Re: MCT Fund

1998-08-03 Thread Philip Collins
Okay, Bob, I can certainly understand why noone will really want to be
making that decision for me.  Since it looks like we are way over the mark
on the MCT fund, I hereby rescind my pledge, and I will send Jim and Reid
each $10 immediately.


-Original Message-
From: Robert L. Wells
To: silver silver
Date: Friday, July 31, 1998 1:00 PM
Subject: MCT Fund

Thanks Whitney, your support is valued.  However, you need
to be the person who decides where your contribution goes.
I don't think anyone else should do it for you unless you
specifically appoint someone to make your decision for you
and are prepared to write a check.  If you want to support
Reid and Jim, send them a check now.  They'll appreciate
it.  If you want to stick with the microbial test, you can
do that too.  It's your choice.  If you drop out of the MCT
Fund, just let me know.
Bob Wells

Whitney wrote:
Mike, your recommendations are all OK with me.
I do want to say that the $20 which I pledged for
microbial testing can be moved wherever it is needed
(to the particle-size measurement or ppm testing projects).

Whitney Collins

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Re: MCT Fund Update 7/31 AM

1998-08-03 Thread Reid Smith
At the start of this, my main thoughts were with the particulate size and
effectiveness, is the size a factor in how well it works. Are we back to having
no real way to discern this measuring process now? or is there still some way
this will be able to be tested. Someone with lots of time would be needed for
the subsequent tests on down from that level.We knowG it works, but the
retailers of CS are telling multiple versions of why THEIR'S works best. We
need to be able to tell ourselves and newcomers needing help the answer to
this. Maybe we could turn some mice blue in the meantime:).  Deb   

   Good idea, hey I have an old wild cat that keeps comming around. 
Humm I could be the only person on the block with a BLUE cat... :] 

   For those that are animal rights activists I'M ONLY KIDDING!!! 

Take Care 


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Re: MCT Fund Update 7/31 AM

1998-07-31 Thread Debbie McDonald
Robert L. Wells wrote:

 Although it appears that there is evidence that some silver
 products either kill bacteria or limit its growth, I want to
 know how a home-made brew stacks up.  I agree that we need
 to define the manufacturing process and quality standards of
 what we test.
At the start of this, my main thoughts were with the particulate size and
effectiveness, is the size a factor in how well it works. Are we back to having
no real way to discern this measuring process now? or is there still some way
this will be able to be tested. Someone with lots of time would be needed for
the subsequent tests on down from that level.We knowG it works, but the
retailers of CS are telling multiple versions of why THEIR'S works best. We
need to be able to tell ourselves and newcomers needing help the answer to
this. Maybe we could turn some mice blue in the meantime:).  Deb   

 Debbie McDonald

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Re: MCT Update 7/29 AM

1998-07-30 Thread Reid Smith
Regarding the use of funds for Jim Einert. I was not actively
participating on the list when this issue first came up so I don't know
what kinds of commitments where made by list members regarding
reimbursement. My own feeling at this point is that this fund was
started for a specific purpose.  The pledges were made for a stated
goal, i.e. for the professional biological testing of CS, and that to
divert funds from that purpose now would be inappropriate and would
serve only to defocus this particular effort. 

   My intentions were not to divert money from one research into
another. I put myself out on a limb by charging the equipment and
letting it go. At the time I though I had unlimited use with the
loaner m-scope and camera. Well the owner needed his m-scope back,
the limb broke and I'm stuck without a way to check my blood plus 
finish researching. Jim originally volenteered his time to do the
CS testing. I volenteered my time to find and put together a camera
system so he could post his findings. I now have volenteered my time, 
paramicium cultures, and labor to finding out what CS will kill. 

   I also feal three people with different views will get us closer
to the goal of finding out what CS will kill much faster than one. 

   Now maybe I'm wrong but it seems like we're putting the cart
before the horse. We don't even have a standarized CS maker
and I feal that many tests should be made with many different
makes to come up with a standarized CS maker. After we test the
different brews on the paramicium then proceed from there to the 
expensive disk testing. 

   If you want a start on a cheap CS maker you can take a look
at mine at There's a lot of info in that
artical and many hours of research. Add a 555 timer circuit 
where you press a button and it works for a certian period
of time and you get closer to the goal of a standarized PPM.
We still need some standards as to what size wire, additives
to the distilled water, temperature, swapping poles at certian
times and cleaning of materials. One other thing the cost is
the same or a little more than what a person would pay for 3
9v batterys and the clips.

Take Care 


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Re: MCT Fund Hits Target!!!

1998-07-24 Thread Douglas McMurtrie wrote:
 I sent a pledge in twice already, but it still hasn't been recorded!!  Here
 goes again $50 for Nick Ferraro.  Count me in. Thanks


I believe your pledge has been recorded. Isn't that you fifth down from
the top.

Many thanks again,


For now the fund stands as follows:

 Tom Young  - $20.00
 Bruce K. Stenulson - $20.00
 Paul Bembower   - $20.00
 M. G. Devour - $20.00
 Nick Ferraro $50.00
 Sandi - $50.00
 Michael   - $20.00
 Bill $20.00
 Jerry WineBrenner  - $20.00
 Whitney - $20.00
 D. K.   - $10.00
 Fidget  - $10.00
 Robert Wells - $50.00
 George N. $20.00
 W. D.   - $10.00
 Debbie  - $10.00
 Marsha Hallett - $20.00
 Dameon  - $20.00
 Dean Woodward   - $20.00 
 George $20.00
 George Martin $50.00
 Douglas McMurtrie   - $50.00

  Total to Date $ 550.00

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Re: MCT update + question + TDS-1

1998-07-23 Thread M. G. Devour
Doug wrote:

 Has anyone started building the CS generator per MGD's spec in the
 suggested protocol?  I'm collecting up the parts myself and should
 have an operating one within a couple of days. ... At this point
 have we agreed to go with Mike's protocol as it stands? 

I don't think we've got a concensus yet, though I think that will 
happen, Doug. Several questions and suggestions were offered, to 
which I responded. I don't know if they agree with me, as I haven't 
heard anything more! grin

 Also, I called Hanna back this morning and talked with their
 technical specialist about what I was trying to do and the
 functionality of the TDS-1 vs the DIST-1 and he absolutely asserts
 that the DIST-1 has a LOWER margin of error than the TDS-1 for a
 sample of a given concentration and it is definitely the preferred
 device for testing lower concentration samples. 

What is the price for the DIST-1? Do you have the URL of the page 
where they show it on their site?

I wouldn't be surprised if it was more accurate. If the price is 
reasonable I'd consider one myself. The good news is the TDS-1 is 
repeatable enough that, once calibrated, you'll be able to get 
reproduceable results from batch to batch. That's it's basic purpose, 
and I think it's good enough.

If a better instrument is available, then some may want to consider
it. I need to work up documentation of how to set up, test, and
calibrate a TDS-1 for the (still stalled) web site. I'd like to be 
able to add similar material for the DIST-1 when you get familiar 
with it.

 Another pledge for the fund today!!
 For now the fund stands as follows:
   Total to Date $ 550.00

Way to go folks! Let's see if we can get a consensus on what to 

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: MCT Fund Hits Target!!!

1998-07-20 Thread M. G. Devour
Hey, I'm good for 20 bucks. Forgot to chime in!


[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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1998-07-18 Thread Michael Mahoney
Douglas McMurtrie

I have been slow to pledge any money because I didn't see the groups
effort as proceeding in a logical manner. Before an MCT can be
performed we must decide what we are going to test with and what we are
going to test it on.

Recent postings have indicated a willingness on the part of some to
alter priorities and sort out the question of which CS will be used. I
personally like the idea of testing several different samples of CS. So
far it has been suggested the CS be tested for concentration and
particle size but no one has suggested testing for purity.

Everyone seems to assume the CS will contain only water and metallic/
ionic silver. What if there is something else present? Shouldn't we
know what it is and how much of it is present?

I'm not qualified to recommend a sound testing methodology. Perhaps
someone else on this list can help. It shouldn't be too complex but I
imagine it will require sufficient knowledge and experience to suggest
we must first decide this. Then we can test that. Then further
testing of whatever can be done. It may be we will need to find
someone to help establish the procedures we should follow. It might be
possible that, for an additional fee, a testing lab could assist with

Others have expressed concern that jumping too quickly with a poorly
thought out plan might wind up as wasted time and money
requiring us to start all over again and do it right the second time.

Assuming we can get it right the first time I believe this effort is
going to cost a lot more than $400.

For the time being put me down for a $20.00 pledge to this CS
investigation fund.


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Re: MCT Update and MORE!!

1998-07-17 Thread bjs1779
Douglas McMurtrie wrote:
 So the short story is, we need to decide on the brewing process, cook
 some up, mail it to me and I'll get it to the lab for the test then I'll
 post the results. Then we and the MCT lab will have a much better idea
 of what we're using on the bug tests. That is providing there's not such
 a long time between the two sets of tests that shelf life becomes an
 issue. We need to move briskly on this since if the lab gets busy with
 their paying work then the offer may be withdrawn. We should try to have
 consensus on this within a few days and I would like to have sample in
 hand within say 10 days. Does that seem reasonable to all?

See, nothing to it!

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Re: MCT update

1998-07-16 Thread Douglas McMurtrie
bjs1779 wrote:
 Douglas McMurtrie wrote:
  The tentative target is $400.00 based on Bob Well's original contact.
  This number will get more specific as we get test specs and pricing from
  the labs.
  After the logistics are worked out, a mailing address will be provided
  and notification will be made to everyone.
 1. I think the people donating the money should have the last say about
just what is going to get tested.

   I agree.

 2. I don't think anyone that donated understands what is going to
be tested or what it is going to be tested on.

   On the first point MGD had an excellent post regarding suggestions on
what to test a few days ago. Mike, maybe you could repost that. On the
second point my understanding is that Bob Wells is currently
investigating labs, test costs, protocols etc. and will get back to us
when he has more concrete info. These are just good faith pledges and a
way to gauge the level of commitment for getting some testing done. No
money has changed hands. Maybe we can find a way to get testing at no

 3. I think more donations would be made if these issues were settled.
With a little more money and a plan of action, we may(you) in effect
not be wasting money.

   There is only we in this effort. While the fund was my idea, it was
inspired by Bob Wells original investigation into microbial challenge
tests done by commercial labs for industry. As to the fund itself, I am
acting only in the role of secretary. I intend to leave any collection
of monies and final decisions as to its use to Bob or other designees
who have more experience both with CS and with the people on this list.
I will cast my one vote just like everyone else when the time comes.

 4. To attempt to start that process, would it be more cost effective
to have our better brewers samples checked for ppm and particle
sizes before any lab culture work is done? This is where I would
kick in a donation.

  Yes, I agree that something like that must be done.  Again, Mike if
you would repost your suggestions for what to test.

 5. Nothing we do is to imply the safety of CS to anyone on this list
or in any way to anybody else. Only the FDA can do that.

  Test results will speak for themselves. I believe the intent here is
to test for efficacy in vitro. Safety is outside the scope.



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