Re: CS & Immunity - IT'S ALL RELATIVE

1998-08-03 Thread bjs1779 wrote:
>> cells do on their level. And did you know that when sperm enters a woman
> much of it is *immediately* treated as an intruder and destroyed? Yet we
> still have over-population. 
> Dameon
> _

And did you know that you can take the worlds entire population and fit
into the state of Texas? Then you can accomodate them in 1500 sf. homes
that would house four people, and still fit in the state of Texas. To
prove it, all you need is a worlds almanac, pencil and paper.


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Re: CS & Immunity - IT'S ALL RELATIVE

1998-08-03 Thread Reid Smith
>relative. Who can really say what's enough - vitamins, minerals, CS or
>otherwise? I was once taking 100,000 IU's of vitamin-A a day for MONTHS
>as part of a medical experiment. At that level I should have experienced
>some kind of side affects; they kept asking me if I was, but I wasn't...
>nothing! Then there's an IV drug for fighting infections in Cystic
>Fibrosis called Colymycin; *most* patients have terrible side affects
>from even a small amount: Heavy urination, rubber legs and migrain
>headaches. When I was on it I felt absolutely nothing - not even
>tingling toes! I treat silver water as a "mineral suppliment" that just
>*happens* to work better than a drug for my situation. Lucky me... so
>far. Speaking of drugs, just what *is* a drug, in it's simplest
>definition? They're *subtsances* taken for a specific reason with the
>intent of getting well. This can also define what a vitamin, mineral or

   Doctors and some researchers make the mistake in thinking all people
are the same. I've experienced some of the same things that you've 
experienced. Like my white count never goes up, even with a 104 feavor.
Doctors look at the white count as a sign of infection. I have something
wrong with my immune system that causes me to not increase the white
count. When I first thought about it I thought that I had screwed up
my immune system because of all the antibotics. Then I thought back 
and my immune system was that way before I even started taking 

  One dose of clafrin, and about 2 minutes later my sinuses open and start
to drain. The doctors told me that's not possable antibotics don't work
that fast. I proved it to one by blowing my nose on a mirror and having
him check the inside. The right side steamed up the mirror and the left
didn't. Then after the injection I did the same and he looked again and 
said hummm that's strange. Both sides are open now and your left sinus
is draining.. :]

   I went to the ER a little while back with a headake out of this world.
I finally convinced the doctor to put me on an IV and the only thing that
he had was leviquin. About 10 minutes into the IV the headake started going
away and my leg started burning. That's where the infection is consentrated.
After 30 minutes the headake was gone and as I was leaving he said boy that
leviquin is some miracal drug. Weired but that's the way it works.

   People are different and what works for one might not work for another.

Take Care 


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Re: CS & Immunity

1998-08-03 Thread Philip Collins
A few folks have very astutely pointed out that there are important
exceptions to my let-your-immune-system-try-to-do-its-job-before-intervening
theory.  Thanks.  There are some really nasty bugs out there, and it does
not make sense to wait until they have you down before defending yourself.

I should also admit that I do not always follow the theory myself.  I am
already a complete vitamin C junkie, and I start in on the echinacea at the
first sign of a cold.  But I hesitate to use the big guns (CS) on every
little sore throat, fearing that I will become a CS junkie as well.


-Original Message-
From: W. D. Cavanaugh 
Date: Friday, July 31, 1998 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: CS & Immunity

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Re: CS & Immunity - IT'S ALL RELATIVE

1998-08-02 Thread likowski
Good to see Whitney admit obedience to the unknown variables by the use
of vit-C and herbs, though I would hardly classify CS as a "big gun"
compared to other things; "big guns" usually imply serious risk of
damage for the sake of killing the opponent. Has anyone ever been
seriously damaged from CS? Ozone will damage if protocols are not
carefully followed and I would bet sensitivity levels are much higher
amongst the majority than they are to CS. But ozone is a marvelous
weapon/healer even though there's a risk; *ozone* is a "big gun". With
all that's UNknown about the actions of CS in the body - especially
since there are implications that we used to get so much more through
the foods we'd eat - I believe the way it's used *must* be totally up to
the individual. It's a good opportunity for the person to go deeper and
*feel* what the "correct" amount is. Until there is definite empirical
evidence that CS *does* interfere with the workings of our immune
systems, it's just fear to state that it would or could. Pregnant women
are advised to get enough folic acid (part of the B-vitamin complex) to
prevent their babies from being born with a disconnected spine; the
amount needed to prevent this horrible deformity is not even visible to
the naked eye. This, to me, reveals the implications of how important it
is to get the proper elements for a healthy life - amount being
relative. Who can really say what's enough - vitamins, minerals, CS or
otherwise? I was once taking 100,000 IU's of vitamin-A a day for MONTHS
as part of a medical experiment. At that level I should have experienced
some kind of side affects; they kept asking me if I was, but I wasn't...
nothing! Then there's an IV drug for fighting infections in Cystic
Fibrosis called Colymycin; *most* patients have terrible side affects
from even a small amount: Heavy urination, rubber legs and migrain
headaches. When I was on it I felt absolutely nothing - not even
tingling toes! I treat silver water as a "mineral suppliment" that just
*happens* to work better than a drug for my situation. Lucky me... so
far. Speaking of drugs, just what *is* a drug, in it's simplest
definition? They're *subtsances* taken for a specific reason with the
intent of getting well. This can also define what a vitamin, mineral or
CS is. When I first began studying natural healing/vitamins I read about
all kinds of illnesses due to deficiencies (imbalances) that were
"cured" with vitamins/minerals; that kinda sounds similar to a "drug".
The point is: All these things seem to overlap at some point. How many
on this list drink coffee? Alcohol? Smoke? They're saying that a little
wine every day is "good", even though the body recognizes ALL alcohol as
a poison. Coffee's a good example of paradox: When consumed *orally* it
depletes the body of valuable necessities and causes all kinds of
imbalances with implications of even contributing to some cancers; when
taken *rectally*, it initiates a "purging" affect that is actually used
in some cancer treatments! So, all this amounts to the individual's call
to use CS and at what amount. But, as one book says, "Fate and
unforeseen occurrence befall all men (and women)". *IF* it turns out
that there's a risk to using CS in the long run, that's the price you
pay for living. Think of all the other risks taken daily that are not
even considered - driving being the most obvious. One of the biggest
killers in America is falling in the bathtub and you risk more breathing
downtown city air on a smoggy day, because of all the unknown
interactions of about 13 million chemicals poured into the atmosphere
every year, than you ever could with CS. And no matter how "healthy" you
eat, the body automatically regards food as an "invader"; this is part
of "digestion": The attack, breakdown and use of the invader called
"food" with it's inevitable toxins... kind of like what the white blood
cells do on their level. And did you know that when sperm enters a woman
much of it is *immediately* treated as an intruder and destroyed? Yet we
still have over-population. Even the growing fetus can cause chemical
changes in the woman that could end up killing her! 

Seems to me the Great Infinite loves the game of Paradox.

I wouldn't be too afraid of CS. One thing is apparent just about
everywhere you look in Nature: The Universe doesn't like sissy's.


A few folks have very astutely pointed out that there are important
exceptions to my
theory.  Thanks.  There are some really nasty bugs out there, and it
not make sense to wait until they have you down before defending

I should also admit that I do not always follow the theory myself.  I am
already a complete vitamin C junkie, and I start in on the echinacea at
first sign of a cold.  But I hesitate to use the big guns (CS) on every
little sore throat, fearing that I will become a CS junkie as well.



Re: CS & Immunity

1998-07-31 Thread W. D. Cavanaugh
Dear Whitney,
The biggest part of your immune system is between your
ears.  That "fight or flight" reaction is there for
a reason, and the creepy crawlies you get when you
have bugs (internal or external) causes most folks
(wait!! wait!! I forgot.  This is not my week to
speak for "most folks," so beg pardon)  causes me
to look for bug killer.  I don't trust my phagocytes
and other unmentionables to work without my mind
also being involved.

I really like the way you think, Whitney.  But I'm
gonna treat you like any good sister and disagree
occasionally.  This is one of those occasions.

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CS & Immunity

1998-07-31 Thread chc
Not true in Lyme Disease. Having Lyme disease and making antibodies does
not offer any immunity !  You can get reinfected over and over and
indeed people have.

And this is why, if I thought I had Lyme (which I already do, but I mean
in hindsight, knowing what I know now)  I wouldn't wait.  I'd take the
CS as soon as possible and kill those buggers before they set up
permanent housekeeping in my body!

Just MHO.


Hello Deb and everyone:

This story seems to me to illustrate the virtue of giving your immune
a chance to fight off any bug it "catches" thoroughly *before* coming to
rescue with CS, with electromedicine, with antibiotics, or with *any*
external anti-microbial.  If your immune system is able to fight off the

invaders, it will do so by creating antibodies against the
antibodies, and strong-enough ones, to defeat the enemy.  After the
are gone, you retain the antibodies for an extended period of time--in
cases for life.  They, in turn will protect you in the future.  Of
there will be times when we need CS or something like it.  But for the
part, it is best to let the immune system take care of the infection on
own, as long as it seems to be doing so effectively.


>  I was reading the "silver" topic on a pet related list today and
>uses it said that she used it on her young daughter for chicken pox and
>were gone in 48 hours BUT, she said this left the child with no
immunity to
>pox and she acquired them again three months later. Anyone have any
opinions on
>this one?? Deb

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