Re: [SLUG] Linux Exchange Alternative

2014-01-30 Thread Grant Street

On 31/01/14 08:38, Tom Worthington wrote:

On 30/01/14 14:40, David Lyon wrote:

... Lightning Calendar ... runs inside Thunderbird ...

Yes, I find with Lightning and LookOut installed in Thunderbird, I can
cope in a Microsoft world.

what's even better is using the Exchange EWS Provider  extension to 
thunderbird and lightning. I get

Global address book
Exchange contacts
Exchange tasks
Exchange Calendars including free and busy time of colleagues.
Public folders(able to read contacts and calendars stored in public folders)
It can cache for offline use
Out of Office settings can be configured from within thunderbird

Developer is very active, can be configured automatically or through the 
GUIthe developer version is generally very stable.

Go to his website to get the latest



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Re: [SLUG] Linux apps and mapped network drives

2012-06-21 Thread Grant Street
My Guess would be that the LibreOffice and thunderbird is using a 
different file browser eg nautilus rather than dolphin. The share that 
you mapped in Dolphin looks like it is only availible in dolphin.

To check this from the command line run
and look for a smb mount. This command would show you the OS/system 
level mounts. What I suspect is either dolphin does not create a system 
mount or it does just in a weird path.

* These are some guesses I have made, having not used dolphin nor fedora 
17 :-)

I don't know offhand a GUI tool to do network system mounts. They can be 
setup easily using  fstab, autofs etc. the trick with samba is if you 
need authentication AND security... if you do need both have a look at 



On 21/06/12 19:57, Ben Donohue wrote:

Hi all,

Just loaded Fedora 17.

In the file manager Dolphin, I have mapped a SMB share (to a NAS box)
and it works correctly.

When saving a file in LibreOffice or saving an attachment in
Thunderbird, or some other app, they don't list the network share that
has been mapped in Dolphin. Even after a reboot in case it needs it.

Seems really weird to me. If I map a drive or network share, you would
think it would become available to all applications, like MS Windows
does. However I sure as hope not that all applications have to map the

So, how does one map a drive in Fedora and make it available to ALL
applications when saving files? (and without a reboot)


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Re: [SLUG] Inverting network interfaces

2012-05-21 Thread Grant Street

Couple of things here

1 modprobe config file (location depends on distro)
Make sure you set the driver to the correct device

2  /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*
Match the DEVICE=  and HWADDR= lines listed in these files with those 
listed in modprobe config file.

My advice would be to do the following

1 remove any driver lines in modprobe files
2 remove all HWADDR and DEVICE lines from the ifcfg files
3 reboot
4 Determine which order the devices are detected first (should be the 
onboard eth0)

5 Determine what needs to be done from there.


On 22/05/12 13:21, Amos Shapira wrote:

What distro is it? I RH distros you can stick the MAC address on the
interface configuration file under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*
On May 22, 2012 10:35 AM, Edwin


I have a rather weird problem. We've installed a router device at one of
our customers; it is a Via motherboard and has therefore a Via Rhine
network interface on the motherboard (eth0) and a Realtek 8139 network
interface on a PCI card. For some reason, the drivers for the two network
interfaces seem to spontaneously invert, with the Realtek driver applying
itself to the Via port (and usually working OK!) and the Rhine driver to
the Realtek port (and sometimes not working - but sometimes working as
well). This does not follow any outside action, although the customer has
learned that rebooting the system (cleanly) solves any non-working
interface issue.

Can anyone shed any light on this?

NetSense Computers logoRegards,
Edwin Humphries
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Mobile: 0419 233 051
NetSense Computers (Ironstone Technology Pty Ltd)
79 Barney St (P. O. Box 423), Kiama, NSW, 2533
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/At every moment he beholdeth a wondrous world, a new creation, and goeth
from astonishment to astonishment, and is lost in awe at the works of the
Lord of Oneness./ Baha'u'llah, The Seven Valleys
./.. humans are interesting. With all the wonders there are in the
Universe, they invented boredom./ Terry Pratchet, Hogfather
/The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the
source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a
stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as
good as dead: his eyes are closed./ Albert Einstein
/Stuff your eyes with wonder ... live as if you'd drop dead in ten
seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for
in factories./ Ray Bradbury

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[SLUG] High System CPU usage and finding culprit

2012-05-08 Thread Grant Street


I have some desktop linux machines that have periods of extremely high 
system time (30-90%) with no obvious cause. The users see it as a hang 
or a freeze to the point of 10sec for a key press to register. it comes 
and goes seemingly randomly but only lasts max about 1-2 min.

What I'm after is any hints on how to track down whats causing this.

- load average is low (sub 1)
- No process is consuming a lot of cpu (from top)
- No swapping is occurring at the time
- plenty of free memory
- no/low IOwait%
- IRQ% is 0
- Still has Idle available
- nothing in dmesg

Any help or investigation tips would be appreciated

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Re: [SLUG] High System CPU usage and finding culprit

2012-05-08 Thread Grant Street

16 core, 12-24G memory running centos 6.1

On 09/05/12 10:08, David Lyon wrote:

Are they dual core ?

Do they have a sheetload of memory ?

I found ubuntu got slower and slower till I got in
newer hardware.

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[SLUG] Force mounting usb storage read only

2012-04-03 Thread Grant Street

Hello All

Before I post to the Centos list I was wondering if you all had any ideas.

Due to compliance requirements we are looking to be able to force 
mounting of usb drives to be read only.

We originally thought of black listing the usb-storage kernel modules. 
Although it is very simple to implement, it is probably a bit too 

I am getting confused however what exactly is doing the auto mount for 
desktop machines and how to introduce different mount options eg ro .

I found that Centos 6 has udev, HAL,  udisks and gvfs and trying to 
decipher who does what is a bit daunting.

I know that all bets are off for the root user, I am just looking for a 
solution for average user logging in graphically.

Thanks in advance

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Re: : [SLUG] Re: Raspberry Pi

2012-03-05 Thread Grant Street
I have ordered one from the Australian distributor. Not sure  yet 
probably xbmc


On 06/03/12 10:17, Michael Fox wrote:

Hello All,

Been a long time since I got back on the list.

Anyone ordered a Raspberry Pi? Curious to see what folks that get one end
up doing with it. When I saw them announced, I was very tempted.


On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Edwin Humphries  wrote:


I'd agree with you in general; however, I'm an Atrix owner, and I really
don't see how it can claim to be in any way functionally equivalent to a

NetSense Computers logoRegards,
Edwin Humphries
Mobile: 0419 233 051
NetSense Computers (Ironstone Technology Pty Ltd)
79 Barney St (P. O. Box 423), Kiama, NSW, 2533
Phone: +61 (0)2 4233 2285
Fax: +61 (0)2 4233 2781
Web: http://www.netsensecomputers.**com.au

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please delete it and notify the sender.

/At every moment he beholdeth a wondrous world, a new creation, and goeth
from astonishment to astonishment, and is lost in awe at the works of the
Lord of Oneness./ Baha'u'llah, The Seven Valleys
./.. humans are interesting. With all the wonders there are in the
Universe, they invented boredom./ Terry Pratchet, Hogfather
/The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the
source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a
stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as
good as dead: his eyes are closed./ Albert Einstein
/Stuff your eyes with wonder ... live as if you'd drop dead in ten
seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for
in factories./ Ray Bradbury

On 5/03/2012 5:22 PM, Martin Visser wrote:

Doesn't a SoC board, with a few USB ports, ethernet, video and audio out,
just become a PC with the addition of a USB hub providing fanout to a
keyboard, mouse and a bit more storage?

Just like the mobile device manufacturers (to wit Motorola with Atrix and
Asus with Transformer ) want us to think, the distinct category of PC is
fast disappearing.

Regards, Martin

On 2 March 2012 07:57, Edwin 


  Sorry to be so ignorant, but I haven't heard of the Raspberry Pi before.

The posts seems to indicate it as a mini PC; however, it seems to be
just a
SoC board?

NetSense Computers logoRegards,
Edwin Humphries
Mobile: 0419 233 051
NetSense Computers (Ironstone Technology Pty Ltd)
79 Barney St (P. O. Box 423), Kiama, NSW, 2533
Phone: +61 (0)2 4233 2285
Fax: +61 (0)2 4233 2781

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confidential or privileged information. If you are not a named addressee
please delete it and notify the sender.

/At every moment he beholdeth a wondrous world, a new creation, and
from astonishment to astonishment, and is lost in awe at the works of the
Lord of Oneness./ Baha'u'llah, The Seven Valleys
./.. humans are interesting. With all the wonders there are in the
Universe, they invented boredom./ Terry Pratchet, Hogfather
/The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the
source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a
stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as
good as dead: his eyes are closed./ Albert Einstein
/Stuff your eyes with wonder ... live as if you'd drop dead in ten
seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid
in factories./ Ray Bradbury

On 2/03/2012 3:40 AM, Richard Ibbotson wrote:

  On Thursday 01 March 2012 16:20:15 Geoffrey Cowling wrote:

  Will Microsoft be able to lock this down?

  In some ways this is a good question.  As far I understand it M$

attempts to lock down the Arm platform in Europe will fail due to EU
law.  Not allowed to do what they want to do.  Might be that under
U.S. law they can do something ?  Not sure about the latter.  Whatever
else happens they will certainly use their marketing power to drive
out GNU/Linux from the ARM CPU in the way that they did from the Asus

Only Linux fans will know that Linux exists.  In the U.K. the Pi is
aimed at the educational market.  Which is owned by Microsoft under
direction from Whitehall.  Say n'more ?...cough Winduhs advert...**v=jT3_UCm1A5I

Best winduhs advert out there ;)


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Re: [SLUG] Re: Raspberry Pi

2012-03-01 Thread Grant Street
The big thing is that it is essentially a small computer that is good 
enough to run quake, decodes h.264 etc

This means it opens up a whole lot to software/OS tinkers. They are able 
to create their own devices/projects with limited funds ~$40 and limited 
electronics knowledge.

eg They have been able to get XBMC on it, to create a htpc front end for 
the cost of raspbery pi, a mini usb charge cable (for power) and an SD 
card and may be a remote. No fans, spinning disks etc etc.

Some people are looking at it as a cheaper, smaller, lower power 
alternative to a shuttle pc . Think of the posibilities

People around the world were begging the developer to release it hence 
the interest.

yes it's early days, but with this much interest it's better to get this 
out. People don't need a case if they are making their own thing with 
it. It's not an apple product but no soldering is required.



On 02/03/12 07:57, Edwin Humphries wrote:

Sorry to be so ignorant, but I haven't heard of the Raspberry Pi before.
The posts seems to indicate it as a mini PC; however, it seems to be
just a SoC board?

NetSense Computers logoRegards,
Edwin Humphries
Mobile: 0419 233 051
NetSense Computers (Ironstone Technology Pty Ltd)
79 Barney St (P. O. Box 423), Kiama, NSW, 2533
Phone: +61 (0)2 4233 2285
Fax: +61 (0)2 4233 2781

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confidential or privileged information. If you are not a named addressee
please delete it and notify the sender.

/At every moment he beholdeth a wondrous world, a new creation, and
goeth from astonishment to astonishment, and is lost in awe at the works
of the Lord of Oneness./ Baha'u'llah, The Seven Valleys
./.. humans are interesting. With all the wonders there are in the
Universe, they invented boredom./ Terry Pratchet, Hogfather
/The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is
the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a
stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as
good as dead: his eyes are closed./ Albert Einstein
/Stuff your eyes with wonder ... live as if you'd drop dead in ten
seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid
for in factories./ Ray Bradbury

On 2/03/2012 3:40 AM, Richard Ibbotson wrote:

On Thursday 01 March 2012 16:20:15 Geoffrey Cowling wrote:

Will Microsoft be able to lock this down?

In some ways this is a good question.  As far I understand it M$
attempts to lock down the Arm platform in Europe will fail due to EU
law.  Not allowed to do what they want to do.  Might be that under
U.S. law they can do something ?  Not sure about the latter.  Whatever
else happens they will certainly use their marketing power to drive
out GNU/Linux from the ARM CPU in the way that they did from the Asus

Only Linux fans will know that Linux exists.  In the U.K. the Pi is
aimed at the educational market.  Which is owned by Microsoft under
direction from Whitehall.  Say n'more ?...coughWinduhs advert...

Best winduhs advert out there ;)

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Re: [SLUG] mkdir

2012-02-13 Thread Grant Street

On 14/02/12 10:26, Cal Edwards wrote:


I want to create directories and files under a specific directory with
specific ownerships and permissions.

The problem is that I create directories in a hierarchy of images from
digital cameras.
My family members need to be able to access those across the network via
samba shares.
When I create a directory I dont want to have to chown it to make it
I cant give the family members access to my own group (the default of

What I do now is as follows:

First I create a top directory

mkdir topdir
chmod 775 topdir
chown luke:bridge topdir
cd topdir

Is there a way to do the following without having to use chmod and chown

mkdir subdir
chmod -R 775 /topdir
chown -R luke:bridge /topdir

Ok. I know I can use umask to set the permissions.
I want to be able to create a new subdir and be sure that it has the same
ownership as topdir.

Can anyone suggest a better solution?



chmod 2775 topdir
that will set the permissions on the subdir correctly without doing a 

consider setting the primary group to be the same accross the whole 
family. that way whenever a file is created it will be the correct group.

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Re: [SLUG] Subscription-based netfiltering (parentally speaking)

2011-06-21 Thread Grant Street

Have a look at

* It protects against Malware attacks etc
* Can be used in conjunction with dansguardian
* the user's name is put against the whitelist entry
* Checks against google's safe browsings API
* authentication
* can run it in learning mode to start with ...

On 21/06/11 16:17, K L wrote:

Hi All,

does anyone know of any linux-based filtering software I can put in place to 
protect him from himself?

Requirements would be;

Subscription-based; so, someone out there keeping the list of sites, keywords, 
extensions, etc. up to date.
Ability for me to add to it for personal choice; - effectively contribute
Ability to IP (or MAC) restrict it's use; - so it's only him and not us.

I know of Dansguard, but AFAIA, that is a host-based solution.

What else is there pls?

Grant Street
Senior Systems Engineer

T: +61 2 9383 4800 (main)
T: +61 2 938 34882 (direct)
F: +61 2 9383 4801 (fax)

Animal Logic

*See our latest work at*

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Re: [SLUG] Email Client

2011-06-13 Thread Grant Street

Daryl Thompson wrote:

I have been using evolution for years now and its been OK but now i want
to know is there a better email client then evolution, that do you think
of Thunderbirds?

I use thunderbird v3 every day a few things that you'll probably want...
* Lightning to give you inbuilt calender. You can also get this to 
work(ish) with hexchange. you can see busy and free schedules accept 
meetings etc. There are some caveats though...

* for contacts you can hook into Ldap/AD
* If your a google fan, have a look at zindus plugin you can synchronize 
contacts with your google contacts. and you can add your google calendar 
using lightning.

I really like the way you can switch between html and text. I default my 
emails to text but you can also handle HTML email eg If I receive a HTML 
email that would be too messy to reply using text just hold down the 
shift button while clicking reply and it will keep the HTML.

I also like Edit as New

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Re: [SLUG] New Laptop Problems

2011-06-02 Thread Grant Street
IRQ 12
Driverc:\windows\system32\drivers\i8042prt.sys (6.1.7600.16385,
103.00 KB (105,472 bytes), 14/07/2009


I've googled for 3 weeks with no working results.

Even the touchpad-indicator applet installs but doesnt work.

Re sound output - headphones work with Fuduntu 14-10-RC2-64 but at
same time as laptop spkrs - no option to turn either off.


I've tried the latest Ubuntu 11.04/Open Suse 11.4/Fedora 15/Super OS
Linux 11.04/Berry 1.10 Live CDs etc without luck.


Any advice appreciated. There must be file(s) that can be manually
edited to prevent the touchpad activating on boot, and ditto for sound.

I know these are the problems on gets when buying the latest hardware.

Thanks in advance

Bill - very frustrated.

Grant Street
Senior Systems Engineer

T: +61 2 9383 4800 (main)
T: +61 2 938 34882 (direct)
F: +61 2 9383 4801 (fax)

Animal Logic

*See our latest work at*

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Re: [SLUG] Value of Red Hat certification ?

2011-01-03 Thread Grant Street


There are other certification bodies such as LPI. The course are cheaper 
and done through tafe I think.

You may get more mileage with experience rather than courses. Try to get 
as much hands on as possible by volunteering, being mentored, talking. 
Chat to your local friendly sysadmin :-)

Having a development background and experience is always a plus. Don't 
discount it.

Some organisations will train you up once you join especially when you 
are cross training eg going from solaris to RH

That being said puts his own RHCE hat on, they are generally very good 
hands on courses. just make sure you match you ability to the pace of 
the cource. Even if you get the *NEW* Redhat Certified Systems 
Administrator replaces RHCT, you can at least say your certified


On 04/01/11 10:04, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:

Hi, Rod.  You may find this lopsa-discuss thread of use:

Good luck with your career!

(Unix/Linux sys admin)

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:35 PM, Rod Butcher  wrote:

I have a background in mainframe computer programming on IBM systems but
want to move out of programming into Linux support. I've rolled my own linux
kernnal  apps for a few years and have a fair idea of how Linux works, but
only in a home-use environment.
So - I'm considering getting some proper qualifications and am considering
couses : Red Hat System Adminstrator + Network  Security
Adminstration + Certified Engineer. Total cost = $AU 9100. Any opinions out
there about how good an approcah this is - can I get a better return on my
retraining investment ?
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Re: [SLUG] Virtualisation and DRBD

2010-08-24 Thread Grant Street
It depends on your level of availability. you can achieve 98% percent 
with Virtualised solutions and live migration or vmotion. This means 
migrating a functioning virtual server from one physical server to 
another with no outage. You just need some shared storage that has 
suitable raid levels and redundant network/fibre cards and switches. We 
use NFS as our shared storage and find it great.

This live migration has the advantage of
1 Migrate virtualised servers away from a physical host that requires 

2 Utilise both phyiscal servers or keep one in standby.
3 Straight forward recovery. Just boot the virtual machine on a 
different physical machine.

4 Scalable

The only downside is that if there is a hard failure, it is like someone 
tripped over the power cord. In a lot of scenarios if you decrease your 
planned outages to 0, this is acceptable.

The last 2% will require the biggest effort in designing, implementing, 
testing, testing and more testing, oh and don't forget the ongoing 
maintenance and documentation. It really depends on what is acceptable 
risk, acceptable downtime, acceptable data loss and therefore what you 
need to protection from. eg Disk failure, network failure, heartbeat 
failure, hardware failure, power failure,



On 25/08/10 12:46, Nigel Allen wrote:

Hi All

We're investigating both virtualisation of servers and High Availability
at the same time.

Currently looking at Linux-HA and DRBD (amongst others).

The idea of DRBD appeals to both me and the client as it means (or seems
to at least) that we could add a third (off-site) machine into the
equation for real DR.

What happens when we then introduce Virtualisation into the equation
(currently have 4 x servers running Centos  Windoze Server - looking at
virtualising them onto one single box running Centos-5).

I suppose the (first) question is: If we run 4 virtualised servers (B,
C, D, and E) on our working server A (complete with it's own storage),
can we also use DRBD to sync the entire box and dice onto server A1
(containing servers B1, C1, D1, and E1) or do we have to sync them all
separately? Will this idea even float? Can we achieve seamless failover
with this. If not, how would you do it

Any input (as ever) gratefully accepted.

Confused at the Console


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Re: [SLUG] System admin graphing tools

2010-02-25 Thread Grant Street

Have a look at zenoss  It's nagios and munin in one.

It does the alerting, threshholds, recovery actions and graphing all in 
one. Can monitor windo$e, vmware and talks nagios plugin format as well.


Ken Foskey wrote:

We all know we should do it.  Provide a monitoring system to see how our
system loads are going.  I have a couple of links that look interesting:
It is local so goes first :-)
Flapjack is a scalable and distributed monitoring system. It natively
talks the Nagios plugin format.  (Language PHP)
Cacti is a complete network graphing solution... (Language Perl)
Munin is a networked resource monitoring tool that can help analyze
resource trends and what just happened to kill our performance?
problems. It is designed to be very plug and play. A default
installation provides a lot of graphs with almost no work.
The Multi Router Traffic Grapher
Cannot find a simple 'what is nagios' on website.
'Nagios is a host and service monitor designed to inform you of network
problems.' From whitepaper.
SmokePing keeps track of your network latency

Any comments on the above and any others to add to the list?

Other reading:
Implementation of Cacti, Smokeping, Nagios (2004)

Based on a quick read, munin looks pretty good.


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Re: [SLUG] MythTV hardware advice sought

2009-11-15 Thread Grant Street
I have never used nor affiliated with them but someone pointed me their 
way when I was thinking about a mythtv box and was worried about months 
of hardware research/cross checking/pricing etc

There is a open platform called Dragon
and a company in Aus that sell them


John Clarke wrote:

Greetings Sluggers,

I'm planning to build a MythTV box  have come up with what I think is
suitable hardware to run it on, but I'm hoping that those of you with
MythTV experience will point out anything I've got wrong.

The box will be both back and front end and will be in the lounge room
in the cabinet with the amps, dvd player, etc, so it'll need to be
fairly quiet, especially when idle, but I don't want to hear much when
it's running either.  It's going to be inside a cabinet so doesn't have
to be stunningly beautiful, but I don't want it to look spectacularly
ugly either.  My budget is $2000.

I want HDMI video to the TV (LCD, 1080p), either with audio or with a
separate analogue audio cable.  I also want digital audio (S/PDIF,
preferrably coax) to the amp for better quality stereo or 5.1 audio.

I'd also like the option of watching either live TV, recorded programs
or ripped DVDs on any other PC on the LAN, at the same time as a
different program is being watched on the TV and maybe another is being

I believe that all of the hardware I'm thinking of is supported by Linux
and MythTV, and although I don't think the necessary drivers are
packaged in any distro yet (I'm thinking of using the latest Mythbuntu,
only because everything else is running Ubuntu), I do know where to get
them.  This is my list of hardware:

Asus P5Q SE2 motherboard
Intel Core2Duo E7600 3.06GHz 1066MHz FSB
Asus GeForce GT220 1GB DDR3 video card
1.5GB Seagate 7200 RPM SATA HDD (ST31500341AS)
Lite-On SATA 240x8 DVD-RW drive
Silverstone LC10-E case
500W power supply
Logitech diNovo Mini bluetooth keyboard

and either of:

Hauppage Nova-T-500 MCE dual tuner (PCI)
Hauppage 2200 MCE dual tuner (PCI-E)

I'll probably add a second tuner card once I've got it all up and
running.  We have occasionally wished for a third tuner in the past (not
often, there's not that much worth watching on TV), so I may as well
have four, just in case :-)

Is this hardware powerful enough to do all that I want?  Do I need more
CPU grunt?  More RAM?  More hard drives?  Bigger PSU?  Anything else?

The only other thing I can think of is remote control.  I'd like to be
able to control it from my Logitech Harmnony One remote, at least for
the most common tasks, so obviously I'll need some sort of IR receiver. 

From what I've read, the USB IrDA dongle I have is unlikely to work, so

I'll need something else.  All I've been able to find are receivers
bundled with remote handsets, but I already have half a dozen or so of
those gathering dust and don't need to add another one to the

Advice and suggestions will be gratefully received.  I'd like to order
the hardware next week, and I'd appreciate knowing that I've chosen
badly *before* I part with the money :-)



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[Fwd: Re: [SLUG] IOWait definition]

2008-10-08 Thread Grant Street

I have a machine with a good proportion of IOWait 20-30%. It does have
local disks and it performs operations on NFS mounts. I just wanted to
be sure if IOWait includes NFS activity or not. I also want a way if it
is NFS to be able to say for sure if it is a bottleneck on the nfs 
client or server. NFS is not a linux machine so visibility is not 
allways the best.


Daniel Pittman wrote:

Grant Street [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for
some doco?

I don't know of any, but ...

I'm finding it hard to get a definition of what constitutes IOWait.
I know that IOwait is CPU time waiting for IO to happen to physical local
disks, but I'm unsure about the following scenarios and if they contribute to

Not quite.  IOWait is a *software* state, indicating that a process or
thread is blocked waiting for I/O to complete.

This is different from CPU time waiting for ... in that it implies the
software is making no progress, but *NOT* that your CPU is spending
cycles working on it.[1]

- CPU time waiting for an NFS read/write to occur

Yes, along with more or less any other disk I/O that happens to be run
over the network -- as long as it is synchronous, and something is
waiting on it.

- CPU time waiting for a network buffer to be read/written to. eg waiting for
  a full buffer to clear.

Generally not.  I am not certain about blocking on a full buffer
condition for sending data, but not for blocking while reading.

- Anything else??

Any other synchronous disk I/O, certainly.  Probably certain other,
related, conditions where the kernel developers feel that the process is
blocked on I/O.

PS. How do you set/query the network buffers in Linux?

Via the socket fcntl / ioctl interface, or via the sysctls in
/proc/sys/net, which are documented in the standard Linux kernel sysctl

All that said, you might want to tell us why you are asking, not just
what, since I suspect there is a question about why you have so much
IOWait time on your system, or poor performance?


[1]  It does, technically, spend a few in terms of submitting and

 completing the I/O before it wakes up the blocked process, and
 various I/O devices need babysitting, but the principal is sound. ;)

Animal Logic

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[SLUG] IOWait definition

2008-10-07 Thread Grant Street


I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for 
some doco?

I'm finding it hard to get a definition of what constitutes IOWait.
I know that IOwait is CPU time waiting for IO to happen to physical 
local disks, but I'm unsure about the following scenarios and if they 
contribute to IOWait:

- CPU time waiting for an NFS read/write to occur
- CPU time waiting for a network buffer to be read/written to. eg 
waiting for a full buffer to clear.

- Anything else??


PS. How do you set/query the network buffers in Linux?

Animal Logic

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this document if you have received it in error. We do not guarantee this email 
is error or virus free.

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[SLUG] tuning a maximum load

2008-08-24 Thread Grant Street


I have a problem where I am running thirdparty software sporadically my 
machine(s) get into a state where they are responsive to pings but not 
ssh or a local console.

I suspect that it is generating a very high load but there is now way to 
confirm what is going on. I am thinking of two things

1 enable Magic SysRq to hopefully get somthing out of it.

2 Is there a way to tune the way/algorithm the kernel uses so that under 
load it will kill off processes earlier or more aggresively under 
extreme load.

Any other thoughts?


Animal Logic

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information contained in it. Please notify the sender immediately and delete 
this document if you have received it in error. We do not guarantee this email 
is error or virus free.

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RE: [SLUG] [Fwd: Fwd: Re: Anyone listen to JJJ - MyDoom linked to Linux users]

2004-01-29 Thread Grant Street

I listened to it in the car and found it quite good in its explanation of
linux and it's relation to SCO. It actually painted Linux in a good light. 

Yes JJJ did get someone's opinion, and it was quoted as an opinion, that it
was most definitely a linux user or some such and did say his name.
Whether that's true or not JJJ did not accuse linux users nor talk of them
badly, if anything they painted a good picture saying that we are the good
guys/people and passionate about open source and the community. If anything
it would be the guy that was quoted you should be complaining to. 

Yes the current status of the court case may not have been up to date or to
the minute... Come on... these guys are reporters reporting to the masses.
They did say allegedly and it is a fact that there is a court case going on
or the last time I looked... Maybe it's changed since then. 

Grant Street

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[SLUG] OT Unused sealed QIC cartridges bound for the bin

2003-11-02 Thread Grant Street

We have about 15 BASF EXTRA 6150 Data cartridge (620 ft. density 12.500
ftpi) cartridges wrapped in plastic never been used looking for a new home.
Free if you pick them up from Rosebery. 

Contact me off list.
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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RE: [SLUG] gnome2 features I would like to see.

2003-01-05 Thread Grant Street
There is a feature in gnome that says If a launched app does not open in X
secs it's probably gone awol so kill it

This is a problem on slower machines or when your machine is under load.
There is a way to turn it off, I think it has been covered before try the
archives or some one else may have a better memory.

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RE: [SLUG] Help with a laptop please

2002-08-01 Thread Grant Street


You may be better off looking for info on the chipsets rather than the whole
So find some indepth techinal info on the laptop. The main downer is
normally the video card. If your distro doesn't support it or it's variants
getting the latest xfree86 source and compiling it normally works well. 

There are Linux drivers for some winmodems so all is not lost. do a google
for them or search the archives.


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RE: [SLUG] Testing if password is valid

2002-07-23 Thread Grant Street

  Is this in Linux itself? (Do you want to check the passwd 
 or shadow file?)
  What do you define as a valid password?
 Yes in Linux. Ok example, lets say there is a user on the 
 system called
 kevin (in your honour ;-) and he has a password that is encrypted in
 the shadow file. Now this script is being run by someone who claims to
 be kevin, but I want to be sure, so I prompt them to keyin 
 their password
 which I jam into a variable in the script, is there a system command
 that will allow me to check the password is valid? I.E the user kevin
 could logon to Linux with it.

what about using somthing like sudo. It has this functionality allready.
eg Set the script to only run as root and set sudo to allow kevin to 
run the script once authenticated.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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RE: [SLUG] newbie to Linux

2002-04-18 Thread Grant Street


 Thirdly, I have a largish HDD, and rather than re-format the whole 
 thing, if I could somehow 'create' a multiboot with Linux/Windoze 
 over my existing system, it would be better.  I've heard lots of 
 different stuff, the upshot was that most say you can't, and one guy 
 said you can, with Partition Magic.  Any ideas?
 Fourth, if I CAN'T do #3 is it easy/possible to setup a new hard 
 drive and boot between the two?

Another option if you only want to dip your toe in the water is to 
use the REDHAT 7.1+ install cd. There is an option on install (I forget what
its called that that creates a loopback filesystem. This creates your linux
partions as files that sit on top of you windows file system. 

The performance is not as good and it means you have to boot from floppy but
it may be a nice safe way to go

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] seeking Aust. GST accounting software under Linux

2002-02-12 Thread Grant Street

There is a little known Australian company that have financial software
called Century Software. They have have clients in Australia, NZ, and SE

It's a nice Graphical App that can run using X11, or Java, and it's also
very scalable.

They had a version called foxonlinux that was specially priced but only had
the modules Cash book, Accounts Recievible, Accounts payable and General

They have other modules like Project costing, Point of sale etc about 20+

They do not release the source but do give you support.

It is compliant with NZ VAT and AUST GST. 

And yes it screams on linux ..


 -Original Message-
 From: Graeme Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 12:48 PM
 Subject: [SLUG] seeking Aust. GST accounting software under Linux
 From the Archives: 
 Anthony Rumble [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Wed, 9 Jun 1999 13:39:34 +1000 (EST) :
 On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, Howard Lowndes wrote:
 There is a bigger Accounting package available for linux from the US
 called Appgen. It's to start with a very nice 4GL system, with
 accounting modules written in it.
 The biggest advantage, is that the modules all come with the 
 4GL source,
 so you can extend and modify it to suit.
 It's a little pricy.. and Im trying to firm up prices with 
 them, but not
 unreasonable for the company who is beyond MYOB.
 Anthony, have you persisted with Appgen? Does anyone have other 
 recommendations?  This is the only thead in the archives I 
 could find. 
 Yes I googled too - only US based packages evident after a 
 brief search.
 Thanks in advance esteemed sluggers.
 - Graeme.
 Graeme Robinson - Graenet consulting - internet solutions
 SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] seeking Aust. GST accounting software under Linux

2002-02-12 Thread Grant Street

 There is a little known Australian company that have 
 financial software
 called Century Software. They have have clients in Australia, 
 NZ, and SE

Forgot URL :-)
SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] a pop keep on server mail client

2001-09-23 Thread Grant Street

Hello all

I am fairly new to using linux for peronal email stuff but:

I have a laptop(low powered) that I want to access my my mail from the ISP's
pop3 server but leave it there so that It can be downloaded 
on to the main workstation(windose :-( ). But also be able to send 
some mail as well.

I know in netscape you used to be able to set Keep on Server but
I don't want to download it if it does not have it. 

Or should I use fetchmail + balsa etc instead.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] small or floppy distro with nfsd

2001-06-24 Thread Grant Street

Hello all

I have after much angst been able to install debian onto my libretto 50CT.
This was with the help of a friends machine with nfsd. But now I want to 
update/add/remove packages and I don't have another nix machine at home.

But I do have a doze box. I don't want to repartition at this stage and I
was wondering if there is a floppy or small UMSDOS distro with nfsd.

I have looked at but all the distro's are either aimed at
workstations and
 do not include nfsd or are 50MB +. 

any suggestions ?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] WM and setups for small screens

2001-06-07 Thread Grant Street

Hello all

I have a librett0 50ct (p70 32mb ram 700mb disk 640X480 size of VHS

I am wondering if any one has any experience in setting up WM 
fonts etc for a small screen and still make it run, look and
function OK.

I was thinking about ICE for it compatability and small foot

Does any one have screen shots of there setups so I can get an idea.

I tried googling but all the screen shots are 100X10 ;-)



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RE: [SLUG] Laptops

2001-04-05 Thread Grant Street

I have not tried this but, apparently the floppy works at boot but is not
supported in linux
by default

very hard to find, but would be very usefull, there is a site which has
drivers for the floppy drive under linux. These may be mirrored elsewhere
but lat time I looked I could not find it.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jon Biddell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 9:54 PM
 Subject: [SLUG] Laptops
 Anyone have a Libretto working with  *any* distro ?  I have a 
 110CT (P233, 
 32Mb, 4Gb hd) that I'm looking to "upgrade" from Windoze...
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[SLUG] [OT] MS' plan to kill off Linux Web servers

2001-03-28 Thread Grant Street

WinXP Blade: MS' plan to kill off Linux Web servers
By: John Lettice
Posted: 27/03/2001 at 21:33 GMT

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RE: [SLUG] Sun optical mice

2001-03-22 Thread Grant Street


 I printed out the mouse mat, but the cursor doesn't move when 
 I move the mouse.

I used Sun's optical mice about 5-6 years ago, so I'm refering
to technology from way back when.
From memory the mouse mats were a grid on a shiny metal pad.
They depended on these mats, and would not work on other 
surfaces. This is unlike the ones you can buy for your PC now.

 Perhaps I should mention that there's only one LED shining 
 out the bottom. There
 are two holes in the bottom with LED-type devices in them. 
 Only one shines and
 they're not close together. Is this faulty?

Not sure... I know that it depends on the LED reflecting off the 
mat and detecting that, but I cant remember if there were two alight
or one send and one detect. I think it ws two alight.


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