Re: Fw: Re: CSblue moons revisited

2008-10-07 Thread Ode Coyote

  Brain forensics are carried out with the use of a copper/silver method 
to stain only the damaged areas.
 Copper and silver have an affinity for damage, but there is no indication 
that it causes that damage.
Silver has been found in the brains of alcoholic cadavers.  Alcohol damages 
brain cells and may compromise the blood brain barrier.

 Like in Alzheimers, Aluminum collects in the damaged areas, but there is 
no indication that Aluminum causes the damage or enters the brains of 
normal healthy people.

Both Aluminum and Copper are virtually impossible to avoid.

 Expressing extreme frustration in the lack of ability to induce Argyria 
even when injecting huge doses of silver, a researcher  went to the silver 
processing industry and perused their records.[I've lost the paper but it 
*was* linked to from Rosemary Jacobs site many years ago, in effect, her 
proof disproving her assertions...the links were removed.]
Incidence of Agyria was 2 in 1,000 workers, absenteeism from illness was 
lower than the norm.
 Silver workers inhale and eat silver dust all day long in amounts far 
exceeding any reasonable CS intake.

 The researcher found no current cases to study.

Logical Conclusion:

If you have blue moons and it IS from silver, [and not from a myriad of 
other possible causes ] you may have other problems where silver 
accumulation shows as a side effect with silver not the cause.

It was also found that silver can have toxic effects, but the injected dose 
required could make bullets big enough to kill a werewolf.

Don't inject a whole electrode.


At 01:39 PM 10/6/2008 -0400, you wrote: wrote:

Question:   If; in fact, Collodial Silver did accumulate (beyond turning 
blue) what could we expect that to cause?
An immune system boost.  Since some water filters use silver to purify 
water, any accumulated silver, especially in places like the liver, should 
enhance the immune system's ability to kill pathogens 
significantly.  Silver accumulation in the liver appears to cause no 
problems, but should be a big boost to the immune system.  See:

Silver is primarily accumulated in the pancreas, liver and spleen, and to 
a lesser extent in other tissues. Silver is mainly excreted in the feces 
via the bile. Urinary may take place, when the blood level of silver is 
above a certain concentration.

Accumulation in the brain and kidneys is of more concern.  That same 
article says:

Metallic silver is highly inert and is generally considered of low 
toxicity to mammalian species including man. However, death has been 
observed in rats following ingestion of large doses colloidal silver (15 
In rare cases, silver has resulted in skin allergy. Inhalation of high 
concentrations of silver fume resulted in headache and dyspnoea, and later 
reduced oxygen pressure in capillary blood. For many years, it was 
believed that the only effect from silver was argyria. Argyria results 
after long-term exposure and is a cosmetic illness. Recent studies show, 
that silver may be toxic to the kidneys. In animal studies, silver was 
able to pass the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in certain areas of 
the brain. Such animals were less active than unexposed animals, which may 
indicate that silver may have a harmful effects on the central nervous 
system. Silver is not mutagenic or carcinogenic. There is some evidence 
that silver may cause minor developmental anomalies in the foetus.


 I feel that a portion of the silver that we are digesting is building 
up; mainly because our elimination systems are not fuctioning well.  I 
know that mine has been a problem for 20+ years and I am now 61.  I've 
never been a junk food addict or consumed what was considered the tabo 
types of foods.  I loved my vegetables and ate very little meat.

Has anyone seen any information on this?

-- Forwarded Message --
[Neville wrote:  If I thought for one second that CS was the cause of sol's
moons there would be no further point in my continuation of ingestion of CS.
Why do you say that? Silver accumulation in the skin, nail beds, or wherever
has NOTHING to do with its effectiveness in killing pathogens so far as I
know.  sol]

Don't misunderstand sol, I'm not talking about the pathogen aspect of CS,
I'm aware of that, I'm referring to the fact that the ingestion of CS, using
the appropriate protocols as we know are required for the production
thereof, there should be NO issues if all we have researched, based on
repeated experimental and scientific evidence, is to remain credible.  Do
you see what I mean?  All research I have accessed states that with the
ingestion of CS,when  produced in the correct manner, there is NO issue with
build up of silver anywhere 

Re: Fw: Re: CSblue moons revisited

2008-10-07 Thread sol

Ode Coyote wrote:

Logical Conclusion:

If you have blue moons and it IS from silver, [and not from a myriad 
of other possible causes ] you may have other problems where silver 
accumulation shows as a side effect with silver not the cause.

I wish I had said that, and it is what I suspect to be true for me.

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Re: Fw: Re: CSblue moons revisited

2008-10-06 Thread Neville

Hi sol,
OK, delete the word 'enhance' from my statement and replace it with 'aid', 
or 'compliment' maybe, however they all mean the same thing to me.

Maybe I should have put it another way...if we had no, none, zilch, zap, 
nada, jack, zero or bereft of silver in the body, be it in the form of ions, 
colloids, or solid silver ingots the immune system would not function as 
efficiently.  That's all I was trying to say, and it's by those means I, 
quote, think this could happen.  Silver may not necessarily be essential 
in the body but without it we would be on shaky ground, whatever the form 
silver takes.

Sorry, I'm no brain surgeon or Harvard scholar and am only able to converse 
in general terms, I can't get into pedantics as I'm not that academically 
inclined, I can only speak in generalities and make the assumption others 
would see what I mean in the broader sense, or read between the lines if you 


- Original Message - 
From: sol

Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: CSblue moons revisited

Neville wrote:
Now you are getting close, yes, as with all trace elements in the body, 
they are in colloidal form and silver will be among them so of course 
silver will 'show up' on examination.  Silver plays no other role, to my 
knowledge, in the body other than to enhance the immune mechanism in our 

 So far as my own research has been able to turn up as well as my own 
personal anecdotal experiences, silver does zero, zip, nada to enhance the 
immune system. What it does is kill pathogens, bacteria, viruses, and some 
fungi,  thereby reducing the load on the immune system and giving the 
appearance of immune improvement. But direct stimulation of the immune 
system? Don't think so. By what means do you think this could happen?


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Re: Fw: Re: CSblue moons revisited

2008-10-06 Thread Dee
It was that man recently wasn't it that they found silver in his brain, 
but only after he had been taking a concoction of drugs as well. Maybe 
the drugs caused the silver to stay there and not be excreted, who 
knows?  And anyway, they still couldn't say what actually killed him 
could they, so the fact that they found silver may be irrelevant.  dee

sol wrote:
Somewhere I did see some reports that silver has been found in the 
brain in autopsy. Don't remember where. Apparently that is one 
argument for the danger of CS. I've also seen claims that silver 
builds up in the kidneys of animals and causes kidney damage. I could 
not find any substantiation for that. (Apparently it does deposit in 
kidneys, but I can't substantiate that it causes any harm at all, let 
alone damage severe enough to cause death).
Don't have any references to hand on any of that though, so just from 


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Re: Fw: Re: CSblue moons revisited

2008-10-06 Thread Marshall Dudley wrote:

Question:   If; in fact, Collodial Silver did accumulate (beyond 
turning blue) what could we expect that to cause? 

An immune system boost.  Since some water filters use silver to purify 
water, any accumulated silver, especially in places like the liver, 
should enhance the immune system's ability to kill pathogens 
significantly.  Silver accumulation in the liver appears to cause no 
problems, but should be a big boost to the immune system.  See:

Silver is primarily accumulated in the pancreas, liver and spleen, and 
to a lesser extent in other tissues. Silver is mainly excreted in the 
feces via the bile. Urinary may take place, when the blood level of 
silver is above a certain concentration.

Accumulation in the brain and kidneys is of more concern.  That same 
article says:

Metallic silver is highly inert and is generally considered of low 
toxicity to mammalian species including man. However, death has been 
observed in rats following ingestion of large doses colloidal silver (15 
In rare cases, silver has resulted in skin allergy. Inhalation of high 
concentrations of silver fume resulted in headache and dyspnoea, and 
later reduced oxygen pressure in capillary blood. For many years, it was 
believed that the only effect from silver was argyria. Argyria results 
after long-term exposure and is a cosmetic illness. Recent studies show, 
that silver may be toxic to the kidneys. In animal studies, silver was 
able to pass the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in certain areas of 
the brain. Such animals were less active than unexposed animals, which 
may indicate that silver may have a harmful effects on the central 
nervous system. Silver is not mutagenic or carcinogenic. There is some 
evidence that silver may cause minor developmental anomalies in the foetus.


 I feel that a portion of the silver that we are digesting is building 
up; mainly because our elimination systems are not fuctioning well.  I 
know that mine has been a problem for 20+ years and I am now 61.  I've 
never been a junk food addict or consumed what was considered the tabo 
types of foods.  I loved my vegetables and ate very little meat. 

Has anyone seen any information on this? 





-- Forwarded Message --
[Neville wrote:  If I thought for one second that CS was the cause of 
moons there would be no further point in my continuation of ingestion 
of CS.
Why do you say that? Silver accumulation in the skin, nail beds, or 

has NOTHING to do with its effectiveness in killing pathogens so far as I
know.  sol]

Don't misunderstand sol, I'm not talking about the pathogen aspect of CS,
I'm aware of that, I'm referring to the fact that the ingestion of CS, 

the appropriate protocols as we know are required for the production
thereof, there should be NO issues if all we have researched, based on
repeated experimental and scientific evidence, is to remain credible.  Do
you see what I mean?  All research I have accessed states that with the
ingestion of CS,when  produced in the correct manner, there is NO 
issue with
build up of silver anywhere in the body as silver, in the form we take 
coupled with the method we use to produce it simply cannot build up in 
body.  Our waist elimination processes pass it through in a relatively 
time frame.  However, if CS is not produced in the appropriate manner, 
as we

know it, then the possibility of build up is conceivable.  Do you follow
what I am trying to say?  It's simply a matter of whether all the 
is believableor not.  Personally, from all the research I have 
done, I
believe silver will not accumulate anywhere in the body if produced in 

way we produce it today.  My conviction is based on all the documented
information I have found, but as I said, if evidence is out there stating
that this is NOT the case then I want to have that varified as it 
makes all
my researched material null and void.  See where I am coming from?  If 
silver in the form we produce it has the capacity to build up in the 

then that pretty much negates all information I have researched.  No room
for doubts with me, I'm tired of anecdotal hearsay which is why I made 

statement regarding my discontinueing with it so I am sticking with my
researched material, will continue to take my daily 'dose', until proven
otherwise, (of course if I get crook at any time then I will just up the
dose).  I am motivated by concensus of opinion, and in this case that
'opinion' is based on researched material, and what others choose to 

here.  I welcome the opportunity to be corrected though.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Fw: Re: CSblue moons revisited

2008-10-05 Thread
Question:   If; in fact, Collodial Silver did accumulate (beyond turning blue) 
what could we expect that to cause?   I feel that a portion of the silver that 
we are digesting is building up; mainly because our elimination systems are not 
fuctioning well.  I know that mine has been a problem for 20+ years and I am 
now 61.  I've never been a junk food addict or consumed what was considered the 
tabo types of foods.  I loved my vegetables and ate very little meat.  
Has anyone seen any information on this?  


-- Forwarded Message --
[Neville wrote:  If I thought for one second that CS was the cause of sol's 
moons there would be no further point in my continuation of ingestion of CS.
Why do you say that? Silver accumulation in the skin, nail beds, or wherever 
has NOTHING to do with its effectiveness in killing pathogens so far as I 
know.  sol]

Don't misunderstand sol, I'm not talking about the pathogen aspect of CS, 
I'm aware of that, I'm referring to the fact that the ingestion of CS, using 
the appropriate protocols as we know are required for the production 
thereof, there should be NO issues if all we have researched, based on 
repeated experimental and scientific evidence, is to remain credible.  Do 
you see what I mean?  All research I have accessed states that with the 
ingestion of CS,when  produced in the correct manner, there is NO issue with 
build up of silver anywhere in the body as silver, in the form we take it, 
coupled with the method we use to produce it simply cannot build up in the 
body.  Our waist elimination processes pass it through in a relatively quick 
time frame.  However, if CS is not produced in the appropriate manner, as we 
know it, then the possibility of build up is conceivable.  Do you follow 
what I am trying to say?  It's simply a matter of whether all the research 
is believableor not.  Personally, from all the research I have done, I 
believe silver will not accumulate anywhere in the body if produced in the 
way we produce it today.  My conviction is based on all the documented 
information I have found, but as I said, if evidence is out there stating 
that this is NOT the case then I want to have that varified as it makes all 
my researched material null and void.  See where I am coming from?  If the 
silver in the form we produce it has the capacity to build up in the body, 
then that pretty much negates all information I have researched.  No room 
for doubts with me, I'm tired of anecdotal hearsay which is why I made that 
statement regarding my discontinueing with it so I am sticking with my 
researched material, will continue to take my daily 'dose', until proven 
otherwise, (of course if I get crook at any time then I will just up the 
dose).  I am motivated by concensus of opinion, and in this case that 
'opinion' is based on researched material, and what others choose to divulge 
here.  I welcome the opportunity to be corrected though.


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Click to compare life insurance rates.  Great rates, quick and easy.

Re: Fw: Re: CSblue moons revisited

2008-10-05 Thread sol
Somewhere I did see some reports that silver has been found in the brain 
in autopsy. Don't remember where. Apparently that is one argument for 
the danger of CS. I've also seen claims that silver builds up in the 
kidneys of animals and causes kidney damage. I could not find any 
substantiation for that. (Apparently it does deposit in kidneys, but I 
can't substantiate that it causes any harm at all, let alone damage 
severe enough to cause death).
Don't have any references to hand on any of that though, so just from 

sol wrote:

Question:   If; in fact, Collodial Silver did accumulate (beyond 
turning blue) what could we expect that to cause?   I feel that a 
portion of the silver that we are digesting is building up; mainly 
because our elimination systems are not fuctioning well.  I know that 
mine has been a problem for 20+ years and I am now 61.  I've never 
been a junk food addict or consumed what was considered the tabo types 
of foods.  I loved my vegetables and ate very little meat. 

Has anyone seen any information on this? 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: Fw: Re: CSblue moons revisited

2008-10-05 Thread Neville
Now you are getting close, yes, as with all trace elements in the body, they 
are in colloidal form and silver will be among them so of course silver will 
'show up' on examination.  Silver plays no other role, to my knowledge, in 
the body other than to enhance the immune mechanism in our bodies, as with 
the individual purposes all other trace elements perform in the body, (which 
we would be ingesting naturally if the food we ate contained silver as well 
as all the other elements, but as we all know that is becoming more 
impossible every day with the mutilation and degridation of produce and 
soils).  But as I said, I am sticking my hand up and stating that I will not 
accept that this is an argument for 'dangers' of CS.  If I accepted most of 
what is anecdotal I would be with governments and pharmaceutical companies 
and be doing my utmost to drag CS down into the gutter where they think it 
belongs.  I refuse to do that, I've read too much about it.  There is too 
much talk and not enough action, someone has to stand their ground and I 
guess it's going to be me, call me a rebel or call me an idiot, I don't 
care.  More material needs to be made available to prove or disprove one 
thing or another and until I see proof I am going with the research I have 
done.  I have said before and I'll say it again, there is too much anecdotal 
'it could do this' or 'it may cause that' etc etc, someone needs to stand by 
CS regardless and I have made my decision based on research.  Any side issue 
relating to CS will be caused by some other issue which may be evident in 
the body and as a consequence I cannot agree with any supposition that CS 
has played a part in that cause and effect.   Hey, I am only a mug punter 
here as all you's know far more than I do regarding a whole range of things 
which I haven't the foggiest idea about but poor old EICS still seems to 
carry 'doubts' with most, I won't accept 'doubts' anymore, the more one 
reads about CS the more complicated it can, and will, become.  Oh, there is 
a medical condition regarding poor blood circulation which will cause 
'colour' as well but I will need to find the medical terminology for that 
again.  From a personal perspective I think people have read too much 'bad' 
stuff and when some 'effect' may become 'evident' they quickly associate it 
with CS, and for those who ingest it a tentative finger is always pointed at 
CS, only because of all the BS that is readily available, the nagging 
thought is always in the back of the head when quite possibly there should 
be no thoughts at all regarding the use of CS.who knows?  I have made my 
mind up on that.

This is all only my opinion of course, but I'm sticking with it, if it 
achieves nothing else it will be percieved as confirmation for those out 
there who may have doubts, or critisism from you people of my way of 
thinking, but most importantly it should provoke legitimate discussion here 
for the broader audience, call it for the purpose of more 'research' if you 
want, the more 'factual' information available, the better off everyone will 
beincluding me.  I don't mind stepping into the ring if it's for a 
good cause, and I believe CS is a good cause.  Yeah and I think the silence 
is a little deafening too, come on, get the axe out and cut me down. g


- Original Message - 
From: sol

Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: CSblue moons revisited

Somewhere I did see some reports that silver has been found in the brain 
in autopsy. Don't remember where. Apparently that is one argument for the 
danger of CS. I've also seen claims that silver builds up in the kidneys 
of animals and causes kidney damage. I could not find any substantiation 
for that. (Apparently it does deposit in kidneys, but I can't substantiate 
that it causes any harm at all, let alone damage severe enough to cause 
Don't have any references to hand on any of that though, so just from 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: Fw: Re: CSblue moons revisited

2008-10-05 Thread sol

Neville wrote:
Now you are getting close, yes, as with all trace elements in the 
body, they are in colloidal form and silver will be among them so of 
course silver will 'show up' on examination.  Silver plays no other 
role, to my knowledge, in the body other than to enhance the immune 
mechanism in our bodies, 

 So far as my own research has been able to turn up as well as my own 
personal anecdotal experiences, silver does zero, zip, nada to enhance 
the immune system. What it does is kill pathogens, bacteria, viruses, 
and some fungi,  thereby reducing the load on the immune system and 
giving the appearance of immune improvement. But direct stimulation of 
the immune system? Don't think so. By what means do you think this could 


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