Re: More CS and yogurt testing

1998-07-19 Thread Reid Smith
>Acidophilus. I did 3 different samples. (1) Acidophilus straight out 
>of the bottle. (2) Acidophilus diluted with  distilled water 50/50. 
>(3) Acidophilus diluted with MSP 50/50. The results were about the 
>same I have seen before. The  Acidophilus/MSP combination made the 
>bacteria a bit more active than either of the other samples. It did 

   If it makes the bacteria more active then I "think" that might
be a good sign. The reason is that each bacteria has a life cycle.
Say one bacteria's life cycle is 3 days. That is from birth, reproduction,
and death in a time span of 3 days. So what happens if you speed up that
cycle to 1 day. You have birth and death so fast that it doesn't have
time to reproduce. Some of the articals that I have talk about certian RF 
frequencys doing the same thing.

   On the other hand though, it could be a bad thing if they are fast
enough to reproduce in that time frame.

   Keep up the good work Jim and thank you for your efforts.

Take Care 


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More CS and yogurt testing

1998-07-18 Thread jeinert
Hi List,
Mike, I hope you don't consider this "spam". I was sent a sample of 
commercial CS, and I did some tests with it today. I hope this will 
be of help to someone. I still will have to do a lot more testing, 
and one of these days I need to learn to grow bad bacteria to test 
with. I keep learning, and I will see even more come from this 
research as I progress. Hang in there, we will all learn something 
from what I have discovered and will discover in the future.
 This time I bought some  acidophilus from the health food store, 
and it is much better to see the bacteria in. In fact it has more 
bacteria in it and 4 different  types of good bacteria in it. Also, a 
large bottle (12 oz I think)  cost $6.00. Also, Dr. Farber's brother 
who is on the silver list, sent me a  bottle of Dr. Farber's Mild 
Silver Protein to test, so I had that and  some homemade to test 
with. First I looked at both kinds of CS. There was a lot more 
particles  "floating" in the MSP than the CS. It really looked 
impressive. It is labeled as 40 ppm. The large particles in the MSP 
were a lot smaller than in the homemade, and there were a lot less of 
them. One particle I found in the homemade was about 50 times bigger 
than most of the  ones I found in the MSP. Next, I put the MSP in the 
Acidophilus. I did 3 different samples. (1) Acidophilus straight out 
of the bottle. (2) Acidophilus diluted with  distilled water 50/50. 
(3) Acidophilus diluted with MSP 50/50. The results were about the 
same I have seen before. The  Acidophilus/MSP combination made the 
bacteria a bit more active than either of the other samples. It did 
not seem to kill any of the good  bacteria. Mr. Farber also sent me a 
copy of Dr. Farber's book on the Micro  Silver Bullet, and I noticed 
in there they left some bacteria  cultures up to 48 hours to kill all 
the bacteria, so I will next try  to do an experiment using the 50/50 
water/Acidophilus and the 50/50  MSP/Acidophilus and check it every 
few hours for 48 hours or so to see  what will happen then. It may 
take a week of two to put this  experiment in motion, but I will try 
it when I can.
So as you can see, there are many variations to check, many products 
homemade and commercial. I will try to keep these test as unbiased as 
possible, but they may prove that some of the commercial IS better 
than our homemade, but on the other hand they may prove it to be the 
other way around.
Take care, and please feel free to give me feed back on this here on 
the list so we may all benefit from it.
Jim Einert, N.D.

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Re: CS and yogurt

1998-07-05 Thread Tom Young
Hi Jim.
Just wondering -- any chance your test could have been skewed due to the
presence of the sea salt?  I know salt can kill some forms of bacteria/germs.

...Tom wrote:

> This CS was made in heated water with a bit of sea salt. I would
> guess the ppm is in the range of 25 to 35 ppm.

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Re: CS and yogurt

1998-06-27 Thread jeinert
> Date:  Fri, 26 Jun 1998 09:41:09 -0400
> From:  bjs1779 
> Reply-to:
> Subject:   Re: CS and yogurt

Hi bjs and list,
Remember this is just my first attempt at this experiment, and I 
still don't know what I am doing for sure. I will have to try this 
experiment over a few times to see if I get the same results. Also, 
There are other experiments I hope to try as well. I had not thought 
of the idea of using urine. I have seen bacteria in some of the urine 
I have looked at. I'll have to find some and try the CS on it as 
well. I also plan to learn how to make "real" cultures one of these 
days, and I can try other experiments.
So stay tuned. I will try some of this stuff as I have time. Which 
means it will be slow going.
Thanks for the support.
God Bless you all!

> "Allowed the good to grow", that is absolutly FANTASTIC! I wonder what
> a "man made" antibiotic(anti-life) would do. I sure appreciate your
> work Jim. As simple as it is, I think it is about the best I have
> seen. It was getting a little old relying on my nose. Wish I never
> sold my micrscope, now I'm itching to buy another one.
> bjs
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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Re: CS and yogurt

1998-06-26 Thread Arnie Farber wrote:
> Hi List,
> Well here is what you have all be waiting for! I did the experiment
> today using the yogurt and the colloidal silver.
> First I poured the "water" off the top of some yogurt. Then I made a
> slide using a drop of this. Checked this out (using a darkfield
> microscope and a power of 432x)  and it was pretty active. Then I
> added enough CS to the rest to make it about a 40% CS solution (just
> a guess, a little less than 50/50). I let this set for about 10
> minutes or so. Then I made a slide with a drop of this solution. It
> too was fairly active. Next I let both slides set for about 8 hours,
> and checked them again. This time the slide WITHOUT the CS was less
> active, and the slide WITH CS was more active. It did not kill the
> good bacteria, but in fact may have made it more active.
> My idea of how this happened is the colloidal silver may have killed
> out the bad bacteria and allowed the good to grow or become more
> active. The slide without the CS still had the bad bacteria growning
> that was hampering the good. Don't know, just an idea.
> I will try this experiment again to see if I get the same results.
> Also, I want to let some milk spoil and look at the bad bacteria in
> it, and then treat it with CS to see what happens. I also want to
> test different CS batches made in different ways as well.
> This CS was made in heated water with a bit of sea salt. I would
> guess the ppm is in the range of 25 to 35 ppm. This is just a guess,
> but it did look pretty good under the darkfield.
> I'll post more later as I get a chance to try the different
> experiments.
> Take care.
> Jim Einert, N.D.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
Hi Jim
If you are interested I will be happy to send you a complimentary bottle
FREE.Just e-mail me your address and I will send it for your
All I ask is you post the results to the silver list.
Have an unbelievable day

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Re: CS and yogurt

1998-06-26 Thread bjs1779 wrote:
> Hi List,I made a slide with a drop of this solution. It
> too was fairly active. Next I let both slides set for about 8 hours,
> and checked them again. This time the slide WITHOUT the CS was less
> active, and the slide WITH CS was more active. It did not kill the
> good bacteria, but in fact may have made it more active.
> My idea of how this happened is the colloidal silver may have killed
> out the bad bacteria and allowed the good to grow or become more
> active. The slide without the CS still had the bad bacteria growning
> that was hampering the good. Don't know, just an idea.

"Allowed the good to grow", that is absolutly FANTASTIC! I wonder what
a "man made" antibiotic(anti-life) would do. I sure appreciate your
work Jim. As simple as it is, I think it is about the best I have
seen. It was getting a little old relying on my nose. Wish I never
sold my micrscope, now I'm itching to buy another one.

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Re: CS and yogurt

1998-06-26 Thread likowski
Thank you, Jim! Excellent work. It's exciting to see experimentation in
progress. I look forward to your future postings!


   `6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)  
   (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-' 
 _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'
(il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-'   

I Hope To Become The Man That My Cat Thinks I Am

It may not be art, but for some of the most unique wallpaper tiles in
the Universe, check out the ones I made at this joint Web site. You can
now preview immediately what they'll look like on your screen by
clicking OUTSIDE the left side of each preview tile. The later pages
have the newer stuff and it's changing all the time. While there, read
the "read this" section and say hi to Louis; it's really his site.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS and yogurt

1998-06-26 Thread jeinert
Hi List,
Well here is what you have all be waiting for! I did the experiment 
today using the yogurt and the colloidal silver.
First I poured the "water" off the top of some yogurt. Then I made a 
slide using a drop of this. Checked this out (using a darkfield 
microscope and a power of 432x)  and it was pretty active. Then I 
added enough CS to the rest to make it about a 40% CS solution (just 
a guess, a little less than 50/50). I let this set for about 10 
minutes or so. Then I made a slide with a drop of this solution. It 
too was fairly active. Next I let both slides set for about 8 hours, 
and checked them again. This time the slide WITHOUT the CS was less 
active, and the slide WITH CS was more active. It did not kill the 
good bacteria, but in fact may have made it more active.
My idea of how this happened is the colloidal silver may have killed 
out the bad bacteria and allowed the good to grow or become more 
active. The slide without the CS still had the bad bacteria growning 
that was hampering the good. Don't know, just an idea.
I will try this experiment again to see if I get the same results. 
Also, I want to let some milk spoil and look at the bad bacteria in 
it, and then treat it with CS to see what happens. I also want to 
test different CS batches made in different ways as well.
This CS was made in heated water with a bit of sea salt. I would 
guess the ppm is in the range of 25 to 35 ppm. This is just a guess, 
but it did look pretty good under the darkfield.
I'll post more later as I get a chance to try the different 
Take care.
Jim Einert, N.D.

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