Re: [SLUG] Network Server Identification

2001-04-05 Thread Colin Humphreys

I don't know if there would be any good way to detect debian
specifically if the machines have at least a port open, you could
use nmap to return the number of linux machines.

Craige McWhirter wrote:
 Afternoon. I'm after a quick'n'easy tool to identify how many servers we
 have running Debian across our network so I can gather numbers for a
 case I'm putting together. Does anyone have nice and simple apps I can
 suck down and use?
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Colin Humphreys  | RD Network/Systems Administrator | Borland Australia
(ph) +612 9263 8053  (mob) +61 414 483341   (fax) +612 9263 8080
PGP key: 0xB6037E5E   (fprint: F0EA C979 C9E8 A5C9 EBA7  7C63 6F66 227B)

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Re: [SLUG] Network Server Identification

2001-04-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

quote who="Craige McWhirter"

 Afternoon. I'm after a quick'n'easy tool to identify how many servers we
 have running Debian across our network so I can gather numbers for a
 case I'm putting together. Does anyone have nice and simple apps I can
 suck down and use?

If you're using an ssh key for administration user accounts on the Debian
machines (or all yourUnix machines), you could connect to everything with
port 22 open using it, and then get the contents of /etc/debian_version.

If there's output, that's a Debian machine. :)

- Jeff


  ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI.

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[SLUG] Memory Issues: Thanks All

2001-04-05 Thread D.V.Rogers

Thanks all who help with suggestions on correcting memory 
issues within lilo.conf
SLUG rocks!

The Seismonitor Project

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[SLUG] dsl info

2001-04-05 Thread Gregg

Dear Moe,

PacBell is a telephone company in California (Pacific Bell) - we're
slightly south west of there. Scott Adams of Dilbert fame worked at
PacBell - might have even derived some of his ideas from there - scary.
As luck would have it, my brother-in-law used to work there too in DSL
tech support no less. Ask a Linux related question and expect the first
thing for them to say is, "find the START button and go to SETTINGS then
CONTROL PANEL". Anyway, there should be a more 'local' linux user group
you could use. Try and you'll probably find
the modem you're after.

Good luck and think of us lowly souls who are stuck at 56k when you're
cruising the superhighway. Maybe ask PacBell to put cable in my area -
our local telcos can't be bothered.

 hi all,
   Well just ordered pacbell dsl. Do they have good
 service?  Also, anyone know where I can pickup a used
 'Westell Modem'(hopefully from a ex-pacbell dsl user).
 They also told me that I will need software:
 Enternet 300. How will this software interact with my
 linux box?  Anyone went through this ordeal? Please
 share any info you may have.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

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[SLUG] Effect of US$/AU$ on MS software.

2001-04-05 Thread Adam Bogacki

I recently discovered that books printed in the US which I had been 
buying for just under A$30.00 were now being
priced at _just under A$60.00_; i.e. they were being priced using the 
current exchange rate for new editions sourced from the US.

MS has just announced Windows XP. Its pricing is also likely to reflect 
the _current_ exchange rate -  in other words it
just might price itself out of much of the local market.

In this context the open source model could start to look very 
attractive to a lot of people who have not previously
been involved with Linux..

Just a thought.

Adam Bogacki.

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RE: [SLUG] Laptops

2001-04-05 Thread Grant Street

I have not tried this but, apparently the floppy works at boot but is not
supported in linux
by default

very hard to find, but would be very usefull, there is a site which has
drivers for the floppy drive under linux. These may be mirrored elsewhere
but lat time I looked I could not find it.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jon Biddell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 9:54 PM
 Subject: [SLUG] Laptops
 Anyone have a Libretto working with  *any* distro ?  I have a 
 110CT (P233, 
 32Mb, 4Gb hd) that I'm looking to "upgrade" from Windoze...
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[SLUG] Compiled new kernel, now oddball sound...

2001-04-05 Thread David Grubb

Hi all,

Compiled a new kernel during the week (2.2.19) - even getting my USB keyboard and 
mouse working (hey, for me that is an achievement ;)

Everything is working fine, except for the sound. The es1371 module is being loaded on 
startup, and works fine when I log in as root, but I can't seem to get sound working 
for any other user (there are two user accounts, and its only used as a workstation - 
no internet connection).

Starting xmms while logged in as a user returns an error along the lines of "Check 
soundcard is configured properly, etc" - but there are no problems with this as root.

Any ideas what could be causing this?



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Water Conservation. You should scan any attached files for viruses.

Re: [SLUG] Virtual mail on Linux (RH62)

2001-04-05 Thread Martin

 When trying to ping I am getting
 no SO_TIMSTAMP support, falling back to SIOCGSTAMP
 what is this all about?

it is the network code specifically for the 2.4 kernel being ignored
because you are still running a 2.2 kernel...


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Re: [SLUG] Altavista - Probably OT

2001-04-05 Thread Jon Carnes

Have you tried going to:


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Re: [SLUG] Friday afternoon request for help - PLEASE

2001-04-05 Thread James Wilkinson

This one time, at band camp, Simon Wong said:
I realised once it started that I had done a bad thing and am now minus some
useful directories namely "/usr/bin" and "/usr/X11R6" :-((

Without seeing the actual damage, I'd say you're hosed.  /usr/bin is
quite necessary, and if you don't have that directory anymore, then the
system is mostly unusable.

What distro are you using?

You might be in luck and find that tools for rebuilding the machine are
in /bin (I'm guessing that /bin is still there, as you can boot into
it), if you're using debian, there must be an option to apt to reinstall
packages that are broken -- anyone know?

Failing that, you'll have to back up your home dir, and reinstall.


Always two there are; a Bastard, and a PFY.

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RE: [SLUG] Friday afternoon request for help - PLEASE

2001-04-05 Thread Simon Wong

Thanks for the reply.

I'm using RED HAT 7.0.

I'll look in the /bin directory for anything that looks usable.

Simon J.P. Wong
Ph: +61 2 9555 6910

-Original Message-
From: James Wilkinson [mailto:jaq@willow]On Behalf Of James Wilkinson
Sent: Friday, 6 April 2001 1:50 PM
To: Simon Wong
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Friday afternoon request for help - PLEASE

This one time, at band camp, Simon Wong said:
I realised once it started that I had done a bad thing and am now minus
useful directories namely "/usr/bin" and "/usr/X11R6" :-((

Without seeing the actual damage, I'd say you're hosed.  /usr/bin is
quite necessary, and if you don't have that directory anymore, then the
system is mostly unusable.

What distro are you using?

You might be in luck and find that tools for rebuilding the machine are
in /bin (I'm guessing that /bin is still there, as you can boot into
it), if you're using debian, there must be an option to apt to reinstall
packages that are broken -- anyone know?

Failing that, you'll have to back up your home dir, and reinstall.


Always two there are; a Bastard, and a PFY.

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RE: [SLUG] Friday afternoon request for help - PLEASE

2001-04-05 Thread DaZZa

On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, Simon Wong wrote:

 Thanks for the reply.

 I'm using RED HAT 7.0.

 I'll look in the /bin directory for anything that looks usable.

If you can still boot and mount your original CD-ROM, you can use RPM to
re-install the missing bits.

You'll most likely have to use the --force option because the database
will tell you they're already installed.

Don't know the layout of the RH 7 disk, so I can't tell you where they are
- but just look around in the disk.


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Re: [SLUG] Friday afternoon request for help - PLEASE

2001-04-05 Thread Jon Carnes

Look on the positive... Think how much better you will know Linux after
installing it a second time in as many weeks.  Most of us aren't that

Do you have separate partitions? at least one for /home?  At any rate, you
will next time...

You might also look at this as a good time to try out Mandrake - my favorite
workstation distro.

- Original Message -
From: "Simon Wong" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "James Wilkinson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "SLUG"
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 11:54 PM
Subject: RE: [SLUG] Friday afternoon request for help - PLEASE

 Thanks for the reply.

 I'm using RED HAT 7.0.

 I'll look in the /bin directory for anything that looks usable.

 Simon J.P. Wong
 Ph: +61 2 9555 6910

 -Original Message-
 From: James Wilkinson [mailto:jaq@willow]On Behalf Of James Wilkinson
 Sent: Friday, 6 April 2001 1:50 PM
 To: Simon Wong
 Subject: Re: [SLUG] Friday afternoon request for help - PLEASE

 This one time, at band camp, Simon Wong said:
 I realised once it started that I had done a bad thing and am now minus
 useful directories namely "/usr/bin" and "/usr/X11R6" :-((

 Without seeing the actual damage, I'd say you're hosed.  /usr/bin is
 quite necessary, and if you don't have that directory anymore, then the
 system is mostly unusable.

 What distro are you using?

 You might be in luck and find that tools for rebuilding the machine are
 in /bin (I'm guessing that /bin is still there, as you can boot into
 it), if you're using debian, there must be an option to apt to reinstall
 packages that are broken -- anyone know?

 Failing that, you'll have to back up your home dir, and reinstall.


 Always two there are; a Bastard, and a PFY.

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Re: [SLUG] Altavista - Probably OT

2001-04-05 Thread Craige McWhirter

Gregg, while I would also find this annoying, I probably like yourself,
am viewing this from an IT professional / hobbyist perspective where the
search reqiurements are global. 

However, we are in the minority. Most people on the web are neither IT
professionals or hobbyists and from those that I know, most of their
requirements are regional and global searches are of little or
infrequent use. I dare say that the AV change is in response to this.

IMHO AV was a lousy search engine anyway ;) Like you said, vote with
your and use Google. I'd be surprised if you didn't find Google better


Thus spake Gregg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Not sure why this has gotten so far up my nose but it really has. It is
 another small step towards the 'dumbing down' of the web and computing
 in general. Many of you will think I have far too much free time on my
 hands to be bothered with this but I encourage you to consider it as
 someone who prefers to think for themselves rather than having others
 second guess you.
 For as long as I can remember, I've used the altavista search engine and
 even have (had) it as my 'home page' on my browser because it was
 honest, reliable and useful. The actual url is but
 they are now redirecting requests to this url to 'country specific'
 sites, in our case,, where the default search scope is
 sites only within Australia. Sure, you can get a full-scope search by
 clicking a radio button but that's not the point - the default isn't
 changable and I almost never need to search specifically within Oz. 
 Basically, when I type, I really want, not something else (otherwise I would have typed
 something else).
 I find this insulting and liken it to the annoying "paperclip man" in MS
 Office telling me, "It appears that you're typing a letter...".
 Fortunately we have StarOffice and Linux as alternatives.
 This "we'll do the thinking for you" stuff needs to be nipped in the
 bud, not just at Altavista but elsewhere too. Otherwise we might as well
 exclusively use Windows and AOL and accept all things as they are.
 I've voted with my feet (mouse rather) and sent this to Altavista.
 and complained to:
 Thanks for listening. Gregg
 Their reply:
 Dear Valued Member,
 Thank you for your inquiry.
 Thanks for your mail.
 AltaVista has created country specific web sites to provide a better 
 search experience to our visitors from outside the US and is one of these sites.  From the Australian site you :
 ? have access to a local index of almost 10 million Australian pages  ? 
 which is  not available from
 ? can search the whole of the index found on .com ? some 550 million 
 pages ? just select 'the world wide web' as your search option under the
 search box
 ? can customise your search results ? save them, e-mail them to friends 
 or colleagues, and track where you've searched. 
 For the time being, we will continue to redirect you to the Australian 
 site when you visit  If you need to visit the US site, 
 just click on the 'go to US site' link on the top right of the 
 Australian site.
 If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.
 AltaVista Support Team
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RE: [SLUG] Friday afternoon request for help - PLEASE

2001-04-05 Thread DaZZa

On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, Simon Wong wrote:

 I've seen where the rpms are on the installlation CD, I guess I just have to
 try lots of them.

Well, you need to re-install X11, right? So do everything which starts
with "xfree" or has "xfree" or "x11" in its name - that oughta get you

 Is there likely to be one rpm that will contain all the basic stuff like
 lpr, lpq etc??

Quite possibly, however I can't even begin to say which one. I haven't
used deadrat since version 5 - version 6 sucked seriously, and I never
went back.


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Re: [SLUG] Friday afternoon request for help - PLEASE

2001-04-05 Thread James Wilkinson

This one time, at band camp, Simon Wong said:
What sort of size would you suggest for essentially a single user (me)

As big as you want.

I tend to parttition like so:

10M /boot  (first on the disk)
128M swap
everything else in /

This is for my personal machines that do more workstationing than

I suppose all program installations will still be on the main partition so
it is only working and preference info in /home?

Well, if you make /home separate, you can reinstall the system without
overwriting that partition, vis (numbers may vary):

10M /boot
128M swap
50M /
2G /usr
6G /home

If you hose /usr/bin like you have, you can reinstall from scratch and
not overwrite your /home data
You won't need to recreate the partitions, as they already exist, and
you can recreate the filesystems on / and /usr without fear of
overwriting your /home.

How do I get /root to be in /home/root?

Why do you want to do this?  a) if you separate /home from /, root won't
be able to log in if theres a problem mounting /home, b) if you're
thinking of using root as your normal login account, think again.

PS: snip your replies, there were 3 other messages under this one :(


Always two there are; a Bastard, and a PFY.

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[SLUG] Debian Vs Progeny

2001-04-05 Thread Scott Ragen

Hi Guys,

Has anyone had experience between both Progeny (rc2 stable) and the latest
Debian (woody I believe is stable) Release?
Which would be worth getting for a workstation/Gaming use (q3, UT
etc)/Internet use, nothing as a gateway?
Any thoughts or ideas would be great.



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Re: [SLUG] Friday afternoon request for help - PLEASE

2001-04-05 Thread chesty

On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 03:20:19PM +1000, Simon Wong wrote:
 Thanks..will try.
 I've seen where the rpms are on the installlation CD, I guess I just have to
 try lots of them.

Not that I know anything about redhat, but you might be able to do a freshen.
Read the rpm man page, then try something like rpm --freshen *.rpm
(or more likely rpm --freshen --replacepkgs *.rpm)

It should reinstall only the packages that are already installed on your system.

I don't know whether it will overwrite your config files though.

You might even be able to get rpm to list the packages that have missing files
with the verify option, or something.


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