.  At any rate, according to my Infectious Disease specialist it is
the Herpes 6 or 7 virus that is associated with MS symptoms. My physician
says it is the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) and the other bacterias
such as Ehrlichia that "activate" the viruses somehow.

When you first start treating Lyme disease EFFECTIVELY one's symptoms
usually but not always get much worse. This widely reported Herxheimer
effect may be due to an increase in the viral load in the body. The adverse
Herxing effect is temporary. Some think that the viral increase may be due
to viruses being released by dying bacterias.

My guess is that your friend would have had the same viral increase if she
had been taking Doxycycline or Metronidazole for just a short while.

If you take Doxycycline in sufficient amount you will kill Bb spirochetes
because the Doxy can attach itself to the cell wall of the spirochete. But
Bb spirochetes have the ability to revert to an alternate cystic form when
threatened by a hostile environment such as when surrounded by cerebral
spinal fluid, attacked by Doxycycline or by CS, or some other hostile
environment in the body. It isn't just CS or abxs that prompt and allow some
Bb spirochetes to escape and revert to a cystic form.

The cystic form of Bb does not have a cell wall like the spirochete and
therefore the Doxy cannot attach itself to the cystic form of Bb and thereby
kill or inactivate it.  But oral Doxy seems to be a good way to BEGIN
treatment for Lyme and can potentially make one feel a whole lot better
after the first four to six weeks of feeling worse and up to the third month
or so you can feel much better.  But you can expect that after three or four
months of only oral Doxy you will seem to plateau and then go downhill as
the Bb cysts keep multiplying. This was true of me and I was later found to
also have Ehrlichia. As soon as you stop the Doxy the spirochetes emerge
from the cysts and you feel very sick immediately.

I had a live blood microscope test done --- using Giemsa stain --- done
during the sixth month that I was on Doxy and I was shown through a
microscope the live and kicking Bb cysts alongside a few dead spirochetes.
Both the cysts and the spirochetes luminesced under ultra violet light and
appeared beautifully clear under phase contrast illumination. If I stopped
the Doxy for 24 hours I started feeling awful. But note that Olive Leaf
Extract capsules and Grapefruit Seed Extract tablets taken with the Doxy
helped me feel much better --- no headaches.  Perhaps this was because of
the anti-viral attributes of these two herbal products.

So I suggest to chronic Lyme sufferers to not throw away the CS idea as
ineffective. Just realize that there are probably viruses also to deal with
and those Bb spirochetes are alive, smart, and capable of retreating when
threatened by transforming themselves into an alternate cystic form. It
should be no surprise that it may take more than CS alone to do the job in
the case of late disseminated Lyme disease --- aka chronic Lyme disease.
Metronidazole and Tinidazole are effective at dealing with the cystic form
of Bb.  Tinidazole is 10 times as effective against the cystic form of Bb in
vitro according to Norwegian researchers (unpublished).

BTW Tinidazole is available in Mexico relatively cheap and even without a
prescription, I was told. When Lyme patients start taking something that is
effective against the cyst form of Bb they experience shock symptoms in
their body, probably because Bb cysts are located in the nervous systems.
Both metronidazole and CS gave me shocks behind my eyeballs when I first
began to take them. Previously, the Lyme disease had been giving me tapping
sensations behind my eyeballs.

But if you have Babesia or Ehrlichia, common co-infections of Bb (from the
same bug bite) then they say that you will never get rid of the Bb until you
get rid of these two co-infections.  Ehrlichia was reported as being capable
of invading your neutrophils and compromising your immune system.

IMO the Bb bacteria and the other bacterias seem to either activate viruses
in our body, or deposit them, or create them --- choose your theory. In any
event, Bb patients have viruses to kill or inactivate as well as bacterias
and maybe more stuff not yet identified.

So a chronically ill patient ought to be tested for Borrelia, Babesia,
Ehrlichia, and all the viruses possible to test for including Epstein-Barr.
Which is why knowledgeable and up-to-date physicians say that Lyme disease
and these other diagnoses are really best viewed as a complex of
diseases --- a complex that can vary somewhat from patient to patient.

IMO a good CS along with the Beck-designed experimental devices are useful
for this complex of diseases because they are potentially effective against
bacteria, viruses and fungi by inactivating them. But physicians warn us
that the treatment is long-term and should not be discontinued, once it is
started, until the patient is symptom-free for at least two months. Massage
and heat therapy will probably help also, as well as exercise. Anything to
inactivate the diversity of bugs and help flush out these bugs that are so
widely disseminated in the body of the chronically ill person.

I am here to tell you that this experimental protocol advocated by Bob Beck
seemed to work for me after I had Doxy for 6 months and Metronidazole for 3
months and two courses of Azithromycin (Zithromax) for the Ehrlichia and
also CS by itself. Each of these made its contribution toward better health
but only the three Beck-advocated experimental devices combined with CS
resulted in stopping my relapses. I made my own CS.

Have you acquainted yourself with this forum ---

Have you read Dr Burrascano's May 2000 treatise on Lyme disease?  It is
found at  This is an
excellent overview of Lyme disease.

I may differ with Dr Burrascano on one point.  Toward the end of his
treatise Dr Burrascano says that ". . . we do not have as yet a specific Bb
detection test. . . ."  I disagree with this statement if Dr Burrascano is
saying that there is not a good reliable test available RIGHT NOW to find
out if you have Bb. Lida Mattman PhD in Michigan and her research associate,
Jo Anne Whitaker MD in Palm Harbor FL have reliable tests for Bb. Dr Mattman
cultures the live blood and Dr Whitaker has a live peripheral blood test.
Mattman's accuracy is 91 %. and Whitaker's test is almost as accurate
(missed only one out of approximately 500).  Check it out.  My Lyme
physician considers their tests to be the gold standard for testing for
active Lyme disease. Go to   Also see for info on how to contact Dr Whitaker.

Best wishes to you and your friend for finding the solutions for your
complex of diseases.  IMO and in the opinion of my physician "chronic lyme
disease" IS DEFINITELY curable. It takes a patient, persistent, persevering
patient and doctor to find the solutions. Information is available if you
dig for it diligently. It is not simple. The complex of bacterias and
viruses apparently varies from patient to patient. CS or Doxy or
Metronidazole or Tinidazole or Zithromax or Mepron (for Babesia) each by
themselves alone won't do the whole job.

I recently spoke to a knowledgeable scientist who told me that he treated
himself for Lyme disease by using CS, the blood electrifier, the magnetic
pulser, and ozonated water for 6 months. He said that he has been
symptom-free for 4.5 years. He told me that during this 6-month protocol he,
at times, tried to use the electrifier almost 24 hours per day. He said that
he drank at least 24 ounces of ozonated water per day.  He admitted that he
had to skip or modify this protocol on some days due to his work etc.and
even was off the protocol entirely for four days at one point.

If you or your friend have been chronically ill with MS, Lyme disease,
Fibromyalgia etc for more than a year or have been treated with steroids
then you are usually classified as a chronic Lyme case or as having late,
disseminated Lyme disease and are considered to be more difficult to cure.
Your immune system is more compromised.

So there are many abxs that are used effectively to a point. They each seem
to help with only part of the problem. Whereas the Beck 4-part protocol
seems to cover a wide range of this complex problem and seems to me to be
potentially able to reach more regions of the body.

Best wishes for the restoration of your health and that of your friend.
Please keep me/us informed about what you experiment with in Mexico and what
you learn in your journey toward better health.

Carlos LeClair

----- Original Message -----
From: "Katie Jay" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 1:17 AM
Subject: CS stimulates bacteria???

> Hi all,
> I'm continuing the discussion with the woman who said her MS bacterial
> tripled while she was on CS. I know this may have no merit in the efficacy
> of CS, but here are the further details she gave me. Thanks, Katie
> Her words:
> Making it myself with Beck machine; about 4-5 ounces a day 5 days a week
> 6  months. No antibiotics then.  So two different doctors told me CS
> stimulated some bacteria; BUT to date NO substantiating medical papers,
> words.  And evidence if my count was true as pathologist said when it
> tripled.
> Did you know some antibiotcs cause muations of Bb (lyme spirochete) that's
> why I'm taking a rest from abx and went to Mexico.
> --
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