Charlottetown bands rock high school

1995-12-14 Thread Matt Hennessey

Hey this is Matt.  I just wanted to take a break from the 
slagging and unslagging of Sonic two cents, they totally 
I will talk to you about a BATTLE OF THE BANDS that took 
place at Colonel Gray Senior High School.  It was the third year they 
held it but for the first time the event, created by the entrepeneur 
class at school, made it so all the bands were original no 
It started off with my band Chase...our second real gig and 
we won over some fans with our so close to sloan but not sound.  We 
even impressed ourselves, I hope that doesn't sound too conceded.  It 
was loads of fun.
Next came Chinese CHeckers who welded Sonic Youth and NOFX 
together with surprisingly good results.  It was their first gig ever 
and they actually only had two rehearsals beforehand...although I was 
told it was for nine hours each.
After them came a crowd favourite, Smokin'Cinnamon.  This was 
the first time I heard them play and I was very impressed.  The lead 
singer Damion, has quite a pair of lungs on him...he almost 
singlehandedly blew John Boland's PA system.
The forth band was Watchmaker who will be opening for Bad 
Luck #13 on Saturday here in Charlottetown.  Despite the fact that 
they did not like their performance, being the only true punk band 
added some personality and some pizzazz.  I really like these guys.  
Of course I'm a sucker for punk bands.
T42, the eventual winners, played their set with enthusiasm 
and a very playfull spirit.  They recruited Strawberry's bass player 
Brian Arsenault and he played real he is the coolest bass 
player on the face of the planet (besides Chris Murphy teehee).  
Unfortunately their replacement bass player is just that: a 
ed who, came up next and rawked the joint with their 
Nirvanaesque songs.  BUt it was their rap song that blew the crowd 
away.  Nathan the lead singer needs to go to a therapist...he really 
has the thing called teen angst.
The Raw Overtones, GREAT BAND, played last and left everyone 
far from high and dry...Robbie spit water on the mosh pit which was a 
large one.  This incredible power trio made Colonel Gray's pricipal's 
ears to bleed...maybe I'm going a little too far.  I have reported on 
these guys before on my reviews of Charlottetown bands and I forgot 
to tell you to bring earplugs to their shows.
That does it for tonight, thanx for reading, those other 
bands should prove to a lot of people not only around here but also 
around the Maritimes that Charlottetown does have a thriving scene 
despite our small size.  As usual any questions, comments, info on 
how to contact the bands just type.


p.s. Bob your tape is coming.

Strawberry shortcake

1995-12-06 Thread Matt Hennessey

Hey folks, this is Matt from Charlottetown.  It's been about 
a week since I have written about a Charlie town band, but you're in 
for a treat as far as I'm concerned.
Strawberry, the Island's best band started off three years 
ago with an interesting mix of players.  Pat and Deirdre, guitarist 
and vocalist respectively, along with Craig (percussion) who is I 
believe Chris Murphy's cousin, and Mike who played the typical 
drumset.  Pat and Deirdre are the only founding members left.
Anyhoo, their first gig ever was in front of hundreds of 
people at our annual Canada Day festival in Victoria park, most 
thought they really sucked because they didn't jam out any Guns and 
Roses (though Pat is a huge G'n'R fan).  And the fact that they 
played all their own songs had a very divisive effect.  I thought it 
was cool what they were doing but also saw the room for improvement.
Contrary to popular belief, Strawberry didn't really become 
an overnight success here in Charlottetown.  Of course all the cover 
bands and Haywire wannabes were still around, actually they still are 
around.  Still, Strawberry along with Stil and Down formed the 
underground scene, more or less.
Strawberry then got the chance to record a 7 split single 
with Plumtree.  It wasn't exactly the way they planned on recording 
but they were happy nonetheless.  The next time someone sees Pat 
tease him about his bass playing but don't tell him I said so.
Scott (guitar) and Brian (bass) joined after Craig left the 
band and finally their sound was shaping up into a strong rythym 
oriented band in which they wanted.  They released a demo by 
themselves in May or June of this year and is utterly amazing 
considering it is done on 8 track.  They actually relaesed a tape 
before that but it is not quite as musically strong.
Simon then replaced Mike as the drummer to form the present 
group of Strawberry.  They have finished recording their CD I think 
but I don''t know when they plan to release it.  One piece of advice, 
pick it up, they are incredible.  
\   Some people may have saw them previous to this past Halifax 
Pop Explosion and may not have liked them very much, or so I've 
heard, but let me assure you, they are a totally changed band with 
all the ingredients that holds Strawberry together still present.
Now here are some helpful little tidbits to break the ice to 
the guys/gal if you ever see them.

Pat - bowls 250, loves movies, especially Clerks and Dazed 
and Confused, he is nice as hell and will jam with anyone who knows a 
few Motley Crue tunes.
Deirdre - is obsessed with Bob Wiseman, hates Dynasty and 
jocks, plus is an avid indie advocate and anti christ to any cover 
band, she's real smart and a pleasant lady to talk to.
Simon - what can I say, the guys got a clock in his head and 
a smile on his face the whole time, friendly and helpful, he lives on 
Harley street and is a self professed preppy, plus the oldes member 
at 25.
Scott - loves to make posters, they are infamous around the 
Island, and stickers and what not, used to play clarinet in high 
school (as did I) and shines while singing and playing his Gibson SG 
for the guys from Strawberry's alter ego side band Good Guy Eddie 
Featuring Former Members Of Chilliwack (Pat's the only member to 
actually play for Chilliwack...just kidding).
Brian - that groovin' bass player is one of the funniest guys 
I know, loves crack (inside joke) and telling people that he was 
not the bass player for the Me 7 single, yet another joke poking fun 
at Pat.
So there you go folks, as usual any questions just let your 
fingers do the talking.


Sloan joke

1995-12-05 Thread Matt Hennessey
Hi this is Matt from P.E.I.
Umm...I know you guys will probably hate me but I have to 
bring up that Sloan hoax thing up just so I can tell you a story that 
happened to me today.
One of my friends from Summerside (1 hour away from 
Charlottetown) skipped school to come and visit for a little while.  
Anyway, the first question that popped out of his mouth was Where 
can I find the new sloan album shaken by...I dunno something.  
Imagine my surprise to hear those words come out of his mouth.  I 
then asked him where he heard that and he said it was all over 
This proves how quickly rumours get started, yes I was one of 
those suckers who believed it (hey I'm from a small city sitting in 
an Island) and I did tell one of my friends.  The fact is there is 
only, correct me if I'm wrong, five sloan netters here on p.e.i.  And 
I know Melissa and Karen caught on right away, I'm not sure of Mark 
from Summerside, and Deryl has no friends to tell...just kidding 
Deryl.  So that left telling one person this little thing it 
spread like wildfire.
Brenden, this has been real fun during exam time, but now 
look what you have done to me.  I'll have to walk all over 
Charlottetown putting up posters or something saying THERE IS NO NEW 
That's the price of being a sucker I guess.
And oh yeah, I think RADIOBLASTER rawk and I hear no 
similarities with the Hermits.
Thanx for reading this otherwise useless post.


Three times a charm

1995-11-27 Thread Matt Hennessey

Hello y'all.  This is Matt from Charlottetown doing my thing 
and proud of it.
Due to popular demand ( well actually nobody demanded this or 
anymore of them ) but I will go out on a linb and tell you about 
another Charlottetown band.

The grunge craze effected everyone to some degree or another 
I'm sure, although there are a few who do not admit to this.  But 
this band T.4.2. ( get it ) totally relish in it.  
Even though they may be young...
MEMBERS - ...Danny (guitar, vox - 16 years old )
- ...Andrew (guitar, vox - 15 years old )
- ...Jon ( drums - 16 years old )
... they are quite mature in their songwriting.  They 
used to have a bass player but while he was in the band he made too 
many girlfriends/groupies that he had to quit because of his lack of 
commitment to the band and his total commitment to...uhum...getting 
They play power pop to the extreme, rarely taking that 
fuzz/distortion pedal off, and thus their sonic layering have caused 
many around here to compare them to...well...Sloan ( in pampers ).

They actually opened for Rebecca West when they were here 
this summer and did play at Myron's unfortunately.  No they didn't 
sell out, for any of you who know the deal with Myron's.

Anyhoo, they have no release yet ( not even a demo? c'mon 
guys, ) but are planning to lay something down on four track this 

Two more notes, they were not *FORTUNATE* enough for them to 
be on the compilation here, and also, a fellow Sloan Netter - Deryl 
Gallant ( you love him, I know you guys do ) fills in as the 
replacement bass player.   

Thanx for the time and space.  As usual, you can e-mail me if 
you wish further details on these guys or any other Island bands that 
you amy have heard of/like to hear more of.  B-bye.


1995-11-26 Thread Matt Hennessey

Hello this is Matt from spudville giving my fellow 
sloannetters another bit of info on another Charlottetown band.

Their names Overtones...Raw Overtones. ( I just saw the new 
James Bond flick ).

They hail from downtown Charlottetown, my neck of the woods 
as well and they are amazing to see live ( both in their basement and 
on stage ).  
MEMBERS - Robbie ( guitar and vox )
- Eliot ( bass and headbang leader )
- Chris ( wicked drummer, he beats John from SUPERCAR 
only in the drumming department not in the name dept - got that yan. )

They started playing one year ago and have struggled ( like 
most original bands around here ) to play places.  So no you did not 
see them on Much East last week simply because, with the exception of 
Supercar and Strawberry, all the other bands on the new comp are 
cover bands.  Fuck I hate cover bands, sorry.
Their influences...many including Nirvana, the Hip, Ozzy and 
also Sloan ( automatically they have made some fans on this net. )  
Straight outta grade 11 and into grade 12 they have made plans to 
conquer the world after high school.  
No releases except for true *basement tapes*, although they,
along with my band CHASE ( plug ) are getting an eight track, we hope, 
with our combined savings.  So far we have ten dollars ( I spent five 
tonight on the flick ).  
SO that's them, any more info required just pick up your 
little fingers and type.  

p.s. - despite what you saw on Much East, Charlottetown does 
have cool bands it's just that places like MYRONS won't let us/them 
play.  I understand that this story is echoed through the Maritimes 
and the rest of Canada so I'm not telling you guys/gals things you do 
not already know.  Thanx for the time and space.  I hope this fits in 
to the type of messages that that guy who hated sucky messages ( 
forgot your name ) wants.  something like that.