Re: [SLUG] TPG modem recommendation

2004-04-29 Thread David Kempe
Chris Barnes wrote:

My suggestion, the Dlink DSL-500. They only cost about $200 from Harris

I second that recommendation. The generation II ones have stacks of cool 
features and are rock solid

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Re: [SLUG] LAN Traffic Regulator

2004-04-29 Thread Richard Neal

lookup traffic shaping on

On Thu, 2004-04-29 at 07:15, Luke (Terry) Vanderfluit wrote:
 I have a linux gateway connected to the net (RedHat 9), with a small
 network hanging off it.
 I'd like to be able to regulate the flow of traffic to the separate
 (fixed) ip addresses on the network. 
 Because some computers are hogging bandwidth, I'd like to be able to
 dynamically change quota on separate workstations.

Sometime the best tool is a rock

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[SLUG] mandatory profiles

2004-04-29 Thread David Kempe
Hi people,
If you had a bunch of Knoppix boxes, one the server and the rest 
workstations, anyone know of a nice way to have a HDD install, but have 
mandatory profiles. IE, if users stuff up stuff on the desktop, their 
profile is loaded fresh each time, on a per user basis. Any suggestions? 
I can think of a few ways, but thought there might be some funky tips I 
didn't know about.

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Re: [SLUG] mandatory profiles

2004-04-29 Thread Tony Green
On 29/04/2004, at 10:25 PM, David Kempe wrote:

Hi people,
If you had a bunch of Knoppix boxes, one the server and the rest 
workstations, anyone know of a nice way to have a HDD install, but 
have mandatory profiles. IE, if users stuff up stuff on the desktop, 
their profile is loaded fresh each time, on a per user basis. Any 
suggestions? I can think of a few ways, but thought there might be 
some funky tips I didn't know about.
Perhaps a combo of pam_mkhomedir, /etc/skel and an 'rm -fr ~' in the 
.profile (or equiv)?

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Re: [SLUG] mandatory profiles

2004-04-29 Thread David Kempe
Tony Green wrote:

Perhaps a combo of pam_mkhomedir, /etc/skel and an 'rm -fr ~' in the 
.profile (or equiv)?

yeah I was thinking that.
this tool might help:
locks down a kde desktop.. hrmm, i think the script way is a bit more 
useful tho.

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Re: [SLUG] Server being used to relay emails

2004-04-29 Thread Broun, Bevan

on Fri, Apr 30, 2004 at 11:32:01AM +1000, Jared Pritchard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi -
 Got a little problem.  =)
 We are getting reports back from other servers on the net saying our message
 from something like [EMAIL PROTECTED] was rejected because of an
 attached virus.

We get tonnes of these. Spammers and virus' forge the from address and so
the mail bounce, either unknown user or virus attached message, comes to

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Re: [SLUG] Server being used to relay emails

2004-04-29 Thread Gonzalo Servat
On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 11:32, Jared Pritchard wrote:
 Hi -
 Got a little problem.  =)
 We are getting reports back from other servers on the net saying our message
 from something like [EMAIL PROTECTED] was rejected because of an
 attached virus.


 Has anyone got ANY idea on what could be happening? Has our linux server got
 a virus? (!?!!?!!) Is someone using our machine as an open relay? (I did
 take steps to stop that, and reports our server as fine) Are our
 WinXP machines infected regardless of our anti-virus software?


Anyone can forge a From address, so its possible that someone you've
contacted by email before has a virus and it's setting the from address
as random To the untrained eye they would
immediately complain to whatever the domain is shown on the From address
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) but if you look closely at the headers, it would
normally indicate which server was used to SPAM through.

You should probably also check your mail server thoroughly to ensure it
does not relay emails from strangers. You can do this by telnet'ing to, make sure you do this from the mail server
in question as it will telnet back to you on port 25 and perform a
series of tests. 



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Re: [SLUG] Server being used to relay emails

2004-04-29 Thread Terry Collins
Jared Pritchard wrote:
 Hi -
 Got a little problem.  =)
 We are getting reports back from other servers on the net saying our message
 from something like [EMAIL PROTECTED] was rejected because of an
 attached virus.

Umm, you have a user 130Qe49y1 do you?


 Has anyone got ANY idea on what could be happening?

Did you look at the headers?

 Are our WinXP machines infected regardless of our anti-virus software?

That is a possibility. 

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} email: terryc at  www:  
   Wombat Outdoor Adventures Bicycles, Computers, GIS, Printing,

 People without trees are like fish without clean water
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Re: [SLUG] Server being used to relay emails

2004-04-29 Thread David

On Fri, 30 Apr 2004, Jared Pritchard wrote:

 Hi -
 Got a little problem.  =)
 We are getting reports back from other servers on the net saying our message
 from something like [EMAIL PROTECTED] was rejected because of an
 attached virus.

we get these all the time. It's a result of spammers forging From
addresses. Your domain has been chosen randomly.

Sad, but you have to accept that there are bad people (spammers) and
ignorant people (those who respond to spam) and stupid people (those who
set up mail servers to respond to the bad people and thereby add to the

 Our server is running Linux 7.3 and it has only started happening in the
 last few months.
 Our other workstations use our server as an outgoing mail server, but all
 workstations use 'VirusBuster II' which updates itself automatically at
 intervals as close as every 15 mins (usually once every couple days on
 average though) - workstations are running WindowsXP

 Has anyone got ANY idea on what could be happening? Has our linux server got
 a virus? (!?!!?!!) Is someone using our machine as an open relay? (I did
 take steps to stop that, and reports our server as fine) Are our
 WinXP machines infected regardless of our anti-virus software?

 Can someone please help?
 I need to find some angles of attack to solve the problem. I guess it's not
 really urgent, but the sooner we fix it, the better!  =)

 I will appreciate all help.

 If you have a good idea on what the problem may be, please email me directly
 (as well?) because sometimes I seem to miss some messages from the SLUG
 list... want to make sure I get it =)

 Thanks again!

 Jared Pritchard

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Re: [SLUG] Server being used to relay emails

2004-04-29 Thread Mary Gardiner
 All right. What an explosive cocktail of themes! Did you make sure that 
  representatives of the whole political spectrum will be there?
To: Jared Pritchard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Server being used to relay emails
X-Nihilism: Consistency is all I ask... Give us this day our daily mask.
X-GPG-Key: 1024D/77625870 
X-GPG-Fingerprint: B141 CD1A 4603 1CD7 6D64  EFBF D256 C568 7762 5870

On Fri, Apr 30, 2004, Jared Pritchard wrote:
 We are getting reports back from other servers on the net saying our
 message from something like [EMAIL PROTECTED] was rejected
 because of an attached virus.

 Has anyone got ANY idea on what could be happening? Has our linux
 server got a virus? (!?!!?!!) Is someone using our machine as an open
 relay? (I did take steps to stop that, and reports our
 server as fine) Are our WinXP machines infected regardless of our
 anti-virus software?

This message alone is not a positive sign that you're running an open
relay. It's just as likely that this is happening:

 1. Someone else totally unrelated to you, lets call him Billy, has a
 nasty Outlook virus.

 2. A virus uses Billy's machine to send copies of itself to every email
 address in Billy's address book, web cache etc etc, including
 the nasty virus also does not set the sender to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 because that wouldn't be sufficiently nasty. (Insert evil laugh.)
 Instead, it chooses ANOTHER email address, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 out of Billy's address book and sets the sender to

 3. uses an over zealous virus filter that is unaware of the
 fact that the sender address was faked. Many commerical virus filters
 are pretty obtuse in this respect[1]. When the virus from Billy arrives
 for [EMAIL PROTECTED], the over zealous virus filter
 sends a warning to [EMAIL PROTECTED] informing it that it sent
 a virus, when in fact no such thing happened.

Hence your message. This is the most likely scenario to explain what's
going on. Other people may have suggestions about doublechecking that
your mail server is not an open relay.

It also wouldn't hurt to filter your users' incoming mail for viruses
and dump any viruses BEFORE they arrive in users' mail boxes, for extra
safety (and because your users won't have to delete virus after virus
the next time a wave of them arrives). The combination of amavis and
clamav is good for this, there's some tips in the last few months of
slug archives. Don't set your own mail server to warn senders about
viruses though!


PS Incidently, note that most viruses these days bypass the set outgoing
mail relay. If your user has told Outlook that their relay is, that doesn't mean that the virus will send its
mail there too. Viruses tend to contain their own SMTP server and will
try and connect directly to the recipient.

[1] The most common conspiracy theory about why commercial virus
checkers don't know about faked senders (when they've been happening for
a few years and are now the norm for viruses) is that it's nice free
advertising: convincing some totally innocent person that they have a
virus and need a virus checker!
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Re: [SLUG] Server being used to relay emails

2004-04-29 Thread Mary Gardiner
Ooops, sorry about the bogus mail content. This bit here is random
insertions from the rest of my outbox (fortunately not too
incrimination) :)

The rest of the message is all good.

On Fri, Apr 30, 2004, Mary Gardiner wrote:
  All right. What an explosive cocktail of themes! Did you make sure that 
   representatives of the whole political spectrum will be there?
 To: Jared Pritchard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [SLUG] Server being used to relay emails
 X-Nihilism: Consistency is all I ask... Give us this day our daily mask.
 X-GPG-Key: 1024D/77625870 
 X-GPG-Fingerprint: B141 CD1A 4603 1CD7 6D64  EFBF D256 C568 7762 5870
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Re: [SLUG] Server being used to relay emails

2004-04-29 Thread Chris Freeman
John Clarke wrote:

My usual response is something like this sent to the postmaster at the

site which sent the virus notification:

WARNING! Your message was infected by VIRUS:
   Well done.  You bloody idiot.

Bloody idiot indeed!

   You've notified the one person you can be absolutely certain did
   *not* send the message.  This worm and pretty much every virus/worm
   released in the last couple of years are known to forge the sender

Bounces to forged email addresses warning people of the virus should be 
considered in the same category as SPAM. This is a real nuisance, 
especially when some of the more successful email viruss start spreading 
their evil throughout the known world. Like SPAM, notifications waste 
the end users time, waste bandwidth, and waste mail server resources.

   Turn off notification.  It's pointless, except to advertise the
   fact that you're too stupid to configure your AV scanner.

I just want to accentuate this point. If you are a mail server 

Chris Freeman
System Administration Team
Ardec International
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[SLUG] clamdscan failing

2004-04-29 Thread Peter Rundle

just wondering if anyone can help out with a clamdscan problem. I'm using clamscan to scan 
incomming e-mails under and it's all working fine detecting virii 
etc except for the fact that it takes around 2 secs to do the scan. So I wanted to use 
clamdscan (the front end to clamd) but it fails with this error

  Can't access the file ERROR

If I run it on the command line

   # clamdscan msg.pif
   /root/msg.pif  Can't access the file ERROR
(yes the file exists with 744 permissions)

Ok, so I appear to have some sort of permission problem but I can't figure it out, same 
error occurs in all directories and with non-root users.

any cluesticks? (Fedora core btw)


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Re: [SLUG] clamdscan failing

2004-04-29 Thread John Clarke
On Fri, Apr 30, 2004 at 01:49:58PM +1000, Peter Rundle wrote:

Can't access the file ERROR

This message only appears in the source (I'm looking at clamav-0.70-rc
but it's probably the same in other versions) in one place in

/* check permissions  */
if(access(filename, R_OK)) {
mdprintf(odesc, %s: Can't access the file ERROR\n, filename);
return -1;

 # clamdscan msg.pif
 /root/msg.pif  Can't access the file ERROR
 (yes the file exists with 744 permissions)

Are you running clamd as root or as a non-privileged user?  Is the
directory containing the file readable by that user?  /root is normally
only readable by root.

The solution, if you're running clamd as a non-privileged user, is to
put the files into a directory that the clamd user can read and scan
them from there.


I must be looking senile. Everyone's telling me what to do, when I
already know.  Nod and smile, nod and smile, think, fuck off.
-- John the Unstable
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] clamdscan failing

2004-04-29 Thread Peter Rundle
John Clarke wrote:
Are you running clamd as root or as a non-privileged user?  Is the
directory containing the file readable by that user?  /root is normally
only readable by root.
The solution, if you're running clamd as a non-privileged user, is to
put the files into a directory that the clamd user can read and scan
them from there.
Hi John,

that's got it sorted, turned out to be a bit of a comedy of errors. I edited the 
/etc/clamav.conf file and changed the User to qscand but that didn't fix it when I was 
testing on the command line. Turned out that's because the file must be specified by it's 
full path so that clamd can find it.

Thanks for the info, I think I'm sorted now.


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Re: [SLUG] Server being used to relay emails

2004-04-29 Thread Jared Pritchard
Thank you ppl -

That puts my mind to rest -
and thanks to the flood of fast responses!! Appreciated! =)

In case anyone else has missed it - here's a summary

A spammer or virus will forge (and most likely has in our case) a domain to
mask their own presence, so when the recipient replies (individually, or by
an automatic setup), the message gets sent to the forged domain, in this
case being our server.
I.E. Somewhere along the line, someone out there has decided to use in the 'From' field in the email headers (with a
randomly generated 'user' eg. [EMAIL PROTECTED]) so when the
recipient gets the email, it appears as though it came from our server.

Also advised, is that anyone with a system set up to automatically reply to
emails such as these (with viruses, or considered to be spam), should
consider turning them off because it is most likely to be a mask and
responses only add to the unnecessary traffic, and annoy the (usually)
innocent users from the domain that has been forged...


or something..  =)

Thanks again for all your help!
Any idea how we might try and find the real source  AND/OR  should we report
the abuse to some authority of some sort?

Jared Pritchard
attachment: winmail.dat-- 
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Re: [SLUG] Server being used to relay emails

2004-04-29 Thread Mary Gardiner
On Fri, Apr 30, 2004, Jared Pritchard wrote:
 Any idea how we might try and find the real source  AND/OR  should we
 report the abuse to some authority of some sort?

You'd need the headers of the original mail to find the machine that
passed the virus to the machine with the detector. You probably don't
have those headers.

As for reporting the abuse, you may wish to mail postmaster@ the domain
that sent the virus warning and inform them that their virus scanner is
misconfigured to reply to forged senders. I don't think there's any
higher authority though.

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Re: [SLUG] clamdscan failing

2004-04-29 Thread Stuart Cooper
clamdscan failing? maybe it clammed up!


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