Now you are getting close, yes, as with all trace elements in the body, they are in colloidal form and silver will be among them so of course silver will 'show up' on examination. Silver plays no other role, to my knowledge, in the body other than to enhance the immune mechanism in our bodies, as with the individual purposes all other trace elements perform in the body, (which we would be ingesting naturally if the food we ate contained silver as well as all the other elements, but as we all know that is becoming more impossible every day with the mutilation and degridation of produce and soils). But as I said, I am sticking my hand up and stating that I will not accept that this is an argument for 'dangers' of CS. If I accepted most of what is anecdotal I would be with governments and pharmaceutical companies and be doing my utmost to drag CS down into the gutter where they think it belongs. I refuse to do that, I've read too much about it. There is too much talk and not enough action, someone has to stand their ground and I guess it's going to be me, call me a rebel or call me an idiot, I don't care. More material needs to be made available to prove or disprove one thing or another and until I see proof I am going with the research I have done. I have said before and I'll say it again, there is too much anecdotal 'it could do this' or 'it may cause that' etc etc, someone needs to stand by CS regardless and I have made my decision based on research. Any side issue relating to CS will be caused by some other issue which may be evident in the body and as a consequence I cannot agree with any supposition that CS has played a part in that cause and effect. Hey, I am only a mug punter here as all you's know far more than I do regarding a whole range of things which I haven't the foggiest idea about but poor old EICS still seems to carry 'doubts' with most, I won't accept 'doubts' anymore, the more one reads about CS the more complicated it can, and will, become. Oh, there is a medical condition regarding poor blood circulation which will cause 'colour' as well but I will need to find the medical terminology for that again. From a personal perspective I think people have read too much 'bad' stuff and when some 'effect' may become 'evident' they quickly associate it with CS, and for those who ingest it a tentative finger is always pointed at CS, only because of all the BS that is readily available, the nagging thought is always in the back of the head when quite possibly there should be no thoughts at all regarding the use of CS.....who knows? I have made my mind up on that.

This is all only my opinion of course, but I'm sticking with it, if it achieves nothing else it will be percieved as confirmation for those out there who may have doubts, or critisism from you people of my way of thinking, but most importantly it should provoke legitimate discussion here for the broader audience, call it for the purpose of more 'research' if you want, the more 'factual' information available, the better off everyone will be........including me. I don't mind stepping into the ring if it's for a good cause, and I believe CS is a good cause. Yeah and I think the silence is a little deafening too, come on, get the axe out and cut me down. <g>


----- Original Message ----- From: "sol" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: CS>blue moons revisited

Somewhere I did see some reports that silver has been found in the brain in autopsy. Don't remember where. Apparently that is one argument for the "danger" of CS. I've also seen claims that silver builds up in the kidneys of animals and causes kidney damage. I could not find any substantiation for that. (Apparently it does deposit in kidneys, but I can't substantiate that it causes any harm at all, let alone damage severe enough to cause death). Don't have any references to hand on any of that though, so just from memory.

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