Re: CS lyme and fevers

1999-11-30 Thread D G



--- Begin Message ---
Actuallyl, Tami, from what I've read, it's good that your body is able to
run a fever.
Lyme doesn't like the heat, so this will help kill it off too.

Since I had Lyme, I have not run a fever in at least a year.Sometimes I
would get the flu or something to crank up body temperature.

I'd look at it (fevers) as a good sign.


>I've been CS 6 months and worked up to a cup a day for lyme. I spent 9
>on IV rocephin and started Flagyl/Doxycycline 2 months ago.
>I had no fevers on IV but they started back in after stopping IV and going
>oral meds. I run a low grade fever every single eve from 5-8 pm and it feel
>like sitting in a oven. It will then break then chills and exhausted. Docs
>don't know why this is and don't seem to care. IT'S NOT NORMAL TO HAVE A
>That's about all I know. Is this my body fighting,a CS effect,toxins?
>Anyones's info would be of help-
>Tami M

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--- End Message ---

Re: CS lyme and fevers

1999-11-30 Thread Scharbach
Actuallyl, Tami, from what I've read, it's good that your body is able to
run a fever.
Lyme doesn't like the heat, so this will help kill it off too.

Since I had Lyme, I have not run a fever in at least a year.Sometimes I
would get the flu or something to crank up body temperature.

I'd look at it (fevers) as a good sign.


>I've been CS 6 months and worked up to a cup a day for lyme. I spent 9
>on IV rocephin and started Flagyl/Doxycycline 2 months ago.
>I had no fevers on IV but they started back in after stopping IV and going
>oral meds. I run a low grade fever every single eve from 5-8 pm and it feel
>like sitting in a oven. It will then break then chills and exhausted. Docs
>don't know why this is and don't seem to care. IT'S NOT NORMAL TO HAVE A
>That's about all I know. Is this my body fighting,a CS effect,toxins?
>Anyones's info would be of help-
>Tami M

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Re: CS lyme and fevers(jeffrey)

1999-11-30 Thread TM4480
Thank you for your most helpful e mail! Something I'm thinking of IS throwing 
all pills away and just doing CS. It's tough decision since I feel my pills 
are a "lifeline" of sorts. All my liver levels are normal so have a bit of 
time to think.

Thanks again-(don't worry NO vaccine ever for me!)
Tami M

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Re: CS lyme and fevers

1999-11-30 Thread Jeffrey A. Madore
Hi Tami wrote:

> I've been CS 6 months and worked up to a cup a day for lyme. I spent 9 months
> on IV rocephin and started Flagyl/Doxycycline 2 months ago.

You've been on some tough meds! I took Tinidazole/Tetracycline 2gms each / day.
This was the most effective antibiotic combination I had found after 10 years of
Lyme. (Tinidazole and Flagyl are very similiar) I just couldn't stand the 
toxic effect.

I'm now taking only CS and find it equally, if not more, effective. And I have
no stomach upset, more energy, quit amphetamines, almost completely off of
antidepresents, and everyone around me notices the improvement. I've been a
slave to pharmacuticals. My gole is to take no pills!

> I had no fevers on IV but they started back in after stopping IV and going to
> oral meds. I run a low grade fever every single eve from 5-8 pm and it feel
> like sitting in a oven. It will then break then chills and exhausted. Docs
> don't know why this is and don't seem to care. IT'S NOT NORMAL TO HAVE A

You'll find that daily fevers and periods of fatigue are common with Lyme. I 
them more when I am actively treating the disease. This may be due to the 
die-off. Research shows that Bb can mutate, such that it is unaffected by many
antibiotics. This mutated form is referred to as a cyst. It has been shown (in 
that flagyl is one of the few antibiotics that kill the cyst form. The doxy 
then mops
up the free spirochetes.

So, one theory could be that the IV meds killed the free spirochetes and caused
others to encyst, where they were safe. The change to flagyl may be now going
after the cysts, and thus killing them and releasing their toxins (herx) in the

I'd love to see an in-vitro study of CS and it's effect on the mutated forms of 

You are exactally right, most doctors don't know and don't care. Everything
revolves around money...the golden rule "he who has the gold, makes the rules".
The same Dr that is treating you may be getting paid $500/hr+ to consult with
your insurance company as to appropriate cost effective treatment for you. Your
well being is not part of the picture. This is a criminal conflict of interest 

Doctors are highly discouraged from treating Lyme Disease. This pressure is not
only from insurance companies, but from government as well. Doctors that stray
from the pack, and treat Lyme are often persecuted and end up losing their 
to practice. Interesting thing is, it's a certian group of Dr's that continue 
to carry
out the persecution. This group of Dr's also get most of the NIH funding for 
research. If you follow the money train, you'll see that these Dr's are using 
results of the NIH funded research to their own financial gain. They patent 
antigen candidates for vaccines and develope useless test kits to be 
under their private business.

Funny how Gulf War Illness and Lyme are similiar. Odd how lyme is endemic
on the LI and CT shore, and that Plum Is. is in between. And who sold weapons
to the Gulf countries before the war. I don't think that the US wants the
embarassment of having to admit that they do have a bio weapons program and
that these weapons have been tested on various populations.

I'll get off my soapbox now.

> That's about all I know. Is this my body fighting,a CS effect,toxins?
> Anyones's info would be of help-
> Tami M

Tami, I wish there were answers. I don't think we know exactly what the extent
of Lyme disease really has so many symptoms and can cause anything
from a simple anoyance to incapacitation to death.

For me, eliminating the abx, and taking CS has proved the most helpful so far. 
other thing to realize is that it takes a long time to get well, when you've 
been sick
for a long time.

One last word from my soap box: Don't ever consider the Lyme Vaccine. I've seen 
heard of too many lives devistated by it. The adverse effects go unreported. 
very sick people are told that what they have is all in their head, and that it 
possibly be the vaccine. Now they're testing it on children!   ...time is short 

God Bless,

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RE: CS lyme and fevers

1999-11-29 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
With that much flagyl, you might quietly inquire if any liver function tests 
are being monitored. 
James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent:   Monday, November 29, 1999 3:15 PM
Subject:CS lyme and fevers

I've been CS 6 months and worked up to a cup a day for lyme. I spent 9 months 
on IV rocephin and started Flagyl/Doxycycline 2 months ago.

I had no fevers on IV but they started back in after stopping IV and going to 
oral meds. I run a low grade fever every single eve from 5-8 pm and it feel 
like sitting in a oven. It will then break then chills and exhausted. Docs 
don't know why this is and don't seem to care. IT'S NOT NORMAL TO HAVE A 

That's about all I know. Is this my body fighting,a CS effect,toxins?

Anyones's info would be of help-
Tami M

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Re: CS lyme and fevers

1999-11-29 Thread Marshall Dudley
I would personally give the Beck 4 step program a try.  That is what cured my
sister of Lyme.

Marshall wrote:

> I've been CS 6 months and worked up to a cup a day for lyme. I spent 9 months
> on IV rocephin and started Flagyl/Doxycycline 2 months ago.
> I had no fevers on IV but they started back in after stopping IV and going to
> oral meds. I run a low grade fever every single eve from 5-8 pm and it feel
> like sitting in a oven. It will then break then chills and exhausted. Docs
> don't know why this is and don't seem to care. IT'S NOT NORMAL TO HAVE A
> That's about all I know. Is this my body fighting,a CS effect,toxins?
> Anyones's info would be of help-
> Tami M
> --
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