[SLUG] Re: Rmcobol

2000-11-09 Thread Angus Lees

paul, do you realise your sig is about twice as long as your actual

if its possible, try and cut it down a bit when posting to a public
list (that really doesn't care what your ACN is)

> regards
> Paul Wood-Bradley
> Analyst/Programmer
> ___
> Austbrokers Holdings Limited
> ACN: 000 000 715
> PO Box 226
> DX 12628
> 244 Pacific Highway
> Charlestown, NSW,  2290
> Ph:   02 4920 6117
> Fax: 02 4920 6114
> ___

i like these bits. lawyers are very silly people.

> If you are not an authorised recipient of this email, please contact 
> Austbrokers immediately by return e-mail or by telephone on 
> +61-2-4920-6117.

fair enough. i suppose we are all "authorised recipients".

> In this case, you should not read, print, re-transmit, store or act
> on this e-mail or any attachments.

heh. it said above we should return this by e-mail. now we aren't
allowed to re-transmit it.

(and how do we read the disclaimer without reading the e-mail?)

> Please destroy the message and attachments.

but i thought we weren't supposed to be acting on this email?

> This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and may contain
> legally privileged information and/or copyright material of
> Austbrokers or third parties.  You should only re-transmit,
> distribute or commercialise the material if you are authorised to do
> so.

bugger. what about the searchable web archives that this post is going
to?  you should probably set some "no archive" headers, if you really
intend this to be the case, cos the admins aren't going to be very
happy about having to manually remove it.

(what does "commercialise the material" mean?)

> This Notice should not be removed.

great. so i'm supposed to include all this self-contradictory crap in
all replies, forwards, etc. guess i'm never going to reply to a post
containing it then (after this one).

you didn't actually pay this lawyer, did you?

 - Gus

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Regex - Not (^) in bracketed list [] does not work properly

2000-11-09 Thread John Ferlito

On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 11:31:07AM +0530, V Kamakhya wrote:
> -- Forwarded by V Kamakhya/MLs/TCSCHENNAI on 10-11-2000
> 11:28 ---
> Hi,
> In a c file, I defined:
> #define [^{]+[' ']+XYZ

#define ^[^{]+[' ']+XYZ

basically because you aren't matching from the start of the line
in the examples below with the problems it's inoring the first few { and
matches fine after them.

ie a regex can match anywhere in a lineunless you specify to start
matching from the start of the line.

> The idea is to prevent occurence of '{' before XYZ
> and used REG_EXTENDED in regcomp
> I got the following output for valid and invalid patterns
> a{  XYZ - Invalid
> a{{ XYZ - Invalid
> {a{  XYZ  - Invalid
> a{a  XYZ - Valid-- how did this happen?
> a{a{ XYZ  - Invalid.
> {a  XYZ  - Valid  -  how did this happen?
> {aa XYZ   - Valid   - How did this happen?
> I am thoroughly confused. Help!
> Kam
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug


The difference between a good man and a bad one is the 
choice of cause - William James

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] VIA chipset sound configuration

2000-11-09 Thread Dustin

Sorry for the late reply - hope you can try this before resorting to ALSA

1. Most common problem is the onboard sound in the BIOS having the wrong
settings. I'm using an Award 6.00 BIOS so the menus may differ. "OnChip
Sound" should be enabled in Advanced Chipset Features and "OnChip Modem"
disabled. In Integrated Peripherals, both "Onboard Legacy Audio" and "Sound
Blaster" should be enabled. The IRQ/DMA settings are the ones to experiment
with, I found the default IRQ5/DMA1 (with matches my normal SB16 ISA) to
work fine.

2. Sidenote if you do get it working, AC97 sound is really tinny and
unamplified - get the software mixer/aumix to maximium master/PCM output
levels and use amplified speakers.

Hope this helps,


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Regex - Not (^) in bracketed list [] does not work properly

2000-11-09 Thread V Kamakhya

-- Forwarded by V Kamakhya/MLs/TCSCHENNAI on 10-11-2000
11:28 ---

In a c file, I defined:
#define [^{]+[' ']+XYZ
The idea is to prevent occurence of '{' before XYZ
and used REG_EXTENDED in regcomp

I got the following output for valid and invalid patterns

a{  XYZ - Invalid
a{{ XYZ - Invalid
{a{  XYZ  - Invalid
a{a  XYZ - Valid-- how did this happen?
a{a{ XYZ  - Invalid.
{a  XYZ  - Valid  -  how did this happen?
{aa XYZ   - Valid   - How did this happen?

I am thoroughly confused. Help!


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Rmcobol

2000-11-09 Thread Howard Lowndes

It wouldn't be a Nagle problem would it?

RDW (8-)

LANNet Computing Associates 

On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, paul wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I am running the sco version of rmcobol on my slackware linux system(note:
> I develop on linux before everyone flames me).   We are trying to simulate
> user input into a cobol program, that is storing the keys in a file and
> piping it to runcobol.  Now this works in a fashion, however I am having a
> problem with the function keys.   I have tried simulating the characters
> that a Function key would generate such at ^[[V for F10(ansi) however this
> also does not work.
> I also are using the sco terminfo so that the screens will draw proper on
> a windog screen and for the function keys(that also work in windog).  
> Thanking you for any assistance,
> regards
> Paul Wood-Bradley
> Analyst/Programmer
> ___
> Austbrokers Holdings Limited
> ACN: 000 000 715
> PO Box 226
> DX 12628
> 244 Pacific Highway
> Charlestown, NSW,  2290
> Ph:   02 4920 6117
> Fax: 02 4920 6114
> ___
> If you are not an authorised recipient of this email, please contact 
> Austbrokers immediately by return e-mail or by telephone on 
> +61-2-4920-6117.  In this case, you should not read, print, re-transmit, 
> store or act on this e-mail or any attachments.  Please destroy the message 
> and attachments.  This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and may 
> contain legally privileged information and/or copyright material of 
> Austbrokers or third parties.  You should only re-transmit, distribute or 
> commercialise the material if you are authorised to do so.  This Notice 
> should not be removed.
> On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, Matthew Dalton wrote:
> > Did anyone see the Radiata wireless communications story on lateline
> > (late night ch9 news) last night? They showed a brief glimpse of the
> > Gnome-foot on the machine running it (ie. probably linux).
> > 
> > Is anyone here involved in its development?
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> > More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug
> > 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] The philosophy behind MacLUG Meetings/Events

2000-11-09 Thread Terry Collins

This is in answer to a few posts I've received about what talks are on
at the next MacLUG meeting/event, etc. This means a few people haven't
quite grasped what they are about and how they fit into the overall
picture of Slug activites.(delete now if you are not interested).

MacLUG meetings/events were started and have their form for three

1) to provide a Linux activity that was as unstructured as possible,
encourage linux hacking, and allow maximum social activity. 

2) to provide linux activity in the Macarthur region; promote linux to a
wider field, etc.

3) Unashamably,  minimal work for me {:-), but still allow me to put
something back into Linux. I've been-there-done-that for 28 years in
various organisations, but it isn't in my nature just to tag along.

Slug has a variety of activites:

Meetings: structured and controlled, large size, (they have to be).
Almost one way info flow. Passive involvement. Little social

Slug list: structured, peer control,  active involvement,  little social
interaction, but no personal contact.

Fests; structured, sometimes one way flow, medium to large size, time
tabled, limited social interaction.

MacLUG events; unstructured, full info flow, small group, maximum social
interaction, opportunity to hack HW/SW, etc. 
Perhaps it needs another label other than meeting.

So basically, you come along, chat and do what linux stuff you want. The
theme is a suggested focus for the day.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.woa.com.au  
   WOA Computer Services 

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Announcement of MacLUG - Next Meeting Saturday 18th November

2000-11-09 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Each meeting has a theme/topic and the theme for the November meeting is
> SPUDs - which is Linux code for Debian - okay?

spEcIAl prOpAgAndA fOr thE UbEr-dIstrIbUtIOn, I gather.

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- http://linux.conf.au/ --

 make: *** No rule to make target `whoopee'.  Stop. 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Do you want a Debgeek(s) to come to MacLUG? was Re: [SLUG]Network/Security fest

2000-11-09 Thread Terry Collins

Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > Thanks you. Maclug with thus be on on the 18th (I didn't want to clash).
> :) Thanks to Anand, 'cos he first realised.

> > Debian is the theme, but we do whatever. Formal announcement later.
> Need some shock troops?^W^WDebgeeks?


Since MacLUG events are pretty lassaie fare (sp is awful), I'm throwing
this back to the list. If someone is coming and wants help with Debian,
or would like a Debgeek around for another reason, then I'd ask them to
say so. Then you or any other Debgeek can make up their mind if they
want to come along.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.woa.com.au  
   WOA Computer Services 

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Natural remedies for shareware problems !

2000-11-09 Thread Perumpanani, Abbey

We're  trying to set up a website that will allow patients with a known
diagnosis (as from a visit to their GP) to access natural remedies using
their diagnosis as a starting point. We've worked out the details of the
site architecture and would like to implement it entirely using shareware
(has a lot in common with the philosophy of natural remedies). My knowledge
of webdesign using mysql-php-apache is limited though I've so far managed to
set up the databases. 

Would anybody with a knowledge of developing web sites using
mysql-apache-php (either in whole, or piecemeal) like to join us in this
project. A few of us have gotten together and sorted out the medical issues.
If you are interested please drop me an email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or call 0412 992 117


Abbey Perumpanani M.D Ph.D

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Announcement of MacLUG - Next Meeting Saturday 18th November

2000-11-09 Thread Terry Collins

Hello Sluggers

The next  meeting of Macarthur Linux Users Group (MacLUG) will be on
Saturday 18th November from 10am to whenever.

It is in Campbelltown - RSVP for the address.

MacLUG meetings are a day event, relaxed, hands on, come and go when you
want to, etc. The idea is to bring your box and goodies for help and
fiddles, etc. 

Each meeting has a theme/topic and the theme for the November meeting is
SPUDs - which is Linux code for Debian - okay?

Activites associated with the theme take priority, but there isn't a
program, there are no planned talks, there is a list of things we might
do, can do, etc. If you want to come and chat - fine, if you want to
install/tune up your box - fine, if you want to hardware hack - fine,

There will be power, internet link (28.8K), webcam coverage, phone
lines, workshop, and various linux distros (not the latest
unfortunately),  etc.

If the weather is nice, it will be outside under a tarp. If weather is
poor, we'll crowd the workshop. Please bring table and chair if you have
it and if is easy to do (we had enough table top space last time).

Cost $3 members, $5 non-members, covers costs.
(Mac LUG is a sub group of SLUG, so membership of MacLUG is by being a
member of SLUG).

RSVP to me if you want some snags-onion-slaw for lunch or vego option
(included in $), or BYO (bbq provided).

Endless tea and coffee throughout the day.

If you stay for dinner, there is an chinese just up the road. The local
shopping centre is 2 blocks away with a takeaway, cakes shop, small
supermarket and the chinese.

If you want to come by public transport, i.e train, I will collect from
and return you to Lumeah station (the one before Campbelltown). Let me
know you are coming this way and ring from the station/newsagent on

Future meetings will be on the third Saturday of each month. Probably
February since December will be SLUG Christmas Party and January 20th is
last day of http://www.linux.conf.au, but I'm open to suggestions.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.woa.com.au  
   WOA Computer Services 

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Remte printing...yet again, more printer problems...

2000-11-09 Thread George Vieira

Hi all,

I'm really starting to hate my customer.

We have installed a Linux server at a client site in the city and the box
does LPR prints to remote printers.
Some of these printers are in the city and the others are in a remote site.

When printing to these local city printers, thhey come out quick and fast
but when printing to these remote printers they can take up to an hour at

What I come down to is the frame relay link (64Kb) between the 2 sites is
slow as I ping the printers from the city/server to the suburb/printer and
they get real bad at times 4-5 seconds.

This is the only thing I can think of but what baffles me is that the
network traffic has been the same for quite some time and the difference
before was they had a terminal server which sucked the print jobs over to
the suburb branch.

So why does LPR make such a big difference?

Can anybody explain this to me or is it that LPR tries to print and fails ,
then tries again in 15minutes or something??

George Vieira
Network Administrator
PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9 A10C
PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] What is it? - The TiVo

2000-11-09 Thread Stephen Robert Norris

On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 11:42:13AM +1100, Terry Collins wrote:
> Terry Collins wrote:
> > 
> > Ken Yap wrote:
> > >
> > > http://linuxcare.com.au/tridge/tivo-ethernet/
> > 
> > What is it?
> Thanks to all who replied and the ensueing discussions.
> Does anyone know what the compression technique is?

This is the sticking point - a few friends & I keep thinking about it, and
all we can find is an MJPEG encoding card, which uses a _lot_ of disk space.
If anyone knows of a MPEG card, it'd be the missing link!

> So tv capture card + xawtv + irda + generic hand controller +
> compression code of sorts + hard disk + optional G-code to cron script
> (only requires a weekly read of your tv program to adjust the script
> input) and any sluggers has one.
> Do the networks put their program online? 

www.sofcom.com.au has them all.

Farrow Norris Pty Ltd   +61 2 417 243 239

 PGP signature

Re: [SLUG] What is it? - The TiVo

2000-11-09 Thread Terry Collins

Terry Collins wrote:
> Ken Yap wrote:
> >
> > http://linuxcare.com.au/tridge/tivo-ethernet/
> What is it?

Thanks to all who replied and the ensueing discussions.

Does anyone know what the compression technique is?

So tv capture card + xawtv + irda + generic hand controller +
compression code of sorts + hard disk + optional G-code to cron script
(only requires a weekly read of your tv program to adjust the script
input) and any sluggers has one.

Do the networks put their program online? 

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.woa.com.au  
   WOA Computer Services 

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Rmcobol

2000-11-09 Thread paul

Hi Guys,

I am running the sco version of rmcobol on my slackware linux system(note:
I develop on linux before everyone flames me).   We are trying to simulate
user input into a cobol program, that is storing the keys in a file and
piping it to runcobol.  Now this works in a fashion, however I am having a
problem with the function keys.   I have tried simulating the characters
that a Function key would generate such at ^[[V for F10(ansi) however this
also does not work.

I also are using the sco terminfo so that the screens will draw proper on
a windog screen and for the function keys(that also work in windog).  

Thanking you for any assistance,


Paul Wood-Bradley

Austbrokers Holdings Limited
ACN: 000 000 715
PO Box 226
DX 12628
244 Pacific Highway
Charlestown, NSW,  2290
Ph:   02 4920 6117
Fax: 02 4920 6114

If you are not an authorised recipient of this email, please contact 
Austbrokers immediately by return e-mail or by telephone on 
+61-2-4920-6117.  In this case, you should not read, print, re-transmit, 
store or act on this e-mail or any attachments.  Please destroy the message 
and attachments.  This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and may 
contain legally privileged information and/or copyright material of 
Austbrokers or third parties.  You should only re-transmit, distribute or 
commercialise the material if you are authorised to do so.  This Notice 
should not be removed.

On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, Matthew Dalton wrote:

> Did anyone see the Radiata wireless communications story on lateline
> (late night ch9 news) last night? They showed a brief glimpse of the
> Gnome-foot on the machine running it (ie. probably linux).
> Is anyone here involved in its development?
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Dial on demand

2000-11-09 Thread paul

> Naturally I do not constantly want to redial the link every 2 hours,
> especially at night or when it is not used, ---> phone billl. So I
> thought I put on the PPP demand function, which I have working up to the
> extend, that it dials when the link is needed. However since I have to
> put in a fixed remote IP address for demand dialing under PPP, but the
> remote IP address is only known once I am connected (and is changing
> every the time), ppp actually does not establish the connection
> correctly when it reaches IP negotiation and exists
I experimented with this and got it working without specifying any ip
numbers, I do not have my script with me however, I just added the demand
option into the pppd command.



SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug


2000-11-09 Thread Jamie Honan

On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, James Morris wrote:

> Please keep in mind that single DES is not considered to be secure.
> This is why Free/SWAN is shipped with single DES disabled.  The reason it
> can be hacked to use single DES so easily is because the same core code is
> required for triple DES.

Anyone looking at freeswan will have this opinion pointed out

If the point is to get people to use increased security, then this
is actually counter-productive.

By making freeswan difficult to install and use, people will actually 
gravitate to using a Windows client and be blissfully unaware of security

Instead if they had enabled DES and put lots of warning messages,
more people would use freeswan, and thus more people would become
aware of the security limitations of DES.

Many people have no influence over the choice of equipment they
are connecting to, no possibility of altering security policies
or practices.

For them, freeswan not having DES simply makes life harder to
avoid Windows.

Stay isolated and pure. Engage, explain and look at things from
other points of view and maybe the result will be better.

> If you've bought VPN products which only do single DES, you might as well 
> have bought boat anchors.  I'd certainly be extremely wary of any vendor 
> who has promoted these things as secure.
> Please read:
> http://www.freeswan.org/freeswan_trees/freeswan-1.5/doc/DES.html

Feel free to pass on.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Radiata on Linux on News on 9 (last night)

2000-11-09 Thread Matthew Dalton

Did anyone see the Radiata wireless communications story on lateline
(late night ch9 news) last night? They showed a brief glimpse of the
Gnome-foot on the machine running it (ie. probably linux).

Is anyone here involved in its development?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Via chipset sound configuration

2000-11-09 Thread Gareth Walters

- Original Message -
From: "Dean Hamstead" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gareth Walters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Via chipset sound configuration

> Try the ALSA sound drivers.
> Dean

Thanks a lot.
Its working

I even managed to scare the crap out of one of my users as the sound card
burst to life mysteriously (while I was fixing it remotely).

---Gareth Walters

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Re: distros

2000-11-09 Thread Conrad Parker

On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 09:29:29AM +1100, Jason Rennie wrote:
> > Jason's point about wanting rpm prompted this thought.
> > 
> > Surely the point is not so much that one distro is rpm or
> > deb based.
> > 
> > If you get an rpm for RH, this does not neccessarily mean the
> > dependancies or file layout will make sense for say SuSE.
> > 
> > Has anyone struck this much?
> In theory at leaast the FHS (thats the right name isn't it) should prevent
> this. Most of the distro's are supposedly supporting it.

if all the package manager does is install (and remove) files then
this may be true, but not if it does anything at all more intelligent
than that (such as editing distro-specific config files, stopping and
restarting affected services [which may have different names in
/etc/rc.d], updating system alternatives and so on).

Unless you're using Slackware at least some of this stuff is usually
going on :)


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] What is it? - The TiVo

2000-11-09 Thread Rodos

On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, Ken Yap wrote:

> >> http://linuxcare.com.au/tridge/tivo-ethernet/
> >
> >What is it?
> A box using Linux internally that can record hours of TV programs to a
> big hard disk. Has advertisers worried because with random access people
> can easily skip ads.

It also records whatever you are watch live. Therefore you can be watching
the news, see something interesting so rewind and watch the segment again.
Of course whilst you are doing that its still recording the live, if you
rewound 60 seconds you are now watching 60 seconds behind. Once the next
add comes along you can now fast forward upto the end of that 60 seconds.
Very neat stuff.

Also links in with the tv guide so you can say please record all Simpson
Episodes. At a later date you can ask the machine what Simpsons shows
it has record and watch or delete any you choose. Its the VCR concept on
steroids. People who have them swear they are the future of interaction
with television.

I would love one. Please record all Quantum and the news every night.
Keep the Quantum shows until I choose to watch or delete but only keep the
most recent news.

As has already been mentioned they run on Linux. Not sure if they are
commercial in Australia yet. Tridge probably imported his, wonder if they
do PAL?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] What is it? - The TiVo

2000-11-09 Thread Paul Haddon

On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 10:22:53AM +1100, Terry Collins wrote:

> Ken Yap wrote:
> > 
> > http://linuxcare.com.au/tridge/tivo-ethernet/
> What is it?  
> After following links six deep, I gave up on one that was high graphic
> content and looking like it would arrive after christmas.


Short answer: Linux based "smart" personal video recorder. Records TV
to the hard disk, in one of 4 quality settings. Uses a modem to connect
back to Tivo for programming information.

It's "smart" because you can say things like "record all Simpsons 
episodes" and it works out the times & channel itself. 

I don't think it's officially on sale here, since it doesn't have a native
PAL module. Tridge has managed to get it working with PAL for those that
want to import one and hack around with the interals.


Paul Haddon
Technical Services Manager
Hartingdale Internet

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] What is it? - The TiVo

2000-11-09 Thread Jeff Waugh

> What is it?  
> After following links six deep, I gave up on one that was high graphic
> content and looking like it would arrive after christmas.

Yes indeedy - you've found the TiVo!

It's a Linux-based VCR-like appliance that downloads programmes, records
your viewing habits, and automagically 'collects' shows based on its metric,
and your recommendations.

Really, it's just another way to make you look like an idiot in front of
your friends when they come over. As soon as it starts regularly recording
'The Beverly Hillbillies', your reputation will never be the same.

[ If you can get past the promo-pages, it's pretty interesting tech from a
human point of view... You may want to read the various articles about in on
Slashdot too. I'd wager that Rob Malda's TiVo records "Baywatch", "How
Things Work" and "Anime For Yanks Who Should Be Working". ;) ]

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- http://linux.conf.au/ --

 She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had already  
  lost it.  

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] What is it? - The TiVo

2000-11-09 Thread Ken Yap

>> http://linuxcare.com.au/tridge/tivo-ethernet/
>What is it?  

A box using Linux internally that can record hours of TV programs to a
big hard disk. Has advertisers worried because with random access people
can easily skip ads.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] What is it? - The TiVo

2000-11-09 Thread Craige McWhirter

Linux based TV set-top box or some such. Movies on demand etc

Terry Collins wrote:

> Ken Yap wrote:
>> http://linuxcare.com.au/tridge/tivo-ethernet/
> What is it?  
> After following links six deep, I gave up on one that was high graphic
> content and looking like it would arrive after christmas.
> --
>Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
>email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.woa.com.au  
>WOA Computer Services 
>  "People without trees are like fish without clean water"



Apt-get a clue. Apt-get Debian.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] What is it? - The TiVo

2000-11-09 Thread Terry Collins

Ken Yap wrote:
> http://linuxcare.com.au/tridge/tivo-ethernet/

What is it?  

After following links six deep, I gave up on one that was high graphic
content and looking like it would arrive after christmas.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.woa.com.au  
   WOA Computer Services 

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] local guys Tridge, Paul and Bob hack Ethernet into the TiVo

2000-11-09 Thread Ken Yap


This got mentioned in /.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Dial on Demand

2000-11-09 Thread Brian Martin

I use dial-on-demand PPP to an ISP, from RH6.0
The ISP assigns a different IP address each time.
I leave local IP address as blank,
& I chose one of the assigned remote IP addresses as a "typical" address,
& added it as the nominal remote address.

This is enough to trigger the dial on demand activation, but the actual
link uses the assigned remote & local addresses.

I use the option "demand idle 900"

I looked at using "diald" package with RH5.x, but it was much simpler
to upgrade to RH6.0 and use the builtin dial on demand.
This now activates automatically when triggered by browser access from
Windows hosts, or cron'd mail collections, ftp's, perl's, etc.

It's also nice to add squid proxy caching, and caching DNS to reduce dialing.

Future Software Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] Re: X and authorization

2000-11-09 Thread George Vieira

That definately means that the screen isn't there to begin with.
If you have Xwin or Xvision or any of those Windoze based X servers then you
can do this:

export DISPLAY=WindozeIP:0
printool   # Or whatever GUI program

and it will output to the WIndoze machine.

George Vieira
Network Administrator
PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9 A10C
PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C

-Original Message-
From: bart bunting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 10:08 AM
To: Herbert Xu
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Re: X and authorization

Herbert Xu writes:
 > bart bunting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > > when trying to launch an app i get:
 > > _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: erno = 111
 > This means that it can't connect to the server.  In particular, 111 is
 > ECONNREFUSED.  See if you can telnet to port 6000 on hostname from the
 > client machine.  If you can't, have a look on the server to see if it's
 > actually listening (can't see why it wouldn't be, but...).  If it is,
 > you've probably got a firewall.

nothing is listening on port 6000 at all. in fact i can't find it in
/etc/services either.

what should be listening there?
this probably explains why it isn't working :)

I have to add, that i'm using xfree86 4 if that makes a difference?

thanks again.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] RH7 and ethernet

2000-11-09 Thread Marty

> You can't config a PCI card to use a different IRQ, they are given an IRQ by
> the PNP BIOS. Your better off changing the PCI IRQ order to change the cards
> IRQ...
> > Are there any DOS config utils for the RTL? Maybe u can force the card
> > to try for some other IRQ? 

the bios won't change the IRQ of the card no matter what setting i try...


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Re: X and authorization

2000-11-09 Thread bart bunting

Herbert Xu writes:
 > bart bunting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > > when trying to launch an app i get:
 > > _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: erno = 111
 > This means that it can't connect to the server.  In particular, 111 is
 > ECONNREFUSED.  See if you can telnet to port 6000 on hostname from the
 > client machine.  If you can't, have a look on the server to see if it's
 > actually listening (can't see why it wouldn't be, but...).  If it is,
 > you've probably got a firewall.

nothing is listening on port 6000 at all. in fact i can't find it in /etc/services 

what should be listening there?
this probably explains why it isn't working :)

I have to add, that i'm using xfree86 4 if that makes a difference?

thanks again.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] RH7 and ethernet

2000-11-09 Thread George Vieira

You can't config a PCI card to use a different IRQ, they are given an IRQ by
the PNP BIOS. Your better off changing the PCI IRQ order to change the cards

George Vieira
Network Administrator
PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9 A10C
PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C

-Original Message-
From: Marty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 9:48 AM
Cc: Marty Richards
Subject: RE: [SLUG] RH7 and ethernet

> IRQ 0 is probably not a good sign. This is a PCI card? Played with the
> PCI IRQ order in Bios? Disabled/enabled Plug'n'pray OS in Bios? 

1) i know 2) yes 3) yes 4) yes all to no avail

> the Dmesg entry shows the MAC address ok? 


> Doubt it makes any difference, but I would usually do:
> modprobe rtl8139
> ifconfig eth0 etc etc

tried that...

"Resource Temporarily Unavailable"

> Are there any DOS config utils for the RTL? Maybe u can force the card
> to try for some other IRQ? 

i like your next suggestion better  ;)

> Might be easiest to grab another NIC if one is available...  ;)

i'll see if i can rustle up an ISA nic...


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] RH7 and ethernet

2000-11-09 Thread Marty

> IRQ 0 is probably not a good sign. This is a PCI card? Played with the
> PCI IRQ order in Bios? Disabled/enabled Plug'n'pray OS in Bios? 

1) i know 2) yes 3) yes 4) yes all to no avail

> the Dmesg entry shows the MAC address ok? 


> Doubt it makes any difference, but I would usually do:
> modprobe rtl8139
> ifconfig eth0 etc etc

tried that...

"Resource Temporarily Unavailable"

> Are there any DOS config utils for the RTL? Maybe u can force the card
> to try for some other IRQ? 

i like your next suggestion better  ;)

> Might be easiest to grab another NIC if one is available...  ;)

i'll see if i can rustle up an ISA nic...


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Slug Wireless Page Fixed

2000-11-09 Thread Terry Collins

htpp://www.woa.com.au/linux/lists/slugwireless.html is now fixed and

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.woa.com.au  
   WOA Computer Services 

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug


2000-11-09 Thread James Morris

On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, Jamie Honan wrote:

> * the stock standard freeswan won't do DES. This is only
> important because older equipment (i.e. the router at the other
> end you may have to work with) may not do the recommended 3DES.
> Cisco, for example, couldn't export 3DES till this year. (AFAIK).
> The patch to freeswan to do DES is around. (It is actually in there,
> you patch it to enable it).

Please keep in mind that single DES is not considered to be secure.

This is why Free/SWAN is shipped with single DES disabled.  The reason it
can be hacked to use single DES so easily is because the same core code is
required for triple DES.

If you've bought VPN products which only do single DES, you might as well 
have bought boat anchors.  I'd certainly be extremely wary of any vendor 
who has promoted these things as secure.

Please read:


- James
James Morris

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug


2000-11-09 Thread tom burkart

On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, Daron Barndon wrote:

> at that could cover the distance between the mountains and Sydney? I
> expect I would be over the 44 K mark although with enough height, line
> of site to Sydney would not be a problem.
Line of sight to the mountains is pretty well out of the question.  I have
had a brush with the SWAMP project (Sydney Wollongong Area Microwave
Project) linking major universities with (usually) 32Mbit microwave
installations.  You should have seen the trouble they had to go
through...  Anyway, from the City there are at least two hops to
Penrith.  Ok, one of the hops is a drop as well, but the major hop is via
the prospect tower (for height reasons).


AUSSECPhone: 61 4 1768 2202
339 Blaxland Rd., Ryde NSW 2112

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug


2000-11-09 Thread Howard Lowndes

I will confirm that.  The doco is good, the examples are sound, but you
really do need to understand the link concepts between one private network
and another.

Setting up the various tunnels becomes exponentially more complex as you
add sites and you need to plan it well beforehand.  The 4 site network I
set up just recently has a total of 21 tunnels.

LANNet Computing Associates 

On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, Jamie Honan wrote:

> * there is a fair bit of doco you have to read. This is fair
> enough, because there is a lot to know.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Re: distros

2000-11-09 Thread Jason Rennie

> Jason's point about wanting rpm prompted this thought.
> Surely the point is not so much that one distro is rpm or
> deb based.
> If you get an rpm for RH, this does not neccessarily mean the
> dependancies or file layout will make sense for say SuSE.
> Has anyone struck this much?

In theory at leaast the FHS (thats the right name isn't it) should prevent
this. Most of the distro's are supposedly supporting it.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] IP Config

2000-11-09 Thread George Vieira pinging to shouldn't make a difference if it's a
private IP or not as it should still ping it.

My guess is that the NIC has a wrong IRQ or something similar. Pinging
yourself doesn't actually go through the wire so of course you'll be able to
ping yourself.

George Vieira
Network Administrator
PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9 A10C
PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C

-Original Message-
From: Thom May [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 1:05 AM
To: Daniel Hogan
Subject: Re: [SLUG] IP Config

On Thu, Nov 09, 2000 at 08:49:49AM -0500, Daniel Hogan said:
> Hey it the NFS guy again with some more questions.
> I installed RedHat 6.1 and i attempted to configure the NIC but I ran into
> some problems:
> lo
> eth0
> I need the address to be, =20
> 1st ?ion > What does "lo" mean?
lo is the local loopback address - ie the machine. 
> I tried pinging from the Linux machine (ping myself) course
> that worked.
> I then tried pinging RedHat machine from a Windows machine (ip =3D =
> and I got no response
what does the windows machine say, specifically? the probable
reason is that is a non private IP - it seems to
be hosted in Montreal, Canada at first look. The win box would
be looking for a router, i'd imagine.
> Any suggestions?
Use a private ip range unless you actually own 125.125.125.* .
send more info!
> Please email me at back here and at home > [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I am trying to use the RedHat as a server that connects by dial-up to the
> internet, distributes the internet across the LAN and has space that can =
> be used by the Windows machines on the LAN (NFS).  There is one RedHat =
> server and 5 other windows clients.
OK, so you'll need diald, squid or wwwoffle, and samba. why on
earth are you causing yourself so much pain by using NFS with
windows? Use samba - it's *so* much quicker and easier to use
with windows it's insane, and then you can mount drives natively
on windows and all sorts of other stuff.
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Thomas May
Sys Admin, AMX Communications
(T) +44 (0)20 7440 3955
(W) http://www.amxstudios.com

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug


2000-11-09 Thread Jamie Honan

> Does anyone know the status of Linux VPN? Will it talk to a
> CheckPoint Firewall-1 firewall?

I did a little googling and came up with this:

> There's a Checkpoint-to-FreeS/WAN Howto at;
> http://kubarb.phsx.ukans.edu/~tbird/vpn.html

As the various VPN howtos explain, there are various tunneling
schemes. IpSec (caps?) is the standard promoted by the IETF,
and used by Cisco and obviously checkpoint.

Freeswan is the Free Software version.

Some points about freeswan:

* it generally means patching and compiling the kernel (apparantly
not SuSE - don't kow about various international distros). This
is not incredibly difficult, as one of the freeswan
make options basically does everything for you bar pushing the reset

* there is a fair bit of doco you have to read. This is fair
enough, because there is a lot to know.

* the stock standard freeswan won't do DES. This is only
important because older equipment (i.e. the router at the other
end you may have to work with) may not do the recommended 3DES.
Cisco, for example, couldn't export 3DES till this year. (AFAIK).

The patch to freeswan to do DES is around. (It is actually in there,
you patch it to enable it).

The nice thing about freeswan is that you can run it on
a Linux box acting as a firewall / router, and have complete
LAN - LAN connectivity. The various Windows clients will probably only
give you one machine to remote connectivity.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Re: distros

2000-11-09 Thread Jamie Honan

Jason's point about wanting rpm prompted this thought.

Surely the point is not so much that one distro is rpm or
deb based.

If you get an rpm for RH, this does not neccessarily mean the
dependancies or file layout will make sense for say SuSE.

Has anyone struck this much?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug


2000-11-09 Thread Terry Collins

Daron Barndon wrote:


> Spread spectrum wireless - now that sounds nice. Other than
> www.air.net.au, who else (other sites/manufacturers) 

http://www.x.net.au  for one place, but also look for links off my slug
wirelesslan interest page at 


WOOPS - hmm, somehow I've overwritten the page partially. What is worse,
this has been this way for months and no one said anything. Will get
back when it is fixed.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.woa.com.au  
   WOA Computer Services 

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug


2000-11-09 Thread Daron Barndon

The only prob for me is that it has to work with Checkpoint FW. I do
believe it is possible, but it will require some work... :-)



-Original Message-
From: Howard Lowndes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 9 November 2000 11:01 PM
To: Gareth Walters
Cc: Daron Barndon; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [SLUG] VPN

I can tell you that it works a treat.  I put in a 4 site VPN with
a couple of months ago.  Windows boxen locked up behind Linux firewalls
communicating with each other over Freeswan IPSec.  Just make sure that
any circuitry in between  understands about protocols 50 & 51.

LANNet Computing Associates 

On Thu, 9 Nov 2000, Gareth Walters wrote:

> I was looking into this a little while ago..
> http://www.xs4all.nl/~freeswan/
> compiled it etc it looked ok. I have not needed to actually tested it
> thoroughly yet (ie to a working state with another firewall) as we
> we didn't really need it.
> Good luck
> ---Gareth
> - Original Message -
> From: "Daron Barndon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 4:35 PM
> Subject: [SLUG] VPN
> Guys,
> Does anyone know the status of Linux VPN? Will it talk to a
> CheckPoint Firewall-1 firewall?
> I am looking at the option of setting up a permanent link between the
> home office and the city office and dont like the idea of paying $25K
> plus a year for a frame link.
> Alt., does anyone know of any companies that will provide a 64K+ link
> between Sydney and the lower blue mountains?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug


2000-11-09 Thread Daron Barndon

Investigated ISDN as well, as well as install costs there was running
costs of approx $650 a month as well, cheaper than frame but still

Spread spectrum wireless - now that sounds nice. Other than
www.air.net.au, who else (other sites/manufacturers) could I have a look
at that could cover the distance between the mountains and Sydney? I
expect I would be over the 44 K mark although with enough height, line
of site to Sydney would not be a problem.



-Original Message-
From: DaZZa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 9 November 2000 6:27 PM
To: Daron Barndon
Subject: Re: [SLUG] VPN

On Thu, 9 Nov 2000, Daron Barndon wrote:

> I am looking at the option of setting up a permanent link between the
> home office and the city office and dont like the idea of paying $25K
> plus a year for a frame link.

Why go frame? ISDN works fine at the data rates you're talking about.

> Alt., does anyone know of any companies that will provide a 64K+ link
> between Sydney and the lower blue mountains?

Sure. Telstra ISDN. $500 odd bucks installation {$270 each end, I
and probably $500 a month for the call cap {not sure of the distance
involved - you'd have to check}.

Way cheaper than $25k for frame.

Alternate - this depends _heavily_ on line of site and distance involved
spread spectrum wireless. 2 meg at up to 44 k's. All you pay is the
hardware and install costs - there's _no_ running costs or licensing
apart from electricity.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Terry Collins

Conrad Parker wrote:


> or is there non-free stuff on those CDs?

All the non-free stuff is trial or demo (6.0 7 6.4), so no problems

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.woa.com.au  
   WOA Computer Services 

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Terry Collins

Conrad Parker wrote:


> > >  * They employ Rik van Riel (coming to linux.conf.au, btw).
> >
> > Snuh ?
> Rik van Riel is, like, a major hacker on the kernel's memory
> management, dude, and so, like, you should pay him and therefore
> Connectiva respect. [And, hey, Jeff got an excuse to plug
> linux.conf.au, that's http://linux.conf.au/]
> of course, every other major Linux company employs cool hackers
> too, for example RedHat employs Alan Cox and Dave Miller, LinuxCare
> employs Tridge, VA employs Raster ... oh look, all of whom
> (incidentally) are also coming to linux.conf.au in Sydney this
> January ...

Hmm, I can see we are having like a Triple JJJ Bang The Drum competition
to see who can promote linux.conf.au. the most.

Thank goodness there is only 67 days (66 sleeps as someone younger says)
to go. {:-).

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.woa.com.au  
   WOA Computer Services 

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Anand Kumria

On Thu, Nov 09, 2000 at 10:06:25PM +1100, Tom Massey wrote:
> Jason Rennie wrote:
> > 
> > > Debian. You know it makes sense
> > 
> > But i like rpm based distro's.

Feh. A poor reason indeed to pick a distro.

.deb:   Debian, Corel, Storm and Progeny
.rpm:   Redhat, Suse, Turbolinux, Mandrake, Connectiva

Yes there are plenty of smaller ones but you can see the
spread is fairly even. Pick on something more useful
like cost or licencing principles. Packaging format is 
something that will become a non-issue eventually.

> You might like to give Mandrake 7.2 a go. Got all the features you
> wanted, and rpm based. And for Debianites who plead 'apt-get', I say
> 'urpmi' :-).


http://www.linux-mandrake.com/cooker/urpmi.html> and

It seems that having tools like apt is forcing some changes:

Mandrake supplies urpmi, RedHat has up2date, and 7+ contain 
rhnsd (or similiar). Connectiva uses apt with Turbolinux and 
Suse yet to show their hands.

Apparently apt 0.4 will roll in most of Connectiva's changes
too (APT was never tied to .deb it is basically a dependancy
solver/orderer and file fetcher). I'm betting one other will 
take the APT direction.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Jeff Waugh

> OK so where do i get connectiva linux.

One 'N'! :) And you know how to do this stuff!


> >  * They employ Rik van Riel (coming to linux.conf.au, btw).
> Snuh ?

Rik van Riel is one of the kernel hackers vying to produce the next VM
system for Linux - a tough job, and his code is currently the favourite.
Read up on some of the recent editions of Kernel Traffic... In fact, here's
a direct link:


He's also one of the people behind #kernelnewbies, which you can find on the
web at:


When it comes to great people in the Free Software community, Rik's one of
the brightest and most involving. A good egg. So to say.

> >  * They added rpm support to apt.
> Zub ?

This means that you can update your distribution similarly to the way Debian
users do. Convenience with proven software. Apt was meant to do this, and
I'm surprised no one else cam ealong and did it ages ago. (Remember though,
that for all the talk, apt isn't nearly the most interesting or beneficial
part of the Debian distribution.)

> >  * They give a toss about internationalisation.
> But do i ?

You oughta! Maddog has a good quote about Linux and its audience -

  "There are 5.6 billion people in the world, and approximately 400 million
  installed operating systems. That means that 5.2 billion people have yet
  to choose their operating system, and we have to get to them before Bill

How many of those 5.2 billion (even more now!) speak English? How many of
those 5.6 billion are potential contributors to Free Software? Look at it
this way - 5.2 billion people is a pretty freaking ginormous niche market,
isn't it? ;)

> >  * They are Brazilian. 'Nuff said.
> Again, and i care why ?

You are too jaded. ;)

> But i would be happy to give it a bash, i was about to d/l mandrake and
> give it a whirl, but i'll give this a bash, what have i got to loose.

That's the spirit! If you feel like writing a review for the website...

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- http://linux.conf.au/ --

Two words: Japanese technofetishism.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] IP Config

2000-11-09 Thread Thom May

On Thu, Nov 09, 2000 at 08:49:49AM -0500, Daniel Hogan said:
> Hey it the NFS guy again with some more questions.
> I installed RedHat 6.1 and i attempted to configure the NIC but I ran into =
> some problems:
> lo
> eth0
> I need the address to be, =20
> 1st ?ion > What does "lo" mean?
lo is the local loopback address - ie the machine. 
> I tried pinging from the Linux machine (ping myself) course =
> that worked.
> I then tried pinging RedHat machine from a Windows machine (ip =3D =
> and I got no response
what does the windows machine say, specifically? the probable
reason is that is a non private IP - it seems to
be hosted in Montreal, Canada at first look. The win box would
be looking for a router, i'd imagine.
> Any suggestions?
Use a private ip range unless you actually own 125.125.125.* .
send more info!
> Please email me at back here and at home > [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I am trying to use the RedHat as a server that connects by dial-up to the =
> internet, distributes the internet across the LAN and has space that can =
> be used by the Windows machines on the LAN (NFS).  There is one RedHat =
> server and 5 other windows clients.
OK, so you'll need diald, squid or wwwoffle, and samba. why on
earth are you causing yourself so much pain by using NFS with
windows? Use samba - it's *so* much quicker and easier to use
with windows it's insane, and then you can mount drives natively
on windows and all sorts of other stuff.
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Thomas May
Sys Admin, AMX Communications
(T) +44 (0)20 7440 3955
(W) http://www.amxstudios.com

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] IP Config

2000-11-09 Thread Daniel Hogan

Hey it the NFS guy again with some more questions.
I installed RedHat 6.1 and i attempted to configure the NIC but I ran into some 


I need the address to be,  
1st ?ion > What does "lo" mean?

I tried pinging from the Linux machine (ping myself) course that worked.
I then tried pinging RedHat machine from a Windows machine (ip =
and I got no response

Any suggestions?

Please email me at back here and at home > [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am trying to use the RedHat as a server that connects by dial-up to the internet, 
distributes the internet across the LAN and has space that can be used by the Windows 
machines on the LAN (NFS).  There is one RedHat server and 5 other windows clients.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Jason Rennie

> > Ok i'm currently downloading the install iso, but i have a quick question
> > jeff, as you seem to know something about this distro and i know nothing.
> > 
> > In the 5.0 distro it doesn;t have xfree 4. Where do i get that ?
> Ur. Jeff meant, I assume, Connectiva Linux 6.0 , which doesn't
> appear to be on the FTP site yet. (Or anywhere else for that
> matter). Dunno what the upgrade path would be like.
> (Interesting, I'd imagine)

Well that would kill the idea dead then. I need the linux distro up

Guess i'll give mandrake a bash after all.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Jason Rennie

> > >  * They employ Rik van Riel (coming to linux.conf.au, btw).
> > 
> > Snuh ?
> Rik van Riel is, like, a major hacker on the kernel's memory
> management, dude, and so, like, you should pay him and therefore
> Connectiva respect. [And, hey, Jeff got an excuse to plug
> linux.conf.au, that's http://linux.conf.au/]

Ahhh ... And unfortunetly i may be unable to go, as i might be busily
doing a subject at uni over the break to speed up my degree. But hopefully
i will be right.

> > >  * They added rpm support to apt.
> > 
> > Zub ?
> apt is a dependency maintenance and networked installation tool which
> provides a layer of abstraction above the packaging file format (such
> as .rpm or .deb). It is really very powerful and once you've
> started using it, you'll wonder how you ever did without it (or how
> anyone can bear living without it now). 

Cool. I thought apt was just a deb thing hence my confusion.

> > >  * They give a toss about internationalisation.
> > 
> > But do i ?
> yes, because you respect that the widespread adoption of free
> software amongst the 4 billion people on the planet who can't speak
> English will lead to more widely developed and tested software for
> YOU to use on YOUR computer. So supporting this will benefit YOU in
> the long run.

That is a good reason ;)


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Thom May

On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 12:44:12AM +1100, Jason Rennie said:
> > Right. Almost everything else has been mentioned, and I want the inside
> > running on something completely different.
> > 
> > Want some homework, Jason? ;) First figure out who I'm talking about:
> > 
> > Test Conectiva Linux for us. Inquiring minds want to know.
> Ok i'm currently downloading the install iso, but i have a quick question
> jeff, as you seem to know something about this distro and i know nothing.
> In the 5.0 distro it doesn;t have xfree 4. Where do i get that ?
Ur. Jeff meant, I assume, Connectiva Linux 6.0 , which doesn't
appear to be on the FTP site yet. (Or anywhere else for that
matter). Dunno what the upgrade path would be like.
(Interesting, I'd imagine)
> Jason
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Thomas May
Sys Admin, AMX Communications
(T) +44 (0)20 7440 3955
(W) http://www.amxstudios.com

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Conrad Parker

On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 12:28:51AM +1100, Jason Rennie wrote:
> > Right. Almost everything else has been mentioned, and I want the inside
> > running on something completely different.
> > 
> > Want some homework, Jason? ;) First figure out who I'm talking about:
> OK so where do i get connectiva linux.
> >  * They employ Rik van Riel (coming to linux.conf.au, btw).
> Snuh ?

Rik van Riel is, like, a major hacker on the kernel's memory
management, dude, and so, like, you should pay him and therefore
Connectiva respect. [And, hey, Jeff got an excuse to plug
linux.conf.au, that's http://linux.conf.au/]

of course, every other major Linux company employs cool hackers
too, for example RedHat employs Alan Cox and Dave Miller, LinuxCare
employs Tridge, VA employs Raster ... oh look, all of whom
(incidentally) are also coming to linux.conf.au in Sydney this
January ...

> >  * They added rpm support to apt.
> Zub ?

apt is a dependency maintenance and networked installation tool which
provides a layer of abstraction above the packaging file format (such
as .rpm or .deb). It is really very powerful and once you've
started using it, you'll wonder how you ever did without it (or how
anyone can bear living without it now). 

> >  * They give a toss about internationalisation.
> But do i ?

yes, because you respect that the widespread adoption of free
software amongst the 4 billion people on the planet who can't speak
English will lead to more widely developed and tested software for
YOU to use on YOUR computer. So supporting this will benefit YOU in
the long run.

> >  * They are Brazilian. 'Nuff said.
> Again, and i care why ?

it's all in the hips


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Jason Rennie

> Right. Almost everything else has been mentioned, and I want the inside
> running on something completely different.
> Want some homework, Jason? ;) First figure out who I'm talking about:
> Test Conectiva Linux for us. Inquiring minds want to know.

Ok i'm currently downloading the install iso, but i have a quick question
jeff, as you seem to know something about this distro and i know nothing.

In the 5.0 distro it doesn;t have xfree 4. Where do i get that ?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Jason Rennie

> Right. Almost everything else has been mentioned, and I want the inside
> running on something completely different.
> Want some homework, Jason? ;) First figure out who I'm talking about:

OK so where do i get connectiva linux.

>  * They employ Rik van Riel (coming to linux.conf.au, btw).

Snuh ?

>  * You said you liked rpm-based distros. This is.
>  * They wrote xf86cfg, the new, purdy XFree86 4 configurator.

Got to be a good start

>  * They added rpm support to apt.

Zub ?

>  * They give a toss about internationalisation.

But do i ?

>  * They are Brazilian. 'Nuff said.

Again, and i care why ?

But i would be happy to give it a bash, i was about to d/l mandrake and
give it a whirl, but i'll give this a bash, what have i got to loose.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Conrad Parker

On Thu, Nov 09, 2000 at 11:07:57PM +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > $50 (last time i saw suse for sale) is way out of my 
> > poor uni student price range.
> $69 for the "personal" version, $99 for 
> the "professional" - the pro version comes with a 
> pretty good set of manuals, 6 CDs and a DVD !!
> Have a word to Len Chan - I think he has the eval 
> copies (full version, one CD, no support, etc) for 
> about $7.
> Or Anthony Rumble may have them..

surely someone can bring a 6 CD set along to the next SLUG meeting
for Jason to borrow or copy? someone not being able to get a full
Linux distro because they can't afford it is just WRONG :)

or is there non-free stuff on those CDs?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Re: X and authorization

2000-11-09 Thread Herbert Xu

bart bunting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd like to know how to get it to run from the emacs shell.

Specify Anybody instead of Console in /etc/X11/Xserver.

> I exported the display on the other machine as export DISPLAY=hostname:0

> when trying to launch an app i get:

> _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: erno = 111

This means that it can't connect to the server.  In particular, 111 is
ECONNREFUSED.  See if you can telnet to port 6000 on hostname from the
client machine.  If you can't, have a look on the server to see if it's
actually listening (can't see why it wouldn't be, but...).  If it is,
you've probably got a firewall.
> I also tried enabling X11 forwarding in the ssh connection.  It didn't
> seem to export a display variable and didn't make any difference to
> the error message.

Use -X since it's turned off by default in Debian.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 is out! ( http://www.debian.org/ )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Home Page: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/
PGP Key: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/pubkey.txt

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] mount: RPC: Program not Registred

2000-11-09 Thread Herbert Xu

Michael and Louise Hosemans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> mount: RPC: Program not Registred

Start portmap if it is down.  Then restart mountd/nfsd if they don't
show up when you do rpcinfo -p hostname.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 is out! ( http://www.debian.org/ )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Home Page: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/
PGP Key: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/pubkey.txt

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread jon

> One of the DRI developers when i was asking about 
radeon drivers
> recomended suse 7.0
> Althought it lacks the whole, free option. Or can i 
download an install ?
> $50 (last time i saw suse for sale) is way out of my 
poor uni student
> price range.

$69 for the "personal" version, $99 for 
the "professional" - the pro version comes with a 
pretty good set of manuals, 6 CDs and a DVD !!

Have a word to Len Chan - I think he has the eval 
copies (full version, one CD, no support, etc) for 
about $7.

Or Anthony Rumble may have them..


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug


2000-11-09 Thread Howard Lowndes

I can tell you that it works a treat.  I put in a 4 site VPN with FreeSwan
a couple of months ago.  Windows boxen locked up behind Linux firewalls
communicating with each other over Freeswan IPSec.  Just make sure that
any circuitry in between  understands about protocols 50 & 51.

LANNet Computing Associates 

On Thu, 9 Nov 2000, Gareth Walters wrote:

> I was looking into this a little while ago..
> http://www.xs4all.nl/~freeswan/
> compiled it etc it looked ok. I have not needed to actually tested it
> thoroughly yet (ie to a working state with another firewall) as we decided
> we didn't really need it.
> Good luck
> ---Gareth
> - Original Message -
> From: "Daron Barndon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 4:35 PM
> Subject: [SLUG] VPN
> Guys,
> Does anyone know the status of Linux VPN? Will it talk to a
> CheckPoint Firewall-1 firewall?
> I am looking at the option of setting up a permanent link between the
> home office and the city office and dont like the idea of paying $25K
> plus a year for a frame link.
> Alt., does anyone know of any companies that will provide a 64K+ link
> between Sydney and the lower blue mountains?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Jeff Waugh

> I need a linux distro, that is supported by helix code, is ready for
> kernel 2.4 (or easily made ready) and preferably already has xfree4.0
> (.01)

Right. Almost everything else has been mentioned, and I want the inside
running on something completely different.

Want some homework, Jason? ;) First figure out who I'm talking about:

 * They employ Rik van Riel (coming to linux.conf.au, btw).

 * You said you liked rpm-based distros. This is.

 * They wrote xf86cfg, the new, purdy XFree86 4 configurator.
 * They added rpm support to apt.
 * They give a toss about internationalisation.

 * They are Brazilian. 'Nuff said.

Test Conectiva Linux for us. Inquiring minds want to know.

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- http://linux.conf.au/ --

- What inspired you to become a bus driver? 
 - Linus Torvalds.  

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug


2000-11-09 Thread Howard Lowndes

I do know that IPSec does a very good VPN on Linux, but I don't know about
working it to Checkpoint.

I put in a 4 site VPN in my neck of the woods (150 km radius) and it works
a charm.

LANNet Computing Associates 

On Thu, 9 Nov 2000, Daron Barndon wrote:

> Guys,
>   Does anyone know the status of Linux VPN? Will it talk to a
> CheckPoint Firewall-1 firewall?
> I am looking at the option of setting up a permanent link between the
> home office and the city office and dont like the idea of paying $25K
> plus a year for a frame link.
> Alt., does anyone know of any companies that will provide a 64K+ link
> between Sydney and the lower blue mountains?
> Thanks
> Daron Barndon
> Systems Administrator
> BTLôôkSmart
> L7/241 Commonwealth St
> Surry Hills NSW 2010
> Australia
> Phone: +6192820206
> Fax: +6192820222
> Mobile: +61416041017

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] [OT] LinuxCare business card recovery CD

2000-11-09 Thread Howard Lowndes

Check the archives.  This was discussed about 2 months ago, or contact
Terry Collins.

LANNet Computing Associates 

On Thu, 9 Nov 2000, Ricky C wrote:

> hi All,
> any idea where (in Sydney) I can get some blank ones ?? and how much ?? I 
> like to burn my own bus card size CD
> Cheers
> R
> _
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
> Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at 
> http://profiles.msn.com.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Re: X and authorization

2000-11-09 Thread Angus Lees

\begin{bart bunting}
> Angus Lees writes:
>  > the default is to only allow people logged in on the (text) console
> ok this is my problem I was trying to launch X from within an emacs
> shell buffer.  It seems to not work from there, but perfectly from the
> console.
> I'd like to know how to get it to run from the emacs shell.

change the second line of /etc/X11/Xserver to either:

 Anybody  - anybody can run it - not very secure
 RootOnly - then su or something in an emacs shell

> Having managed to get the xserver running, I've hit my next problem.
> I can't launch X apps from another machine.  I've tried
> several things.
> xhost + 
> which i beleive allows any host to connect to the server.  I
> know not very secure, but I am trying to get things working before i
> tighten things up.
> I exported the display on the other machine as export DISPLAY=hostname:0
> when trying to launch an app i get:
> _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: erno = 111

weird.. that sounds correct.

there isn't anything that would be blocking connections to port 6000?

just to check:

 on your machine:
 run X
 export DISPLAY=:0
 xhost +  (can't use -display option, see manpage)

 on other machine:
 xterm -display firstmachine:0

> I also tried enabling X11 forwarding in the ssh connection.  It didn't
> seem to export a display variable and didn't make any difference to
> the error message.

again, that should work.

from a shell that has a working $DISPLAY:
 ssh -X othermachine
 echo $DISPLAY  (will be othermachine:10 or similar)

 - Gus

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] [OT] LinuxCare business card recovery CD

2000-11-09 Thread Arunava Sen

On Thu, 09 Nov 2000, Ricky C wrote:

>  hi All,
>  any idea where (in Sydney) I can get some blank ones ?? and how much ?? I
>  like to burn my own bus card size CD

Yes, North Rocks markets.
Sundays. In North Rocks shopping center.
One of those stalls has them for $3 each. Cases bought separately,


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Jason Rennie

> > I know this can be a bad question, but here goes.
> > 
> > I need a linux distro, that is supported by helix code, is ready for
> > kernel 2.4 (or easily made ready) and preferably already has xfree4.0
> > (.01)
> Tried SuSE 7.0 yet ?

No I haven't. Next Question why is it better than the other choices ?

One of the DRI developers when i was asking about radeon drivers
recomended suse 7.0

Althought it lacks the whole, free option. Or can i download an install ?

$50 (last time i saw suse for sale) is way out of my poor uni student
price range.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] presentation packages

2000-11-09 Thread Alexander Else

Thanks to those who replied publically and privately.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] OT: Propeller Caps!

2000-11-09 Thread Jon Biddell

On Thu, 09 Nov 2000, Anthony Rumble wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Nov 2000, MacFarlane, Jarrod wrote:
> > Where might one be able to source an actual propeller cap from?
> > 
> > I want the computer room supervisors here to be easily identifiable when on
> > duty, and at present they are not .. I have people coming to me asking me
> > all sorts of silly questions that they should be dealing with.
> > 
> > So where can I get a few? Someone here must know! :)
> I wanted to get some of these! Put things like Linux.. SLUG on
> them.. whatever..
> I found a supplier in the US, but Merchandise (like Caps, T-Shirts) are a
> protected industry, and it's 37% duty!!! Which is why we make most of our
> merchandise.. 


One of our divisions just had a heap made, and pretty good quality
too... No propellers, but I could ask. If I find out anything
Friday, I'll drop you a line

 --  Regards,


"It is irresponsible to connect a Windows machine to the Internet"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] [OT] LinuxCare business card recovery CD

2000-11-09 Thread Jon Biddell

On Thu, 09 Nov 2000, Ricky C wrote:
> hi All,
> any idea where (in Sydney) I can get some blank ones ?? and how much ?? I 
> like to burn my own bus card size CD
Company called NASA TECHNOLOGY at Roseberry sells them. I think in
the vicinity of  $5 each.

--  Regards,


"It is irresponsible to connect a Windows machine to the Internet"
John Wiltshire - SLUG

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Jon Biddell

On Thu, 09 Nov 2000, you wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know this can be a bad question, but here goes.
> I need a linux distro, that is supported by helix code, is ready for
> kernel 2.4 (or easily made ready) and preferably already has xfree4.0
> (.01)

Tried SuSE 7.0 yet ?



"It is irresponsible to connect a Windows machine to the Internet"
John Wiltshire - SLUG

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Tom Massey

Jason Rennie wrote:
> > Debian. You know it makes sense
> But i like rpm based distro's.

You might like to give Mandrake 7.2 a go. Got all the features you
wanted, and rpm based. And for Debianites who plead 'apt-get', I say
'urpmi' :-).

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re:[SLUG] c/c++ course

2000-11-09 Thread Stephen Graham

Me and a couple of friends are interested in learning c or c++
we are all in yr 10 and have interest in linux and programing in it.

We are looking for a few day course that runs during the christmas
holidays some time. we want it to be resonably laid back and relaxed
plain compilers and not anything fancy ie vi :wq gcc foo, most of us
done some programing before including delphi, Visual B and a few of us 
have dabbled around a lil bit in c/c++

My best advice would be to JUST PROGRAM.  A course will give you good
insight into the field (depending on the course), but at your stage you
guys would be FAR better off pooling your money and building up a
somewhat decent collection hardware and texts.

The only way to really learn is by DOING it.  Suggestion (and entry for
geek of the year award): Create a contest between your friends that
involves programming.  Make a decent prize for the winner, and then go
all out trying to learn programming so that you can win the prize.  I
have a good contest type programming challenge if you are short of ideas
(anyone sit 3rd year algorithms at usyd this year?)...  One other
benefit of this approach is that a good program is like an excellent
reference from an employer.  Getting a  part time job in computing is
much easier if you have some running complex programs that you can show

A good (and reasonably priced, ~$45) book on programming style is: The
Practice of Programming. (1999) Kernigan B. and Pike R.  Addison Wesley
Professional Computing Series, Reading, Massachusettes.

none of us have much money so we arnt interested in any
superdooper-come-and-play-on-our-sun type courses.

Sparcs are under-powered and overpriced anyway...


Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will, but remember, it did not help
rabbit much
-- R.E. Shay

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Jason Rennie

> Debian. You know it makes sense

But i like rpm based distro's.

Ah well, in leiu of a better suggestion i guess i'll give woody a bash.

I suppose if i stay with the unstable branch it will stay up to date.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Thom May

On Thu, Nov 09, 2000 at 09:56:43PM +1100, Jason Rennie said:
> Hi all,
> I know this can be a bad question, but here goes.
> I need a linux distro, that is supported by helix code, is ready for
> kernel 2.4 (or easily made ready) and preferably already has xfree4.0
> (.01)
Right. Well. Guess what I'm gonna say. How's your bandwidth
feeling, cos Debian Woody is supported by helixcode, has X4, and
I'm running 2.4.0-test10 on my install here quite happily.
> Also it can;t be redhat 7.0, i've tried to install it twice so far, one
> with teh text and once with the graphic installer.
> The graphic installer crashed near the end of the install, the grpahic
> installer died while copying over the rpm's and locked up the machine.
*shudder*graphic installer*shudder*
> Any suggestions ?
Debian. You know it makes sense

> Jason
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Thomas May
Sys Admin, AMX Communications
(T) +44 (0)20 7440 3955
(W) http://www.amxstudios.com

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Looking for JSP programmers

2000-11-09 Thread Lewis Tay

Hi Folks

I am looking for a few experienced JAVA / JSP + MySQL Programmers for about 
one month, If anyone interested, please contact me on 0416 278 676 or send 
me your details. Thanks.

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SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] c/c++ course

2000-11-09 Thread Rodos

On Thu, 9 Nov 2000, Rodos wrote:

> Also set yourself a task to perform at the end. The best example is a
> simple text based game like robots or something. Write it and then go over
> every line of code and see where you can make it better.

Well I got all nerstalgic and found my old crobots program I wrote when
first learning C. It was dated 1st June, 1994, wow was it that long ago!
Found versions for VMS, Unix and DOS, same source file. ncurses remained
failfull over all that time, well it probably just hasn't changed since

Its great to enter "gcc crobots.c -lncurses -o crobots" on a totaly
different machine and distro over 6 years later and still have it compile
and run straight away!

Give me ANSI C any day! Maybe I should rewrite it in Perl!


P.S. I say this as I currently write a system in C++Builder which has a
lot of extenstions ... oh well ... never practice what you preach!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Perl - The only language that looks the same before
Camion Technology | and after RSA encryption.[Keith Bostic]
+61 2 9873 5105   |

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Distros

2000-11-09 Thread Jason Rennie

Hi all,

I know this can be a bad question, but here goes.

I need a linux distro, that is supported by helix code, is ready for
kernel 2.4 (or easily made ready) and preferably already has xfree4.0

Also it can;t be redhat 7.0, i've tried to install it twice so far, one
with teh text and once with the graphic installer.

The graphic installer crashed near the end of the install, the grpahic
installer died while copying over the rpm's and locked up the machine.

Any suggestions ?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Dial on demand

2000-11-09 Thread Terry Collins

Bernhard Lüder wrote:

> extend, that it dials when the link is needed. However since I have to
> put in a fixed remote IP address for demand dialing under PPP, but the

It has changed then since RH5.2. I thought you put remote IP  if
it was set by the other end.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.woa.com.au  
   WOA Computer Services 

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Dial on demand

2000-11-09 Thread Dean Hamstead

I nice bit of work i saw, it utilising active desktop

Run a web server on the proxy, write a quick script
to initialise of close the ppp connection.

Use the page as your background, when you need to use
the net... *click* then when your done *click*

Its so foolproof, that your average wife/gf/flatmate/
partner will easily be able to master it =)


Bernhard Lüder wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a little stuck:
> I have a modem link I need to establish randomly several times a day.
> However the other end cuts me off every 2 hours regardless of what I do.
> I cannot do anything about that or change it, but that excludes any
> keeping alive action like sending or collecting mail.
> Naturally I do not constantly want to redial the link every 2 hours,
> especially at night or when it is not used, ---> phone billl. So I
> thought I put on the PPP demand function, which I have working up to the
> extend, that it dials when the link is needed. However since I have to
> put in a fixed remote IP address for demand dialing under PPP, but the
> remote IP address is only known once I am connected (and is changing
> every the time), ppp actually does not establish the connection
> correctly when it reaches IP negotiation and exists
> What can I do?
> Bernhard
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

BONG: http://www.bong.com.au
ICQ: 16867613

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Linux on low low end Laptop

2000-11-09 Thread Jeff Waugh

> I have a toshiba libretto P75 32M Ram and 810M HDD
> Windoze is starting to go a bit flakey...

Right hardware, wrong OS! ;) P75's are kick arse machines without the cruft
and junk that Windows brings...

> install everything and then cull things out or install only things I need

Depends on the distro. I know that if you're using Debian, you can do an
incredibly minimal install very easily, then you just add what you need.

If you're working with another distro, do a minimal dekstop install and rip
out heaps of stuff. It may be harder, but that's the way it is. :)

> Is X going to run OK on it ?

Sure. Unless you're running a high-everything-consumption environment. Try
WindowMaker, or lwm, depending on what niceties you like. You can trust me
to yell "lwm" whenever someone asks for a lightweight window manager. I'll
even de-randomize my quote at the bottom especially for the occasion.

> Am I going to be able to surf ok with it ? should I use Netscrape or others?

Netscape will run okayishly, but you're best to grab an old version 3 if you
really want a graphical browser. I'd recommend Galeon too, but it's a bit

Of course, you could bypass all of that and use links on a console. :)

> Is there any benefit on going to X4?

Perhaps. It seems to be a little lighter, and I've found that it uses less
RAM. I'd be interested to see a really good comparison...

> would it perform OK as a surf station and IPMASQ firewall?

Laptops make *great* firewalls. Until you walk out the door and leave your
network hanging. :) I'm running a very well-performing gateway on a 486 with
24mb of RAM. You should be fine. Don't run squid on it though!

> Any other generall suggestions or experiences would be good

You may run into some hardware troubles - make sure you know *exactly* what
video chipset you're dealing with, and look up your machine on the Linux
laptops list...


- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://lazarus.aphid.net/ --

  "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful   
   configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm   

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Dial on demand

2000-11-09 Thread Bernhard Lüder


I am a little stuck:

I have a modem link I need to establish randomly several times a day.
However the other end cuts me off every 2 hours regardless of what I do.
I cannot do anything about that or change it, but that excludes any
keeping alive action like sending or collecting mail.

Naturally I do not constantly want to redial the link every 2 hours,
especially at night or when it is not used, ---> phone billl. So I
thought I put on the PPP demand function, which I have working up to the
extend, that it dials when the link is needed. However since I have to
put in a fixed remote IP address for demand dialing under PPP, but the
remote IP address is only known once I am connected (and is changing
every the time), ppp actually does not establish the connection
correctly when it reaches IP negotiation and exists

What can I do?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] c/c++ course

2000-11-09 Thread Rodos

On Thu, 9 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Me and a couple of friends are interested in learning c or c++
> we are all in yr 10 and have interest in linux and programing in it.


> We are looking for a few day course that runs during the christmas
> holidays some time. we want it to be resonably laid back and relaxed using
> plain compilers and not anything fancy ie vi :wq gcc foo, most of us have
> done some programing before including delphi, Visual B and a few of us
> have dabbled around a lil bit in c/c++

Well I guess Tafe might have courses over the holiday period but your best
bet might be those community colledges. They might be on break too.

> none of us have much money so we arnt interested in any
> superdooper-come-and-play-on-our-sun type courses.

Well I think you are going to find it very hard to find anything that
suits for what you can afford.

My recomendation would be to purchase (or borrow) a good book. The one I
learnt C++ from was

C++ How to Program (How to Program Series)
by Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel

It was a fantastic book and very very enjoyable to go through.

This book

Accelerated C++: Practical Programming by Example
(C++ In-Depth Series)
by Andrew Koenig, Barbara E. Moo

is also highly recommended by people. My copy just arrived, but I have not
read it yet.

When you read the book read every page and do every exercise. Compare your
programs and learn from each other.

Also set yourself a task to perform at the end. The best example is a
simple text based game like robots or something. Write it and then go over
every line of code and see where you can make it better.

After doing that you will know the stuff well. You can do it at your own
place, racing through the easy bits and spending time on the harder ones.
The cost is minimal.

The do some database integration, some GUI.

> At the moment we are just investigating to see what is out there so any
> info/ feedback would be great.

There are plenty of progammers on SLUG, who may be able to comment. And if
you get stuck we can help out.

_Linux_ is one of the best platforms to learn on.


P.S. Once you have learnt one language, then read a book on another one
such as Perl or Java and reimplement your robot game. Then give it a
graphical front end.

P.P.S. The robot games consists of

a. You have a field (grid) the size of the screen/window.
b. A level starts with number of robots randomly placed on the field.
c. There is also a man on the screen who may move in any direction of the
d. The level is played with the man and robots taking turns in moving in
   any direction of the compass by one grid position. If a robot can take
   the position of the man he dies, if a robot lands on a robot they both
   die and create a crash site.
e. If the man or robot moves onto a crash site they die.
f. The level is finish when all the robots have crashed. Each level has
   more robots.
g. The man has a number of teleports which he can use instead of a
   direction move which takes him to a random location on the field.

There is a gnome robots game that has a version of it if you need more
info. Its a very addictive game when you write it yourself. I added some
extra features such as "standing your ground" so you could just stay in
the one spot for each move until the level was complete, great when you
had the robots in a suicide pattern.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | I find this a nice feature but it is not according to
Camion Technology | the documentation. Or is it a BUG? Let's call it an
+61 2 9873 5105   | accidental feature. :-)  [Larry Wall]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug