Re: grace babies

1995-12-10 Thread Roderick Affleck
grace babies are an awful band, featured on mucheast a few too many times.
for inexplicable reasons, they have a debut full-length out on no records.  
It's really awful.  umm.. lemme see.. they're very pop-rotten (or is that
rawtten?), lots of crappy little ditties, and the songs make me puke :)  
kool-aid is every bit as detestable as the beverage from which it takes 
its name (mainly because of the lyrics...oh and the music :) ) 
lots of guitars is not an indication of good music, but sometimes they 
have that whiny guitar sound which I associate with shit..

oops, i'm out of time.  gotta go slag something else now.
umm.. i hope this helps!

...sizzle jerk

 grace babies are an awesome band, featured on mucheast a few times.  they 
 have a debut full-length out on no records entitled _lure_.  it's really 
 awesome.  umm.. lemme see.. i wish i had a copy of my zine here so i 
 could just write out my review... ummm.. ok, they're very pop-rawky, lots 
 of catchy little ditties, and the songs are kinda cute :)  kool-aid is 
 one of the best in the bunch (mainly for its lyrics.. mmm... candy :) )  
 lots of guitars, uptempo (most of the time), but sometimes they have that 
 wailing guitar sound which i associate with treble charger..
 oops, i'm out of time. gotta go write a final now.  umm.. i hope this helps!
   ...sizzled :P sizzle teen


e-mail SUCKS.

Re: halifax poster problem

1995-11-14 Thread Roderick Affleck

 Well, honestly, i've found that postering is pretty much a huge waste
 of time anyway.  Unless a band has a really large solid following,
 posters really aren't going to do very much.. like how often do you
 see a poster for a band that you've never heard of before and think
 hey i think i'll go to that tonight! ... really.. i think you're
 more likely to go if somebody comes up to you and says hey do you
 have anything to do tonight?  if you're intersted there's this cool
 band playing.. blah blah blah 

That may be true unless you're someone like me that has no friends.
i've found out about a lot of gigs by reading posters.  Just
because you know and like a band doesn't mean that you happen to know
that they're playing a gig, and posters are a good way for a band
to let their fans know about their shows.



e-mail SUCKS.

Rita MacNeil's new album

1995-11-08 Thread Roderick Affleck
I'm surprised nobody's talked about Rita's new release here yet.  It's
called Porch Songs, and is a tribute to the Halifax band Coyote.
This is probably MacNeil's most intense effort to date, and she really
brings new life to these songs. 

some of the tracks really shine.  Her rendition of Never Let Your Friends
Find You Dead is truly haunting, and on God Damn Good she screams like
she's never screamed before.  On the title track (the Porch Song), when she
sings the line Fuck 'em, it don't mean nothin' she says it with even more 
conviction than Chris Logan himself.  And with I Remember Drinking Rita 
MacNeil rocks out like only Rita MacNeil can.  when she's bad...she's Fabulous.

the album does have its weak points however.  Wander is far too long and
self indulgent, and the fiddle solo in The Lynching Bee is annoying
to say the least.  

However, despite these flaws, this album is totally worth getting, 
possibly one of the best of 1995.



e-mail SUCKS.

Re: Plum Tree

1995-11-03 Thread Roderick Affleck

 When I interviewed them (mostly Amanda), I was told that their 
 influences were Pop music.  K-records kind of stuff.whatever that 
 is...actually who knows, it could be Kay-records for all I 

yeah, K records, from Olympia Washington.  started by one of the best
no talent bands ever, Beat Happening.  but I'm sure you all knew that

 They have a tape out:  I think it's called Flutter Boy.

Flutterboard actually.  flutter boy sounds better though.  They should have
put more thought into naming their tape.

 A new 7:  ?? don't know much about it.

It's called water had leaked into my suit or some such stupidness
they do a great surf version of steppenwolf's Born to be wild, and call
it Sodium Chloride

 Amanda told me that they were going to record this past summer  
 for a C.D. but I don't know what the current info is on that.

Yeah, they recorded it in Ottawa with Paul gluetones Hogan.  good choice
of producer in my opinion.  he should be able to do a good job of
capturing their sound.

roderick, who knows too much about bands he doesn't even like.


e-mail SUCKS.

Fire Engine Red in Windsor tonight

1995-10-20 Thread Roderick Affleck
hey, like the subject says, the band Fire Engine Red are playing in
Windsor tonight, and that's all I know about the gig.  Make it a game:
see if you can find out where when and how much it is, and then GO.

If you haven't already heard, FER are a band from Calgary, and sound like
Buffalo Tom mainly.  Really happy poppy guitar type stuff.

Tara Lee will be there too.  So bring some sandwiches or something for

Fire engine red will be playing in Hamilton at the X club on sunday,
with Punchbuggy and Chixdiggit.  I think it's all ages.



e-mail SUCKS.

superfriendz and jale on brave gnu waves

1995-09-08 Thread Roderick Affleck
I didn't see any mention of this in my 321 messages waiting for me so I
assume everyone secretly knew about it, or nobody knew about it.  Anyway,
the interview was last Tuesday night I think.  If anyone's interested I'll
try to transcribe it.  It was Matt from superfriendz, Mike and Eve from
Jale.  I think they said something interesting but I'm not sure.  It was
1:00 after all.



e-mail SUCKS.

kiebur billding show

1995-07-28 Thread Roderick Affleck
hey, since nobody's mentioned it (to my knowledge) I'll assume either 
nobody knows or you've been trying to keep me from knowing.  But here's
the thing.  Tonight at the khyber there's a show of

Super friendz
Tim Robbinz Experience
Preppy Relatives

it sounds promising, doesn't it?
it's supposed to start around 9 (as if).  with any luck it will be over
before Rebecca West plays at birdland.



blah.  my teddy bear is gloating.  he's happier.

Re: ripoffs?

1995-04-18 Thread Roderick Affleck

 Hey, any Haligonians know any of the other ECB who appeared on that 
 Maximum Louie Louie programme???

Yeah, there were a whole lot in on it, but I can't remember most of them
(I missed it when they played it on la radio.  damn).  I know for sure that
PlumTree and Horn of Plenti appeared.  I have this funny feeling that one
of the local rap-type-guys did a version too, like stinkin rich or someone,
but hell i may have been dreaming.   I know I was dreaming when I saw some
guy with one hell of goatee up on stage with Coyote a few weeks ago.  My
exams suck much worse than your guys'.  Fermions are nicer than bosons.
I don't think Penpals and Underarmed sound all that alike. Okay mabye 
I know you'll find this letter strange I know it's not cause I looked it 
up yeah I can see it.  When I write songs I find out that I accidentally
rip off really cheesy bands like the time I unintentionally rewrote Hotel
California.  It's embarrassing.  

Non-sequiturly yours,

roderick aFFleck


It gets all crappy from here on.