Re: [SLUG] sun stuff..

2000-11-02 Thread Jason Rennie

 the other thing is what runs on it as i am also interested in trying other
 varents of *nix to get feel for diffrent systems. 

Apart from linux, you can get net and open BSD to run on sun stuff as well
as solaris.


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Re: [SLUG] WU-FTP Configuration

2000-11-02 Thread Howard Lowndes

man ftpaccess

" For example, in /etc/passwd, the real
entry: guest1:passwd:100:92:Guest
Account:/ftp/./incoming:/etc/ftponly When  guest1 successfully
logs in, the ftp server will chroot("/ftp") and then
chdir("/incoming").  The guest user will only be able to
access the directory structure under /ftp (which will look and act as / to
guest1),  just  as an anonymous FTP user would."

LANNet Computing Associates

On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Peter Worboys wrote:

 Is there a convenient method of configuring wu-ftp (shipped with RH) so that
 non-anonymous connections can only see their own directory tree. Something
 akin to doing a chroot !
 I don't really want people looking in any directories except their own
 whilst ftp'ing.

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Re: [SLUG] WU-FTP Configuration

2000-11-02 Thread Thom May

Urm, yeah. you chroot the user... ;-)

At some point around Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 08:34:05 +1100, Peter Worboys said:
 Is there a convenient method of configuring wu-ftp (shipped with RH) so that
 non-anonymous connections can only see their own directory tree. Something
 akin to doing a chroot !
 I don't really want people looking in any directories except their own
 whilst ftp'ing.
 SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Thomas May
Sys Admin, AMX Communications
(T) +44 (0)20 7440 3955

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Re: [SLUG] Really wierd xterm behaviour (or is it the kernel)

2000-11-02 Thread Ken Yap

In most cases this does not present a problem with the three characters =
being transmitted in one packet and the application understanding what=20
the string is about, but occasionally the ESC gets sent in one packet =
and the [A gets sent in a separate packet.  The receiving application=20
thinks that something has gone missing and does not recognise these as a=
logical string.

This is TCP, all you get is a stream. There is no guarantee that bytes
will be clustered in any way in packets.  However: 1. the application
should delay a little after the ESC in case it's the start of a cursor
string, this is what vi does, and 2. have you disabled the Nagle
algorithm or something like that?

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Re: [SLUG] Really wierd xterm behaviour (or is it the kernel)

2000-11-02 Thread Howard Lowndes

1. Yes, I agree

2. Which end should I check for that on, or does it apply to both.  AFAIK,
I haven't disabled it.

LANNet Computing Associates

On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Ken Yap wrote:

 In most cases this does not present a problem with the three characters =
 being transmitted in one packet and the application understanding what=20
 the string is about, but occasionally the ESC gets sent in one packet =
 and the [A gets sent in a separate packet.  The receiving application=20
 thinks that something has gone missing and does not recognise these as a=
 logical string.
 This is TCP, all you get is a stream. There is no guarantee that bytes
 will be clustered in any way in packets.  However: 1. the application
 should delay a little after the ESC in case it's the start of a cursor
 string, this is what vi does, and 2. have you disabled the Nagle
 algorithm or something like that?

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[SLUG] PPP server setup (again)

2000-11-02 Thread Danny Yee

I've spend nearly a week trying to get PPP working between two linux
boxes (home and work, both running Red Hat 6.2), without success.
I can connect to my machine at work from a Windows box at work.  I can
connect to an ISP (the uni modem pool) from my machine at home.  But I
can't connect from my machine at home to my machine at work.

When I attempt connection, the client machine gets as far as:
Nov  2 21:57:15 stravinsky pppd[25735]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/modem
Nov  2 21:58:46 stravinsky pppd[25735]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests

While the server reports:
Nov  2 21:57:15 nonsense mgetty[4815]: data dev=ttyS1, pid=4815, caller='none', 
conn='26400', name='', cmd='/bin/login', user='danny'
Nov  2 21:57:15 nonsense PAM_pwdb[4815]: (login) session opened for user danny by 
Nov  2 21:58:49 nonsense mgetty[4859]: init chat failed, exiting...: Invalid argument
Nov  2 21:58:49 nonsense mgetty[4859]: failed in mg_init_data, dev=ttyS1, pid=4859

So it looks like a pppd handshaking problem.

On the client (home) machine the config is


danny   *   MYPASSWORD  *

Username dyee, device ppp1 is what I use to connect to the ISP
(successfully); username danny, device ppp0 is the link I can't get
to come up.  The config is identical except for the user/PAP name (and
the password).

$ cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
$ diff ifcfg-ppp0 ifcfg-ppp1


On the server (work machine) the config is

mru 296
mtu 296
name nonsense

/AutoPPP/ -a_ppp   /usr/sbin/pppd auth -chap +pap login debug

danny   *MYPASSWORD   *
And this config can't be totally screwball, because a Windows machine
at work manages to dial into the box fine, with routing/proxyarp/etc
all working fine.

Any ideas?  I'm totally stumped.


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Re: [SLUG] Printing help please

2000-11-02 Thread Patrick Mougin

 insmod parport_pc

 should get you out of trouble...

hmmshouldn't that be insmod parport_pc.o? it's only when you're removing
modules that you omit the .o at the end.

Hope this helps,


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Re: [SLUG] Debian ssh2 question

2000-11-02 Thread Herbert Xu

Anand Kumria [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2. you need to have non-US sources
 (e.g.: deb potato non-US/main)

I suspect

deb potato/non-US main non-free

might work a little better since ssh2 is in non-free.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmVHI~} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [SLUG] Re: apt/dpkg database error

2000-11-02 Thread Herbert Xu

Angus Lees [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 otherwise, you could do it the "huh?" way:

  dpkg --purge --force-reinstreq mysql-server

You probably meant --force-remove-reinstreq.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmVHI~} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [SLUG] Html Email Format part 2

2000-11-02 Thread Rick Welykochy

 With the recent discussion about reasons for not using HTML for email,
 I was surprised that no one mentioned that there is a pre-existing
 carefully designed international standard format for enriched mail,
 called MIME, which has been in existence for donkey's years.

Have I missed something here?

HTML email uses a content-type header:

 Content-Type: text/html

MIME attachments use (variations on) the following headers: 

 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; ... etc

HTML is a text markup facility.
MIME is a general-purpose encoding scheme for *any* content type.

Tell me, Luke, how would MIME help you enriched email
using MIME? The only way I can think of is encoding an enriched
document, which brings us to the same probs we have with HTML
email: bulk, useless in text-only, etc.etc

 Though I only know of one mail program that displays MIME 100% correctly
 according to the specs, and *that* one is a friend's private hobby
 project still in development.  :-(

Tell us more. And more specifically, does this project display all
content-types that MIME can handle? If it does, it must be the biggest
application in existence, since MIME can be used to encode every content
type in the universe.

Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services Pty Limited
"Tired of being a crash test dummy for Microsoft? Try Linux"

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Re: [SLUG] Debian fptd question

2000-11-02 Thread Peter Rundle

 What could be stopping the ftp from working?  

Check your pam configuration. Is there a file "ftp" in the
/etc/pam.d directory? Otherwise is the file "other" in there?
Make sure that they have the correct auth settings. (look on
another box or at another service like telnet for examples).

I don't know different Debian is layed but other things I
check in a RH/Solaris setup are,

/etc/inetd.conf has the ftp line in it, (hup the inetd),
then do a netstat -an and check that the server is listening
on ports 20-21.

/sbin/in.ftpd exists and is executable.

Check that /etc/hosts.allow and hosts.deny aren't stopping
you. (though in this case you should get connected then
immediately connection closed by foreign host)

/etc/hosts file or dns is setup correctly. If you put a dns
entry into /etc/resolv.conf that is unreachable ftp will take
ages to bring up the login prompt. The server tries to perform
a reverse lookup of the client. If the DNS's are unreachable
the ftp session can time out before the nameserver lookup
does. If I access the server from a same client a lot I
often just put the client in the hosts file and set nsswitch.conf
to be files, dns.

Do an ipchains -Ln to make sure that you aren't "firewalled"



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Re: [SLUG] WU-FTP Configuration

2000-11-02 Thread Peter Rundle

Unless you are married to wu-ftp I would definitely dump wu-ftp
in favour of proftpd.

Put a single line in the single config file and every user is
chroot'd. With wu-ftp you have to put a /./ entry in each
users home dir in the passwd file. Forget to do this when you
add a user and


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Re: [SLUG] Really wierd xterm behaviour (or is it the kernel)

2000-11-02 Thread Howard Lowndes

Reading further into this one, isn't disabling the Nagle algorithm just
what I do need to do?  The way I read is is that with the algorithm
enabled then small packets have a conditional 200 ms delay.

The big question is: "How?"

If I do it in the kernel then it applies to all situations and all tcp
stacks, but on the other hand how do I set TCP_NODELAY, which is
apparently another way of disabling the algorithm, into telnet itself?

LANNet Computing Associates

On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Ken Yap wrote:

 In most cases this does not present a problem with the three characters =
 being transmitted in one packet and the application understanding what=20
 the string is about, but occasionally the ESC gets sent in one packet =
 and the [A gets sent in a separate packet.  The receiving application=20
 thinks that something has gone missing and does not recognise these as a=
 logical string.
 This is TCP, all you get is a stream. There is no guarantee that bytes
 will be clustered in any way in packets.  However: 1. the application
 should delay a little after the ESC in case it's the start of a cursor
 string, this is what vi does, and 2. have you disabled the Nagle
 algorithm or something like that?

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Re: [SLUG] WU-FTP Configuration

2000-11-02 Thread Kevin Waterson

Peter Rundle wrote:

 Put a single line in the single config file and every user is
 chroot'd. With wu-ftp you have to put a /./ entry in each
 users home dir in the passwd file. Forget to do this when you
 add a user and

if you do this to /etc/skel it is add aoutomagically when a user is

Kind regards

Kevin Waterson

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Re: [SLUG] Html Email Format part 2

2000-11-02 Thread Andrew Reilly

On Fri, Nov 03, 2000 at 02:28:06AM +1100, Rick Welykochy wrote:
 HTML is a text markup facility.
 MIME is a general-purpose encoding scheme for *any* content type.
 Tell me, Luke, how would MIME help you enriched email
 using MIME? The only way I can think of is encoding an enriched
 document, which brings us to the same probs we have with HTML
 email: bulk, useless in text-only, etc.etc

Don't go too hard on Luke.  MIME did in fact define it's own
"rich text format".  Based somewhat on tools of the Andrew text
editor system at CMU, I believe.

  Though I only know of one mail program that displays MIME 100% correctly
  according to the specs, and *that* one is a friend's private hobby
  project still in development.  :-(

I suspect that the Andrew mail system did it right too, but
since that never got out of CMU, I haven't had a chance to look
at it.

To Luke's friend: How useful is it to have the only mailer in
existence that supports _any_ standard?


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Re: [SLUG] Lm_sensors on the Abit KT7-raid motherboard.

2000-11-02 Thread Dustin

Q1. Same "alarms" on my KX133 EPoX board - nothing to worry about. If you
look in /etc/sensors.conf, you'll see the lm_sensors team made some "rough"
estimates in converting the VIA output into human readable. You can set a
higher limit to prevent alarms.

Q2. "SYS" is case temp 1 and "SBr" is case temp 2 (there are two mobo
sensors on VIA686A boards). SYS is almost always higher because it's near
the northbridge and near the processor (heat from fans).

Q3. look through /etc/sensors.conf -  the temp samples from lm are almost
right on (verified by BIOS figures).



- Original Message -
From: "Arunava Sen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 2:43 PM
Subject: [SLUG] Lm_sensors on the Abit KT7-raid motherboard.


 A little while ago I got an Abit KT7-raid... I've got lm_sensors working
 on it, but I dont think its working properly (or at least reporting the
 data). I'm attaching the output of the 'sensors' program that comes with

 Question 1:
 Note how there is an "alarm" about my cpu core voltage. I would have
 worried about it if it was over, but because its below the limit, I
 didnt do anything about it. The system has been up for 27 days and still
 going... no stability problems so far. Can anyone shed some light on why
 'sensors' is chucking a fit about the voltage?

 If you take a look at my temperatures... there seems to be 3 of them.
 This is weird because I have looked in the manual and on the motherboard
 and (as far as I can tell) there should only be 2... the "cpu" and the
 "system" temperature. Is it at all possible that lm_sensors is inventing
 this 3rd sensor (the "SBr" temperature)? Anyone here have a KT7 and know
 what the third sensor is supposed to be monitoring?

 Does anyone have any idea as to how lm_sensors detemines these labels..
 like "cpu temp" etc? I seriously doubt that the numbers are incorrect,
 but I think that it might be scrambling the labels around. For
 example... notice that my System temperature is reported as being the
 2nd highest. Doesn't logic dictate that the system temperature should be
 the *lowest* ? And if this "SBr" is a chip, that warrants the use of
 temperature monitoring, there is no way in hell that it will have a
 temperature lower than the system temp! (yet it seems to). Leads me to
 believe that 'sensors' has wrongly assigned the labels. Any ideas?

 This is not really a vital matter... I'm just happy to have lm_sensors
 actually working. But it's just getting annoying gradually. If you can
 help me out... then please do.

 Thanks in advance,


 Output from 'sensors'
 Adapter: ISA adapter
 Algorithm: ISA algorithm
 CPU core:  +1.58 V  (min =  +1.79 V, max =  +2.18 V)   ALARM
 I/O:   +3.24 V  (min =  +3.03 V, max =  +3.36 V)
 +5V:   +4.92 V  (min =  +4.60 V, max =  +5.07 V)
 +12V: +11.45 V  (min = +11.03 V, max = +12.16 V)
 CPU Fan:  4821 RPM  (min =0 RPM, div = 2)
 P/S Fan: 0 RPM  (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)
 SYS Temp: +27.4 C (limit = +60 C,  hysteresis = +50 C)
 CPU Temp: +36.9 C (limit = +60 C,  hysteresis = +50 C)
 SBr Temp: +21.7 C (limit = +60 C,  hysteresis = +50 C)

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[SLUG] The WOA archive of the Slug list for October 2000 is now up

2000-11-02 Thread Terry Collins

As the sub says, 2000/10 has been added to the WOA archive of the Slug

I've also rebuilt the search database from scratch (it wasn't returning
good results) and it seems to return better stuff now (well at least
more messages). Searching for "debian install" went from 2 results on
the old database to 657 on this one and they at least have "debian
install" in them.


   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services lan/wan, linux/unix, novell

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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[SLUG] Digital Alpha

2000-11-02 Thread Michael Sztachanski

Does anyone know what a "reasonable price" for a Digital AlphaServer 400
would be??? 

Michael Sztachanski
Snr. Technical Engineer

Turbolinux Aust. Pty Ltd
Lvl1, 255 George Street,
SYDNEY NSW Australia 2000
Ph: +61 2 9252 6011
Fx: +61 2 9252 6022

+  On the Sixth Day the GODs created LINUX   +
+  and on the Seventh Day they rested and+ 
+  surveyed what they had done and they saw  + 
+  that it was GOOD! +

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[SLUG] Question for Debianistas

2000-11-02 Thread Jamie Honan

Sometimes I see the development version of a package that I really 
want to take a good look at.

Generally this will be source (no probs), but will often
rely on very new features in libraries or other packages.
These features are sometimes only in development versions
of these libraries.

Have you run into this sort of thing much?
Do you generaly do an apt-get of bleeding edge stuff ?

Currently I weigh up the probable benifits, depending
how critical it is to the rest of the system.

Any comments?

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Re: [SLUG] PPP server setup

2000-11-02 Thread Danny Yee

Ken helped me find the problem.  I was trying to login in within
the chat script, not realising that would interfere with AutoPPP.
What really confused me in retrospect was that it worked occasionally -
or at least got as far as starting pppd.  I think it must have depended
on the timing, whether the chat login got in the way of AutoPPP or not.


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Re: [SLUG] Dell 2450

2000-11-02 Thread Colin Humphreys

I had to do a reinstall last week...

Fairly simple. You just need the percraid disk image file from the
support pages, and then do an expert install. Then there are some rpm's
for the megaraid card you can install after the redhat install is done.


Michael wrote:
 I had Redhat 6.2 running on one of these... our disks were mirrored using
 the per2c raid controller.. seemed to be fine.. btw it was hardware
 On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Daron Barndon wrote:
  Does anyone have any experience with running Linux on a Dell 2450? I
  would like to purchase one but I am concerned about the availability of
  RAID drivers. The Dell web site states that certification is "in
  Any ideas?
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[SLUG] Squid performance

2000-11-02 Thread Marshall, Joshua

What sort of cache hit rate should I expect with squid? At the moment
(with approx. 50 users) I'm getting less than 10%. Should it be more
than this? If so, how can I tweak the settings to get a better

I do notice that on some web pages I have viewed recently it is getting
them from the main site rather than using the local cache (even only a
few minutes later)

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Re: [SLUG] Squid performance

2000-11-02 Thread Stephen Robert Norris

On Fri, Nov 03, 2000 at 10:18:15AM +1000, Marshall, Joshua wrote:
 What sort of cache hit rate should I expect with squid? At the moment
 (with approx. 50 users) I'm getting less than 10%. Should it be more
 than this? If so, how can I tweak the settings to get a better

Several things to look at:

Size of the cache - the bigger, the better.
Maximum size of cached objects - increasing this will help with people getting
binaries and RPMS etc, but not help the page hit rate much (it will help
the byte hit rate).

I get about 30% hit rate with only a few users!

Farrow Norris Pty Ltd   +61 2 417 243 239

 PGP signature

Re: [SLUG] Squid performance

2000-11-02 Thread Simon Bryan

Mileage will vary according to what the users are downloading. If it is 
dynamic content then this won't cache (news sites often have a no cache 
setting). We have about 100 terminals running through Squid and get about 
30% of our hits and 20-25% of the bytes. There is also the question of how 
large a cache have you got and how much RAM available to Squid? We are 
a school site and a lot of the data that goes through Squid is dynamic in 
nature and a lot of webmail!


 What sort of cache hit rate should I expect with squid? At the moment
 (with approx. 50 users) I'm getting less than 10%. Should it be more than
 this? If so, how can I tweak the settings to get a better performance.
 I do notice that on some web pages I have viewed recently it is getting
 them from the main site rather than using the local cache (even only a few
 minutes later)
 SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Information Technology Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OLMC Parramatta

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Re: [SLUG] Squid performance

2000-11-02 Thread Dean Hamstead

Basically it depends on what people are looking at.

Generally anything with cgi-bin or a ? are taken directly
anlso your cache size, and how quickly things expire.

You can also increase the % to continue downloading at
if users hit stop.

You can also set a maximum object size and a maximum cache 

Remembering that you can only cache what has been looked at
before so if your users are very diverse you wont see 
much benefit to caching.

Peer caching is good =) PCC has three proxies with 4 gig on 
each, each one servicing a different section, and they 
are all peers. About 20% of access;s are the other two 
caches taking stuff from its cache.

squid = cool

but there is alot you can tweak and play with, a gui config
tool would make tweaking alot less grueling. But im hard
so pico / vi all the way =)


Stephen Robert Norris wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 03, 2000 at 10:18:15AM +1000, Marshall, Joshua wrote:
  What sort of cache hit rate should I expect with squid? At the moment
  (with approx. 50 users) I'm getting less than 10%. Should it be more
  than this? If so, how can I tweak the settings to get a better
 Several things to look at:
 Size of the cache - the bigger, the better.
 Maximum size of cached objects - increasing this will help with people getting
 binaries and RPMS etc, but not help the page hit rate much (it will help
 the byte hit rate).
 I get about 30% hit rate with only a few users!
 Stephen Norris[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Farrow Norris Pty Ltd   +61 2 417 243 239
Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

ICQ: 16867613

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[SLUG] Debian sound question

2000-11-02 Thread Doug Stalker

More things I can't figure out with Debian!

How do I set up sound?  I installed alsaconf, but it complains about
grep: /etc/modutils/alsa: No such file/directory and modprobe: can't
locate module snd-detect.

Is there a better way to setup sound?  Is there a (working) automated
utility to do this in Debian or do I have to do it by hand?   The card
is an ISa Awe 64 PnP card, and has always worked with redhats sndconfig
in the past.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SLUG] Squid performance

2000-11-02 Thread Simon Bryan

 but there is alot you can tweak and play with, a gui config
 tool would make tweaking alot less grueling. But im hard
 so pico / vi all the way =)

Try webmin from, it is quite good.

Information Technology Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OLMC Parramatta

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Re: [SLUG] Debian sound question

2000-11-02 Thread Steven downing

The kernel that ships with Deb seems to treat all sound card support as =
I ran modconf and added the soundcore and sb modules found under miscellane=
ous modules.  It pretty much worked for me straight away after that.  This =
is with an oldish Advance Logic sound card (PCI, the modules must self =
detect the IRQ etc).  Try a search on the debian mailing lists at = and it may very well turn up some good ideas. Don't know =
much about ALSA sorry.
I actually found this better than Rh's sndconfig.  Rh always objected, =
saying it couldn't write to the card as it was already open.  And on my =
other machine it couldn't find the SB vibra 128 when the mobo-LAN card was =
Its nice to fire up X and hear your computer stumble over "Welcome to =

plesant female voice "Are you sure you wish to log out now?"

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Re: [SLUG] Music Editor/Notator

2000-11-02 Thread Peter Chubb

 "Terry" == Terry Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Terry Can anyone recommend a music notator/editor.
Terry I want to be able to enter and edit music on the staves. and preferrably
Terry print the words underneath.

Depending on how complex your music is, I'd suggest either abc or

abc is more stable, and is very good for stuff with a single line of
melody and a single line of lyrics; lilypond can do amlmost anything
but is fairly unstable (we've gone from versions 1.3.90 to 1.3.103 in
the last week)

For very beautiful output, but a bitch of an input language, use

I personally use lilypond.  The 1.2.17 version is the last stable
version.  There are .deb archives, and (I think) rpms available for
it in the more-or-less standard places.

Peter C

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Re: [SLUG] Larger fonts in XFree86

2000-11-02 Thread Erich Schulz

I think you will that the 100dpi fonts are a seperate rpm in RedHat 6.2

have a look in the PRMS directory (eg ls -la | grep -i 100)

Erich Schulz
PO Box 9170 Wyee, NSW 2259
Ph: (+612) 43593411, Fax: (+612) 43593696
Mob: 0408 201 288

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[SLUG] a profile of Open Software Linux developers

2000-11-02 Thread Ken Yap

Actually I think .nl and .au look pretty good when normalised for

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Re: [SLUG] Mad Mouse under Kde on Suse 6.4

2000-11-02 Thread Terry Collins

Heracles wrote:

  It is like the left mouse button is being clicked very fast, repeatedly,
  on everything the cursor passes over.

 2. gpm may be running and this often interferes with the operation
 of some mice in X
 3. The mouse may be faulty.

 Case 2 - add gpm -k to the beginning of the startx script.

Option 2 - gpm interference turned out to be the problem.

I would be interested to know when this "problem" started, i.e which
distros are affected.

= RH6.0 wasnt affected, Suse6.0 wasn't, Suse6.4 is, Caldera 1.3 wasn't.

To me, this is a major problem and a fatal flaw in linux/X if it is

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services lan/wan, linux/unix, novell

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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[SLUG] printing linux/appletalk/ethernet

2000-11-02 Thread David

I have a HP Laserjet 5MP attached to an ethernet/macintosh-localtalk
hardware bridge. My RH6 is on the same ethernet. Is it possible to use the
HP to print from RH?

Currently the HP is used by all the Macintoshes on the ethernet. Would be
handy to use it for linux also.

This is NOT a mac printer serving set up. It's linux printing that I want 
to do.

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RE: [SLUG] printing linux/appletalk/ethernet

2000-11-02 Thread John Wiltshire

From: David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

I have a HP Laserjet 5MP attached to an ethernet/macintosh-localtalk
hardware bridge. My RH6 is on the same ethernet. Is it 
possible to use the
HP to print from RH?

If you assign it an IP address it should be running a standard unix print
queue that you can dump directly to.

John Wiltshire

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Re: [SLUG] missing files on unstable debian

2000-11-02 Thread Matthew Dalton

Doug Stalker wrote:
 Is it normal for packages to be missing like this in unstable?

I think it's more a problem with the aarnet mirror than with debian
unstable. Try a different mirror.

You can find a list of mirrors here:


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Re: [SLUG] printing linux/appletalk/ethernet

2000-11-02 Thread David

It's an Asante ... completely dumb.. not addressable to the best of my
knowledge. It takes ethernet in and apple localtalk out to the printer's
localtalk port. The macintoshes on my network see the printer as an
ethernet postscript printer which has an appletalk address. 

The printer itself also has parallel ports, but the manual doesn't discuss
the concept of a mac and pc using the same printer.

On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, Terry Collins wrote:

 David wrote:
  I have a HP Laserjet 5MP attached to an ethernet/macintosh-localtalk
  hardware bridge. My RH6 is on the same ethernet. Is it possible to use the
  HP to print from RH?
 More details on the bridge please? brand?, model? 
 Is this "bridge" directly attached to the printer in some way? 
 Like a MIO card or onto the parallel port?
 Does it have an IP address? If so, can you telnet or ftp to it?
Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
WOA Computer Services lan/wan, linux/unix, novell
  "People without trees are like fish without clean water"
 SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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2000-11-02 Thread Terry Collins

Can anyone tell me where Suse6.4 sets the variable SUSE_DOC_HOST?

The installation has stuffed up the on-machine documentation system and
always goes looking for a DOC_HOST with the browser at localhost. As
near as I can understand it, because this variable is set,
/usr/bin/hilfe defaults to looking for a www server and because Suse
hasn't sent resolv.conf properly, I end up looking at
rather than any help files.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services lan/wan, linux/unix, novell

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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Re: [SLUG] missing files on unstable debian

2000-11-02 Thread Doug Stalker

Matthew Dalton wrote:
 Doug Stalker wrote:
  Is it normal for packages to be missing like this in unstable?
 I think it's more a problem with the aarnet mirror than with debian
 unstable. Try a different mirror.

It looks like you were right - I changed my unstable to and it seems to be able to grab the libraries it
They don't have non-US though, so I'm hoping the unstable/non-US on
aarnet works properly.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[SLUG] mount: RPC: Program not Registred

2000-11-02 Thread Michael and Louise Hosemans

Hi all,

Trying to mount a file system on another Machine (both running Linux
RedHat 6.1) on a local network,

Machine A has exports set up with 

exportfs reports

where the address of Machine B is

but when I go to mount FS /tmp on Machine B I get

mount: RPC: Program not Registred

Any Ideas??

 (o o)

  Michael, Louise, Ashleigh and Matthew Hosemans

Check out our Home Page

 .oooO   Oooo.
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Re: [SLUG] printing linux/appletalk/ethernet

2000-11-02 Thread Terry Collins

David wrote:
 It's an Asante ... completely dumb.. not addressable to the best of my
 knowledge. It takes ethernet in and apple localtalk out to the printer's
 localtalk port. The macintoshes on my network see the printer as an
 ethernet postscript printer which has an appletalk address.

The last Ashante I played with was only IPX and had no TCP/IP (I didn't
take in whether it talked localtalk to Macs). That was a cigarette box
size and it plugged into the parallel port.
 The printer itself also has parallel ports, but the manual doesn't discuss
 the concept of a mac and pc using the same printer.

If the parallel port is free, a similar box that talks (tcp/ip, ipx,
netbeui) will cost from $110 upwards and allow your linux box to print
to the printer.

I'm highly biased towards the Axis brand in printer servers. 

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services lan/wan, linux/unix, novell

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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[SLUG] Re: missing files on unstable debian

2000-11-02 Thread Angus Lees

\begin{Doug Stalker}
 samedi:/tmp# apt-get --fix-missing install ssh2
 Failed to fetch

 --ignore-missing will let you continue as far as you can (safely).

then just keep retrying until the mirror gets back in sync
(well, ok: until then + 1)

the mirrors tend to get the Packages.gz list and the actual package
files out of sync every now and then (aarnet more than most?)

 - Gus

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Re: [SLUG] missing files on unstable debian

2000-11-02 Thread James Wilkinson

On Fri, 03 Nov 2000, Doug Stalker generated:

Matthew Dalton wrote:
 Doug Stalker wrote:
  Is it normal for packages to be missing like this in unstable?
 I think it's more a problem with the aarnet mirror than with debian
 unstable. Try a different mirror.

It looks like you were right - I changed my unstable to and it seems to be able to grab the libraries it

Agreed, mirror.aarnet has begun to suck for debian updates since redhat
7 was released there.

They don't have non-US though, so I'm hoping the unstable/non-US on
aarnet works properly.

What I'm using at the moment:

deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb unstable/non-US main contrib non-free

Sure, I subscribe to USENET, but I only get it for the articles.

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Re: [SLUG] Squid performance

2000-11-02 Thread chesty

On Fri, Nov 03, 2000 at 10:18:15AM +1000, Marshall, Joshua wrote:
 I do notice that on some web pages I have viewed recently it is getting
 them from the main site rather than using the local cache (even only a
 few minutes later)

Some browsers seem to ask for a fresh copy every request, so
even though the page might be in the cache, the cache is told to
download it again.
You could try playing around with "refresh_pattern" and 


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