Re: CSsilver toxicity

2005-07-05 Thread Marshall Dudley
Michael Redecke wrote:

 Sorry ! I added an extra CS... in subject

 A possible therapy using silver for „inner“ use should
 respect this RfD and must at the same time permit a
 daily intake that must be clearly over the daily
 food-intake-level of silver (otherwise we are talking
 about a hormetic or homoepathic dosage, or i can eat
 some mushrooms). Absorption is estimated to be only
 10% (only one isolated info source says 18%). Finally
 an effective dosage (leading to the desired ppm‘ s in
 tissue) must take in account the distribution of the
 drunken silver-containing liquid in a possible
 body-volume of 50 liters. If concentration of drunken
 liquid was 10 ppm/l and somebody drinks 0.1 l (100 ml)
 he will disolve 1 ppm in ~50 liters leading to 0.02
 ppm = 20 ppb in target tissue if distribution would be

I believe you mean drunk here, not drunken.  Drunk is the past tense of drunk.  
Drunken has a
completely different meaning


Re: CSsilver toxicity

2005-07-05 Thread Marshall Dudley
Michael Redecke wrote:

 Hello Matthew !
 concerning a 38 years old man with argyria:
 Matthew wrote:
 .The dosage was 450ml of 450ppm CS taken 3 times a
 day for 10 months. That concentration of 450ppm seems
 odd. EIS made with DW does not come  close to 450ppm.
 the electrolysis process self-limits by going into
 saturation, generating precipitates or floating
 elemental surface crust, long before 450ppm can be

You are correct, it was not CS. It could have been mild silver protein, or a 
silver compound, both of
which are well known to cause argyria.  Anything over 25 ppm of CS is very 
difficult to make and
increasingly unstable.

 I am in email contact with Dr. Wadhera and the
 I usually do not post private emails, but i think i
 can post here for a better understanding of that case
 a part of his email to me. I was wondering myself also
 about this large quantity of silver and i asked him
 for more details. In Germany we have a bit problems to
 understand if someone in the new world means ounces or
 fluid-ounces, which is not the same.

 Dr Wadhera wrote to me:
 ... Regarding your specific question about the
 consumption of silver by our patient - He reported to
 us that he was consuming 16 ounces of liquid (prepared
 as described in the paper) containing approx 450 ppm
 (mg/L) of colloidal silver 3 times a day for 10

This is so called researcher took the what the patient said he was taking, that 
is obviously wrong,
and makes the same claim without any verification whatsoever.  Can we see the 
paper he says it was
prepared by?  That will likely tell us what it was if he truely followed those 
instructions, I am
sure it was NOT CS if over 50 or 60 ppm absolute max.


 I am not sure if he ever actually measured the
 concentration of silver in the liquid he was drinking.
 As you have mentioned in your email and included in
 the discussion section of the paper, using a conc of
 450 mg/L in 16 oz, 3 times/day gives you a daily dose
 of apprx 650 mg of silver (450 mg/1000 ml * 450 ml *
 3). So over a period of 10 months, assuming he drank
 it every day, he consumed approx 200 gm of silver

 To Richard:
 ...Please read my Site and Blogspot in which I offer 3
 FREE pages of CS Uses + 1 page of my Favorites to
 which Irefer often. Please let me know if I can be of

 I will take a look !


 In my calculation i made an error:
 If someone would use 100 ml (0.1 l) of a 10 ppm silver
 colloid, he or she would have an intake of 1 ppm = ~ 1
 mg silver, after resoprtion (10%) 0.1 ppm = 100 ppb
 would enter the body and will be diluited into around
 50 liters giving us a tissue-concentration of around 2
 ppb. (not 20 as i posted earlier).


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Re: CSsilver toxicity

2005-07-05 Thread Marshall Dudley
Most likely, or silver citrate.

Marshall wrote:

  concerning a 38 years old man with argyria:
 Matthew wrote:
 .The dosage was 450ml of 450ppm CS taken 3 times a
 day for 10 months. That concentration of 450ppm seems
 odd. EIS made with DW does not come  close to 450ppm.
 the electrolysis process self-limits by going into
 saturation, generating precipitates or floating
 elemental surface crust, long before 450ppm can be
 reached..Hi, Doesn't this claimed level of CS strength sound like
 what's posted on bottles of silver protein? Bernie

Re: CSsilver toxicity

2005-07-04 Thread Matthew McCann
And don't overlook the DW costs. Two hundred grams
of silver dispersed as EIS to a typical 10ppm concentration
would require 20,000 liters of DW, or 2000 liters of DW per
month throughout the ten months.
Also  there's the time and effort  just in the drinking of it -
three liters every hour, 24 hours a day
and 7 days a week, for ten months ( no vacations.)
  - Original Message - 
  From: Ed Kasper 
  To: Matthew McCann 
  Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 1:00 PM
  Subject: RE: CSsilver toxicity

  gee, that's only one silver coin every other month. 
  My wife and kids go through more than that every day... like its paper.
  Can't say that they eat that ... but sure can't say where it goes

-Original Message-
From: Matthew McCann []
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 6:53 PM
Subject: CSsilver toxicity

Hi, Michael,

Two hundred grams. Hmmm. That is equivalent to  about
six and a half 1-oz (~31g) bullion coins ingested in less
than one year.



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RE: CSsilver toxicity

2005-07-03 Thread Ed Kasper
It would seem to me that the actual amount of silver does
not matter. Most important would be the process of producing
EIS or CS. The method and materials should be suspect and
examined. It would also seem logical for the man to bring in
an actual sample for testing as well as his material and
equipment as the fault may lie anywhere. For example it may
have been very poor grade silver ...

Of course all this may have transpired  and I apologize as I
am getting in late on this discussion.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Redecke []
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 8:33 AM
Subject: CSsilver toxicity

Hello Matthew !
concerning a 38 years old man with argyria:
Matthew wrote:
.The dosage was 450ml of 450ppm CS taken 3 times a
day for 10 months. That concentration of 450ppm seems
odd. EIS made with DW does not come  close to 450ppm.
the electrolysis process self-limits by going into
saturation, generating precipitates or floating
elemental surface crust, long before 450ppm can be

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RE: CSsilver toxicity

2005-07-03 Thread Ernie Patai

-Original Message-
From: Ed Kasper [] 
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 12:20 PM
Subject: RE: CSsilver toxicity

It would seem to me that the actual amount of silver does
not matter. Most important would be the process of producing
EIS or CS. The method and materials should be suspect and
examined. It would also seem logical for the man to bring in
an actual sample for testing as well as his material and
equipment as the fault may lie anywhere. For example it may
have been very poor grade silver ...

I would have to agree, many are quick to jump at being alarmed when we
hear of cases of CS abuse to use this word very loosely. Being on this
list now for some time and reading the responses from those very
experienced and knowledgeable individuals ( u know who u are *smile );
Has given me the insight as to how we are mislead many times from
sources of questionable accuracy. How accurate is the information being
presented? When we don't know enough, or details are left out
completely, it is easy to conjure up a horror story reflecting the
misuse of this or that product. When this occurs; not to discount the
possibility, it is easy to place blame outwardly. After all we all know
how easy that is to do and how much better it makes us feel when we
don't have to take responsibility. YES!!! It's called DENIAL LOL. I
am glad to know those who are hear who can straighten out the
misconception and propaganda that every so often comes along to add
spice into the discussions. :-)

Best regards,


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RE: CSsilver toxicity

2005-06-30 Thread Jim Holmes
It came from Schauss searching massive medical databases. 

-Original Message-
From: Terry Chamberlin [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 2:36 PM
Subject: CSsilver toxicity

It has been declared that the amount of silver
considered to be toxic was 3.8 grams/day. This was
stated by a man named Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D.

He appeared to credit the EPA with that figure. Other
folks have been searching, and discover the EPA saying
it is 5 micrograms/kg/day. For me, that would be 385
mg per day, which is far, far less than I actually
ingest. Considering the scientific reports of argyria
caused by huge quantities, how did the EPA arrive at 5

Does anyone know where this 3.8 gram figure came from?

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Re: CSSilver Toxicity

2001-11-12 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Interesting post from Ivan.  This corresponds with my layman's
understanding.   Dr. Higa's EM1 probiotic mix,  which you can make at home
by fermentation,  includes actinomyces,  which are the basis for many
antibiotic medicines.They are part of a complex life/death/reproduction
cycle of 80 microorganisms in five families,  all striving to carry on in a
one-liter PET bottle on my windowsill. . .


I Anderson wrote:


 I think you will find that antibiotics are manufactured by a process
 akin to fermentation. Antibiotics are toxins produced by one bacteria
 to kill other bacteria in the ever present battle for survival


  -Original Message-
  From: Marshall Dudley []
  Sent: Friday, 9 November 2001 9:24 a.m.
  Subject: Re: CSSilver Toxicity
  Terry Chamberlin wrote:
   I have been running into increasing 'rumors' of renal
   failure and liver problems from CS. Here is the
   content of a brochure I created (a collection of
   quotes and references) in response to these 'rumors'.
   It's a long one, but you may want to copy it to print
   and hand to friends and doubters.
   The Final Word on Silver Toxicity
   Quoting from Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D.
   Argyria would be equivalent of 380,000 micrograms (or
   3.8 grams) of silver a day.
  3.8 grams of silver is 3,800,000 micrograms, he is off by 10,
   . However, silver
   is not termed an antibiotic as some have claimed
   because an antibiotic by definition is derived from a
   living organism.
  Is he making this up as he goes along?  anti-biotic mean
  life.  That is the definition.  If you look it up in the
  dictionary you get:
  Main Entry: 1an·ti·bi·ot·ic
  Pronunciation: an-ti-bI-'ä-tik, -tI-; an-ti-bE-
  Function: adjective
  Date: 1894
  1 : tending to prevent, inhibit, or destroy life
  If we take his definition than almost none of the present
  antibiotics are
  antibiotics since most are manufactured in a pharmaceutical
  company from

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RE: CSSilver Toxicity

2001-11-09 Thread I Anderson

I think you will find that antibiotics are manufactured by a process
akin to fermentation. Antibiotics are toxins produced by one bacteria
to kill other bacteria in the ever present battle for survival


 -Original Message-
 From: Marshall Dudley []
 Sent: Friday, 9 November 2001 9:24 a.m.
 Subject: Re: CSSilver Toxicity

 Terry Chamberlin wrote:

  I have been running into increasing 'rumors' of renal
  failure and liver problems from CS. Here is the
  content of a brochure I created (a collection of
  quotes and references) in response to these 'rumors'.
  It's a long one, but you may want to copy it to print
  and hand to friends and doubters.
  The Final Word on Silver Toxicity
  Quoting from Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D.
  Argyria would be equivalent of 380,000 micrograms (or
  3.8 grams) of silver a day.

 3.8 grams of silver is 3,800,000 micrograms, he is off by 10,

  . However, silver
  is not termed an antibiotic as some have claimed
  because an antibiotic by definition is derived from a
  living organism.

 Is he making this up as he goes along?  anti-biotic mean
 life.  That is the definition.  If you look it up in the
 dictionary you get:

 Main Entry: 1an·ti·bi·ot·ic
 Pronunciation: an-ti-bI-'ä-tik, -tI-; an-ti-bE-
 Function: adjective
 Date: 1894
 1 : tending to prevent, inhibit, or destroy life

 If we take his definition than almost none of the present
 antibiotics are
 antibiotics since most are manufactured in a pharmaceutical
 company from


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Re: CSSilver Toxicity

2001-11-09 Thread Marshall Dudley
It depends.  Penicillin was certainly made that way.  Sulfa drugs never
were.  Many of the newer drugs are similar to those made by fermentation,
but have been modified so that they can only be made by chemical means.  I
believe that Cipro falls into this catagory, having flourine attached to the
molecule.  I suspect if flourine were supplied to a fermentation tank it
would kill the culture.


I Anderson wrote:


 I think you will find that antibiotics are manufactured by a process
 akin to fermentation. Antibiotics are toxins produced by one bacteria
 to kill other bacteria in the ever present battle for survival


  -Original Message-
  From: Marshall Dudley []
  Sent: Friday, 9 November 2001 9:24 a.m.
  Subject: Re: CSSilver Toxicity
  Terry Chamberlin wrote:
   I have been running into increasing 'rumors' of renal
   failure and liver problems from CS. Here is the
   content of a brochure I created (a collection of
   quotes and references) in response to these 'rumors'.
   It's a long one, but you may want to copy it to print
   and hand to friends and doubters.
   The Final Word on Silver Toxicity
   Quoting from Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D.
   Argyria would be equivalent of 380,000 micrograms (or
   3.8 grams) of silver a day.
  3.8 grams of silver is 3,800,000 micrograms, he is off by 10,
   . However, silver
   is not termed an antibiotic as some have claimed
   because an antibiotic by definition is derived from a
   living organism.
  Is he making this up as he goes along?  anti-biotic mean
  life.  That is the definition.  If you look it up in the
  dictionary you get:
  Main Entry: 1an·ti·bi·ot·ic
  Pronunciation: an-ti-bI-'ä-tik, -tI-; an-ti-bE-
  Function: adjective
  Date: 1894
  1 : tending to prevent, inhibit, or destroy life
  If we take his definition than almost none of the present
  antibiotics are
  antibiotics since most are manufactured in a pharmaceutical
  company from

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSilver Toxicity

2001-11-08 Thread Marshall Dudley
Terry Chamberlin wrote:

 I have been running into increasing 'rumors' of renal
 failure and liver problems from CS. Here is the
 content of a brochure I created (a collection of
 quotes and references) in response to these 'rumors'.
 It's a long one, but you may want to copy it to print
 and hand to friends and doubters.

 The Final Word on Silver Toxicity

 Quoting from Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D.

 Argyria would be equivalent of 380,000 micrograms (or
 3.8 grams) of silver a day.

3.8 grams of silver is 3,800,000 micrograms, he is off by 10,

 . However, silver
 is not termed an antibiotic as some have claimed
 because an antibiotic by definition is derived from a
 living organism.

Is he making this up as he goes along?  anti-biotic mean destroying
life.  That is the definition.  If you look it up in the dictionary you get:

Main Entry: 1an·ti·bi·ot·ic
Pronunciation: an-ti-bI-'ä-tik, -tI-; an-ti-bE-
Function: adjective
Date: 1894
1 : tending to prevent, inhibit, or destroy life

If we take his definition than almost none of the present antibiotics are
antibiotics since most are manufactured in a pharmaceutical company from


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSilver Toxicity

2001-11-08 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
I recently looked up antibiotics in my Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.   The
definition made clear that originally the term derived from antibiosis,  which
is in essence the war between different organisms,  one hostile to another.
So I think the definition below r.e. living organisms is scientifically


Marshall Dudley wrote:

 Terry Chamberlin wrote:

  I have been running into increasing 'rumors' of renal
  failure and liver problems from CS. Here is the
  content of a brochure I created (a collection of
  quotes and references) in response to these 'rumors'.
  It's a long one, but you may want to copy it to print
  and hand to friends and doubters.
  The Final Word on Silver Toxicity
  Quoting from Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D.
  Argyria would be equivalent of 380,000 micrograms (or
  3.8 grams) of silver a day.

 3.8 grams of silver is 3,800,000 micrograms, he is off by 10,

  . However, silver
  is not termed an antibiotic as some have claimed
  because an antibiotic by definition is derived from a
  living organism.

 Is he making this up as he goes along?  anti-biotic mean destroying
 life.  That is the definition.  If you look it up in the dictionary you get:

 Main Entry: 1an·ti·bi·ot·ic
 Pronunciation: an-ti-bI-'ä-tik, -tI-; an-ti-bE-
 Function: adjective
 Date: 1894
 1 : tending to prevent, inhibit, or destroy life

 If we take his definition than almost none of the present antibiotics are
 antibiotics since most are manufactured in a pharmaceutical company from


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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSilver toxicity

2000-07-12 Thread Ode Wan Coyote
 ##  I have a lot of fillings that previous to using CS, develop leaks 
periodically.  I'm thinking perhaps that the ionic silver I swish around 
after brushing not only sterilizes the mouth but also binds to the mercury 
in the tooth filling, stabilizes the mercury and hardens the filling as 
well as closing the leaks with something similar to silver plating.
 I have several watch spots which have not needed any care at all in 3 
years and zero plaque. [all since experimenting with CS] The dentist has 
twice expressed his surprise at being so unemployed.
A direct quote. What are you doing differently?  You must be flossing 
every day and using that fluoride I gave you regularly  [NOT!]


At 11:20 AM 7/10/00 -0400, you wrote:
She has since changed her position.  In that book she recommends agains 
CS, but I

understand in later books she now supports it.


Devnull wrote:

 I beleive Dr. Hulda Clark says that silver from fillings is bad in her 
book The

 Cure for all Diseases so I don't know.

 Katie Jay wrote:

  I am just getting ready to use colloidal silver for Lyme. My doctor also
  suggested I get rid of my mercury fillings. I am reading a book about
  mercury toxicity now and wonder if I should be concerned about this
  A new study directed by the Scripps Institutes' K. Michael Pollard 
  one step further. Using a new, silver-based alloy which is being 
proposed as

  a substitute filling material for mercury amalgam, Pollard showed that
  silver also has the capacity to generate a strong pathological 
  response, and that silver, like mercury, migrates to body tissues 
within a
  very short period of time. In short, both mercury and silver have a 
  impact on the immune system. In addition, their effect is intensified 

  both metals are present.
  ---The Mercury in Your Mouth, Quicksilver Associates
  Any thoughts?
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  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSilver toxicity

2000-07-09 Thread Devnull
I beleive Dr. Hulda Clark says that silver from fillings is bad in her book The
Cure for all Diseases so I don't know.

Katie Jay wrote:

 I am just getting ready to use colloidal silver for Lyme. My doctor also
 suggested I get rid of my mercury fillings. I am reading a book about
 mercury toxicity now and wonder if I should be concerned about this

 A new study directed by the Scripps Institutes' K. Michael Pollard ...goes
 one step further. Using a new, silver-based alloy which is being proposed as
 a substitute filling material for mercury amalgam, Pollard showed that
 silver also has the capacity to generate a strong pathological immune-system
 response, and that silver, like mercury, migrates to body tissues within a
 very short period of time. In short, both mercury and silver have a negative
 impact on the immune system. In addition, their effect is intensified when
 both metals are present.

 ---The Mercury in Your Mouth, Quicksilver Associates

 Any thoughts?


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Re: CSSilver toxicity

2000-07-09 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Devnull;

It is not the silver that is the problem it is the mercury that is used to make 
amalgam for the filling.

Ole Bob

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Re: CSSilver toxicity

2000-07-09 Thread Dean T. Miller
Hi Katie,

On Sun, 9 Jul 2000 17:13:43 -0700, Katie Jay

I am just getting ready to use colloidal silver for Lyme. My doctor also
suggested I get rid of my mercury fillings. I am reading a book about
mercury toxicity now and wonder if I should be concerned about this

You're doctor's right about the mercury amalgam fillings.  He should
have mentioned teeth with root canals, too -- have them pulled (there
is infection in the capillaries of the teeth that root canals don't
get rid of).

A new study directed by the Scripps Institutes' K. Michael Pollard ...goes
one step further. Using a new, silver-based alloy which is being proposed as
a substitute filling material for mercury amalgam, Pollard showed that
silver also has the capacity to generate a strong pathological immune-system
response, and that silver, like mercury, migrates to body tissues within a
very short period of time. In short, both mercury and silver have a negative
impact on the immune system. In addition, their effect is intensified when
both metals are present.

The problem is that the filling is an *alloy* of silver.  That means
silver and something else.  It's the something-else that's the
problem.  Elemental silver is non-toxic according to all the sources
I've been able to find.  Silver -- by itself -- won't even turn your
skin a bluish hue (argyria).  It takes a silver compound to do that.

(Colloidal silver isn't made with an alloy of silver, such as sterling
silver.  It's made with 99.9% pure silver or better.)

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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